blob: 8a6054556b5bfe43c99aa12cae69aa7fd44a36b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.client.impl.connection;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.GridClientCacheFlag;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.GridClientClosedException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.GridClientDataMetrics;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.GridClientException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.GridClientFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.GridClientNode;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.impl.GridClientDataMetricsAdapter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.impl.GridClientFutureAdapter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.client.impl.GridClientFutureCallback;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Facade for all possible network communications between client and server. Introduced to hide
* protocol implementation (TCP, HTTP) from client code.
public abstract class GridClientConnection {
/** Topology */
protected GridClientTopology top;
/** Client id. */
protected final UUID clientId;
/** Server address this connection connected to */
private InetSocketAddress srvAddr;
/** SSL context to use if ssl is enabled. */
private SSLContext sslCtx;
/** Client credentials. */
private SecurityCredentials cred;
/** Reason why connection was closed. {@code null} means connection is still alive. */
protected volatile GridClientConnectionCloseReason closeReason;
* Creates a facade.
* @param clientId Client identifier.
* @param srvAddr Server address this connection connected to.
* @param sslCtx SSL context to use if SSL is enabled, {@code null} otherwise.
* @param top Topology.
* @param cred Client credentials.
protected GridClientConnection(UUID clientId, InetSocketAddress srvAddr, SSLContext sslCtx, GridClientTopology top,
SecurityCredentials cred) {
assert top != null;
this.clientId = clientId;
this.srvAddr = srvAddr; = top;
this.sslCtx = sslCtx;
this.cred = cred;
* Closes connection facade.
* @param reason Why this connection should be closed.
* @param waitCompletion If {@code true} this method will wait until all pending requests are handled.
abstract void close(GridClientConnectionCloseReason reason, boolean waitCompletion);
* Closes connection facade if no requests are in progress.
* @param idleTimeout Idle timeout.
* @return {@code True} if no requests were in progress and client was closed, {@code false} otherwise.
abstract boolean closeIfIdle(long idleTimeout);
* Gets server address this connection connected to.
* @return Server address this connection connected to.
public InetSocketAddress serverAddress() {
return srvAddr;
* Puts key-value pair into cache.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param key Key.
* @param val Value.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return If value was actually put.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public <K, V> GridClientFutureAdapter<Boolean> cachePut(String cacheName, K key, V val,
Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException {
return cachePutAll(cacheName, Collections.singletonMap(key, val), flags, destNodeId);
* Gets entry from the cache for specified key.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param key Key.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Value.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public <K, V> GridClientFutureAdapter<V> cacheGet(String cacheName, final K key, Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags,
UUID destNodeId) throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException {
final GridClientFutureAdapter<Map<K, V>> res = cacheGetAll(cacheName, Collections.singleton(key), flags,
return res.chain(new GridClientFutureCallback<Map<K, V>, V>() {
@Override public V onComplete(GridClientFuture<Map<K, V>> fut) throws GridClientException {
Map<K, V> map = fut.get();
return F.firstValue(map);
* Removes entry from the cache for specified key.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param key Key.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Whether entry was actually removed.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K> GridClientFutureAdapter<Boolean> cacheRemove(String cacheName, K key,
Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Puts bundle of entries into cache.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param entries Entries.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return {@code True} if map contained more then one entry or if put succeeded in case of one entry,
* {@code false} otherwise
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K, V> GridClientFutureAdapter<Boolean> cachePutAll(String cacheName, Map<K, V> entries,
Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Gets bundle of entries for specified keys from the cache.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param keys Keys.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Entries.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K, V> GridClientFutureAdapter<Map<K, V>> cacheGetAll(String cacheName, Collection<K> keys,
Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Removes bundle of entries for specified keys from the cache.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param keys Keys.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Whether entries were actually removed
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K> GridClientFutureAdapter<Boolean> cacheRemoveAll(String cacheName, Collection<K> keys,
Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Replace key-value pair in cache if already exist.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param key Key.
