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= Python Thin Client
:sourceFileDir: code-snippets/python
== Prerequisites
Python 3.4 or above.
== Installation
You can install the Python thin client either using `pip` or from a zip archive.
=== Using PIP
The python thin client package is called `pyignite`. You can install it using the following command:
=== Using ZIP Archive
The thin client can be installed from the zip archive available for download from the Apache Ignite website:
* Download the link:[Apache Ignite Python Thin Client,window=_blank].
* Unpack the archive and navigate to the root folder.
* Install the client using the command below.
pip3 install .
pip install .
This will install `pyignite` in your environment in the so-called "develop" or "editable" mode. Learn more
about the mode from the[official documentation,window=_blank].
Check the `requirements` folder and install additional requirements, if needed, using the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements/<your task>.txt
pip install -r requirements/<your task>.txt
Refer to the[Setuptools manual] for more details about `` usage.
== Connecting to Cluster
The ZIP distribution package contains runnable examples that demonstrate basic usage scenarios of the Python thin client.
The examples are located in the `{client_dir}/examples` directory.
The following code snippet shows how to connect to a cluster from the Python thin client:
[source, python]
== Client Failover
You can configure the client to automatically fail over to another node if the connection to the current node fails or times out.
When the connection fails, the client propagates the initial exception (`OSError` or `SocketError`), but keeps its constructors parameters intact and tries to reconnect transparently.
When the client fails to reconnect, it throws a special `ReconnectError` exception.
In the following example, the client is given the addresses of three cluster nodes.
[source, python]
== Partition Awareness
To enable partition awareness, set the `partition_aware` parameter to true in the client constructor and provide
addresses of all the server nodes in the connection string.
[source, python]
client = Client(partition_aware=True)
nodes = [
('', 10800),
('', 10800),
('', 10800),
== Creating a Cache
You can get an instance of a cache using one of the following methods:
* `get_cache(settings)` creates a local Cache object with the given name or set of parameters. The cache must exist in the cluster; otherwise, an exception will be thrown when you attempt to perform operations on that cache.
* `create_cache(settings)` creates a cache with the given name or set of parameters.
* `get_or_create_cache(settings)` returns an existing cache or creates it if the cache does not exist.
Each method accepts a cache name or a dictionary of properties that represents a cache configuration.
[source, python]
Here is an example of creating a cache with a set of properties:
[source, python]
See the next section for the list of supported cache properties.
=== Cache Configuration
The list of property keys that you can specify are provided in the `prop_codes` module.
|Property name | Type | Description
|Cache name. This is the only required property.
a| link:data-modeling/data-partitioning#partitionedreplicated-mode[Cache mode]:
a|link:configuring-caches/atomicity-modes[Cache atomicity mode]:
|link:data-modeling/data-partitioning#backup-partitions[Number of backup partitions].
a|Write synchronization mode:
|The copy on read flag. The default value is `true`.
|The flag indicating whether entries will be read from the local backup partitions, when available, or will always be requested from the primary partitions. The default value is `true`.
| link:memory-configuration/data-regions[Data region] name.
|Enable link:configuring-caches/on-heap-caching[on-heap caching] for the cache.
|A list of query entities. See the <<Query Entities>> section below for details.)
|link:{javadoc_base_url}/org/apache/ignite/configuration/CacheConfiguration.html#getQueryParallelism[Query parallelism,window=_blank]
|Query detail metric size
|SQL Schema
|SQL index inline maximum size
|Turns on SQL escapes
|Maximum number of query iterators
a|Rebalancing mode:
- SYNC=0,
- ASYNC=1,
- NONE=2
|Rebalancing delay (ms)
|Rebalancing timeout (ms)
|Rebalancing batch size
|Rebalancing prefetch count
|Rebalancing order
|Rebalancing throttle interval (ms)
|Group name
|Cache Key Configuration
(see <<Cache key>>)
|Default lock timeout (ms)
|Maximum number of concurrent asynchronous operations
a|link:configuring-caches/partition-loss-policy[Partition loss policy]:
|link:configuring-caches/expiry-policies#eager-ttl[Eager TTL]
|The flag that enables statistics.
==== Query Entities
Query entities are objects that describe link:SQL/sql-api#configuring-queryable-fields[queryable fields], i.e. the fields of the cache objects that can be queried using SQL queries.
- `table_name`: SQL table name.
- `key_field_name`: name of the key field.
- `key_type_name`: name of the key type (Java type or complex object).
- `value_field_name`: name of the value field.
- `value_type_name`: name of the value type.
- `field_name_aliases`: a list of 0 or more dicts of aliases (see <<Field Name Aliases>>).
- `query_fields`: a list of 0 or more query field names (see <<Query Fields>>).
