blob: ce9476f4916a452ce25f8db658b0eeca0e4b6198 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.util;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.A;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.jdkVersion;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.majorJavaVersion;
* <p>Wrapper for {@link sun.misc.Unsafe} class.</p>
* <p>
* The following statements for memory access operations are true:
* <ul>
* <li>All {@code putXxx(long addr, xxx val)}, {@code getXxx(long addr)}, {@code putXxx(byte[] arr, long off, xxx val)},
* {@code getXxx(byte[] arr, long off)} and corresponding methods with {@code LE} suffix are alignment aware
* and can be safely used with unaligned pointers.</li>
* <li>All {@code putXxxField(Object obj, long fieldOff, xxx val)} and {@code getXxxField(Object obj, long fieldOff)}
* methods are not alignment aware and can't be safely used with unaligned pointers. This methods can be safely used
* for object field values access because all object fields addresses are aligned.</li>
* <li>All {@code putXxxLE(...)} and {@code getXxxLE(...)} methods assumes that byte order is fixed as little-endian
* while native byte order is big-endian. So it is client code responsibility to check native byte order before
* invoking of this methods.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
public abstract class GridUnsafe {
/** */
public static final ByteOrder NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
/** Unsafe. */
private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = unsafe();
/** Page size. */
private static final int PAGE_SIZE = UNSAFE.pageSize();
/** Empty page. */
private static final byte[] EMPTY_PAGE = new byte[PAGE_SIZE];
/** Unaligned flag. */
private static final boolean UNALIGNED = unaligned();
/** @see IgniteSystemProperties#IGNITE_MEMORY_PER_BYTE_COPY_THRESHOLD */
public static final long DFLT_MEMORY_PER_BYTE_COPY_THRESHOLD = 0L;
/** Per-byte copy threshold. */
private static final long PER_BYTE_THRESHOLD = IgniteSystemProperties.getLong(
/** Big endian. */
public static final boolean BIG_ENDIAN = ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
/** Address size. */
public static final int ADDR_SIZE = UNSAFE.addressSize();
/** */
public static final long BYTE_ARR_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class);
/** */
public static final int BYTE_ARR_INT_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class);
/** */
public static final long SHORT_ARR_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(short[].class);
/** */
public static final long INT_ARR_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(int[].class);
/** */
public static final long LONG_ARR_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(long[].class);
/** */
public static final long FLOAT_ARR_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(float[].class);
/** */
public static final long DOUBLE_ARR_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(double[].class);
/** */
public static final long CHAR_ARR_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(char[].class);
/** */
public static final long BOOLEAN_ARR_OFF = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(boolean[].class);
/** {@link java.nio.Buffer#address} field offset. */
private static final long DIRECT_BUF_ADDR_OFF = bufferAddressOffset();
/** Whether to use newDirectByteBuffer(long, long) constructor */
private static final boolean IS_DIRECT_BUF_LONG_CAP = majorJavaVersion(jdkVersion()) >= 21;
/** Whether {@link jdk.internal.access.JavaNioAccess} has new byte buffer api. */
private static final boolean HAS_JAVA_NIO_ACCESS_NEW_API = majorJavaVersion(jdkVersion()) >= 14;
/** Whether {@link jdk.internal.access.JavaNioAccess#newDirectByteBuffer} has param of type {@link java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment}. */
private static final boolean HAS_JAVA_NIO_ACCESS_MEMORY_SEGMENT_PARAM = majorJavaVersion(jdkVersion()) >= 19;
/** Cleaner code for direct {@code java.nio.ByteBuffer}. */
private static final DirectBufferCleaner DIRECT_BUF_CLEANER =
majorJavaVersion(jdkVersion()) < 9
? new ReflectiveDirectBufferCleaner()
: new UnsafeDirectBufferCleaner();
/** JavaNioAccess object. If {@code null} then {@link #NEW_DIRECT_BUF_CONSTRUCTOR} should be available. */
@Nullable private static final Object JAVA_NIO_ACCESS_OBJ;
* JavaNioAccess#newDirectByteBuffer method. Ususally {@code null} if {@link #JAVA_NIO_ACCESS_OBJ} is {@code null}.
* If {@code null} then {@link #NEW_DIRECT_BUF_CONSTRUCTOR} should be available.
@Nullable private static final Method NEW_DIRECT_BUF_MTD;
* New direct buffer class constructor obtained and tested using reflection. If {@code null} then both {@link
* #JAVA_NIO_ACCESS_OBJ} and {@link #NEW_DIRECT_BUF_MTD} should be not {@code null}.
