blob: 3e017c69b6f2277701f2a31e2ca3d092f2239aa6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.compute;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteUuid;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Defines a distributed session for particular task execution.
* <h1 class="header">Description</h1>
* This interface defines a distributed session that exists for particular task
* execution. Task session is distributed across the parent task and all grid
* jobs spawned by it, so attributes set on a task or on a job can be viewed on
* other jobs. Correspondingly attributes set on any of the jobs can also be
* viewed on a task.
* <p>
* Session has 2 main features: {@code attribute} and {@code checkpoint}
* management. Both attributes and checkpoints can be used from task itself and
* from the jobs belonging to this task. Session attributes and checkpoints can
* be set from any task or job methods. Session attribute and checkpoint consistency
* is fault tolerant and is preserved whenever a job gets failed over to
* another node for execution. Whenever task execution ends, all checkpoints
* saved within session with {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#SESSION_SCOPE} scope
* will be removed from checkpoint storage. Checkpoints saved with
* {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#GLOBAL_SCOPE} will outlive the session and
* can be viewed by other tasks.
* <p>
* The sequence in which session attributes are set is consistent across
* the task and all job siblings within it. There will never be a
* case when one job sees attribute A before attribute B, and another job sees
* attribute B before A. Attribute order is identical across all session
* participants. Attribute order is also fault tolerant and is preserved
* whenever a job gets failed over to another node.
* <p>
* <h1 class="header">Connected Tasks</h1>
* Note that apart from setting and getting session attributes, tasks or
* jobs can choose to wait for a certain attribute to be set using any of
* the {@code waitForAttribute(...)} methods. Tasks and jobs can also
* receive asynchronous notifications about a certain attribute being set
* through {@link ComputeTaskSessionAttributeListener} listener. Such feature
* allows grid jobs and tasks remain <u><i>connected</i></u> in order
* to synchronize their execution with each other and opens a solution for a
* whole new range of problems.
* <p>
* Imagine for example that you need to compress a very large file (let's say
* terabytes in size). To do that in grid environment you would split such
* file into multiple sections and assign every section to a remote job for
* execution. Every job would have to scan its section to look for repetition
* patterns. Once this scan is done by all jobs in parallel, jobs would need to
* synchronize their results with their siblings so compression would happen
* consistently across the whole file. This can be achieved by setting
* repetition patterns discovered by every job into the session. Once all
* patterns are synchronized, all jobs can proceed with compressing their
* designated file sections in parallel, taking into account repetition patterns
* found by all the jobs in the split. Grid task would then reduce (aggregate)
* all compressed sections into one compressed file. Without session attribute
* synchronization step this problem would be much harder to solve.
* <p>
* <h1 class="header">Session Injection</h1>
* Session can be injected into a task or a job using IoC (dependency
* injection) by attaching {@link org.apache.ignite.resources.TaskSessionResource @TaskSessionResource}
* annotation to a field or a setter method inside of {@link ComputeTask} or
* {@link ComputeJob} implementations as follows:
* <pre name="code" class="java">
* ...
* // This field will be injected with distributed task session.
* &#64TaskSessionResource
* private ComputeTaskSession ses;
* ...
* </pre>
* or from a setter method:
* <pre name="code" class="java">
* // This setter method will be automatically called by the system
* // to set grid task session.
* &#64TaskSessionResource
* void setSession(ComputeTaskSession ses) {
* = ses;
* }
* </pre>
* <h1 class="header">Example</h1>
public interface ComputeTaskSession {
* Gets task name of the task this session belongs to.
* @return Task name of the task this session belongs to.
public String getTaskName();
* Gets ID of the node on which task execution originated.
* @return ID of the node on which task execution originated.
public UUID getTaskNodeId();
* Gets start of computation time for the task.
* @return Start of computation time for the task.
public long getStartTime();
* Gets end of computation time for the task. No job within the task
* will be allowed to execute passed this time.
