blob: 73cce61f283f1e63cb7038acbdce7fd482e7fa1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.configuration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import javax.cache.Cache;
import javax.cache.CacheException;
import javax.cache.configuration.CacheEntryListenerConfiguration;
import javax.cache.configuration.CompleteConfiguration;
import javax.cache.configuration.Factory;
import javax.cache.configuration.MutableConfiguration;
import javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy;
import javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader;
import javax.cache.integration.CacheWriter;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCache;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheAtomicityMode;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheEntryProcessor;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheInterceptor;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheKeyConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheRebalanceMode;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheWriteSynchronizationMode;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.PartitionLossPolicy;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryEntity;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.AffinityFunction;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.AffinityKeyMapper;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.EvictionFilter;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.eviction.EvictionPolicy;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations.QuerySqlFunction;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.QueryUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.A;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.S;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgnitePredicate;
import org.apache.ignite.plugin.CachePluginConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.encryption.EncryptionSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.encryption.keystore.KeystoreEncryptionSpi;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_DEFAULT_DISK_PAGE_COMPRESSION;
* This class defines grid cache configuration. This configuration is passed to
* grid via {@link IgniteConfiguration#getCacheConfiguration()} method. It defines all configuration
* parameters required to start a cache within grid instance. You can have multiple caches
* configured with different names within one grid.
* <p>
* Cache configuration is set on {@link
* IgniteConfiguration#setCacheConfiguration(CacheConfiguration...)} method. This adapter is a simple bean and
* can be configured from Spring XML files (or other DI frameworks). <p> Note that absolutely all configuration
* properties are optional, so users should only change what they need.
public class CacheConfiguration<K, V> extends MutableConfiguration<K, V> {
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
/** Maximum number of partitions. */
public static final int MAX_PARTITIONS_COUNT = 65000;
* Default size of rebalance thread pool.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE} instead.
* Default rebalance timeout (ms).
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT} instead.
public static final long DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT = IgniteConfiguration.DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT;
* Default rebalance batches prefetch count.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT} instead.
* Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading CPU.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE} instead.
public static final long DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE = IgniteConfiguration.DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE;
/** Default number of backups. */
public static final int DFLT_BACKUPS = 0;
/** Default caching mode. */
public static final CacheMode DFLT_CACHE_MODE = CacheMode.PARTITIONED;
/** Default atomicity mode. */
public static final CacheAtomicityMode DFLT_CACHE_ATOMICITY_MODE = CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC;
/** Default lock timeout. */
public static final long DFLT_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 0;
/** Default cache size to use with eviction policy. */
public static final int DFLT_CACHE_SIZE = 100000;
/** Default maximum inline size for sql indexes. */
public static final int DFLT_SQL_INDEX_MAX_INLINE_SIZE = -1;
/** Initial default near cache size. */
public static final int DFLT_NEAR_START_SIZE = 1500000 / 4;
/** Default value for 'invalidate' flag that indicates if this is invalidation-based cache. */
public static final boolean DFLT_INVALIDATE = false;
/** Default rebalance mode for distributed cache. */
public static final CacheRebalanceMode DFLT_REBALANCE_MODE = CacheRebalanceMode.ASYNC;
* Default rebalance batch size in bytes.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE} instead.
public static final int DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE = IgniteConfiguration.DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE;
/** Default value for eager ttl flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_EAGER_TTL = true;
/** Default value for 'maxConcurrentAsyncOps'. */
public static final int DFLT_MAX_CONCURRENT_ASYNC_OPS = 500;
/** Default value for 'writeBehindEnabled' flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_ENABLED = false;
/** Default flush size for write-behind cache store. */
public static final int DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_FLUSH_SIZE = 10240; // 10K
/** Default critical size used when flush size is not specified. */
public static final int DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_CRITICAL_SIZE = 16384; // 16K
/** Default flush frequency for write-behind cache store in milliseconds. */
public static final long DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_FLUSH_FREQUENCY = 5000;
/** Default count of flush threads for write-behind cache store. */
public static final int DFLT_WRITE_FROM_BEHIND_FLUSH_THREAD_CNT = 1;
/** Default batch size for write-behind cache store. */
public static final int DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_BATCH_SIZE = 512;
/** Default write coalescing for write-behind cache store. */
public static final boolean DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_COALESCING = true;
/** Default maximum number of query iterators that can be stored. */
public static final int DFLT_MAX_QUERY_ITERATOR_CNT = 1024;
/** Default value for load previous value flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_LOAD_PREV_VAL = false;
/** Default value for 'readFromBackup' flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_READ_FROM_BACKUP = true;
/** Filter that accepts all nodes. */
public static final IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> ALL_NODES = new IgniteAllNodesPredicate();
/** Default timeout after which long query warning will be printed. */
public static final long DFLT_LONG_QRY_WARN_TIMEOUT = 3000;
/** Default number of queries detail metrics to collect. */
public static final int DFLT_QRY_DETAIL_METRICS_SIZE = 0;
/** Default value for keep binary in store behavior . */
@SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryBoxing", "BooleanConstructorCall"})
public static final Boolean DFLT_STORE_KEEP_BINARY = new Boolean(false);
/** Default threshold for concurrent loading of keys from {@link CacheStore}. */
public static final int DFLT_CONCURRENT_LOAD_ALL_THRESHOLD = 5;
/** Default partition loss policy. */
public static final PartitionLossPolicy DFLT_PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY = PartitionLossPolicy.IGNORE;
/** Default query parallelism. */
public static final int DFLT_QUERY_PARALLELISM = 1;
/** Default value for events disabled flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_EVENTS_DISABLED = false;
/** Default SQL on-heap cache size. */
public static final int DFLT_SQL_ONHEAP_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 0;
/** Default disk page compression algorithm. */
public static final DiskPageCompression DFLT_DISK_PAGE_COMPRESSION = DiskPageCompression.DISABLED;
/** Cache name. */
private String name;
/** Cache group name. */
private String grpName;
/** Name of {@link DataRegionConfiguration} for this cache */
private String memPlcName;
/** Threshold for concurrent loading of keys from {@link CacheStore}. */
private int storeConcurrentLoadAllThreshold = DFLT_CONCURRENT_LOAD_ALL_THRESHOLD;
/** Rebalance thread pool size. */
private int rebalancePoolSize = DFLT_REBALANCE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
/** Rebalance timeout. */
private long rebalanceTimeout = DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT;
/** Cache eviction policy. */
private EvictionPolicy evictPlc;
