blob: dddd97749c1f318efe1299a94c0b7694998f324b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.baseline.BaselineArguments;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.CacheCommands;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.CacheSubcommands;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.CacheValidateIndexes;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.FindAndDeleteGarbage;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.argument.FindAndDeleteGarbageArg;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.visor.tx.VisorTxOperation;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.visor.tx.VisorTxProjection;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.visor.tx.VisorTxSortOrder;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.visor.tx.VisorTxTaskArg;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.tracing.Scope;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.SystemPropertiesRule;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.WithSystemProperty;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_COMMAND;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.QueryMXBeanImpl.EXPECTED_GLOBAL_QRY_ID_FORMAT;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.CommandList.CACHE;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.CommandList.CLUSTER_CHANGE_TAG;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.CommandList.SET_STATE;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.CommandList.WAL;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.CommonArgParser.CMD_VERBOSE;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.TaskExecutor.DFLT_HOST;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.TaskExecutor.DFLT_PORT;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.WalCommands.WAL_DELETE;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.WalCommands.WAL_PRINT;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.CacheSubcommands.FIND_AND_DELETE_GARBAGE;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.CacheSubcommands.VALIDATE_INDEXES;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.argument.ValidateIndexesCommandArg.CHECK_FIRST;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.commandline.cache.argument.ValidateIndexesCommandArg.CHECK_THROUGH;
import static org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils.assertThrows;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
* Tests Command Handler parsing arguments.
@WithSystemProperty(key = IGNITE_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_COMMAND, value = "true")
public class CommandHandlerParsingTest {
/** */
@ClassRule public static final TestRule classRule = new SystemPropertiesRule();
/** */
@Rule public final TestRule methodRule = new SystemPropertiesRule();
* validate_indexes command arguments parsing and validation
public void testValidateIndexArguments() {
//happy case for all parameters
try {
int expectedCheckFirst = 10;
int expectedCheckThrough = 11;
UUID nodeId = UUID.randomUUID();
ConnectionAndSslParameters args = parseArgs(asList(
"cache1, cache2",
assertTrue(args.command() instanceof CacheCommands);
CacheSubcommands subcommand = ((CacheCommands)args.command()).arg();
CacheValidateIndexes.Arguments arg = (CacheValidateIndexes.Arguments)subcommand.subcommand().arg();
assertEquals("nodeId parameter unexpected value", nodeId, arg.nodeId());
assertEquals("checkFirst parameter unexpected value", expectedCheckFirst, arg.checkFirst());
assertEquals("checkThrough parameter unexpected value", expectedCheckThrough, arg.checkThrough());
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
fail("Unexpected exception: " + e);
try {
int expectedParam = 11;
UUID nodeId = UUID.randomUUID();
ConnectionAndSslParameters args = parseArgs(asList(
assertTrue(args.command() instanceof CacheCommands);
CacheSubcommands subcommand = ((CacheCommands)args.command()).arg();
CacheValidateIndexes.Arguments arg = (CacheValidateIndexes.Arguments)subcommand.subcommand().arg();
assertNull("caches weren't specified, null value expected", arg.caches());
assertEquals("nodeId parameter unexpected value", nodeId, arg.nodeId());
assertEquals("checkFirst parameter unexpected value", -1, arg.checkFirst());
assertEquals("checkThrough parameter unexpected value", expectedParam, arg.checkThrough());
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
assertParseArgsThrows("Value for '--check-first' property should be positive.", CACHE.text(), VALIDATE_INDEXES.text(), CHECK_FIRST.toString(), "0");
assertParseArgsThrows("Numeric value for '--check-through' parameter expected.", CACHE.text(), VALIDATE_INDEXES.text(), CHECK_THROUGH.toString());
/** */
public void testFindAndDeleteGarbage() {
String nodeId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String delete = FindAndDeleteGarbageArg.DELETE.toString();
String groups = "group1,grpoup2,group3";