@Nullable private static final Constructor<?> NEW_DIRECT_BUF_CONSTRUCTOR;
static {
Object nioAccessObj = null;
Method directBufMtd = null;
Constructor<?> directBufCtor = null;
if (majorJavaVersion(jdkVersion()) < 12) {
// for old java prefer Java NIO & Shared Secrets obect init way
try {
nioAccessObj = javaNioAccessObject();
directBufMtd = newDirectBufferMethod(nioAccessObj);
catch (Exception e) {
nioAccessObj = null;
directBufMtd = null;
try {
directBufCtor = createAndTestNewDirectBufferCtor();
catch (Exception eFallback) {
throw e; // fallback was not suceefull
if (directBufCtor == null)
throw e;
else {
try {
directBufCtor = createAndTestNewDirectBufferCtor();
catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
try {
nioAccessObj = javaNioAccessObject();
directBufMtd = newDirectBufferMethod(nioAccessObj);
catch (Exception eFallback) {
throw e; //fallback to shared secrets failed.
if (nioAccessObj == null || directBufMtd == null)
throw e;
NEW_DIRECT_BUF_MTD = directBufMtd;
* Ensure singleton.
private GridUnsafe() {
// No-op.
* Wraps pointer to unmanaged memory into direct byte buffer.
* @param ptr Pointer to wrap.
* @param len Memory location length.
* @return Byte buffer wrapping the given memory.
public static ByteBuffer wrapPointer(long ptr, int len) {
if (NEW_DIRECT_BUF_MTD != null && JAVA_NIO_ACCESS_OBJ != null)
return wrapPointerJavaNio(ptr, len, NEW_DIRECT_BUF_MTD, JAVA_NIO_ACCESS_OBJ);
return wrapPointerDirectBufCtor(ptr, len, NEW_DIRECT_BUF_CONSTRUCTOR);
else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"All alternative for a new DirectByteBuffer() creation failed: " + FeatureChecker.JAVA_VER_SPECIFIC_WARN
* Wraps pointer to unmanaged memory into direct byte buffer. Uses constructor of a direct byte buffer.
* @param ptr Pointer to wrap.
* @param len Memory location length.
* @param constructor Constructor to use. Should create an instance of a direct ByteBuffer.
* @return Byte buffer wrapping the given memory.
@NotNull private static ByteBuffer wrapPointerDirectBufCtor(long ptr, int len, Constructor<?> constructor) {
try {
Object newDirectBuf = constructor.newInstance(ptr, len);
return ((ByteBuffer)newDirectBuf).order(NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER);
catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("DirectByteBuffer#constructor is unavailable."
+ FeatureChecker.JAVA_VER_SPECIFIC_WARN, e);
* Wraps pointer to unmanaged memory into direct byte buffer. Uses JavaNioAccess object.
* @param ptr Pointer to wrap.
* @param len Memory location length.
* @param newDirectBufMtd Method which should return an instance of a direct byte buffer.
* @param javaNioAccessObj Object to invoke method.
* @return Byte buffer wrapping the given memory.
@NotNull private static ByteBuffer wrapPointerJavaNio(long ptr,
int len,
@NotNull Method newDirectBufMtd,
@NotNull Object javaNioAccessObj) {
try {
ByteBuffer buf;
buf = (ByteBuffer)newDirectBufMtd.invoke(javaNioAccessObj, ptr, len, null, null);
buf = (ByteBuffer)newDirectBufMtd.invoke(javaNioAccessObj, ptr, len, null);
assert buf.isDirect();
return buf;
catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("JavaNioAccess#newDirectByteBuffer() method is unavailable."
+ FeatureChecker.JAVA_VER_SPECIFIC_WARN, e);
* @param len Length.
* @return Allocated direct buffer.
public static ByteBuffer allocateBuffer(int len) {
long ptr = allocateMemory(len);
return wrapPointer(ptr, len);
* @param buf Direct buffer allocated by {@link #allocateBuffer(int)}.
public static void freeBuffer(ByteBuffer buf) {
long ptr = bufferAddress(buf);
* @param buf Buffer.
* @param len New length.