/** Cache eviction policy factory. */
private Factory evictPlcFactory;
/** */
private boolean onheapCache;
/** Use on-heap cache for rows for SQL queries. */
private boolean sqlOnheapCache;
/** SQL on-heap cache max size. */
private int sqlOnheapCacheMaxSize = DFLT_SQL_ONHEAP_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;
/** Eviction filter. */
private EvictionFilter<?, ?> evictFilter;
/** Eager ttl flag. */
private boolean eagerTtl = DFLT_EAGER_TTL;
/** Default lock timeout. */
private long dfltLockTimeout = DFLT_LOCK_TIMEOUT;
/** Near cache configuration. */
private NearCacheConfiguration<K, V> nearCfg;
/** Default value for 'copyOnRead' flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_COPY_ON_READ = true;
/** Write synchronization mode. */
private CacheWriteSynchronizationMode writeSync;
/** */
private Factory storeFactory;
/** */
private Boolean storeKeepBinary = DFLT_STORE_KEEP_BINARY;
/** */
private boolean loadPrevVal = DFLT_LOAD_PREV_VAL;
/** Node group resolver. */
private AffinityFunction aff;
/** Cache mode. */
private CacheMode cacheMode = DFLT_CACHE_MODE;
/** Cache atomicity mode. */
private CacheAtomicityMode atomicityMode;
/** Number of backups for cache. */
private int backups = DFLT_BACKUPS;
/** Flag indicating whether this is invalidation-based cache. */
private boolean invalidate = DFLT_INVALIDATE;
/** Name of class implementing GridCacheTmLookup. */
private String tmLookupClsName;
/** Distributed cache rebalance mode. */
private CacheRebalanceMode rebalanceMode = DFLT_REBALANCE_MODE;
/** Cache rebalance order. */
private int rebalanceOrder;
/** Rebalance batch size. */
private int rebalanceBatchSize = DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE;
/** Rebalance batches prefetch count. */
private long rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCnt = DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT;
/** Maximum number of concurrent asynchronous operations. */
private int maxConcurrentAsyncOps = DFLT_MAX_CONCURRENT_ASYNC_OPS;
/** Maximum inline size for sql indexes. */
private int sqlIdxMaxInlineSize = DFLT_SQL_INDEX_MAX_INLINE_SIZE;
/** Write-behind feature. */
private boolean writeBehindEnabled = DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_ENABLED;
/** Maximum size of write-behind cache. */
private int writeBehindFlushSize = DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_FLUSH_SIZE;
/** Write-behind flush frequency in milliseconds. */
private long writeBehindFlushFreq = DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_FLUSH_FREQUENCY;
/** Flush thread count for write-behind cache store. */
private int writeBehindFlushThreadCnt = DFLT_WRITE_FROM_BEHIND_FLUSH_THREAD_CNT;
/** Maximum batch size for write-behind cache store. */
private int writeBehindBatchSize = DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_BATCH_SIZE;
/** Write coalescing flag for write-behind cache store */
private boolean writeBehindCoalescing = DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_COALESCING;
/** Maximum number of query iterators that can be stored. */
private int maxQryIterCnt = DFLT_MAX_QUERY_ITERATOR_CNT;
/** */
private AffinityKeyMapper affMapper;
/** */
private long rebalanceDelay;
/** Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading CPU. */
private long rebalanceThrottle = DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE;
/** */
private CacheInterceptor<K, V> interceptor;
/** */
private Class<?>[] sqlFuncCls;
/** */
private long longQryWarnTimeout = DFLT_LONG_QRY_WARN_TIMEOUT;
/** */
private int qryDetailMetricsSz = DFLT_QRY_DETAIL_METRICS_SIZE;
* Flag indicating whether data can be read from backup.
* If {@code false} always get data from primary node (never from backup).
private boolean readFromBackup = DFLT_READ_FROM_BACKUP;
/** Node filter specifying nodes on which this cache should be deployed. */
private IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> nodeFilter;
/** */
private String sqlSchema;
/** */
private boolean sqlEscapeAll;
/** */
private transient Class<?>[] indexedTypes;
/** Copy on read flag. */
private boolean cpOnRead = DFLT_COPY_ON_READ;
/** Cache plugin configurations. */
private CachePluginConfiguration[] pluginCfgs;
/** Cache topology validator. */
private TopologyValidator topValidator;
/** Cache store session listeners. */
private Factory<? extends CacheStoreSessionListener>[] storeSesLsnrs;
/** Query entities. */
private Collection<QueryEntity> qryEntities;
/** Partition loss policy. */
private PartitionLossPolicy partLossPlc = DFLT_PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY;
/** */
private int qryParallelism = DFLT_QUERY_PARALLELISM;
/** Cache key configuration. */
private CacheKeyConfiguration[] keyCfg;
/** Events disabled. */
private boolean evtsDisabled = DFLT_EVENTS_DISABLED;
* Flag indicating whether data must be encrypted.
* If {@code true} data on the disk will be encrypted.
* @see EncryptionSpi
* @see KeystoreEncryptionSpi
private boolean encryptionEnabled;
/** */
private DiskPageCompression diskPageCompression = IgniteSystemProperties.getEnum(
/** */
private Integer diskPageCompressionLevel;
/** Empty constructor (all values are initialized to their defaults). */
public CacheConfiguration() {
/* No-op. */
* @param name Cache name.
public CacheConfiguration(String name) { = name;
* Copy constructor.
* @param cfg Configuration to copy.
public CacheConfiguration(CompleteConfiguration<K, V> cfg) {
if (!(cfg instanceof CacheConfiguration))
CacheConfiguration<K, V> cc = (CacheConfiguration<K, V>)cfg;
* ==============================================
aff = cc.getAffinity();
affMapper = cc.getAffinityMapper();
atomicityMode = cc.getAtomicityMode();
backups = cc.getBackups();
cacheLoaderFactory = cc.getCacheLoaderFactory();
cacheMode = cc.getCacheMode();
cacheWriterFactory = cc.getCacheWriterFactory();
cpOnRead = cc.isCopyOnRead();
dfltLockTimeout = cc.getDefaultLockTimeout();
eagerTtl = cc.isEagerTtl();
encryptionEnabled = cc.isEncryptionEnabled();
evictFilter = cc.getEvictionFilter();
evictPlc = cc.getEvictionPolicy();
evictPlcFactory = cc.getEvictionPolicyFactory();
expiryPolicyFactory = cc.getExpiryPolicyFactory();
grpName = cc.getGroupName();
indexedTypes = cc.getIndexedTypes();
interceptor = cc.getInterceptor();
invalidate = cc.isInvalidate();
isReadThrough = cc.isReadThrough();
isWriteThrough = cc.isWriteThrough();
keyCfg = cc.getKeyConfiguration();
listenerConfigurations = cc.listenerConfigurations;
loadPrevVal = cc.isLoadPreviousValue();
longQryWarnTimeout = cc.getLongQueryWarningTimeout();
maxConcurrentAsyncOps = cc.getMaxConcurrentAsyncOperations();
memPlcName = cc.getDataRegionName();
name = cc.getName();
nearCfg = cc.getNearConfiguration();
nodeFilter = cc.getNodeFilter();
onheapCache = cc.isOnheapCacheEnabled();
diskPageCompression = cc.getDiskPageCompression();
diskPageCompressionLevel = cc.getDiskPageCompressionLevel();
partLossPlc = cc.getPartitionLossPolicy();
pluginCfgs = cc.getPluginConfigurations();
qryDetailMetricsSz = cc.getQueryDetailMetricsSize();
qryEntities = cc.getQueryEntities() == Collections.<QueryEntity>emptyList() ? null : cc.getQueryEntities();
qryParallelism = cc.getQueryParallelism();
readFromBackup = cc.isReadFromBackup();
rebalanceBatchSize = cc.getRebalanceBatchSize();
rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCnt = cc.getRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount();
rebalanceDelay = cc.getRebalanceDelay();
rebalanceMode = cc.getRebalanceMode();
rebalanceOrder = cc.getRebalanceOrder();
rebalancePoolSize = cc.getRebalanceThreadPoolSize();
rebalanceTimeout = cc.getRebalanceTimeout();
rebalanceThrottle = cc.getRebalanceThrottle();
sqlSchema = cc.getSqlSchema();
sqlEscapeAll = cc.isSqlEscapeAll();
sqlFuncCls = cc.getSqlFunctionClasses();
sqlIdxMaxInlineSize = cc.getSqlIndexMaxInlineSize();
storeFactory = cc.getCacheStoreFactory();
storeKeepBinary = cc.isStoreKeepBinary() != null ? cc.isStoreKeepBinary() : DFLT_STORE_KEEP_BINARY;
storeSesLsnrs = cc.getCacheStoreSessionListenerFactories();
tmLookupClsName = cc.getTransactionManagerLookupClassName();
topValidator = cc.getTopologyValidator();
writeBehindBatchSize = cc.getWriteBehindBatchSize();
writeBehindCoalescing = cc.getWriteBehindCoalescing();
writeBehindEnabled = cc.isWriteBehindEnabled();
writeBehindFlushFreq = cc.getWriteBehindFlushFrequency();
writeBehindFlushSize = cc.getWriteBehindFlushSize();
writeBehindFlushThreadCnt = cc.getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount();
writeSync = cc.getWriteSynchronizationMode();
storeConcurrentLoadAllThreshold = cc.getStoreConcurrentLoadAllThreshold();
maxQryIterCnt = cc.getMaxQueryIteratorsCount();
sqlOnheapCache = cc.isSqlOnheapCacheEnabled();
sqlOnheapCacheMaxSize = cc.getSqlOnheapCacheMaxSize();
evtsDisabled = cc.isEventsDisabled();
* Gets the cache group name.
