blob: bccbb1197c47a3e57c6258854fe92d7214f27aa1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.mvcc;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.TransactionConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.GridKernalContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.cluster.ClusterTopologyServerNotFoundException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageMemory;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheGroupContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.near.GridNearTxLocal;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.mvcc.txlog.TxState;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.transactions.IgniteInternalTx;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.transactions.IgniteTxManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.version.GridCacheVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.transactions.IgniteTxAlreadyCompletedCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.transactions.IgniteTxUnexpectedStateCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.CU;
import org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionMixedModeException;
import org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionState;
import org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionUnsupportedConcurrencyException;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageIdUtils.itemId;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageIdUtils.pageId;
import static;
import static org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionConcurrency.PESSIMISTIC;
import static org.apache.ignite.transactions.TransactionIsolation.REPEATABLE_READ;
* Utils for MVCC.
public class MvccUtils {
/** */
public static final int MVCC_KEY_ABSENT_BEFORE_OFF = 29;
/** */
public static final int MVCC_HINTS_BIT_OFF = MVCC_KEY_ABSENT_BEFORE_OFF + 1;
/** Mask for KeyAbsent flag. */
/** Mask for tx hints. (2 highest bits) */
public static final int MVCC_HINTS_MASK = Integer.MIN_VALUE >> 1;
/** Mask for operation counter bits. (Excludes hints and flags) */
public static final int MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK = ~(Integer.MIN_VALUE >> 2);
/** */
public static final long MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA = 0L;
/** */
public static final long MVCC_CRD_START_CNTR = 1L;
/** */
public static final long MVCC_COUNTER_NA = 0L;
/** */
public static final long MVCC_INITIAL_CNTR = 1L;
/** */
public static final long MVCC_START_CNTR = 3L;
/** */
public static final int MVCC_OP_COUNTER_NA = 0;
/** */
public static final int MVCC_START_OP_CNTR = 1;
/** Used as 'read' snapshot op counter. */
public static final int MVCC_READ_OP_CNTR = MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK;
/** */
public static final int MVCC_INVISIBLE = 0;
/** */
public static final int MVCC_VISIBLE_REMOVED = 1;
/** */
public static final int MVCC_VISIBLE = 2;
/** A special version visible by everyone */
public static final MvccVersion INITIAL_VERSION =
/** A special snapshot for which all committed versions are visible */
public static final MvccSnapshot MVCC_MAX_SNAPSHOT =
/** */
private static final MvccClosure<Integer> getVisibleState = new GetVisibleState();
/** */
private static final MvccClosure<Boolean> isVisible = new IsVisible();
/** */
private static final MvccClosure<MvccVersion> getNewVer = new GetNewVersion();
private MvccUtils(){
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param mvccCrd Mvcc coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntr Mvcc counter.
* @param snapshot Snapshot.
* @return {@code True} if transaction is active.
* @see TxState
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public static boolean isActive(GridCacheContext cctx, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr, MvccSnapshot snapshot)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (isVisible(cctx, snapshot, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, MVCC_OP_COUNTER_NA, false))
return false;
byte state;
return cctx.kernalContext().coordinators().hasLocalTransaction(mvccCrd, mvccCntr) ||
(state = state(cctx, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, 0)) != TxState.COMMITTED && state != TxState.ABORTED;
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param mvccCrd Mvcc coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntr Mvcc counter.
* @param mvccOpCntr Mvcc operation counter.
* @return TxState
* @see TxState
public static byte state(GridCacheContext cctx, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr, int mvccOpCntr) {
return state(cctx.kernalContext().coordinators(), mvccCrd, mvccCntr, mvccOpCntr);
* @param grp Cache group context.
* @param mvccCrd Mvcc coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntr Mvcc counter.
* @param mvccOpCntr Mvcc operation counter.
* @return TxState
* @see TxState
public static byte state(CacheGroupContext grp, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr, int mvccOpCntr) {
return state(grp.shared().coordinators(), mvccCrd, mvccCntr, mvccOpCntr);
* @param proc Mvcc processor.
* @param mvccCrd Mvcc coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntr Mvcc counter.
