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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.transactions;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.failure.StopNodeFailureHandler;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteEx;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInternalFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgnitionEx;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.TestRecordingCommunicationSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.PartitionUpdateCounter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.GridCacheTxRecoveryRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtTxFinishRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtTxFinishResponse;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtTxPrepareRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.GridDhtTxPrepareResponse;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.topology.GridDhtLocalPartition;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.near.GridNearTxFinishRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.near.GridNearTxFinishResponse;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.near.GridNearTxPrepareRequest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.near.GridNearTxPrepareResponse;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.db.wal.IgniteWalRebalanceTest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.version.GridCacheVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridCompoundFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.G;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T3;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteBiPredicate;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteInClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteUuid;
import org.apache.ignite.plugin.extensions.communication.Message;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.ipfinder.vm.TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.common.GridCommonAbstractTest;
import org.apache.ignite.transactions.Transaction;
import org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionConcurrency;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheAtomicityMode.TRANSACTIONAL;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC;
import static org.apache.ignite.configuration.WALMode.LOG_ONLY;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.TestRecordingCommunicationSpi.spi;
import static org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync;
import static org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionConcurrency.PESSIMISTIC;
* Test framework for ordering transaction's prepares and commits by intercepting messages and releasing then
* in user defined order.
public abstract class TxPartitionCounterStateAbstractTest extends GridCommonAbstractTest {
/** IP finder. */
protected static final TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder IP_FINDER = new TcpDiscoveryVmIpFinder(true);
/** */
private static final int MB = 1024 * 1024;
/** */
protected int backups;
/** */
public static final int TEST_TIMEOUT = 30_000;
/** */
private AtomicReference<Throwable> testFailed = new AtomicReference<>();
/** Number of keys to preload before txs to enable historical rebalance. */
protected static final int PRELOAD_KEYS_CNT = 1;
/** */
protected static final String CLIENT_GRID_NAME = "client";
/** */
protected static final int PARTS_CNT = 32;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected IgniteConfiguration getConfiguration(String igniteInstanceName) throws Exception {
IgniteConfiguration cfg = super.getConfiguration(igniteInstanceName);
cfg.setConsistentId("node" + igniteInstanceName);
cfg.setFailureHandler(new StopNodeFailureHandler());
cfg.setRebalanceThreadPoolSize(4); // Necessary to reproduce some issues.
// TODO set this only for historical rebalance tests.
cfg.setCommunicationSpi(new IgniteWalRebalanceTest.WalRebalanceCheckingCommunicationSpi());
cfg.setDataStorageConfiguration(new DataStorageConfiguration().
setWalSegmentSize(8 * MB).setWalMode(LOG_ONLY).setPageSize(1024).
setCheckpointFrequency(MILLISECONDS.convert(365, DAYS)).
setDefaultDataRegionConfiguration(new DataRegionConfiguration().setPersistenceEnabled(persistenceEnabled()).
setInitialSize(100 * MB).setMaxSize(100 * MB)));
if (!igniteInstanceName.startsWith(CLIENT_GRID_NAME))
return cfg;
* @return Partitions count.
protected int partitions() {
return PARTS_CNT;
* @return Default tx concurrency.
protected TransactionConcurrency concurrency() {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void beforeTestsStarted() throws Exception {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void afterTestsStopped() throws Exception {
/** */
protected boolean persistenceEnabled() {
return true;
* @param name Name.
protected CacheConfiguration<Object, Object> cacheConfiguration(String name) {
CacheConfiguration ccfg = new CacheConfiguration(name);
ccfg.setAffinity(new RendezvousAffinityFunction(false, partitions()));
return ccfg;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void beforeTest() throws Exception {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void afterTest() throws Exception {
protected void configureBaselineAutoAdjust() {
* Runs a scenario.
* @param partId Partition id.
* @param part2Sup Optional second partition supplier.
* @param nodesCnt Nodes count.
* @param clo Callback closure which produces {@link TxCallback}.
