blob: 71c05354d9bbabde9087420c67e4d86ded206cb0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.configuration;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.cache.configuration.Factory;
import javax.cache.event.CacheEntryListener;
import javax.cache.expiry.ExpiryPolicy;
import javax.cache.integration.CacheLoader;
import javax.cache.processor.EntryProcessor;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCompute;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignition;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheKeyConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.Affinity;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.AffinityFunction;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterGroup;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeJob;
import org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeTask;
import org.apache.ignite.failure.FailureHandler;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.eventstorage.GridEventStorageManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.ClientListenerProcessor;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.A;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.S;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteAsyncCallback;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteExperimental;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteInClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgnitePredicate;
import org.apache.ignite.lifecycle.LifecycleBean;
import org.apache.ignite.lifecycle.LifecycleEventType;
import org.apache.ignite.marshaller.Marshaller;
import org.apache.ignite.plugin.PluginConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.plugin.PluginProvider;
import org.apache.ignite.plugin.segmentation.SegmentationPolicy;
import org.apache.ignite.plugin.segmentation.SegmentationResolver;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.noop.NoopCheckpointSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.CollisionSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.collision.noop.NoopCollisionSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.CommunicationSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.DeploymentSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.deployment.local.LocalDeploymentSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.DiscoverySpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.encryption.EncryptionSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.eventstorage.EventStorageSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.eventstorage.NoopEventStorageSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.FailoverSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.failover.always.AlwaysFailoverSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.indexing.IndexingSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.LoadBalancingSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.loadbalancing.roundrobin.RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.MetricExporterSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.SystemViewExporterSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.tracing.TracingSpi;
import org.apache.ignite.ssl.SslContextFactory;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static org.apache.ignite.plugin.segmentation.SegmentationPolicy.STOP;
* This class defines grid runtime configuration. This configuration is passed to
* {@link Ignition#start(IgniteConfiguration)} method. It defines all configuration
* parameters required to start a grid instance. Usually, a special
* class called "loader" will create an instance of this interface and apply
* {@link Ignition#start(IgniteConfiguration)} method to initialize Ignite instance.
* <p>
* Note that you should only set values that differ from defaults, as grid
* will automatically pick default values for all values that are not set.
* <p>
* For more information about grid configuration and startup refer to {@link Ignition}
* documentation.
public class IgniteConfiguration {
/** Courtesy notice log category. */
public static final String COURTESY_LOGGER_NAME = "org.apache.ignite.CourtesyConfigNotice";
* Default flag for peer class loading. By default the value is {@code false}
* which means that peer class loading is disabled.
public static final boolean DFLT_P2P_ENABLED = false;
/** Default metrics history size (value is {@code 10000}). */
public static final int DFLT_METRICS_HISTORY_SIZE = 10000;
/** Default metrics update frequency. */
public static final long DFLT_METRICS_UPDATE_FREQ = 2000;
* Default metrics expire time. The value is {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} which
* means that metrics never expire.
public static final long DFLT_METRICS_EXPIRE_TIME = Long.MAX_VALUE;
/** Default maximum timeout to wait for network responses in milliseconds (value is {@code 5,000ms}). */
public static final long DFLT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT = 5000;
/** Default compression level for network messages (value is Deflater.BEST_SPEED. */
public static final int DFLT_NETWORK_COMPRESSION = Deflater.BEST_SPEED;
/** Default interval between message send retries. */
public static final long DFLT_SEND_RETRY_DELAY = 1000;
/** Default message send retries count. */
public static final int DFLT_SEND_RETRY_CNT = 3;
/** Default discovery startup delay in milliseconds (value is {@code 60,000ms}). */
public static final long DFLT_DISCOVERY_STARTUP_DELAY = 60000;
/** Default deployment mode (value is {@link DeploymentMode#SHARED}). */
public static final DeploymentMode DFLT_DEPLOYMENT_MODE = DeploymentMode.SHARED;
/** Default cache size for missed resources. */
public static final int DFLT_P2P_MISSED_RESOURCES_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
/** Default time server port base. */
public static final int DFLT_TIME_SERVER_PORT_BASE = 31100;
/** Default time server port range. */
public static final int DFLT_TIME_SERVER_PORT_RANGE = 100;
/** Default core size of public thread pool. */
public static final int AVAILABLE_PROC_CNT = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
/** Default core size of public thread pool. */
public static final int DFLT_PUBLIC_THREAD_CNT = max(8, AVAILABLE_PROC_CNT);
/** Default size of data streamer thread pool. */
/** Default limit of threads used for rebalance. */
public static final int DFLT_REBALANCE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 4;
/** Default rebalance message timeout in milliseconds (value is {@code 10000}). */
public static final long DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT = 10000;
/** Default rebalance batches prefetch count (value is {@code 3}). */
public static final long DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT = 3;
/** Time to wait between rebalance messages in milliseconds to avoid overloading CPU (value is {@code 0}). */
public static final long DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE = 0;
/** Default rebalance batch size in bytes (value is {@code 512Kb}). */
public static final int DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE = 512 * 1024; // 512K
/** Default size of system thread pool. */
/** Default size of query thread pool. */
/** Default size of index create/rebuild thread pool. */
public static final int DFLT_BUILD_IDX_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = min(4, max(1, AVAILABLE_PROC_CNT / 4));
/** Default Ignite thread keep alive time. */
public static final long DFLT_THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 60_000L;
/** Default size of peer class loading thread pool. */
public static final int DFLT_P2P_THREAD_CNT = 2;
/** Default size of management thread pool. */
public static final int DFLT_MGMT_THREAD_CNT = 4;
/** Default segmentation policy. */
public static final SegmentationPolicy DFLT_SEG_PLC = STOP;
/** Default value for wait for segment on startup flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_WAIT_FOR_SEG_ON_START = true;
/** Default value for all segmentation resolvers pass required. */
public static final boolean DFLT_ALL_SEG_RESOLVERS_PASS_REQ = true;
/** Default value segmentation resolve attempts count. */
public static final int DFLT_SEG_RESOLVE_ATTEMPTS = 2;
/** Default segment check frequency in discovery manager. */
public static final long DFLT_SEG_CHK_FREQ = 10000;
/** Default frequency of metrics log print out. */
public static final long DFLT_METRICS_LOG_FREQ = 60000;
/** Default TCP server port. */
public static final int DFLT_TCP_PORT = 11211;
/** Default marshal local jobs flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_MARSHAL_LOCAL_JOBS = false;
/** Default value for cache sanity check enabled flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_CACHE_SANITY_CHECK_ENABLED = true;
/** Default relative working directory path for snapshot operation result. */
public static final String DFLT_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY = "snapshots";
/** Default value for late affinity assignment flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_LATE_AFF_ASSIGNMENT = true;
/** Default value for cluster state on start. */
public static final ClusterState DFLT_STATE_ON_START = ClusterState.ACTIVE;
/** Default value for active on start flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_ACTIVE_ON_START = true;
/** Default value for auto-activation flag. */
public static final boolean DFLT_AUTO_ACTIVATION = true;
/** Default failure detection timeout in millis. */
public static final Long DFLT_FAILURE_DETECTION_TIMEOUT = new Long(10_000);
/** Default failure detection timeout for client nodes in millis. */
public static final Long DFLT_CLIENT_FAILURE_DETECTION_TIMEOUT = new Long(30_000);
* Default timeout after which long query warning will be printed.
* @deprecated Please use {@link SqlConfiguration#DFLT_LONG_QRY_WARN_TIMEOUT}.
public static final long DFLT_LONG_QRY_WARN_TIMEOUT = SqlConfiguration.DFLT_LONG_QRY_WARN_TIMEOUT;
/** Default number of MVCC vacuum threads.. */
public static final int DFLT_MVCC_VACUUM_THREAD_CNT = 2;
/** Default time interval between MVCC vacuum runs in milliseconds. */
public static final long DFLT_MVCC_VACUUM_FREQUENCY = 5000;
* Default SQL query history size.
* @deprecated Please use {@link SqlConfiguration#DFLT_SQL_QUERY_HISTORY_SIZE}.
public static final int DFLT_SQL_QUERY_HISTORY_SIZE = SqlConfiguration.DFLT_SQL_QUERY_HISTORY_SIZE;
/** Optional local Ignite instance name. */
private String igniteInstanceName;
/** User attributes. */
private Map<String, ?> userAttrs;
/** Logger. */
private IgniteLogger log;
/** Public pool size. */
private int pubPoolSize = DFLT_PUBLIC_THREAD_CNT;
/** Service pool size. */
private Integer svcPoolSize;
/** Async Callback pool size. */
private int callbackPoolSize = DFLT_PUBLIC_THREAD_CNT;
* Use striped pool for internal requests processing when possible
* (e.g. cache requests per-partition striping).