* @return TxState
* @see TxState
public static byte state(MvccProcessor proc, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr, int mvccOpCntr) {
if (compare(INITIAL_VERSION, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, mvccOpCntr) == 0)
return TxState.COMMITTED; // Initial version is always committed;
if ((mvccOpCntr & MVCC_HINTS_MASK) != 0)
return (byte)(mvccOpCntr >>> MVCC_HINTS_BIT_OFF);
MvccCoordinator crd = proc.currentCoordinator();
byte state = proc.state(mvccCrd, mvccCntr);
if ((state == TxState.NA || state == TxState.PREPARED)
&& (crd.unassigned() // Recovery from WAL.
|| (crd.initialized() && mvccCrd < crd.version()))) // Stale row.
state = TxState.ABORTED;
return state;
* Checks if version is visible from the given snapshot.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param snapshot Snapshot.
* @param mvccCrd Mvcc coordinator.
* @param mvccCntr Mvcc counter.
* @param opCntr Operation counter.
* @return {@code True} if visible.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public static boolean isVisible(GridCacheContext cctx, MvccSnapshot snapshot, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr,
int opCntr) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return isVisible(cctx, snapshot, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntr, true);
* Checks if version is visible from the given snapshot.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param snapshot Snapshot.
* @param mvccCrd Mvcc coordinator.
* @param mvccCntr Mvcc counter.
* @param opCntrWithHints Operation counter.
* @param useTxLog {@code True} if TxLog should be used.
* @return {@code True} if visible.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public static boolean isVisible(GridCacheContext cctx, MvccSnapshot snapshot, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr,
int opCntrWithHints, boolean useTxLog) throws IgniteCheckedException {
int opCntr = opCntrWithHints & MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK;
if (mvccCrd == MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA) {
assert mvccCntr == MVCC_COUNTER_NA && opCntrWithHints == MVCC_OP_COUNTER_NA
: "rowVer=" + mvccVersion(mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntrWithHints) + ", snapshot=" + snapshot;
return false; // Unassigned version is always invisible
if (compare(INITIAL_VERSION, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntr) == 0)
return true; // Initial version is always visible
long snapshotCrd = snapshot.coordinatorVersion();
long snapshotCntr = snapshot.counter();
int snapshotOpCntr = snapshot.operationCounter();
assert (snapshotOpCntr & ~MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK) == 0 : snapshot;
if (mvccCrd > snapshotCrd)
return false; // Rows in the future are never visible.
if (mvccCrd < snapshotCrd) {
if (!useTxLog)
return true; // The checking row is expected to be committed.
byte state = state(cctx, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntrWithHints);
if (MVCC_MAX_SNAPSHOT.compareTo(snapshot) != 0 // Special version which sees all committed entries.
&& state != TxState.COMMITTED && state != TxState.ABORTED)
throw unexpectedStateException(cctx, state, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntrWithHints, snapshot);
return state == TxState.COMMITTED;
if (mvccCntr > snapshotCntr) // we don't see future updates
return false;
// Basically we can make fast decision about visibility if found rows from the same transaction.
// But we can't make such decision for read-only queries,
// because read-only queries use last committed version in it's snapshot which could be actually aborted
// (during transaction recovery we do not know whether recovered transaction was committed or aborted).
if (mvccCntr == snapshotCntr && snapshotOpCntr != MVCC_READ_OP_CNTR) {
assert opCntr <= snapshotOpCntr : "rowVer=" + mvccVersion(mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntrWithHints) + ", snapshot=" + snapshot;
return opCntr < snapshotOpCntr; // we don't see own pending updates
if (snapshot.activeTransactions().contains(mvccCntr)) // we don't see of other transactions' pending updates
return false;
if (!useTxLog)
return true; // The checking row is expected to be committed.
byte state = state(cctx, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntrWithHints);
if (state != TxState.COMMITTED && state != TxState.ABORTED)
throw unexpectedStateException(cctx, state, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntrWithHints, snapshot);
return state == TxState.COMMITTED;
* @param grp Cache group context.
* @param state State.
* @param crd Mvcc coordinator counter.
* @param cntr Mvcc counter.
* @param opCntr Mvcc operation counter.
