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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.binary;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.AbstractQueue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryBasicIdMapper;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryBasicNameMapper;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryCollectionFactory;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryField;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryIdMapper;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryMapFactory;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryNameMapper;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectBuilder;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectException;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryRawReader;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryRawWriter;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryReader;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinarySerializer;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryType;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryTypeConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryWriter;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.Binarylizable;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.BinaryConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.builder.BinaryObjectBuilderImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.streams.BinaryHeapInputStream;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.streams.BinaryHeapOutputStream;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.discovery.GridDiscoveryManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.systemview.GridSystemViewManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.systemview.JmxSystemViewExporterSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObjectContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.platform.utils.PlatformUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridUnsafe;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridMapEntry;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.IgnitePair;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.IgniteThrowableConsumer;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.S;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteUuid;
import org.apache.ignite.logger.NullLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.marshaller.MarshallerContextTestImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.DiscoverySpiCustomMessage;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.GridTestKernalContext;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.streams.BinaryMemoryAllocator.THREAD_LOCAL;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
* Binary marshaller tests.
@SuppressWarnings({"OverlyStrongTypeCast", "ConstantConditions"})
public class BinaryMarshallerSelfTest extends AbstractBinaryArraysTest {
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testNull() throws Exception {
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testByte() throws Exception {
assertEquals((byte)100, marshalUnmarshal((byte)100).byteValue());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testShort() throws Exception {
assertEquals((short)100, marshalUnmarshal((short)100).shortValue());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testInt() throws Exception {
assertEquals(100, marshalUnmarshal(100).intValue());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testLong() throws Exception {
assertEquals(100L, marshalUnmarshal(100L).longValue());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testFloat() throws Exception {
assertEquals(100.001f, marshalUnmarshal(100.001f), 0);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDouble() throws Exception {
assertEquals(100.001d, marshalUnmarshal(100.001d), 0);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testChar() throws Exception {
assertEquals((char)100, marshalUnmarshal((char)100).charValue());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBoolean() throws Exception {
assertEquals(true, marshalUnmarshal(true).booleanValue());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDecimal() throws Exception {
BigDecimal val;
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.ZERO), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE, 0)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE, 0)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE, 8)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE, 8)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger("-79228162514264337593543950336"))), marshalUnmarshal(val));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testNegativeScaleDecimal() throws Exception {
BigDecimal val;
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE, -1)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE, -2)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE, -3)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE, -4)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testNegativeScaleRoundingModeDecimal() throws Exception {
BigDecimal val;
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.ZERO.setScale(-1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).setScale(-3, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE).setScale(-5, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE).setScale(-8, RoundingMode.UP)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE).setScale(-10, RoundingMode.DOWN)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.MAX_VALUE).setScale(-12, RoundingMode.CEILING)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
assertEquals((val = BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.MIN_VALUE).setScale(-15, RoundingMode.FLOOR)), marshalUnmarshal(val));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStringVer1() throws Exception {
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStringVer2() throws Exception {
* @throws Exception If failed
private void doTestString(boolean ver2) throws Exception {
// Ascii check.
String str = "ascii0123456789";
assertEquals(str, marshalUnmarshal(str));
byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(UTF_8);
assertEquals(str, BinaryUtils.utf8BytesToStr(bytes, 0, bytes.length));
bytes = BinaryUtils.strToUtf8Bytes(str);
assertEquals(str, new String(bytes, UTF_8));
// Extended symbols set check set.
str = "的的abcdкириллица";
assertEquals(str, marshalUnmarshal(str));
bytes = str.getBytes(UTF_8);
assertEquals(str, BinaryUtils.utf8BytesToStr(bytes, 0, bytes.length));
bytes = BinaryUtils.strToUtf8Bytes(str);
assertEquals(str, new String(bytes, UTF_8));
// Special symbols check.
str = new String(new char[] {0xD800, 'çš„', 0xD800, 0xD800, 0xDC00, 0xDFFF});
if (ver2) {
bytes = BinaryUtils.strToUtf8Bytes(str);
assertEquals(str, BinaryUtils.utf8BytesToStr(bytes, 0, bytes.length));
assertNotEquals(str, marshalUnmarshal(str));
str = new String(new char[] {55296});
if (ver2) {
bytes = BinaryUtils.strToUtf8Bytes(str);
assertEquals(str, BinaryUtils.utf8BytesToStr(bytes, 0, bytes.length));
assertNotEquals(str, marshalUnmarshal(str));
bytes = str.getBytes(UTF_8);
assertNotEquals(str, new String(bytes, UTF_8));
bytes = str.getBytes(UTF_8);
assertNotEquals(str, BinaryUtils.utf8BytesToStr(bytes, 0, bytes.length));
str = new String(new char[] {0xD801, 0xDC37});
assertEquals(str, marshalUnmarshal(str));
bytes = str.getBytes(UTF_8);
assertEquals(str, new String(bytes, UTF_8));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testUuid() throws Exception {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
assertEquals(uuid, marshalUnmarshal(uuid));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testIgniteUuid() throws Exception {
IgniteUuid uuid = IgniteUuid.randomUuid();
assertEquals(uuid, marshalUnmarshal(uuid));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDate() throws Exception {
Date date = new Date();
Date val = marshalUnmarshal(date);
assertEquals(date, val);
assertEquals(Date.class, val.getClass());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testTimestamp() throws Exception {
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
assertEquals(ts, marshalUnmarshal(ts));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testTime() throws Exception {
Time time = new Time(System.currentTimeMillis());
assertEquals(time, marshalUnmarshal(time));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testTimeArray() throws Exception {
Time[] times = new Time[]{new Time(System.currentTimeMillis()), new Time(123456789)};
assertArrayEquals(times, marshalUnmarshal(times));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testByteArray() throws Exception {
byte[] arr = new byte[] {10, 20, 30};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testShortArray() throws Exception {
short[] arr = new short[] {10, 20, 30};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testIntArray() throws Exception {
int[] arr = new int[] {10, 20, 30};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testLongArray() throws Exception {
long[] arr = new long[] {10, 20, 30};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testFloatArray() throws Exception {
float[] arr = new float[] {10.1f, 20.1f, 30.1f};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr), 0);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDoubleArray() throws Exception {
double[] arr = new double[] {10.1d, 20.1d, 30.1d};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr), 0);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCharArray() throws Exception {
char[] arr = new char[] {10, 20, 30};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBooleanArray() throws Exception {
boolean[] arr = new boolean[] {true, false, true};
assertBooleanArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDecimalArray() throws Exception {
BigDecimal[] arr = new BigDecimal[] {BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ONE, BigDecimal.TEN};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testStringArray() throws Exception {
String[] arr = new String[] {"str1", "str2", "str3"};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testUuidArray() throws Exception {
UUID[] arr = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDateArray() throws Exception {
Date[] arr = new Date[] {new Date(11111), new Date(22222), new Date(33333)};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testObjectArray() throws Exception {
Object[] arr = new Object[] {1, 2, 3};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
/** */
public void testBinaryArray() throws IgniteCheckedException {
TestClass1[] arr = new TestClass1[] {new TestClass1(), new TestClass1()};
assertArrayEquals(arr, marshalUnmarshal(arr));
Object[] arr1 = new Object[] {arr, arr};
Object[] arr2 = marshalUnmarshal(arr1);
Assert.assertSame("Same array should be returned because of HANDLE usage", arr2[0], arr2[1]);
assertArrayEquals(arr1, arr2);
ArrayFieldClass o1 = new ArrayFieldClass();
o1.arr1 = arr;
o1.arr2 = arr;
ArrayFieldClass o2 = marshalUnmarshal(o1);
Assert.assertSame("Same array should be returned because of HANDLE usage", o2.arr1, o2.arr2);
assertArrayEquals(o1.arr1, o2.arr1);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testException() throws Exception {
Exception ex = new RuntimeException();
// Checks that Optimize marshaller will be used, because Throwable has writeObject method.
// Exception's stacktrace equals to zero-length array by default and generates at Throwable's writeObject method.
assertNotEquals(0, marshalUnmarshal(ex).getStackTrace().length);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCollection() throws Exception {
testCollection(new ArrayList<Integer>(3));
testCollection(new LinkedHashSet<Integer>());
testCollection(new HashSet<Integer>());
testCollection(new TreeSet<Integer>());
testCollection(new ConcurrentSkipListSet<Integer>());
* @throws Exception If failed.
private void testCollection(Collection<Integer> col) throws Exception {
assertEquals(col, marshalUnmarshal(col));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testMap() throws Exception {
testMap(new HashMap<Integer, String>());
testMap(new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>());
testMap(new TreeMap<Integer, String>());
testMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>());
testMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>());
* @throws Exception If failed.
private void testMap(Map<Integer, String> map) throws Exception {
map.put(1, "str1");
map.put(2, "str2");
map.put(3, "str3");
assertEquals(map, marshalUnmarshal(map));
* Test serialization of custom collections.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomCollections() throws Exception {
CustomCollections cc = new CustomCollections();
cc.customList.add(new Value(1));
CustomCollections copiedCc = marshalUnmarshal(cc);
assert copiedCc.customList.getClass().equals(CustomArrayList.class);
assertEquals(cc.list.size(), copiedCc.list.size());
assertEquals(cc.customList.size(), copiedCc.customList.size());
assertEquals(cc.list.get(0), copiedCc.list.get(0));
assertEquals(cc.customList.get(0), copiedCc.customList.get(0));
* Test serialization of custom collections.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomCollections2() throws Exception {
CustomArrayList arrList = new CustomArrayList();
Object cp = marshalUnmarshal(arrList);
assert cp.getClass().equals(CustomArrayList.class);
CustomArrayList customCp = (CustomArrayList)cp;
assertEquals(customCp.size(), arrList.size());
assertEquals(customCp.get(0), arrList.get(0));
* Test custom collections with factories.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomCollectionsWithFactory() throws Exception {
CustomCollectionsWithFactory cc = new CustomCollectionsWithFactory();
cc.list.add(new DummyHolder(1)); DummyHolder(2), new DummyHolder(3));
CustomCollectionsWithFactory copiedCc = marshalUnmarshal(cc);
assertEquals(cc.list.size(), copiedCc.list.size());
assertEquals(cc.list.get(0), copiedCc.list.get(0));
assertEquals( DummyHolder(2)), DummyHolder(2)));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testExternalizableInEnclosing() throws Exception {
SimpleEnclosingObject obj = new SimpleEnclosingObject();
obj.simpl = new SimpleExternalizable("field");
SimpleEnclosingObject other = marshalUnmarshal(obj);
assertEquals(((SimpleExternalizable)obj.simpl).field, ((SimpleExternalizable)other.simpl).field);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testMapEntry() throws Exception {
Map.Entry<Integer, String> e = new GridMapEntry<>(1, "str1");
assertEquals(e, marshalUnmarshal(e));
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>(1);
map.put(2, "str2");
e = F.firstEntry(map);
Map.Entry<Integer, String> e0 = marshalUnmarshal(e);
assertEquals(2, e0.getKey().intValue());
assertEquals("str2", e0.getValue());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryObject() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())));
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject po0 = marshalUnmarshal(po, marsh);
assertEquals(obj, po.deserialize());
assertEquals(obj, po0.deserialize());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testEnum() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(TestEnum.class.getName())));
assertEquals(TestEnum.B, marshalUnmarshal(TestEnum.B, marsh));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDeclaredBodyEnum() throws Exception {
final MarshallerContextTestImpl ctx = new MarshallerContextTestImpl();
ctx.registerClassName((byte)0, 1, EnumObject.class.getName(), false);
ctx.registerClassName((byte)0, 2, DeclaredBodyEnum.class.getName(), false);
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
EnumObject obj = new EnumObject(1L, "test 1", DeclaredBodyEnum.TWO);
final byte[] marshal = marsh.marshal(obj);
final Object restored = marsh.unmarshal(marshal, null);
assertTrue(restored instanceof EnumObject);
obj = (EnumObject)restored;
assertEquals(DeclaredBodyEnum.TWO.ordinal(), obj.type.ordinal());
assertEquals(DeclaredBodyEnum.TWO, obj.type);
assertTrue(obj.type == DeclaredBodyEnum.TWO);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDateAndTimestampInSingleObject() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration cfg1 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(DateClass1.class.getName());
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(cfg1));
Date date = new Date();
Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
Time time = new Time(System.currentTimeMillis());
Time[] timeArr = new Time[]{time, new Time(date.getTime()), new Time(System.currentTimeMillis())};
DateClass1 obj1 = new DateClass1(); = date;
obj1.ts = ts;
obj1.time = time;
obj1.timeArr = timeArr;
BinaryObject po1 = marshal(obj1, marsh);
assertEquals(date, po1.field("date"));
assertEquals(Date.class, po1.field("date").getClass());
assertEquals(ts, po1.field("ts"));