* @param sizes Sizes.
protected Map<Integer, T2<Ignite, List<Ignite>>> runOnPartition(
int partId,
@Nullable Supplier<Integer> part2Sup,
int backups,
int nodesCnt,
IgniteClosure<Map<Integer, T2<Ignite, List<Ignite>>>, TxCallback> clo,
int[] sizes) throws Exception {
this.backups = backups;
IgniteEx crd = startGrids(nodesCnt);
assertEquals(0, crd.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME).size());
int[][] ranges = new int[sizes.length][2];
int totalKeys = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
int size = sizes[i];
ranges[i] = new int[] {totalKeys, size};
totalKeys += size;
IgniteEx client = startClientGrid(CLIENT_GRID_NAME);
// Preload one key to partition to enable historical rebalance.
List<Integer> preloadKeys = loadDataToPartition(partId, "client", DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME, PRELOAD_KEYS_CNT, 0);
assertPartitionsSame(idleVerify(client, DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME));
List<Integer> keys = partitionKeys(crd.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME), partId, totalKeys, PRELOAD_KEYS_CNT);
Ignite prim = primaryNode(keys.get(0), DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
List<Ignite> backupz = backups == 0 ? null : backups == 1 ?
Collections.singletonList(backupNode(keys.get(0), DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME)) :
backupNodes(keys.get(0), DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
final TestRecordingCommunicationSpi clientWrappedSpi = spi(client);
Map<IgniteUuid, GridCacheVersion> futMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Map<GridCacheVersion, GridCacheVersion> nearToLocVerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Map<Integer, T2<Ignite, List<Ignite>>> txTop = new HashMap<>();
txTop.put(partId, new T2<>(prim, backupz));
List<Integer> keysPart2 = part2Sup == null ? null :
partitionKeys(crd.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME), part2Sup.get(), sizes.length, 0);"TX: topology [part1=" + partId + ", primary=" + +
", backups=" + F.transform(backupz, Ignite::name));
if (part2Sup != null) {
int partId2 = part2Sup.get();
Ignite prim2 = primaryNode(keysPart2.get(0), DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
assertNotSame(prim, prim2);
List<Ignite> backupz2 = backupNodes(keysPart2.get(0), DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME);
txTop.put(partId2, new T2<>(prim2, backupz2));"TX: topology [part2=" + partId2 + ", primary=" + +
", backups=" + F.transform(backupz2, Ignite::name));
TxCallback cb = clo.apply(txTop);
clientWrappedSpi.blockMessages((node, msg) -> {
if (msg instanceof GridNearTxPrepareRequest) {
IgniteEx to = IgnitionEx.gridxx(;
GridNearTxPrepareRequest req = (GridNearTxPrepareRequest)msg;
if (!req.last())
return false;
futMap.put(req.futureId(), req.version());
return cb.beforePrimaryPrepare(to, req.version().asIgniteUuid(), createSendFuture(clientWrappedSpi, msg));
else if (msg instanceof GridNearTxFinishRequest) {
IgniteEx to = IgnitionEx.gridxx(;
GridNearTxFinishRequest req = (GridNearTxFinishRequest)msg;
futMap.put(req.futureId(), req.version());
IgniteInternalTx tx = findTx(to, req.version(), true);
return cb.beforePrimaryFinish(to, tx, createSendFuture(clientWrappedSpi, msg));
return false;
spi(prim).blockMessages(createPrimaryMessagePredicate(spi(prim), futMap, nearToLocVerMap, cb));
if (part2Sup != null) {
Ignite prim2 = txTop.get(part2Sup.get()).get1();
spi(prim2).blockMessages(createPrimaryMessagePredicate(spi(prim2), futMap, nearToLocVerMap, cb));
if (backupz != null) {
for (Ignite backup : backupz)
createBackupMessagePredicate(spi(backup), futMap, cb));
if (part2Sup != null) {
for (Ignite backup : txTop.get(part2Sup.get()).get2())
createBackupMessagePredicate(spi(backup), futMap, cb));
AtomicInteger idx = new AtomicInteger();
CyclicBarrier b = new CyclicBarrier(sizes.length);
IgniteInternalFuture<Long> fut = runMultiThreadedAsync(() -> {
int txIdx = idx.getAndIncrement();
int[] range = ranges[txIdx];
String lb = "t" + txIdx;
try (Transaction tx = client.transactions().withLabel(lb).txStart()) {
cb.onTxStart(tx, txIdx);
U.awaitQuiet(b); // Wait should always success.
for (Integer key : keys.subList(range[0], range[0] + range[1]))
client.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME).put(key, 0);
if (keysPart2 != null) { // Force 2PC.
client.cache(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME).put(keysPart2.get(txIdx), 0);
catch (Throwable ignored) {
// No-op.