private int stripedPoolSize = DFLT_PUBLIC_THREAD_CNT;
/** System pool size. */
private int sysPoolSize = DFLT_SYSTEM_CORE_THREAD_CNT;
/** Management pool size. */
private int mgmtPoolSize = DFLT_MGMT_THREAD_CNT;
/** Data stream pool size. */
private int dataStreamerPoolSize = DFLT_DATA_STREAMER_POOL_SIZE;
/** Utility cache pool size. */
private int utilityCachePoolSize = DFLT_SYSTEM_CORE_THREAD_CNT;
/** Utility cache pool keep alive time. */
private long utilityCacheKeepAliveTime = DFLT_THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME;
/** P2P pool size. */
private int p2pPoolSize = DFLT_P2P_THREAD_CNT;
/** Query pool size. */
private int qryPoolSize = DFLT_QUERY_THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
/** Index create/rebuild pool size. */
private int buildIdxPoolSize = DFLT_BUILD_IDX_THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
/** Ignite installation folder. */
private String igniteHome;
/** Ignite work folder. */
private String igniteWorkDir;
/** MBean server. */
private MBeanServer mbeanSrv;
/** Local node ID. */
private UUID nodeId;
/** Marshaller. */
private Marshaller marsh;
/** Marshal local jobs. */
private boolean marshLocJobs = DFLT_MARSHAL_LOCAL_JOBS;
/** Daemon flag. */
private boolean daemon;
/** Whether or not peer class loading is enabled. */
private boolean p2pEnabled = DFLT_P2P_ENABLED;
/** List of package prefixes from the system class path that should be P2P loaded. */
private String[] p2pLocClsPathExcl;
/** Events of these types should be recorded. */
private int[] inclEvtTypes;
/** Maximum network requests timeout. */
private long netTimeout = DFLT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT;
/** Compression level for network binary messages. */
private int netCompressionLevel = DFLT_NETWORK_COMPRESSION;
/** Interval between message send retries. */
private long sndRetryDelay = DFLT_SEND_RETRY_DELAY;
/** Message send retries delay. */
private int sndRetryCnt = DFLT_SEND_RETRY_CNT;
/** Metrics history time. */
private int metricsHistSize = DFLT_METRICS_HISTORY_SIZE;
/** Full metrics enabled flag. */
private long metricsUpdateFreq = DFLT_METRICS_UPDATE_FREQ;
/** Metrics expire time. */
private long metricsExpTime = DFLT_METRICS_EXPIRE_TIME;
/** Collection of life-cycle beans. */
private LifecycleBean[] lifecycleBeans;
/** Discovery SPI. */
private DiscoverySpi discoSpi;
/** Segmentation policy. */
private SegmentationPolicy segPlc = DFLT_SEG_PLC;
/** Segmentation resolvers. */
private SegmentationResolver[] segResolvers;
/** Segmentation resolve attempts count. */
private int segResolveAttempts = DFLT_SEG_RESOLVE_ATTEMPTS;
/** Wait for segment on startup flag. */
private boolean waitForSegOnStart = DFLT_WAIT_FOR_SEG_ON_START;
/** All segmentation resolvers pass required flag. */
private boolean allResolversPassReq = DFLT_ALL_SEG_RESOLVERS_PASS_REQ;
/** Segment check frequency. */
private long segChkFreq = DFLT_SEG_CHK_FREQ;
/** Communication SPI. */
private CommunicationSpi commSpi;
/** Event storage SPI. */
private EventStorageSpi evtSpi;
/** Collision SPI. */
private CollisionSpi colSpi;
/** Deployment SPI. */
private DeploymentSpi deploySpi;
/** Checkpoint SPI. */
private CheckpointSpi[] cpSpi;
/** Failover SPI. */
private FailoverSpi[] failSpi;
/** Load balancing SPI. */
private LoadBalancingSpi[] loadBalancingSpi;
/** Indexing SPI. */
private IndexingSpi indexingSpi;
/** Address resolver. */
private AddressResolver addrRslvr;
/** Encryption SPI. */
private EncryptionSpi encryptionSpi;
/** Metric exporter SPI. */
private MetricExporterSpi[] metricExporterSpi;
/** System view exporter SPI. */
private SystemViewExporterSpi[] sysViewExporterSpi;
/** Tracing SPI. */
private TracingSpi tracingSpi;
/** Cache configurations. */
private CacheConfiguration[] cacheCfg;
/** Client mode flag. */
private Boolean clientMode;
/** Rebalance thread pool size. */
private int rebalanceThreadPoolSize = DFLT_REBALANCE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE;
/** Rrebalance messages timeout in milliseconds. */
private long rebalanceTimeout = DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT;
/** Rebalance batches prefetch count. */
private long rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCnt = DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT;
/** Time to wait between rebalance messages in milliseconds. */
private long rebalanceThrottle = DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE;
/** Rebalance batch size in bytes. */
private int rebalanceBatchSize = DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE;
/** Transactions configuration. */
private TransactionConfiguration txCfg = new TransactionConfiguration();
/** */
private PluginConfiguration[] pluginCfgs;
/** Flag indicating whether cache sanity check is enabled. */
private boolean cacheSanityCheckEnabled = DFLT_CACHE_SANITY_CHECK_ENABLED;
/** Discovery startup delay. */
private long discoStartupDelay = DFLT_DISCOVERY_STARTUP_DELAY;
/** Tasks classes sharing mode. */
private DeploymentMode deployMode = DFLT_DEPLOYMENT_MODE;
/** Cache size of missed resources. */
private int p2pMissedCacheSize = DFLT_P2P_MISSED_RESOURCES_CACHE_SIZE;
/** Local host. */
private String locHost;
/** Base port number for time server. */
private int timeSrvPortBase = DFLT_TIME_SERVER_PORT_BASE;
/** Port number range for time server. */
private int timeSrvPortRange = DFLT_TIME_SERVER_PORT_RANGE;
/** Failure detection timeout. */
private Long failureDetectionTimeout = DFLT_FAILURE_DETECTION_TIMEOUT;
/** Timeout for blocked system workers detection. */
private Long sysWorkerBlockedTimeout;
/** Failure detection timeout for client nodes. */
private Long clientFailureDetectionTimeout = DFLT_CLIENT_FAILURE_DETECTION_TIMEOUT;
/** Property names to include into node attributes. */
private String[] includeProps;
/** Frequency of metrics log print out. */
private long metricsLogFreq = DFLT_METRICS_LOG_FREQ;
/** Local event listeners. */
private Map<IgnitePredicate<? extends Event>, int[]> lsnrs;
/** Service configuration. */
private ServiceConfiguration[] svcCfgs;
/** Client access configuration. */
private ConnectorConfiguration connectorCfg = new ConnectorConfiguration();
/** ODBC configuration. */
private OdbcConfiguration odbcCfg;
/** Warmup closure. Will be invoked before actual grid start. */
private IgniteInClosure<IgniteConfiguration> warmupClos;
/** */
private AtomicConfiguration atomicCfg = new AtomicConfiguration();
/** User's class loader. */
private ClassLoader classLdr;
/** Cache store session listeners. */
private Factory<CacheStoreSessionListener>[] storeSesLsnrs;
/** Consistent globally unique node ID which survives node restarts. */
private Serializable consistentId;
/** SSL connection factory. */
private Factory<SSLContext> sslCtxFactory;
/** Platform configuration. */
private PlatformConfiguration platformCfg;
/** Cache key configuration. */
private CacheKeyConfiguration[] cacheKeyCfg;
/** */
private BinaryConfiguration binaryCfg;
/** Custom executor configurations. */
private ExecutorConfiguration[] execCfgs;
/** Page memory configuration. */
private MemoryConfiguration memCfg;
/** Persistence store configuration. */
private PersistentStoreConfiguration pstCfg;
/** Page memory configuration. */
private DataStorageConfiguration dsCfg;
* Directory where will be stored all results of snapshot operations. The internal
* {@link U#resolveWorkDirectory(String, String, boolean)} is used to configure
* snapshot working directory.
private String snapshotPath = DFLT_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY;
/** Active on start flag. */
private boolean activeOnStart = DFLT_ACTIVE_ON_START;
/** Indicates that activeOnStart property was set explicitly. */
private boolean activeOnStartPropSetFlag;
/** Auto-activation flag. */
private boolean autoActivation = DFLT_AUTO_ACTIVATION;
/** Indicates that autoActivation property was set explicitly. */
private boolean autoActivationPropSetFlag;
/** Cluster state on start. */
private ClusterState clusterStateOnStart;
/** SQL connector configuration. */
private SqlConnectorConfiguration sqlConnCfg;
/** Client connector configuration. */
private ClientConnectorConfiguration cliConnCfg = ClientListenerProcessor.DFLT_CLI_CFG;
/** Size of MVCC vacuum thread pool. */
private int mvccVacuumThreadCnt = DFLT_MVCC_VACUUM_THREAD_CNT;
/** Time interval between vacuum runs (ms). */
private long mvccVacuumFreq = DFLT_MVCC_VACUUM_FREQUENCY;
/** User authentication enabled. */
private boolean authEnabled;
/** Failure handler. */
private FailureHandler failureHnd;
/** Communication failure resolver */
private CommunicationFailureResolver commFailureRslvr;
/** Plugin providers. */
private PluginProvider[] pluginProvs;
/** SQL configuration. */
private SqlConfiguration sqlCfg = new SqlConfiguration();
* Creates valid grid configuration with all default values.
public IgniteConfiguration() {
// No-op.
* Creates grid configuration by coping all configuration properties from
* given configuration.
* @param cfg Grid configuration to copy from.
public IgniteConfiguration(IgniteConfiguration cfg) {
assert cfg != null;
// SPIs.
discoSpi = cfg.getDiscoverySpi();
commSpi = cfg.getCommunicationSpi();
deploySpi = cfg.getDeploymentSpi();
evtSpi = cfg.getEventStorageSpi();
cpSpi = cfg.getCheckpointSpi();
colSpi = cfg.getCollisionSpi();
failSpi = cfg.getFailoverSpi();
loadBalancingSpi = cfg.getLoadBalancingSpi();
indexingSpi = cfg.getIndexingSpi();
encryptionSpi = cfg.getEncryptionSpi();
metricExporterSpi = cfg.getMetricExporterSpi();
sysViewExporterSpi = cfg.getSystemViewExporterSpi();
tracingSpi = cfg.getTracingSpi();
commFailureRslvr = cfg.getCommunicationFailureResolver();
* Order alphabetically for maintenance purposes.
activeOnStart = cfg.isActiveOnStart();
activeOnStartPropSetFlag = cfg.activeOnStartPropSetFlag;
addrRslvr = cfg.getAddressResolver();
allResolversPassReq = cfg.isAllSegmentationResolversPassRequired();
atomicCfg = cfg.getAtomicConfiguration();
authEnabled = cfg.isAuthenticationEnabled();
autoActivation = cfg.isAutoActivationEnabled();
autoActivationPropSetFlag = cfg.autoActivationPropSetFlag;
binaryCfg = cfg.getBinaryConfiguration();
clusterStateOnStart = cfg.getClusterStateOnStart();
dsCfg = cfg.getDataStorageConfiguration();
memCfg = cfg.getMemoryConfiguration();
pstCfg = cfg.getPersistentStoreConfiguration();
cacheCfg = cfg.getCacheConfiguration();
cacheKeyCfg = cfg.getCacheKeyConfiguration();
cacheSanityCheckEnabled = cfg.isCacheSanityCheckEnabled();
callbackPoolSize = cfg.getAsyncCallbackPoolSize();
classLdr = cfg.getClassLoader();
clientFailureDetectionTimeout = cfg.getClientFailureDetectionTimeout();
clientMode = cfg.isClientMode();
cliConnCfg = cfg.getClientConnectorConfiguration();
connectorCfg = cfg.getConnectorConfiguration();
consistentId = cfg.getConsistentId();
daemon = cfg.isDaemon();
dataStreamerPoolSize = cfg.getDataStreamerThreadPoolSize();
deployMode = cfg.getDeploymentMode();
discoStartupDelay = cfg.getDiscoveryStartupDelay();
execCfgs = cfg.getExecutorConfiguration();
failureDetectionTimeout = cfg.getFailureDetectionTimeout();
failureHnd = cfg.getFailureHandler();
igniteHome = cfg.getIgniteHome();
igniteInstanceName = cfg.getIgniteInstanceName();
igniteWorkDir = cfg.getWorkDirectory();
inclEvtTypes = cfg.getIncludeEventTypes();
includeProps = cfg.getIncludeProperties();
lifecycleBeans = cfg.getLifecycleBeans();
locHost = cfg.getLocalHost();
log = cfg.getGridLogger();
lsnrs = cfg.getLocalEventListeners();
marsh = cfg.getMarshaller();
marshLocJobs = cfg.isMarshalLocalJobs();
mbeanSrv = cfg.getMBeanServer();
metricsExpTime = cfg.getMetricsExpireTime();
metricsHistSize = cfg.getMetricsHistorySize();
metricsLogFreq = cfg.getMetricsLogFrequency();
metricsUpdateFreq = cfg.getMetricsUpdateFrequency();
mgmtPoolSize = cfg.getManagementThreadPoolSize();
mvccVacuumThreadCnt = cfg.getMvccVacuumThreadCount();
mvccVacuumFreq = cfg.getMvccVacuumFrequency();
netTimeout = cfg.getNetworkTimeout();
nodeId = cfg.getNodeId();
odbcCfg = cfg.getOdbcConfiguration();
p2pEnabled = cfg.isPeerClassLoadingEnabled();
p2pLocClsPathExcl = cfg.getPeerClassLoadingLocalClassPathExclude();
p2pMissedCacheSize = cfg.getPeerClassLoadingMissedResourcesCacheSize();
p2pPoolSize = cfg.getPeerClassLoadingThreadPoolSize();
platformCfg = cfg.getPlatformConfiguration();
pluginCfgs = cfg.getPluginConfigurations();
pluginProvs = cfg.getPluginProviders();
pubPoolSize = cfg.getPublicThreadPoolSize();
qryPoolSize = cfg.getQueryThreadPoolSize();
buildIdxPoolSize = cfg.getBuildIndexThreadPoolSize();
rebalanceThreadPoolSize = cfg.getRebalanceThreadPoolSize();
rebalanceTimeout = cfg.getRebalanceTimeout();
rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCnt = cfg.getRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount();
rebalanceThrottle = cfg.getRebalanceThrottle();
rebalanceBatchSize = cfg.getRebalanceBatchSize();
segChkFreq = cfg.getSegmentCheckFrequency();
segPlc = cfg.getSegmentationPolicy();
segResolveAttempts = cfg.getSegmentationResolveAttempts();
segResolvers = cfg.getSegmentationResolvers();
snapshotPath = cfg.getSnapshotPath();
sndRetryCnt = cfg.getNetworkSendRetryCount();
sndRetryDelay = cfg.getNetworkSendRetryDelay();
sqlConnCfg = cfg.getSqlConnectorConfiguration();
sslCtxFactory = cfg.getSslContextFactory();
storeSesLsnrs = cfg.getCacheStoreSessionListenerFactories();
stripedPoolSize = cfg.getStripedPoolSize();
svcCfgs = cfg.getServiceConfiguration();
svcPoolSize = cfg.getServiceThreadPoolSize();
sysPoolSize = cfg.getSystemThreadPoolSize();
sysWorkerBlockedTimeout = cfg.getSystemWorkerBlockedTimeout();
timeSrvPortBase = cfg.getTimeServerPortBase();
timeSrvPortRange = cfg.getTimeServerPortRange();
txCfg = cfg.getTransactionConfiguration();
userAttrs = cfg.getUserAttributes();
utilityCacheKeepAliveTime = cfg.getUtilityCacheKeepAliveTime();
utilityCachePoolSize = cfg.getUtilityCacheThreadPoolSize();
waitForSegOnStart = cfg.isWaitForSegmentOnStart();
warmupClos = cfg.getWarmupClosure();
sqlCfg = cfg.getSqlConfiguration();
* @return Communication failure resovler.
