blob: 4db745b6eaeca5d751609639d26db61f79f8e70f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
:request_table_props: cols="15%,10%,10%,45%,20%",options="header"
:response_table_props: cols="15%,15%,50%,20%",options="header"
Ignite provides an HTTP REST client that can communicate with the cluster over HTTP and HTTPS protocols using the REST approach. REST APIs can be used to perform different operations like read/write from/to cache, execute tasks, get various metrics, and more.
Internally, Ignite uses Jetty to provide HTTP server features. See <<Configuration>> section below for details on how to configure jetty.
== Getting Started
To enable HTTP connectivity, make sure that the `ignite-rest-http` module is enabled.
If you use the binary distribution, copy the `ignite-rest-http` module from `IGNITE_HOME/libs/optional/` to the `IGNITE_HOME/libs` folder.
See link:setup#enabling-modules[Enabling modules] for details.
Explicit configuration is not required; the connector starts up automatically and listens on port `8080`. You can check if it works with curl:
curl 'http://localhost:8080/ignite?cmd=version'
Request parameters may be provided as either a part of URL or in a form data:
curl 'http://localhost:8080/ignite?cmd=put&cacheName=myCache' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'key=testKey&val=testValue'
=== Configuration
You can change HTTP server parameters as follows:
[source, xml]
include::code-snippets/xml/http-configuration.xml[tags=ignite-config;http-configuration;!discovery, indent=0]
[source, java]
include::{javaCodeDir}/[tags=http-configuration, indent=0]
The following table describes the properties of `ConnectorConfiguration` that are related to the http server:
[width="100%", cols="30%,50%,10%,10%"]
| Parameter Name | Description |Optional |Default Value
|Defines secret key used for client authentication. When provided, client request must contain `HTTP header X-Signature` with the string "[1]:[2]", where [1] is timestamp in milliseconds and [2] is the Base64 encoded SHA1 hash of the secret key.
|Port range for Jetty server. If the port provided in Jetty configuration or `IGNITE_JETTY_PORT` system property is already in use, Ignite iteratively increments port by 1 and tries to bind once again until provided port range is exceeded.
|Path to Jetty configuration file. Should be either absolute or relative to `IGNITE_HOME`. If the path is not set, Ignite starts a Jetty server with a simple HTTP connector. This connector uses `IGNITE_JETTY_HOST` and `IGNITE_JETTY_PORT` system properties as `host` and `port` respectively. If `IGNITE_JETTY_HOST` is not provided, `localhost` is used as default. If `IGNITE_JETTY_PORT` is not provided, port `8080` is used.
|The interceptor transforms all objects exchanged via REST protocol. For example, if you use custom serialisation on client you can write an interceptor to transform binary representations received from the client to Java objects and later access them from Java code directly.
==== Example Jetty XML Configuration
Path to this configuration should be set to `ConnectorConfiguration.setJettyPath(String)` as explained above.
include::code-snippets/xml/jetty.xml[tags=, indent=0]
=== Security
When link:security/authentication[authentication] is configured in the cluster, all applications that use REST API request authentication by providing security credentials.
The authentication request returns a session token that can be used with any command within that session.
There are two ways to request authorization:
. Use the authenticate command with `ignite.login=[user]&ignite.password=[password]` parameters.
. Use any REST command with `ignite.login=[user]&ignite.password=[password]` parameters in the path of your connection string. In our example below, we use the `version` command:
[source, curl]
In both examples above, replace `[host]`, `[port]`, `[user]`, and `[password]` with actual values.
Executing any one of the above strings in a browser returns a response with a session token which looks like this:
Once you obtain the session token, use the sessionToken parameter with your connection string as shown in the example below:
In the above connection string, replace `[host]`, `[port]`, and `[sessionToken]` with actual values.
Either user credentials or a session token is required when authentication is enabled on the server.
Failure to provide either a `sessionToken` or `user` & `password` parameters in the REST connection string results in an error.
=== Session Token Expiration
A session token is valid only for 30 seconds. Using an expired session token results in an error.
To set a custom expire time, set the system variable: `IGNITE_REST_SESSION_TIMEOUT` (in seconds).