}, sizes.length, "tx-thread");
try {
fut.get(TEST_TIMEOUT); // TODO verify all created futures.
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
Throwable err = testFailed.get();
if (err != null)
log.error("Test execution failed", err);
fail("Test is timed out");
return txTop;
* @param wrappedPrimSpi Wrapped prim spi.
* @param futMap Future map.
* @param nearToLocVerMap Near to local version map.
* @param cb Callback.
private IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode, Message> createPrimaryMessagePredicate(TestRecordingCommunicationSpi wrappedPrimSpi,
Map<IgniteUuid, GridCacheVersion> futMap,
Map<GridCacheVersion, GridCacheVersion> nearToLocVerMap,
TxCallback cb) {
return (node, msg) -> {
if (msg instanceof GridDhtTxPrepareRequest) {
IgniteEx to = IgnitionEx.gridxx(;
GridDhtTxPrepareRequest req = (GridDhtTxPrepareRequest)msg;
if (!req.last())
return false;
futMap.put(req.futureId(), req.nearXidVersion());
nearToLocVerMap.put(req.version(), req.nearXidVersion());
IgniteEx from = fromNode(wrappedPrimSpi);
IgniteInternalTx primTx = findTx(from, req.nearXidVersion(), true);
return cb.beforeBackupPrepare(from, to, primTx, createSendFuture(wrappedPrimSpi, msg));
else if (msg instanceof GridDhtTxFinishRequest) {
IgniteEx to = IgnitionEx.gridxx(;
GridDhtTxFinishRequest req = (GridDhtTxFinishRequest)msg;
GridCacheVersion nearVer = nearToLocVerMap.get(req.version());
futMap.put(req.futureId(), nearVer);
IgniteEx from = fromNode(wrappedPrimSpi);
IgniteInternalTx primTx = findTx(from, nearVer, true);
IgniteInternalTx backupTx = findTx(to, nearVer, false);
return cb.beforeBackupFinish(from, to, primTx, backupTx, nearVer.asIgniteUuid(), createSendFuture(wrappedPrimSpi, msg));
else if (msg instanceof GridNearTxPrepareResponse) {
GridNearTxPrepareResponse resp = (GridNearTxPrepareResponse)msg;
IgniteEx from = fromNode(wrappedPrimSpi);
GridCacheVersion ver = futMap.get(resp.futureId());
IgniteInternalTx primTx = findTx(from, ver, true);
return cb.afterPrimaryPrepare(from, primTx, ver.asIgniteUuid(), createSendFuture(wrappedPrimSpi, msg));
else if (msg instanceof GridNearTxFinishResponse) {
IgniteEx to = IgnitionEx.gridxx(;
GridNearTxFinishResponse req = (GridNearTxFinishResponse)msg;
IgniteEx from = fromNode(wrappedPrimSpi);
IgniteUuid nearVer = futMap.get(req.futureId()).asIgniteUuid();
return cb.afterPrimaryFinish(from, nearVer, createSendFuture(wrappedPrimSpi, msg));
return false;
* @param wrappedBackupSpi Wrapped backup spi.
* @param futMap Future map.
* @param cb Callback.
private IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode, Message> createBackupMessagePredicate(TestRecordingCommunicationSpi wrappedBackupSpi,
Map<IgniteUuid, GridCacheVersion> futMap, TxCallback cb) {
return (node, msg) -> {
if (msg instanceof GridDhtTxPrepareResponse) {
IgniteEx from = fromNode(wrappedBackupSpi);
IgniteEx to = IgnitionEx.gridxx(;
GridDhtTxPrepareResponse resp = (GridDhtTxPrepareResponse)msg;
GridCacheVersion ver = futMap.get(resp.futureId());
if (ver == null)
return false; // Message from parallel partition.