* @return End of computation time for the task.
public long getEndTime();
* Gets session ID of the task being executed.
* @return Session ID of the task being executed.
public IgniteUuid getId();
* Gets class loader responsible for loading all classes within task.
* <p>
* Note that for classes that were loaded remotely from other nodes methods
* {@link Class#getResource(String)} or {@link ClassLoader#getResource(String)}
* will always return {@code null}. Use
* {@link Class#getResourceAsStream(String)} or {@link ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(String)}
* instead.
* @return Class loader responsible for loading all classes within task.
public ClassLoader getClassLoader();
* Gets a collection of all grid job siblings. Job siblings are grid jobs
* that are executing within the same task.
* <p>
* If task uses continuous mapper (i.e. it injected into task class) then
* job siblings will be requested from task node for each apply.
* @return Collection of grid job siblings executing within this task.
* @throws IgniteException If job siblings can not be received from task node.
public Collection<ComputeJobSibling> getJobSiblings() throws IgniteException;
* Refreshes collection of job siblings. This method has no effect when invoked
* on originating node, as the list of siblings is always most recent. However,
* when using <tt>continuous mapping</tt> (see {@link ComputeTaskContinuousMapper}),
* list of siblings on remote node may not be fresh. In that case, this method
* will re-request list of siblings from originating node.
* @return Refreshed collection of job siblings.
* @throws IgniteException If refresh failed.
public Collection<ComputeJobSibling> refreshJobSiblings() throws IgniteException;
* Gets job sibling for a given ID.
* <p>
* If task uses continuous mapper (i.e. it injected into task class) then
* job sibling will be requested from task node for each apply.
* @param jobId Job ID to get the sibling for.
* @return Grid job sibling for a given ID.
* @throws IgniteException If job sibling can not be received from task node.
@Nullable public ComputeJobSibling getJobSibling(IgniteUuid jobId) throws IgniteException;
* Sets session attributed. Note that task session is distributed and
* this attribute will be propagated to all other jobs within this task and task
* itself - i.e., to all accessors of this session.
* Other jobs then will be notified by {@link ComputeTaskSessionAttributeListener}
* callback than an attribute has changed.
* <p>
* This method is no-op if the session has finished.
* @param key Attribute key.
* @param val Attribute value. Can be {@code null}.
* @throws IgniteException If sending of attribute message failed.
public void setAttribute(Object key, @Nullable Object val) throws IgniteException;
* Gets an attribute set by {@link #setAttribute(Object, Object)} or {@link #setAttributes(Map)}
* method. Note that this attribute could have been set by another job on
* another node.
* <p>
* This method is no-op if the session has finished.
* @param key Attribute key.
* @param <K> Attribute key type.
* @param <V> Attribute value type.
* @return Gets task attribute for given name.
@Nullable public <K, V> V getAttribute(K key);
* Sets task attributes. This method exists so one distributed replication
* operation will take place for the whole group of attributes passed in.
* Use it for performance reasons, rather than {@link #setAttribute(Object, Object)}
* method, whenever you need to set multiple attributes.
* <p>
* This method is no-op if the session has finished.
* @param attrs Attributes to set.
* @throws IgniteException If sending of attribute message failed.
public void setAttributes(Map<?, ?> attrs) throws IgniteException;
* Gets all attributes.
* @return All session attributes.
public Map<?, ?> getAttributes();
* Add listener for the session attributes.
* @param lsnr Listener to add.
* @param rewind {@code true} value will result in calling given listener for all
* already received attributes, while {@code false} value will result only
* in new attribute notification. Settings {@code rewind} to {@code true}
* allows for a simple mechanism that prevents the loss of notifications for
* the attributes that were previously received or received while this method
* was executing.
public void addAttributeListener(ComputeTaskSessionAttributeListener lsnr, boolean rewind);
* Removes given listener.
* @param lsnr Listener to remove.