* Caches with the same group name share single underlying 'physical' cache (partition set),
* but are logically isolated.
* Since underlying cache is shared, the following configuration properties should be the same within group:
* {@link #setAffinity(AffinityFunction)}, {@link #setNodeFilter(IgnitePredicate)}, {@link #cacheMode},
* {@link #setTopologyValidator(TopologyValidator)}, {@link #setPartitionLossPolicy(PartitionLossPolicy)},
* {@link #setDataRegionName(String)}.
* Grouping caches reduces overall overhead, since internal data structures are shared.
* @return Cache group name.
public String getGroupName() {
return grpName;
* Sets the cache group name.
* Caches with the same group name share single underlying 'physical' cache (partition set),
* but are logically isolated.
* Since underlying cache is shared, the following configuration properties should be the same within group:
* {@link #setAffinity(AffinityFunction)}, {@link #setNodeFilter(IgnitePredicate)}, {@link #cacheMode},
* {@link #setTopologyValidator(TopologyValidator)}, {@link #setPartitionLossPolicy(PartitionLossPolicy)},
* {@link #setDataRegionName(String)}.
* Grouping caches reduces overall overhead, since internal data structures are shared.
* @param grpName Cache group name.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setGroupName(String grpName) {
this.grpName = grpName;
return this;
* Cache name. The cache will be accessed via {@link Ignite#cache(String)} method.
* @return Cache name.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Sets cache name.
* @param name Cache name. Can not be <tt>null</tt> or empty.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setName(String name) { = name;
return this;
* @return {@link DataRegionConfiguration} name.
@Nullable public String getDataRegionName() {
return memPlcName;
* @deprecated Use {@link #getDataRegionName()} (String)} instead.
public String getMemoryPolicyName() {
return memPlcName;
* Sets a name of {@link DataRegionConfiguration} for this cache.
* @param dataRegionName DataRegionConfiguration name. Can be null (default DataRegionConfiguration will be used)
* but should not be empty.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setDataRegionName(@Nullable String dataRegionName) {
A.ensure(dataRegionName == null || !dataRegionName.isEmpty(), "Name cannot be empty.");
this.memPlcName = dataRegionName;
return this;
* @deprecated Use {@link #setDataRegionName(String)} instead.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setMemoryPolicyName(String memPlcName) {
return setDataRegionName(memPlcName);
* Gets cache eviction policy. By default, returns {@code null}
* which means that evictions are disabled for cache.
* @return Cache eviction policy or {@code null} if evictions should be disabled.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getEvictionPolicyFactory()} instead.
@Nullable public EvictionPolicy<K, V> getEvictionPolicy() {
return evictPlc;
* Sets cache eviction policy.
* @param evictPlc Cache eviction policy.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setEvictionPolicyFactory(Factory)} instead.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setEvictionPolicy(@Nullable EvictionPolicy evictPlc) {
this.evictPlc = evictPlc;
return this;
* Gets cache eviction policy factory. By default, returns {@code null}
* which means that evictions are disabled for cache.
* @return Cache eviction policy factory or {@code null} if evictions should be disabled
* or if {@link #getEvictionPolicy()} should be used instead.
@Nullable public Factory<EvictionPolicy<? super K, ? super V>> getEvictionPolicyFactory() {
return evictPlcFactory;
* Sets cache eviction policy factory.
* Note: Eviction policy factory should be {@link Serializable}.
* @param evictPlcFactory Cache eviction policy factory.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setEvictionPolicyFactory(
@Nullable Factory<? extends EvictionPolicy<? super K, ? super V>> evictPlcFactory) {
this.evictPlcFactory = evictPlcFactory;
return this;
* Checks if the on-heap cache is enabled for the off-heap based page memory.
* @return On-heap cache enabled flag.
public boolean isOnheapCacheEnabled() {
return onheapCache;
* Configures on-heap cache for the off-heap based page memory.
* @param onheapCache {@code True} if on-heap cache should be enabled.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setOnheapCacheEnabled(boolean onheapCache) {
this.onheapCache = onheapCache;
return this;
* Gets whether SQL on-heap cache is enabled. When enabled, Ignite will cache SQL rows as they are accessed by
* query engine. Rows are invalidated and evicted from cache when relevant cache entry is either changed or
* evicted.
* @return Whether SQL onheap cache is enabled.
public boolean isSqlOnheapCacheEnabled() {
return sqlOnheapCache;
* Sets whether SQL on-heap cache is enabled. When enabled, Ignite will cache SQL rows as they are accessed by
* query engine. Rows are invalidated and evicted from cache when relevant cache entry is either changed or
* evicted.
* @param sqlOnheapCache Whether SQL onheap cache is enabled.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setSqlOnheapCacheEnabled(boolean sqlOnheapCache) {
this.sqlOnheapCache = sqlOnheapCache;
return this;
* Gets maximum SQL on-heap cache. Measured in number of rows. When maximum size is reached oldest cached rows
* will be evicted.
* <p>
* Zero or negative value stand for unlimited size.
* <p>
* Defaults to {@link #DFLT_SQL_ONHEAP_CACHE_MAX_SIZE}.
* @return SQL on-heap cache max size.
public int getSqlOnheapCacheMaxSize() {
return sqlOnheapCacheMaxSize;
* Sets maximum SQL on-heap cache. Measured in number of rows. When maximum size is reached oldest cached rows
* will be evicted.
* <p>
* Zero or negative value stand for unlimited size.
* <p>
* Defaults to {@link #DFLT_SQL_ONHEAP_CACHE_MAX_SIZE}.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setSqlOnheapCacheMaxSize(int sqlOnheapCacheMaxSize) {
this.sqlOnheapCacheMaxSize = sqlOnheapCacheMaxSize;
return this;
* @return Near enabled flag.
public NearCacheConfiguration<K, V> getNearConfiguration() {
return nearCfg;
* Sets the near cache configuration to use on all cache nodes.
* @param nearCfg Near cache configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setNearConfiguration(NearCacheConfiguration<K, V> nearCfg) {
this.nearCfg = nearCfg;
return this;
* Gets write synchronization mode. This mode controls whether the main
* caller should wait for update on other nodes to complete or not.
* @return Write synchronization mode.
public CacheWriteSynchronizationMode getWriteSynchronizationMode() {
return writeSync;
* Sets write synchronization mode.
* <p>
* Default synchronization mode is {@link CacheWriteSynchronizationMode#PRIMARY_SYNC}.
* @param writeSync Write synchronization mode.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setWriteSynchronizationMode(CacheWriteSynchronizationMode writeSync) {
this.writeSync = writeSync;
return this;
* Gets filter which determines on what nodes the cache should be started.
* @return Predicate specifying on which nodes the cache should be started.
public IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> getNodeFilter() {
return nodeFilter;
* Sets filter which determines on what nodes the cache should be started.
* @param nodeFilter Predicate specifying on which nodes the cache should be started.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setNodeFilter(IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> nodeFilter) {
this.nodeFilter = nodeFilter;
return this;
* Gets eviction filter to specify which entries should not be evicted
* (except explicit evict by calling {@link IgniteCache#localEvict(Collection)}).
