blob: d282f4d8b4d1f7c8b07549c52911211adea05b35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteDataStreamer;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.FieldsQueryCursor;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlFieldsQuery;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlQuery;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.GridKernalContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInternalFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.IgniteMBeansManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageMemory;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheContextInfo;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.mvcc.MvccSnapshot;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.CacheDataRow;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.RootPage;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.tree.reuse.ReuseList;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.jdbc.JdbcParameterMeta;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.schema.SchemaIndexCacheVisitor;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridAtomicLong;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridSpinBusyLock;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridCloseableIterator;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteBiTuple;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.indexing.IndexingQueryFilter;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Abstraction for internal indexing implementation.
public interface GridQueryIndexing {
* Starts indexing.
* @param ctx Context.
* @param busyLock Busy lock.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void start(GridKernalContext ctx, GridSpinBusyLock busyLock) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Stops indexing.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void stop() throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Performs necessary actions on disconnect of a stateful client (say, one associated with a transaction).
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void onClientDisconnect() throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Generate SqlFieldsQuery from SqlQuery.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param qry Query.
* @return Fields query.
public SqlFieldsQuery generateFieldsQuery(String cacheName, SqlQuery qry);
* Detect whether SQL query should be executed in distributed or local manner and execute it.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param qry Query.
* @param cliCtx Client context.
* @param keepBinary Keep binary flag.
* @param failOnMultipleStmts Whether an exception should be thrown for multiple statements query.
* @return Cursor.
public List<FieldsQueryCursor<List<?>>> querySqlFields(
String schemaName,
SqlFieldsQuery qry,
SqlClientContext cliCtx,
boolean keepBinary,
boolean failOnMultipleStmts,
GridQueryCancel cancel
* Execute an INSERT statement using data streamer as receiver.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param qry Query.
* @param params Query parameters.
* @param streamer Data streamer to feed data to.
* @return Update counter.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public long streamUpdateQuery(String schemaName, String qry, @Nullable Object[] params,
IgniteDataStreamer<?, ?> streamer) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Execute a batched INSERT statement using data streamer as receiver.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param qry Query.
* @param params Query parameters.
* @param cliCtx Client connection context.
* @return Update counters.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public List<Long> streamBatchedUpdateQuery(String schemaName, String qry, List<Object[]> params,
SqlClientContext cliCtx) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Executes text query.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param qry Text query.
* @param typeName Type name.
* @param filter Cache name and key filter. @return Queried rows.
* @param limit Limits response records count. If 0 or less, the limit considered to be Integer.MAX_VALUE, that is virtually no limit.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public <K, V> GridCloseableIterator<IgniteBiTuple<K, V>> queryLocalText(String schemaName, String cacheName,
String qry, String typeName, IndexingQueryFilter filter, int limit) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Create new index locally.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param tblName Table name.
* @param idxDesc Index descriptor.
* @param ifNotExists Ignore operation if index exists (instead of throwing an error).
* @param cacheVisitor Cache visitor
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
public void dynamicIndexCreate(String schemaName, String tblName, QueryIndexDescriptorImpl idxDesc,
boolean ifNotExists, SchemaIndexCacheVisitor cacheVisitor) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Remove index from the cache.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param idxName Index name.
* @param ifExists Ignore operation if index does not exist (instead of throwing an error).
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void dynamicIndexDrop(String schemaName, String idxName, boolean ifExists) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Add columns to dynamic table.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param tblName Table name.
* @param cols Columns to add.
* @param ifTblExists Ignore operation if target table does not exist (instead of throwing an error).
* @param ifColNotExists Ignore operation if column already exists (instead of throwing an error) - is honored only
* for single column case.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void dynamicAddColumn(String schemaName, String tblName, List<QueryField> cols, boolean ifTblExists,
boolean ifColNotExists) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Drop columns from dynamic table.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param tblName Table name.
* @param cols Columns to drop.
* @param ifTblExists Ignore operation if target table does not exist (instead of throwing an error).
* @param ifColExists Ignore operation if column does not exist (instead of throwing an error) - is honored only
* for single column case.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void dynamicDropColumn(String schemaName, String tblName, List<String> cols, boolean ifTblExists,
boolean ifColExists) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Registers cache.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param cacheInfo Cache context info.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void registerCache(String cacheName, String schemaName, GridCacheContextInfo<?, ?> cacheInfo)
throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Unregisters cache.
* @param cacheInfo Cache context info.
* @param rmvIdx If {@code true}, will remove index.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed to drop cache schema.
public void unregisterCache(GridCacheContextInfo cacheInfo, boolean rmvIdx) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Destroy founded index which belongs to stopped cache.
* @param page Root page.
* @param indexName Index name.
* @param grpId Group id which contains garbage.
* @param pageMemory Page memory to work with.
* @param removeId Global remove id.
* @param reuseList Reuse list where free pages should be stored.
* @param mvccEnabled Is mvcc enabled for group or not.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void destroyOrphanIndex(
RootPage page,
String indexName,
int grpId,
PageMemory pageMemory,
final GridAtomicLong removeId,
final ReuseList reuseList,
boolean mvccEnabled) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param ids Involved cache ids.
* @param parts Partitions.
* @param schema Schema name.
* @param qry Query string.
* @param params Query parameters.
* @param flags Flags.
* @param pageSize Fetch page size.
* @param timeout Timeout.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param mvccSnapshot MVCC snapshot.
* @param cancel Query cancel object.
* @return Cursor over entries which are going to be changed.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public UpdateSourceIterator<?> executeUpdateOnDataNodeTransactional(
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx,
int[] ids,
int[] parts,
String schema,
String qry,
Object[] params,
int flags,
int pageSize,
int timeout,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
MvccSnapshot mvccSnapshot,
GridQueryCancel cancel
) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Registers type if it was not known before or updates it otherwise.