* @return Reallocated direct buffer.
public static ByteBuffer reallocateBuffer(ByteBuffer buf, int len) {
long ptr = bufferAddress(buf);
long newPtr = reallocateMemory(ptr, len);
return wrapPointer(newPtr, len);
* Gets boolean value from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Boolean value from object field.
public static boolean getBooleanField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getBoolean(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores boolean value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putBooleanField(Object obj, long fieldOff, boolean val) {
UNSAFE.putBoolean(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets byte value from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Byte value from object field.
public static byte getByteField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getByte(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores byte value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putByteField(Object obj, long fieldOff, byte val) {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets short value from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Short value from object field.
public static short getShortField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getShort(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores short value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putShortField(Object obj, long fieldOff, short val) {
UNSAFE.putShort(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets char value from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Char value from object field.
public static char getCharField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getChar(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores char value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putCharField(Object obj, long fieldOff, char val) {
UNSAFE.putChar(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets integer value from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Integer value from object field.
public static int getIntField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getInt(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores integer value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putIntField(Object obj, long fieldOff, int val) {
UNSAFE.putInt(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets long value from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Long value from object field.
public static long getLongField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getLong(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores long value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putLongField(Object obj, long fieldOff, long val) {
UNSAFE.putLong(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets float value from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Float value from object field.
public static float getFloatField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getFloat(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores float value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putFloatField(Object obj, long fieldOff, float val) {
UNSAFE.putFloat(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets double value from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Double value from object field.
public static double getDoubleField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getDouble(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores double value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putDoubleField(Object obj, long fieldOff, double val) {
UNSAFE.putDouble(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets reference from object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @return Reference from object field.
public static Object getObjectField(Object obj, long fieldOff) {
return UNSAFE.getObject(obj, fieldOff);
* Stores reference value into object field.
* @param obj Object.
* @param fieldOff Field offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putObjectField(Object obj, long fieldOff, Object val) {
UNSAFE.putObject(obj, fieldOff, val);
* Gets boolean value from byte array.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Boolean value from byte array.
public static boolean getBoolean(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNSAFE.getBoolean(arr, off);
* Stores boolean value into byte array.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putBoolean(byte[] arr, long off, boolean val) {
UNSAFE.putBoolean(arr, off, val);
* Gets byte value from byte array.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Byte value from byte array.
public static byte getByte(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNSAFE.getByte(arr, off);
* Stores byte value into byte array.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putByte(byte[] arr, long off, byte val) {
UNSAFE.putByte(arr, off, val);
* Gets short value from byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Short value from byte array.
public static short getShort(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getShort(arr, off) : getShortByByte(arr, off, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Stores short value into byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putShort(byte[] arr, long off, short val) {
UNSAFE.putShort(arr, off, val);
putShortByByte(arr, off, val, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets char value from byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Char value from byte array.
public static char getChar(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getChar(arr, off) : getCharByByte(arr, off, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Stores char value into byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putChar(byte[] arr, long off, char val) {
UNSAFE.putChar(arr, off, val);
putCharByByte(arr, off, val, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets integer value from byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Integer value from byte array.
public static int getInt(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getInt(arr, off) : getIntByByte(arr, off, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Stores integer value into byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putInt(byte[] arr, long off, int val) {
UNSAFE.putInt(arr, off, val);
putIntByByte(arr, off, val, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets long value from byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Long value from byte array.
public static long getLong(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getLong(arr, off) : getLongByByte(arr, off, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Stores long value into byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putLong(byte[] arr, long off, long val) {
UNSAFE.putLong(arr, off, val);
putLongByByte(arr, off, val, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets float value from byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Float value from byte array.
public static float getFloat(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getFloat(arr, off) : Float.intBitsToFloat(getIntByByte(arr, off, BIG_ENDIAN));
* Stores float value into byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putFloat(byte[] arr, long off, float val) {
UNSAFE.putFloat(arr, off, val);
putIntByByte(arr, off, Float.floatToIntBits(val), BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets double value from byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Double value from byte array. Alignment aware.
public static double getDouble(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getDouble(arr, off) : Double.longBitsToDouble(getLongByByte(arr, off, BIG_ENDIAN));
* Stores double value into byte array. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putDouble(byte[] arr, long off, double val) {
UNSAFE.putDouble(arr, off, val);
putLongByByte(arr, off, Double.doubleToLongBits(val), BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets short value from byte array assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Short value from byte array.
public static short getShortLE(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? Short.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getShort(arr, off)) : getShortByByte(arr, off, false);
* Stores short value into byte array assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order and native
* byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putShortLE(byte[] arr, long off, short val) {
UNSAFE.putShort(arr, off, Short.reverseBytes(val));
putShortByByte(arr, off, val, false);
* Gets char value from byte array assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Char value from byte array.
public static char getCharLE(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? Character.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getChar(arr, off)) : getCharByByte(arr, off, false);
* Stores char value into byte array assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order and native
* byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putCharLE(byte[] arr, long off, char val) {
UNSAFE.putChar(arr, off, Character.reverseBytes(val));
putCharByByte(arr, off, val, false);
* Gets integer value from byte array assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Integer value from byte array.