* If {@link EvictionFilter#evictAllowed(Cache.Entry)} method
* returns {@code false} then eviction policy will not be notified and entry will
* never be evicted.
* <p>
* If not provided, any entry may be evicted depending on
* {@link #getEvictionPolicyFactory()} eviction policy} configuration.
* @return Eviction filter or {@code null}.
public EvictionFilter<K, V> getEvictionFilter() {
return (EvictionFilter<K, V>)evictFilter;
* Sets eviction filter.
* @param evictFilter Eviction filter.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setEvictionFilter(EvictionFilter<K, V> evictFilter) {
this.evictFilter = evictFilter;
return this;
* Gets flag indicating whether expired cache entries will be eagerly removed from cache.
* If there is at least one cache configured with this flag set to {@code true}, Ignite
* will create a single thread to clean up expired entries in background. When flag is
* set to {@code false}, expired entries will be removed on next entry access.
* <p>
* When not set, default value is {@link #DFLT_EAGER_TTL}.
* <p>
* <b>Note</b> that this flag only matters for entries expiring based on
* {@link ExpiryPolicy} and should not be confused with entry
* evictions based on configured {@link EvictionPolicy}.
* @return Flag indicating whether Ignite will eagerly remove expired entries.
public boolean isEagerTtl() {
return eagerTtl;
* Sets eager ttl flag.
* @param eagerTtl {@code True} if Ignite should eagerly remove expired cache entries.
* @see #isEagerTtl()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setEagerTtl(boolean eagerTtl) {
this.eagerTtl = eagerTtl;
return this;
* Gets flag indicating whether value should be loaded from store if it is not in the cache
* for following cache operations:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#putIfAbsent(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#replace(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#replace(Object, Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#remove(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#getAndPut(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#getAndRemove(Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#getAndReplace(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#getAndPutIfAbsent(Object, Object)}</li>
* @return Load previous value flag.
public boolean isLoadPreviousValue() {
return loadPrevVal;
* Sets flag indicating whether value should be loaded from store if it is not in the cache
* for following cache operations:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#putIfAbsent(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#replace(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#replace(Object, Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#remove(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#getAndPut(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#getAndRemove(Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#getAndReplace(Object, Object)}</li>
* <li>{@link IgniteCache#getAndPutIfAbsent(Object, Object)}</li>
* When not set, default value is {@link #DFLT_LOAD_PREV_VAL}.
* @param loadPrevVal Load previous value flag.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setLoadPreviousValue(boolean loadPrevVal) {
this.loadPrevVal = loadPrevVal;
return this;
* Gets factory for underlying persistent storage for read-through and write-through operations.
* @return Cache store factory.
public Factory<CacheStore<? super K, ? super V>> getCacheStoreFactory() {
return (Factory<CacheStore<? super K, ? super V>>)storeFactory;
* Sets factory for persistent storage for cache data.
* @param storeFactory Cache store factory.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setCacheStoreFactory(
Factory<? extends CacheStore<? super K, ? super V>> storeFactory) {
this.storeFactory = storeFactory;
return this;
* Flag indicating that {@link CacheStore} implementation
* is working with binary objects instead of Java objects.
* Default value of this flag is {@link #DFLT_STORE_KEEP_BINARY}.
* <p>
* If set to {@code false}, Ignite will deserialize keys and
* values stored in binary format before they are passed
* to cache store.
* <p>
* Note that setting this flag to {@code false} can simplify
* store implementation in some cases, but it can cause performance
* degradation due to additional serializations and deserializations
* of binary objects. You will also need to have key and value
* classes on all nodes since binary will be deserialized when
* store is called.
* @return Keep binary in store flag.
public Boolean isStoreKeepBinary() {
return storeKeepBinary;
* Sets keep binary in store flag.
* @param storeKeepBinary Keep binary in store flag.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setStoreKeepBinary(boolean storeKeepBinary) {
this.storeKeepBinary = storeKeepBinary;
return this;
* Gets the threshold used in cases when values for multiple keys are being loaded from an underlying
* {@link CacheStore} in parallel. In the situation when several threads load the same or intersecting set of keys
* and the total number of keys to load is less or equal to this threshold then there will be no a second call to
* the storage in order to load a key from thread A if the same key is already being loaded by thread B.
* The threshold should be controlled wisely. On the one hand if it's set to a big value then the interaction with
* a storage during the load of missing keys will be minimal. On the other hand the big value may result in
* significant performance degradation because it is needed to check for every key whether it's being loaded or not.
* When not set, default value is {@link #DFLT_CONCURRENT_LOAD_ALL_THRESHOLD}.
* @return The concurrent load-all threshold.
public int getStoreConcurrentLoadAllThreshold() {
return storeConcurrentLoadAllThreshold;
* Sets the concurrent load-all threshold used for cases when keys' values are being loaded from {@link CacheStore}
* in parallel.
* @param storeConcurrentLoadAllThreshold The concurrent load-all threshold.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setStoreConcurrentLoadAllThreshold(int storeConcurrentLoadAllThreshold) {
this.storeConcurrentLoadAllThreshold = storeConcurrentLoadAllThreshold;
return this;
* Gets key topology resolver to provide mapping from keys to nodes.
* @return Key topology resolver to provide mapping from keys to nodes.
public AffinityFunction getAffinity() {
return aff;
* Sets affinity for cache keys.
* @param aff Cache key affinity.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setAffinity(AffinityFunction aff) {
this.aff = aff;
return this;
* Gets caching mode to use. You can configure cache either to be local-only,
* fully replicated, partitioned, or near. If not provided, {@link CacheMode#PARTITIONED}
* mode will be used by default (defined by {@link #DFLT_CACHE_MODE} constant).
* @return {@code True} if cache is local.
public CacheMode getCacheMode() {
return cacheMode;
* Sets caching mode.
* @param cacheMode Caching mode.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setCacheMode(CacheMode cacheMode) {
this.cacheMode = cacheMode;
return this;
* Gets cache atomicity mode.
* <p>
* Default value is defined by {@link #DFLT_CACHE_ATOMICITY_MODE}.
* @return Cache atomicity mode.
public CacheAtomicityMode getAtomicityMode() {
return atomicityMode;
* Sets cache atomicity mode.
* @param atomicityMode Cache atomicity mode.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setAtomicityMode(CacheAtomicityMode atomicityMode) {
this.atomicityMode = atomicityMode;
return this;
* Gets number of nodes used to back up single partition for {@link CacheMode#PARTITIONED} cache.
* <p>
* If not set, default value is {@link #DFLT_BACKUPS}.
* @return Number of backup nodes for one partition.
public int getBackups() {
return backups;
* Sets number of nodes used to back up single partition for {@link CacheMode#PARTITIONED} cache.
* <p>
* If not set, default value is {@link #DFLT_BACKUPS}.
* @param backups Number of backup nodes for one partition.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setBackups(int backups) {
this.backups = backups;
return this;
* Gets default lock acquisition timeout. Default value is defined by {@link #DFLT_LOCK_TIMEOUT}
* which is {@code 0} and means that lock acquisition will never timeout.
* @return Default lock timeout.
public long getDefaultLockTimeout() {
return dfltLockTimeout;
* Sets default lock timeout in milliseconds. By default this value is defined by {@link #DFLT_LOCK_TIMEOUT}.
* @param dfltLockTimeout Default lock timeout.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setDefaultLockTimeout(long dfltLockTimeout) {
this.dfltLockTimeout = dfltLockTimeout;
return this;
* Invalidation flag. If {@code true}, values will be invalidated (nullified) upon commit in near cache.
* @return Invalidation flag.
public boolean isInvalidate() {
return invalidate;
* Sets invalidation flag for near cache entries in this transaction. Default is {@code false}.
* @param invalidate Flag to set this cache into invalidation-based mode. Default value is {@code false}.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setInvalidate(boolean invalidate) {
this.invalidate = invalidate;
return this;
* Gets class name of transaction manager finder for integration for JEE app servers.