assertEquals(Timestamp.class, po1.field("ts").getClass());
assertEquals(time, po1.field("time"));
assertEquals(Time.class, po1.field("time").getClass());
assertArrayEquals(timeArr, (Object[])po1.field("timeArr"));
assertEquals(Time[].class, po1.field("timeArr").getClass());
obj1 = po1.deserialize();
assertEquals(ts, obj1.ts);
assertEquals(time, obj1.time);
assertArrayEquals(timeArr, obj1.timeArr);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testSimpleObject() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
assertEquals(obj, po.deserialize());
assertEquals(obj.b, (byte)po.field("b"));
assertEquals(obj.s, (short)po.field("s"));
assertEquals(obj.i, (int)po.field("i"));
assertEquals(obj.l, (long)po.field("l"));
assertEquals(obj.f, (float)po.field("f"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.d, (double)po.field("d"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.c, (char)po.field("c"));
assertEquals(obj.bool, (boolean)po.field("bool"));
assertEquals(obj.str, po.field("str"));
assertEquals(obj.uuid, po.field("uuid"));
assertEquals(, po.field("date"));
assertEquals(obj.ts, po.field("ts"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.bArr, (byte[])po.field("bArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.sArr, (short[])po.field("sArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.iArr, (int[])po.field("iArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.lArr, (long[])po.field("lArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.fArr, (float[])po.field("fArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.dArr, (double[])po.field("dArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.cArr, (char[])po.field("cArr"));
assertBooleanArrayEquals(obj.boolArr, (boolean[])po.field("boolArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.strArr, (String[])po.field("strArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.uuidArr, (UUID[])po.field("uuidArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.dateArr, (Date[])po.field("dateArr"));
useBinaryArrays ? po.<BinaryArray>field("objArr").array() : po.field("objArr")
assertEquals(obj.col, po.field("col"));
assertEquals(, po.field("map"));
assertEquals(new Integer(obj.enumVal.ordinal()), new Integer(((BinaryObject)po.field("enumVal")).enumOrdinal()));
assertArrayEquals(ordinals(obj.enumArr), binaryOrdinals(po.field("enumArr")));
BinaryObject innerPo = po.field("inner");
assertEquals(obj.inner, innerPo.deserialize());
assertEquals(obj.inner.b, (byte)innerPo.field("b"));
assertEquals(obj.inner.s, (short)innerPo.field("s"));
assertEquals(obj.inner.i, (int)innerPo.field("i"));
assertEquals(obj.inner.l, (long)innerPo.field("l"));
assertEquals(obj.inner.f, (float)innerPo.field("f"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.inner.d, (double)innerPo.field("d"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.inner.c, (char)innerPo.field("c"));
assertEquals(obj.inner.bool, (boolean)innerPo.field("bool"));
assertEquals(obj.inner.str, innerPo.field("str"));
assertEquals(obj.inner.uuid, innerPo.field("uuid"));
assertEquals(, innerPo.field("date"));
assertEquals(obj.inner.ts, innerPo.field("ts"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.bArr, (byte[])innerPo.field("bArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.sArr, (short[])innerPo.field("sArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.iArr, (int[])innerPo.field("iArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.lArr, (long[])innerPo.field("lArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.fArr, (float[])innerPo.field("fArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.dArr, (double[])innerPo.field("dArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.cArr, (char[])innerPo.field("cArr"));
assertBooleanArrayEquals(obj.inner.boolArr, (boolean[])innerPo.field("boolArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.strArr, (String[])innerPo.field("strArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.uuidArr, (UUID[])innerPo.field("uuidArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.inner.dateArr, (Date[])innerPo.field("dateArr"));
useBinaryArrays ? innerPo.<BinaryArray>field("objArr").array() : innerPo.field("objArr")
assertEquals(obj.inner.col, innerPo.field("col"));
assertEquals(, innerPo.field("map"));
assertEquals(new Integer(obj.inner.enumVal.ordinal()),
new Integer(((BinaryObject)innerPo.field("enumVal")).enumOrdinal()));
assertArrayEquals(ordinals(obj.inner.enumArr), binaryOrdinals(innerPo.field("enumArr")));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinary() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(TestBinary.class.getName())
TestBinary obj = binaryObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
assertEquals(obj, po.deserialize());
assertEquals(obj.b, (byte)po.field("_b"));
assertEquals(obj.s, (short)po.field("_s"));
assertEquals(obj.i, (int)po.field("_i"));
assertEquals(obj.l, (long)po.field("_l"));
assertEquals(obj.f, (float)po.field("_f"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.d, (double)po.field("_d"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.c, (char)po.field("_c"));
assertEquals(obj.bool, (boolean)po.field("_bool"));
assertEquals(obj.str, po.field("_str"));
assertEquals(obj.uuid, po.field("_uuid"));
assertEquals(, po.field("_date"));
assertEquals(obj.ts, po.field("_ts"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.bArr, (byte[])po.field("_bArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.sArr, (short[])po.field("_sArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.iArr, (int[])po.field("_iArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.lArr, (long[])po.field("_lArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.fArr, (float[])po.field("_fArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.dArr, (double[])po.field("_dArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.cArr, (char[])po.field("_cArr"));
assertBooleanArrayEquals(obj.boolArr, (boolean[])po.field("_boolArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.strArr, (String[])po.field("_strArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.uuidArr, (UUID[])po.field("_uuidArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.dateArr, (Date[])po.field("_dateArr"));
useBinaryArrays ? po.<BinaryArray>field("_objArr").array() : po.field("_objArr")
assertEquals(obj.col, po.field("_col"));
assertEquals(, po.field("_map"));
assertEquals(new Integer(obj.enumVal.ordinal()), new Integer(((BinaryObject)po.field("_enumVal")).enumOrdinal()));
assertArrayEquals(ordinals(obj.enumArr), binaryOrdinals(po.field("_enumArr")));
BinaryObject simplePo = po.field("_simple");
assertEquals(obj.simple, simplePo.deserialize());
assertEquals(obj.simple.b, (byte)simplePo.field("b"));
assertEquals(obj.simple.s, (short)simplePo.field("s"));
assertEquals(obj.simple.i, (int)simplePo.field("i"));
assertEquals(obj.simple.l, (long)simplePo.field("l"));
assertEquals(obj.simple.f, (float)simplePo.field("f"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.simple.d, (double)simplePo.field("d"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.simple.c, (char)simplePo.field("c"));
assertEquals(obj.simple.bool, (boolean)simplePo.field("bool"));
assertEquals(obj.simple.str, simplePo.field("str"));
assertEquals(obj.simple.uuid, simplePo.field("uuid"));
assertEquals(, simplePo.field("date"));
assertEquals(obj.simple.ts, simplePo.field("ts"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.bArr, (byte[])simplePo.field("bArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.sArr, (short[])simplePo.field("sArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.iArr, (int[])simplePo.field("iArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.lArr, (long[])simplePo.field("lArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.fArr, (float[])simplePo.field("fArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.dArr, (double[])simplePo.field("dArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.cArr, (char[])simplePo.field("cArr"));
assertBooleanArrayEquals(obj.simple.boolArr, (boolean[])simplePo.field("boolArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.strArr, (String[])simplePo.field("strArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.uuidArr, (UUID[])simplePo.field("uuidArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.simple.dateArr, (Date[])simplePo.field("dateArr"));
useBinaryArrays ? simplePo.<BinaryArray>field("objArr").array() : simplePo.field("objArr")
assertEquals(obj.simple.col, simplePo.field("col"));
assertEquals(, simplePo.field("map"));
assertEquals(new Integer(obj.simple.enumVal.ordinal()),
new Integer(((BinaryObject)simplePo.field("enumVal")).enumOrdinal()));
assertArrayEquals(ordinals(obj.simple.enumArr), binaryOrdinals(simplePo.field("enumArr")));
BinaryObject binaryPo = po.field("_binary");
assertEquals(obj.binary, binaryPo.deserialize());
assertEquals(obj.binary.b, (byte)binaryPo.field("_b"));
assertEquals(obj.binary.s, (short)binaryPo.field("_s"));
assertEquals(obj.binary.i, (int)binaryPo.field("_i"));
assertEquals(obj.binary.l, (long)binaryPo.field("_l"));
assertEquals(obj.binary.f, (float)binaryPo.field("_f"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.binary.d, (double)binaryPo.field("_d"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.binary.c, (char)binaryPo.field("_c"));
assertEquals(obj.binary.bool, (boolean)binaryPo.field("_bool"));
assertEquals(obj.binary.str, binaryPo.field("_str"));
assertEquals(obj.binary.uuid, binaryPo.field("_uuid"));
assertEquals(, binaryPo.field("_date"));
assertEquals(obj.binary.ts, binaryPo.field("_ts"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.bArr, (byte[])binaryPo.field("_bArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.sArr, (short[])binaryPo.field("_sArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.iArr, (int[])binaryPo.field("_iArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.lArr, (long[])binaryPo.field("_lArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.fArr, (float[])binaryPo.field("_fArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.dArr, (double[])binaryPo.field("_dArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.cArr, (char[])binaryPo.field("_cArr"));
assertBooleanArrayEquals(obj.binary.boolArr, (boolean[])binaryPo.field("_boolArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.strArr, (String[])binaryPo.field("_strArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.uuidArr, (UUID[])binaryPo.field("_uuidArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.binary.dateArr, (Date[])binaryPo.field("_dateArr"));
useBinaryArrays ? binaryPo.<BinaryArray>field("_objArr").array() : binaryPo.field("_objArr")
assertEquals(obj.binary.col, binaryPo.field("_col"));
assertEquals(, binaryPo.field("_map"));
assertEquals(new Integer(obj.binary.enumVal.ordinal()),
new Integer(((BinaryObject)binaryPo.field("_enumVal")).enumOrdinal()));
assertArrayEquals(ordinals(obj.binary.enumArr), binaryOrdinals(binaryPo.field("_enumArr")));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testObjectFieldOfExternalizableCollection() throws Exception {
EnclosingObj obj = new EnclosingObj();
obj.queue = new TestQueue("test");
assertEquals(obj, marshalUnmarshal(obj));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testVoid() throws Exception {
Class clazz = Void.class;
assertEquals(clazz, marshalUnmarshal(clazz));
clazz = Void.TYPE;
assertEquals(clazz, marshalUnmarshal(clazz));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testWriteReplacePrivate() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Collections.singleton(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(TestObject.class.getName())
TestObject obj = new TestObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
assertEquals(obj, po.deserialize());
assertEquals(obj.val, ((BinaryObject)po.field("val")).deserialize());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testWriteReplaceInheritable() throws Exception {
ImmutableList<String> obj = ImmutableList.of("This is a test");
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Collections.singleton(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(obj.getClass().getName())
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
Object des = po.deserialize();
assertEquals(obj, des);
* Checks {@link BinaryBuilderReader#parseValue()} for object that contains handles to collection.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void handleToCollection() throws Exception {
final IgnitePair<String>[] fieldsColAndHandle = new IgnitePair[] {
new IgnitePair<>("lst", "hndLst"),
new IgnitePair<>("linkedLst", "hndLinkedLst"),
new IgnitePair<>("map", "hndMap"),
new IgnitePair<>("linkedMap", "hndLinkedMap")
BinaryMarshaller m = binaryMarshaller();
HandleToCollections obj = new HandleToCollections();
BinaryObject bo = marshal(obj, m);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
BinaryObjectBuilder bob = bo.toBuilder();
if (i > 0)
assertEquals(i - 1, (int)bo.field("a"));
bob.setField("a", i);
for (IgnitePair<String> flds : fieldsColAndHandle) {
// Different orders to read collection and handle to collection.
Object col;
Object colHnd;
if (i % 2 == 0) {
col = bob.getField(flds.get1());
colHnd = bob.getField(flds.get2());
else {
colHnd = bob.getField(flds.get2());
col = bob.getField(flds.get1());
// Must be assertSame but now BinaryObjectBuilder doesn't support handle to collection.
// Now we check only that BinaryObjectBuilder#getField doesn't crash and returns valid collection.
assertEquals("Check: " + flds, col, colHnd);
bo =;
/** */
public void rebuildWithHandleToCollection() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller m = binaryMarshaller();
HandleToCollections obj = new HandleToCollections();
BinaryObjectImpl bo = marshal(obj, m);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
BinaryObjectBuilder bob = bo.toBuilder();
bob.setField("a", i);
bo = (BinaryObjectImpl);
// Check unmarshal is OK.
HandleToCollections modified = unmarshal(bo, m);
assertEquals(i, modified.a);
assertEquals(obj.lst, modified.lst);
assertEquals(obj.hndLst, modified.hndLst);
assertEquals(obj.linkedLst, modified.linkedLst);
assertEquals(obj.hndLinkedLst, modified.hndLinkedLst);
assertEquals(obj.hndMap, modified.hndMap);
/** */
public void rebuildObjectWithCollections() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller m = binaryMarshaller();
TwoCollections obj = new TwoCollections();
BinaryObjectImpl bo = marshal(obj, m);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
BinaryObjectBuilder bob = bo.toBuilder();
bob.setField("a", i);
bo = (BinaryObjectImpl);
// Check unmarshal is OK.
TwoCollections modified = unmarshal(bo, m);
assertEquals(i, modified.a);
assertEquals(obj.lst0, modified.lst0);
assertEquals(obj.lst1, modified.lst1);
/** */
public void emptyObjectBuilder() throws IgniteCheckedException {
BinaryObject emptyBinObj = builder("test_type").build();
BinaryObjectBuilder bob2 = emptyBinObj.toBuilder();
// Check any field is null at the empty object.
// Modify empty object: add field.
BinaryObjectImpl o1 = (BinaryObjectImpl)bob2.setField("a", 1).build();
BinaryObjectImpl o2 = (BinaryObjectImpl)builder("test_type").setField("a", 1).build();
// Check that modified empty object and the new object with the sanme field are equals.
assertEquals(o1.schemaId(), o2.schemaId());
assertEquals(o1, o2);
/** */
public void emptyObjectBinarylizable() throws IgniteCheckedException {
BinaryMarshaller m = binaryMarshaller();
BinaryObjectBuilder bob = marshal(new ObjectRaw(), m).toBuilder();
// Check any field is null at the empty object.
private static class EnclosingObj implements Serializable {
/** Queue. */
Queue<Integer> queue = new TestQueue("test");
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
EnclosingObj obj = (EnclosingObj)o;
return Objects.equals(queue, obj.queue);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(queue);
private static class TestQueue extends AbstractQueue<Integer> implements Externalizable {
/** Name. */
private String name;
* {@link Externalizable} support.
public TestQueue() {
// No-op.
* @param name Name.
public TestQueue(String name) { = name;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@NotNull @Override public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
return Collections.emptyIterator();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int size() {
return 0;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
name = (String)in.readObject();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean offer(Integer integer) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Integer poll() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Integer peek() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
TestQueue integers = (TestQueue)o;
return Objects.equals(name,;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(name);
* @param obj Simple object.
* @param po Binary object.