* @return {@code true} if listener was removed, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean removeAttributeListener(ComputeTaskSessionAttributeListener lsnr);
* Waits for the specified attribute to be set. If this attribute is already in session
* this method will return immediately.
* @param key Attribute key to wait for.
* @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for. {@code 0} means indefinite wait.
* @param <K> Attribute key type.
* @param <V> Attribute value type.
* @return Value of newly set attribute.
* @throws InterruptedException Thrown if wait was interrupted.
public <K, V> V waitForAttribute(K key, long timeout) throws InterruptedException;
* Waits for the specified attribute to be set or updated with given value. Note that
* this method will block even if attribute is set for as long as its value is not equal
* to the specified.
* @param key Attribute key to wait for.
* @param val Attribute value to wait for. Can be {@code null}.
* @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for. {@code 0} means indefinite wait.
* @param <K> Attribute key type.
* @param <V> Attribute value type.
* @return Whether or not specified key/value pair has been set.
* @throws InterruptedException Thrown if wait was interrupted.
public <K, V> boolean waitForAttribute(K key, @Nullable V val, long timeout) throws InterruptedException;
* Waits for the specified attributes to be set. If these attributes are already in session
* this method will return immediately.
* @param keys Attribute keys to wait for.
* @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for. {@code 0} means indefinite wait.
* @return Attribute values mapped by their keys.
* @throws InterruptedException Thrown if wait was interrupted.
public Map<?, ?> waitForAttributes(Collection<?> keys, long timeout) throws InterruptedException;
* Waits for the specified attributes to be set or updated with given values. Note that
* this method will block even if attributes are set for as long as their values are not equal
* to the specified.
* @param attrs Key/value pairs to wait for.
* @param timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for. {@code 0} means indefinite wait.
* @return Whether or not key/value pair has been set.
* @throws InterruptedException Thrown if wait was interrupted.
public boolean waitForAttributes(Map<?, ?> attrs, long timeout) throws InterruptedException;
* Saves intermediate state of a job or task to a storage. The storage implementation is defined
* by {@link org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi} implementation used.
* <p>
* Long running jobs may decide to store intermediate state to protect themselves from failures.
* This way whenever a job fails over to another node, it can load its previously saved state via
* {@link #loadCheckpoint(String)} method and continue with execution.
* <p>
* This method defaults checkpoint scope to {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#SESSION_SCOPE} and
* implementation will automatically remove the checkpoint at the end of the session. It is
* analogous to calling {@link #saveCheckpoint(String, Object, ComputeTaskSessionScope, long)
* saveCheckpoint(String, Serializable, GridCheckpointScope.SESSION_SCOPE, 0}.
* @param key Key to be used to load this checkpoint in future.
* @param state Intermediate job state to save.
* @throws IgniteException If failed to save intermediate job state.
* @see #loadCheckpoint(String)
* @see #removeCheckpoint(String)
* @see org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi
public void saveCheckpoint(String key, Object state) throws IgniteException;
* Saves intermediate state of a job to a storage. The storage implementation is defined
* by {@link org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi} implementation used.
* <p>
* Long running jobs may decide to store intermediate state to protect themselves from failures.
* This way whenever a job fails over to another node, it can load its previously saved state via
* {@link #loadCheckpoint(String)} method and continue with execution.
* <p>
* The life time of the checkpoint is determined by its timeout and scope.
* If {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#GLOBAL_SCOPE} is used, the checkpoint will outlive
* its session, and can only be removed by calling {@link org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi#removeCheckpoint(String)}
* from {@link org.apache.ignite.Ignite} or another task or job.
* @param key Key to be used to load this checkpoint in future.
* @param state Intermediate job state to save.
* @param scope Checkpoint scope. If equal to {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#SESSION_SCOPE}, then
* state will automatically be removed at the end of task execution. Otherwise, if scope is
* {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#GLOBAL_SCOPE} then state will outlive its session and can be
* removed by calling {@link #removeCheckpoint(String)} from another task or whenever
* timeout expires.