* @return Transaction manager finder.
* @deprecated Use {@link TransactionConfiguration#getTxManagerFactory()} instead.
public String getTransactionManagerLookupClassName() {
return tmLookupClsName;
* Sets look up mechanism for available {@code TransactionManager} implementation, if any.
* @param tmLookupClsName Name of class implementing GridCacheTmLookup interface that is used to
* receive JTA transaction manager.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link TransactionConfiguration#setTxManagerFactory(Factory)} instead.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setTransactionManagerLookupClassName(String tmLookupClsName) {
this.tmLookupClsName = tmLookupClsName;
return this;
* Sets cache rebalance mode.
* @param rebalanceMode Rebalance mode.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setRebalanceMode(CacheRebalanceMode rebalanceMode) {
this.rebalanceMode = rebalanceMode;
return this;
* Gets rebalance mode for distributed cache.
* <p>
* Default is defined by {@link #DFLT_REBALANCE_MODE}.
* @return Rebalance mode.
public CacheRebalanceMode getRebalanceMode() {
return rebalanceMode;
* Gets cache rebalance order. Rebalance order can be set to non-zero value for caches with
* {@link CacheRebalanceMode#SYNC SYNC} or {@link CacheRebalanceMode#ASYNC ASYNC} rebalance modes only.
* <p/>
* If cache rebalance order is positive, rebalancing for this cache will be started only when rebalancing for
* all caches with smaller rebalance order will be completed.
* <p/>
* Note that cache with order {@code 0} does not participate in ordering. This means that cache with
* rebalance order {@code 0} will never wait for any other caches. All caches with order {@code 0} will
* be rebalanced right away concurrently with each other and ordered rebalance processes.
* <p/>
* If not set, cache order is 0, i.e. rebalancing is not ordered.
* @return Cache rebalance order.
public int getRebalanceOrder() {
return rebalanceOrder;
* Sets cache rebalance order.
* @param rebalanceOrder Cache rebalance order.
* @see #getRebalanceOrder()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setRebalanceOrder(int rebalanceOrder) {
this.rebalanceOrder = rebalanceOrder;
return this;
* Gets size (in number bytes) to be loaded within a single rebalance message.
* Rebalancing algorithm will split total data set on every node into multiple
* batches prior to sending data. Default value is defined by
* @return Size in bytes of a single rebalance message.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#getRebalanceBatchSize()} instead.
public int getRebalanceBatchSize() {
return rebalanceBatchSize;
* Sets rebalance batch size.
* @param rebalanceBatchSize Rebalance batch size.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#setRebalanceBatchSize(int)} instead.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setRebalanceBatchSize(int rebalanceBatchSize) {
this.rebalanceBatchSize = rebalanceBatchSize;
return this;
* To gain better rebalancing performance supplier node can provide more than one batch at rebalancing start and
* provide one new to each next demand request.
* Gets number of batches generated by supply node at rebalancing start.
* Minimum is 1.
* @return batches count
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#getRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount()} instead.
public long getRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount() {
return rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCnt;
* To gain better rebalancing performance supplier node can provide more than one batch at rebalancing start and
* provide one new to each next demand request.
* Sets number of batches generated by supply node at rebalancing start.
* Minimum is 1.
* @param rebalanceBatchesCnt batches count.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#setRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount(long)} instead.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount(long rebalanceBatchesCnt) {
this.rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCnt = rebalanceBatchesCnt;
return this;
* Gets maximum number of allowed concurrent asynchronous operations. If 0 returned then number
* of concurrent asynchronous operations is unlimited.
* <p>
* If not set, default value is {@link #DFLT_MAX_CONCURRENT_ASYNC_OPS}.
* <p>
* If user threads do not wait for asynchronous operations to complete, it is possible to overload
* a system. This property enables back-pressure control by limiting number of scheduled asynchronous
* cache operations.
* @return Maximum number of concurrent asynchronous operations or {@code 0} if unlimited.
public int getMaxConcurrentAsyncOperations() {
return maxConcurrentAsyncOps;
* Sets maximum number of concurrent asynchronous operations.
* @param maxConcurrentAsyncOps Maximum number of concurrent asynchronous operations.
* @see #getMaxConcurrentAsyncOperations()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setMaxConcurrentAsyncOperations(int maxConcurrentAsyncOps) {
this.maxConcurrentAsyncOps = maxConcurrentAsyncOps;
return this;
* Gets maximum inline size for sql indexes. If -1 returned then
* {@code IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_MAX_INDEX_PAYLOAD_SIZE} system property is used.
* <p>
* If not set, default value is {@link #DFLT_SQL_INDEX_MAX_INLINE_SIZE}.
* @return Maximum payload size for offheap indexes.
public int getSqlIndexMaxInlineSize() {
return sqlIdxMaxInlineSize;
* Sets maximum inline size for sql indexes.
* @param sqlIdxMaxInlineSize Maximum inline size for sql indexes.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setSqlIndexMaxInlineSize(int sqlIdxMaxInlineSize) {
this.sqlIdxMaxInlineSize = sqlIdxMaxInlineSize;
return this;
* Flag indicating whether Ignite should use write-behind behaviour for the cache store.
* By default write-behind is disabled which is defined via {@link #DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_ENABLED}
* constant.
* @return {@code True} if write-behind is enabled.
public boolean isWriteBehindEnabled() {
return writeBehindEnabled;
* Sets flag indicating whether write-behind is enabled.
* @param writeBehindEnabled {@code true} if write-behind is enabled.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setWriteBehindEnabled(boolean writeBehindEnabled) {
this.writeBehindEnabled = writeBehindEnabled;
return this;
* Maximum size of the write-behind cache. If cache size exceeds this value,
* all cached items are flushed to the cache store and write cache is cleared.
* <p/>
* If not provided, default value is {@link #DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_FLUSH_SIZE}.
* If this value is {@code 0}, then flush is performed according to the flush frequency interval.
* <p/>
* Note that you cannot set both, {@code flush} size and {@code flush frequency}, to {@code 0}.
* @return Maximum object count in write-behind cache.
public int getWriteBehindFlushSize() {
return writeBehindFlushSize;
* Sets write-behind flush size.
* @param writeBehindFlushSize Write-behind cache flush size.
* @see #getWriteBehindFlushSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setWriteBehindFlushSize(int writeBehindFlushSize) {
this.writeBehindFlushSize = writeBehindFlushSize;
return this;
* Frequency with which write-behind cache is flushed to the cache store in milliseconds.
* This value defines the maximum time interval between object insertion/deletion from the cache
* ant the moment when corresponding operation is applied to the cache store.
* <p>
* If not provided, default value is {@link #DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_FLUSH_FREQUENCY}.
* If this value is {@code 0}, then flush is performed according to the flush size.
* <p>
* Note that you cannot set both, {@code flush} size and {@code flush frequency}, to {@code 0}.
* @return Write-behind flush frequency in milliseconds.
public long getWriteBehindFlushFrequency() {
return writeBehindFlushFreq;
* Sets write-behind flush frequency.
* @param writeBehindFlushFreq Write-behind flush frequency in milliseconds.
* @see #getWriteBehindFlushFrequency()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setWriteBehindFlushFrequency(long writeBehindFlushFreq) {
this.writeBehindFlushFreq = writeBehindFlushFreq;
return this;
* Number of threads that will perform cache flushing. Cache flushing is performed
* when cache size exceeds value defined by
* {@link #getWriteBehindFlushSize}, or flush interval defined by
* {@link #getWriteBehindFlushFrequency} is elapsed.
* <p/>
* If not provided, default value is {@link #DFLT_WRITE_FROM_BEHIND_FLUSH_THREAD_CNT}.
* @return Count of flush threads.
public int getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount() {
return writeBehindFlushThreadCnt;
* Sets flush thread count for write-behind cache.