private void checkSimpleObjectData(SimpleObject obj, BinaryObject po) {
assertEquals(obj.b, (byte)po.field("b"));
assertEquals(obj.s, (short)po.field("s"));
assertEquals(obj.i, (int)po.field("i"));
assertEquals(obj.l, (long)po.field("l"));
assertEquals(obj.f, (float)po.field("f"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.d, (double)po.field("d"), 0);
assertEquals(obj.c, (char)po.field("c"));
assertEquals(obj.bool, (boolean)po.field("bool"));
assertEquals(obj.str, po.field("str"));
assertEquals(obj.uuid, po.field("uuid"));
assertEquals(, po.field("date"));
assertEquals(obj.ts, po.field("ts"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.bArr, (byte[])po.field("bArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.sArr, (short[])po.field("sArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.iArr, (int[])po.field("iArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.lArr, (long[])po.field("lArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.fArr, (float[])po.field("fArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.dArr, (double[])po.field("dArr"), 0);
assertArrayEquals(obj.cArr, (char[])po.field("cArr"));
assertBooleanArrayEquals(obj.boolArr, (boolean[])po.field("boolArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.strArr, (String[])po.field("strArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.uuidArr, (UUID[])po.field("uuidArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj.dateArr, (Date[])po.field("dateArr"));
useBinaryArrays ? po.<BinaryArray>field("objArr").array() : po.field("objArr")
assertEquals(obj.col, po.field("col"));
assertEquals(, po.field("map"));
assertEquals(new Integer(obj.enumVal.ordinal()), new Integer(((BinaryObject)po.field("enumVal")).enumOrdinal()));
assertArrayEquals(ordinals(obj.enumArr), binaryOrdinals(po.field("enumArr")));
assertEquals(obj, po.deserialize());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testClassWithoutPublicConstructor() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(NoPublicConstructor.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(NoPublicDefaultConstructor.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(ProtectedConstructor.class.getName()))
NoPublicConstructor npc = new NoPublicConstructor();
BinaryObject npc2 = marshal(npc, marsh);
assertEquals("test", npc2.<NoPublicConstructor>deserialize().val);
NoPublicDefaultConstructor npdc = new NoPublicDefaultConstructor(239);
BinaryObject npdc2 = marshal(npdc, marsh);
assertEquals(239, npdc2.<NoPublicDefaultConstructor>deserialize().val);
ProtectedConstructor pc = new ProtectedConstructor();
BinaryObject pc2 = marshal(pc, marsh);
assertEquals(ProtectedConstructor.class, pc2.<ProtectedConstructor>deserialize().getClass());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomSerializer() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration type =
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CustomSerializedObject1.class.getName());
type.setSerializer(new CustomSerializer1());
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(type));
CustomSerializedObject1 obj1 = new CustomSerializedObject1(10);
BinaryObject po1 = marshal(obj1, marsh);
assertEquals(20, po1.<CustomSerializedObject1>deserialize().val);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomSerializerWithGlobal() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration type1 =
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CustomSerializedObject1.class.getName());
BinaryTypeConfiguration type2 =
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CustomSerializedObject2.class.getName());
type2.setSerializer(new CustomSerializer2());
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(new CustomSerializer1(), Arrays.asList(type1, type2));
CustomSerializedObject1 obj1 = new CustomSerializedObject1(10);
BinaryObject po1 = marshal(obj1, marsh);
assertEquals(20, po1.<CustomSerializedObject1>deserialize().val);
CustomSerializedObject2 obj2 = new CustomSerializedObject2(10);
BinaryObject po2 = marshal(obj2, marsh);
assertEquals(30, po2.<CustomSerializedObject2>deserialize().val);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomIdMapper() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration type =
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CustomMappedObject1.class.getName());
type.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 11111;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
assert typeId == 11111;
if ("val1".equals(fieldName))
return 22222;
else if ("val2".equals(fieldName))
return 33333;
assert false : "Unknown field: " + fieldName;
return 0;
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(type));
CustomMappedObject1 obj1 = new CustomMappedObject1(10, "str");
BinaryObjectExImpl po1 = marshal(obj1, marsh);
assertEquals(11111, po1.type().typeId());
assertEquals((Integer)10, po1.field(22222));
assertEquals("str", po1.field(33333));
assertEquals(10, po1.<CustomMappedObject1>deserialize().val1);
assertEquals("str", po1.<CustomMappedObject1>deserialize().val2);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomIdMapperWithGlobal() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration type1 =
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CustomMappedObject1.class.getName());
BinaryTypeConfiguration type2 =
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CustomMappedObject2.class.getName());
type2.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 44444;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
assert typeId == 44444;
if ("val1".equals(fieldName))
return 55555;
else if ("val2".equals(fieldName))
return 66666;
assert false : "Unknown field: " + fieldName;
return 0;
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(null, new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 11111;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
assert typeId == 11111;
if ("val1".equals(fieldName))
return 22222;
else if ("val2".equals(fieldName))
return 33333;
assert false : "Unknown field: " + fieldName;
return 0;
}, Arrays.asList(type1, type2));
CustomMappedObject1 obj1 = new CustomMappedObject1(10, "str1");
BinaryObjectExImpl po1 = marshal(obj1, marsh);
assertEquals(11111, po1.type().typeId());
assertEquals((Integer)10, po1.field(22222));
assertEquals("str1", po1.field(33333));
assertEquals(10, po1.<CustomMappedObject1>deserialize().val1);
assertEquals("str1", po1.<CustomMappedObject1>deserialize().val2);
CustomMappedObject2 obj2 = new CustomMappedObject2(20, "str2");
BinaryObjectExImpl po2 = marshal(obj2, marsh);
assertEquals(44444, po2.type().typeId());
assertEquals((Integer)20, po2.field(55555));
assertEquals("str2", po2.field(66666));
assertEquals(20, po2.<CustomMappedObject2>deserialize().val1);
assertEquals("str2", po2.<CustomMappedObject2>deserialize().val2);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testSimpleNameLowerCaseMappers() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration innerClassType = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(InnerMappedObject.class.getName());
BinaryTypeConfiguration publicClassType = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(TestMappedObject.class.getName());
BinaryTypeConfiguration typeWithCustomMapper = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CustomMappedObject2.class.getName());
typeWithCustomMapper.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 44444;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
assert typeId == 44444;
if ("val1".equals(fieldName))
return 55555;
else if ("val2".equals(fieldName))
return 66666;
assert false : "Unknown field: " + fieldName;
return 0;
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(true), new BinaryBasicIdMapper(true),
Arrays.asList(innerClassType, publicClassType, typeWithCustomMapper));
InnerMappedObject innerObj = new InnerMappedObject(10, "str1");
BinaryObjectExImpl innerBo = marshal(innerObj, marsh);
assertEquals("InnerMappedObject".toLowerCase().hashCode(), innerBo.type().typeId());
assertEquals(10, innerBo.<CustomMappedObject1>deserialize().val1);
assertEquals("str1", innerBo.<CustomMappedObject1>deserialize().val2);
TestMappedObject publicObj = new TestMappedObject();
BinaryObjectExImpl publicBo = marshal(publicObj, marsh);
assertEquals("TestMappedObject".toLowerCase().hashCode(), publicBo.type().typeId());
CustomMappedObject2 obj2 = new CustomMappedObject2(20, "str2");
BinaryObjectExImpl po2 = marshal(obj2, marsh);
assertEquals(44444, po2.type().typeId());
assertEquals((Integer)20, po2.field(55555));
assertEquals("str2", po2.field(66666));
assertEquals(20, po2.<CustomMappedObject2>deserialize().val1);
assertEquals("str2", po2.<CustomMappedObject2>deserialize().val2);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDynamicObject() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(DynamicObject.class.getName())
BinaryObject po1 = marshal(new DynamicObject(0, 10, 20, 30), marsh);
assertEquals(new Integer(10), po1.field("val1"));
assertEquals(null, po1.field("val2"));
assertEquals(null, po1.field("val3"));
DynamicObject do1 = po1.deserialize();
assertEquals(10, do1.val1);
assertEquals(0, do1.val2);
assertEquals(0, do1.val3);
BinaryObject po2 = marshal(new DynamicObject(1, 10, 20, 30), marsh);
assertEquals(new Integer(10), po2.field("val1"));
assertEquals(new Integer(20), po2.field("val2"));
assertEquals(null, po2.field("val3"));
DynamicObject do2 = po2.deserialize();
assertEquals(10, do2.val1);
assertEquals(20, do2.val2);
assertEquals(0, do2.val3);
BinaryObject po3 = marshal(new DynamicObject(2, 10, 20, 30), marsh);
assertEquals(new Integer(10), po3.field("val1"));
assertEquals(new Integer(20), po3.field("val2"));
assertEquals(new Integer(30), po3.field("val3"));
DynamicObject do3 = po3.deserialize();
assertEquals(10, do3.val1);
assertEquals(20, do3.val2);
assertEquals(30, do3.val3);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCycleLink() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CycleLinkObject.class.getName())
CycleLinkObject obj = new CycleLinkObject();
obj.self = obj;
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
CycleLinkObject obj0 = po.deserialize();
assert obj0.self == obj0;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDetached() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(DetachedTestObject.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(DetachedInnerTestObject.class.getName())
UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
DetachedTestObject obj = marshal(new DetachedTestObject(
new DetachedInnerTestObject(null, id)), marsh).deserialize();
assert obj.inner1 == obj.inner4;
BinaryObjectImpl innerPo = (BinaryObjectImpl)obj.inner2;
assert innerPo.detached();
DetachedInnerTestObject inner = innerPo.deserialize();
BinaryObjectImpl detachedPo = (BinaryObjectImpl)innerPo.detach();
assert detachedPo.detached();
inner = detachedPo.deserialize();
innerPo = (BinaryObjectImpl)obj.inner3;
assert innerPo.detached();
inner = innerPo.deserialize();
detachedPo = (BinaryObjectImpl)innerPo.detach();
assert detachedPo.detached();
inner = innerPo.deserialize();
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCollectionFields() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(CollectionFieldsObject.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Key.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Value.class.getName())
Object[] arr = new Object[] {new Value(1), new Value(2), new Value(3)};
Collection<Value> col = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new Value(4), new Value(5), new Value(6)));
Map<Key, Value> map = new HashMap<>(F.asMap(new Key(10), new Value(10), new Key(20), new Value(20), new Key(30), new Value(30)));
CollectionFieldsObject obj = new CollectionFieldsObject(arr, col, map);
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
Object[] arr0 = useBinaryArrays ? po.<BinaryArray>field("arr").array() : po.field("arr");
assertEquals(3, arr0.length);
int i = 1;
for (Object valPo : arr0)
assertEquals(i++, ((BinaryObject)valPo).<Value>deserialize().val);
Collection<BinaryObject> col0 = po.field("col");
i = 4;
for (BinaryObject valPo : col0)
assertEquals(i++, valPo.<Value>deserialize().val);
Map<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> map0 = po.field("map");
for (Map.Entry<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> e : map0.entrySet())
assertEquals(e.getKey().<Key>deserialize().key, e.getValue().<Value>deserialize().val);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDefaultMapping() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration customMappingType =
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(TestBinary.class.getName());
customMappingType.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
String typeName = BinaryContext.SIMPLE_NAME_LOWER_CASE_MAPPER.typeName(clsName);
return typeName.toLowerCase().hashCode();
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return fieldName.toLowerCase().hashCode();
BinaryMarshaller marsh1 = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName()),
TestBinary obj = binaryObject();
BinaryObjectImpl po = marshal(obj, marsh1);
BinaryMarshaller marsh2 = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(TestBinary.class.getName())
po = marshal(obj, marsh2);
assertEquals(obj, po.deserialize());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testTypeNamesSimpleNameMapper() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType1 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Value.class.getName());
customType1.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 300;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType2 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass1");
customType2.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 400;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType3 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass2");
customType3.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 500;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType4 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass0");
customType4.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 0;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(true), new BinaryBasicIdMapper(true),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Key.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3"),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass4"),
BinaryContext ctx = binaryContext(marsh);
// Full name hashCode.
assertEquals("notconfiguredclass".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NotConfiguredClass"));
assertEquals("key".hashCode(), ctx.typeId(Key.class.getName()));
assertEquals("nonexistentclass3".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3"));
assertEquals("nonexistentclass4".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass4"));
assertEquals(300, ctx.typeId(Value.class.getName()));
assertEquals(400, ctx.typeId("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass1"));
assertEquals(500, ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass2"));
// BinaryIdMapper.typeId() contract.
assertEquals("nonexistentclass0".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass0"));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testTypeNamesFullNameMappers() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType1 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Value.class.getName());
customType1.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 300;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType2 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass1");
customType2.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 400;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType3 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass2");
customType3.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 500;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType4 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass0");
customType4.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 0;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(false), new BinaryBasicIdMapper(false),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Key.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3"),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass4"),
BinaryContext ctx = binaryContext(marsh);
// Full name hashCode.
assertEquals("NotConfiguredClass".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NotConfiguredClass"));
assertEquals(Key.class.getName().hashCode(), ctx.typeId(Key.class.getName()));
assertEquals("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3"));
assertEquals("NonExistentClass4".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass4"));
assertEquals(300, ctx.typeId(Value.class.getName()));
assertEquals(400, ctx.typeId("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass1"));
assertEquals(500, ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass2"));
// BinaryIdMapper.typeId() contract.
assertEquals("nonexistentclass0".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass0"));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testTypeNamesSimpleNameMappers() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType1 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Value.class.getName());
customType1.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 300;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType2 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass1");
customType2.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 400;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType3 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass2");
customType3.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 500;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType4 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass0");
customType4.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 0;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType5 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(DateClass1.class.getName());
customType5.setNameMapper(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(false));
customType5.setIdMapper(new BinaryBasicIdMapper(false));
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(true), new BinaryBasicIdMapper(true),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Key.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3"),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass4"),
BinaryContext ctx = binaryContext(marsh);
assertEquals("notconfiguredclass".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NotConfiguredClass"));
assertEquals("notconfiguredclass".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("org.blabla.NotConfiguredClass"));
assertEquals("key".hashCode(), ctx.typeId(Key.class.getName()));
assertEquals("nonexistentclass3".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3"));
assertEquals("nonexistentclass4".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass4"));
assertEquals(300, ctx.typeId(Value.class.getName()));
assertEquals(400, ctx.typeId("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass1"));
assertEquals(500, ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass2"));
assertEquals(DateClass1.class.getName().hashCode(), ctx.typeId(DateClass1.class.getName()));
// BinaryIdMapper.typeId() contract.
assertEquals("nonexistentclass0".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass0"));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testTypeNamesCustomIdMapper() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType1 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Value.class.getName());
customType1.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 300;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType2 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass1");
customType2.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 400;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType3 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass2");
customType3.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 500;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType4 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass0");
customType4.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 0;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType5 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(DateClass1.class.getName());
customType5.setIdMapper(new BinaryBasicIdMapper(false));
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType6 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(MyTestClass.class.getName());
customType6.setIdMapper(new BinaryBasicIdMapper(true));
customType6.setNameMapper(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(true));
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(false), new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
if ("org.blabla.NotConfiguredSpecialClass".equals(clsName))
return 0;
else if (Key.class.getName().equals(clsName))
return 991;
else if ("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3".equals(clsName))
return 992;
else if ("NonExistentClass4".equals(clsName))
return 993;
return 999;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
}, Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Key.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3"),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass4"),
BinaryContext ctx = binaryContext(marsh);
assertEquals(999, ctx.typeId("NotConfiguredClass"));
assertEquals(999, ctx.typeId("org.blabla.NotConfiguredClass"));
// BinaryIdMapper.typeId() contract.
assertEquals("notconfiguredspecialclass".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("org.blabla.NotConfiguredSpecialClass"));
assertEquals(991, ctx.typeId(Key.class.getName()));
assertEquals(992, ctx.typeId("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass3"));
assertEquals(993, ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass4"));
// Custom types.
assertEquals(300, ctx.typeId(Value.class.getName()));
assertEquals(400, ctx.typeId("org.gridgain.NonExistentClass1"));
assertEquals(500, ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass2"));
// BinaryIdMapper.typeId() contract.
assertEquals("nonexistentclass0".hashCode(), ctx.typeId("NonExistentClass0"));
assertEquals(DateClass1.class.getName().hashCode(), ctx.typeId(DateClass1.class.getName()));
assertEquals("mytestclass".hashCode(), ctx.typeId(MyTestClass.class.getName()));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCustomTypeRegistration() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Value.class.getName());
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(customType));
BinaryContext ctx = binaryContext(marsh);
int typeId = ctx.typeId(Value.class.getName());
BinaryClassDescriptor descriptor = ctx.descriptorForTypeId(true, typeId, null, true);
assertEquals(Value.class, descriptor.describedClass());
assertEquals(true, descriptor.registered());
assertEquals(true, descriptor.userType());
// Custom explicit types must be registered in 'predefinedTypes' in order not to break the interoperability.
