blob: dd88fdb0c388b39638f1de0f6f9eeabb4e8ece84 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridAbsClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteInClosure;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Wrapper class around the {@link Process} suited to run any Java class as separate java process.
* <p>
* This launcher supports simple interchange-with-a-process protocol to talk (in fact, listen) to process.
* For the moment the only message in protocol is run process PID. Class-to-run should print it's PID
* prefixed with {@code #PID_MSG_PREFIX} to tell the GridJavaProcess it's PID.
* <p>
* Protocol transport is any of (or both) <i>system.out</i> and/or <i>system.err</i>,
* so any protocol message should be printed in the class-to-run.
* <p>
* NOTE 1: For the moment inner class running is not supported.
* <p>
* NOTE 2: This util class should work fine on Linux, Mac OS and Windows.
public final class GridJavaProcess {
/** Internal protocol message prefix saying that the next text in the outputted line is pid. */
public static final String PID_MSG_PREFIX = "my_pid_is:";
/** Default pid. */
private static final String DFLT_PID = "-1";
/** Logger */
private IgniteLogger log;
/** Wrapped system process. */
private Process proc;
/** Pid of wrapped process. Made as array to be changeable in nested static class. */
private volatile String pid = DFLT_PID;
/** system.out stream grabber for process in which user class is running. */
private ProcessStreamGrabber osGrabber;
/** system.err stream grabber for process in which user class is running. */
private ProcessStreamGrabber esGrabber;
/** Closure to be called when process termination is detected. */
private GridAbsClosure procKilledC;
* Private constructor to promote factory method usage.
private GridJavaProcess() {
// No-op
* Executes main() method of the given class in a separate system process.
* @param cls Class with main() method to be run.
* @param params main() method parameters.
* @param printC Optional closure to be called each time wrapped process prints line to system.out or system.err.
* @param procKilledC Optional closure to be called when process termination is detected.
* @param log Log to use.
* @return Wrapper around {@link Process}
* @throws Exception If any problem occurred.
public static GridJavaProcess exec(Class cls, String params, @Nullable IgniteLogger log,
@Nullable IgniteInClosure<String> printC, @Nullable GridAbsClosure procKilledC) throws Exception {
return exec(cls.getCanonicalName(), params, log, printC, procKilledC, null, null, null);
* Executes main() method of the given class in a separate system process.
* @param cls Class with main() method to be run.
* @param params main() method parameters.
* @param printC Optional closure to be called each time wrapped process prints line to system.out or system.err.
* @param procKilledC Optional closure to be called when process termination is detected.
* @param log Log to use.
* @param jvmArgs JVM arguments to use.
* @param cp Additional classpath.
* @return Wrapper around {@link Process}
* @throws Exception If any problem occurred.
public static GridJavaProcess exec(Class cls, String params, @Nullable IgniteLogger log,
@Nullable IgniteInClosure<String> printC, @Nullable GridAbsClosure procKilledC,
@Nullable Collection<String> jvmArgs, @Nullable String cp) throws Exception {
return exec(cls.getCanonicalName(), params, log, printC, procKilledC, null, jvmArgs, cp);
* Executes main() method of the given class in a separate system process.
* @param clsName Class with main() method to be run.
* @param params main() method parameters.
* @param log Log to use.
* @param printC Optional closure to be called each time wrapped process prints line to system.out or system.err.
* @param procKilledC Optional closure to be called when process termination is detected.
* @param javaHome Java home location. The process will be started under given JVM.
* @param jvmArgs JVM arguments to use.
* @param cp Additional classpath.
* @return Wrapper around {@link Process}
* @throws Exception If any problem occurred.
public static GridJavaProcess exec(String clsName, String params, @Nullable IgniteLogger log,
@Nullable IgniteInClosure<String> printC, @Nullable GridAbsClosure procKilledC,
@Nullable String javaHome, @Nullable Collection<String> jvmArgs, @Nullable String cp) throws Exception {
GridJavaProcess gjProc = new GridJavaProcess();
gjProc.log = log;
gjProc.procKilledC = procKilledC;
List<String> procParams = params == null || params.isEmpty() ?