* @param writeBehindFlushThreadCnt Count of flush threads.
* @see #getWriteBehindFlushThreadCount()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setWriteBehindFlushThreadCount(int writeBehindFlushThreadCnt) {
this.writeBehindFlushThreadCnt = writeBehindFlushThreadCnt;
return this;
* Maximum batch size for write-behind cache store operations. Store operations (get or remove)
* are combined in a batch of this size to be passed to
* {@link CacheStore#writeAll(Collection)} or
* {@link CacheStore#deleteAll(Collection)} methods.
* <p/>
* If not provided, default value is {@link #DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_BATCH_SIZE}.
* @return Maximum batch size for store operations.
public int getWriteBehindBatchSize() {
return writeBehindBatchSize;
* Sets maximum batch size for write-behind cache.
* @param writeBehindBatchSize Maximum batch size.
* @see #getWriteBehindBatchSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setWriteBehindBatchSize(int writeBehindBatchSize) {
this.writeBehindBatchSize = writeBehindBatchSize;
return this;
* Write coalescing flag for write-behind cache store operations. Store operations (get or remove)
* with the same key are combined or coalesced to single, resulting operation
* to reduce pressure to underlying cache store.
* <p/>
* If not provided, default value is {@link #DFLT_WRITE_BEHIND_COALESCING}.
* @return Write coalescing flag.
public boolean getWriteBehindCoalescing() {
return writeBehindCoalescing;
* Sets write coalescing flag for write-behind cache.
* @param writeBehindCoalescing Write coalescing flag.
* @see #getWriteBehindCoalescing()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setWriteBehindCoalescing(boolean writeBehindCoalescing) {
this.writeBehindCoalescing = writeBehindCoalescing;
return this;
* Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#getRebalanceThreadPoolSize()} instead.
* @return Size of rebalancing thread pool.
public int getRebalanceThreadPoolSize() {
return rebalancePoolSize;
* Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#getRebalanceThreadPoolSize()} instead.
* @param rebalancePoolSize Size of rebalancing thread pool.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setRebalanceThreadPoolSize(int rebalancePoolSize) {
this.rebalancePoolSize = rebalancePoolSize;
return this;
* Gets rebalance timeout (ms).
* <p>
* Default value is {@link #DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT}.
* @return Rebalance timeout (ms).
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#getRebalanceTimeout()} instead.
public long getRebalanceTimeout() {
return rebalanceTimeout;
* Sets rebalance timeout (ms).
* @param rebalanceTimeout Rebalance timeout (ms).
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#setRebalanceTimeout(long)} instead.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setRebalanceTimeout(long rebalanceTimeout) {
this.rebalanceTimeout = rebalanceTimeout;
return this;
* Gets delay in milliseconds upon a node joining or leaving topology (or crash) after which rebalancing
* should be started automatically. Rebalancing should be delayed if you plan to restart nodes
* after they leave topology, or if you plan to start multiple nodes at once or one after another
* and don't want to repartition and rebalance until all nodes are started.
* <p>
* For better efficiency user should usually make sure that new nodes get placed on
* the same place of consistent hash ring as the left nodes, and that nodes are
* restarted before this delay expires. To place nodes on the same place in consistent hash ring,
* use {@link IgniteConfiguration#setConsistentId(Serializable)}
* to make sure that a node maps to the same hash ID event if restarted. As an example,
* node IP address and port combination may be used in this case.
* <p>
* Default value is {@code 0} which means that repartitioning and rebalancing will start
* immediately upon node leaving topology. If {@code -1} is returned, then rebalancing
* will only be started manually by calling {@link IgniteCache#rebalance()} method or
* from management console.
* @return Rebalancing delay, {@code 0} to start rebalancing immediately, {@code -1} to
* start rebalancing manually, or positive value to specify delay in milliseconds
* after which rebalancing should start automatically.
public long getRebalanceDelay() {
return rebalanceDelay;
* Sets rebalance delay (see {@link #getRebalanceDelay()} for more information).
* @param rebalanceDelay Rebalance delay to set.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setRebalanceDelay(long rebalanceDelay) {
this.rebalanceDelay = rebalanceDelay;
return this;
* Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading of CPU or network.
* When rebalancing large data sets, the CPU or network can get over-consumed with rebalancing messages,
* which consecutively may slow down the application performance. This parameter helps tune
* the amount of time to wait between rebalance messages to make sure that rebalancing process
* does not have any negative performance impact. Note that application will continue to work
* properly while rebalancing is still in progress.
* <p>
* Value of {@code 0} means that throttling is disabled. By default throttling is disabled -
* the default is defined by {@link #DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE} constant.
* @return Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading of CPU,
* {@code 0} to disable throttling.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#getRebalanceThrottle()} instead.
public long getRebalanceThrottle() {
return rebalanceThrottle;
* Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading of CPU or network. When rebalancing
* large data sets, the CPU or network can get over-consumed with rebalancing messages, which consecutively may slow
* down the application performance. This parameter helps tune the amount of time to wait between rebalance messages
* to make sure that rebalancing process does not have any negative performance impact. Note that application will
* continue to work properly while rebalancing is still in progress. <p> Value of {@code 0} means that throttling is
* disabled. By default throttling is disabled - the default is defined by {@link #DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE} constant.
* @param rebalanceThrottle Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading of CPU,
* {@code 0} to disable throttling.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#setRebalanceThrottle(long)} instead.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setRebalanceThrottle(long rebalanceThrottle) {
this.rebalanceThrottle = rebalanceThrottle;
return this;
* Affinity key mapper used to provide custom affinity key for any given key.
* Affinity mapper is particularly useful when several objects need to be collocated
* on the same node (they will also be backed up on the same nodes as well).
* <p>
* If not provided, then default implementation will be used. The default behavior
* is described in {@link AffinityKeyMapper} documentation.
* @return Mapper to use for affinity key mapping.
public AffinityKeyMapper getAffinityMapper() {
return affMapper;
* Sets custom affinity mapper. If not provided, then default implementation will be used. The default behavior is
* described in {@link AffinityKeyMapper} documentation.
* @param affMapper Affinity mapper.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setAffinityMapper(AffinityKeyMapper affMapper) {
this.affMapper = affMapper;
return this;
* Gets maximum number of query iterators that can be stored. Iterators are stored to
* support query pagination when each page of data is sent to user's node only on demand.
* Increase this property if you are running and processing lots of queries in parallel.
* <p>
* Default value is {@link #DFLT_MAX_QUERY_ITERATOR_CNT}.
* @return Maximum number of query iterators that can be stored.
public int getMaxQueryIteratorsCount() {
return maxQryIterCnt;
* Sets maximum number of query iterators that can be stored.
* @param maxQryIterCnt Maximum number of query iterators that can be stored.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setMaxQueryIteratorsCount(int maxQryIterCnt) {
this.maxQryIterCnt = maxQryIterCnt;
return this;
* Gets cache interceptor.
* @return Cache interceptor.
@Nullable public CacheInterceptor<K, V> getInterceptor() {
return interceptor;
* Sets cache interceptor.
* @param interceptor Cache interceptor.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setInterceptor(CacheInterceptor<K, V> interceptor) {
this.interceptor = interceptor;
return this;
* Gets flag indicating whether data can be read from backup.
* If {@code false} always get data from primary node (never from backup).
* <p>
* Default value is defined by {@link #DFLT_READ_FROM_BACKUP}.
* @return {@code true} if data can be read from backup node or {@code false} if data always
* should be read from primary node and never from backup.
public boolean isReadFromBackup() {
return readFromBackup;
* Sets read from backup flag.
* @param readFromBackup {@code true} to allow reads from backups.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setReadFromBackup(boolean readFromBackup) {
this.readFromBackup = readFromBackup;
return this;
* Gets the flag indicating whether a copy of the value stored in the on-heap cache
* (see {@link #isOnheapCacheEnabled()} should be created for a cache operation return the value.