Field field = ctx.getClass().getDeclaredField("predefinedTypes");
Map<Integer, BinaryClassDescriptor> map = (Map<Integer, BinaryClassDescriptor>)field.get(ctx);
// Custom explicit types must NOT be registered in 'predefinedTypeNames'.
field = ctx.getClass().getDeclaredField("predefinedTypeNames");
Map<String, Integer> map2 = (Map<String, Integer>)field.get(ctx);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testFieldIdMapping() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType1 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Value.class.getName());
customType1.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 300;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
switch (fieldName) {
case "val1":
return 301;
case "val2":
return 302;
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType2 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass1");
customType2.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 400;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
switch (fieldName) {
case "val1":
return 401;
case "val2":
return 402;
return 0;
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(Key.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration("NonExistentClass2"),
BinaryContext ctx = binaryContext(marsh);
assertEquals("val".hashCode(), ctx.fieldId("key".hashCode(), "val"));
assertEquals("val".hashCode(), ctx.fieldId("nonexistentclass2".hashCode(), "val"));
assertEquals("val".hashCode(), ctx.fieldId("notconfiguredclass".hashCode(), "val"));
assertEquals(301, ctx.fieldId(300, "val1"));
assertEquals(302, ctx.fieldId(300, "val2"));
assertEquals("val3".hashCode(), ctx.fieldId(300, "val3"));
assertEquals(401, ctx.fieldId(400, "val1"));
assertEquals(402, ctx.fieldId(400, "val2"));
assertEquals("val3".hashCode(), ctx.fieldId(400, "val3"));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDuplicateTypeId() throws Exception {
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType1 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.Class1");
customType1.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 100;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
BinaryTypeConfiguration customType2 = new BinaryTypeConfiguration("org.gridgain.Class2");
customType2.setIdMapper(new BinaryIdMapper() {
@Override public int typeId(String clsName) {
return 100;
@Override public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
return 0;
try {
binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(customType1, customType2));
catch (BinaryObjectException e) {
assertEquals("Duplicate type ID [clsName=org.gridgain.Class2, id=100]", e.getMessage());
assert false;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopy() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
final BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
assertEquals(obj, po.deserialize());
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, null);
assertEquals(obj, copy.deserialize());
copy = copy(po, new HashMap<String, Object>());
assertEquals(obj, copy.deserialize());
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(1, 1.0f);
map.put("i", 3);
copy = copy(po, map);
assertEquals((byte)2, copy.<Byte>field("b").byteValue());
assertEquals((short)2, copy.<Short>field("s").shortValue());
assertEquals(3, copy.<Integer>field("i").intValue());
assertEquals(2L, copy.<Long>field("l").longValue());
assertEquals(2.2f, copy.<Float>field("f").floatValue(), 0);
assertEquals(2.2d, copy.<Double>field("d").doubleValue(), 0);
assertEquals((char)2, copy.<Character>field("c").charValue());
assertEquals(false, copy.<Boolean>field("bool").booleanValue());
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertEquals((byte)2, obj0.b);
assertEquals((short)2, obj0.s);
assertEquals(3, obj0.i);
assertEquals(2L, obj0.l);
assertEquals(2.2f, obj0.f, 0);
assertEquals(2.2d, obj0.d, 0);
assertEquals((char)2, obj0.c);
assertEquals(false, obj0.bool);
map = new HashMap<>(3, 1.0f);
map.put("b", (byte)3);
map.put("l", 3L);
map.put("bool", true);
copy = copy(po, map);
assertEquals((byte)3, copy.<Byte>field("b").byteValue());
assertEquals((short)2, copy.<Short>field("s").shortValue());
assertEquals(2, copy.<Integer>field("i").intValue());
assertEquals(3L, copy.<Long>field("l").longValue());
assertEquals(2.2f, copy.<Float>field("f").floatValue(), 0);
assertEquals(2.2d, copy.<Double>field("d").doubleValue(), 0);
assertEquals((char)2, copy.<Character>field("c").charValue());
assertEquals(true, copy.<Boolean>field("bool").booleanValue());
obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertEquals((byte)3, obj0.b);
assertEquals((short)2, obj0.s);
assertEquals(2, obj0.i);
assertEquals(3L, obj0.l);
assertEquals(2.2f, obj0.f, 0);
assertEquals(2.2d, obj0.d, 0);
assertEquals((char)2, obj0.c);
assertEquals(true, obj0.bool);
map = new HashMap<>(8, 1.0f);
map.put("b", (byte)3);
map.put("s", (short)3);
map.put("i", 3);
map.put("l", 3L);
map.put("f", 3.3f);
map.put("d", 3.3d);
map.put("c", (char)3);
map.put("bool", true);
copy = copy(po, map);
assertEquals((byte)3, copy.<Byte>field("b").byteValue());
assertEquals((short)3, copy.<Short>field("s").shortValue());
assertEquals(3, copy.<Integer>field("i").intValue());
assertEquals(3L, copy.<Long>field("l").longValue());
assertEquals(3.3f, copy.<Float>field("f").floatValue(), 0);
assertEquals(3.3d, copy.<Double>field("d").doubleValue(), 0);
assertEquals((char)3, copy.<Character>field("c").charValue());
assertEquals(true, copy.<Boolean>field("bool").booleanValue());
obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertEquals((byte)3, obj0.b);
assertEquals((short)3, obj0.s);
assertEquals(3, obj0.i);
assertEquals(3L, obj0.l);
assertEquals(3.3f, obj0.f, 0);
assertEquals(3.3d, obj0.d, 0);
assertEquals((char)3, obj0.c);
assertEquals(true, obj0.bool);
// GridTestUtils.assertThrows(
// log,
// new Callable<Object>() {
// @Override public Object call() throws Exception {
// po.copy(F.<String, Object>asMap("i", false));
// return null;
// }
// },
// BinaryException.class,
// "Invalid value type for field: i"
// );
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyString() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("str", "str3"));
assertEquals("str3", copy.<String>field("str"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertEquals("str3", obj0.str);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyUuid() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("uuid", uuid));
assertEquals(uuid, copy.<UUID>field("uuid"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertEquals(uuid, obj0.uuid);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyByteArray() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("bArr", new byte[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {1, 2, 3}, copy.<byte[]>field("bArr"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {1, 2, 3}, obj0.bArr);
* @param po Binary object.
* @param fields Fields.
* @return Copy.
private BinaryObject copy(BinaryObject po, Map<String, Object> fields) {
BinaryObjectBuilder builder = BinaryObjectBuilderImpl.wrap(po);
if (fields != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : fields.entrySet())
builder.setField(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyShortArray() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("sArr", new short[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertArrayEquals(new short[] {1, 2, 3}, copy.<short[]>field("sArr"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertArrayEquals(new short[] {1, 2, 3}, obj0.sArr);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyIntArray() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("iArr", new int[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertArrayEquals(new int[] {1, 2, 3}, copy.<int[]>field("iArr"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertArrayEquals(new int[] {1, 2, 3}, obj0.iArr);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyLongArray() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("lArr", new long[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {1, 2, 3}, copy.<long[]>field("lArr"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertArrayEquals(new long[] {1, 2, 3}, obj0.lArr);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyFloatArray() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("fArr", new float[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertArrayEquals(new float[] {1, 2, 3}, copy.<float[]>field("fArr"), 0);
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertArrayEquals(new float[] {1, 2, 3}, obj0.fArr, 0);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyDoubleArray() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("dArr", new double[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {1, 2, 3}, copy.<double[]>field("dArr"), 0);
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertArrayEquals(new double[] {1, 2, 3}, obj0.dArr, 0);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyCharArray() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("cArr", new char[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertArrayEquals(new char[] {1, 2, 3}, copy.<char[]>field("cArr"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertArrayEquals(new char[] {1, 2, 3}, obj0.cArr);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyStringArray() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("strArr", new String[] {"str1", "str2"}));
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {"str1", "str2"}, copy.<String[]>field("strArr"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertArrayEquals(new String[] {"str1", "str2"}, obj0.strArr);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyObject() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
SimpleObject newObj = new SimpleObject();
newObj.i = 12345;
newObj.fArr = new float[] {5, 8, 0};
newObj.str = "newStr";
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, F.<String, Object>asMap("inner", newObj));
assertEquals(newObj, copy.<BinaryObject>field("inner").deserialize());
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertEquals(newObj, obj0.inner);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyNonPrimitives() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(3, 1.0f);
SimpleObject newObj = new SimpleObject();
newObj.i = 12345;
newObj.fArr = new float[] {5, 8, 0};
newObj.str = "newStr";
map.put("str", "str555");
map.put("inner", newObj);
map.put("bArr", new byte[] {6, 7, 9});
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, map);
assertEquals("str555", copy.<String>field("str"));
assertEquals(newObj, copy.<BinaryObject>field("inner").deserialize());
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {6, 7, 9}, copy.<byte[]>field("bArr"));
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertEquals("str555", obj0.str);
assertEquals(newObj, obj0.inner);
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {6, 7, 9}, obj0.bArr);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryCopyMixed() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())));
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
BinaryObject po = marshal(obj, marsh);
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(3, 1.0f);
SimpleObject newObj = new SimpleObject();
newObj.i = 12345;
newObj.fArr = new float[] {5, 8, 0};
newObj.str = "newStr";
map.put("i", 1234);
map.put("str", "str555");
map.put("inner", newObj);
map.put("s", (short)2323);
map.put("bArr", new byte[] {6, 7, 9});
map.put("b", (byte)111);
BinaryObject copy = copy(po, map);
assertEquals(1234, copy.<Integer>field("i").intValue());
assertEquals("str555", copy.<String>field("str"));
assertEquals(newObj, copy.<BinaryObject>field("inner").deserialize());
assertEquals((short)2323, copy.<Short>field("s").shortValue());
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {6, 7, 9}, copy.<byte[]>field("bArr"));
assertEquals((byte)111, copy.<Byte>field("b").byteValue());
SimpleObject obj0 = copy.deserialize();
assertEquals(1234, obj0.i);
assertEquals("str555", obj0.str);
assertEquals(newObj, obj0.inner);
assertEquals((short)2323, obj0.s);
assertArrayEquals(new byte[] {6, 7, 9}, obj0.bArr);
assertEquals((byte)111, obj0.b);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testKeepDeserialized() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())));
BinaryObjectImpl po = marshal(simpleObject(), marsh);
CacheObjectContext coCtx = new CacheObjectContext(newContext(), null, null, false, false, true, false, false);
assert po.value(coCtx, false) == po.value(coCtx, false);
po = marshal(simpleObject(), marsh);
assert po.deserialize() != po.deserialize();
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testOffheapBinary() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SimpleObject.class.getName())));
BinaryContext ctx = binaryContext(marsh);
SimpleObject simpleObj = simpleObject();
BinaryObjectImpl obj = marshal(simpleObj, marsh);
long ptr = 0;
long ptr1 = 0;
long ptr2 = 0;
try {
ptr = copyOffheap(obj);
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl offheapObj = new BinaryObjectOffheapImpl(ctx,
assertEquals(offheapObj.size(), obj.size());
ptr1 = copyOffheap(obj);
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl offheapObj1 = new BinaryObjectOffheapImpl(ctx,
assertEquals(obj.type().typeId(), offheapObj.type().typeId());
assertEquals(obj.hashCode(), offheapObj.hashCode());
checkSimpleObjectData(simpleObj, offheapObj);
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl innerOffheapObj = offheapObj.field("inner");
checkSimpleObjectData(simpleObj.inner, innerOffheapObj);
obj = (BinaryObjectImpl)offheapObj.heapCopy();
assertEquals(obj.type().typeId(), offheapObj.type().typeId());
assertEquals(obj.hashCode(), offheapObj.hashCode());
checkSimpleObjectData(simpleObj, obj);
BinaryObjectImpl innerObj = obj.field("inner");
checkSimpleObjectData(simpleObj.inner, innerObj);
simpleObj.d = 0;
obj = marshal(simpleObj, marsh);
ptr2 = copyOffheap(obj);
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl offheapObj2 = new BinaryObjectOffheapImpl(ctx,
finally {
if (ptr1 > 0)
if (ptr2 > 0)
public void testReadResolve() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Arrays.asList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(MySingleton.class.getName()),
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(SingletonMarker.class.getName())));
BinaryObjectImpl binaryObj = marshal(MySingleton.INSTANCE, marsh);
assertTrue(binaryObj.array().length <= 1024); // Check that big string was not serialized.
MySingleton singleton = binaryObj.deserialize();
assertSame(MySingleton.INSTANCE, singleton);
public void testReadResolveOnBinaryAware() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(Collections.singletonList(
new BinaryTypeConfiguration(MyTestClass.class.getName())));
BinaryObjectImpl binaryObj = marshal(new MyTestClass(), marsh);
MyTestClass obj = binaryObj.deserialize();
assertEquals("readResolve", obj.s);
public void testDecimalFields() throws Exception {
Collection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> clsNames = new ArrayList<>();
clsNames.add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(DecimalReflective.class.getName()));
clsNames.add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(DecimalMarshalAware.class.getName()));
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(clsNames);
// 1. Test reflective stuff.
DecimalReflective obj1 = new DecimalReflective();
BigDecimal valArr[] = new BigDecimal[] {BigDecimal.ONE, BigDecimal.TEN, new BigDecimal("-100.5"),
BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE, 0), BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE, 0),
BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE, 8), BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE, 8)};
obj1.val = BigDecimal.ZERO;
obj1.valArr = valArr;
BinaryObjectImpl portObj = marshal(obj1, marsh);
assertArrayEquals(obj1.valArr, portObj.<BigDecimal[]>field("valArr"));
assertArrayEquals(obj1.valArr, portObj.<DecimalReflective>deserialize().valArr);
assertArrayEquals(obj1.valArr, (BigDecimal[])portObj.type().field("valArr").value(portObj));
obj1.valArr = null;
for (BigDecimal v: valArr) {
obj1.val = v;
portObj = marshal(obj1, marsh);
assertEquals(obj1.val, portObj.field("val"));
assertEquals(obj1.val, portObj.<DecimalReflective>deserialize().val);
assertEquals(obj1.val, portObj.type().field("val").value(portObj));
// 2. Test marshal aware stuff.
DecimalMarshalAware obj2 = new DecimalMarshalAware();
obj2.val = BigDecimal.ZERO;
obj2.valArr = new BigDecimal[] {BigDecimal.ONE, BigDecimal.TEN.negate()};
obj2.rawVal = BigDecimal.TEN;
obj2.rawValArr = new BigDecimal[] {BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ONE};
portObj = marshal(obj2, marsh);
assertEquals(obj2.val, portObj.field("val"));
assertArrayEquals(obj2.valArr, portObj.<BigDecimal[]>field("valArr"));
assertEquals(obj2.val, portObj.<DecimalMarshalAware>deserialize().val);
assertArrayEquals(obj2.valArr, portObj.<DecimalMarshalAware>deserialize().valArr);
assertEquals(obj2.rawVal, portObj.<DecimalMarshalAware>deserialize().rawVal);
assertArrayEquals(obj2.rawValArr, portObj.<DecimalMarshalAware>deserialize().rawValArr);
assertEquals(obj2.val, portObj.type().field("val").value(portObj));
assertArrayEquals(obj2.valArr, (BigDecimal[])portObj.type().field("valArr").value(portObj));
for (BigDecimal v: valArr) {
obj2.val = v;
portObj = marshal(obj2, marsh);
assertEquals(obj2.val, portObj.field("val"));
assertEquals(obj2.val, portObj.<DecimalMarshalAware>deserialize().val);
assertEquals(obj2.val, portObj.type().field("val").value(portObj));
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void testFinalField() throws IgniteCheckedException {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
SimpleObjectWithFinal obj = new SimpleObjectWithFinal();
SimpleObjectWithFinal po0 = marshalUnmarshal(obj, marsh);
assertEquals(obj.time, po0.time);
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void testThreadLocalArrayReleased() throws Exception {
// Checking the writer directly.
assertEquals(false, THREAD_LOCAL.isAcquired());
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
try (BinaryWriterExImpl writer = new BinaryWriterExImpl(binaryContext(marsh))) {
assertEquals(true, THREAD_LOCAL.isAcquired());
writer.writeString("Thread local test");
assertEquals(true, THREAD_LOCAL.isAcquired());
// Checking the binary marshaller.
assertEquals(false, THREAD_LOCAL.isAcquired());
marsh = binaryMarshaller();
marsh.marshal(new SimpleObject());
assertEquals(false, THREAD_LOCAL.isAcquired());
marsh = binaryMarshaller();
// Checking the builder.