public CommunicationFailureResolver getCommunicationFailureResolver() {
return commFailureRslvr;
* @param commFailureRslvr Communication failure resovler.
* @return {@code this} instance.
public IgniteConfiguration setCommunicationFailureResolver(CommunicationFailureResolver commFailureRslvr) {
this.commFailureRslvr = commFailureRslvr;
return this;
* Gets optional grid name. Returns {@code null} if non-default grid name was not
* provided.
* <p>The name only works locally and has no effect on topology</p>
* @return Optional grid name. Can be {@code null}, which is default grid name, if
* non-default grid name was not provided.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getIgniteInstanceName()} instead.
public String getGridName() {
return getIgniteInstanceName();
* Gets optional local instance name. Returns {@code null} if non-default local instance
* name was not provided.
* <p>The name only works locally and has no effect on topology</p>
* @return Optional local instance name. Can be {@code null}, which is default local
* instance name, if non-default local instance name was not provided.
public String getIgniteInstanceName() {
return igniteInstanceName;
* Whether or not this node should be a daemon node.
* <p>
* Daemon nodes are the usual grid nodes that participate in topology but not
* visible on the main APIs, i.e. they are not part of any cluster groups. The only
* way to see daemon nodes is to use {@link ClusterGroup#forDaemons()} method.
* <p>
* Daemon nodes are used primarily for management and monitoring functionality that
* is build on Ignite and needs to participate in the topology, but also needs to be
* excluded from the "normal" topology, so that it won't participate in the task execution
* or in-memory data grid storage.
* @return {@code True} if this node should be a daemon node, {@code false} otherwise.
* @see ClusterGroup#forDaemons()
public boolean isDaemon() {
return daemon;
* Sets daemon flag.
* <p>
* Daemon nodes are the usual grid nodes that participate in topology but not
* visible on the main APIs, i.e. they are not part of any cluster group. The only
* way to see daemon nodes is to use {@link ClusterGroup#forDaemons()} method.
* <p>
* Daemon nodes are used primarily for management and monitoring functionality that
* is build on Ignite and needs to participate in the topology, but also needs to be
* excluded from the "normal" topology, so that it won't participate in the task execution
* or in-memory data grid storage.
* @param daemon Daemon flag.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setDaemon(boolean daemon) {
this.daemon = daemon;
return this;
* Sets grid name. Note that {@code null} is a default grid name.
* @param gridName Grid name to set. Can be {@code null}, which is default
* grid name.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setIgniteInstanceName(String)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setGridName(String gridName) {
return setIgniteInstanceName(gridName);
* Sets of local instance name. Note that {@code null} is a default local instance name.
* @param instanceName Local instance name to set. Can be {@code null}. which is default
* local instance name.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setIgniteInstanceName(String instanceName) {
this.igniteInstanceName = instanceName;
return this;
* Sets consistent globally unique node ID which survives node restarts.
* @param consistentId Node consistent ID.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setConsistentId(Serializable consistentId) {
this.consistentId = consistentId;
return this;
* Gets consistent globally unique node ID which survives node restarts.
* @return Node consistent ID.
public Serializable getConsistentId() {
return consistentId;
* Should return any user-defined attributes to be added to this node. These attributes can
* then be accessed on nodes by calling {@link ClusterNode#attribute(String)} or
* {@link ClusterNode#attributes()} methods.
* <p>
* Note that system adds the following (among others) attributes automatically:
* <ul>
* <li>{@code {@link System#getProperties()}} - All system properties.</li>
* <li>{@code {@link System#getenv(String)}} - All environment properties.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Note that grid will add all System properties and environment properties
* to grid node attributes also. SPIs may also add node attributes that are
* used for SPI implementation.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> attributes names starting with {@code org.apache.ignite} are reserved
* for internal use.
* @return User defined attributes for this node.
public Map<String, ?> getUserAttributes() {
return userAttrs;
* Sets user attributes for this node.
* @param userAttrs User attributes for this node.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getUserAttributes()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setUserAttributes(Map<String, ?> userAttrs) {
this.userAttrs = userAttrs;
return this;
* Should return an instance of logger to use in grid. If not provided,
* {@ignitelink org.apache.ignite.logger.log4j.Log4JLogger}
* will be used.
* @return Logger to use in grid.
public IgniteLogger getGridLogger() {
return log;
* Sets logger to use within grid.
* @param log Logger to use within grid.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getGridLogger()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setGridLogger(IgniteLogger log) {
this.log = log;
return this;
* Returns striped pool size that should be used for cache requests
* processing.
* <p>
* Striped pool is better for typical cache operations.
* @return The number of threads (stripes) to be used for requests processing.
* @see #getPublicThreadPoolSize()
* @see #getSystemThreadPoolSize()
public int getStripedPoolSize() {
return stripedPoolSize;
* Sets striped pool size that should be used for cache requests
* processing.
* <p>
* Striped pool is better for typical cache operations.
* @param stripedPoolSize The number of threads (stripes) to be used for requests processing.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see #getPublicThreadPoolSize()
* @see #getSystemThreadPoolSize()
public IgniteConfiguration setStripedPoolSize(int stripedPoolSize) {
this.stripedPoolSize = stripedPoolSize;
return this;
* Should return a thread pool size to be used in grid.
* This executor service will be in charge of processing {@link ComputeJob GridJobs}
* and user messages sent to node.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_PUBLIC_THREAD_CNT}.
* @return Thread pool size to be used in grid to process job execution
* requests and user messages sent to the node.
public int getPublicThreadPoolSize() {
return pubPoolSize;
* Should return a thread pool size to be used in grid.
* This executor service will be in charge of processing {@link Service} proxy invocations.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_PUBLIC_THREAD_CNT}.
* @return Thread pool size to be used in grid to process service proxy invocations.
public int getServiceThreadPoolSize() {
return svcPoolSize != null ? svcPoolSize : getPublicThreadPoolSize();
* Size of thread pool that is in charge of processing internal system messages.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_SYSTEM_CORE_THREAD_CNT}.
* @return Thread pool size to be used in grid for internal system messages.
public int getSystemThreadPoolSize() {
return sysPoolSize;
* Size of thread pool that is in charge of processing asynchronous callbacks.
* <p>
* This pool is used for callbacks annotated with {@link IgniteAsyncCallback}.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_PUBLIC_THREAD_CNT}.
* @return Thread pool size to be used.
* @see IgniteAsyncCallback
public int getAsyncCallbackPoolSize() {
return callbackPoolSize;
* Size of thread pool that is in charge of processing internal and Visor
* {@link ComputeJob GridJobs}.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_MGMT_THREAD_CNT}
* @return Thread pool size to be used in grid for internal and Visor
* jobs processing.
public int getManagementThreadPoolSize() {
return mgmtPoolSize;
* Size of thread pool which is in charge of peer class loading requests/responses. If you don't use
* peer class loading and use GAR deployment only we would recommend to decrease
* the value of total threads to {@code 1}.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_P2P_THREAD_CNT}.
* @return Thread pool size to be used for peer class loading
* requests handling.
public int getPeerClassLoadingThreadPoolSize() {
return p2pPoolSize;
* Size of thread pool that is in charge of processing data stream messages.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_DATA_STREAMER_POOL_SIZE}.
* @return Thread pool size to be used for data stream messages.
public int getDataStreamerThreadPoolSize() {
return dataStreamerPoolSize;
* Default size of thread pool that is in charge of processing utility cache messages.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_SYSTEM_CORE_THREAD_CNT}.
* @return Default thread pool size to be used in grid for utility cache messages.
public int getUtilityCacheThreadPoolSize() {
return utilityCachePoolSize;
* Keep alive time of thread pool that is in charge of processing utility cache messages.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have keep alive time {@link #DFLT_THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME}.
* @return Thread pool keep alive time (in milliseconds) to be used in grid for utility cache messages.
public long getUtilityCacheKeepAliveTime() {
return utilityCacheKeepAliveTime;
* Size of thread pool that is in charge of processing query messages.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size {@link #DFLT_QUERY_THREAD_POOL_SIZE}.
* @return Thread pool size to be used in grid for query messages.
public int getQueryThreadPoolSize() {
return qryPoolSize;
* Size of thread pool for create/rebuild index.
* <p>
* If not provided, executor service will have size
* @return Thread pool size for create/rebuild index.
public int getBuildIndexThreadPoolSize() {
return buildIdxPoolSize;
* Sets index create/rebuild thread pool size to use within grid.
* @param poolSize Thread pool size to use within grid.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getBuildIndexThreadPoolSize()
public IgniteConfiguration setBuildIndexThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) {
buildIdxPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Number of SQL query history elements to keep in memory. If not provided, then default value {@link
* SqlConfiguration#DFLT_SQL_QUERY_HISTORY_SIZE} is used. If provided value is less or equals 0, then gathering SQL query history
* will be switched off.
* @return SQL query history size.
* @deprecated Use {@link SqlConfiguration#setSqlQueryHistorySize(int)} instead.
public int getSqlQueryHistorySize() {
return sqlCfg.getSqlQueryHistorySize();
* Sets number of SQL query history elements kept in memory. If not explicitly set, then default value is {@link
* @param size Number of SQL query history elements kept in memory.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link SqlConfiguration#getSqlQueryHistorySize()} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setSqlQueryHistorySize(int size) {
return this;
* Defines the default query timeout.
* Defaults to {@link SqlConfiguration#DFLT_QRY_TIMEOUT}.
* {@code 0} means there is no timeout (this
* is a default value)
* @return Default query timeout.
* @deprecated Use {@link SqlConfiguration#getDefaultQueryTimeout()} instead.
public long getDefaultQueryTimeout() {
return sqlCfg.getDefaultQueryTimeout();
* Sets timeout in milliseconds for default query timeout.