* @return State exception.
public static IgniteTxUnexpectedStateCheckedException unexpectedStateException(
CacheGroupContext grp, byte state, long crd, long cntr,
int opCntr) {
return unexpectedStateException(grp.shared().kernalContext(), state, crd, cntr, opCntr, null);
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param state State.
* @param crd Mvcc coordinator counter.
* @param cntr Mvcc counter.
* @param opCntr Mvcc operation counter.
* @param snapshot Mvcc snapshot
* @return State exception.
public static IgniteTxUnexpectedStateCheckedException unexpectedStateException(
GridCacheContext cctx, byte state, long crd, long cntr,
int opCntr, MvccSnapshot snapshot) {
return unexpectedStateException(cctx.kernalContext(), state, crd, cntr, opCntr, snapshot);
/** */
private static IgniteTxUnexpectedStateCheckedException unexpectedStateException(GridKernalContext ctx, byte state, long crd, long cntr,
int opCntr, MvccSnapshot snapshot) {
String msg = "Unexpected state: [state=" + state + ", rowVer=" + crd + ":" + cntr + ":" + opCntr;
if (snapshot != null)
msg += ", txVer=" + snapshot.coordinatorVersion() + ":" + snapshot.counter() + ":" + snapshot.operationCounter();
msg += ", localNodeId=" + ctx.localNodeId() + "]";
return new IgniteTxUnexpectedStateCheckedException(msg);
* Checks visibility of the given row versions from the given snapshot.
* @param cctx Context.
* @param snapshot Snapshot.
* @param crd Mvcc coordinator counter.
* @param cntr Mvcc counter.
* @param opCntr Mvcc operation counter.
* @param link Link to data row (new version is located there).
* @return Visibility status.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public static boolean isVisible(GridCacheContext cctx, MvccSnapshot snapshot, long crd, long cntr,
int opCntr, long link) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return isVisible(cctx, snapshot, crd, cntr, opCntr, false)
&& isVisible(cctx, link, snapshot);
* Checks if a row has not empty new version (xid_max).
* @param row Row.
* @return {@code True} if row has a new version.
public static boolean hasNewVersion(MvccUpdateVersionAware row) {
assert row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion() == MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA
|| mvccVersionIsValid(row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion(), row.newMvccCounter(), row.newMvccOperationCounter());
return row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion() > MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA;
* Checks if a row's new version is visible for the given snapshot.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param link Link to the row.
* @param snapshot Mvcc snapshot.
* @return {@code True} if row is visible for the given snapshot.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public static int getVisibleState(GridCacheContext cctx, long link, MvccSnapshot snapshot)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
return invoke(cctx, link, getVisibleState, snapshot);
* Returns new version of row (xid_max) if any.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param link Link to the row.
* @return New {@code MvccVersion} if row has xid_max, or null if doesn't.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public static MvccVersion getNewVersion(GridCacheContext cctx, long link)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
return invoke(cctx, link, getNewVer, null);
* Compares row version (xid_min) with the given version.
* @param row Row.
* @param ver Version.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compare(MvccVersionAware row, MvccVersion ver) {
return compare(row.mvccCoordinatorVersion(), row.mvccCounter(), row.mvccOperationCounter(),
ver.coordinatorVersion(), ver.counter(), ver.operationCounter());
* Compares to pairs of MVCC versions. See {@link Comparable}.
* @param mvccVerLeft First MVCC version.
* @param mvccCrdRight Second coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntrRight Second counter.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compare(MvccVersion mvccVerLeft, long mvccCrdRight, long mvccCntrRight) {
return compare(mvccVerLeft.coordinatorVersion(), mvccVerLeft.counter(), mvccCrdRight, mvccCntrRight);
* Compares to pairs of MVCC versions. See {@link Comparable}.
* @param row First MVCC version.
* @param mvccCrdRight Second coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntrRight Second counter.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compare(MvccVersionAware row, long mvccCrdRight, long mvccCntrRight) {
return compare(row.mvccCoordinatorVersion(), row.mvccCounter(), mvccCrdRight, mvccCntrRight);
* Compares to pairs of MVCC versions. See {@link Comparable}.
* @param mvccVerLeft First MVCC version.