IgniteInternalTx backupTx = findTx(from, ver, false);
return cb.afterBackupPrepare(to, from, backupTx, ver.asIgniteUuid(), createSendFuture(wrappedBackupSpi, msg));
else if (msg instanceof GridDhtTxFinishResponse) {
IgniteEx from = fromNode(wrappedBackupSpi);
IgniteEx to = IgnitionEx.gridxx(;
GridDhtTxFinishResponse resp = (GridDhtTxFinishResponse)msg;
GridCacheVersion ver = futMap.get(resp.futureId());
if (ver == null)
return false; // Message from parallel partition.
// Version is null if message is a response to checkCommittedRequest.
return cb.afterBackupFinish(to, from, ver.asIgniteUuid(), createSendFuture(wrappedBackupSpi, msg));
return false;
* @param wrapperSpi Wrapper spi.
* @param msg Message.
private GridFutureAdapter<?> createSendFuture(TestRecordingCommunicationSpi wrapperSpi, Message msg) {
GridFutureAdapter<?> fut = new GridFutureAdapter<>();
fut.listen(fut1 -> wrapperSpi.stopBlock(true, objects -> objects.get2().message() == msg, false, true));
return fut;
* Defines logic of tx messages delivery ordering.
protected interface TxCallback {
* @param primary Primary.
* @param nearXidVer Near xid version.
* @param proceedFut Proceed future.
public boolean beforePrimaryPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut);
* @param primary Primary node.
* @param backup Backup prim.
* @param primaryTx Primary tx.
* @param proceedFut Proceed future.
public boolean beforeBackupPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, IgniteInternalTx primaryTx,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut);
* @param primary Primary.
* @param tx Tx.
* @param proceedFut Proceed future.
public boolean beforePrimaryFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteInternalTx tx, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut);
* @param primary Primary.
* @param nearXidVer Near xid version.
* @param proceedFut Proceed future.
public boolean afterPrimaryFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteUuid nearXidVer, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut);
* @param primary Primary.
* @param backup Backup.
* @param backupTx Backup tx.
* @param nearXidVer Near xid version.
* @param proceedFut Future.
public boolean afterBackupPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, @Nullable IgniteInternalTx backupTx,
IgniteUuid nearXidVer, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut);
* @param primary Primary.
* @param backup Backup.
* @param nearXidVer Near xid version.
* @param proceedFut Future.
public boolean afterBackupFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut);
* @param primary Prim.
* @param backup Backup.
* @param primaryTx Prim tx. Null for 2pc.
* @param backupTx Backup tx.
* @param nearXidVer Near xid version.
* @param proceedFut Future.
public boolean beforeBackupFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, @Nullable IgniteInternalTx primaryTx,
IgniteInternalTx backupTx,
IgniteUuid nearXidVer, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut);
* @param primary Primary.
* @param tx Tx or null for one-phase commit.
* @param nearXidVer Near xid version.
* @param proceedFut Future.
public boolean afterPrimaryPrepare(IgniteEx primary, @Nullable IgniteInternalTx tx, IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut);
* Called when transaction got an order assignment.
* @param tx Tx.
* @param idx Index.
void onTxStart(Transaction tx, int idx);
/** */
protected class TxCallbackAdapter implements TxCallback {
/** */
private Map<Integer, IgniteUuid> txMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private Map<IgniteUuid, Integer> revTxMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean beforePrimaryPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteUuid nearXidVer, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean beforeBackupPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, IgniteInternalTx primaryTx,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean afterBackupPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, IgniteInternalTx backupTx,
IgniteUuid nearXidVer, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean afterPrimaryPrepare(IgniteEx primary, @Nullable IgniteInternalTx tx, IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean beforePrimaryFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteInternalTx tx, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean afterPrimaryFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean beforeBackupFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, IgniteInternalTx primaryTx,
IgniteInternalTx backupTx,
IgniteUuid nearXidVer, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean afterBackupFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
return false;
* @param order Order.
protected IgniteUuid version(int order) {
return txMap.get(order);
* @param ver Version.
protected int order(IgniteUuid ver) {
return revTxMap.get(ver);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onTxStart(Transaction tx, int idx) {
txMap.put(idx, tx.xid());
revTxMap.put(tx.xid(), idx);
* Find a tx by near xid version.