* {@code 0} means there is no timeout (this
* is a default value)
* @param dfltQryTimeout Timeout in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link SqlConfiguration#setDefaultQueryTimeout(long)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setDefaultQueryTimeout(long dfltQryTimeout) {
return this;
* Sets thread pool size to use within grid.
* @param poolSize Thread pool size to use within grid.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getPublicThreadPoolSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setPublicThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) {
pubPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Sets thread pool size to use within grid.
* @param poolSize Thread pool size to use within grid.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getServiceThreadPoolSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setServiceThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) {
svcPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Sets system thread pool size to use within grid.
* @param poolSize Thread pool size to use within grid.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getSystemThreadPoolSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setSystemThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) {
sysPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Sets async callback thread pool size to use within grid.
* @param poolSize Thread pool size to use within grid.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getAsyncCallbackPoolSize()
* @see IgniteAsyncCallback
public IgniteConfiguration setAsyncCallbackPoolSize(int poolSize) {
this.callbackPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Sets management thread pool size to use within grid.
* @param poolSize Thread pool size to use within grid.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getManagementThreadPoolSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setManagementThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) {
mgmtPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Sets thread pool size to use for peer class loading.
* @param poolSize Thread pool size to use within grid.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getPeerClassLoadingThreadPoolSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setPeerClassLoadingThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) {
p2pPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Set thread pool size that will be used to process data stream messages.
* @param poolSize Executor service to use for data stream messages.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getDataStreamerThreadPoolSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setDataStreamerThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) {
dataStreamerPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Sets default thread pool size that will be used to process utility cache messages.
* @param poolSize Default executor service size to use for utility cache messages.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getUtilityCacheThreadPoolSize()
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getUtilityCacheKeepAliveTime()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setUtilityCachePoolSize(int poolSize) {
utilityCachePoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Sets query thread pool size to use within grid.
* @param poolSize Thread pool size to use within grid.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getQueryThreadPoolSize()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setQueryThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) {
qryPoolSize = poolSize;
return this;
* Sets keep alive time of thread pool size that will be used to process utility cache messages.
* @param keepAliveTime Keep alive time of executor service to use for utility cache messages.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getUtilityCacheThreadPoolSize()
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getUtilityCacheKeepAliveTime()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setUtilityCacheKeepAliveTime(long keepAliveTime) {
utilityCacheKeepAliveTime = keepAliveTime;
return this;
* Should return Ignite installation home folder. If not provided, the system will check
* {@code IGNITE_HOME} system property and environment variable in that order. If
* {@code IGNITE_HOME} still could not be obtained, then grid will not start and exception
* will be thrown.
* @return Ignite installation home or {@code null} to make the system attempt to
* infer it automatically.
* @see IgniteSystemProperties#IGNITE_HOME
public String getIgniteHome() {
return igniteHome;
* Sets Ignite installation folder.
* @param igniteHome {@code Ignition} installation folder.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getIgniteHome()
* @see IgniteSystemProperties#IGNITE_HOME
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setIgniteHome(String igniteHome) {
this.igniteHome = igniteHome;
return this;
* Gets Ignite work directory. If not provided, the method will use work directory under
* {@code IGNITE_HOME} specified by {@link IgniteConfiguration#setIgniteHome(String)} or
* {@code IGNITE_HOME} environment variable or system property.
* <p>
* If {@code IGNITE_HOME} is not provided, then system temp directory is used.
* @return Ignite work directory or {@code null} to make the system attempt to infer it automatically.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getIgniteHome()
* @see IgniteSystemProperties#IGNITE_HOME
public String getWorkDirectory() {
return igniteWorkDir;
* Sets Ignite work folder.
* @param igniteWorkDir {@code Ignite} work directory.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getWorkDirectory()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setWorkDirectory(String igniteWorkDir) {
this.igniteWorkDir = igniteWorkDir;
return this;
* Should return MBean server instance. If not provided, the system will use default
* platform MBean server.
* @return MBean server instance or {@code null} to make the system create a default one.
* @see ManagementFactory#getPlatformMBeanServer()
public MBeanServer getMBeanServer() {
return mbeanSrv;
* Sets initialized and started MBean server.
* @param mbeanSrv Initialized and started MBean server.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setMBeanServer(MBeanServer mbeanSrv) {
this.mbeanSrv = mbeanSrv;
return this;
* Unique identifier for this node within grid.
* @return Unique identifier for this node within grid.
public UUID getNodeId() {
return nodeId;
* Sets unique identifier for local node.
* @param nodeId Unique identifier for local node.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getNodeId()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setConsistentId(Serializable)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setNodeId(UUID nodeId) {
this.nodeId = nodeId;
return this;
* Should return an instance of marshaller to use in grid. If not provided,
* default marshaller implementation that allows to read object field values
* without deserialization will be used.
* @return Marshaller to use in grid.
* @deprecated Since 2.1. Some Ignite features will not work if non-null marshaller is set
* (IgniteCache.withKeepBinary(), .NET, CPP, ODBC)
public Marshaller getMarshaller() {
return marsh;
* Sets marshaller to use within grid.
* @param marsh Marshaller to use within grid.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getMarshaller()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Since 2.1. Some Ignite features will not work if non-null marshaller is set
* (IgniteCache.withKeepBinary(), .NET, CPP, ODBC)
public IgniteConfiguration setMarshaller(Marshaller marsh) {
this.marsh = marsh;
return this;
* Returns {@code true} if peer class loading is enabled, {@code false}
* otherwise. Default value is {@code false} specified by {@link #DFLT_P2P_ENABLED}.
* <p>
* When peer class loading is enabled and task is not deployed on local node,
* local node will try to load classes from the node that initiated task
* execution. This way, a task can be physically deployed only on one node
* and then internally penetrate to all other nodes.
* <p>
* See {@link ComputeTask} documentation for more information about task deployment.
* @return {@code true} if peer class loading is enabled, {@code false}
* otherwise.
public boolean isPeerClassLoadingEnabled() {
return p2pEnabled;
* If this flag is set to {@code true}, jobs mapped to local node will be
* marshalled as if it was remote node.
* <p>
* If not provided, default value is defined by {@link #DFLT_MARSHAL_LOCAL_JOBS}.
* @return {@code True} if local jobs should be marshalled.
public boolean isMarshalLocalJobs() {
return marshLocJobs;
* Sets marshal local jobs flag.
* @param marshLocJobs {@code True} if local jobs should be marshalled.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setMarshalLocalJobs(boolean marshLocJobs) {
this.marshLocJobs = marshLocJobs;
return this;
* Enables/disables peer class loading.
* @param p2pEnabled {@code true} if peer class loading is
* enabled, {@code false} otherwise.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setPeerClassLoadingEnabled(boolean p2pEnabled) {
this.p2pEnabled = p2pEnabled;
return this;
* Should return list of packages from the system classpath that need to
* be peer-to-peer loaded from task originating node.
* '*' is supported at the end of the package name which means
* that all sub-packages and their classes are included like in Java
* package import clause.
* @return List of peer-to-peer loaded package names.
public String[] getPeerClassLoadingLocalClassPathExclude() {
return p2pLocClsPathExcl;
* Sets list of packages in a system class path that should be P2P
* loaded even if they exist locally.
* @param p2pLocClsPathExcl List of P2P loaded packages. Package
* name supports '*' at the end like in package import clause.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setPeerClassLoadingLocalClassPathExclude(String... p2pLocClsPathExcl) {
this.p2pLocClsPathExcl = p2pLocClsPathExcl;
return this;
* Number of node metrics to keep in memory to calculate totals and averages.
* If not provided (value is {@code 0}), then default value
* {@link #DFLT_METRICS_HISTORY_SIZE} is used.
* @return Metrics history size.
public int getMetricsHistorySize() {
return metricsHistSize;
* Sets number of metrics kept in history to compute totals and averages.
* If not explicitly set, then default value is {@code 10,000}.
* @param metricsHistSize Number of metrics kept in history to use for
* metric totals and averages calculations.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setMetricsHistorySize(int metricsHistSize) {
this.metricsHistSize = metricsHistSize;
return this;
* Gets Ignite metrics update frequency in milliseconds.
* <p>
* Updating metrics too frequently may have negative performance impact.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value {@link #DFLT_METRICS_UPDATE_FREQ} is used.
* @return Metrics update frequency in milliseconds.
public long getMetricsUpdateFrequency() {
return metricsUpdateFreq;
* Sets Ignite metrics update frequency in milliseconds.
* <p>
* Positive value defines the actual update frequency.
* If not provided, then default value
* {@link #DFLT_METRICS_UPDATE_FREQ} is used.
* @param metricsUpdateFreq Metrics update frequency in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setMetricsUpdateFrequency(long metricsUpdateFreq) {
this.metricsUpdateFreq = metricsUpdateFreq;
return this;
* Elapsed time in milliseconds after which node metrics are considered expired.
* If not provided, then default value
* {@link #DFLT_METRICS_EXPIRE_TIME} is used.
* @return Metrics expire time.
public long getMetricsExpireTime() {
return metricsExpTime;
* Sets time in milliseconds after which a certain metric value is considered expired.
* If not set explicitly, then default value is {@code 600,000} milliseconds (10 minutes).
* @param metricsExpTime The metricsExpTime to set.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setMetricsExpireTime(long metricsExpTime) {
this.metricsExpTime = metricsExpTime;
return this;
* Maximum timeout in milliseconds for network requests.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value
* {@link #DFLT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT} is used.
* @return Maximum timeout for network requests.
public long getNetworkTimeout() {
return netTimeout;
* Maximum timeout in milliseconds for network requests.
* <p>
* If not provided (value is {@code 0}), then default value
* {@link #DFLT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT} is used.
* @param netTimeout Maximum timeout for network requests.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setNetworkTimeout(long netTimeout) {
this.netTimeout = netTimeout;
return this;
* Compression level of internal network messages.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value
* Deflater.BEST_SPEED is used.
* @return Network messages default compression level.
public int getNetworkCompressionLevel() {
return netCompressionLevel;
* Compression level for internal network messages.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value
* Deflater.BEST_SPEED is used.
public void setNetworkCompressionLevel(int netCompressionLevel) {
this.netCompressionLevel = netCompressionLevel;
* Interval in milliseconds between message send retries.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value
* {@link #DFLT_SEND_RETRY_DELAY} is used.
* @return Interval between message send retries.
* @see #getNetworkSendRetryCount()
public long getNetworkSendRetryDelay() {
return sndRetryDelay;
* Sets interval in milliseconds between message send retries.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value
* {@link #DFLT_SEND_RETRY_DELAY} is used.
* @param sndRetryDelay Interval between message send retries.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setNetworkSendRetryDelay(long sndRetryDelay) {
this.sndRetryDelay = sndRetryDelay;
return this;
* Message send retries count.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value
* {@link #DFLT_SEND_RETRY_CNT} is used.
* @return Message send retries count.
* @see #getNetworkSendRetryDelay()
public int getNetworkSendRetryCount() {
return sndRetryCnt;
* Sets message send retries count.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value
* {@link #DFLT_SEND_RETRY_CNT} is used.
* @param sndRetryCnt Message send retries count.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setNetworkSendRetryCount(int sndRetryCnt) {
this.sndRetryCnt = sndRetryCnt;
return this;
* Gets Max count of threads can be used at rebalancing.
* Minimum is 1.
