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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.ignite.mxbean;
import org.apache.ignite.MemoryMetrics;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.MemoryPolicyConfiguration;
* This interface defines a JMX view on {@link MemoryMetrics}.
* @deprecated Part of old API. Metrics are accessible through {@link DataRegionMetricsMXBean}.
@MXBeanDescription("MBean that provides access to MemoryMetrics of a local Apache Ignite node.")
public interface MemoryMetricsMXBean extends MemoryMetrics {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("A name of a memory region the metrics are collected for.")
@Override public String getName();
* Gets initial memory region size defined by its {@link MemoryPolicyConfiguration}.
* @return Initial size in MB.
@MXBeanDescription("Initial memory region size defined by its memory policy.")
public int getInitialSize();
* Maximum memory region size defined by its {@link MemoryPolicyConfiguration}.
* @return Maximum size in MB.
@MXBeanDescription("Maximum memory region size defined by its memory policy.")
public int getMaxSize();
* A path to the memory-mapped files the memory region defined by {@link MemoryPolicyConfiguration} will be
* mapped to.
* @return Path to the memory-mapped files.
@MXBeanDescription("Path to the memory-mapped files.")
public String getSwapFilePath();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("Total number of allocated pages.")
@Override public long getTotalAllocatedPages();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("Allocation rate (pages per second) averaged across rateTimeInternal.")
@Override public float getAllocationRate();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("Eviction rate (pages per second).")
@Override public float getEvictionRate();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("Percentage of pages that are fully occupied by large entries that go beyond page size.")
@Override public float getLargeEntriesPagesPercentage();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("Percentage of space that is still free and can be filled in.")
@Override public float getPagesFillFactor();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("Number of pages in memory not yet synchronized with persistent storage.")
@Override public long getDirtyPages();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("Rate at which pages in memory are replaced with pages from persistent storage (pages per second).")
@Override public float getPagesReplaceRate();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@MXBeanDescription("Number of pages residing in physical RAM.")
@Override public long getPhysicalMemoryPages();
* Enables memory metrics collection on an Apache Ignite node.
@MXBeanDescription("Enables memory metrics collection on an Apache Ignite node.")
public void enableMetrics();
* Disables memory metrics collection on an Apache Ignite node.
@MXBeanDescription("Disables memory metrics collection on an Apache Ignite node.")
public void disableMetrics();
* Sets time interval for {@link #getAllocationRate()} and {@link #getEvictionRate()} monitoring purposes.
* <p>
* For instance, after setting the interval to 60 seconds, subsequent calls to {@link #getAllocationRate()}
* will return average allocation rate (pages per second) for the last minute.
* @param rateTimeInterval Time interval (in milliseconds) used for allocation and eviction rates calculations.
"Sets time interval for pages allocation and eviction monitoring purposes."
public void rateTimeInterval(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "rateTimeInterval", description = "Time interval (in milliseconds) to set.")
long rateTimeInterval
* Sets a number of sub-intervals the whole {@link #rateTimeInterval(long)} will be split into to calculate
* {@link #getAllocationRate()} and {@link #getEvictionRate()} rates (5 by default).
* <p>
* Setting it to a bigger value will result in more precise calculation and smaller drops of
* {@link #getAllocationRate()} metric when next sub-interval has to be recycled but introduces bigger
* calculation overhead.
* @param subInts A number of sub-intervals.
"Sets a number of sub-intervals to calculate allocation and eviction rates metrics."
public void subIntervals(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "subInts", description = "Number of subintervals to set.") int subInts