blob: d45297a29e75060aabe505e86b7e461c43113198 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cctype>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <ignite/common/big_integer.h>
namespace ignite
namespace common
* Big decimal number implementation.
* Default constructor.
* Constructor.
* @param mag Bytes of the magnitude. Should be positive, sign is
* passed using separate argument.
* @param len Magnitude length in bytes.
* @param scale Scale.
* @param sign Sign of the decimal. Should be -1 for negative numbers
* and 1 otherwise.
* @param bigEndian If true then magnitude is in big-endian. Otherwise
* the byte order of the magnitude considered to be little-endian.
Decimal(const int8_t* mag, int32_t len, int32_t scale, int32_t sign, bool bigEndian = true);
* Copy constructor.
* @param other Other instance.
Decimal(const Decimal& other);
* Integer constructor.
* @param val Integer value.
explicit Decimal(int64_t val);
* Integer constructor with scale.
* @param val Integer value.
* @param scale Scale.
Decimal(int64_t val, int32_t scale);
* BigInteger constructor with scale.
* @param val BigInteger value.
* @param scale Scale.
Decimal(const common::BigInteger& val, int32_t scale);
* String constructor.
* @param val String to assign.
* @param len String length.
Decimal(const char* val, int32_t len);
* String constructor.
* @param val String to assign.
explicit Decimal(const std::string& val) :
* Destructor.
* Copy operator.
* @param other Other instance.
* @return This.
Decimal& operator=(const Decimal& other);
* Convert to double.
operator double() const;
* Convert to int64_t.
operator int64_t() const;
* Convert to double.
* @return Double value.
double ToDouble() const;
* Convert to int64_t.
* @return int64_t value.
int64_t ToInt64() const;
* Get scale.
* @return Scale.
int32_t GetScale() const;
* Set scale.
* @param scale Scale to set.
* @param res Result is placed here. Can be *this.
void SetScale(int32_t scale, Decimal& res) const;
* Get precision of the Decimal.
* @return Number of the decimal digits in the decimal representation
* of the value.
int32_t GetPrecision() const;
* Get unscaled value.
* @return Unscaled value.
const common::BigInteger& GetUnscaledValue() const;
* Swap function for the Decimal type.
* @param other Other instance.
void Swap(Decimal& second);
* Get length of the magnitude.
* @return Length of the magnitude.
int32_t GetMagnitudeLength() const;
* Assign specified value to this Decimal.
* @param val String to assign.
void AssignString(const std::string& val)
AssignString(, static_cast<int32_t>(val.size()));
* Assign specified value to this Decimal.
* @param val String to assign.
* @param len String length.
void AssignString(const char* val, int32_t len);
* Assign specified value to this Decimal.
* @param val Value to assign.
void AssignInt64(int64_t val);
* Assign specified value to this Decimal.
* @param val Value to assign.
void AssignDouble(double val);
* Assign specified value to this Decimal.
* @param val Value to assign.
void AssignUint64(uint64_t val);
* Compare this instance to another.
* @param other Another instance.
* @return Comparasion result - 0 if equal, 1 if this is greater, -1 if
* this is less.
int32_t Compare(const Decimal& other) const;
* Check whether this value is negative.
* @return True if this value is negative and false otherwise.
bool IsNegative() const;
* Check whether this value is zero.
* @return True if this value is negative and false otherwise.
bool IsZero() const;
* Check whether this value is positive.
* @return True if this value is positive and false otherwise.
bool IsPositive() const;
* Output operator.
* @param os Output stream.
* @param val Value to output.