* @return count.
public int getRebalanceThreadPoolSize() {
return rebalanceThreadPoolSize;
* Sets Max count of threads can be used at rebalancing.
* Default is {@code 1} which has minimal impact on the operation of the grid.
* @param rebalanceThreadPoolSize Number of system threads that will be assigned for partition transfer during
* rebalancing.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setRebalanceThreadPoolSize(int rebalanceThreadPoolSize) {
this.rebalanceThreadPoolSize = rebalanceThreadPoolSize;
return this;
* Rebalance timeout for supply and demand messages in milliseconds. The {@code rebalanceTimeout} parameter
* specifies how long a message will stay in a receiving queue, waiting for other ordered messages that are
* ordered ahead of it to arrive will be processed. If timeout expires, then all messages that have not arrived
* before this message will be skipped. If an expired supply (demand) message actually does arrive, it will be
* ignored.
* <p>
* Default value is defined by {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT}, if {@code 0} than the
* {@link IgniteConfiguration#getNetworkTimeout()} will be used instead.
* @return Rebalance message timeout in milliseconds.
public long getRebalanceTimeout() {
return rebalanceTimeout;
* Rebalance timeout for supply and demand messages in milliseconds. The {@code rebalanceTimeout} parameter
* specifies how long a message will stay in a receiving queue, waiting for other ordered messages that are
* ordered ahead of it to arrive will be processed. If timeout expires, then all messages that have not arrived
* before this message will be skipped. If an expired supply (demand) message actually does arrive, it will be
* ignored.
* <p>
* Default value is defined by {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_TIMEOUT}, if {@code 0} than the
* {@link IgniteConfiguration#getNetworkTimeout()} will be used instead.
* @param rebalanceTimeout Rebalance message timeout in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setRebalanceTimeout(long rebalanceTimeout) {
this.rebalanceTimeout = rebalanceTimeout;
return this;
* The number of batches generated by supply node at rebalancing procedure start. To gain better rebalancing
* performance supplier node can provide more than one batch at rebalancing start and provide one new to each
* next demand request.
* <p>
* Default value is defined by {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT}, minimum value is {@code 1}.
* @return The number of batches prefetch count.
public long getRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount() {
return rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCnt;
* The number of batches generated by supply node at rebalancing procedure start. To gain better rebalancing
* performance supplier node can provide more than one batch at rebalancing start and provide one new to each
* next demand request.
* <p>
* Default value is defined by {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCHES_PREFETCH_COUNT}, minimum value is {@code 1}.
* @param rebalanceBatchesCnt The number of batches prefetch count.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setRebalanceBatchesPrefetchCount(long rebalanceBatchesCnt) {
this.rebalanceBatchesPrefetchCnt = rebalanceBatchesCnt;
return this;
* Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading of CPU or network.
* When rebalancing large data sets, the CPU or network can get over-consumed with rebalancing messages,
* which consecutively may slow down the application performance. This parameter helps tune
* the amount of time to wait between rebalance messages to make sure that rebalancing process
* does not have any negative performance impact. Note that application will continue to work
* properly while rebalancing is still in progress.
* <p>
* Value of {@code 0} means that throttling is disabled. By default throttling is disabled -
* the default is defined by {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE} constant.
* @return Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages, {@code 0} to disable throttling.
public long getRebalanceThrottle() {
return rebalanceThrottle;
* Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages to avoid overloading of CPU or network. When rebalancing
* large data sets, the CPU or network can get over-consumed with rebalancing messages, which consecutively may slow
* down the application performance. This parameter helps tune the amount of time to wait between rebalance messages
* to make sure that rebalancing process does not have any negative performance impact. Note that application will
* continue to work properly while rebalancing is still in progress.
* <p>
* Value of {@code 0} means that throttling is disabled. By default throttling is disabled -
* the default is defined by {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_THROTTLE} constant.
* @param rebalanceThrottle Time in milliseconds to wait between rebalance messages, {@code 0} to disable throttling.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setRebalanceThrottle(long rebalanceThrottle) {
this.rebalanceThrottle = rebalanceThrottle;
return this;
* The supply message size in bytes to be loaded within a single rebalance batch. The data balancing algorithm
* splits all the cache data entries on supply node into multiple batches prior to sending them to the demand node.
* <p>
* Default value is defined by {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE}.
* @return Rebalance message size in bytes.
public int getRebalanceBatchSize() {
return rebalanceBatchSize;
* The supply message size in bytes to be loaded within a single rebalance batch. The data balancing algorithm
* splits all the cache data entries on supply node into multiple batches prior to sending them to the demand node.
* <p>
* Default value is defined by {@link IgniteConfiguration#DFLT_REBALANCE_BATCH_SIZE}.
* @param rebalanceBatchSize Rebalance message size in bytes.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setRebalanceBatchSize(int rebalanceBatchSize) {
this.rebalanceBatchSize = rebalanceBatchSize;
return this;
* Returns a collection of life-cycle beans. These beans will be automatically
* notified of grid life-cycle events. Use life-cycle beans whenever you
* want to perform certain logic before and after grid startup and stopping
* routines.
* @return Collection of life-cycle beans.
* @see LifecycleBean
* @see LifecycleEventType
public LifecycleBean[] getLifecycleBeans() {
return lifecycleBeans;
* Sets a collection of lifecycle beans. These beans will be automatically
* notified of grid lifecycle events. Use lifecycle beans whenever you
* want to perform certain logic before and after grid startup and stopping
* routines.
* @param lifecycleBeans Collection of lifecycle beans.
* @see LifecycleEventType
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setLifecycleBeans(LifecycleBean... lifecycleBeans) {
this.lifecycleBeans = lifecycleBeans;
return this;
* Sets SSL context factory that will be used for creating a secure socket layer.
* @param sslCtxFactory Ssl context factory.
* @see SslContextFactory
public IgniteConfiguration setSslContextFactory(Factory<SSLContext> sslCtxFactory) {
this.sslCtxFactory = sslCtxFactory;
return this;
* Returns SSL context factory that will be used for creating a secure socket layer.
* @return SSL connection factory.
* @see SslContextFactory
public Factory<SSLContext> getSslContextFactory() {
return sslCtxFactory;
* Should return fully configured event SPI implementation. If not provided,
* {@link NoopEventStorageSpi} will be used.
* @return Grid event SPI implementation or {@code null} to use default implementation.
public EventStorageSpi getEventStorageSpi() {
return evtSpi;
* Sets fully configured instance of {@link EventStorageSpi}.
* @param evtSpi Fully configured instance of {@link EventStorageSpi}.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getEventStorageSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setEventStorageSpi(EventStorageSpi evtSpi) {
this.evtSpi = evtSpi;
return this;
* Should return fully configured discovery SPI implementation. If not provided,
* {@link TcpDiscoverySpi} will be used by default.
* @return Grid discovery SPI implementation or {@code null} to use default implementation.
public DiscoverySpi getDiscoverySpi() {
return discoSpi;
* Sets fully configured instance of {@link DiscoverySpi}.
* @param discoSpi Fully configured instance of {@link DiscoverySpi}.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getDiscoverySpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setDiscoverySpi(DiscoverySpi discoSpi) {
this.discoSpi = discoSpi;
return this;
* Returns segmentation policy. Default is {@link #DFLT_SEG_PLC}.
* @return Segmentation policy.
public SegmentationPolicy getSegmentationPolicy() {
return segPlc;
* Sets segmentation policy.
* @param segPlc Segmentation policy.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setSegmentationPolicy(SegmentationPolicy segPlc) {
this.segPlc = segPlc;
return this;
* Gets wait for segment on startup flag. Default is {@link #DFLT_WAIT_FOR_SEG_ON_START}.
* <p>
* Returns {@code true} if node should wait for correct segment on start.
* If node detects that segment is incorrect on startup and this method
* returns {@code true}, node waits until segment becomes correct.
* If segment is incorrect on startup and this method returns {@code false},
* exception is thrown.
* @return {@code True} to wait for segment on startup, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isWaitForSegmentOnStart() {
return waitForSegOnStart;
* Sets wait for segment on start flag.
* @param waitForSegOnStart {@code True} to wait for segment on start.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setWaitForSegmentOnStart(boolean waitForSegOnStart) {
this.waitForSegOnStart = waitForSegOnStart;
return this;
* Gets all segmentation resolvers pass required flag.
* <p>
* Returns {@code true} if all segmentation resolvers should succeed
* for node to be in correct segment.
* Returns {@code false} if at least one segmentation resolver should succeed
* for node to be in correct segment.
* <p>
* Default is {@link #DFLT_ALL_SEG_RESOLVERS_PASS_REQ}.
* @return {@code True} if all segmentation resolvers should succeed,
* {@code false} if only one is enough.
public boolean isAllSegmentationResolversPassRequired() {
return allResolversPassReq;
* Sets all segmentation resolvers pass required flag.
* @param allResolversPassReq {@code True} if all segmentation resolvers should
* succeed for node to be in the correct segment.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setAllSegmentationResolversPassRequired(boolean allResolversPassReq) {
this.allResolversPassReq = allResolversPassReq;
return this;
* Gets segmentation resolve attempts. Each configured resolver will have
* this attempts number to pass segmentation check prior to check failure.
* Default is {@link #DFLT_SEG_RESOLVE_ATTEMPTS}.
* @return Segmentation resolve attempts.
public int getSegmentationResolveAttempts() {
return segResolveAttempts;
* Sets segmentation resolve attempts count.
* @param segResolveAttempts Segmentation resolve attempts.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setSegmentationResolveAttempts(int segResolveAttempts) {
this.segResolveAttempts = segResolveAttempts;
return this;
* Returns a collection of segmentation resolvers.
* <p>
* If array is {@code null} or empty, periodical and on-start network
* segment checks do not happen.
* @return Segmentation resolvers.
public SegmentationResolver[] getSegmentationResolvers() {
return segResolvers;
* Sets segmentation resolvers.
* @param segResolvers Segmentation resolvers.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setSegmentationResolvers(SegmentationResolver... segResolvers) {
this.segResolvers = segResolvers;
return this;
* Returns frequency of network segment check by discovery manager.
* <p>
* if 0, periodic segment check is disabled and segment is checked only
* on topology changes (if segmentation resolvers are configured).
* <p>
* Default is {@link #DFLT_SEG_CHK_FREQ}.
* @return Segment check frequency.
public long getSegmentCheckFrequency() {
return segChkFreq;
* Sets network segment check frequency.
* @param segChkFreq Segment check frequency.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setSegmentCheckFrequency(long segChkFreq) {
this.segChkFreq = segChkFreq;
return this;
* Should return fully configured SPI communication implementation. If not provided,
* {@link TcpCommunicationSpi} will be used by default.
* @return Grid communication SPI implementation or {@code null} to use default implementation.
public CommunicationSpi getCommunicationSpi() {
return commSpi;
* Sets fully configured instance of {@link CommunicationSpi}.
* @param commSpi Fully configured instance of {@link CommunicationSpi}.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getCommunicationSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setCommunicationSpi(CommunicationSpi commSpi) {
this.commSpi = commSpi;
return this;
* Should return fully configured collision SPI implementation. If not provided,
* {@link NoopCollisionSpi} is used and jobs get activated immediately
* on arrive to mapped node. This approach suits well for large amount of small
* jobs (which is a wide-spread use case). User still can control the number
* of concurrent jobs by setting maximum thread pool size defined by
* IgniteConfiguration.getPublicThreadPoolSize() configuration property.
