blob: 1442b01c5ec99f49860a2a7302018d01b7434ee6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.jdbc.thin;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.sql.BatchUpdateException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheAtomicityMode;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryEntity;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.NearCacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteEx;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.bulkload.BulkLoadCsvFormat;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.bulkload.BulkLoadCsvParser;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.QueryUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheAtomicityMode.ATOMIC;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheAtomicityMode.TRANSACTIONAL;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode.PARTITIONED;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode.REPLICATED;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils.resolveIgnitePath;
* COPY statement tests.
public class JdbcThinBulkLoadSelfTest extends JdbcThinAbstractDmlStatementSelfTest {
/** Subdirectory with CSV files. */
private static final String CSV_FILE_SUBDIR = "/modules/clients/src/test/resources/";
/** Default table name. */
private static final String TBL_NAME = "Person";
/** A CSV file with zero records. */
private static final String BULKLOAD_EMPTY_CSV_FILE =
Objects.requireNonNull(resolveIgnitePath(CSV_FILE_SUBDIR + "bulkload0.csv"))
/** A CSV file with one record. */
private static final String BULKLOAD_ONE_LINE_CSV_FILE =
Objects.requireNonNull(resolveIgnitePath(CSV_FILE_SUBDIR + "bulkload1.csv")).getAbsolutePath();
/** A CSV file with two records. */
private static final String BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE =
Objects.requireNonNull(resolveIgnitePath(CSV_FILE_SUBDIR + "bulkload2.csv")).getAbsolutePath();
/** A CSV file in UTF-8. */
private static final String BULKLOAD_UTF8_CSV_FILE =
Objects.requireNonNull(resolveIgnitePath(CSV_FILE_SUBDIR + "bulkload2_utf8.csv")).getAbsolutePath();
/** A CSV file in windows-1251. */
private static final String BULKLOAD_CP1251_CSV_FILE =
Objects.requireNonNull(resolveIgnitePath(CSV_FILE_SUBDIR + "bulkload2_windows1251.csv")).getAbsolutePath();
/** Basic COPY statement used in majority of the tests. */
public static final String BASIC_SQL_COPY_STMT =
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE + "'" +
" into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv";
/** JDBC statement. */
private Statement stmt;
/** Parametrized run param : cacheMode. */
public CacheMode cacheMode;
/** Parametrized run param : atomicity. */
public CacheAtomicityMode atomicityMode;
/** Parametrized run param : near mode. */
public Boolean isNear;
/** Test run configurations: Cache mode, atomicity type, is near. */
public static Collection<Object[]> runConfig() {
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected CacheConfiguration cacheConfig() {
return cacheConfigWithIndexedTypes();
* Creates cache configuration with {@link QueryEntity} created
* using {@link CacheConfiguration#setIndexedTypes(Class[])} call.
* @return The cache configuration.
private CacheConfiguration cacheConfigWithIndexedTypes() {
CacheConfiguration<?, ?> cache = defaultCacheConfiguration();
if (cacheMode == PARTITIONED)
if (isNear)
cache.setNearConfiguration(new NearCacheConfiguration());
String.class, Person.class
return cache;
* Creates cache configuration with {@link QueryEntity} created
* using {@link CacheConfiguration#setQueryEntities(Collection)} call.
* @return The cache configuration.
private CacheConfiguration cacheConfigWithQueryEntity() {
CacheConfiguration<?, ?> cache = defaultCacheConfiguration();
QueryEntity e = new QueryEntity();
e.addQueryField("id", Integer.class.getName(), null);
e.addQueryField("age", Integer.class.getName(), null);
e.addQueryField("firstName", String.class.getName(), null);
e.addQueryField("lastName", String.class.getName(), null);
return cache;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void beforeTest() throws Exception {
stmt = conn.createStatement();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void afterTest() throws Exception {
if (stmt != null && !stmt.isClosed())
* Dead-on-arrival test. Imports two-entry CSV file into a table and checks
* the created entries using SELECT statement.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testBasicStatement() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(BASIC_SQL_COPY_STMT);
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 2);
* Imports zero-entry CSV file into a table and checks that no entries are created
* using SELECT statement.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testEmptyFile() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_EMPTY_CSV_FILE + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
assertEquals(0, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 0);
* Imports one-entry CSV file into a table and checks the entry created using SELECT statement.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testOneLineFile() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_ONE_LINE_CSV_FILE + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
assertEquals(1, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 1);
* Verifies that error is reported for empty charset name.
