blob: 73e771e6543b1f3649c00e3ed7b76270557062a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cluster;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.tostring.GridToStringExclude;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.tostring.GridToStringInclude;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.S;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterState.INACTIVE;
* A pojo-object representing current cluster global state. The state includes cluster active flag and cluster
* baseline topology.
* <p>
* This object also captures a transitional cluster state, when one or more fields are changing. In this case,
* a {@code transitionReqId} field is set to a non-null value and {@code previousBaselineTopology} captures previous cluster state.
* A joining node catching the cluster in an intermediate state will observe {@code transitionReqId} field to be
* non-null, however the {@code previousBaselineTopology} will not be sent to the joining node.
* TODO This class must be immutable, transitionRes must be set by calling finish().
public class DiscoveryDataClusterState implements Serializable {
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
/** Current cluster state. */
private final ClusterState state;
/** Time of last cluster state change. */
private final long lastStateChangeTime;
/** Current cluster baseline topology. */
@Nullable private final BaselineTopology baselineTopology;
* Transition request ID. Set to a non-null value if the cluster is changing it's state.
* The ID is assigned on the initiating node.
private final UUID transitionReqId;
/** Previous cluster state. May not null only if cluster in transition. */
private final ClusterState prevClusterState;
* Topology version in the cluster when state change request was received by the coordinator.
* The exchange fired for the cluster state change will be on version {@code transitionTopVer.nextMinorVersion()}.
private final AffinityTopologyVersion transitionTopVer;
/** Nodes participating in state change exchange. */
private final Set<UUID> transitionNodes;
* Local flag for state transition active state result (global state is updated asynchronously by custom message),
* {@code null} means that state change is not completed yet.
private transient volatile ClusterState transitionRes;
* Previous cluster state if this state is a transition state and it was not received by a joining node.
private transient DiscoveryDataClusterState prevState;
/** Transition result error. */
private transient volatile Exception transitionError;
/** Local baseline autoadjustment flag. */
private transient volatile boolean locBaselineAutoAdjustment;
* @param state Current cluster state.
* @param baselineTopology Baseline topology associated with this state.
* @return State instance.
static DiscoveryDataClusterState createState(
ClusterState state,
@Nullable BaselineTopology baselineTopology
) {
return new DiscoveryDataClusterState(null, state, baselineTopology, null, null, null, null);
* @param state New cluster state.
* @param prevState Previous state.
* @param baselineTopology Baseline topology for new cluster state.
* @param transitionReqId State change request ID.
* @param transitionTopVer State change topology version.
* @param transitionNodes Nodes participating in state change exchange.
* @return Discovery cluster state instance.
static DiscoveryDataClusterState createTransitionState(
ClusterState state,
DiscoveryDataClusterState prevState,
@Nullable BaselineTopology baselineTopology,
UUID transitionReqId,
AffinityTopologyVersion transitionTopVer,
Set<UUID> transitionNodes
) {
assert transitionReqId != null;
assert transitionTopVer != null;
assert !F.isEmpty(transitionNodes) : transitionNodes;
assert prevState != null;
return new DiscoveryDataClusterState(
* @param prevState Previous state. May be non-null only for transitional states.
* @param state New cluster state.
* @param baselineTopology Baseline topology for new cluster state.
* @param transitionReqId State change request ID.
* @param transitionTopVer State change topology version.
* @param transitionNodes Nodes participating in state change exchange.
* @param prevClusterState Nodes participating in state change exchange.
private DiscoveryDataClusterState(
DiscoveryDataClusterState prevState,
ClusterState state,
@Nullable BaselineTopology baselineTopology,
@Nullable UUID transitionReqId,
@Nullable AffinityTopologyVersion transitionTopVer,
@Nullable Set<UUID> transitionNodes,
@Nullable ClusterState prevClusterState
) {
assert state != null;
this.prevState = prevState;
this.state = state;
this.lastStateChangeTime = U.currentTimeMillis();
this.baselineTopology = baselineTopology;
this.transitionReqId = transitionReqId;
this.transitionTopVer = transitionTopVer;
this.transitionNodes = transitionNodes;
this.prevClusterState = prevClusterState;
* @return Cluster state before transition if cluster in transition and current cluster state otherwise.
public ClusterState lastState() {
if (transition())
return prevClusterState;
return state;
* @return Local flag for state transition result (global state is updated asynchronously by custom message).
@Nullable public ClusterState transitionResult() {
return transitionRes;
* Discovery cluster state is changed asynchronously by discovery message, this methods changes local status
* for public API calls.
* @param reqId Request ID.
* @param state New cluster state.
public void setTransitionResult(UUID reqId, ClusterState state) {
if (reqId.equals(transitionReqId))
transitionRes = state;
* @return State change request ID.
public UUID transitionRequestId() {
return transitionReqId;
* @return {@code True} if any cluster state change is in progress (e.g. active state change, baseline change).
public boolean transition() {
return transitionReqId != null;
* @return Previous "active" flag value during transition.
public boolean previouslyActive() {
if (prevState != null)
return prevState.state != INACTIVE;
return state == INACTIVE;
* @return State change exchange version.
public AffinityTopologyVersion transitionTopologyVersion() {
return transitionTopVer;
* @return Current cluster state (or new state in case when transition is in progress).
* @deprecated Use {@link #state()} instead.
public boolean active() {
* @return Current cluster state (or new state in case when transition is in progress).
public ClusterState state() {
return state;
* @return Time of last cluster state change.
public long lastStateChangeTime() {
return lastStateChangeTime;
* @return Baseline topology.
@Nullable public BaselineTopology baselineTopology() {
return baselineTopology;
* @return Previous Baseline topology.
@Nullable public BaselineTopology previousBaselineTopology() {
return prevState != null ? prevState.baselineTopology() : null;
* @return {@code True} If baseLine changed, {@code False} if not.
public boolean baselineChanged() {
BaselineTopology prevBLT = previousBaselineTopology();
BaselineTopology curBLT = baselineTopology();
if (prevBLT == null && curBLT != null)
return true;
if (prevBLT != null && curBLT != null)
return !prevBLT.equals(curBLT);
return false;
* @return {@code True} if baseline topology is set in the cluster. {@code False} otherwise.
public boolean hasBaselineTopology() {
return baselineTopology != null;
* @return Nodes participating in state change exchange.
public Set<UUID> transitionNodes() {
return transitionNodes;
* @return Transition error.
@Nullable public Exception transitionError() {
return transitionError;
* @param ex Exception
public void transitionError(Exception ex) {
transitionError = ex;
* @return {@code true} if current state was created as a result of local baseline autoadjustment with zero timeout
* on in-memory cluster.
public boolean localBaselineAutoAdjustment() {
return locBaselineAutoAdjustment;
* Set local baseline autoadjustment flag.
* @param adjusted Flag value.
* @see #localBaselineAutoAdjustment()
public void localBaselineAutoAdjustment(boolean adjusted) {
locBaselineAutoAdjustment = adjusted;
* Creates a non-transitional cluster state. This method effectively cleans all fields identifying the
* state as transitional and creates a new state with the state transition result.
* @param success Transition success status.
* @return Cluster state that finished transition.
public DiscoveryDataClusterState finish(boolean success) {
if (success)
return createState(state, baselineTopology);
return prevState != null ? prevState : createState(INACTIVE, null);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return S.toString(DiscoveryDataClusterState.class, this);