public static int getIntLE(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? Integer.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getInt(arr, off)) : getIntByByte(arr, off, false);
* Stores integer value into byte array assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order and
* native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putIntLE(byte[] arr, long off, int val) {
UNSAFE.putInt(arr, off, Integer.reverseBytes(val));
putIntByByte(arr, off, val, false);
* Gets long value from byte array assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Long value from byte array.
public static long getLongLE(byte[] arr, long off) {
return UNALIGNED ? Long.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getLong(arr, off)) : getLongByByte(arr, off, false);
* Stores long value into byte array assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order and native
* byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putLongLE(byte[] arr, long off, long val) {
UNSAFE.putLong(arr, off, Long.reverseBytes(val));
putLongByByte(arr, off, val, false);
* Gets float value from byte array assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Float value from byte array.
public static float getFloatLE(byte[] arr, long off) {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(
UNALIGNED ? Integer.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getInt(arr, off)) : getIntByByte(arr, off, false)
* Stores float value into byte array assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order and native
* byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putFloatLE(byte[] arr, long off, float val) {
int intVal = Float.floatToIntBits(val);
UNSAFE.putInt(arr, off, Integer.reverseBytes(intVal));
putIntByByte(arr, off, intVal, false);
* Gets double value from byte array assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Double value from byte array.
public static double getDoubleLE(byte[] arr, long off) {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(
UNALIGNED ? Long.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getLong(arr, off)) : getLongByByte(arr, off, false)
* Stores double value into byte array assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order and
* native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param arr Byte array.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putDoubleLE(byte[] arr, long off, double val) {
long longVal = Double.doubleToLongBits(val);
UNSAFE.putLong(arr, off, Long.reverseBytes(longVal));
putLongByByte(arr, off, longVal, false);
* Gets byte value from given address.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Byte value from given address.
public static byte getByte(long addr) {
return UNSAFE.getByte(addr);
* Stores given byte value.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putByte(long addr, byte val) {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, val);
* Gets short value from given address. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Short value from given address.
public static short getShort(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getShort(addr) : getShortByByte(addr, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Stores given short value. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putShort(long addr, short val) {
UNSAFE.putShort(addr, val);
putShortByByte(addr, val, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets char value from given address. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Char value from given address.
public static char getChar(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getChar(addr) : getCharByByte(addr, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Stores given char value. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putChar(long addr, char val) {
UNSAFE.putChar(addr, val);
putCharByByte(addr, val, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets integer value from given address. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Integer value from given address.
public static int getInt(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getInt(addr) : getIntByByte(addr, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Stores given integer value. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putInt(long addr, int val) {
UNSAFE.putInt(addr, val);
putIntByByte(addr, val, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets long value from given address. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Long value from given address.
public static long getLong(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getLong(addr) : getLongByByte(addr, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Stores given integer value. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putLong(long addr, long val) {
UNSAFE.putLong(addr, val);
putLongByByte(addr, val, BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets float value from given address. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Float value from given address.
public static float getFloat(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getFloat(addr) : Float.intBitsToFloat(getIntByByte(addr, BIG_ENDIAN));
* Stores given float value. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putFloat(long addr, float val) {
UNSAFE.putFloat(addr, val);
putIntByByte(addr, Float.floatToIntBits(val), BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets double value from given address. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Double value from given address.
public static double getDouble(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? UNSAFE.getDouble(addr) : Double.longBitsToDouble(getLongByByte(addr, BIG_ENDIAN));
* Stores given double value. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putDouble(long addr, double val) {
UNSAFE.putDouble(addr, val);
putLongByByte(addr, Double.doubleToLongBits(val), BIG_ENDIAN);
* Gets short value from given address assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Short value from given address.
public static short getShortLE(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? Short.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getShort(addr)) : getShortByByte(addr, false);
* Stores given short value assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order and native byte
* order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putShortLE(long addr, short val) {
UNSAFE.putShort(addr, Short.reverseBytes(val));
putShortByByte(addr, val, false);
* Gets char value from given address assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Char value from given address.
public static char getCharLE(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? Character.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getChar(addr)) : getCharByByte(addr, false);
* Stores given char value assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order and native byte order
* is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putCharLE(long addr, char val) {
UNSAFE.putChar(addr, Character.reverseBytes(val));
putCharByByte(addr, val, false);
* Gets integer value from given address assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order
* and native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Integer value from given address.
public static int getIntLE(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? Integer.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getInt(addr)) : getIntByByte(addr, false);
* Stores given integer value assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order
* and native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putIntLE(long addr, int val) {
UNSAFE.putInt(addr, Integer.reverseBytes(val));
putIntByByte(addr, val, false);
* Gets long value from given address assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order
* and native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Long value from given address.