* @param val Value.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Whether value was actually replaced.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K, V> GridClientFutureAdapter<Boolean> cacheReplace(String cacheName, K key, V val,
Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* <table>
* <tr><th>New value</th><th>Actual/old value</th><th>Behaviour</th></tr>
* <tr><td>null </td><td>null </td><td>Remove entry for key.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>newVal </td><td>null </td><td>Put newVal into cache if such key doesn't exist.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>null </td><td>oldVal </td><td>Remove if actual value oldVal is equals to value in cache.</td></tr>
* <tr><td>newVal </td><td>oldVal </td><td>Replace if actual value oldVal is equals to value in cache.</td></tr>
* </table>
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param key Key.
* @param newVal Value 1.
* @param oldVal Value 2.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Whether new value was actually set.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K, V> GridClientFutureAdapter<Boolean> cacheCompareAndSet(String cacheName, K key, V newVal,
V oldVal, Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Gets cache metrics for the key.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Metrics.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K> GridClientFutureAdapter<GridClientDataMetrics> cacheMetrics(String cacheName, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Append requested value to already cached one.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param key Key.
* @param val Value to append to the cached one.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Whether new value was actually set.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K, V> GridClientFutureAdapter<Boolean> cacheAppend(String cacheName, K key, V val,
Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Prepend requested value to already cached one.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param key Key.
* @param val Value to prepend to the cached one.
* @param flags Cache flags to be enabled.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Whether new value was actually set.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <K, V> GridClientFutureAdapter<Boolean> cachePrepend(String cacheName, K key, V val,
Set<GridClientCacheFlag> flags, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Execute task in the grid.
* @param taskName Task name.
* @param arg Task argument.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @param keepBinaries Keep binary flag.
* @return Task execution result.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract <R> GridClientFutureAdapter<R> execute(String taskName, Object arg, UUID destNodeId,
boolean keepBinaries) throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Changes grid global state.
* @param state New cluster state.
* @param destNodeId Destination node id.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract GridClientFuture<?> changeState(ClusterState state, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientClosedException, GridClientConnectionResetException;
* Changes grid global state.
* @param state New cluster state.
* @param destNodeId Destination node id.
* @param forceDeactivation If {@code true}, cluster deactivation will be forced.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract GridClientFuture<?> changeState(ClusterState state, UUID destNodeId, boolean forceDeactivation)
throws GridClientClosedException, GridClientConnectionResetException;
* Gets current grid global state.
* @param destNodeId Destination node id.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract GridClientFuture<ClusterState> state(UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientClosedException, GridClientConnectionResetException;
* Get a cluster name.
* @param destNodeId Destination node id.
* @return Future to get the cluster name.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract GridClientFuture<String> clusterName(UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientClosedException, GridClientConnectionResetException;
* Gets node by node ID.
* @param id Node ID.
* @param inclAttrs Whether to include attributes.
* @param inclMetrics Whether to include metrics.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Node.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract GridClientFuture<GridClientNode> node(UUID id, boolean inclAttrs, boolean inclMetrics,
UUID destNodeId) throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Gets node by node IP.
* @param ipAddr IP address.
* @param inclAttrs Whether to include attributes.
* @param includeMetrics Whether to include metrics.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Node.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract GridClientFuture<GridClientNode> node(String ipAddr, boolean inclAttrs,
boolean includeMetrics, UUID destNodeId)
throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Gets grid topology nodes.
* @param inclAttrs Whether to include attributes.
* @param inclMetrics Whether to include metrics.
* @param destNodeId Destination node ID.
* @return Nodes.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException In case of error.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was manually closed before request was sent over network.
public abstract GridClientFuture<List<GridClientNode>> topology(boolean inclAttrs, boolean inclMetrics,
@Nullable UUID destNodeId) throws GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException;
* Forwards a message in raw form to the connected node. This method supposed to be used only inside router.
* The exact types of acceptable arguments and return values depend on connection implementation.
* @param body A raw message to send.
* @return Future holding server's response.
* @throws GridClientException If message forwarding failed.
public abstract GridClientFutureAdapter<?> forwardMessage(Object body) throws GridClientException;
* Sending messages before node starts and getting a response to it.