BinaryObjectBuilder builder = new BinaryObjectBuilderImpl(binaryContext(marsh),
builder.setField("a", "1");
BinaryObject binaryObj =;
assertEquals(false, THREAD_LOCAL.isAcquired());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDuplicateNameSimpleNameMapper() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(true),
new BinaryBasicIdMapper(true), null, null, null);
Test1.Job job1 = new Test1().new Job();
Test2.Job job2 = new Test2().new Job();
try {
catch (BinaryObjectException e) {
assertEquals(true, e.getMessage().contains("Failed to register class"));
assert false;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDuplicateNameFullNameMapper() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller(new BinaryBasicNameMapper(false),
new BinaryBasicIdMapper(false), null, null, null);
Test1.Job job1 = new Test1().new Job();
Test2.Job job2 = new Test2().new Job();
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testClass() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
Class cls = BinaryMarshallerSelfTest.class;
Class unmarshalledCls = marshalUnmarshal(cls, marsh);
Assert.assertEquals(cls, unmarshalledCls);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testClassFieldsMarshalling() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
ObjectWithClassFields obj = new ObjectWithClassFields();
obj.cls1 = BinaryMarshallerSelfTest.class;
byte[] marshal = marsh.marshal(obj);
ObjectWithClassFields obj2 = marsh.unmarshal(marshal, null);
assertEquals(obj.cls1, obj2.cls1);
BinaryObject portObj = marshal(obj, marsh);
Class cls1 = portObj.field("cls1");
assertEquals(obj.cls1, cls1);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testReadDetachedMap() throws Exception {
Map<Key, Value> map = IntStream.range(0, 1000).mapToObj(i -> new T2<>(new Key(i), new Value(i)))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(T2::getKey, T2::getValue));
testReadDetachObjectProperly(map, obj -> {
Map<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> desMap = (Map<BinaryObject, BinaryObject>)obj;
assertEquals(map.size(), desMap.size());
desMap.forEach((k, v) -> {
Key key = new Key(k.field("key"));
Value val = new Value(v.field("val"));
assertEquals(val, map.get(key));
}, false);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testReadDetachedCollection() throws Exception {
Collection<Value> col = IntStream.range(0, 1000).mapToObj(Value::new).collect(Collectors.toSet());
testReadDetachObjectProperly(col, obj -> {
Collection<BinaryObject> desCol = (Collection<BinaryObject>)obj;
assertEquals(col.size(), desCol.size());
desCol.forEach(v -> {
Value val = new Value(v.field("val"));
}, false);
/** @throws Exception If failed. */
public void testReadDetachedTypedArray() throws Exception {
Value[] arr = IntStream.range(0, 1000).mapToObj(Value::new).toArray(Value[]::new);
testReadDetachObjectProperly(arr, obj -> {
assertArrayEquals(arr, (Value[])obj);
Object[] args = new Object[] {obj};
assertTrue(args[0] instanceof Value[]);
args = PlatformUtils.unwrapBinariesInArray(args);
assertTrue(args[0] instanceof Value[]);
assertArrayEquals(arr, (Value[])args[0]);
}, true);
/** @throws Exception If failed. */
public void testReadArrayOfCollections() throws Exception {
Collection[] arr = new Collection[] { Arrays.asList(new Value(1), new Value(2), new Value(3)) };
testReadDetachObjectProperly(arr, obj -> {
assertArrayEquals(arr, (Collection[])obj);
Object[] args = new Object[] {obj};
assertTrue(args[0] instanceof Collection[]);
args = PlatformUtils.unwrapBinariesInArray(args);
assertTrue(args[0] instanceof Collection[]);
assertArrayEquals(arr, (Collection[])args[0]);
}, true);
/** @throws Exception If failed. */
public void testReadArrayOfBinaryCollections() throws Exception {
Collection[] arr = new Collection[] { new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new Value(1), new Value(2), new Value(3))) };
testReadDetachObjectProperly(arr, obj -> {
Object[] args = PlatformUtils.unwrapBinariesInArray(new Object[] {obj});
Collection deserVals = (Collection)((Object[])args[0])[0];
assertEqualsCollections(arr[0], deserVals);
}, false);
* Perform action on binary object after unmarshalling from offheap data, when offheap memory chunk cleared.
* @param obj Object to marshal-unmarshal.
* @param action Action to perform on object.
* @throws Exception If failed.
private void testReadDetachObjectProperly(Object obj, IgniteThrowableConsumer<Object> action, boolean deserialize) throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
BinaryHeapOutputStream os = new BinaryHeapOutputStream(1024);
BinaryWriterExImpl writer = marsh.binaryMarshaller().writer(os);
BinaryHeapInputStream is = new BinaryHeapInputStream(os.array());
BinaryReaderExImpl reader = marsh.binaryMarshaller().reader(is);
Object bObj = reader.readObjectDetached(deserialize);
Arrays.fill(os.array(), (byte)0);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testMarshallingThroughJdk() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
InetSocketAddress addr = new InetSocketAddress("", 4545);
byte[] arr = marsh.marshal(addr);
InetSocketAddress addr2 = marsh.unmarshal(arr, null);
assertEquals(addr.getHostString(), addr2.getHostString());
assertEquals(addr.getPort(), addr2.getPort());
TestAddress testAddr = new TestAddress();
testAddr.addr = addr;
testAddr.str1 = "Hello World";
SimpleObject simpleObj = new SimpleObject();
simpleObj.c = 'g'; = new Date();
testAddr.obj = simpleObj;
arr = marsh.marshal(testAddr);
TestAddress testAddr2 = marsh.unmarshal(arr, null);
assertEquals(testAddr.addr.getHostString(), testAddr2.addr.getHostString());
assertEquals(testAddr.addr.getPort(), testAddr2.addr.getPort());
assertEquals(testAddr.str1, testAddr2.str1);
assertEquals(testAddr.obj.c, testAddr2.obj.c);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testPredefinedTypeIds() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
BinaryContext bCtx = binaryContext(marsh);
Field field = bCtx.getClass().getDeclaredField("predefinedTypeNames");
Map<String, Integer> map = (Map<String, Integer>)field.get(bCtx);
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
int id = entry.getValue();
if (id == GridBinaryMarshaller.UNREGISTERED_TYPE_ID)
BinaryClassDescriptor desc = bCtx.descriptorForTypeId(false, entry.getValue(), null, true);
assertEquals(desc.typeId(), bCtx.typeId(desc.describedClass().getName()));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testProxy() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
SomeItf inItf = (SomeItf)Proxy.newProxyInstance(
BinaryMarshallerSelfTest.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {SomeItf.class},
new InvocationHandler() {
private NonSerializable obj = new NonSerializable(null);
@Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method mtd, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if ("hashCode".equals(mtd.getName()))
return obj.hashCode();
return 17;
SomeItf outItf = marsh.unmarshal(marsh.marshal(inItf), null);
assertEquals(outItf.checkAfterUnmarshalled(), 17);
* Test object with {@link Proxy} field.
* @throws Exception If fails.
public void testObjectContainingProxy() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
SomeItf inItf = (SomeItf)Proxy.newProxyInstance(
BinaryMarshallerSelfTest.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] {SomeItf.class},
new InvocationHandler() {
private NonSerializable obj = new NonSerializable(null);
@Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method mtd, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if ("hashCode".equals(mtd.getName()))
return obj.hashCode();
return 17;
SomeItf outItf = marsh.unmarshal(marsh.marshal(inItf), null);
assertEquals(outItf.checkAfterUnmarshalled(), 17);
* Test duplicate fields.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDuplicateFields() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller marsh = binaryMarshaller();
DuplicateFieldsB obj = new DuplicateFieldsB(1, 2);
BinaryObjectImpl objBin = marshal(obj, marsh);
String fieldName = "x";
String fieldNameA = DuplicateFieldsA.class.getName() + "." + fieldName;
String fieldNameB = DuplicateFieldsB.class.getName() + "." + fieldName;
// Check "hasField".
assert !objBin.hasField(fieldName);
assert objBin.hasField(fieldNameA);
assert objBin.hasField(fieldNameB);
// Check direct field access.
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), objBin.field(fieldNameA));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), objBin.field(fieldNameB));
// Check metadata.
BinaryType type = objBin.type();
Collection<String> fieldNames = type.fieldNames();
assertEquals(2, fieldNames.size());
assert !fieldNames.contains(fieldName);
assert fieldNames.contains(fieldNameA);
assert fieldNames.contains(fieldNameB);
// Check field access through type.
BinaryField field = type.field(fieldName);
BinaryField fieldA = type.field(fieldNameA);
BinaryField fieldB = type.field(fieldNameB);
assert !field.exists(objBin);
assert fieldA.exists(objBin);
assert fieldB.exists(objBin);
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), fieldA.value(objBin));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), fieldB.value(objBin));
// Check object deserialization.
DuplicateFieldsB deserialized = objBin.deserialize();
assertEquals(obj.xA(), deserialized.xA());
assertEquals(obj.xB(), deserialized.xB());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testSingleHandle() throws Exception {
SingleHandleA a = new SingleHandleA(new SingleHandleB());
BinaryObjectImpl bo = marshal(a, binaryMarshaller());
Map<String, BinaryObject> map = bo.field("map");
BinaryObject innerBo = map.get("key");
assertEquals(SingleHandleB.class, innerBo.deserialize().getClass());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testUnregisteredClass() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller m = binaryMarshaller(null, Collections.singletonList(Value.class.getName()));
ClassFieldObject res = m.unmarshal(m.marshal(new ClassFieldObject(Value.class)), null);
assertEquals(Value.class, res.cls);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testMixedRawCollections() throws Exception {
Collection<String> excludedClasses = Arrays.asList(
BinaryMarshaller m0 = binaryMarshaller(null, excludedClasses);
BinaryMarshaller m1 = binaryMarshaller();
Value obj = new Value(27);
ObjectWithRaw objectWithRaw = new ObjectWithRaw(27, 13);
ObjectRaw objectRaw = new ObjectRaw(27, 13);
Value objOther = new Value(26);
ObjectWithRaw objectWithRawOther = new ObjectWithRaw(26, 13);
ObjectRaw objectRawOther = new ObjectRaw(26, 13);
ArrayList collection = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(
obj, objectWithRawOther, objectRaw, objectWithRaw, objectRawOther, objOther));
marshalUnmarshal(collection, m0);
marshalUnmarshal(collection, m1);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryEquals() throws Exception {
Collection<String> excludedClasses = Arrays.asList(
BinaryMarshaller m0 = binaryMarshaller(null, excludedClasses);
BinaryMarshaller m1 = binaryMarshaller();
Value obj = new Value(27);
ObjectWithRaw objectWithRaw = new ObjectWithRaw(27, 13);
ObjectRaw objectRaw = new ObjectRaw(27, 13);
Value objOther = new Value(26);
ObjectWithRaw objectWithRawOther = new ObjectWithRaw(26, 13);
ObjectRaw objectRawOther = new ObjectRaw(26, 13);
BinaryObjectImpl binObj0 = marshal(obj, m0);
BinaryObjectImpl binObj1 = marshal(obj, m1);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjWithRaw0 = marshal(objectWithRaw, m0);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjWithRaw1 = marshal(objectWithRaw, m1);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjRaw0 = marshal(objectRaw, m0);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjRaw1 = marshal(objectRaw, m1);
assertNotEquals(binObj0.array().length, binObj1.array().length);
assertNotEquals(binObjWithRaw0.array().length, binObjWithRaw1.array().length);
assertNotEquals(binObjRaw0.array().length, binObjRaw1.array().length);
checkEquals(binObj0, binObj1);
checkEquals(binObjWithRaw0, binObjWithRaw1);
checkEquals(binObjRaw0, binObjRaw1);
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl binObjOffheap0 = null;
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl binObjOffheap1 = null;
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl binObjWithRawOffheap0 = null;
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl binObjWithRawOffheap1 = null;
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl binObjRawOffheap0 = null;
BinaryObjectOffheapImpl binObjRawOffheap1 = null;
BinaryObjectImpl binObjOther0 = marshal(objOther, m0);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjOther1 = marshal(objOther, m1);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjWithRawOther0 = marshal(objectWithRawOther, m0);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjWithRawOther1 = marshal(objectWithRawOther, m1);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjRawOther0 = marshal(objectRawOther, m0);
BinaryObjectImpl binObjRawOther1 = marshal(objectRawOther, m1);
assertEquals(binObjOther0.length(), binObj0.length());
assertEquals(binObjOther1.length(), binObj1.length());
assertEquals(binObjWithRawOther0.length(), binObjWithRaw0.length());
assertEquals(binObjWithRawOther1.length(), binObjWithRaw1.length());
assertEquals(binObjRawOther0.length(), binObjRaw0.length());
assertEquals(binObjRawOther1.length(), binObjRaw1.length());
assertNotEquals(binObjOther0, binObj0);
assertNotEquals(binObjOther1, binObj1);
assertNotEquals(binObjWithRawOther0, binObjWithRaw0);
assertNotEquals(binObjWithRawOther1, binObjWithRaw1);
assertNotEquals(binObjRawOther0, binObjRaw0);
assertNotEquals(binObjRawOther1, binObjRaw1);
try {
binObjOffheap0 = marshalOffHeap(binObj0, m0);
binObjOffheap1 = marshalOffHeap(binObj1, m1);
binObjWithRawOffheap0 = marshalOffHeap(binObjWithRaw0, m0);
binObjWithRawOffheap1 = marshalOffHeap(binObjWithRaw1, m1);
binObjRawOffheap0 = marshalOffHeap(binObjRaw0, m0);
binObjRawOffheap1 = marshalOffHeap(binObjRaw1, m1);
checkEquals(binObj0, binObjOffheap0);
checkEquals(binObj1, binObjOffheap0);
checkEquals(binObj0, binObjOffheap1);
checkEquals(binObj1, binObjOffheap1);
checkEquals(binObjOffheap0, binObjOffheap1);
checkEquals(binObjWithRaw0, binObjWithRawOffheap0);
checkEquals(binObjWithRaw0, binObjWithRawOffheap1);
checkEquals(binObjWithRaw1, binObjWithRawOffheap0);
checkEquals(binObjWithRaw1, binObjWithRawOffheap1);
checkEquals(binObjWithRawOffheap0, binObjWithRawOffheap1);
checkEquals(binObjRaw0, binObjRawOffheap0);
checkEquals(binObjRaw1, binObjRawOffheap0);
checkEquals(binObjRaw0, binObjRawOffheap1);
checkEquals(binObjRaw1, binObjRawOffheap1);
checkEquals(binObjRawOffheap0, binObjRawOffheap1);
finally {
if (binObjOffheap0 != null) {
binObjOffheap0 = null;
if (binObjOffheap1 != null) {
binObjOffheap1 = null;
if (binObjWithRawOffheap0 != null) {
binObjOffheap1 = null;
if (binObjWithRawOffheap1 != null) {
binObjOffheap1 = null;
if (binObjRawOffheap0 != null) {
binObjOffheap1 = null;
if (binObjRawOffheap1 != null) {
binObjOffheap1 = null;
* @param binObj0 Object #0.