[source, text]
== Data Types
By default, the REST API exchanges query parameters in the `String` format. The cluster works with the parameters as
with `String` objects.
If a type of a parameter is different from `String`, you can use the `keyType` or `valueType` to specify the real type
of the argument. The REST API supports both <<Java Types>> and <<Custom Types>>.
=== Java Types
[width="100%", cols="50%,50%"]
| REST KeyType/ValueType | Corresponding Java Type
The date value should be in the format as specified in the `valueOf(String)` method in the link:[Java documentation ,window=_blank]
Example: 2018-01-01
The time value should be in the format as specified in the `valueOf(String)` method in the link:[Java documentation ,window=_blank]
Example: 01:01:01
The timestamp value should be in the format as specified in the `valueOf(String)` method in the link:[Java documentation ,window=_blank]
Example: 2018-02-18%2001:01:01
The following example shows a `put` command with `keyType=int` and `valueType=date`:
Similarly, the `get` command with `keyType=int` and `valueType=date` would be:
=== Custom Types
The JSON format is used to exchange complex custom objects via the Ignite REST protocol.
For example, let's assume you have a `Person` class, and below is the JSON representation of an object instance that
you need to send to the cluster:
"uid": "7e51118b",
"name": "John Doe",
"orgId": 5678901,
"married": false,
"salary": 156.1
Next, you use this REST request to put the object in the cluster by setting the `valueType` parameter to `Person` and
the `val` parameter to the value of the JSON object:
Once a server receives the request, it converts the object from the JSON into the internal
link:/docs/data-modeling/data-modeling#binary-object-format[binary object] format following the conversion procedure below:
* If the `Person` class exists and available on the server's classpath, the JSON object is resolved to an instance of the `Person` class.
* If the `Person` class is not available on the servers classpath, but there is a `QueryEntity` object that defines
the `Person`, then the JSON object is resolved to a binary object of that `Person` type:
[%header, cols="1"]
|Query entity
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryEntity">
<property name="keyType" value="java.lang.Integer"/>
<property name="valueType" value="Person"/>
<property name="fields">
<entry key="uid" value="java.util.UUID"/>
<entry key="name" value="java.lang.String"/>
<entry key="orgId" value="java.lang.Long"/>
<entry key="married" value="java.lang.Boolean"/>
<entry key="salary" value="java.lang.Float"/>
[%header, cols="1"]
|Binary Object (Person)
"uid": "7e51118b", // UUID
"name": "John Doe", // string
"orgId": 5678901, // long
"married": false, // boolean
"salary": 156.1 // float
* Otherwise, the JSON objects field types are resolved following the regular JSON convention:
"uid": "7e51118b", // string
"name": "John Doe", // string
"orgId": 5678901, // int
"married": false, // boolean
"salary": 156.1 // double
The same conversion rules apply when you have a custom key type set via the `keyType` parameter of the Ignite
REST protocol.
== Returned Value
The HTTP REST request returns a JSON object which has a similar structure for each command:
|Affinity node ID.
|This field contains description of error if server could not handle the request.
|Specifically for each command.
|When authentication is enabled on the server, this field contains a session token that can be used with any command within that session. If authentication is off, this field contains `null`.
When authentication is enabled - `EF6013FF590348CE91DEAE9870183BEF`
|Otherwise, `null`.
|This field contains the result of the command.
|Specifically for each command.
|Exit status code. It might have the following values:
`success = 0`
`failed = 1`
`authorization failed = 2`
`security check failed = 3`
== REST API Reference
=== Version
Returns the Ignite version.
"error": "",
"response": "1.0.0",
"successStatus": 0
=== Cluster State
Returns the current link:monitoring-metrics/cluster-states[state of the cluster].
Returns `true` if the cluster is active. Returns `false` if the cluster in inactive.
"response": "ACTIVE_READ_ONLY"
=== Change Cluster State
The `setstate` command changes the link:monitoring-metrics/cluster-states[cluster state].
|`state` | String a| New cluster state. One of the values:
* `ACTIVE`: active state,
* `ACTIVE_READ_ONLY`: read only state,
* `INACTIVE`: the cluster is deactivated.