* Also if this flag is set copies are created for values
* passed to {@link CacheInterceptor} and to {@link CacheEntryProcessor}.
* If the on-heap cache is disabled then this flag is of no use.
* @return Copy on read flag.
public boolean isCopyOnRead() {
return cpOnRead;
* Sets copy on read flag.
* @param cpOnRead Copy on get flag.
* @see #isCopyOnRead
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setCopyOnRead(boolean cpOnRead) {
this.cpOnRead = cpOnRead;
return this;
* Sets classes with methods annotated by {@link QuerySqlFunction}
* to be used as user-defined functions from SQL queries.
* @param cls One or more classes with SQL functions.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setSqlFunctionClasses(Class<?>... cls) {
this.sqlFuncCls = cls;
return this;
* Gets classes with methods annotated by {@link QuerySqlFunction}
* to be used as user-defined functions from SQL queries.
* @return Classes with SQL functions.
@Nullable public Class<?>[] getSqlFunctionClasses() {
return sqlFuncCls;
* Gets timeout in milliseconds after which long query warning will be printed.
* @return Timeout in milliseconds.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#getLongQueryWarningTimeout()} instead.
public long getLongQueryWarningTimeout() {
return longQryWarnTimeout;
* Sets timeout in milliseconds after which long query warning will be printed.
* @param longQryWarnTimeout Timeout in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#setLongQueryWarningTimeout(long)} instead.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setLongQueryWarningTimeout(long longQryWarnTimeout) {
this.longQryWarnTimeout = longQryWarnTimeout;
return this;
* Gets size of queries detail metrics that will be stored in memory for monitoring purposes.
* If {@code 0} then history will not be collected.
* Note, larger number may lead to higher memory consumption.
* @return Maximum number of query metrics that will be stored in memory.
public int getQueryDetailMetricsSize() {
return qryDetailMetricsSz;
* Sets size of queries detail metrics that will be stored in memory for monitoring purposes.
* @param qryDetailMetricsSz Maximum number of latest queries metrics that will be stored in memory.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setQueryDetailMetricsSize(int qryDetailMetricsSz) {
this.qryDetailMetricsSz = qryDetailMetricsSz;
return this;
* Gets custom name of the sql schema. If custom sql schema is not set then {@code null} will be returned and
* quoted case sensitive name will be used as sql schema.
* @return Schema name for current cache according to SQL ANSI-99. Could be {@code null}.
@Nullable public String getSqlSchema() {
return sqlSchema;
* Sets sql schema to be used for current cache. This name will correspond to SQL ANSI-99 standard.
* Nonquoted identifiers are not case sensitive. Quoted identifiers are case sensitive.
* <p/>
* Be aware of using the same string in case sensitive and case insensitive manner simultaneously, since
* behaviour for such case is not specified.
* <p/>
* When sqlSchema is not specified, quoted {@code cacheName} is used instead.
* <p/>
* {@code sqlSchema} could not be an empty string. Has to be {@code "\"\""} instead.
* @param sqlSchema Schema name for current cache according to SQL ANSI-99. Should not be {@code null}.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setSqlSchema(String sqlSchema) {
if (sqlSchema != null) {
A.ensure(!sqlSchema.isEmpty(), "Schema could not be empty.");
this.sqlSchema = sqlSchema;
return this;
* If {@code true} all the SQL table and field names will be escaped with double quotes like
* ({@code "tableName"."fieldsName"}). This enforces case sensitivity for field names and
* also allows having special characters in table and field names.
* @return Flag value.
public boolean isSqlEscapeAll() {
return sqlEscapeAll;
* If {@code true} all the SQL table and field names will be escaped with double quotes like
* ({@code "tableName"."fieldsName"}). This enforces case sensitivity for field names and
* also allows having special characters in table and field names.
* @param sqlEscapeAll Flag value.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setSqlEscapeAll(boolean sqlEscapeAll) {
this.sqlEscapeAll = sqlEscapeAll;
return this;
* Array of key and value type pairs to be indexed (thus array length must be always even).
* It means each even (0,2,4...) class in the array will be considered as key type for cache entry,
* each odd (1,3,5...) class will be considered as value type for cache entry.
* <p>
* The same key class can occur multiple times for different value classes, but each value class must be unique
* because SQL table will be named as value class simple name.
* <p>
* To expose fields of these types onto SQL level and to index them you have to use annotations
* from package {@link org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations}.
* @return Key and value type pairs.
public Class<?>[] getIndexedTypes() {
return indexedTypes;
* Array of key and value type pairs to be indexed (thus array length must be always even).
* It means each even (0,2,4...) class in the array will be considered as key type for cache entry,
* each odd (1,3,5...) class will be considered as value type for cache entry.
* <p>
* The same key class can occur multiple times for different value classes, but each value class must be unique
* because SQL table will be named as value class simple name.
* <p>
* To expose fields of these types onto SQL level and to index them you have to use annotations
* from package {@link org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations}.
* @param indexedTypes Key and value type pairs.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setIndexedTypes(Class<?>... indexedTypes) {
if (F.isEmpty(indexedTypes))
return this;
int len = indexedTypes.length;
if (len == 0)
return this;
A.ensure((len & 1) == 0,
"Number of indexed types is expected to be even. Refer to method javadoc for details.");
if (this.indexedTypes != null)
throw new CacheException("Indexed types can be set only once.");
Class<?>[] newIndexedTypes = new Class<?>[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (indexedTypes[i] == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Indexed types array contains null at index: " + i);
newIndexedTypes[i] =[i]);
if (qryEntities == null)
qryEntities = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
Class<?> keyCls = newIndexedTypes[i];
Class<?> valCls = newIndexedTypes[i + 1];
QueryEntity newEntity = new QueryEntity(keyCls, valCls);
boolean dup = false;
for (QueryEntity entity : qryEntities) {
if (F.eq(entity.findValueType(), newEntity.findValueType())) {
dup = true;
if (!dup)
// Set key configuration if needed.
String affFieldName = BinaryContext.affinityFieldName(keyCls);
if (affFieldName != null) {
CacheKeyConfiguration newKeyCfg = new CacheKeyConfiguration(newEntity.getKeyType(), affFieldName);
if (F.isEmpty(keyCfg))
keyCfg = new CacheKeyConfiguration[] { newKeyCfg };
else {
boolean keyCfgDup = false;
for (CacheKeyConfiguration oldKeyCfg : keyCfg) {
if (F.eq(oldKeyCfg.getTypeName(), newKeyCfg.getTypeName())) {
keyCfgDup = true;
if (!keyCfgDup) {
CacheKeyConfiguration[] keyCfg0 = new CacheKeyConfiguration[keyCfg.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(keyCfg, 0, keyCfg0, 0, keyCfg.length);
keyCfg0[keyCfg0.length - 1] = newKeyCfg;
keyCfg = keyCfg0;
return this;
* Gets array of cache plugin configurations.
* @return Cache plugin configurations.
public CachePluginConfiguration[] getPluginConfigurations() {
return pluginCfgs != null ? pluginCfgs : new CachePluginConfiguration[0];
* Sets cache plugin configurations.
* @param pluginCfgs Cache plugin configurations.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setPluginConfigurations(CachePluginConfiguration... pluginCfgs) {
this.pluginCfgs = pluginCfgs;
return this;
* Gets a collection of configured query entities.
* @return Query entities configurations.
public Collection<QueryEntity> getQueryEntities() {
return qryEntities != null ? qryEntities : Collections.<QueryEntity>emptyList();
* Gets partition loss policy. This policy defines how Ignite will react to a situation when all nodes for
* some partition leave the cluster.
* @return Partition loss policy.