* @param binObj1 Object #1.
private void checkEquals(Object binObj0, Object binObj1) {
assertEquals(binObj0, binObj1);
assertEquals(binObj1, binObj0);
assertEquals(binObj0, binObj0);
assertEquals(binObj1, binObj1);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testBinaryEqualsComplexObject() throws Exception {
List<String> excludedClasses = Arrays.asList(
BinaryMarshaller m0 = binaryMarshaller(null, excludedClasses);
BinaryMarshaller m1 = binaryMarshaller(null);
TestClass0 obj0 = new TestClass0();
TestClass1 obj1 = new TestClass1();
TestClass2 obj2 = new TestClass2();
BinaryObjectImpl binObj00 = marshal(obj0, m0);
BinaryObjectImpl binObj01 = marshal(obj1, m0);
BinaryObjectImpl binObj02 = marshal(obj2, m0);
// The length of array must be equal. Object are different only by the class.
assertEquals(binObj00.array().length, binObj01.array().length);
assertEquals(binObj00.array().length, binObj02.array().length);
BinaryObjectImpl binObj10 = marshal(obj0, m1);
BinaryObjectImpl binObj11 = marshal(obj1, m1);
BinaryObjectImpl binObj12 = marshal(obj2, m1);
// The length of array must be equal. Object are different only by the class.
assertEquals(binObj10.array().length, binObj11.array().length);
assertEquals(binObj10.array().length, binObj12.array().length);
assertNotEquals(binObj10.array().length, binObj00.array().length);
assertEquals(binObj00, binObj10);
assertEquals(binObj01, binObj11);
assertEquals(binObj02, binObj12);
assertNotEquals(binObj00, binObj01);
assertNotEquals(binObj00, binObj02);
assertNotEquals(binObj00, binObj11);
assertNotEquals(binObj00, binObj12);
assertNotEquals(binObj01, binObj00);
assertNotEquals(binObj01, binObj02);
assertNotEquals(binObj01, binObj10);
assertNotEquals(binObj01, binObj12);
assertNotEquals(binObj02, binObj00);
assertNotEquals(binObj02, binObj01);
assertNotEquals(binObj02, binObj00);
assertNotEquals(binObj02, binObj11);
* The test must be refactored after {@link IgniteSystemProperties#IGNITE_BINARY_SORT_OBJECT_FIELDS}
* is removed.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testFieldOrder() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller m = binaryMarshaller();
BinaryObjectImpl binObj = marshal(simpleObject(), m);
Collection<String> fieldsBin = binObj.type().fieldNames();
Field[] fields = SimpleObject.class.getDeclaredFields();
assertEquals(fields.length, fieldsBin.size());
int i = 0;
for (String fieldName : fieldsBin) {
assertEquals(fields[i].getName(), fieldName);
* The test must be refactored after {@link IgniteSystemProperties#IGNITE_BINARY_SORT_OBJECT_FIELDS}
* is removed.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testFieldOrderByBuilder() throws Exception {
BinaryMarshaller m = binaryMarshaller();
BinaryObjectBuilder builder = new BinaryObjectBuilderImpl(binaryContext(m), "MyFakeClass");
String[] fieldNames = {"field9", "field8", "field0", "field1", "field2"};
for (String fieldName : fieldNames)
builder.setField(fieldName, 0);
BinaryObject binObj =;
Collection<String> fieldsBin = binObj.type().fieldNames();
assertEquals(fieldNames.length, fieldsBin.size());
int i = 0;
for (String fieldName : fieldsBin) {
assertEquals(fieldNames[i], fieldName);
* @param obj Instance of the BinaryObjectImpl to offheap marshalling.
* @param marsh Binary marshaller.
* @return Instance of BinaryObjectOffheapImpl.
private BinaryObjectOffheapImpl marshalOffHeap(BinaryObjectImpl obj, BinaryMarshaller marsh) {
long ptr = copyOffheap(obj);
return new BinaryObjectOffheapImpl(binaryContext(marsh),
private static interface SomeItf {
* @return Check result.
int checkAfterUnmarshalled();
* Some non-serializable class.
@SuppressWarnings({"PublicField", "TransientFieldInNonSerializableClass", "FieldMayBeStatic"})
private static class NonSerializableA {
/** */
private final long longVal = 0x33445566778899AAL;
/** */
protected Short shortVal = (short)0xAABB;
/** */
public String[] strArr = {"AA", "BB"};
/** */
public boolean flag1 = true;
/** */
public boolean flag2;
/** */
public Boolean flag3;
/** */
public Boolean flag4 = true;
/** */
public Boolean flag5 = false;
/** */
private transient int intVal = 0xAABBCCDD;
* @param strArr Array.
* @param shortVal Short value.
private NonSerializableA(@Nullable String[] strArr, @Nullable Short shortVal) {
// No-op.
* Checks correctness of the state after unmarshalling.
void checkAfterUnmarshalled() {
assertEquals(longVal, 0x33445566778899AAL);
assertEquals(shortVal.shortValue(), (short)0xAABB);
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(strArr, new String[] {"AA", "BB"}));
assertEquals(0, intVal);
* Some non-serializable class.
@SuppressWarnings({"PublicField", "TransientFieldInNonSerializableClass", "PackageVisibleInnerClass"})
static class NonSerializableB extends NonSerializableA {
/** */
public Short shortValue = 0x1122;
/** */
public long longValue = 0x8877665544332211L;
/** */
private transient NonSerializableA[] aArr = {
new NonSerializableA(null, null),
new NonSerializableA(null, null),
new NonSerializableA(null, null)
/** */
protected Double doubleVal = 123.456;
* Just to eliminate the default constructor.
private NonSerializableB() {
super(null, null);
* Checks correctness of the state after unmarshalling.
@Override void checkAfterUnmarshalled() {
assertEquals(shortValue.shortValue(), 0x1122);
assertEquals(longValue, 0x8877665544332211L);
assertEquals(doubleVal, 123.456);
* Some non-serializable class.
@SuppressWarnings({"TransientFieldInNonSerializableClass", "PublicField"})
private static class NonSerializable extends NonSerializableB {
/** */
private int idVal = -17;
/** */
private final NonSerializableA aVal = new NonSerializableB();
/** */
private transient NonSerializableB bVal = new NonSerializableB();
/** */
private NonSerializableA[] bArr = new NonSerializableA[] {
new NonSerializableB(),
new NonSerializableA(null, null)
/** */
public float floatVal = 567.89F;
* Just to eliminate the default constructor.
* @param aVal Unused.
private NonSerializable(NonSerializableA aVal) {
* Checks correctness of the state after unmarshalling.
@Override void checkAfterUnmarshalled() {
assertEquals(idVal, -17);
for (NonSerializableA a : bArr)
assertEquals(floatVal, 567.89F, 0);
* Object with class fields.
private static class ObjectWithClassFields {
/** */
private Class<?> cls1;
/** */
private Class<?> cls2;
private static class TestAddress {
/** */
private SimpleObject obj;
/** */
private InetSocketAddress addr;
/** */
private String str1;
private static class Test1 {
private class Job {
private static class Test2 {
private class Job {
* @param obj Object.
* @return Offheap address.
private long copyOffheap(BinaryObjectImpl obj) {
byte[] arr = obj.array();
long ptr = GridUnsafe.allocateMemory(arr.length);
GridUnsafe.copyHeapOffheap(arr, GridUnsafe.BYTE_ARR_OFF, ptr, arr.length);
return ptr;
* @param enumArr Enum array.
* @return Ordinals.
private <T extends Enum<?>> Integer[] ordinals(T[] enumArr) {
Integer[] ords = new Integer[enumArr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < enumArr.length; i++)
ords[i] = enumArr[i].ordinal();
return ords;
* @param fld Field value.
* @return Ordinals.
private <T extends Enum<?>> Integer[] binaryOrdinals(Object fld) {
Object[] enumArr;
if (useBinaryArrays) {
assertTrue(fld instanceof BinaryEnumArray);
enumArr = ((BinaryEnumArray)fld).array();
else {
assertTrue(fld instanceof BinaryObject[]);
enumArr = (Object[])fld;
Integer[] ords = new Integer[enumArr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < enumArr.length; i++)
ords[i] = ((BinaryObject)enumArr[i]).enumOrdinal();
return ords;
* @param po Binary object.
* @param off Offset.
* @return Value.
private int intFromBinary(BinaryObject po, int off) {
byte[] arr = U.field(po, "arr");
return Integer.reverseBytes(U.bytesToInt(arr, off));
* @param obj Original object.
* @return Result object.
private <T> T marshalUnmarshal(T obj) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return marshalUnmarshal(obj, binaryMarshaller());
* @param obj Original object.
* @param marsh Marshaller.
* @return Result object.
private <T> T marshalUnmarshal(Object obj, BinaryMarshaller marsh) throws IgniteCheckedException {
byte[] bytes = marsh.marshal(obj);
return marsh.unmarshal(bytes, null);
* @param bo Binary object to deserialize.
* @param marsh Marshaller.
* @return Result object.
private <T> T unmarshal(BinaryObjectImpl bo, BinaryMarshaller marsh) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return marsh.unmarshal(bo.array(), null);
* @param obj Object.
* @param marsh Marshaller.
* @return Binary object.
private <T> BinaryObjectImpl marshal(T obj, BinaryMarshaller marsh) throws IgniteCheckedException {
byte[] bytes = marsh.marshal(obj);
return new BinaryObjectImpl(U.<GridBinaryMarshaller>field(marsh, "impl").context(),
bytes, 0);
* @return Whether to use compact footers or not.
protected boolean compactFooter() {
return true;
* @param marsh Marshaller.
* @return Binary context.
protected BinaryContext binaryContext(BinaryMarshaller marsh) {
GridBinaryMarshaller impl = U.field(marsh, "impl");
return impl.context();
protected BinaryMarshaller binaryMarshaller() throws IgniteCheckedException {
return binaryMarshaller(null, null, null, null, null);
protected BinaryMarshaller binaryMarshaller(Collection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> cfgs)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
return binaryMarshaller(null, null, null, cfgs, null);
protected BinaryMarshaller binaryMarshaller(Collection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> cfgs,
Collection<String> excludedClasses) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return binaryMarshaller(null, null, null, cfgs, excludedClasses);
protected BinaryMarshaller binaryMarshaller(BinaryNameMapper nameMapper, BinaryIdMapper mapper,
Collection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> cfgs)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
return binaryMarshaller(nameMapper, mapper, null, cfgs, null);
protected BinaryMarshaller binaryMarshaller(BinarySerializer serializer, Collection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> cfgs)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
return binaryMarshaller(null, null, serializer, cfgs, null);
* @return Binary marshaller.
protected BinaryMarshaller binaryMarshaller(
BinaryNameMapper nameMapper,
BinaryIdMapper mapper,
BinarySerializer serializer,
Collection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> cfgs,
Collection<String> excludedClasses
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
IgniteConfiguration iCfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
BinaryConfiguration bCfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
iCfg.setDiscoverySpi(new TcpDiscoverySpi() {
@Override public void sendCustomEvent(DiscoverySpiCustomMessage msg) throws IgniteException {
iCfg.setSystemViewExporterSpi(new JmxSystemViewExporterSpi());
BinaryContext ctx = new BinaryContext(BinaryCachingMetadataHandler.create(), iCfg, new NullLogger());
BinaryMarshaller marsh = new BinaryMarshaller();
MarshallerContextTestImpl marshCtx = new MarshallerContextTestImpl(null, excludedClasses);
GridTestKernalContext kernCtx = new GridTestKernalContext(log, iCfg);
kernCtx.add(new GridSystemViewManager(kernCtx));
kernCtx.add(new GridDiscoveryManager(kernCtx));
marshCtx.onMarshallerProcessorStarted(kernCtx, null);
marsh.setBinaryContext(ctx, iCfg);
return marsh;
* @return Binary object builder.
protected BinaryObjectBuilder builder(
String typeName
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return builder(typeName, null, null, null, null, null);
* @return Binary object builder.
protected BinaryObjectBuilder builder(
String typeName,
BinaryNameMapper nameMapper,
BinaryIdMapper mapper,
BinarySerializer serializer,
Collection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> cfgs,
Collection<String> excludedClasses
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
IgniteConfiguration iCfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
BinaryConfiguration bCfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
iCfg.setDiscoverySpi(new TcpDiscoverySpi() {
@Override public void sendCustomEvent(DiscoverySpiCustomMessage msg) throws IgniteException {
iCfg.setSystemViewExporterSpi(new JmxSystemViewExporterSpi());
BinaryContext ctx = new BinaryContext(BinaryCachingMetadataHandler.create(), iCfg, new NullLogger());
BinaryMarshaller marsh = new BinaryMarshaller();
MarshallerContextTestImpl marshCtx = new MarshallerContextTestImpl(null, excludedClasses);
GridTestKernalContext kernCtx = new GridTestKernalContext(log, iCfg);
kernCtx.add(new GridSystemViewManager(kernCtx));
kernCtx.add(new GridDiscoveryManager(kernCtx));
marshCtx.onMarshallerProcessorStarted(kernCtx, null);
marsh.setBinaryContext(ctx, iCfg);
return new BinaryObjectBuilderImpl(ctx, typeName);
* @param exp Expected.