Collections.<String>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(params.split(" "));
List<String> procCmds = new ArrayList<>();
String javaBin = resolveJavaBin(javaHome);
procCmds.addAll(jvmArgs == null ? U.jvmArgs() : jvmArgs);
if (jvmArgs == null || (!jvmArgs.contains("-cp") && !jvmArgs.contains("-classpath"))) {
String classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
String sfcp = System.getProperty("surefire.test.class.path");
if (sfcp != null)
classpath += System.getProperty("path.separator") + sfcp;
if (cp != null)
classpath += System.getProperty("path.separator") + cp;
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(procCmds);
Process proc = builder.start();
gjProc.osGrabber = ProcessStreamGrabber(proc.getInputStream(), printC);
gjProc.esGrabber = ProcessStreamGrabber(proc.getErrorStream(), printC);
gjProc.proc = proc;
return gjProc;
* Resolves path to java binary (that can be executed using exec). Either the provided java home directory
* is used, or, if it's {@code null}, the java.home system property is consulted with.
* @param javaHome Java home directory where to look for bin/java; if {@code null}, then java.home property value is used.
* @return Path to Java executable.
public static String resolveJavaBin(@Nullable String javaHome) {
return resolveJavaHome(javaHome) + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java";
* Returns the provided java home path or, if it's {@code null}, falls back to the path obtained via 'java.home'
* system property.
private static String resolveJavaHome(@Nullable String javaHome) {
return javaHome == null ? System.getProperty("java.home") : javaHome;
* Kills the java process.
* @throws Exception If any problem occurred.
public void kill() throws Exception {
if (!pid.equals(DFLT_PID)) {
Process killProc = U.isWindows() ?
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"taskkill", "/pid", pid, "/f", "/t"}) :
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"kill", "-9", pid});
if (!killProc.waitFor(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
throw new IllegalStateException("The kill process is hanging.");
int exitVal = killProc.exitValue();
if (exitVal != 0 && log.isInfoEnabled())"Abnormal exit value of %s for trying to kill the pid %s", exitVal, pid));
if (!proc.waitFor(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to kill grid java process.");
if (procKilledC != null)
U.join(osGrabber, log);
U.join(esGrabber, log);
* Kills process using {@link Process#destroy()}.
public void killProcess() {
if (procKilledC != null)
U.join(osGrabber, log);
U.join(esGrabber, log);
* Returns pid of the java process.
* Wrapped java class should print it's PID to system.out or system.err to make wrapper know about it.
* @return Pid of the java process or -1 if pid is unknown.
public int getPid() {
return Integer.valueOf(pid);
* Exposes wrapped java Process.
* @return Wrapped java process.
public Process getProcess() {
return proc;
/** Suspends the process. */
public void suspend() throws Exception {
if (!U.isUnix() && !U.isMacOs())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (pid.equals(DFLT_PID))
Process stopProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"kill", "-STOP", pid});
if (!stopProc.waitFor(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
throw new IllegalStateException("The stop process is hanging.");
* Class which grabs sys.err and sys.out of the running process in separate thread
* and implements the interchange-with-a-process protocol.
private class ProcessStreamGrabber extends Thread {
/** Stream to grab. */
private final InputStream streamToGrab;
/** Closure to be called when process termination is detected. */
private final IgniteInClosure<String> printC;
* Creates the ProcessStreamGrabber bounded to the given Process.
* @param streamToGrab Stream to grab.
* @param printC Optional closure to be called each time wrapped process prints line to system.out or system.err.
ProcessStreamGrabber(InputStream streamToGrab, @Nullable IgniteInClosure<String> printC) {
this.streamToGrab = streamToGrab;
this.printC = printC;
* Starts the ProcessStreamGrabber.
@Override public void run() {
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(streamToGrab));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null && !isInterrupted()) {
if (line.startsWith(PID_MSG_PREFIX))
pid = line.substring(PID_MSG_PREFIX.length());
if (printC != null)
catch (IOException e) {
U.error(log, "Caught IOException while grabbing stream", e);
try {
// Check if process is still alive.
if (procKilledC != null)
catch (IllegalThreadStateException e1) {
if (!interrupted())
U.error(log, "Failed to get exit value from process.", e1);
* Interrupts a thread and closes process streams.
@Override public void interrupt() {
// Close all Process streams to free allocated resources, see