"response":"setstate done"
=== Deactivate
Starts the deactivation process for a persistence-enabled cluster.
"response":"deactivate started"
=== Increment
Adds and gets current value of given atomic long.
| string
| The name of atomic long.
| counter
| Yes
| Initial value.
| 15
| long
|Number to be added.
| 42
The response contains the value after the operation.
"affinityNodeId": "e05839d5-6648-43e7-a23b-78d7db9390d5",
"error": "",
"response": 42,
"successStatus": 0
=== Decrement
Subtracts and gets current value of given atomic long.
|The name of atomic long.
| long
| Yes
| Initial value.
| `15`
|Number to be subtracted.
The response contains the value after the operation.
"affinityNodeId": "e05839d5-6648-43e7-a23b-78d7db9390d5",
"error": "",
"response": -42,
"successStatus": 0
=== Cache Metrics
Shows metrics for a cache.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "",
"error": "",
"response": {
"hits": 0,
"misses": 0,
"reads": 0,
"writes": 2
"successStatus": 0
| jsonObject
| The JSON object contains cache metrics such as create time, count reads and etc.
"createTime": 1415179251551, "hits": 0, "misses": 0, "readTime":1415179251551, "reads": 0,"writeTime": 1415179252198, "writes": 2
=== Cache Size
Gets the number of all entries cached across all nodes.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
"affinityNodeId": "",
"error": "",
"response": 1,
"successStatus": 0
| number
| Number of all entries cached across all nodes.
| 5
=== Cache Metadata
Gets metadata for a cache.
| String
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, metadata for all user caches is returned.
| partitionedCache
"error": "",
"response": {
"cacheName": "partitionedCache",
"types": [
"keyClasses": {
"Person": "java.lang.Integer"
"valClasses": {
"Person": "org.apache.ignite.Person"
"fields": {
"Person": {
"_KEY": "java.lang.Integer",
"_VAL": "org.apache.ignite.Person",
"ID": "java.lang.Integer",
"FIRSTNAME": "java.lang.String",
"LASTNAME": "java.lang.String",
"SALARY": "double"
"indexes": {
"Person": [
"name": "ID_IDX",
"fields": [
"descendings": [],
"unique": false
"name": "SALARY_IDX",
"fields": [
"descendings": [],
"unique": false
"sessionToken": "",
"successStatus": 0
=== Compare-And-Swap
Stores a given key-value pair in a cache only if the previous value is equal to the expected value passed in.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
|Key to store in cache.
| name
| string
| Value associated with the given key.
| Jack
| string
| Expected value.
| Bob
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
The response returns `true` if the value was replaced, `false` otherwise.
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
=== Append
Appends a line for value which is associated with key.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| `key`
| string
| Key to store in cache.
| name
| Value to be appended to the current value.
| Jack
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `true` if replace happened, `false` otherwise.
| true
=== Prepend
Adds prefix to the value that is associated with a given key.
*Request:* ::
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| myCache
|Key to store in cache.
| The string to be prepended to the current value.
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| `true` if replace happened, `false` otherwise.
| true
=== Replace
Stores a given key-value pair in a cache if the cache already contains the key.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key to store in cache.
| name
| string
| Value associated with the given key.
| Jack
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
| `exp`
| long
| Yes
| Expiration time in milliseconds for the entry. When the parameter is set, the operation is executed with link:configuring-caches/expiry-policies[ModifiedExpiryPolicy].
| 60000
The response contains `true` if the value was replaced, `false` otherwise.
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
=== Get
Retrieves the value mapped to a specified key from a cache.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key whose associated value is to be returned.
| testKey
| Java built-in type
| Yes
| See <<Data Types>> for more details.
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
=== Get All
Retrieves values mapped to the specified keys from a given cache.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Keys whose associated values are to be returned.
| key1, key2, ..., keyN
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "",
"error": "",
"response": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
"successStatus": 0
=== Get output as array
To obtain the output as an array, use the `IGNITE_REST_GETALL_AS_ARRAY=true` system property.