* @param act Actual.
private void assertBooleanArrayEquals(boolean[] exp, boolean[] act) {
assertEquals(exp.length, act.length);
for (int i = 0; i < act.length; i++)
assertEquals(exp[i], act[i]);
private static class SimpleObjectWithFinal {
/** */
private final long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
* @return Simple object.
private static SimpleObject simpleObject() {
SimpleObject inner = new SimpleObject();
inner.b = 1;
inner.s = 1;
inner.i = 1;
inner.l = 1;
inner.f = 1.1f;
inner.d = 1.1d;
inner.c = 1;
inner.bool = true;
inner.str = "str1";
inner.uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); = new Date();
inner.ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
inner.bArr = new byte[] {1, 2, 3};
inner.sArr = new short[] {1, 2, 3};
inner.iArr = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
inner.lArr = new long[] {1, 2, 3};
inner.fArr = new float[] {1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f};
inner.dArr = new double[] {1.1d, 2.2d, 3.3d};
inner.cArr = new char[] {1, 2, 3};
inner.boolArr = new boolean[] {true, false, true};
inner.strArr = new String[] {"str1", "str2", "str3"};
inner.uuidArr = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
inner.dateArr = new Date[] {new Date(11111), new Date(22222), new Date(33333)};
inner.objArr = new Object[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
inner.col = new ArrayList<>(); = new HashMap<>();
inner.enumVal = TestEnum.A;
inner.enumArr = new TestEnum[] {TestEnum.A, TestEnum.B};
inner.bdArr = new BigDecimal[] {new BigDecimal(1000), BigDecimal.ONE};
inner.col.add("str3");, "str1");, "str2");, "str3");
SimpleObject outer = new SimpleObject();
outer.b = 2;
outer.s = 2;
outer.i = 2;
outer.l = 2;
outer.f = 2.2f;
outer.d = 2.2d;
outer.c = 2;
outer.bool = false;
outer.str = "str2";
outer.uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); = new Date();
outer.ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
outer.bArr = new byte[] {10, 20, 30};
outer.sArr = new short[] {10, 20, 30};
outer.iArr = new int[] {10, 20, 30};
outer.lArr = new long[] {10, 20, 30};
outer.fArr = new float[] {10.01f, 20.02f, 30.03f};
outer.dArr = new double[] {10.01d, 20.02d, 30.03d};
outer.cArr = new char[] {10, 20, 30};
outer.boolArr = new boolean[] {false, true, false};
outer.strArr = new String[] {"str10", "str20", "str30"};
outer.uuidArr = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
outer.dateArr = new Date[] {new Date(44444), new Date(55555), new Date(66666)};
outer.objArr = new Object[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
outer.col = new ArrayList<>(); = new HashMap<>();
outer.enumVal = TestEnum.B;
outer.enumArr = new TestEnum[] {TestEnum.B, TestEnum.C};
outer.inner = inner;
outer.bdArr = new BigDecimal[] {new BigDecimal(5000), BigDecimal.TEN};
outer.col.add("str6");, "str4");, "str5");, "str6");
return outer;
* @return Binary object.
private TestBinary binaryObject() {
SimpleObject innerSimple = new SimpleObject();
innerSimple.b = 1;
innerSimple.s = 1;
innerSimple.i = 1;
innerSimple.l = 1;
innerSimple.f = 1.1f;
innerSimple.d = 1.1d;
innerSimple.c = 1;
innerSimple.bool = true;
innerSimple.str = "str1";
innerSimple.uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); = new Date();
innerSimple.ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
innerSimple.bArr = new byte[] {1, 2, 3};
innerSimple.sArr = new short[] {1, 2, 3};
innerSimple.iArr = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
innerSimple.lArr = new long[] {1, 2, 3};
innerSimple.fArr = new float[] {1.1f, 2.2f, 3.3f};
innerSimple.dArr = new double[] {1.1d, 2.2d, 3.3d};
innerSimple.cArr = new char[] {1, 2, 3};
innerSimple.boolArr = new boolean[] {true, false, true};
innerSimple.strArr = new String[] {"str1", "str2", "str3"};
innerSimple.uuidArr = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
innerSimple.dateArr = new Date[] {new Date(11111), new Date(22222), new Date(33333)};
innerSimple.objArr = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
innerSimple.col = new ArrayList<>(); = new HashMap<>();
innerSimple.enumVal = TestEnum.A;
innerSimple.enumArr = new TestEnum[] {TestEnum.A, TestEnum.B};
innerSimple.col.add("str3");, "str1");, "str2");, "str3");
TestBinary innerBinary = new TestBinary();
innerBinary.b = 2;
innerBinary.s = 2;
innerBinary.i = 2;
innerBinary.l = 2;
innerBinary.f = 2.2f;
innerBinary.d = 2.2d;
innerBinary.c = 2;
innerBinary.bool = true;
innerBinary.str = "str2";
innerBinary.uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); = new Date();
innerBinary.ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
innerBinary.bArr = new byte[] {10, 20, 30};
innerBinary.sArr = new short[] {10, 20, 30};
innerBinary.iArr = new int[] {10, 20, 30};
innerBinary.lArr = new long[] {10, 20, 30};
innerBinary.fArr = new float[] {10.01f, 20.02f, 30.03f};
innerBinary.dArr = new double[] {10.01d, 20.02d, 30.03d};
innerBinary.cArr = new char[] {10, 20, 30};
innerBinary.boolArr = new boolean[] {true, false, true};
innerBinary.strArr = new String[] {"str10", "str20", "str30"};
innerBinary.uuidArr = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
innerBinary.dateArr = new Date[] {new Date(44444), new Date(55555), new Date(66666)};
innerBinary.objArr = new Object[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
innerBinary.bRaw = 3;
innerBinary.sRaw = 3;
innerBinary.iRaw = 3;
innerBinary.lRaw = 3;
innerBinary.fRaw = 3.3f;
innerBinary.dRaw = 3.3d;
innerBinary.cRaw = 3;
innerBinary.boolRaw = true;
innerBinary.strRaw = "str3";
innerBinary.uuidRaw = UUID.randomUUID();
innerBinary.dateRaw = new Date();
innerBinary.tsRaw = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
innerBinary.bArrRaw = new byte[] {11, 21, 31};
innerBinary.sArrRaw = new short[] {11, 21, 31};
innerBinary.iArrRaw = new int[] {11, 21, 31};
innerBinary.lArrRaw = new long[] {11, 21, 31};
innerBinary.fArrRaw = new float[] {11.11f, 21.12f, 31.13f};
innerBinary.dArrRaw = new double[] {11.11d, 21.12d, 31.13d};
innerBinary.cArrRaw = new char[] {11, 21, 31};
innerBinary.boolArrRaw = new boolean[] {true, false, true};
innerBinary.strArrRaw = new String[] {"str11", "str21", "str31"};
innerBinary.uuidArrRaw = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
innerBinary.dateArrRaw = new Date[] {new Date(77777), new Date(88888), new Date(99999)};
innerBinary.objArrRaw = new Object[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
innerBinary.col = new ArrayList<>();
innerBinary.colRaw = new ArrayList<>(); = new HashMap<>();
innerBinary.mapRaw = new HashMap<>();
innerBinary.enumVal = TestEnum.B;
innerBinary.enumValRaw = TestEnum.C;
innerBinary.enumArr = new TestEnum[] {TestEnum.B, TestEnum.C};
innerBinary.enumArrRaw = new TestEnum[] {TestEnum.C, TestEnum.D};
innerBinary.col.add("str6");, "str4");, "str5");, "str6");
innerBinary.mapRaw.put(7, "str7");
innerBinary.mapRaw.put(8, "str8");
innerBinary.mapRaw.put(9, "str9");
TestBinary outer = new TestBinary();
outer.b = 4;
outer.s = 4;
outer.i = 4;
outer.l = 4;
outer.f = 4.4f;
outer.d = 4.4d;
outer.c = 4;
outer.bool = true;
outer.str = "str4";
outer.uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); = new Date();
outer.ts = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
outer.bArr = new byte[] {12, 22, 32};
outer.sArr = new short[] {12, 22, 32};
outer.iArr = new int[] {12, 22, 32};
outer.lArr = new long[] {12, 22, 32};
outer.fArr = new float[] {12.21f, 22.22f, 32.23f};
outer.dArr = new double[] {12.21d, 22.22d, 32.23d};
outer.cArr = new char[] {12, 22, 32};
outer.boolArr = new boolean[] {true, false, true};
outer.strArr = new String[] {"str12", "str22", "str32"};
outer.uuidArr = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
outer.dateArr = new Date[] {new Date(10101), new Date(20202), new Date(30303)};
outer.objArr = new Object[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
outer.simple = innerSimple;
outer.binary = innerBinary;
outer.bRaw = 5;
outer.sRaw = 5;
outer.iRaw = 5;
outer.lRaw = 5;
outer.fRaw = 5.5f;
outer.dRaw = 5.5d;
outer.cRaw = 5;
outer.boolRaw = true;
outer.strRaw = "str5";
outer.uuidRaw = UUID.randomUUID();
outer.dateRaw = new Date();
outer.tsRaw = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
outer.bArrRaw = new byte[] {13, 23, 33};
outer.sArrRaw = new short[] {13, 23, 33};
outer.iArrRaw = new int[] {13, 23, 33};
outer.lArrRaw = new long[] {13, 23, 33};
outer.fArrRaw = new float[] {13.31f, 23.32f, 33.33f};
outer.dArrRaw = new double[] {13.31d, 23.32d, 33.33d};
outer.cArrRaw = new char[] {13, 23, 33};
outer.boolArrRaw = new boolean[] {true, false, true};
outer.strArrRaw = new String[] {"str13", "str23", "str33"};
outer.uuidArrRaw = new UUID[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
outer.dateArr = new Date[] {new Date(40404), new Date(50505), new Date(60606)};
outer.objArrRaw = new Object[] {UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID()};
outer.col = new ArrayList<>();
outer.colRaw = new ArrayList<>(); = new HashMap<>();
outer.mapRaw = new HashMap<>();
outer.enumVal = TestEnum.D;
outer.enumValRaw = TestEnum.E;
outer.enumArr = new TestEnum[] {TestEnum.D, TestEnum.E};
outer.enumArrRaw = new TestEnum[] {TestEnum.E, TestEnum.A};
outer.simpleRaw = innerSimple;
outer.binaryRaw = innerBinary;
outer.col.add("str12");, "str10");, "str11");, "str12");
outer.mapRaw.put(16, "str16");
outer.mapRaw.put(17, "str16");
outer.mapRaw.put(18, "str17");
return outer;
private enum TestEnum {
/** */
/** */
/** */
/** */
/** */
/** */
public static class SimpleObject {
/** */
private byte b;
/** */
private short s;
/** */
private int i;
/** */
private long l;
/** */
private float f;
/** */
private double d;
/** */
private char c;
/** */
private boolean bool;
/** */
private String str;
/** */
private UUID uuid;
/** */
private Date date;
/** */
private Timestamp ts;
/** */
private Time time;
/** */
private byte[] bArr;
/** */
private short[] sArr;
/** */
private int[] iArr;
/** */
private long[] lArr;
/** */
private float[] fArr;
/** */
private double[] dArr;
/** */
private char[] cArr;
/** */
private boolean[] boolArr;
/** */
private String[] strArr;
/** */
private UUID[] uuidArr;
/** */
private Date[] dateArr;
/** */
private Time[] timeArr;
/** */
private Object[] objArr;
/** */
private BigDecimal[] bdArr;
/** */
private Collection<String> col;
/** */
private Map<Integer, String> map;
/** */
private TestEnum enumVal;
/** */
private TestEnum[] enumArr;
/** */
private SimpleObject inner;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other)
return true;
if (other == null || getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
SimpleObject obj = (SimpleObject)other;
return GridTestUtils.deepEquals(this, obj);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return S.toString(SimpleObject.class, this);
/** */
private static class TestBinary implements Binarylizable {
/** */
private byte b;
/** */
private byte bRaw;
/** */
private short s;
/** */
private short sRaw;
/** */
private int i;
/** */
private int iRaw;
/** */
private long l;
/** */
private long lRaw;
/** */
private float f;
/** */
private float fRaw;
/** */
private double d;
/** */
private double dRaw;
/** */
private char c;
/** */
private char cRaw;
/** */
private boolean bool;
/** */
private boolean boolRaw;
/** */
private String str;
/** */
private String strRaw;
/** */
private UUID uuid;
/** */
private UUID uuidRaw;
/** */
private Date date;
/** */
private Date dateRaw;
/** */
private Timestamp ts;
/** */
private Timestamp tsRaw;
/** */
private Time time;
/** */
private Time timeRaw;
/** */
private byte[] bArr;
/** */
private byte[] bArrRaw;
/** */
private short[] sArr;
/** */
private short[] sArrRaw;
/** */
private int[] iArr;
/** */
private int[] iArrRaw;
/** */
private long[] lArr;
/** */
private long[] lArrRaw;
/** */
private float[] fArr;
/** */
private float[] fArrRaw;
/** */
private double[] dArr;
/** */
private double[] dArrRaw;
/** */
private char[] cArr;
/** */
private char[] cArrRaw;
/** */
private boolean[] boolArr;
/** */
private boolean[] boolArrRaw;
/** */
private String[] strArr;
/** */
private String[] strArrRaw;
/** */
private UUID[] uuidArr;
/** */
private UUID[] uuidArrRaw;
/** */
private Date[] dateArr;
/** */
private Date[] dateArrRaw;
/** */
private Time[] timeArr;
/** */
private Time[] timeArrRaw;
/** */
private Object[] objArr;
/** */
private Object[] objArrRaw;
/** */
private Collection<String> col;
/** */
private Collection<String> colRaw;
/** */
private Map<Integer, String> map;
/** */
private Map<Integer, String> mapRaw;
/** */
private TestEnum enumVal;
/** */
private TestEnum enumValRaw;
/** */
private TestEnum[] enumArr;
/** */
private TestEnum[] enumArrRaw;
/** */
private SimpleObject simple;
/** */
private SimpleObject simpleRaw;
/** */
private TestBinary binary;
/** */
private TestBinary binaryRaw;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
writer.writeByte("_b", b);
writer.writeShort("_s", s);
writer.writeInt("_i", i);
writer.writeLong("_l", l);
writer.writeFloat("_f", f);
writer.writeDouble("_d", d);
writer.writeChar("_c", c);
writer.writeBoolean("_bool", bool);
writer.writeString("_str", str);
writer.writeUuid("_uuid", uuid);
writer.writeDate("_date", date);
writer.writeTimestamp("_ts", ts);
writer.writeTime("_time", time);
writer.writeByteArray("_bArr", bArr);
writer.writeShortArray("_sArr", sArr);
writer.writeIntArray("_iArr", iArr);
writer.writeLongArray("_lArr", lArr);
writer.writeFloatArray("_fArr", fArr);
writer.writeDoubleArray("_dArr", dArr);
writer.writeCharArray("_cArr", cArr);
writer.writeBooleanArray("_boolArr", boolArr);
writer.writeStringArray("_strArr", strArr);
writer.writeUuidArray("_uuidArr", uuidArr);
writer.writeDateArray("_dateArr", dateArr);
writer.writeTimeArray("_timeArr", timeArr);
writer.writeObjectArray("_objArr", objArr);
writer.writeCollection("_col", col);
writer.writeMap("_map", map);
writer.writeEnum("_enumVal", enumVal);
writer.writeEnumArray("_enumArr", enumArr);
writer.writeObject("_simple", simple);
writer.writeObject("_binary", binary);
BinaryRawWriter raw = writer.rawWriter();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
b = reader.readByte("_b");
s = reader.readShort("_s");
i = reader.readInt("_i");
l = reader.readLong("_l");
f = reader.readFloat("_f");
d = reader.readDouble("_d");
c = reader.readChar("_c");
bool = reader.readBoolean("_bool");
str = reader.readString("_str");
uuid = reader.readUuid("_uuid");
date = reader.readDate("_date");
ts = reader.readTimestamp("_ts");
time = reader.readTime("_time");
bArr = reader.readByteArray("_bArr");
sArr = reader.readShortArray("_sArr");
iArr = reader.readIntArray("_iArr");
lArr = reader.readLongArray("_lArr");
fArr = reader.readFloatArray("_fArr");
dArr = reader.readDoubleArray("_dArr");
cArr = reader.readCharArray("_cArr");
boolArr = reader.readBooleanArray("_boolArr");
strArr = reader.readStringArray("_strArr");
uuidArr = reader.readUuidArray("_uuidArr");
dateArr = reader.readDateArray("_dateArr");
timeArr = reader.readTimeArray("_timeArr");
objArr = reader.readObjectArray("_objArr");
col = reader.readCollection("_col");
map = reader.readMap("_map");
enumVal = reader.readEnum("_enumVal");
enumArr = reader.readEnumArray("_enumArr");
simple = reader.readObject("_simple");
binary = reader.readObject("_binary");
BinaryRawReader raw = reader.rawReader();
bRaw = raw.readByte();
sRaw = raw.readShort();
iRaw = raw.readInt();
lRaw = raw.readLong();
fRaw = raw.readFloat();
dRaw = raw.readDouble();
cRaw = raw.readChar();
boolRaw = raw.readBoolean();
strRaw = raw.readString();
uuidRaw = raw.readUuid();
dateRaw = raw.readDate();
tsRaw = raw.readTimestamp();
timeRaw = raw.readTime();
bArrRaw = raw.readByteArray();
sArrRaw = raw.readShortArray();
iArrRaw = raw.readIntArray();
lArrRaw = raw.readLongArray();
fArrRaw = raw.readFloatArray();
dArrRaw = raw.readDoubleArray();
cArrRaw = raw.readCharArray();
boolArrRaw = raw.readBooleanArray();
strArrRaw = raw.readStringArray();
uuidArrRaw = raw.readUuidArray();
dateArrRaw = raw.readDateArray();
timeArrRaw = raw.readTimeArray();
objArrRaw = raw.readObjectArray();
colRaw = raw.readCollection();
mapRaw = raw.readMap();
enumValRaw = raw.readEnum();
enumArrRaw = raw.readEnumArray();
simpleRaw = raw.readObject();
binaryRaw = raw.readObject();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (this == other)
return true;
if (other == null || getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
TestBinary obj = (TestBinary)other;
return GridTestUtils.deepEquals(this, obj);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return S.toString(TestBinary.class, this);
private static class CustomSerializedObject1 implements Binarylizable {
/** */
private int val;
private CustomSerializedObject1() {
// No-op.