List<List<String>> lists = generateArgumentList(
new T2<>(nodeId, false),
new T2<>(delete, false),
new T2<>(groups, false)
for (List<String> list : lists) {
ConnectionAndSslParameters args = parseArgs(list);
assertTrue(args.command() instanceof CacheCommands);
CacheSubcommands subcommand = ((CacheCommands)args.command()).arg();
FindAndDeleteGarbage.Arguments arg = (FindAndDeleteGarbage.Arguments)subcommand.subcommand().arg();
if (list.contains(nodeId))
assertEquals("nodeId parameter unexpected value", nodeId, arg.nodeId().toString());
assertEquals(list.contains(delete), arg.delete());
if (list.contains(groups))
assertEquals(3, arg.groups().size());
/** */
private List<List<String>> generateArgumentList(String subcommand, T2<String, Boolean>...optional) {
List<List<T2<String, Boolean>>> lists = generateAllCombinations(asList(optional), (x) -> x.get2());
ArrayList<List<String>> res = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> empty = new ArrayList<>();
for (List<T2<String, Boolean>> list : lists) {
ArrayList<String> arg = new ArrayList<>(empty);
list.forEach(x -> arg.add(x.get1()));
return res;
/** */
private <T> List<List<T>> generateAllCombinations(List<T> source, Predicate<T> stopFunc) {
List<List<T>> res = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) {
List<T> sourceCopy = new ArrayList<>(source);
T removed = sourceCopy.remove(i);
generateAllCombinations(singletonList(removed), sourceCopy, stopFunc, res);
return res;
/** */
private <T> void generateAllCombinations(List<T> res, List<T> source, Predicate<T> stopFunc, List<List<T>> acc) {
if (stopFunc != null && stopFunc.test(res.get(res.size() - 1)))
if (source.size() == 1) {
ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<>(res);
for (int i = 0; i < source.size(); i++) {
ArrayList<T> res0 = new ArrayList<>(res);
List<T> sourceCopy = new ArrayList<>(source);
T removed = sourceCopy.remove(i);
generateAllCombinations(res0, sourceCopy, stopFunc, acc);
* Tests parsing and validation for the SSL arguments.
public void testParseAndValidateSSLArguments() {
for (CommandList cmd : CommandList.values()) {
if (requireArgs(cmd))
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected SSL trust store path", "--truststore");
ConnectionAndSslParameters args = parseArgs(asList("--keystore", "testKeystore", "--keystore-password", "testKeystorePassword", "--keystore-type", "testKeystoreType",
"--truststore", "testTruststore", "--truststore-password", "testTruststorePassword", "--truststore-type", "testTruststoreType",
"--ssl-key-algorithm", "testSSLKeyAlgorithm", "--ssl-protocol", "testSSLProtocol", cmd.text()));
assertEquals("testSSLProtocol", args.sslProtocol());
assertEquals("testSSLKeyAlgorithm", args.sslKeyAlgorithm());
assertEquals("testKeystore", args.sslKeyStorePath());
assertArrayEquals("testKeystorePassword".toCharArray(), args.sslKeyStorePassword());
assertEquals("testKeystoreType", args.sslKeyStoreType());
assertEquals("testTruststore", args.sslTrustStorePath());
assertArrayEquals("testTruststorePassword".toCharArray(), args.sslTrustStorePassword());
assertEquals("testTruststoreType", args.sslTrustStoreType());
assertEquals(cmd.command(), args.command());
* Tests parsing and validation for user and password arguments.
public void testParseAndValidateUserAndPassword() {
for (CommandList cmd : CommandList.values()) {
if (requireArgs(cmd))
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected user name", "--user");
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected password", "--password");
ConnectionAndSslParameters args = parseArgs(asList("--user", "testUser", "--password", "testPass", cmd.text()));
assertEquals("testUser", args.userName());
assertEquals("testPass", args.password());
assertEquals(cmd.command(), args.command());
* Tests parsing and validation of WAL commands.
public void testParseAndValidateWalActions() {
ConnectionAndSslParameters args = parseArgs(asList(WAL.text(), WAL_PRINT));
assertEquals(WAL.command(), args.command());
T2<String, String> arg = ((WalCommands)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals(WAL_PRINT, arg.get1());
String nodes = UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "," + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
args = parseArgs(asList(WAL.text(), WAL_DELETE, nodes));
arg = ((WalCommands)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals(WAL_DELETE, arg.get1());
assertEquals(nodes, arg.get2());
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected arguments for " + WAL.text(), WAL.text());
String rnd = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
assertParseArgsThrows("Unexpected action " + rnd + " for " + WAL.text(), WAL.text(), rnd);
* Tests that the auto confirmation flag was correctly parsed.
public void testParseAutoConfirmationFlag() {
for (CommandList cmdL : CommandList.values()) {
// SET_STATE command has mandatory argument used in confirmation message.