public void testEmptyCharset() {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
"copy from 'any.file' into Person " +
"(_key, age, firstName, lastName) " +
"format csv charset ''");
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Unknown charset name: ''");
* Verifies that error is reported for unsupported charset name.
public void testNotSupportedCharset() {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
"copy from 'any.file' into Person " +
"(_key, age, firstName, lastName) " +
"format csv charset 'nonexistent'");
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Charset is not supported: 'nonexistent'");
* Verifies that error is reported for unknown charset name.
public void testUnknownCharset() {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
"copy from 'any.file' into Person " +
"(_key, age, firstName, lastName) " +
"format csv charset '8^)\'");
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Unknown charset name: '8^)'");
* Verifies that ASCII encoding is recognized and imported.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testAsciiCharset() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE + "'" +
" into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv charset 'ascii'");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 2);
* Imports two-entry CSV file with UTF-8 characters into a table and checks
* the created entries using SELECT statement.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testUtf8Charset() throws SQLException {
checkBulkLoadWithCharset(BULKLOAD_UTF8_CSV_FILE, "utf-8");
* Verifies that ASCII encoding is recognized and imported.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testWin1251Charset() throws SQLException {
checkBulkLoadWithCharset(BULKLOAD_CP1251_CSV_FILE, "windows-1251");
* Bulk-loads specified file specifying charset in the command
* and verifies the entries imported.
* @param fileName CSV file to load.
* @param charsetName Charset name to specify in the command.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
private void checkBulkLoadWithCharset(String fileName, String charsetName) throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + fileName + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv charset '" + charsetName + "'");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
* Verifies that no error is reported and characters are converted improperly when we import
* UTF-8 as windows-1251.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testWrongCharset_Utf8AsWin1251() throws SQLException {
checkBulkLoadWithWrongCharset(BULKLOAD_UTF8_CSV_FILE, "UTF-8", "windows-1251");
* Verifies that no error is reported and characters are converted improperly when we import
* windows-1251 as UTF-8.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testWrongCharset_Win1251AsUtf8() throws SQLException {
checkBulkLoadWithWrongCharset(BULKLOAD_CP1251_CSV_FILE, "windows-1251", "UTF-8");
* Verifies that no error is reported and characters are converted improperly when we import
* UTF-8 as ASCII.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testWrongCharset_Utf8AsAscii() throws SQLException {
checkBulkLoadWithWrongCharset(BULKLOAD_UTF8_CSV_FILE, "UTF-8", "ascii");
* Verifies that no error is reported and characters are converted improperly when we import
* windows-1251 as ASCII.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testWrongCharset_Win1251AsAscii() throws SQLException {
checkBulkLoadWithWrongCharset(BULKLOAD_CP1251_CSV_FILE, "windows-1251", "ascii");
* Checks that bulk load works when we use packet size of 1 byte and thus
* create multiple packets per COPY.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testPacketSize_1() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(BASIC_SQL_COPY_STMT + " packet_size 1");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 2);
* Imports two-entry CSV file with UTF-8 characters into a table and checks
* the created entries using SELECT statement.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testDefaultCharset() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_UTF8_CSV_FILE + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
* Test imports CSV file into a table on not affinity node and checks the created entries using SELECT statement.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testBulkLoadToNonAffinityNode() throws Exception {
IgniteEx client = startClientGrid(getConfiguration("client"));
try (Connection con = connect(client, null)) {
con.setSchema('"' + DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME + '"');
try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_UTF8_CSV_FILE + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
* Imports two-entry CSV file with UTF-8 characters into a table using packet size of one byte
* (thus splitting each two-byte UTF-8 character into two packets)
* and checks the created entries using SELECT statement.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testDefaultCharsetPacketSize1() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_UTF8_CSV_FILE + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv packet_size 1");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
* Checks that error is reported for a non-existent file.
public void testWrongFileName() {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
"copy from 'nonexistent' into Person" +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Failed to read file: 'nonexistent'");
* Checks that error is reported if the destination table is missing.
public void testMissingTable() {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE + "' into Peterson" +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Table does not exist: PETERSON");
* Checks that error is reported when a non-existing column is specified in the SQL command.
public void testWrongColumnName() {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE + "' into Person" +
" (_key, age, firstName, lostName)" +
" format csv");
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Column \"LOSTNAME\" not found");
* Checks that error is reported if field read from CSV file cannot be converted to the type of the column.
public void testWrongColumnType() {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE + "' into Person" +
" (_key, firstName, age, lastName)" +
" format csv");
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Value conversion failed [column=AGE, from=java.lang.String, to=java.lang.Integer]");
* Checks that if even a subset of fields is imported, the imported fields are set correctly.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testFieldsSubset() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE + "'" +
" into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName)" +
" format csv");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, false, 2);
* Checks that bulk load works when we create table using 'CREATE TABLE' command.