* @param val Value.
private CustomSerializedObject1(int val) {
this.val = val;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
// No-op.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
// No-op.
private static class CustomSerializedObject2 implements Binarylizable {
/** */
private int val;
private CustomSerializedObject2() {
// No-op.
* @param val Value.
private CustomSerializedObject2(int val) {
this.val = val;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
// No-op.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
// No-op.
private static class CustomSerializer1 implements BinarySerializer {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(Object obj, BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
CustomSerializedObject1 o = (CustomSerializedObject1)obj;
writer.writeInt("val", o.val * 2);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(Object obj, BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
CustomSerializedObject1 o = (CustomSerializedObject1)obj;
o.val = reader.readInt("val");
private static class CustomSerializer2 implements BinarySerializer {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(Object obj, BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
CustomSerializedObject2 o = (CustomSerializedObject2)obj;
writer.writeInt("val", o.val * 3);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(Object obj, BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
CustomSerializedObject2 o = (CustomSerializedObject2)obj;
o.val = reader.readInt("val");
private static class CustomMappedObject1 {
/** */
private int val1;
/** */
private String val2;
private CustomMappedObject1() {
// No-op.
* @param val1 Value 1.
* @param val2 Value 2.
private CustomMappedObject1(int val1, String val2) {
this.val1 = val1;
this.val2 = val2;
private static class InnerMappedObject extends CustomMappedObject1 {
* @param val1 Val1
* @param val2 Val2
InnerMappedObject(int val1, String val2) {
super(val1, val2);
private static class CustomMappedObject2 {
/** */
private int val1;
/** */
private String val2;
private CustomMappedObject2() {
// No-op.
* @param val1 Value 1.
* @param val2 Value 2.
private CustomMappedObject2(int val1, String val2) {
this.val1 = val1;
this.val2 = val2;
private static class DynamicObject implements Binarylizable {
/** */
private int idx;
/** */
private int val1;
/** */
private int val2;
/** */
private int val3;
private DynamicObject() {
// No-op.
* @param val1 Value 1.
* @param val2 Value 2.
* @param val3 Value 3.
private DynamicObject(int idx, int val1, int val2, int val3) {
this.idx = idx;
this.val1 = val1;
this.val2 = val2;
this.val3 = val3;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
writer.writeInt("val1", val1);
if (idx > 0)
writer.writeInt("val2", val2);
if (idx > 1)
writer.writeInt("val3", val3);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
val1 = reader.readInt("val1");
val2 = reader.readInt("val2");
val3 = reader.readInt("val3");
* Custom array list.
private static class CustomArrayList extends ArrayList {
// No-op.
* Custom hash map.
private static class CustomHashMap extends HashMap {
// No-op.
* Holder for non-stadard collections.
private static class CustomCollections {
/** */
public List list = new ArrayList();
/** */
public List customList = new CustomArrayList();
/** */
private static class CustomCollectionsWithFactory implements Binarylizable {
/** */
public List list = new CustomArrayList();
/** */
public Map map = new CustomHashMap();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
writer.writeCollection("list", list);
writer.writeMap("map", map);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
list = (List)reader.readCollection("list", new BinaryCollectionFactory<Object>() {
@Override public Collection<Object> create(int size) {
return new CustomArrayList();
map = reader.readMap("map", new BinaryMapFactory<Object, Object>() {
@Override public Map<Object, Object> create(int size) {
return new CustomHashMap();
* Dummy value holder.
private static class DummyHolder {
/** Value. */
public int val;
* Constructor.
* @param val Value.
public DummyHolder(int val) {
this.val = val;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o != null && o instanceof DummyHolder && ((DummyHolder)o).val == val;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return val;
private static class CycleLinkObject {
/** */
private CycleLinkObject self;
private static class DetachedTestObject implements Binarylizable {
/** */
private DetachedInnerTestObject inner1;
/** */
private Object inner2;
/** */
private Object inner3;
/** */
private DetachedInnerTestObject inner4;
private DetachedTestObject() {
// No-op.
* @param inner Inner object.
private DetachedTestObject(DetachedInnerTestObject inner) {
inner1 = inner;
inner2 = inner;
inner3 = new DetachedInnerTestObject(inner,;
inner4 = inner;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
BinaryRawWriterEx raw = (BinaryRawWriterEx)writer.rawWriter();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
BinaryRawReaderEx raw = (BinaryRawReaderEx)reader.rawReader();
inner1 = (DetachedInnerTestObject)raw.readObject();
inner2 = raw.readObjectDetached();
inner3 = raw.readObjectDetached();
inner4 = (DetachedInnerTestObject)raw.readObject();
private static class DetachedInnerTestObject {
/** */
private DetachedInnerTestObject inner;
/** */
private UUID id;
private DetachedInnerTestObject() {
// No-op.
* @param inner Inner object.
* @param id ID.
private DetachedInnerTestObject(DetachedInnerTestObject inner, UUID id) {
this.inner = inner; = id;
private static class CollectionFieldsObject {
/** */
private Object[] arr;
/** */
private Collection<Value> col;
/** */
private Map<Key, Value> map;
private CollectionFieldsObject() {
// No-op.
* @param arr Array.
* @param col Collection.
* @param map Map.
private CollectionFieldsObject(Object[] arr, Collection<Value> col, Map<Key, Value> map) {
this.arr = arr;
this.col = col; = map;
private static class Key {
/** */
private int key;
private Key() {
// No-op.
* n
* @param key Key.
private Key(int key) {
this.key = key;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
Key key0 = (Key)o;
return key == key0.key;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return key;
private static class Value {
/** */
private int val;
private Value() {
// No-op.
* @param val Value.
private Value(int val) {
this.val = val;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Value))
return false;
Value value = (Value)o;
return val == value.val;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return val;
private static class DateClass1 {
/** */
private Date date;
/** */
private Timestamp ts;
/** */
private Time time;
/** */
private Time[] timeArr;
private static class NoPublicConstructor {
/** */
private String val = "test";
* @return Value.
public String getVal() {
return val;
private static class NoPublicDefaultConstructor {
/** */
private int val;
* @param val Value.
public NoPublicDefaultConstructor(int val) {
this.val = val;
private static class ProtectedConstructor {
* Protected constructor.
protected ProtectedConstructor() {
// No-op.
private static class MyTestClass implements Binarylizable {
/** */
private boolean readyToSerialize;
/** */
private String s;
* @return Object.
Object writeReplace() {
readyToSerialize = true;
return this;
* @return Object.
Object readResolve() {
s = "readResolve";
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
if (!readyToSerialize)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
s = "readBinary";
private static class MySingleton {
/** */
public static final MySingleton INSTANCE = new MySingleton();
/** */
private String s;
/** Initializer. */ {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
s = builder.toString();
* @return Object.
Object writeReplace() {
return new SingletonMarker();
private static class SingletonMarker {
* @return Object.
Object readResolve() {
return MySingleton.INSTANCE;
public static class SimpleEnclosingObject {
/** */
private Object simpl;
public static class SimpleExternalizable implements Externalizable {
/** */
private String field;
* {@link Externalizable} support.
public SimpleExternalizable() {
// No-op.
* @param field Field.
public SimpleExternalizable(String field) {
this.field = field;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
U.writeString(out, field);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
field = U.readString(in);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
SimpleExternalizable that = (SimpleExternalizable)o;
return field.equals(that.field);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return field.hashCode();
* Class B for duplicate fields test.
private static class DuplicateFieldsA {
/** Field. */
int x;
* Constructor.
* @param x Field.
protected DuplicateFieldsA(int x) {
this.x = x;
* @return A's field.
public int xA() {
return x;
* Class B for duplicate fields test.
private static class DuplicateFieldsB extends DuplicateFieldsA {
/** Field. */
int x;
* Constructor.
* @param xA Field for parent class.
* @param xB Field for current class.
public DuplicateFieldsB(int xA, int xB) {
this.x = xB;
* @return B's field.
public int xB() {
return x;
private static class DecimalReflective {
/** */
public BigDecimal val;
/** */
public BigDecimal[] valArr;
private static class DecimalMarshalAware extends DecimalReflective implements Binarylizable {
/** */
public BigDecimal rawVal;
/** */
public BigDecimal[] rawValArr;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
writer.writeDecimal("val", val);
writer.writeDecimalArray("valArr", valArr);
BinaryRawWriter rawWriter = writer.rawWriter();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
val = reader.readDecimal("val");
valArr = reader.readDecimalArray("valArr");
BinaryRawReader rawReader = reader.rawReader();
rawVal = rawReader.readDecimal();
rawValArr = rawReader.readDecimalArray();
private static class SingleHandleA {
/** */
private SingleHandleB b;
/** */
private Map<Object, SingleHandleB> map = new HashMap<>();
* @param b B.
SingleHandleA(SingleHandleB b) {
this.b = b;
map.put("key", b);
private static class SingleHandleB {
private static class ClassFieldObject {
/** */
private Class<?> cls;
* @param cls Class field.
public ClassFieldObject(Class<?> cls) {
this.cls = cls;
private static class TestClass0 {
/** */
private int intVal = 33;
/** */
private String strVal = "Test string value";
/** */
private SimpleObject obj = constSimpleObject();
* @return Constant value of the SimpleObject.
public static SimpleObject constSimpleObject() {
SimpleObject obj = simpleObject();
obj.uuid = null; = new Date(33);
obj.ts = new Timestamp(22);
obj.uuidArr = new UUID[] {null, null, null};
obj.dateArr = new Date[] {new Date(11111), new Date(22222), new Date(33333)};
obj.objArr = new Object[] {null, null, null};
obj.inner.uuid = null; = new Date(33);
obj.inner.ts = new Timestamp(22);
obj.inner.uuidArr = new UUID[] {null, null, null};
obj.inner.dateArr = new Date[] {new Date(11111), new Date(22222), new Date(33333)};
obj.inner.objArr = new Object[] {null, null, null};
return obj;
/** */
public static class ArrayFieldClass {
/** */
protected TestClass1[] arr1;
/** */
protected TestClass1[] arr2;
public static class TestClass1 {
/** */
private int intVal = 33;
/** */
private String strVal = "Test string value";
/** */
private SimpleObject obj = TestClass0.constSimpleObject();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
TestClass1 class1 = (TestClass1)o;
return intVal == class1.intVal && Objects.equals(strVal, class1.strVal) && Objects.equals(obj, class1.obj);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(intVal, strVal, obj);
private static class TestClass2 extends TestClass0 {
/** */
private static class ObjectWithRaw implements Binarylizable {
/** */
private int val;
/** */
private int rawVal;
public ObjectWithRaw() {
* @param val Value.
* @param rawVal Raw value.
public ObjectWithRaw(int val, int rawVal) {
this.val = val;
this.rawVal = rawVal;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
writer.writeInt("val", val);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
val = reader.readInt("val");
rawVal = reader.rawReader().readInt();
/** */
private static class ObjectRaw implements Binarylizable {
/** */
private int val0;
/** */
private int val1;
public ObjectRaw() {
* @param val0 Value.
* @param val1 Raw value.
public ObjectRaw(int val0, int val1) {
this.val0 = val0;
this.val1 = val1;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeBinary(BinaryWriter writer) throws BinaryObjectException {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readBinary(BinaryReader reader) throws BinaryObjectException {
BinaryRawReader rawReader = reader.rawReader();
val0 = rawReader.readInt();
val1 = rawReader.readInt();
/** */
private static class EnumObject implements Serializable {
/** */
private long id;
/** */
private String name;
/** */
private DeclaredBodyEnum type;
/** */
EnumObject(final long id, final String name, final DeclaredBodyEnum type) { = id; = name;
this.type = type;
/** */
public enum DeclaredBodyEnum {
/** */
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override boolean isSupported() {
return false;
/** */
/** {@inkheritDoc} */
@Override boolean isSupported() {
return false;
/** */
abstract boolean isSupported();
/** */
interface Intf {
/** */
long value();
/** */
static class TestObject {
/** Value. */
Intf val = new IntfImpl();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
TestObject obj = (TestObject)o;
return val.equals(obj.val);
/** */
static class IntfImpl extends Cls implements Intf {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long value() {
return longValue();
/** */
static class Cls implements Serializable {
/** Value. */
long val;
/** */
public long longValue() {
return val;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
Cls cls = (Cls)o;
return val == cls.val;
/** */
private Object writeReplace() {
return new SerializationProxy(this);
/** */
private static class SerializationProxy implements Serializable {
/** Value. */
private final long val;
/** */
SerializationProxy(Cls a) {
val = a.longValue();
/** */
private Object readResolve() {
Cls a = new Cls();
a.val = val;
return a;
/** */
public static class HandleToCollections {
/** */
int a;
/** */
List<Value> lst;
/** */
List<Value> hndLst;
/** */
List<Value> linkedLst;
/** */
List<Value> hndLinkedLst;
/** */
Map<Integer, Value> map;
/** */
Map<Integer, Value> hndMap;
/** */
Map<Integer, Value> linkedMap;
/** */
Map<Integer, Value> hndLinkedMap;
/** */
public HandleToCollections() {
lst = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new Value(0), new Value(1)));
hndLst = lst;
linkedLst = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(new Value(0), new Value(1)));
hndLinkedLst = linkedLst;
map = IntStream.range(0, 1).boxed()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), Value::new));
hndMap = map;
linkedMap = IntStream.range(0, 1).boxed()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), Value::new, (a, b) -> a, LinkedHashMap::new));
hndLinkedMap = linkedMap;
/** */
public static class TwoCollections {
/** */
int a;
/** */
List<String> lst0;
/** */
List<String> lst1;
/** */
Value v;
/** */
public TwoCollections() {
a = 0;
lst0 = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("a", "b"));
lst1 = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("c", "d"));;
v = new Value(127);