Command cmd = cmdL != SET_STATE ? cmdL.command() : parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), "ACTIVE")).command();
if (cmd.confirmationPrompt() == null)
ConnectionAndSslParameters args;
if (cmdL == SET_STATE)
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), "ACTIVE"));
else if (cmdL == CLUSTER_CHANGE_TAG)
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), "newTagValue"));
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text()));
checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(cmdL, args, false);
switch (cmdL) {
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), "--yes"));
checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(cmdL, args, true);
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), "--force", "--yes"));
checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(cmdL, args, true);
case SET_STATE: {
for (String newState : asList("ACTIVE_READ_ONLY", "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE")) {
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), newState, "--yes"));
checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(cmdL, args, true);
ClusterState argState = ((ClusterStateChangeCommand)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals(newState, argState.toString());
for (String newState : asList("ACTIVE_READ_ONLY", "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE")) {
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), newState, "--force", "--yes"));
checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(cmdL, args, true);
ClusterState argState = ((ClusterStateChangeCommand)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals(newState, argState.toString());
case BASELINE: {
for (String baselineAct : asList("add", "remove", "set")) {
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), baselineAct, "c_id1,c_id2", "--yes"));
checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(cmdL, args, true);
BaselineArguments arg = ((BaselineCommand)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals(baselineAct, arg.getCmd().text());
assertEquals(new HashSet<>(asList("c_id1","c_id2")), new HashSet<>(arg.getConsistentIds()));
case TX: {
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), "--xid", "xid1", "--min-duration", "10", "--kill", "--yes"));
checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(cmdL, args, true);
VisorTxTaskArg txTaskArg = ((TxCommands)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals("xid1", txTaskArg.getXid());
assertEquals(10_000, txTaskArg.getMinDuration().longValue());
assertEquals(VisorTxOperation.KILL, txTaskArg.getOperation());
args = parseArgs(asList(cmdL.text(), "newTagValue", "--yes"));
checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(cmdL, args, true);
fail("Unknown command: " + cmd);
/** */
private void checkCommonParametersCorrectlyParsed(
CommandList cmd,
ConnectionAndSslParameters args,
boolean autoConfirm
) {
assertEquals(cmd.command(), args.command());
assertEquals(DFLT_PORT, args.port());
assertEquals(autoConfirm, args.autoConfirmation());
* Tests host and port arguments.
* Tests connection settings arguments.
public void testConnectionSettings() {
for (CommandList cmd : CommandList.values()) {
if (requireArgs(cmd))
ConnectionAndSslParameters args = parseArgs(asList(cmd.text()));
assertEquals(cmd.command(), args.command());
assertEquals(DFLT_PORT, args.port());
args = parseArgs(asList("--port", "12345", "--host", "test-host", "--ping-interval", "5000",
"--ping-timeout", "40000", cmd.text()));
assertEquals(cmd.command(), args.command());
assertEquals("12345", args.port());
assertEquals(5000, args.pingInterval());
assertEquals(40000, args.pingTimeout());
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid value for port: wrong-port", "--port", "wrong-port", cmd.text());
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid value for ping interval: -10", "--ping-interval", "-10", cmd.text());
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid value for ping timeout: -20", "--ping-timeout", "-20", cmd.text());
* Test parsing dump transaction arguments.
public void testTransactionArguments() {
ConnectionAndSslParameters args;
assertParseArgsThrows("Expecting --min-duration", "--tx", "--min-duration");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid value for --min-duration: -1", "--tx", "--min-duration", "-1");
assertParseArgsThrows("Expecting --min-size", "--tx", "--min-size");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid value for --min-size: -1", "--tx", "--min-size", "-1");
assertParseArgsThrows("--label", "--tx", "--label");
assertParseArgsThrows("Illegal regex syntax", "--tx", "--label", "tx123[");
assertParseArgsThrows("Projection can't be used together with list of consistent ids.", "--tx", "--servers", "--nodes", "1,2,3");
args = parseArgs(asList("--tx", "--min-duration", "120", "--min-size", "10", "--limit", "100", "--order", "SIZE", "--servers"));
VisorTxTaskArg arg = ((TxCommands)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(120 * 1000L), arg.getMinDuration());
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(10), arg.getMinSize());
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(100), arg.getLimit());
assertEquals(VisorTxSortOrder.SIZE, arg.getSortOrder());
assertEquals(VisorTxProjection.SERVER, arg.getProjection());
args = parseArgs(asList("--tx", "--min-duration", "130", "--min-size", "1", "--limit", "60", "--order", "DURATION",
arg = ((TxCommands)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals(Long.valueOf(130 * 1000L), arg.getMinDuration());
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), arg.getMinSize());
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(60), arg.getLimit());
assertEquals(VisorTxSortOrder.DURATION, arg.getSortOrder());
assertEquals(VisorTxProjection.CLIENT, arg.getProjection());
args = parseArgs(asList("--tx", "--nodes", "1,2,3"));
arg = ((TxCommands)args.command()).arg();
assertEquals(asList("1", "2", "3"), arg.getConsistentIds());
* Test parsing kill arguments.