* @param n Node.
* @param nearVer Near version.
* @param primary {@code True} to search primary tx.
private IgniteInternalTx findTx(IgniteEx n, GridCacheVersion nearVer, boolean primary) {
return n.context().cache().context().tm().activeTransactions().stream().
filter(tx -> nearVer.equals(tx.nearXidVersion()) && tx.local() == primary).findAny().orElse(null);
* @param r Runnable.
public void runAsync(Runnable r) {
IgniteInternalFuture fut = GridTestUtils.runAsync(r);
// Fail test if future failed to finish normally.
fut.listen(new IgniteInClosure<IgniteInternalFuture>() {
@Override public void apply(IgniteInternalFuture fut0) {
try {
catch (Throwable t) {
* @param partId Partition id.
* @return Counter or null if node is not partition owner.
protected @Nullable PartitionUpdateCounter counter(int partId) {
@Nullable GridDhtLocalPartition part = internalCache(0).context().topology().localPartition(partId);
return part == null ? null : part.dataStore().partUpdateCounter();
* @param skipCheckpointOnStop Skip checkpoint on stop.
* @param name Grid instance.
protected void stopGrid(boolean skipCheckpointOnStop, String name) {
IgniteEx grid = grid(name);
if (skipCheckpointOnStop && persistenceEnabled()) {
GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager db =
stopGrid(, skipCheckpointOnStop);
* @param spi SPI.
* @return Corresponding Ignite instance.
private IgniteEx fromNode(TestRecordingCommunicationSpi spi) {
return IgnitionEx.gridxx(spi.getSpiContext().localNode().id());
* The callback order prepares and commits on primary and backups nodes.
protected class TwoPhaseCommitTxCallbackAdapter extends TxCallbackAdapter {
/** */
private Map<T3<IgniteEx /** Node */, TxState /** State */, IgniteUuid /** Near xid */>, GridFutureAdapter<?>>
futures = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private Map<IgniteEx, Queue<Integer>> assigns = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private Map<IgniteEx, Queue<Integer>> prepares = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private Map<IgniteEx, Queue<Integer>> commits = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private final int txCnt;
/** */
private Map<IgniteUuid, Boolean> allPrimaryCommitted = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private AtomicBoolean allPrimaryCommittedFlag = new AtomicBoolean();
/** */
private Map<T2<IgniteEx, IgniteUuid>, Integer> assignCntr = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* @param prepares Prepares.
* @param commits Commits.
* @param txCnt Tx count.
public TwoPhaseCommitTxCallbackAdapter(Map<IgniteEx, int[]> prepares, Map<IgniteEx, int[]> commits, int txCnt) {
this(prepares, prepares, commits, txCnt);
* @param prepares Map of node to it's prepare order.
* @param commits Map of node to it's commit order.
public TwoPhaseCommitTxCallbackAdapter(
Map<IgniteEx, int[]> assigns,
Map<IgniteEx, int[]> prepares,
Map<IgniteEx, int[]> commits,
int txCnt) {
this.txCnt = txCnt;
// TODO validate orders (all unique)
prepares.forEach((ex, ints) -> assertEquals("Wrong order of prepares", txCnt, ints.length));
commits.forEach((ex, ints) -> assertEquals("Wrong order of commits", txCnt, ints.length));
for (Map.Entry<IgniteEx, int[]> entry : prepares.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<IgniteEx, int[]> entry : commits.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<IgniteEx, int[]> entry : assigns.entrySet()) {
* @param primary Primary.
* @param tx Tx.
* @param idx Index.
protected boolean onPrimaryPrepared(IgniteEx primary, IgniteInternalTx tx, int idx) {"TX: prepared on primary [name=" + + ", txId=" + idx + ']');
return false;
* Note: callbacks are called only if node presents in defined order.