Once the property is set, the `getall` command provides the response in the following format:
=== Get and Remove
Removes the given key mapping from cache and returns the previous value.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| Key whose mapping is to be removed from the cache.
| name
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": value,
"successStatus": 0
| jsonObject
| Value for the key.
| `{"name": "bob"}`
=== Get and Put
Stores a given key-value pair in a cache and returns the existing value if there is one.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key to be associated with value.
| name
| string
| Value to be associated with key.
| Jack
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
The response contains the previous value for the key.
"affinityNodeId": "2bd7b049-3fa0-4c44-9a6d-b5c7a597ce37",
"error": "",
"response": {"name": "bob"},
"successStatus": 0
=== Get and Put If Absent
Stores given key-value pair in cache only if cache had no previous mapping for it. If cache previously contained value for the given key, then this value is returned.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key to be associated with value.
| name
| string
| Value to be associated with key.
| Jack
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "2bd7b049-3fa0-4c44-9a6d-b5c7a597ce37",
"error": "",
"response": "value",
"successStatus": 0
| jsonObject
| Previous value for the given key.
|`{"name": "bob"}`
=== Get and Replace
Stores a given key-value pair in cache only if there is a previous mapping for it.
*Request:* ::
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key to store in cache.
| name
| string
| Value associated with the given key.
| Jack
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
The response contains the previous value associated with the specified key.
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": oldValue,
"successStatus": 0
| The previous value associated with the specified key.
| `{"name": "Bob"}`
=== Replace Value
Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to a given value.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key to store in cache.
| name
| string
| Value associated with the given key.
| Jack
| string
|Value expected to be associated with the specified key.
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `true` if replace happened, `false` otherwise.
=== Remove
Removes the given key mapping from cache.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key - for which the mapping is to be removed from cache.
| name
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `true` if replace happened, `false` otherwise.
=== Remove All
Removes given key mappings from a cache.
| `cacheName`
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| `k1...kN`
|Keys whose mappings are to be removed from the cache.
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `true` if replace happened, `false` otherwise.
=== Remove Value
Removes the mapping for a key only if currently mapped to the given value.
| `cacheName`
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| `key`
| string
| Key whose mapping is to be removed from the cache.
| name
| string
| Value expected to be associated with the specified key.
| oldValue
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `false` if there was no matching key.
=== Add
Stores a given key-value pair in a cache if the cache does not contain the key.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key to be associated with the value.
| name
| string
| Value to be associated with the key.
| Jack
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
| long
| Yes
| Expiration time in milliseconds for the entry. When the parameter is set, the operation is executed with link:configuring-caches/expiry-policies[ModifiedExpiryPolicy].
| 60000
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `true` if value was stored in cache, `false` otherwise.
| true
=== Put
Stores a given key-value pair in a cache.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key to be associated with values.
| name
| string
| Value to be associated with keys.
| Jack
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
| long
| Yes
|Expiration time in milliseconds for the entry. When the parameter is set, the operation is executed with link:configuring-caches/expiry-policies[ModifiedExpiryPolicy].
| 60000
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `true` if value was stored in cache, `false` otherwise.
=== Put all
Stores the given key-value pairs in cache.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Keys to be associated with values.
| name
| string
| Values to be associated with keys.
| Jack
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "1bcbac4b-3517-43ee-98d0-874b103ecf30",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
|`true` if the values were stored in cache, `false` otherwise.
=== Put If Absent
Stores a given key-value pair in a cache if the cache does not contain the given key.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key to be associated with value.
| name
| string
| Value to be associated with key.
| Jack
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
| long
| Yes
| Expiration time in milliseconds for the entry. When the parameter is set, the operation is executed with link:configuring-caches/expiry-policies[ModifiedExpiryPolicy].
| 60000
The response field contains `true` if the entry was put, `false` otherwise.
"affinityNodeId": "2bd7b049-3fa0-4c44-9a6d-b5c7a597ce37",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
=== Contains Key
Determines if cache contains an entry for the specified key.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key whose presence in this cache is to be tested.
| testKey
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
"affinityNodeId": "2bd7b049-3fa0-4c44-9a6d-b5c7a597ce37",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `true` if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
| true
=== Contains keys
Determines if cache contains any entries for the specified keys.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
| string
| Key whose presence in this cache is to be tested.
| key1, key2, ..., keyN
| string
| Yes
| Node ID for which the metrics are to be returned.
| `8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647`
"affinityNodeId": "2bd7b049-3fa0-4c44-9a6d-b5c7a597ce37",
"error": "",
"response": true,
"successStatus": 0
| boolean
| `true` if this cache contains a mapping for the specified keys.
| true
=== Get or Create Cache
Creates a cache with the given name if it does not exist.