* @param mvccCrdRight Second coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntrRight Second counter.
* @param mvccOpCntrRight Second operation counter.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compare(MvccVersion mvccVerLeft, long mvccCrdRight, long mvccCntrRight, int mvccOpCntrRight) {
return compare(mvccVerLeft.coordinatorVersion(), mvccVerLeft.counter(),
mvccVerLeft.operationCounter(), mvccCrdRight, mvccCntrRight, mvccOpCntrRight);
* Compares to pairs of coordinator/counter versions. See {@link Comparable}.
* @param mvccCrdLeft First coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntrLeft First counter version.
* @param mvccOpCntrLeft First operation counter.
* @param other The object to compare with.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compare(long mvccCrdLeft, long mvccCntrLeft, int mvccOpCntrLeft, MvccVersionAware other) {
return compare(mvccCrdLeft, mvccCntrLeft, mvccOpCntrLeft,
other.mvccCoordinatorVersion(), other.mvccCounter(), other.mvccOperationCounter());
* Compares to pairs of coordinator/counter versions. See {@link Comparable}.
* @param mvccCrdLeft First coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntrLeft First counter version.
* @param mvccCrdRight Second coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntrRight Second counter version.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compare(long mvccCrdLeft, long mvccCntrLeft, long mvccCrdRight, long mvccCntrRight) {
return compare(mvccCrdLeft, mvccCntrLeft, 0, mvccCrdRight, mvccCntrRight, 0);
* Compares to pairs of coordinator/counter versions. See {@link Comparable}.
* @param mvccCrdLeft First coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntrLeft First counter version.
* @param mvccOpCntrLeft First operation counter.
* @param mvccCrdRight Second coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntrRight Second counter version.
* @param mvccOpCntrRight Second operation counter.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compare(long mvccCrdLeft, long mvccCntrLeft, int mvccOpCntrLeft, long mvccCrdRight,
long mvccCntrRight, int mvccOpCntrRight) {
int cmp;
if ((cmp =, mvccCrdRight)) != 0
|| (cmp =, mvccCntrRight)) != 0
|| (cmp = & MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK, mvccOpCntrRight & MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK)) != 0)
return cmp;
return 0;
* Compares left version (xid_min) with the given version ignoring operation counter.
* @param left Version.
* @param right Version.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compareIgnoreOpCounter(MvccVersion left, MvccVersion right) {
return compare(left.coordinatorVersion(), left.counter(), 0, right.coordinatorVersion(), right.counter(), 0);
* Compares new row version (xid_max) with the given counter and coordinator versions.
* @param row Row.
* @param mvccCrd Mvcc coordinator.
* @param mvccCntr Mvcc counter.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compareNewVersion(MvccUpdateVersionAware row, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr) {
return compare(row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion(), row.newMvccCounter(), mvccCrd, mvccCntr);
* Compares new row version (xid_max) with the given counter and coordinator versions.
* @param row Row.
* @param mvccCrd Mvcc coordinator.
* @param mvccCntr Mvcc counter.
* @param opCntr Mvcc operation counter.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compareNewVersion(MvccUpdateVersionAware row, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr, int opCntr) {
return compare(row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion(), row.newMvccCounter(), row.newMvccOperationCounter(), mvccCrd, mvccCntr, opCntr);
* Compares new row version (xid_max) with the given version.
* @param row Row.
* @param ver Version.
* @return Comparison result, see {@link Comparable}.
public static int compareNewVersion(MvccUpdateVersionAware row, MvccVersion ver) {
return compare(row.newMvccCoordinatorVersion(), row.newMvccCounter(), row.newMvccOperationCounter(),
ver.coordinatorVersion(), ver.counter(), ver.operationCounter());
* @param crdVer Mvcc coordinator version.
* @param cntr Counter.
* @param opCntr Operation counter.
* @return Always {@code true}.
public static boolean mvccVersionIsValid(long crdVer, long cntr, int opCntr) {
return mvccVersionIsValid(crdVer, cntr) && (opCntr & MVCC_OP_COUNTER_MASK) != MVCC_OP_COUNTER_NA;
* @param crdVer Mvcc coordinator version.