* @param primary Primary.
protected void onAllPrimaryPrepared(IgniteEx primary) {"TX: all primary prepared [name=" + + ']');
* Note: callbacks are called only if node presents in defined order.
* @param backup Backup.
* @param tx Tx.
* @param idx Index.
protected boolean onBackupPrepared(IgniteEx backup, IgniteInternalTx tx, int idx) {"TX: backup prepared [name=" + + ", txId=" + idx + ']');
return false;
* Note: callbacks are called only if node presents in defined order.
* @param primary Primary.
* @param idx Index.
protected boolean onPrimaryCommitted(IgniteEx primary, int idx) {"TX: primary committed [name=" + + ", txId=" + idx + ']');
return false;
* Note: callbacks are called only if node presents in defined order.
* @param backup Backup node.
* @param idx Index.
protected boolean onBackupCommitted(IgniteEx backup, int idx) {"TX: backup committed [name=" + + ", id=" + backup.localNode().id() +
", txId=" + idx + ']');
return false;
* Note: callbacks are called only if node presents in defined order.
* @param primary Primary node.
protected void onAllPrimaryCommitted(IgniteEx primary) {"TX: all primary committed [name=" + + ']');
* Note: callbacks are called only if node presents in defined order.
* @param backup Backup node.
protected void onAllBackupCommitted(IgniteEx backup) {"TX: all backup committed: [name=" + + ']');
* @param primary Primary node.
* @param tx Primary tx.
protected void onCounterAssigned(IgniteEx primary, IgniteInternalTx tx, int idx) {"TX: primary counter assigned: [name=" + + ", txId=" + idx + ']');
* @param node Node.
* @param state State.
* @return Count of futures for node.
private long countForNode(IgniteEx node, TxState state) {
return futures.keySet().stream().filter(objects -> objects.get1() == node && objects.get2() == state).count();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean beforePrimaryPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteUuid nearXidVer, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
if (assigns.get(primary) == null)
return false;
runAsync(() -> {
futures.put(new T3<>(primary, TxState.ASSIGN, nearXidVer), proceedFut);
futures.put(new T3<>(primary, TxState.PREPARE, nearXidVer), new GridCompoundFuture() {
@Override public boolean onDone(@Nullable Object res, @Nullable Throwable err) {
Collection<IgniteInternalFuture<?>> futures = futures();
for (IgniteInternalFuture<?> future : futures)
return super.onDone(res, err);
// Order counter assigns.
if (countForNode(primary, TxState.ASSIGN) == txCnt) { // Wait until all prep requests queued and force prepare order.
futures.remove(new T3<>(primary, TxState.ASSIGN, version(assigns.get(primary).poll()))).onDone();
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean afterPrimaryPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteInternalTx tx, IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
if (prepares.get(primary) == null)
return false;
runAsync(() -> {
if (onPrimaryPrepared(primary, tx, order(nearXidVer)))
if (prepares.get(primary).isEmpty()) {
futures.remove(new T3<>(primary, TxState.PREPARE, version(prepares.get(primary).poll()))).onDone();
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean beforePrimaryFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteInternalTx tx, GridFutureAdapter<?>
proceedFut) {
if (commits.get(primary) == null)
return false;
runAsync(() -> {
futures.put(new T3<>(primary, TxState.COMMIT, tx.nearXidVersion().asIgniteUuid()), proceedFut);
if (countForNode(primary, TxState.COMMIT) == txCnt)
futures.remove(new T3<>(primary, TxState.COMMIT, version(commits.get(primary).poll()))).onDone();
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean beforeBackupPrepare(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, IgniteInternalTx primaryTx,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
assert primary != backup;
if (prepares.get(backup) == null && assigns.get(primary) == null)
return false;
runAsync(() -> {
if (assigns.get(primary) != null) {
int v0 = assignCntr.compute(new T2<>(primary, primaryTx.nearXidVersion().asIgniteUuid()),
(key, val) -> (val == null ? 0 : val) + 1);
if (v0 == 2) {
onCounterAssigned(primary, primaryTx, order(primaryTx.nearXidVersion().asIgniteUuid()));
if (!assigns.get(primary).isEmpty())
futures.remove(new T3<>(primary, TxState.ASSIGN,
if (prepares.get(backup) != null) {
futures.put(new T3<>(backup, TxState.PREPARE, primaryTx.nearXidVersion().asIgniteUuid()), proceedFut);
// Wait until all prep requests queued and force prepare order.