* @return Reference to the first param.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Decimal& val)
const common::BigInteger& unscaled = val.GetUnscaledValue();
// Zero magnitude case. Scale does not matter.
if (unscaled.GetMagnitude().IsEmpty())
return os << '0';
// Scale is zero or negative. No decimal point here.
if (val.scale <= 0)
os << unscaled;
// Adding zeroes if needed.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < -val.scale; ++i)
os << '0';
return os;
// Getting magnitude as a string.
std::stringstream converter;
converter << unscaled;
std::string magStr = converter.str();
int32_t magLen = static_cast<int32_t>(magStr.size());
int32_t magBegin = 0;
// If value is negative passing minus sign.
if (magStr[magBegin] == '-')
os << magStr[magBegin];
// Finding last non-zero char. There is no sense in trailing zeroes
// beyond the decimal point.
int32_t lastNonZero = static_cast<int32_t>(magStr.size()) - 1;
while (lastNonZero >= magBegin && magStr[lastNonZero] == '0')
// This is expected as we already covered zero number case.
assert(lastNonZero >= magBegin);
int32_t dotPos = magLen - val.scale;
if (dotPos <= 0)
// Means we need to add leading zeroes.
os << '0' << '.';
while (dotPos < 0)
os << '0';
os.write(&magStr[magBegin], lastNonZero - magBegin + 1);
// Decimal point is in the middle of the number.
// Just output everything before the decimal point.
os.write(&magStr[magBegin], dotPos);
int32_t afterDot = lastNonZero - dotPos - magBegin + 1;
if (afterDot > 0)
os << '.';
os.write(&magStr[magBegin + dotPos], afterDot);
return os;
* Input operator.
* @param is Input stream.
* @param val Value to input.
* @return Reference to the first param.
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Decimal& val)
std::istream::sentry sentry(is);
// Return zero if input failed.
if (!is)
return is;
// Current char.
int c = is.peek();
// Current value parts.
uint64_t part = 0;
int32_t partDigits = 0;
int32_t scale = -1;
int32_t sign = 1;
common::BigInteger& mag = val.magnitude;
common::BigInteger pow;
common::BigInteger bigPart;
if (!is)
return is;
// Checking sign.
if (c == '-' || c == '+')
if (c == '-')
sign = -1;
c = is.peek();
// Reading number itself.
while (is)
if (isdigit(c))
part = part * 10 + (c - '0');
else if (c == '.' && scale < 0)
// We have found decimal point. Starting counting scale.
scale = 0;
c = is.peek();
if (part >= 1000000000000000000U)
common::BigInteger::GetPowerOfTen(partDigits, pow);
mag.Multiply(pow, mag);
part = 0;
partDigits = 0;
// Counting scale if the decimal point have been encountered.
if (scale >= 0)
// Adding last part of the number.
if (partDigits)
common::BigInteger::GetPowerOfTen(partDigits, pow);
mag.Multiply(pow, mag);
// Adjusting scale.
if (scale < 0)
scale = 0;
// Reading exponent.
if (c == 'e' || c == 'E')
int32_t exp = 0;
is >> exp;
scale -= exp;
val.scale = scale;
if (sign < 0)
return is;
/** Scale. */
int32_t scale;
/** Magnitude. */
common::BigInteger magnitude;
* Comparison operator.
* @param val1 First value.
* @param val2 Second value.
* @return True if equal.
IGNITE_IMPORT_EXPORT bool operator==(const Decimal& val1, const Decimal& val2);
* Comparison operator.
* @param val1 First value.
* @param val2 Second value.
* @return True if not equal.
IGNITE_IMPORT_EXPORT bool operator!=(const Decimal& val1, const Decimal& val2);
* Comparison operator.
* @param val1 First value.
* @param val2 Second value.
* @return True if less.
IGNITE_IMPORT_EXPORT bool operator<(const Decimal& val1, const Decimal& val2);
* Comparison operator.
* @param val1 First value.
* @param val2 Second value.
* @return True if less or equal.
IGNITE_IMPORT_EXPORT bool operator<=(const Decimal& val1, const Decimal& val2);
* Comparison operator.
* @param val1 First value.
* @param val2 Second value.
* @return True if gretter.
IGNITE_IMPORT_EXPORT bool operator>(const Decimal& val1, const Decimal& val2);
* Comparison operator.
* @param val1 First value.
* @param val2 Second value.
* @return True if gretter or equal.
IGNITE_IMPORT_EXPORT bool operator>=(const Decimal& val1, const Decimal& val2);