* @param cntr Counter.
* @return {@code True} if version is valid.
public static boolean mvccVersionIsValid(long crdVer, long cntr) {
return crdVer > MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA && cntr > MVCC_COUNTER_NA;
* @return Error.
public static ClusterTopologyServerNotFoundException noCoordinatorError() {
return new ClusterTopologyServerNotFoundException("Mvcc coordinator is not assigned.");
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param link Link to the row.
* @param snapshot Mvcc snapshot.
* @return {@code True} if row is updated for given snapshot.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private static boolean isVisible(GridCacheContext cctx, long link,
MvccSnapshot snapshot)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
return invoke(cctx, link, isVisible, snapshot);
* Encapsulates common logic for working with row mvcc info: page locking/unlocking, checks and other.
* Strategy pattern.
* @param cctx Cache group.
* @param link Row link.
* @param clo Closure to apply.
* @param snapshot Mvcc snapshot.
* @param <R> Return type.
* @return Result.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private static <R> R invoke(GridCacheContext cctx, long link, MvccClosure<R> clo, MvccSnapshot snapshot)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert cctx.mvccEnabled();
PageMemory pageMem = cctx.dataRegion().pageMemory();
int grpId = cctx.groupId();
int pageSize = pageMem.realPageSize(grpId);
long pageId = pageId(link);
int itemId = itemId(link);
long page = pageMem.acquirePage(grpId, pageId);
try {
long pageAddr = pageMem.readLock(grpId, pageId, page);
try {
DataPageIO dataIo = DataPageIO.VERSIONS.forPage(pageAddr);
return invoke(cctx, dataIo, pageAddr, itemId, pageSize, clo, snapshot);
finally {
pageMem.readUnlock(grpId, pageId, page);
finally {
pageMem.releasePage(grpId, pageId, page);
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param dataIo Data page IO.
* @param pageAddr Page address.
* @param itemId Item Id.
* @param pageSize Page size.
* @param clo Closure.
* @param snapshot Mvcc snapshot.
* @return Result.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
private static <R> R invoke(GridCacheContext cctx, DataPageIO dataIo, long pageAddr, int itemId, int pageSize,
MvccClosure<R> clo, MvccSnapshot snapshot) throws IgniteCheckedException {
int offset = dataIo.getPayloadOffset(pageAddr, itemId, pageSize, MVCC_INFO_SIZE);
long mvccCrd = dataIo.mvccCoordinator(pageAddr, offset);
long mvccCntr = dataIo.mvccCounter(pageAddr, offset);
int mvccOpCntr = dataIo.rawMvccOperationCounter(pageAddr, offset);
assert mvccVersionIsValid(mvccCrd, mvccCntr, mvccOpCntr ) : mvccVersion(mvccCrd, mvccCntr, mvccOpCntr);
long newMvccCrd = dataIo.newMvccCoordinator(pageAddr, offset);
long newMvccCntr = dataIo.newMvccCounter(pageAddr, offset);
int newMvccOpCntr = dataIo.rawNewMvccOperationCounter(pageAddr, offset);
assert newMvccCrd == MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA || mvccVersionIsValid(newMvccCrd, newMvccCntr, newMvccOpCntr)
: mvccVersion(newMvccCrd, newMvccCntr, newMvccOpCntr);
return clo.apply(cctx, snapshot, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, mvccOpCntr, newMvccCrd, newMvccCntr, newMvccOpCntr);
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param snapshot Mvcc snapshot.
* @param dataIo Data page IO.
* @param pageAddr Page address.
* @param itemId Item Id.
* @param pageSize Page size.
* @return {@code true} If the row is visible.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
public static boolean isVisible(GridCacheContext cctx, MvccSnapshot snapshot, DataPageIO dataIo,
long pageAddr, int itemId, int pageSize) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return invoke(cctx, dataIo, pageAddr, itemId, pageSize, isVisible, snapshot);
* Throw an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if this cache is transactional and MVCC is enabled with
* appropriate message about corresponding operation type.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param opType operation type to mention in error message.
public static void verifyMvccOperationSupport(GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx, String opType) {
if (cctx.mvccEnabled())
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(opType + " operations are not supported on transactional " +
"caches when MVCC is enabled.");
* Checks transaction state.