public void testKillArguments() {
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected type of resource to kill.", "--kill");
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Scan command format errors.
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected query originating node id.", "--kill", "scan");
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected cache name.", "--kill", "scan", uuid);
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected query identifier.", "--kill", "scan", uuid, "cache");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid UUID string: not_a_uuid", IllegalArgumentException.class,
"--kill", "scan", "not_a_uuid");
assertParseArgsThrows("For input string: \"not_a_number\"", NumberFormatException.class,
"--kill", "scan", uuid, "my-cache", "not_a_number");
// Compute command format errors.
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected compute task id.", "--kill", "compute");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid UUID string: not_a_uuid", IllegalArgumentException.class,
"--kill", "compute", "not_a_uuid");
// Service command format errors.
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected service name.", "--kill", "service");
// Transaction command format errors.
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected transaction id.", "--kill", "transaction");
// SQL command format errors.
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected SQL query id.", "--kill", "sql");
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected global query id. " + EXPECTED_GLOBAL_QRY_ID_FORMAT,
"--kill", "sql", "not_sql_id");
// Continuous command format errors.
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected query originating node id.", "--kill", "continuous");
assertParseArgsThrows("Expected continuous query id.", "--kill", "continuous", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid UUID string: not_a_uuid", IllegalArgumentException.class,
"--kill", "continuous", "not_a_uuid");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid UUID string: not_a_uuid", IllegalArgumentException.class,
"--kill", "continuous", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "not_a_uuid");
* Negative argument validation test for tracing-configuration command.
* validate that following tracing-configuration arguments validated as expected:
* <ul>
* <li>
* reset_all, get_all
* <ul>
* <li>
* --scope
* <ul>
* <li>
* if value is missing:
* IllegalArgumentException (The scope should be specified. The following values can be used: [DISCOVERY, EXCHANGE, COMMUNICATION, TX].")
* </li>
* <li>
* if unsupported value is used:
* IllegalArgumentException (Invalid scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: [DISCOVERY, EXCHANGE, COMMUNICATION, TX])
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>
* reset, get:
* <ul>
* <li>
* --scope
* <ul>
* <li>
* if value is missing:
* IllegalArgumentException (The scope should be specified. The following values can be used: [DISCOVERY, EXCHANGE, COMMUNICATION, TX].")
* </li>
* <li>
* if unsupported value is used:
* IllegalArgumentException (Invalid scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: [DISCOVERY, EXCHANGE, COMMUNICATION, TX])
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>
* --label
* <ul>
* <li>
* if value is missing:
* IllegalArgumentException (The label should be specified.)
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>
* set:
* <ul>
* <li>
* --scope
* <ul>
* <li>
* if value is missing:
* IllegalArgumentException (The scope should be specified. The following values can be used: [DISCOVERY, EXCHANGE, COMMUNICATION, TX].")
* </li>
* <li>
* if unsupported value is used:
* IllegalArgumentException (Invalid scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: [DISCOVERY, EXCHANGE, COMMUNICATION, TX])
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>
* --label
* <ul>
* <li>
* if value is missing:
* IllegalArgumentException (The label should be specified.)
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>
* --sampling-rate
* <ul>
* <li>
* if value is missing:
* IllegalArgumentException (The sampling-rate should be specified. Decimal value between 0 and 1 should be used.)
* </li>
* <li>
* if unsupported value is used:
* IllegalArgumentException (Invalid samling-rate 'aaa'. Decimal value between 0 and 1 should be used.)
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>
* --included-scopes
* <ul>
* <li>
* if value is missing:
* IllegalArgumentException (At least one supported scope should be specified.)