* <p>
* The majority of the tests in this class use {@link CacheConfiguration#setIndexedTypes(Class[])}
* to create the table.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testCreateAndBulkLoadTable() throws SQLException {
String tblName = QueryUtils.DFLT_SCHEMA + ".\"PersonTbl\"";
execute(conn, "create table " + tblName +
" (id int primary key, age int, firstName varchar(30), lastName varchar(30))");
try {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE + "' into " + tblName +
"(_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(tblName, true, 2);
finally {
execute(conn, "drop table " + tblName);
* Checks that bulk load works when we create table with {@link CacheConfiguration#setQueryEntities(Collection)}.
* <p>
* The majority of the tests in this class use {@link CacheConfiguration#setIndexedTypes(Class[])}
* to create a table.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testConfigureQueryEntityAndBulkLoad() throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(BASIC_SQL_COPY_STMT);
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 2);
* Verifies exception thrown if COPY is added into a packet.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testMultipleStatement() throws SQLException {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
stmt.addBatch("copy from '" + BULKLOAD_ONE_LINE_CSV_FILE + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
stmt.addBatch("copy from '" + BULKLOAD_UTF8_CSV_FILE + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv");
return null;
}, BatchUpdateException.class, "COPY command cannot be executed in batch mode.");
* Verifies that COPY command is rejected by Statement.executeQuery().
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testExecuteQuery() throws SQLException {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Given statement type does not match that declared by JDBC driver");
* Verifies that COPY command works in Statement.execute().
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testExecute() throws SQLException {
boolean isRowSet = stmt.execute(BASIC_SQL_COPY_STMT);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 2);
* Verifies that COPY command can be called with PreparedStatement.executeUpdate().
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testPreparedStatementWithExecuteUpdate() throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(BASIC_SQL_COPY_STMT);
int updatesCnt = pstmt.executeUpdate();
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 2);
* Verifies that COPY command reports an error when used with PreparedStatement parameter.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testPreparedStatementWithParameter() throws SQLException {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"copy from '" + BULKLOAD_TWO_LINES_CSV_FILE + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format ?");
pstmt.setString(1, "csv");
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Unexpected token: \"?\" (expected: \"[identifier]\"");
* Verifies that COPY command can be called with PreparedStatement.execute().
* @throws SQLException If failed.
public void testPreparedStatementWithExecute() throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(BASIC_SQL_COPY_STMT);
boolean isRowSet = pstmt.execute();
checkCacheContents(TBL_NAME, true, 2);
* Verifies that COPY command is rejected by PreparedStatement.executeQuery().
public void testPreparedStatementWithExecuteQuery() {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(log, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(BASIC_SQL_COPY_STMT);
return null;
}, SQLException.class, "Given statement type does not match that declared by JDBC driver");
* Checks cache contents after bulk loading data in the above tests: ASCII version.
* <p>
* Uses SQL SELECT command for querying entries.
* @param tblName Table name to query.
* @param checkLastName Check 'lastName' column (not imported in some tests).
* @param recCnt Number of records to expect.
* @throws SQLException When one of checks has failed.
private void checkCacheContents(String tblName, boolean checkLastName, int recCnt) throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select _key, age, firstName, lastName from " + tblName);
assert rs != null;
int cnt = 0;
while ( {
int id = rs.getInt("_key");
if (id == 123) {
assertEquals(12, rs.getInt("age"));
assertEquals("FirstName123 MiddleName123", rs.getString("firstName"));
if (checkLastName)
assertEquals("LastName123", rs.getString("lastName"));
else if (id == 456) {
assertEquals(45, rs.getInt("age"));
assertEquals("FirstName456", rs.getString("firstName"));
if (checkLastName)
assertEquals("LastName456", rs.getString("lastName"));
fail("Wrong ID: " + id);
assertEquals(recCnt, cnt);
* Checks cache contents after bulk loading data in the above tests:
* national charset version.