* @return Grid collision SPI implementation or {@code null} to use default implementation.
public CollisionSpi getCollisionSpi() {
return colSpi;
* Sets fully configured instance of {@link CollisionSpi}.
* @param colSpi Fully configured instance of {@link CollisionSpi} or
* {@code null} if no SPI provided.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getCollisionSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setCollisionSpi(CollisionSpi colSpi) {
this.colSpi = colSpi;
return this;
* Should return fully configured deployment SPI implementation. If not provided,
* {@link LocalDeploymentSpi} will be used.
* @return Grid deployment SPI implementation or {@code null} to use default implementation.
public DeploymentSpi getDeploymentSpi() {
return deploySpi;
* Sets fully configured instance of {@link DeploymentSpi}.
* @param deploySpi Fully configured instance of {@link DeploymentSpi}.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getDeploymentSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setDeploymentSpi(DeploymentSpi deploySpi) {
this.deploySpi = deploySpi;
return this;
* Should return fully configured checkpoint SPI implementation. If not provided,
* {@link NoopCheckpointSpi} will be used.
* @return Grid checkpoint SPI implementation or {@code null} to use default implementation.
public CheckpointSpi[] getCheckpointSpi() {
return cpSpi;
* Sets fully configured instance of {@link CheckpointSpi}.
* @param cpSpi Fully configured instance of {@link CheckpointSpi}.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getCheckpointSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setCheckpointSpi(CheckpointSpi... cpSpi) {
this.cpSpi = cpSpi;
return this;
* Should return fully configured failover SPI implementation. If not provided,
* {@link AlwaysFailoverSpi} will be used.
* @return Grid failover SPI implementation or {@code null} to use default implementation.
public FailoverSpi[] getFailoverSpi() {
return failSpi;
* Sets fully configured instance of {@link FailoverSpi}.
* @param failSpi Fully configured instance of {@link FailoverSpi} or
* {@code null} if no SPI provided.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getFailoverSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setFailoverSpi(FailoverSpi... failSpi) {
this.failSpi = failSpi;
return this;
* Returns failure detection timeout for client nodes used by {@link TcpDiscoverySpi} and {@link TcpCommunicationSpi}.
* <p>
* @see #setClientFailureDetectionTimeout(long)
* @return Failure detection timeout for client nodes in milliseconds.
public Long getClientFailureDetectionTimeout() {
return clientFailureDetectionTimeout;
* Sets failure detection timeout to use in {@link TcpDiscoverySpi} and {@link TcpCommunicationSpi}.
* <p>
* Failure detection timeout is used to determine how long the communication or discovery SPIs should wait before
* considering a remote connection failed.
* @param clientFailureDetectionTimeout Failure detection timeout in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setClientFailureDetectionTimeout(long clientFailureDetectionTimeout) {
this.clientFailureDetectionTimeout = clientFailureDetectionTimeout;
return this;
* Returns failure detection timeout used by {@link TcpDiscoverySpi} and {@link TcpCommunicationSpi}.
* <p>
* @see #setFailureDetectionTimeout(long)
* @return Failure detection timeout in milliseconds.
public Long getFailureDetectionTimeout() {
return failureDetectionTimeout;
* Sets failure detection timeout to use in {@link TcpDiscoverySpi} and {@link TcpCommunicationSpi}.
* <p>
* Failure detection timeout is used to determine how long the communication or discovery SPIs should wait before
* considering a remote connection failed.
* @param failureDetectionTimeout Failure detection timeout in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setFailureDetectionTimeout(long failureDetectionTimeout) {
this.failureDetectionTimeout = failureDetectionTimeout;
return this;
* Returns maximum inactivity period for system worker. When this value is exceeded, worker is considered blocked
* with consequent critical failure handler invocation.
* @see #setSystemWorkerBlockedTimeout(long)
* @return Maximum inactivity period for system worker in milliseconds.
public Long getSystemWorkerBlockedTimeout() {
return sysWorkerBlockedTimeout;
* Sets maximum inactivity period for system worker. When this value is exceeded, worker is considered blocked
* with consequent critical failure handler invocation.
* @see #setFailureHandler(FailureHandler)
* @param sysWorkerBlockedTimeout Maximum inactivity period for system worker in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setSystemWorkerBlockedTimeout(long sysWorkerBlockedTimeout) {
this.sysWorkerBlockedTimeout = sysWorkerBlockedTimeout;
return this;
* Should return fully configured load balancing SPI implementation. If not provided,
* {@link RoundRobinLoadBalancingSpi} will be used.
* @return Grid load balancing SPI implementation or {@code null} to use default implementation.
public LoadBalancingSpi[] getLoadBalancingSpi() {
return loadBalancingSpi;
* This value is used to expire messages from waiting list whenever node
* discovery discrepancies happen.
* <p>
* During startup, it is possible for some SPIs to have a small time window when
* <tt>Node A</tt> has discovered <tt>Node B</tt>, but <tt>Node B</tt>
* has not discovered <tt>Node A</tt> yet. Such time window is usually very small,
* a matter of milliseconds, but certain JMS providers, for example, may be very slow
* and hence have larger discovery delay window.
* <p>
* The default value of this property is {@code 60,000} specified by
* {@link #DFLT_DISCOVERY_STARTUP_DELAY}. This should be good enough for vast
* majority of configurations. However, if you do anticipate an even larger
* delay, you should increase this value.
* @return Time in milliseconds for when nodes can be out-of-sync.
* @deprecated Not used any more.
public long getDiscoveryStartupDelay() {
return discoStartupDelay;
* Sets time in milliseconds after which a certain metric value is considered expired.
* If not set explicitly, then default value is {@code 600,000} milliseconds (10 minutes).
* @param discoStartupDelay Time in milliseconds for when nodes
* can be out-of-sync during startup.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Not used any more.
public IgniteConfiguration setDiscoveryStartupDelay(long discoStartupDelay) {
this.discoStartupDelay = discoStartupDelay;
return this;
* Sets fully configured instance of {@link LoadBalancingSpi}.
* @param loadBalancingSpi Fully configured instance of {@link LoadBalancingSpi} or
* {@code null} if no SPI provided.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getLoadBalancingSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setLoadBalancingSpi(LoadBalancingSpi... loadBalancingSpi) {
this.loadBalancingSpi = loadBalancingSpi;
return this;
* Sets fully configured instances of {@link IndexingSpi}.
* @param indexingSpi Fully configured instance of {@link IndexingSpi}.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getIndexingSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setIndexingSpi(IndexingSpi indexingSpi) {
this.indexingSpi = indexingSpi;
return this;
* Should return fully configured indexing SPI implementations.
* @return Indexing SPI implementation.
public IndexingSpi getIndexingSpi() {
return indexingSpi;
* Sets fully configured instances of {@link EncryptionSpi}.
* @param encryptionSpi Fully configured instance of {@link EncryptionSpi}.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getEncryptionSpi()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setEncryptionSpi(EncryptionSpi encryptionSpi) {
this.encryptionSpi = encryptionSpi;
return this;
* Gets fully configured encryption SPI implementations.
* @return Encryption SPI implementation.
public EncryptionSpi getEncryptionSpi() {
return encryptionSpi;
* Sets fully configured instances of {@link MetricExporterSpi}.
* @param metricExporterSpi Fully configured instances of {@link MetricExporterSpi}.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getMetricExporterSpi()
public IgniteConfiguration setMetricExporterSpi(MetricExporterSpi... metricExporterSpi) {
this.metricExporterSpi = metricExporterSpi;
return this;
* Sets fully configured instances of {@link SystemViewExporterSpi}.
* @param sysViewExporterSpi Fully configured instances of {@link SystemViewExporterSpi}.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see IgniteConfiguration#getSystemViewExporterSpi()
public IgniteConfiguration setSystemViewExporterSpi(SystemViewExporterSpi... sysViewExporterSpi) {
this.sysViewExporterSpi = sysViewExporterSpi;
return this;
* Gets fully configured metric SPI implementations.
* @return Metric exporter SPI implementations.
public MetricExporterSpi[] getMetricExporterSpi() {
return metricExporterSpi;
* Gets fully configured system view SPI implementations.
* @return System view exporter SPI implementations.
public SystemViewExporterSpi[] getSystemViewExporterSpi() {
return sysViewExporterSpi;
* Set fully configured instance of {@link TracingSpi}.
* @param tracingSpi Fully configured instance of {@link TracingSpi}.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setTracingSpi(TracingSpi tracingSpi) {
this.tracingSpi = tracingSpi;
return this;
* Gets fully configured tracing SPI implementation.
* @return Tracing SPI implementation.
public TracingSpi getTracingSpi() {
return tracingSpi;
* Gets address resolver for addresses mapping determination.
* @return Address resolver.
public AddressResolver getAddressResolver() {
return addrRslvr;
* Sets address resolver for addresses mapping determination.
* @param addrRslvr Address resolver.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setAddressResolver(AddressResolver addrRslvr) {
this.addrRslvr = addrRslvr;
return this;
* Sets task classes and resources sharing mode.
* @param deployMode Task classes and resources sharing mode.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setDeploymentMode(DeploymentMode deployMode) {
this.deployMode = deployMode;
return this;
* Gets deployment mode for deploying tasks and other classes on this node.
* Refer to {@link DeploymentMode} documentation for more information.
* @return Deployment mode.
public DeploymentMode getDeploymentMode() {
return deployMode;
* Sets size of missed resources cache. Set 0 to avoid
* missed resources caching.
* @param p2pMissedCacheSize Size of missed resources cache.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setPeerClassLoadingMissedResourcesCacheSize(int p2pMissedCacheSize) {
this.p2pMissedCacheSize = p2pMissedCacheSize;
return this;
* Returns missed resources cache size. If size greater than {@code 0}, missed
* resources will be cached and next resource request ignored. If size is {@code 0},
* then request for the resource will be sent to the remote node every time this
* resource is requested.
* @return Missed resources cache size.
public int getPeerClassLoadingMissedResourcesCacheSize() {
return p2pMissedCacheSize;
* Gets configuration (descriptors) for all caches.
* @return Array of fully initialized cache descriptors.
public CacheConfiguration[] getCacheConfiguration() {
return cacheCfg;
* Sets cache configurations.
* @param cacheCfg Cache configurations.
public IgniteConfiguration setCacheConfiguration(CacheConfiguration... cacheCfg) {
this.cacheCfg = cacheCfg == null ? new CacheConfiguration[0] : cacheCfg;
return this;
* Gets client mode flag. Client node cannot hold data in the caches. It's recommended to use
* {@link DiscoverySpi} in client mode if this property is {@code true}.
* @return Client mode flag.
* @see TcpDiscoverySpi#setForceServerMode(boolean)
public Boolean isClientMode() {
return clientMode;
* Sets client mode flag.
* @param clientMode Client mode flag.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setClientMode(boolean clientMode) {
this.clientMode = clientMode;
return this;
* Gets cache key configuration.
* @return Cache key configuration.
public CacheKeyConfiguration[] getCacheKeyConfiguration() {
return cacheKeyCfg;
* Sets cache key configuration.
* Cache key configuration defines
* @param cacheKeyCfg Cache key configuration.
public IgniteConfiguration setCacheKeyConfiguration(CacheKeyConfiguration... cacheKeyCfg) {
this.cacheKeyCfg = cacheKeyCfg;
return this;
* Gets configuration for Ignite Binary objects.
* @return Binary configuration object.
public BinaryConfiguration getBinaryConfiguration() {
return binaryCfg;
* Sets configuration for Ignite Binary objects.