* @param tx Transaction.
* @return Checked transaction.
public static GridNearTxLocal checkActive(GridNearTxLocal tx) throws IgniteTxAlreadyCompletedCheckedException {
if (tx != null && tx.state() != TransactionState.ACTIVE)
throw new IgniteTxAlreadyCompletedCheckedException("Transaction is already completed.");
return tx;
* @param ctx Grid kernal context.
* @return Currently started user transaction, or {@code null} if none started.
* @throws TransactionUnsupportedConcurrencyException If transaction mode is not supported when MVCC is enabled.
* @throws TransactionMixedModeException If started transaction spans non MVCC caches.
@Nullable public static GridNearTxLocal tx(GridKernalContext ctx) {
return tx(ctx, null);
* @param ctx Grid kernal context.
* @param txId Transaction ID.
* @return Currently started user transaction, or {@code null} if none started.
* @throws TransactionUnsupportedConcurrencyException If transaction mode is not supported when MVCC is enabled.
* @throws TransactionMixedModeException If started transaction spans non MVCC caches.
@Nullable public static GridNearTxLocal tx(GridKernalContext ctx, @Nullable GridCacheVersion txId) {
IgniteTxManager tm = ctx.cache().context().tm();
IgniteInternalTx tx0 = txId == null ? tm.tx() : tm.tx(txId);
GridNearTxLocal tx = tx0 != null && tx0.user() ? (GridNearTxLocal)tx0 : null;
if (tx != null) {
if (!tx.pessimistic()) {
throw new TransactionUnsupportedConcurrencyException("Only pessimistic transactions are supported when MVCC is enabled.");
if (!tx.isOperationAllowed(true)) {
throw new TransactionMixedModeException("Operations on MVCC caches are not permitted in transactions spanning non MVCC caches.");
return tx;
* @param ctx Grid kernal context.
* @param timeout Transaction timeout.
* @return Newly started SQL transaction.
public static GridNearTxLocal txStart(GridKernalContext ctx, long timeout) {
return txStart(ctx, null, timeout);
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param timeout Transaction timeout.
* @return Newly started SQL transaction.
public static GridNearTxLocal txStart(GridCacheContext cctx, long timeout) {
return txStart(cctx.kernalContext(), cctx, timeout);
* @param ctx Grid kernal context.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param timeout Transaction timeout.
* @return Newly started SQL transaction.
private static GridNearTxLocal txStart(GridKernalContext ctx, @Nullable GridCacheContext cctx, long timeout) {
if (timeout == 0) {
TransactionConfiguration tcfg = CU.transactionConfiguration(cctx, ctx.config());
if (tcfg != null)
timeout = tcfg.getDefaultTxTimeout();
GridNearTxLocal tx = ctx.cache().context().tm().newTx(
cctx != null && cctx.systemTx() ? cctx : null,
cctx == null || !cctx.skipStore(),
return tx;
* @param ctx Grid kernal context.
* @return Whether MVCC is enabled or not.
public static boolean mvccEnabled(GridKernalContext ctx) {
return ctx.coordinators().mvccEnabled();
* Initialises MVCC filter and returns MVCC query tracker if needed.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param autoStartTx Start transaction flag.
* @return MVCC query tracker.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
@NotNull public static MvccQueryTracker mvccTracker(GridCacheContext cctx, boolean autoStartTx)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert cctx != null && cctx.mvccEnabled();
GridNearTxLocal tx = tx(cctx.kernalContext());
if (tx == null && autoStartTx)
tx = txStart(cctx, 0);
return mvccTracker(cctx, tx);
* Initialises MVCC filter and returns MVCC query tracker if needed.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param tx Transaction.
* @return MVCC query tracker.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
@NotNull public static MvccQueryTracker mvccTracker(GridCacheContext cctx,
GridNearTxLocal tx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
MvccQueryTracker tracker;
if (tx == null)
tracker = new MvccQueryTrackerImpl(cctx);
tracker = new StaticMvccQueryTracker(cctx, requestSnapshot(tx));
if (tracker.snapshot() == null)
return tracker;
* @param tx Transaction.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed.