[width="100%", cols="15%,15%,15%,55%", opts="header"]
| String
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| int
| Yes
| Number of backups for cache data. Default is 0.
| String
| Yes
| Name of the data region the cache should belong to.
| String
| Yes
| Name of the cache template registered in Ignite to use as a configuration for the distributed cache. See the link:configuring-caches/configuration-overview#cache-templates[Cache Template, window=_blank] section for more information.
| String
| Yes
| Name of the group the cache should belong to.
| String
| Yes
a|Sets the write synchronization mode for the given cache:
"error": "",
"response": null,
"successStatus": 0
=== Destroy cache
Destroys cache with given name.
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| partitionedCache
"error": "",
"response": null,
"successStatus": 0
=== Node
Gets information about a node.
| boolean
| Yes
| Response includes metrics, if this parameter is `true`.
| true
| boolean
| Yes
| Response includes attributes, if this parameter is `true`.
| true
| string
| This parameter is optional, if id parameter is passed. Response is returned for node which has the IP.
| string
| This parameter is optional, if ip parameter is passed. Response is returned for node which has the node ID.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
| When set to `true` the cache information returned by node includes: name, mode, and SQL Schema.
When set to `false` the node command does not return any cache information.
Default value is `true`.
"error": "",
"response": {
"attributes": null,
"caches": {},
"consistentId": "",
"defaultCacheMode": "REPLICATED",
"metrics": null,
"nodeId": "2d0d6510-6fed-4fa3-b813-20f83ac4a1a9",
"replicaCount": 128,
"tcpAddresses": [""],
"tcpHostNames": [""],
"tcpPort": 11211
"successStatus": 0
=== Log
Shows server logs.
|Number of line to start from. Parameter is mandatory if to is passed.
|The path to log file. If not provided the a default one is used.
|Number to line to finish on. Parameter is mandatory if from is passed.
"error": "",
"response": ["[14:01:56,626][INFO ][test-runner][GridDiscoveryManager] Topology snapshot [ver=1, nodes=1, CPUs=8, heap=1.8GB]"],
"successStatus": 0
=== Topology
Gets the information about cluster topology.
| boolean
| Yes
| Response will include metrics, if this parameter is `true`.
| true
| boolean
| Response will include attributes, if this parameter is `true`.
| true
| string
| Yes
| This parameter is optional, if the `id` parameter is passed. Response will be returned for node which has the IP.
| string
| Yes
| This parameter is optional, if the `ip` parameter is passed. Response will be returned for node which has the node ID.
| 8daab5ea-af83-4d91-99b6-77ed2ca06647
| boolean
| Yes
| When set to `true` the cache information returned by top will include: `name`, `mode`, and `SQL Schema`.
When set to `false` the top command does not return any cache information.
Default value is `true`.
"error": "",
"response": [
"attributes": {
"caches": [
name: "",
name: "partitionedCache",
sqlSchema: "partitionedCache"
"consistentId": "",
"metrics": {
"nodeId": "96baebd6-dedc-4a68-84fd-f804ee1ed995",
"replicaCount": 128,
"tcpAddresses": [""],
"tcpHostNames": [""],
"tcpPort": 11211
"attributes": {
"caches": [
name: "",
"consistentId": "",
"metrics": {
"nodeId": "2bd7b049-3fa0-4c44-9a6d-b5c7a597ce37",
"replicaCount": 128,
"tcpAddresses": [""],
"tcpHostNames": [""],
"tcpPort": 11212
"successStatus": 0
=== Execute a Task
Executes a given task in the cluster.
| string
| Name of the task to execute.
| `summ`
| string
| Yes
| Argument of task execution.
| arg1...argN
| boolean
| Yes
| Determines whether the task is performed asynchronously.
| `true`
The response contains an error message, unique identifier of the task, the status and result of computation.