* </li>
* <li>
* if unsupported value is used:
* IllegalArgumentException (Invalid supported scope: aaa. The following values can be used: [DISCOVERY, EXCHANGE, COMMUNICATION, TX].)
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
public void testTracingConfigurationArgumentsValidation() {
// reset
assertParseArgsThrows("The scope should be specified. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "reset", "--scope");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "reset", "--scope", "aaa");
assertParseArgsThrows("The label should be specified.",
"--tracing-configuration", "reset", "--label");
// reset all
assertParseArgsThrows("The scope should be specified. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "reset_all", "--scope");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "reset_all", "--scope", "aaa");
// get
assertParseArgsThrows("The scope should be specified. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "get", "--scope");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "get", "--scope", "aaa");
assertParseArgsThrows("The label should be specified.",
"--tracing-configuration", "get", "--label");
// get all
assertParseArgsThrows("The scope should be specified. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "get_all", "--scope");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "get_all", "--scope", "aaa");
// set
assertParseArgsThrows("The scope should be specified. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "set", "--scope");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "set", "--scope", "aaa");
assertParseArgsThrows("The label should be specified.",
"--tracing-configuration", "set", "--label");
assertParseArgsThrows("The sampling rate should be specified. Decimal value between 0 and 1 should be used.",
"--tracing-configuration", "set", "--sampling-rate");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid sampling-rate 'aaa'. Decimal value between 0 and 1 should be used.",
"--tracing-configuration", "set", "--sampling-rate", "aaa");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid sampling-rate '-1'. Decimal value between 0 and 1 should be used.",
"--tracing-configuration", "set", "--sampling-rate", "-1");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid sampling-rate '2'. Decimal value between 0 and 1 should be used.",
"--tracing-configuration", "set", "--sampling-rate", "2");
assertParseArgsThrows("At least one supported scope should be specified.",
"--tracing-configuration", "set", "--included-scopes");
assertParseArgsThrows("Invalid supported scope 'aaa'. The following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "set", "--included-scopes", "TX,aaa");
* Positive argument validation test for tracing-configuration command.
public void testTracingConfigurationArgumentsValidationMandatoryArgumentSet() {
parseArgs(asList("--tracing-configuration", "get_all"));
assertParseArgsThrows("Scope attribute is missing. Following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "reset");
assertParseArgsThrows("Scope attribute is missing. Following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "get");
assertParseArgsThrows("Scope attribute is missing. Following values can be used: "
+ Arrays.toString(Scope.values()) + '.', "--tracing-configuration", "set");
* Test checks that option {@link CommonArgParser#CMD_VERBOSE} is parsed
* correctly and if it is not present, it takes the default value
* {@code false}.
public void testParseVerboseOption() {
for (CommandList cmd : CommandList.values()) {
if (requireArgs(cmd))
assertFalse(cmd.toString(), parseArgs(singletonList(cmd.text())).verbose());
assertTrue(cmd.toString(), parseArgs(asList(cmd.text(), CMD_VERBOSE)).verbose());
* @param args Raw arg list.
* @return Common parameters container object.
private ConnectionAndSslParameters parseArgs(List<String> args) {
return new CommonArgParser(setupTestLogger()).
* @return logger for tests.
private Logger setupTestLogger() {
Logger result;
result = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
return result;
* Checks that parse arguments fails with {@link IllegalArgumentException} and {@code failMsg} message.
* @param failMsg Exception message (optional).
* @param args Incoming arguments.
private void assertParseArgsThrows(@Nullable String failMsg, String... args) {
assertParseArgsThrows(failMsg, IllegalArgumentException.class, args);
* Checks that parse arguments fails with {@code exception} and {@code failMsg} message.
* @param failMsg Exception message (optional).
* @param cls Exception class.
* @param args Incoming arguments.
private void assertParseArgsThrows(@Nullable String failMsg, Class<? extends Exception> cls, String... args) {
assertThrows(null, () -> parseArgs(asList(args)), cls, failMsg);
* Return {@code True} if cmd there are required arguments.
* @return {@code True} if cmd there are required arguments.
private boolean requireArgs(@Nullable CommandList cmd) {
return cmd == CommandList.CACHE ||
cmd == CommandList.WAL ||
cmd == CommandList.SET_STATE ||
cmd == CommandList.ENCRYPTION ||
cmd == CommandList.KILL ||
cmd == CommandList.SNAPSHOT ||
cmd == CommandList.CLUSTER_CHANGE_TAG ||
cmd == CommandList.METADATA;