public static long getLongLE(long addr) {
return UNALIGNED ? Long.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getLong(addr)) : getLongByByte(addr, false);
* Stores given integer value assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order
* and native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putLongLE(long addr, long val) {
UNSAFE.putLong(addr, Long.reverseBytes(val));
putLongByByte(addr, val, false);
* Gets float value from given address assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order
* and native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Float value from given address.
public static float getFloatLE(long addr) {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(UNALIGNED ? Integer.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getInt(addr)) : getIntByByte(addr, false));
* Stores given float value assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order
* and native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putFloatLE(long addr, float val) {
int intVal = Float.floatToIntBits(val);
UNSAFE.putInt(addr, Integer.reverseBytes(intVal));
putIntByByte(addr, intVal, false);
* Gets double value from given address assuming that value stored in little-endian byte order
* and native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @return Double value from given address.
public static double getDoubleLE(long addr) {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(
UNALIGNED ? Long.reverseBytes(UNSAFE.getLong(addr)) : getLongByByte(addr, false)
* Stores given double value assuming that value should be stored in little-endian byte order
* and native byte order is big-endian. Alignment aware.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
public static void putDoubleLE(long addr, double val) {
long longVal = Double.doubleToLongBits(val);
UNSAFE.putLong(addr, Long.reverseBytes(longVal));
putLongByByte(addr, longVal, false);
* Returns static field offset.
* @param field Field.
* @return Static field offset.
public static long staticFieldOffset(Field field) {
return UNSAFE.staticFieldOffset(field);
* Returns object field offset.
* @param field Field.
* @return Object field offset.
public static long objectFieldOffset(Field field) {
return UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(field);
* Returns static field base.
* @param field Field.
* @return Static field base.
public static Object staticFieldBase(Field field) {
return UNSAFE.staticFieldBase(field);
* Allocates memory.
* @param size Size.
* @return address.
public static long allocateMemory(long size) {
return UNSAFE.allocateMemory(size);
* Reallocates memory.
* @param addr Address.
* @param len Length.
* @return address.
public static long reallocateMemory(long addr, long len) {
return UNSAFE.reallocateMemory(addr, len);
* Fills memory with given value.
* @param addr Address.
* @param len Length.
* @param val Value.
public static void setMemory(long addr, long len, byte val) {
UNSAFE.setMemory(addr, len, val);
* Fills memory with zeroes.
* @param addr Address.
* @param len Length.
public static void zeroMemory(long addr, long len) {
long off = 0;
for (; off + PAGE_SIZE <= len; off += PAGE_SIZE)
UNSAFE.copyMemory(EMPTY_PAGE, BYTE_ARR_OFF, null, addr + off, PAGE_SIZE);
if (len != off)
UNSAFE.copyMemory(EMPTY_PAGE, BYTE_ARR_OFF, null, addr + off, len - off);
* Copy memory between offheap locations.
* @param srcAddr Source address.
* @param dstAddr Destination address.
* @param len Length.
public static void copyOffheapOffheap(long srcAddr, long dstAddr, long len) {
if (len <= PER_BYTE_THRESHOLD) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
UNSAFE.putByte(dstAddr + i, UNSAFE.getByte(srcAddr + i));
UNSAFE.copyMemory(srcAddr, dstAddr, len);
* Copy memory from offheap to heap.
* @param srcAddr Source address.
* @param dstBase Destination base.
* @param dstOff Destination offset.
* @param len Length.
public static void copyOffheapHeap(long srcAddr, Object dstBase, long dstOff, long len) {
if (len <= PER_BYTE_THRESHOLD) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
UNSAFE.putByte(dstBase, dstOff + i, UNSAFE.getByte(srcAddr + i));
UNSAFE.copyMemory(null, srcAddr, dstBase, dstOff, len);
* Copy memory from heap to offheap.
* @param srcBase Source base.
* @param srcOff Source offset.
* @param dstAddr Destination address.
* @param len Length.
public static void copyHeapOffheap(Object srcBase, long srcOff, long dstAddr, long len) {
if (len <= PER_BYTE_THRESHOLD) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
UNSAFE.putByte(dstAddr + i, UNSAFE.getByte(srcBase, srcOff + i));
UNSAFE.copyMemory(srcBase, srcOff, null, dstAddr, len);
* Copies memory.
* @param src Source.
* @param dst Dst.
* @param len Length.
public static void copyMemory(long src, long dst, long len) {
UNSAFE.copyMemory(src, dst, len);
* Sets all bytes in a given block of memory to a copy of another block.
* @param srcBase Source base.
* @param srcOff Source offset.
* @param dstBase Dst base.
* @param dstOff Dst offset.