* @param timeout Maximum time this state should be kept by the underlying storage. Value {@code 0} means that
* timeout will never expire.
* @throws IgniteException If failed to save intermediate job state.
* @see #loadCheckpoint(String)
* @see #removeCheckpoint(String)
* @see org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi
public void saveCheckpoint(String key, Object state, ComputeTaskSessionScope scope, long timeout)
throws IgniteException;
* Saves intermediate state of a job or task to a storage. The storage implementation is defined
* by {@link org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi} implementation used.
* <p>
* Long running jobs may decide to store intermediate state to protect themselves from failures.
* This way whenever a job fails over to another node, it can load its previously saved state via
* {@link #loadCheckpoint(String)} method and continue with execution.
* <p>
* The life time of the checkpoint is determined by its timeout and scope.
* If {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#GLOBAL_SCOPE} is used, the checkpoint will outlive
* its session, and can only be removed by calling {@link org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi#removeCheckpoint(String)}
* from {@link org.apache.ignite.Ignite} or another task or job.
* @param key Key to be used to load this checkpoint in future.
* @param state Intermediate job state to save.
* @param scope Checkpoint scope. If equal to {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#SESSION_SCOPE}, then
* state will automatically be removed at the end of task execution. Otherwise, if scope is
* {@link ComputeTaskSessionScope#GLOBAL_SCOPE} then state will outlive its session and can be
* removed by calling {@link #removeCheckpoint(String)} from another task or whenever
* timeout expires.
* @param timeout Maximum time this state should be kept by the underlying storage. Value <tt>0</tt> means that
* timeout will never expire.
* @param overwrite Whether or not overwrite checkpoint if it already exists.
* @throws IgniteException If failed to save intermediate job state.
* @see #loadCheckpoint(String)
* @see #removeCheckpoint(String)
* @see org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi
public void saveCheckpoint(String key, Object state, ComputeTaskSessionScope scope, long timeout,
boolean overwrite) throws IgniteException;
* Loads job's state previously saved via {@link #saveCheckpoint(String, Object, ComputeTaskSessionScope, long)}
* method from an underlying storage for a given {@code key}. If state was not previously
* saved, then {@code null} will be returned. The storage implementation is defined by
* {@link org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi} implementation used.
* <p>
* Long running jobs may decide to store intermediate state to protect themselves from failures.
* This way whenever a job starts, it can load its previously saved state and continue
* with execution.
* @param key Key for intermediate job state to load.
* @param <T> Type of the checkpoint state.
* @return Previously saved state or {@code null} if no state was found for a given {@code key}.
* @throws IgniteException If failed to load job state.
* @see #removeCheckpoint(String)
* @see org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi
@Nullable public <T> T loadCheckpoint(String key) throws IgniteException;
* Removes previously saved job's state for a given {@code key} from an underlying storage.
* The storage implementation is defined by {@link org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi} implementation used.
* <p>
* Long running jobs may decide to store intermediate state to protect themselves from failures.
* This way whenever a job starts, it can load its previously saved state and continue
* with execution.
* @param key Key for intermediate job state to load.
* @return {@code true} if job state was removed, {@code false} if state was not found.
* @throws IgniteException If failed to remove job state.
* @see #loadCheckpoint(String)
* @see org.apache.ignite.spi.checkpoint.CheckpointSpi
public boolean removeCheckpoint(String key) throws IgniteException;
* Gets a collection of grid nodes IDs.
* @return Collection of grid nodes IDs for the task's split.
public Collection<UUID> getTopology();
* Gets future that will be completed when task "<tt>map</tt>" step has completed
* (which means that {@link ComputeTask#map(List, Object)} method has finished).
* @return Future that will be completed when task "<tt>map</tt>" step has completed.
public IgniteFuture<?> mapFuture();