blob: 2b4ee787df6f1e8c3a9a123047725778b2100307 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.ignite.configuration;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Defines memory page eviction algorithm. A mode is set for a specific
* {@link DataRegionConfiguration}. Only data pages, that store key-value entries, are eligible for eviction. The
* other types of pages, like index or meta pages, are not evictable.
public enum DataPageEvictionMode {
/** Eviction is disabled. */
* Random-LRU algorithm.
* <ul>
* <li>Once a memory region defined by a data region is configured, an off-heap array is allocated to track
* last usage timestamp for every individual data page. The size of the array is calculated this way - size =
* ({@link DataRegionConfiguration#getMaxSize()} / {@link DataStorageConfiguration#pageSize})</li>
* <li>When a data page is accessed, its timestamp gets updated in the tracking array. The page index in the
* tracking array is calculated this way - index = (pageAddress / {@link DataRegionConfiguration#getMaxSize()}</li>
* <li>When it's required to evict some pages, the algorithm randomly chooses 5 indexes from the tracking array and
* evicts a page with the latest timestamp. If some of the indexes point to non-data pages (index or system pages)
* then the algorithm picks other pages.</li>
* </ul>
* Random-2-LRU algorithm: scan-resistant version of Random-LRU.
* <p>
* This algorithm differs from Random-LRU only in a way that two latest access timestamps are stored for every
* data page. At the eviction time, a minimum between two latest timestamps is taken for further comparison with
* minimums of other pages that might be evicted. LRU-2 outperforms LRU by resolving "one-hit wonder" problem -
* if a data page is accessed rarely, but accidentally accessed once, it's protected from eviction for a long time.
/** Enumerated values. */
private static final DataPageEvictionMode[] VALS = values();
* Efficiently gets enumerated value from its ordinal.
* @param ord Ordinal value.
* @return Enumerated value or {@code null} if ordinal out of range.
@Nullable public static DataPageEvictionMode fromOrdinal(int ord) {
return ord >= 0 && ord < VALS.length ? VALS[ord] : null;