* @param len Length.
public static void copyMemory(Object srcBase, long srcOff, Object dstBase, long dstOff, long len) {
if (len <= PER_BYTE_THRESHOLD && srcBase != null && dstBase != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
UNSAFE.putByte(dstBase, dstOff + i, UNSAFE.getByte(srcBase, srcOff + i));
UNSAFE.copyMemory(srcBase, srcOff, dstBase, dstOff, len);
* Frees memory.
* @param addr Address.
public static void freeMemory(long addr) {
* Returns the offset of the first element in the storage allocation of a given array class.
* @param cls Class.
* @return the offset of the first element in the storage allocation of a given array class.
public static int arrayBaseOffset(Class cls) {
return UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(cls);
* Returns the scale factor for addressing elements in the storage allocation of a given array class.
* @param cls Class.
* @return the scale factor for addressing elements in the storage allocation of a given array class.
public static int arrayIndexScale(Class<?> cls) {
return UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale(cls);
* Allocates instance of given class.
* @param cls Class.
* @return Allocated instance.
public static Object allocateInstance(Class cls) throws InstantiationException {
return UNSAFE.allocateInstance(cls);
* Integer CAS.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param exp Expected.
* @param upd Upd.
* @return {@code True} if operation completed successfully, {@code false} - otherwise.
public static boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object obj, long off, int exp, int upd) {
return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapInt(obj, off, exp, upd);
* Long CAS.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param exp Expected.
* @param upd Upd.
* @return {@code True} if operation completed successfully, {@code false} - otherwise.
public static boolean compareAndSwapLong(Object obj, long off, long exp, long upd) {
return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapLong(obj, off, exp, upd);
* Atomically increments value stored in an integer pointed by {@code ptr}.
* @param ptr Pointer to an integer.
* @return Updated value.
public static int incrementAndGetInt(long ptr) {
return UNSAFE.getAndAddInt(null, ptr, 1) + 1;
* Atomically increments value stored in an integer pointed by {@code ptr}.
* @param ptr Pointer to an integer.
* @return Updated value.
public static int decrementAndGetInt(long ptr) {
return UNSAFE.getAndAddInt(null, ptr, -1) - 1;
* Gets byte value with volatile semantic.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Byte value.
public static byte getByteVolatile(Object obj, long off) {
return UNSAFE.getByteVolatile(obj, off);
* Stores byte value with volatile semantic.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putByteVolatile(Object obj, long off, byte val) {
UNSAFE.putByteVolatile(obj, off, val);
* Gets integer value with volatile semantic.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Integer value.
public static int getIntVolatile(Object obj, long off) {
return UNSAFE.getIntVolatile(obj, off);
* Stores integer value with volatile semantic.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putIntVolatile(Object obj, long off, int val) {
UNSAFE.putIntVolatile(obj, off, val);
* Gets long value with volatile semantic.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Long value.
public static long getLongVolatile(Object obj, long off) {
return UNSAFE.getLongVolatile(obj, off);
* Stores long value with volatile semantic.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putLongVolatile(Object obj, long off, long val) {
UNSAFE.putLongVolatile(obj, off, val);
* Stores reference value with volatile semantic.
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
public static void putObjectVolatile(Object obj, long off, Object val) {
UNSAFE.putObjectVolatile(obj, off, val);
* Returns page size.
* @return Page size.
public static int pageSize() {
return UNSAFE.pageSize();
* Returns address of {@link Buffer} instance.
* @param buf Buffer.
* @return Buffer memory address.
public static long bufferAddress(ByteBuffer buf) {
assert buf.isDirect();
return UNSAFE.getLong(buf, DIRECT_BUF_ADDR_OFF);
* Invokes some method on {@code sun.misc.Unsafe} instance.
* @param mtd Method.
* @param args Arguments.
public static Object invoke(Method mtd, Object... args) {
try {
return mtd.invoke(UNSAFE, args);
catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsafe invocation failed [cls=" + UNSAFE.getClass() + ", mtd=" + mtd + ']', e);
* Cleans direct {@code java.nio.ByteBuffer}
* @param buf Direct buffer.
public static void cleanDirectBuffer(ByteBuffer buf) {
assert buf.isDirect();
* Returns unaligned flag.
private static boolean unaligned() {
String arch = System.getProperty("os.arch");
boolean res = arch.equals("i386") || arch.equals("x86") || arch.equals("amd64") || arch.equals("x86_64");
if (!res)
res = IgniteSystemProperties.getBoolean(IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_MEMORY_UNALIGNED_ACCESS, false);
return res;
* @return Instance of Unsafe class.
private static Unsafe unsafe() {
try {
return Unsafe.getUnsafe();
catch (SecurityException ignored) {
try {
return AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Unsafe>() {
@Override public Unsafe run() throws Exception {
Field f = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
return (Unsafe)f.get(null);
catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize intrinsics.", e.getCause());
/** */
private static long bufferAddressOffset() {
final ByteBuffer maybeDirectBuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1);
Field addrField = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Field>() {
@Override public Field run() {
try {
Field addrFld = Buffer.class.getDeclaredField("address");
if (addrFld.getLong(maybeDirectBuf) == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.address field is unavailable.");
return addrFld;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.address field is unavailable.", e);
return UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(addrField);
* Returns {@code JavaNioAccess} instance from private API for corresponding Java version.