* @see PartitionLossPolicy
public PartitionLossPolicy getPartitionLossPolicy() {
return partLossPlc == null ? DFLT_PARTITION_LOSS_POLICY : partLossPlc;
* Sets partition loss policy. This policy defines how Ignite will react to a situation when all nodes for
* some partition leave the cluster.
* @param partLossPlc Partition loss policy.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see PartitionLossPolicy
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setPartitionLossPolicy(PartitionLossPolicy partLossPlc) {
this.partLossPlc = partLossPlc;
return this;
* Sets query entities configuration.
* @param qryEntities Query entities.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setQueryEntities(Collection<QueryEntity> qryEntities) {
if (this.qryEntities == null) {
this.qryEntities = new ArrayList<>(qryEntities);
return this;
for (QueryEntity entity : qryEntities) {
boolean found = false;
for (QueryEntity existing : this.qryEntities) {
if (F.eq(entity.findValueType(), existing.findValueType())) {
found = true;
if (!found)
return this;
* Clear query entities.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> clearQueryEntities() {
this.qryEntities = null;
return this;
* Defines a hint to query execution engine on desired degree of parallelism within a single node.
* Query executor may or may not use this hint depending on estimated query costs. Query executor may define
* certain restrictions on parallelism depending on query type and/or cache type.
* <p>
* As of {@code Apache Ignite 1.9} this hint is only supported for SQL queries with the following restrictions:
* <ul>
* <li>All caches participating in query must have the same degree of parallelism, exception is thrown
* otherwise</li>
* <li>All queries on the given cache will follow provided degree of parallelism</li>
* </ul>
* These restrictions will be removed in future versions of Apache Ignite.
* <p>
* Defaults to {@link #DFLT_QUERY_PARALLELISM}.
* @return Query parallelism.
public int getQueryParallelism() {
return qryParallelism;
* Sets query parallelism.
* @param qryParallelism Query parallelism.
* @see #getQueryParallelism()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setQueryParallelism(int qryParallelism) {
A.ensure(qryParallelism > 0, "Query parallelism must be positive.");
this.qryParallelism = qryParallelism;
return this;
* Gets topology validator.
* <p>
* See {@link TopologyValidator} for details.
* @return validator.
public TopologyValidator getTopologyValidator() {
return topValidator;
* Sets topology validator.
* <p>
* See {@link TopologyValidator} for details.
* @param topValidator validator.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setTopologyValidator(TopologyValidator topValidator) {
this.topValidator = topValidator;
return this;
* Gets cache store session listener factories.
* @return Cache store session listener factories.
* @see CacheStoreSessionListener
public Factory<? extends CacheStoreSessionListener>[] getCacheStoreSessionListenerFactories() {
return storeSesLsnrs;
* Cache store session listener factories.
* <p>
* These listeners override global listeners provided in
* {@link IgniteConfiguration#setCacheStoreSessionListenerFactories(Factory[])}
* configuration property.
* @param storeSesLsnrs Cache store session listener factories.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see CacheStoreSessionListener
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setCacheStoreSessionListenerFactories(
Factory<? extends CacheStoreSessionListener>... storeSesLsnrs) {
this.storeSesLsnrs = storeSesLsnrs;
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Iterable<CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V>> getCacheEntryListenerConfigurations() {
synchronized (this) {
return new HashSet<>(listenerConfigurations);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public MutableConfiguration<K, V> addCacheEntryListenerConfiguration(
CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> cacheEntryLsnrCfg) {
synchronized (this) {
return super.addCacheEntryListenerConfiguration(cacheEntryLsnrCfg);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public MutableConfiguration<K, V> removeCacheEntryListenerConfiguration(
CacheEntryListenerConfiguration<K, V> cacheEntryLsnrCfg) {
synchronized (this) {
return super.removeCacheEntryListenerConfiguration(cacheEntryLsnrCfg);
* Creates a copy of current configuration and removes all cache entry listeners.
* They are executed only locally and should never be sent to remote nodes.
* @return Configuration object that will be serialized.
protected Object writeReplace() {
CacheConfiguration<K, V> cfg = new CacheConfiguration<>(this);
cfg.listenerConfigurations = new HashSet<>();
return cfg;
* @param cls Class.
* @return Masked class.
private static Class<?> mask(Class<?> cls) {
assert cls != null;
return QueryUtils.isSqlType(cls) ? cls : Object.class;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setStatisticsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setManagementEnabled(boolean enabled) {
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setCacheLoaderFactory(Factory<? extends CacheLoader<K, V>> factory) {
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setCacheWriterFactory(
Factory<? extends CacheWriter<? super K, ? super V>> factory) {
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setExpiryPolicyFactory(Factory<? extends ExpiryPolicy> factory) {
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setTypes(Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valType) {
super.setTypes(keyType, valType);
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setReadThrough(boolean isReadThrough) {
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setWriteThrough(boolean isWriteThrough) {
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setStoreByValue(boolean isStoreByVal) {
return this;
* Checks whether events are disabled for this cache.
* @return Events disabled flag.
public Boolean isEventsDisabled() {
return evtsDisabled;
* Sets events disabled flag.
* @param evtsDisabled Events disabled flag.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setEventsDisabled(boolean evtsDisabled) {
this.evtsDisabled = evtsDisabled;
return this;
* Gets cache key configuration.
* @return Cache key configuration.
public CacheKeyConfiguration[] getKeyConfiguration() {
return keyCfg;
* Sets cache key configuration.
* @param cacheKeyCfg Cache key configuration.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setKeyConfiguration(CacheKeyConfiguration... cacheKeyCfg) {
this.keyCfg = cacheKeyCfg;
return this;
* Gets flag indicating whether data must be encrypted.
* @return {@code True} if this cache persistent data is encrypted.
public boolean isEncryptionEnabled() {
return encryptionEnabled;
* Sets encrypted flag.
* @param encryptionEnabled {@code True} if this cache persistent data should be encrypted.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K, V> setEncryptionEnabled(boolean encryptionEnabled) {
this.encryptionEnabled = encryptionEnabled;
return this;
* Gets disk page compression algorithm.
* Makes sense only with enabled {@link DataRegionConfiguration#setPersistenceEnabled persistence}.
* @return Disk page compression algorithm.
* @see #getDiskPageCompressionLevel
public DiskPageCompression getDiskPageCompression() {
return diskPageCompression == null ? DFLT_DISK_PAGE_COMPRESSION : diskPageCompression;
* Sets disk page compression algorithm.
* Makes sense only with enabled {@link DataRegionConfiguration#setPersistenceEnabled persistence}.
* @param diskPageCompression Disk page compression algorithm.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see #setDiskPageCompressionLevel
public CacheConfiguration<K,V> setDiskPageCompression(DiskPageCompression diskPageCompression) {
this.diskPageCompression = diskPageCompression;
return this;
* Gets {@link #getDiskPageCompression algorithm} specific disk page compression level.
* @return Disk page compression level or {@code null} for default.
public Integer getDiskPageCompressionLevel() {
return diskPageCompressionLevel;
* Sets {@link #setDiskPageCompression algorithm} specific disk page compression level.
* @param diskPageCompressionLevel Disk page compression level or {@code null} to use default.
* {@link DiskPageCompression#ZSTD Zstd}: from {@code -131072} to {@code 22} (default {@code 3}).
* {@link DiskPageCompression#LZ4 LZ4}: from {@code 0} to {@code 17} (default {@code 0}).
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public CacheConfiguration<K,V> setDiskPageCompressionLevel(Integer diskPageCompressionLevel) {
this.diskPageCompressionLevel = diskPageCompressionLevel;
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return S.toString(CacheConfiguration.class, this);
* Filter that accepts all nodes.
public static class IgniteAllNodesPredicate implements IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> {
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean apply(ClusterNode node) {
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj != null && obj.getClass().equals(this.getClass());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return "IgniteAllNodesPredicate []";