* @param msg A raw message to send.
* @return Future holding server's response.
* @throws GridClientException In case of error.
public abstract GridClientFutureAdapter<?> messageBeforeStart(Object msg) throws GridClientException;
* @return {@code True} if connection is closed.
public boolean isClosed() {
return closeReason != null;
* Gets SSLContext of this client connection.
* @return {@link SSLContext} instance.
protected SSLContext sslContext() {
return sslCtx;
* Returns credentials for this client connection.
* @return Credentials.
protected SecurityCredentials credentials() {
return cred;
* Safely gets long value by given key.
* @param map Map to get value from.
* @param key Metrics name.
* @return Value or -1, if not found.
protected long safeLong(Map<String, Number> map, String key) {
Number val = map.get(key);
if (val == null)
return -1;
return val.longValue();
* Safely gets double value by given key.
* @param map Map to get value from.
* @param key Metrics name.
* @return Value or -1, if not found.
protected double safeDouble(Map<String, Number> map, String key) {
Number val = map.get(key);
if (val == null)
return -1;
return val.doubleValue();
* Converts metrics map to metrics object.
* @param metricsMap Map to convert.
* @return Metrics object.
protected GridClientDataMetrics metricsMapToMetrics(Map<String, Number> metricsMap) {
GridClientDataMetricsAdapter metrics = new GridClientDataMetricsAdapter();
metrics.createTime(safeLong(metricsMap, "createTime"));
metrics.readTime(safeLong(metricsMap, "readTime"));
metrics.writeTime(safeLong(metricsMap, "writeTime"));
metrics.reads((int)safeLong(metricsMap, "reads"));
metrics.writes((int)safeLong(metricsMap, "writes"));
metrics.hits((int)safeLong(metricsMap, "hits"));
metrics.misses((int)safeLong(metricsMap, "misses"));
return metrics;
* Check if this connection was closed and throws appropriate exception.
* This method should be used for synchronous connection state check.
* @param reason Close reason.
* @throws GridConnectionIdleClosedException If connection was closed as idle.
* @throws GridClientClosedException If client was closed by by external call.
* @throws GridClientConnectionResetException If connection was closed because of failure.
protected void checkClosed(GridClientConnectionCloseReason reason)
throws GridConnectionIdleClosedException, GridClientConnectionResetException, GridClientClosedException {
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.CONN_IDLE)
throw new GridConnectionIdleClosedException("Connection was closed by idle thread (will " +
"reconnect): " + serverAddress());
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.FAILED)
throw new GridClientConnectionResetException("Failed to perform request (connection failed before " +
"message is sent): " + serverAddress());
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.CLIENT_CLOSED)
throw new GridClientClosedException("Failed to perform request (connection was closed before " +
"message is sent): " + serverAddress());
* Build appropriate exception from the given close reason.
* This method should be used as a factory for exception to finish futures asynchronously.
* @param reason Close reason.
* @param cause Cause of connection close, or {@code null} in case of regular close.
* @return Exception.
protected GridClientException getCloseReasonAsException(GridClientConnectionCloseReason reason,
@Nullable Throwable cause) {
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.CONN_IDLE)
return new GridConnectionIdleClosedException("Connection was closed by idle thread: " + serverAddress());
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.FAILED)
return new GridClientConnectionResetException("Failed to perform request (connection failed): " +
serverAddress(), cause);
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.CLIENT_CLOSED)
return new GridClientClosedException("Failed to perform request (client was closed): " + serverAddress());
return null;
* @param reason Close reason.
* @param cause Cause of connection close, or {@code null} in case of regular close.
* @return Description of close reason for logging purpose.
protected String getCloseReasonMessage(GridClientConnectionCloseReason reason, @Nullable Throwable cause) {
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.CONN_IDLE)
return "Connection was closed by idle thread";
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.FAILED)
return cause != null ? "Connection failed, cause: " + cause.getMessage() : "Connection failed";
if (reason == GridClientConnectionCloseReason.CLIENT_CLOSED)
return "Client was closed";
return null;