* @return Mvcc snapshot.
public static MvccSnapshot requestSnapshot(@NotNull GridNearTxLocal tx) throws IgniteCheckedException {
MvccSnapshot snapshot = tx.mvccSnapshot();
if (snapshot == null)
return tx.requestSnapshot().get();
return snapshot;
* Throws atomicity modes compatibility validation exception.
* @param ccfg1 Config 1.
* @param ccfg2 Config 2.
public static void throwAtomicityModesMismatchException(CacheConfiguration ccfg1, CacheConfiguration ccfg2) {
throw new IgniteException("Caches with transactional_snapshot atomicity mode cannot participate in the same" +
" transaction with caches having another atomicity mode. [cacheName=" + ccfg1.getName() +
", cacheMode=" + ccfg1.getAtomicityMode() + ", anotherCacheName=" + ccfg2.getName() +
" anotherCacheMode=" + ccfg2.getAtomicityMode() + ']');
/** */
private static MvccVersion mvccVersion(long crd, long cntr, int opCntr) {
return new MvccVersionImpl(crd, cntr, opCntr);
* @param v1 First MVCC version.
* @param v2 Second MVCC version.
* @return {@code True} if compared versions belongs to the same transaction.
public static boolean belongToSameTx(MvccVersion v1, MvccVersion v2) {
return v1.coordinatorVersion() == v2.coordinatorVersion() && v1.counter() == v2.counter();
* Mvcc closure interface.
* @param <R> Return type.
private interface MvccClosure<R> {
* Runs closure over the Mvcc info.
* @param snapshot Mvcc snapshot.
* @param mvccCrd Coordinator version.
* @param mvccCntr Counter.
* @param mvccOpCntr Operation counter.
* @param newMvccCrd New mvcc coordinator
* @param newMvccCntr New mvcc counter.
* @param newMvccOpCntr New mvcc operation counter.
* @return Result.
public R apply(GridCacheContext cctx, MvccSnapshot snapshot, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr, int mvccOpCntr,
long newMvccCrd, long newMvccCntr, int newMvccOpCntr) throws IgniteCheckedException;
* Closure for checking row visibility for snapshot.
private static class GetVisibleState implements MvccClosure<Integer> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Integer apply(GridCacheContext cctx, MvccSnapshot snapshot, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr,
int mvccOpCntr, long newMvccCrd, long newMvccCntr, int newMvccOpCntr) throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (!isVisible(cctx, snapshot, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, mvccOpCntr))
if (newMvccCrd == MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA)
assert mvccVersionIsValid(newMvccCrd, newMvccCntr, newMvccOpCntr);
if (mvccCrd == newMvccCrd && mvccCntr == newMvccCntr) // Double-changed in scope of one transaction.
return isVisible(cctx, snapshot, newMvccCrd, newMvccCntr, newMvccOpCntr) ? MVCC_VISIBLE_REMOVED :
* Closure for checking whether the row is visible for given snapshot.
private static class IsVisible implements MvccClosure<Boolean> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Boolean apply(GridCacheContext cctx, MvccSnapshot snapshot, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr,
int mvccOpCntr, long newMvccCrd, long newMvccCntr, int newMvccOpCntr) throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (!isVisible(cctx, snapshot, mvccCrd, mvccCntr, mvccOpCntr))
return false;
if (newMvccCrd == MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA)
return true;
assert mvccVersionIsValid(newMvccCrd, newMvccCntr, newMvccOpCntr);
if (mvccCrd == newMvccCrd && mvccCntr == newMvccCntr) // Double-changed in scope of one transaction.
return false;
return !isVisible(cctx, snapshot, newMvccCrd, newMvccCntr, newMvccOpCntr);
* Closure for getting xid_max version of row.
private static class GetNewVersion implements MvccClosure<MvccVersion> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public MvccVersion apply(GridCacheContext cctx, MvccSnapshot snapshot, long mvccCrd, long mvccCntr,
int mvccOpCntr, long newMvccCrd, long newMvccCntr, int newMvccOpCntr) {
return newMvccCrd == MVCC_CRD_COUNTER_NA ? null : mvccVersion(newMvccCrd, newMvccCntr, newMvccOpCntr);