"error": "",
"response": {
"error": "",
"finished": true,
"id": "~ee2d1688-2605-4613-8a57-6615a8cbcd1b",
"result": 4
"successStatus": 0
=== Result of a Task
Returns the computation result for a given task.
| string
| ID of the task whose result is to be returned.
| 69ad0c48941-4689aae0-6b0e-4d52-8758-ce8fe26f497d{tilde}4689aae0-6b0e-4d52-8758-ce8fe26f497d
The response contains information about errors (if any), ID of the task, and the status and result of computation.
"error": "",
"response": {
"error": "",
"finished": true,
"id": "69ad0c48941-4689aae0-6b0e-4d52-8758-ce8fe26f497d~4689aae0-6b0e-4d52-8758-ce8fe26f497d",
"result": 4
"successStatus": 0
=== SQL Query Execute
Runs SQL query over cache.
| string
|Type for the query
| number
| Page size for the query.
| 3
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| testCache
| string
| Query arguments
| strings
| Encoding sql query
| `salary+%3E+%3F+and+salary+%3C%3D+%3F`
| boolean
| Yes
| do not deserialize link:/docs/data-modeling/data-modeling#binary-object-format[binary objects], `false` by default
The response object contains the items returned by the query, a flag indicating the last page, and `queryId`.
=== SQL Fields Query Execute
Runs SQL fields query over cache.
| number
| Page size for the query.
| 3
| string
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| testCache
| string
| Query arguments.
| strings
| Encoding sql fields query.
| boolean
| Yes
| do not deserialize link:/docs/data-modeling/data-modeling#binary-object-format[binary objects], `false` by default
The response object contains the items returned by the query, fields query metadata, a flag indicating the last page, and `queryId`.
"error": "",
"response": {
"fieldsMetadata": [
"fieldName": "FIRSTNAME",
"fieldTypeName": "java.lang.String",
"schemaName": "person",
"typeName": "PERSON"
"fieldName": "LASTNAME",
"fieldTypeName": "java.lang.String",
"schemaName": "person",
"typeName": "PERSON"
"items": [["Jane", "Doe" ], ["John", "Doe"]],
"last": true,
"queryId": 0
"successStatus": 0
=== SQL Scan Query Execute
Runs a scan query over a cache.
| Number
| Page size for the query
| 3
| String
| Yes
| Cache name. If not provided, the default cache is used.
| testCache
| String
| Yes
| Predicate class name for scan query. Class should implement `IgniteBiPredicate` interface.
| `org.apache.ignite.filters.PersonPredicate`
| boolean
| Yes
| do not deserialize link:/docs/data-modeling/data-modeling#binary-object-format[binary objects], `false` by default
The response object contains the items returned by the scan query, fields query metadata, a flag indicating last page, and `queryId`.
"error": "",
"response": {
"fieldsMetadata": [
"fieldName": "key",
"fieldTypeName": "",
"schemaName": "",
"typeName": ""
"fieldName": "value",
"fieldTypeName": "",
"schemaName": "",
"typeName": ""
"items": [
"key": 1,
"value": {
"firstName": "Jane",
"id": 1,
"lastName": "Doe",
"salary": 1000
"key": 3,
"value": {
"firstName": "Jane",
"id": 3,
"lastName": "Smith",
"salary": 2000
"last": true,
"queryId": 0
"successStatus": 0
=== SQL Query Fetch
Gets next page for the query.
| number
| Page size for the query.
| 3
| number
| Query id that is returned from the `Sql query execute`, `sql fields query execute`, or `sql fetch` commands.
| 0
The response object contains the items returned by the query, a flag indicating the last page, and `queryId`.
=== SQL Query Close
Closes query resources.
|Query id that is returned from the `SQL query execute`, `SQL fields query execute`, or `SQL fetch` commands.
The command returns 'true' if the query was closed successfully.
=== Probe
Returns whether Ignite kernal as started.
Returns HTTP Status code 200 if kernal has started, and 503 otherwise
"error": "",
"response": "grid has started",
"successStatus": 0