* @return {@code JavaNioAccess} instance for corresponding Java version.
* @throws RuntimeException If getting access to the private API is failed.
private static Object javaNioAccessObject() {
String pkgName = getSharedSecretsPackage();
try {
Class<?> cls = Class.forName(pkgName + ".SharedSecrets");
Method mth = cls.getMethod("getJavaNioAccess");
return mth.invoke(null);
catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(pkgName + ".JavaNioAccess class is unavailable."
+ FeatureChecker.JAVA_VER_SPECIFIC_WARN, e);
* Returns reference to {@code JavaNioAccess.newDirectByteBuffer} method
* from private API for corresponding Java version.
* @param nioAccessObj Java NIO access object.
* @return Reference to {@code JavaNioAccess.newDirectByteBuffer} method
* @throws RuntimeException If getting access to the private API is failed.
private static Method newDirectBufferMethod(Object nioAccessObj) {
try {
Class<?> cls = nioAccessObj.getClass();
Method mtd;
Class<?> forthParamCls;
forthParamCls = Class.forName("java.lang.foreign.MemorySegment");
forthParamCls = Class.forName("jdk.internal.access.foreign.MemorySegmentProxy");
mtd = cls.getMethod("newDirectByteBuffer", long.class, int.class, Object.class, forthParamCls);
mtd = cls.getMethod("newDirectByteBuffer", long.class, int.class, Object.class);
return mtd;
catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(getSharedSecretsPackage() + ".JavaNioAccess#newDirectByteBuffer() method is unavailable."
+ FeatureChecker.JAVA_VER_SPECIFIC_WARN, e);
/** */
@NotNull private static String getSharedSecretsPackage() {
int javaVer = majorJavaVersion(jdkVersion());
if (javaVer < 9)
return "sun.misc";
if (javaVer < 12)
return "jdk.internal.misc";
return "jdk.internal.access";
* Creates and tests contructor for Direct ByteBuffer. Test is wrapping one-byte unsafe memory into a buffer.
* @return constructor for creating direct ByteBuffers.
private static Constructor<?> createAndTestNewDirectBufferCtor() {
Constructor<?> ctorCandidate = createNewDirectBufferCtor();
int l = 1;
long ptr = UNSAFE.allocateMemory(l);
try {
ByteBuffer buf = wrapPointerDirectBufCtor(ptr, l, ctorCandidate);
A.ensure(buf.isDirect(), "Buffer expected to be direct, internal error during #wrapPointerDirectBufCtor()");
finally {
return ctorCandidate;
* Simply create some instance of direct Byte Buffer and try to get it's class declared constructor.
* @return constructor for creating direct ByteBuffers.
private static Constructor<?> createNewDirectBufferCtor() {
try {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1).order(NATIVE_BYTE_ORDER);
Constructor<?> ctor = IS_DIRECT_BUF_LONG_CAP ? buf.getClass().getDeclaredConstructor(long.class, long.class) :
buf.getClass().getDeclaredConstructor(long.class, int.class);
return ctor;
catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to set up byte buffer creation using reflections :" + e.getMessage(), e);
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static short getShortByByte(Object obj, long off, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian)
return (short)(UNSAFE.getByte(obj, off) << 8 | (UNSAFE.getByte(obj, off + 1) & 0xff));
return (short)(UNSAFE.getByte(obj, off + 1) << 8 | (UNSAFE.getByte(obj, off) & 0xff));
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param val Value.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static void putShortByByte(Object obj, long off, short val, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, off, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, off + 1, (byte)val);
else {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, off + 1, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, off, (byte)val);
* @param obj Object.
* @param off Offset.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static char getCharByByte(Object obj, long off, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian)
return (char)(UNSAFE.getByte(obj, off) << 8 | (UNSAFE.getByte(obj, off + 1) & 0xff));
return (char)(UNSAFE.getByte(obj, off + 1) << 8 | (UNSAFE.getByte(obj, off) & 0xff));
* @param obj Object.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static void putCharByByte(Object obj, long addr, char val, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 1, (byte)val);
else {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr, (byte)val);
* @param obj Object.