* <p>
* Uses SQL SELECT command for querying entries.
* @param tblName Table name to query.
* @throws SQLException When one of checks has failed.
private void checkNationalCacheContents(String tblName) throws SQLException {
checkRecodedNationalCacheContents(tblName, null, null);
* Checks cache contents after bulk loading data in the tests:
* normal and erroneously recoded national charset version.
* <p>
* Uses SQL SELECT command for querying entries.
* @param tblName Table name to query.
* @param csvCharsetName Either null or the charset used in CSV file
* Note that the both {@code csvCharsetName} and {@code stmtCharsetName} should be either null or non-null.
* @param stmtCharsetName Either null or the charset specified in COPY statement.
* @throws SQLException When one of checks has failed.
private void checkRecodedNationalCacheContents(String tblName,
String csvCharsetName, String stmtCharsetName) throws SQLException {
assert (csvCharsetName != null) == (stmtCharsetName != null);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select _key, age, firstName, lastName from " + tblName);
assert rs != null;
IgniteClosure<String, String> recoder =
(csvCharsetName != null)
? new WrongCharsetRecoder(csvCharsetName, stmtCharsetName)
: new IgniteClosure<String, String>() {
@Override public String apply(String input) {
return input;
int cnt = 0;
while ( {
int id = rs.getInt("_key");
if (id == 123) {
assertEquals(12, rs.getInt("age"));
assertEquals(recoder.apply("Имя123 Отчество123"), rs.getString("firstName"));
assertEquals(recoder.apply("Фамилия123"), rs.getString("lastName"));
else if (id == 456) {
assertEquals(45, rs.getInt("age"));
assertEquals(recoder.apply("Имя456"), rs.getString("firstName"));
assertEquals(recoder.apply("Фамилия456"), rs.getString("lastName"));
fail("Wrong ID: " + id);
assertEquals(2, cnt);
* Checks that no error is reported and characters are converted improperly when we import
* file having a different charset than the one specified in the SQL statement.
* @param csvFileName Imported file name.
* @param csvCharsetName Imported file charset.
* @param stmtCharsetName Charset to specify in the SQL statement.
* @throws SQLException If failed.
private void checkBulkLoadWithWrongCharset(String csvFileName, String csvCharsetName, String stmtCharsetName)
throws SQLException {
int updatesCnt = stmt.executeUpdate(
"copy from '" + csvFileName + "' into " + TBL_NAME +
" (_key, age, firstName, lastName)" +
" format csv charset '" + stmtCharsetName + "'");
assertEquals(2, updatesCnt);
checkRecodedNationalCacheContents(TBL_NAME, csvCharsetName, stmtCharsetName);
* Recodes an input string as if it was encoded in one charset and was read using
* another charset using {@link CodingErrorAction#REPLACE} settings for
* unmappable and malformed characters.
private static class WrongCharsetRecoder implements IgniteClosure<String, String> {
/** Charset in which the string we are reading is actually encoded. */
private final Charset actualCharset;
/** Charset which we use to read the string. */
private final Charset appliedCharset;
* Creates the recoder.
* @param actualCharset Charset in which the string we are reading is actually encoded.
* @param appliedCharset Charset which we use to read the string.
* @throws UnsupportedCharsetException if the charset name is wrong.
WrongCharsetRecoder(String actualCharset, String appliedCharset) {
this.actualCharset = Charset.forName(actualCharset);
this.appliedCharset = Charset.forName(appliedCharset);
* Converts string as it was read using a wrong charset.
* <p>
* First the method converts the string into {@link #actualCharset} and puts bytes into a buffer.
* Then it tries to read these bytes from the buffer using {@link #appliedCharset} and
* {@link CodingErrorAction#REPLACE} settings for unmappable and malformed characters
* (NB: these settings implicitly come from {@link Charset#decode(ByteBuffer)} implementation, while
* being explicitly set in {@link BulkLoadCsvParser#BulkLoadCsvParser(BulkLoadCsvFormat)}).
* @param input The input string (in Java encoding).
* @return The converted string.
@Override public String apply(String input) {
ByteBuffer encodedBuf = actualCharset.encode(input);
return appliedCharset.decode(encodedBuf).toString();