* @param cacheInfo Cache context info.
* @param desc Type descriptor.
* @param isSql {@code true} in case table has been created from SQL.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
* @return {@code True} if type was registered, {@code false} if for some reason it was rejected.
public boolean registerType(GridCacheContextInfo cacheInfo, GridQueryTypeDescriptor desc,
boolean isSql) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Jdbc parameters metadata of the specified query.
* @param schemaName the default schema name for query.
* @param sql Sql query.
* @return metadata describing all the parameters, even in case of multi-statement.
* @throws SQLException if failed to get meta.
public List<JdbcParameterMeta> parameterMetaData(String schemaName, SqlFieldsQuery sql) throws IgniteSQLException;
* Metadata of the result set that is returned if specified query gets executed.
* @param schemaName the default schema name for query.
* @param sql Sql query.
* @return metadata or {@code null} if provided query is multi-statement or id it's not a SELECT statement.
* @throws SQLException if failed to get meta.
@Nullable public List<GridQueryFieldMetadata> resultMetaData(String schemaName, SqlFieldsQuery sql)
throws IgniteSQLException;
* Updates index. Note that key is unique for cache, so if cache contains multiple indexes
* the key should be removed from indexes other than one being updated.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param type Type descriptor.
* @param row New row.
* @param prevRow Previous row.
* @param prevRowAvailable Whether previous row is available.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void store(GridCacheContext cctx,
GridQueryTypeDescriptor type,
CacheDataRow row,
CacheDataRow prevRow,
boolean prevRowAvailable) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Removes index entry by key.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param type Type descriptor.
* @param row Row.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public void remove(GridCacheContext cctx, GridQueryTypeDescriptor type, CacheDataRow row)
throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Rebuild indexes for the given cache if necessary.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @return Future completed when index rebuild finished.
IgniteInternalFuture<?> rebuildIndexesFromHash(GridCacheContext cctx);
* Mark as rebuild needed for the given cache.
* @param cctx Cache context.
void markAsRebuildNeeded(GridCacheContext cctx);
* Returns backup filter.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param parts Partitions.
* @return Backup filter.
public IndexingQueryFilter backupFilter(AffinityTopologyVersion topVer, int[] parts);
* Client disconnected callback.
* @param reconnectFut Reconnect future.
public void onDisconnected(IgniteFuture<?> reconnectFut);
* Collect queries that already running more than specified duration.
* @param duration Duration to check.
* @return Collection of long running queries.
public Collection<GridRunningQueryInfo> runningQueries(long duration);
* Cancel specified queries.
* @param queries Queries ID's to cancel.
public void cancelQueries(Collection<Long> queries);
* Cancels all executing queries.
public void onKernalStop();
* Gets database schema from cache name.
* @param cacheName Cache name. {@code null} would be converted to an empty string.
* @return Schema name. Should not be null since we should not fail for an invalid cache name.
public String schema(String cacheName);
* Gets database schemas names.
* @return Schema names.
public Set<String> schemasNames();
* Whether passed sql statement is single insert statement eligible for streaming.
* @param schemaName name of the schema.
* @param sql sql statement.
public boolean isStreamableInsertStatement(String schemaName, SqlFieldsQuery sql) throws SQLException;
* Return row cache cleaner.
* @param cacheGroupId Cache group id.
* @return Row cache cleaner.
public GridQueryRowCacheCleaner rowCacheCleaner(int cacheGroupId);
* Return context for registered cache info.
* @param cacheName Cache name.
* @return Cache context for registered cache or {@code null} in case the cache has not been registered.
@Nullable public GridCacheContextInfo registeredCacheInfo(String cacheName);
* Clear cache info and clear parser cache on call cache.close() on client node.
* @param cacheName Cache name to clear.
public void closeCacheOnClient(String cacheName);
* Initialize table's cache context created for not started cache.
* @param ctx Cache context.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
* @return {@code true} If context has been initialized.
public boolean initCacheContext(GridCacheContext ctx) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Register SQL JMX beans.
* @param mbMgr Ignite MXBean manager.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException On bean registration error.
void registerMxBeans(IgniteMBeansManager mbMgr) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Return table information filtered by given patterns.
* @param schemaNamePtrn Filter by schema name. Can be {@code null} to don't use the filter.
* @param tblNamePtrn Filter by table name. Can be {@code null} to don't use the filter.
* @param tblTypes Filter by table type. As Of now supported only 'TABLES' and 'VIEWS'.
* Can be {@code null} or empty to don't use the filter.
* @return Column information filtered by given patterns.
Collection<TableInformation> tablesInformation(String schemaNamePtrn, String tblNamePtrn, String... tblTypes);
* Return column information filtered by given patterns.
* @param schemaNamePtrn Filter by schema name. Can be {@code null} to don't use the filter.
* @param tblNamePtrn Filter by table name. Can be {@code null} to don't use the filter.
* @param colNamePtrn Filter by column name. Can be {@code null} to don't use the filter.
* @return Column information filtered by given patterns.
Collection<ColumnInformation> columnsInformation(String schemaNamePtrn, String tblNamePtrn, String colNamePtrn);
* Return index size by schema, table and index name.
* @param schemaName Schema name.
* @param tblName Table name.
* @param idxName Index name.
* @return Index size (Number of elements) or {@code 0} if index not found.
default long indexSize(String schemaName, String tblName, String idxName) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return 0;
* Information about secondary indexes efficient (actual) inline size.
* @return Map with inline sizes. The key of entry is a full index name (with schema and table name), the value of
* entry is a inline size.
default Map<String, Integer> secondaryIndexesInlineSize() {
return Collections.emptyMap();