if (countForNode(backup, TxState.PREPARE) == txCnt) {
futures.remove(new T3<>(backup, TxState.PREPARE, version(prepares.get(backup).poll()))).onDone();
return prepares.get(backup) != null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean afterBackupPrepare(
IgniteEx primary,
IgniteEx backup,
IgniteInternalTx backupTx,
IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
if (prepares.get(backup) == null && prepares.get(primary) == null)
return false;
runAsync(() -> {
if (prepares.get(primary) != null) {
GridCompoundFuture<Object, Object> fut0 =
(GridCompoundFuture<Object, Object>)futures.get(new T3<>(primary, TxState.PREPARE, nearXidVer));
int sum = futures.entrySet().stream().filter(objects -> objects.getKey().get1() == primary &&
objects.getKey().get2() == TxState.PREPARE).
mapToInt(value -> ((GridCompoundFuture)value.getValue()).futures().size()).sum();
if (sum == txCnt * 2)
futures.remove(new T3<>(primary, TxState.PREPARE, version(prepares.get(primary).poll()))).onDone();
if (prepares.get(backup) != null) {
if (onBackupPrepared(backup, backupTx, order(nearXidVer)))
if (prepares.get(backup).isEmpty())
futures.remove(new T3<>(backup, TxState.PREPARE, version(prepares.get(backup).poll()))).onDone();
return prepares.get(primary) != null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean beforeBackupFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, @Nullable IgniteInternalTx primaryTx,
IgniteInternalTx backupTx, IgniteUuid nearXidVer, GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
if (commits.get(backup) == null) // Ignore backup because the order is not specified.
return false;
runAsync(() -> {
futures.put(new T3<>(backup, TxState.COMMIT, nearXidVer), proceedFut);
// First finish message to backup means what tx was committed on primary.
Boolean prev = allPrimaryCommitted.putIfAbsent(nearXidVer, Boolean.TRUE);
if (prev == null) {
if (onPrimaryCommitted(primary, order(nearXidVer)))
if (countForNode(primary, TxState.COMMIT) == 0 && countForNode(backup, TxState.COMMIT) == txCnt) {
if (allPrimaryCommittedFlag.compareAndSet(false, true))
onAllPrimaryCommitted(primary); // Report all primary committed once.
// Proceed with commit to backups.
futures.remove(new T3<>(backup, TxState.COMMIT, version(commits.get(backup).poll()))).onDone();
if (prev == null)
futures.remove(new T3<>(primary, TxState.COMMIT, version(commits.get(primary).poll()))).onDone();
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean afterBackupFinish(IgniteEx primary, IgniteEx backup, IgniteUuid nearXidVer,
GridFutureAdapter<?> proceedFut) {
if (commits.get(backup) == null) // Ignore backup because the order is not specified.
return false;
runAsync(() -> {
if (onBackupCommitted(backup, order(nearXidVer)))
if (commits.get(backup).isEmpty()) {
futures.remove(new T3<>(backup, TxState.COMMIT, version(commits.get(backup).poll()))).onDone();
return false;
* Blocks tx recovery between all nodes.
protected void blockRecovery() {
for (Ignite grid : G.allGrids()) {
if (grid.configuration().isClientMode())
TestRecordingCommunicationSpi.spi(grid).blockMessages(new IgniteBiPredicate<ClusterNode, Message>() {
@Override public boolean apply(ClusterNode clusterNode, Message msg) {
return msg instanceof GridCacheTxRecoveryRequest;
/** */
private enum TxState {
/** Prepare. */ PREPARE,
/** Assign. */ ASSIGN,
/** Commit. */COMMIT