- `query_indexes`: a list of 0 or more query indexes (see <<Query Indexes>>).
===== Field Name Aliases
Field name aliases are used to give a convenient name for the full property name ( -> objectName).
- `field_name`: field name.
- `alias`: alias (str).
===== Query Fields
Query fields define the fields that are queryable.
- `name`: field name.
- `type_name`: name of Java type or complex object.
- `is_key_field`: (optional) boolean value, False by default.
- `is_notnull_constraint_field`: boolean value.
- `default_value`: (optional) anything that can be converted to type_name type. None (Null) by default.
- `precision`: (optional) decimal precision: total number of digits in decimal value. Defaults to -1 (use cluster default). Ignored for non-decimal SQL types (other than java.math.BigDecimal).
- `scale`: (optional) decimal precision: number of digits after the decimal point. Defaults to -1 (use cluster default). Ignored for non-decimal SQL types.
===== Query Indexes
Query indexes define the fields that will be indexed.
- `index_name`: index name.
- `index_type`: index type code as an integer value in unsigned byte range.
- `inline_size`: integer value.
- `fields`: a list of 0 or more indexed fields (see Fields).
===== Fields
- `name`: field name.
- `is_descending`: (optional) boolean value; False by default.
===== Cache key
- `type_name`: name of the complex object.
- `affinity_key_field_name`: name of the affinity key field.
== Data Type Mapping
== Using Key-Value API
The `pyignite.cache.Cache` class provides methods for working with cache entries by using key-value operations, such as put, get, put all, get all, replace, and others.
The following example shows how to do that:
[source, python]
=== Using type hints
The pyignite methods that deal with a single value or key have an additional optional parameter, either `value_hint` or `key_hint`, that accepts a parser/constructor class.
Nearly any structure element (inside dict or list) can be replaced with a 2-tuple `(the element, type hint)`.
[source, python]
=== Asynchronous Execution
== Scan Queries
The `scan()` method of the cache object can be used to get all objects from the cache. It returns a generator that yields
`(key,value)` tuples. You can iterate through the generated pairs as follows:
[source, python]
include::{sourceFileDir}/[tag=!dict, tag=example-block, indent=0]
Alternatively, you can convert the generator to a dictionary in one go:
[source, python]
include::{sourceFileDir}/[tag=dict, indent=0]
NOTE: Be cautious: if the cache contains a large set of data, the dictionary may consume too much memory!
== Executing SQL Statements
The Python thin client supports all link:sql-reference/index[SQL commands] that are supported by Ignite.
The commands are executed via the `sql()` method of the cache object.
The `sql()` method returns a generator that yields the resulting rows.
Refer to the link:sql-reference/index[SQL Reference] section for the list of supported commands.
[source, python]
The `sql()` method supports a number of parameters that
[cols="",opts="header", width="100%"]
| Parameter | Description
| `query_str` |
| `page_size` |
| `query_args` |
| `schema` |
| `statement_type` |
| `distributed_joins` |
| `local` |
| `replicated_only` |
| `enforce_join_order` |
| `collocated` |
| `lazy` |
| `include_field_names` |
| `max_rows` |
| `timeout` |
The `sql()` method returns a generator that yields the resulting rows.
Note that if you set the `include_field_names` argument to `True`, the `sql()` method will generate a list of column names in the first yield. You can access the field names using the `next` function of Python.
[source, python]
== Security
To use encrypted communication between the thin client and the cluster, you have to enable SSL/TLS both in the cluster configuration and the client configuration.
Refer to the link:thin-clients/getting-started-with-thin-clients#enabling-ssltls-for-thin-clients[Enabling SSL/TLS for Thin Clients] section for the instruction on the cluster configuration.
Here is an example configuration for enabling SSL in the thin client:
[source, python]
Supported parameters:
| Parameter | Description
| `use_ssl` | Set to True to enable SSL/TLS on the client.
| `ssl_keyfile` | Path to the file containing the SSL key.
| `ssl_certfile` | Path to the file containing the SSL certificate.
| `ssl_ca_certfile` | The path to the file with trusted certificates.
| `ssl_cert_reqs` a|
* `ssl.CERT_NONE` remote certificate is ignored (default),
* `ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL` remote certificate will be validated,
if provided,
* `ssl.CERT_REQUIRED` valid remote certificate is required,
| `ssl_version` |
| `ssl_ciphers` |
=== Authentication
Configure link:security/authentication[authentication on the cluster side] and provide a valid user name and password in the client configuration.
[source, python]
Note that supplying credentials automatically turns SSL on.
This is because sending credentials over an insecure channel is not a best practice and is strongly discouraged.
If you still want to use authentication without securing the connection, simply disable SSL when creating the client object:
[source, python]