* @param binaryCfg Binary configuration object.
public IgniteConfiguration setBinaryConfiguration(BinaryConfiguration binaryCfg) {
this.binaryCfg = binaryCfg;
return this;
* Gets page memory configuration.
* @return Memory configuration.
public DataStorageConfiguration getDataStorageConfiguration() {
return dsCfg;
* Sets durable memory configuration.
* @param dsCfg Data storage configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setDataStorageConfiguration(DataStorageConfiguration dsCfg) {
this.dsCfg = dsCfg;
return this;
* Gets page memory configuration.
* @return Memory configuration.
* @deprecated Use {@link DataStorageConfiguration} instead.
public MemoryConfiguration getMemoryConfiguration() {
return memCfg;
* Sets page memory configuration.
* @param memCfg Memory configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link DataStorageConfiguration} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setMemoryConfiguration(MemoryConfiguration memCfg) {
this.memCfg = memCfg;
return this;
* Gets persistence configuration used by Apache Ignite Persistent Store.
* @return Persistence configuration.
* @deprecated Part of old API. Use {@link DataStorageConfiguration} for configuring persistence instead.
public PersistentStoreConfiguration getPersistentStoreConfiguration() {
return pstCfg;
* @return Flag {@code true} if persistence is enabled, {@code false} if disabled.
* @deprecated Part of legacy configuration API. Doesn't work if new configuration API is used.
public boolean isPersistentStoreEnabled() {
return pstCfg != null;
* Sets persistence configuration activating Apache Ignite Persistent Store.
* @param pstCfg Persistence configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Part of old API. Use {@link DataStorageConfiguration} for configuring persistence instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setPersistentStoreConfiguration(PersistentStoreConfiguration pstCfg) {
this.pstCfg = pstCfg;
return this;
* Gets flag indicating whether the cluster will be active on start. If cluster is not active on start,
* there will be no cache partition map exchanges performed until the cluster is activated. This should
* significantly speed up large topology startup time.
* <p>
* Default value is {@link #DFLT_ACTIVE_ON_START}.
* <p>
* This flag is ignored when Ignite Persistence is enabled see {@link DataStorageConfiguration}.
* Cluster is always inactive on start when Ignite Persistence is enabled.
* @return Active on start flag value.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getClusterStateOnStart()} instead.
public boolean isActiveOnStart() {
return activeOnStart;
* Sets flag indicating whether the cluster will be active on start. This value should be the same on all
* nodes in the cluster.
* <p>
* This flag is ignored when {@link DataStorageConfiguration} has at least one configured persistent region:
* cluster is always inactive on start when Ignite Persistence is enabled.
* @param activeOnStart Active on start flag value.
* @return {@code this} instance.
* @see #isActiveOnStart()
* @deprecated Use {@link #setClusterStateOnStart(ClusterState)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setActiveOnStart(boolean activeOnStart) {
U.warn(log, "Property activeOnStart deprecated. Use clusterStateOnStart instead.");
this.activeOnStart = activeOnStart;
activeOnStartPropSetFlag = true;
return this;
* Get the flag indicating that cluster is enabled to activate automatically.
* If it is set to {@code true} and BaselineTopology is set as well than cluster activates automatically
* when all nodes from the BaselineTopology join the cluster.
* <p>
* Default value is {@link #DFLT_AUTO_ACTIVATION}.
* <p>
* @return Auto activation enabled flag value.
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#getClusterStateOnStart()} instead.
public boolean isAutoActivationEnabled() {
return autoActivation;
* Sets flag indicating whether the cluster is enabled to activate automatically.
* This value should be the same on all nodes in the cluster.
* @param autoActivation Auto activation enabled flag value.
* @return {@code this} instance.
* @see #isAutoActivationEnabled()
* @deprecated Use {@link IgniteConfiguration#setClusterStateOnStart(ClusterState)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setAutoActivationEnabled(boolean autoActivation) {
U.warn(log, "Property autoActivation deprecated. Use clusterStateOnStart instead.");
this.autoActivation = autoActivation;
autoActivationPropSetFlag = true;
return this;
* Gets state of cluster on start.
* <br/>
* For <b>in-memory cluster</b> this state will be applied to the first started node. If
* cluster state on start is {@link ClusterState#INACTIVE}, further hode joins will be handled by cluster faster and
* manual cluster activation should be performed in order to start working the cluster and caches.
* <br/>
* For <b>persistent cluster</b> If state is different from {@link ClusterState#INACTIVE} and BaselineTopology is
* set (cluster was activated before, for example before cluster restart) as well then cluster moves to given
* cluster state when all nodes from the BaselineTopology join the cluster, i.e. manual activation isn't required
* in that case.
* <p>
* Default value is {@link #DFLT_STATE_ON_START}.
* <p>
* @return State of cluster on start or {@code null}, if property wasn't set. {@code Null} means that default
* value will be used.
public @Nullable ClusterState getClusterStateOnStart() {
return clusterStateOnStart;
* Sets state of cluster on start.
* @param state New cluster state on start.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see #getClusterStateOnStart()
public IgniteConfiguration setClusterStateOnStart(ClusterState state) {
this.clusterStateOnStart = state;
return this;
* Gets flag indicating whether cache sanity check is enabled. If enabled, then Ignite
* will perform the following checks and throw an exception if check fails:
* <ul>
* <li>Cache entry is not externally locked with {@code lock(...)} or {@code lockAsync(...)}
* methods when entry is enlisted to transaction.</li>
* <li>Each entry in affinity group-lock transaction has the same affinity key as was specified on
* affinity transaction start.</li>
* <li>Each entry in partition group-lock transaction belongs to the same partition as was specified
* on partition transaction start.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* These checks are not required for cache operation, but help to find subtle bugs. Disabling of this checks
* usually yields a noticeable performance gain.
* <p>
* If not provided, default value is {@link #DFLT_CACHE_SANITY_CHECK_ENABLED}.
* @return {@code True} if group lock sanity check is enabled.
public boolean isCacheSanityCheckEnabled() {
return cacheSanityCheckEnabled;
* Sets cache sanity check flag.
* @param cacheSanityCheckEnabled {@code True} if cache sanity check is enabled.
* @see #isCacheSanityCheckEnabled()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setCacheSanityCheckEnabled(boolean cacheSanityCheckEnabled) {
this.cacheSanityCheckEnabled = cacheSanityCheckEnabled;
return this;
* Gets array of event types, which will be recorded.
* <p>
* Note that by default all events in Ignite are disabled. Ignite can and often does generate thousands
* events per seconds under the load and therefore it creates a significant additional load on the system.
* If these events are not needed by the application this load is unnecessary and leads to significant
* performance degradation. So it is <b>highly recommended</b> to enable only those events that your
* application logic requires. Note that certain events are required for Ignite's internal operations
* and such events will still be generated but not stored by event storage SPI if they are disabled
* in Ignite configuration.
* @return Include event types.
public int[] getIncludeEventTypes() {
return inclEvtTypes;
* Sets array of event types, which will be recorded by {@link GridEventStorageManager#record(Event)}.
* Note, that either the include event types or the exclude event types can be established.
* @param inclEvtTypes Include event types.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setIncludeEventTypes(int... inclEvtTypes) {
this.inclEvtTypes = inclEvtTypes;
return this;
* Sets system-wide local address or host for all Ignite components to bind to. If provided it will
* override all default local bind settings within Ignite or any of its SPIs.
* @param locHost Local IP address or host to bind to.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setLocalHost(String locHost) {
this.locHost = locHost;
return this;
* Gets system-wide local address or host for all Ignite components to bind to. If provided it will
* override all default local bind settings within Ignite or any of its SPIs.
* <p>
* If {@code null} then Ignite tries to use local wildcard address. That means that
* all services will be available on all network interfaces of the host machine.
* <p>
* It is strongly recommended to set this parameter for all production environments.
* <p>
* If not provided, default is {@code null}.
* @return Local address or host to bind to.
public String getLocalHost() {
return locHost;
* Gets base UPD port number for grid time server. Time server will be started on one of free ports in range
* {@code [timeServerPortBase, timeServerPortBase + timeServerPortRange - 1]}.
* <p>
* Time server provides clock synchronization between nodes.
* @return Time
public int getTimeServerPortBase() {
return timeSrvPortBase;
* Sets time server port base.
* @param timeSrvPortBase Time server port base.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setTimeServerPortBase(int timeSrvPortBase) {
this.timeSrvPortBase = timeSrvPortBase;
return this;
* Defines port range to try for time server start.
* If port range value is <tt>0</tt>, then implementation will try bind only to the port provided by
* {@link #setTimeServerPortBase(int)} method and fail if binding to this port did not succeed.
* @return Number of ports to try before server initialization fails.
public int getTimeServerPortRange() {
return timeSrvPortRange;
* Sets time server port range.
* @param timeSrvPortRange Time server port range.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setTimeServerPortRange(int timeSrvPortRange) {
this.timeSrvPortRange = timeSrvPortRange;
return this;
* Gets array of system or environment properties to include into node attributes.
* If this array is {@code null}, which is default, then all system and environment
* properties will be included. If this array is empty, then none will be included.
* Otherwise, for every name provided, first a system property will be looked up,
* and then, if it is not found, environment property will be looked up.
* @return Array of system or environment properties to include into node attributes.
public String[] getIncludeProperties() {
return includeProps;
* Sets array of system or environment property names to include into node attributes.
* See {@link #getIncludeProperties()} for more info.
* @param includeProps Array of system or environment property names to include into node attributes.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setIncludeProperties(String... includeProps) {
this.includeProps = includeProps;
return this;
* Gets frequency of metrics log print out.
* <p>
* If {@code 0}, metrics print out is disabled.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value {@link #DFLT_METRICS_LOG_FREQ} is used.
* @return Frequency of metrics log print out.
public long getMetricsLogFrequency() {
return metricsLogFreq;
* Sets frequency of metrics log print out.
* <p>
* If {@code 0}, metrics print out is disabled.
* <p>
* If not provided, then default value {@link #DFLT_METRICS_LOG_FREQ} is used.
* @param metricsLogFreq Frequency of metrics log print out.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setMetricsLogFrequency(long metricsLogFreq) {
this.metricsLogFreq = metricsLogFreq;
return this;
* @return Connector configuration.
public ConnectorConfiguration getConnectorConfiguration() {
return connectorCfg;
* @param connectorCfg Connector configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setConnectorConfiguration(ConnectorConfiguration connectorCfg) {
this.connectorCfg = connectorCfg;
return this;
* Gets configuration for ODBC.
* @return ODBC configuration.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getClientConnectorConfiguration()} ()} instead.
public OdbcConfiguration getOdbcConfiguration() {
return odbcCfg;
* Sets configuration for ODBC.
* @param odbcCfg ODBC configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setClientConnectorConfiguration(ClientConnectorConfiguration)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setOdbcConfiguration(OdbcConfiguration odbcCfg) {
this.odbcCfg = odbcCfg;
return this;
* Gets configurations for services to be deployed on the grid.
* @return Configurations for services to be deployed on the grid.
public ServiceConfiguration[] getServiceConfiguration() {
return svcCfgs;
* Sets configurations for services to be deployed on the grid.
* @param svcCfgs Configurations for services to be deployed on the grid.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setServiceConfiguration(ServiceConfiguration... svcCfgs) {
this.svcCfgs = svcCfgs;
return this;
* Gets map of pre-configured local event listeners.
* Each listener is mapped to array of event types.
* @return Pre-configured event listeners map.
* @see EventType
public Map<IgnitePredicate<? extends Event>, int[]> getLocalEventListeners() {
return lsnrs;
* Sets map of pre-configured local event listeners.