* @param addr Address.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static int getIntByByte(Object obj, long addr, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
return (((int)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr)) << 24) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 1) & 0xff) << 16) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 2) & 0xff) << 8) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 3) & 0xff));
else {
return (((int)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 3)) << 24) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 2) & 0xff) << 16) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 1) & 0xff) << 8) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr) & 0xff));
* @param obj Object.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static void putIntByByte(Object obj, long addr, int val, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr, (byte)(val >> 24));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 16));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 2, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 3, (byte)(val));
else {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 3, (byte)(val >> 24));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 2, (byte)(val >> 16));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr, (byte)(val));
* @param obj Object.
* @param addr Address.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static long getLongByByte(Object obj, long addr, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
return (((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr)) << 56) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 1) & 0xff) << 48) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 2) & 0xff) << 40) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 3) & 0xff) << 32) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 4) & 0xff) << 24) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 5) & 0xff) << 16) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 6) & 0xff) << 8) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 7) & 0xff));
else {
return (((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 7)) << 56) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 6) & 0xff) << 48) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 5) & 0xff) << 40) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 4) & 0xff) << 32) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 3) & 0xff) << 24) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 2) & 0xff) << 16) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr + 1) & 0xff) << 8) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(obj, addr) & 0xff));
* @param obj Object.
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static void putLongByByte(Object obj, long addr, long val, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr, (byte)(val >> 56));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 48));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 2, (byte)(val >> 40));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 3, (byte)(val >> 32));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 4, (byte)(val >> 24));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 5, (byte)(val >> 16));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 6, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 7, (byte)(val));
else {
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 7, (byte)(val >> 56));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 6, (byte)(val >> 48));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 5, (byte)(val >> 40));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 4, (byte)(val >> 32));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 3, (byte)(val >> 24));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 2, (byte)(val >> 16));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(obj, addr, (byte)(val));
* @param addr Address.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static short getShortByByte(long addr, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian)
return (short)(UNSAFE.getByte(addr) << 8 | (UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 1) & 0xff));
return (short)(UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 1) << 8 | (UNSAFE.getByte(addr) & 0xff));
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static void putShortByByte(long addr, short val, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 1, (byte)val);
else {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, (byte)val);
* @param addr Address.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static char getCharByByte(long addr, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian)
return (char)(UNSAFE.getByte(addr) << 8 | (UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 1) & 0xff));
return (char)(UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 1) << 8 | (UNSAFE.getByte(addr) & 0xff));
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static void putCharByByte(long addr, char val, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 1, (byte)val);
else {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, (byte)val);
* @param addr Address.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static int getIntByByte(long addr, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
return (((int)UNSAFE.getByte(addr)) << 24) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 1) & 0xff) << 16) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 2) & 0xff) << 8) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 3) & 0xff));
else {
return (((int)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 3)) << 24) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 2) & 0xff) << 16) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 1) & 0xff) << 8) |
(((int)UNSAFE.getByte(addr) & 0xff));
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static void putIntByByte(long addr, int val, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, (byte)(val >> 24));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 16));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 2, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 3, (byte)(val));
else {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 3, (byte)(val >> 24));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 2, (byte)(val >> 16));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, (byte)(val));
* @param addr Address.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static long getLongByByte(long addr, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
return (((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr)) << 56) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 1) & 0xff) << 48) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 2) & 0xff) << 40) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 3) & 0xff) << 32) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 4) & 0xff) << 24) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 5) & 0xff) << 16) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 6) & 0xff) << 8) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 7) & 0xff));
else {
return (((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 7)) << 56) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 6) & 0xff) << 48) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 5) & 0xff) << 40) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 4) & 0xff) << 32) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 3) & 0xff) << 24) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 2) & 0xff) << 16) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr + 1) & 0xff) << 8) |
(((long)UNSAFE.getByte(addr) & 0xff));
* @param addr Address.
* @param val Value.
* @param bigEndian Order of value bytes in memory. If {@code true} - big-endian, otherwise little-endian.
private static void putLongByByte(long addr, long val, boolean bigEndian) {
if (bigEndian) {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, (byte)(val >> 56));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 48));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 2, (byte)(val >> 40));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 3, (byte)(val >> 32));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 4, (byte)(val >> 24));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 5, (byte)(val >> 16));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 6, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 7, (byte)(val));
else {
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 7, (byte)(val >> 56));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 6, (byte)(val >> 48));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 5, (byte)(val >> 40));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 4, (byte)(val >> 32));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 3, (byte)(val >> 24));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 2, (byte)(val >> 16));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr + 1, (byte)(val >> 8));
UNSAFE.putByte(addr, (byte)(val));