* Each listener is mapped to array of event types.
* @param lsnrs Pre-configured event listeners map.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setLocalEventListeners(Map<IgnitePredicate<? extends Event>, int[]> lsnrs) {
this.lsnrs = lsnrs;
return this;
* @return By default the relative {@link #DFLT_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY} is used. The value can be
* configured as relative path starting from the Ignites {@link #getWorkDirectory()} or
* the value can be represented as an absolute snapshot working path.
public String getSnapshotPath() {
return snapshotPath;
* @param snapshotPath By default the relative {@link #DFLT_SNAPSHOT_DIRECTORY} is used.
* The value can be configured as relative path starting from the Ignites {@link #getWorkDirectory()}
* or the value can be represented as an absolute snapshot working path instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setSnapshotPath(String snapshotPath) {
this.snapshotPath = snapshotPath;
return this;
* Gets grid warmup closure. This closure will be executed before actual grid instance start. Configuration of
* a starting instance will be passed to the closure so it can decide what operations to warm up.
* @return Warmup closure to execute.
public IgniteInClosure<IgniteConfiguration> getWarmupClosure() {
return warmupClos;
* Sets warmup closure to execute before grid startup.
* @param warmupClos Warmup closure to execute.
* @see #getWarmupClosure()
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setWarmupClosure(IgniteInClosure<IgniteConfiguration> warmupClos) {
this.warmupClos = warmupClos;
return this;
* Gets transactions configuration.
* @return Transactions configuration.
public TransactionConfiguration getTransactionConfiguration() {
return txCfg;
* Sets transactions configuration.
* @param txCfg Transactions configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setTransactionConfiguration(TransactionConfiguration txCfg) {
this.txCfg = txCfg;
return this;
* Gets plugin configurations.
* @return Plugin configurations.
* @see PluginProvider
public PluginConfiguration[] getPluginConfigurations() {
return pluginCfgs;
* Sets plugin configurations.
* @param pluginCfgs Plugin configurations.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see PluginProvider
* @deprecated Since {@link PluginProvider}s can be set explicitly via {@link #setPluginProviders(PluginProvider[])}
* it's preferable to store {@link PluginConfiguration} as a part of {@link PluginProvider}.
public IgniteConfiguration setPluginConfigurations(PluginConfiguration... pluginCfgs) {
this.pluginCfgs = pluginCfgs;
return this;
* @return Atomic data structures configuration.
public AtomicConfiguration getAtomicConfiguration() {
return atomicCfg;
* @param atomicCfg Atomic data structures configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setAtomicConfiguration(AtomicConfiguration atomicCfg) {
this.atomicCfg = atomicCfg;
return this;
* Sets loader which will be used for instantiating execution context ({@link EntryProcessor EntryProcessors},
* {@link CacheEntryListener CacheEntryListeners}, {@link CacheLoader CacheLoaders} and
* {@link ExpiryPolicy ExpiryPolicys}).
* @param classLdr Class loader.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLdr) {
this.classLdr = classLdr;
return this;
* @return User's class loader.
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return classLdr;
* Gets cache store session listener factories.
* @return Cache store session listener factories.
* @see CacheStoreSessionListener
public Factory<CacheStoreSessionListener>[] getCacheStoreSessionListenerFactories() {
return storeSesLsnrs;
* Cache store session listener factories.
* <p>
* These are global store session listeners, so they are applied to
* all caches. If you need to override listeners for a
* particular cache, use {@link CacheConfiguration#setCacheStoreSessionListenerFactories(Factory[])}
* configuration property.
* @param storeSesLsnrs Cache store session listener factories.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @see CacheStoreSessionListener
public IgniteConfiguration setCacheStoreSessionListenerFactories(
Factory<CacheStoreSessionListener>... storeSesLsnrs) {
this.storeSesLsnrs = storeSesLsnrs;
return this;
* Gets platform configuration.
* @return Platform configuration.
public PlatformConfiguration getPlatformConfiguration() {
return platformCfg;
* Sets platform configuration.
* @param platformCfg Platform configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setPlatformConfiguration(PlatformConfiguration platformCfg) {
this.platformCfg = platformCfg;
return this;
* Whether or not late affinity assignment mode should be used.
* <p>
* On each topology change, for each started cache partition-to-node mapping is
* calculated using {@link AffinityFunction} configured for cache. When late
* affinity assignment mode is disabled then new affinity mapping is applied immediately.
* <p>
* With late affinity assignment mode if primary node was changed for some partition, but data for this
* partition is not rebalanced yet on this node, then current primary is not changed and new primary is temporary
* assigned as backup. This nodes becomes primary only when rebalancing for all assigned primary partitions is
* finished. This mode can show better performance for cache operations, since when cache primary node
* executes some operation and data is not rebalanced yet, then it sends additional message to force rebalancing
* from other nodes.
* <p>
* Note, that {@link Affinity} interface provides assignment information taking into account late assignment,
* so while rebalancing for new primary nodes is not finished it can return assignment which differs
* from assignment calculated by {@link AffinityFunction#assignPartitions}.
* <p>
* This property should have the same value for all nodes in cluster.
* @return Late affinity assignment flag.
* @see AffinityFunction
* @deprecated Starting from Ignite 2.1 late affinity assignment is always enabled.
public boolean isLateAffinityAssignment() {
return true;
* Sets late affinity assignment flag.
* @param lateAffAssignment Late affinity assignment flag.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Starting from Ignite 2.1 late affinity assignment is always enabled.
public IgniteConfiguration setLateAffinityAssignment(boolean lateAffAssignment) {
return this;
* Gets custom executors for user compute tasks.
* <p>
* See {@link #setExecutorConfiguration(ExecutorConfiguration...)} for more information.
* @return Executor configurations.
public ExecutorConfiguration[] getExecutorConfiguration() {
return execCfgs;
* Sets custom executors for user compute tasks.
* <p>
* See {@link IgniteCompute#withExecutor(String)} for more information.
* @param execCfgs Executor configurations.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setExecutorConfiguration(ExecutorConfiguration... execCfgs) {
this.execCfgs = execCfgs;
return this;
* Gets timeout in milliseconds after which long query warning will be printed.
* @return Timeout in milliseconds.
* @deprecated Use {@link SqlConfiguration#getLongQueryWarningTimeout()} instead.
public long getLongQueryWarningTimeout() {
return sqlCfg.getLongQueryWarningTimeout();
* Sets timeout in milliseconds after which long query warning will be printed.
* @param longQryWarnTimeout Timeout in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link SqlConfiguration#setLongQueryWarningTimeout(long)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setLongQueryWarningTimeout(long longQryWarnTimeout) {
return this;
* Sets SQL connector configuration.
* @param sqlConnCfg SQL connector configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link #setClientConnectorConfiguration(ClientConnectorConfiguration)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setSqlConnectorConfiguration(SqlConnectorConfiguration sqlConnCfg) {
this.sqlConnCfg = sqlConnCfg;
return this;
* Gets SQL connector configuration.
* @return SQL connector configuration.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getClientConnectorConfiguration()} instead.
public SqlConnectorConfiguration getSqlConnectorConfiguration() {
return sqlConnCfg;
* Sets client connector configuration.
* @param cliConnCfg Client connector configuration.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setClientConnectorConfiguration(@Nullable ClientConnectorConfiguration cliConnCfg) {
this.cliConnCfg = cliConnCfg;
return this;
* Gets failure handler.
* @return Failure handler.
public FailureHandler getFailureHandler() {
return failureHnd;
* Sets failure handler.
* @param failureHnd Failure handler.
* @return {@code This} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setFailureHandler(FailureHandler failureHnd) {
this.failureHnd = failureHnd;
return this;
* Gets client connector configuration.
* @return Client connector configuration.
@Nullable public ClientConnectorConfiguration getClientConnectorConfiguration() {
return cliConnCfg;
* <b>This is an experimental feature. Transactional SQL is currently in a beta status.</b>
* <p>
* Returns number of MVCC vacuum threads.
* @return Number of MVCC vacuum threads.
public int getMvccVacuumThreadCount() {
return mvccVacuumThreadCnt;
* <b>This is an experimental feature. Transactional SQL is currently in a beta status.</b>
* <p>
* Sets number of MVCC vacuum threads.
* @param mvccVacuumThreadCnt Number of MVCC vacuum threads.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setMvccVacuumThreadCount(int mvccVacuumThreadCnt) {
this.mvccVacuumThreadCnt = mvccVacuumThreadCnt;
return this;
* <b>This is an experimental feature. Transactional SQL is currently in a beta status.</b>
* <p>
* Returns time interval between MVCC vacuum runs in milliseconds.
* @return Time interval between MVCC vacuum runs in milliseconds.
public long getMvccVacuumFrequency() {
return mvccVacuumFreq;
* <b>This is an experimental feature. Transactional SQL is currently in a beta status.</b>
* <p>
* Sets time interval between MVCC vacuum runs in milliseconds.
* @param mvccVacuumFreq Time interval between MVCC vacuum runs in milliseconds.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setMvccVacuumFrequency(long mvccVacuumFreq) {
this.mvccVacuumFreq = mvccVacuumFreq;
return this;
* Returns {@code true} if user authentication is enabled for cluster. Otherwise returns {@code false}.
* Default value is false; authentication is disabled.
* @return {@code true} if user authentication is enabled for cluster. Otherwise returns {@code false}.
public boolean isAuthenticationEnabled() {
return authEnabled;
* Sets flag indicating whether the user authentication is enabled for cluster.
* @param authEnabled User authentication enabled flag. {@code true} enab
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setAuthenticationEnabled(boolean authEnabled) {
this.authEnabled = authEnabled;
return this;
* Gets SQL schemas to be created on node startup.
* <p>
* See {@link #setSqlSchemas(String...)} for more information.
* @return SQL schemas to be created on node startup.
* @deprecated Use {@link SqlConfiguration#getSqlSchemas()} instead.
public String[] getSqlSchemas() {
return sqlCfg.getSqlSchemas();
* Sets SQL schemas to be created on node startup. Schemas are created on local node only and are not propagated
* to other cluster nodes. Created schemas cannot be dropped.
* <p>
* By default schema names are case-insensitive, i.e. {@code my_schema} and {@code My_Schema} represents the same
* object. Use quotes to enforce case sensitivity (e.g. {@code "My_Schema"}).
* <p>
* Property is ignored if {@code ignite-indexing} module is not in classpath.
* @param sqlSchemas SQL schemas to be created on node startup.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
* @deprecated Use {@link SqlConfiguration#setSqlSchemas(String...)} instead.
public IgniteConfiguration setSqlSchemas(String... sqlSchemas) {
return this;
* Gets plugin providers.
* @return Plugin providers.
public PluginProvider[] getPluginProviders() {
return pluginProvs;
* Sets plugin providers.
* @param pluginProvs Plugin providers.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setPluginProviders(PluginProvider... pluginProvs) {
this.pluginProvs = pluginProvs;
return this;
* Gets Configuration of the SQL subsystem.
* @return SQL configuration.
public SqlConfiguration getSqlConfiguration() {
return sqlCfg;
* @param sqlCfg Configuration of the SQL subsystem.
* @return {@code this} for chaining.
public IgniteConfiguration setSqlConfiguration(SqlConfiguration sqlCfg) {
A.ensure(sqlCfg != null, "SQL configuration cannot be null");
this.sqlCfg = sqlCfg;
return this;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return S.toString(IgniteConfiguration.class, this);