blob: 869df964211cdd121746713c6535f5bc972204e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.internal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMetrics;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterMetrics;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.ClusterMetricsSnapshot;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteNodeAttributes;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.discovery.IgniteClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridMetadataAwareAdapter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.tostring.GridToStringExclude;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.tostring.GridToStringInclude;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.S;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgnitePredicate;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteProductVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.DiscoveryMetricsProvider;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_DAEMON;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_NODE_CONSISTENT_ID;
* Node for {@link TcpDiscoverySpi}.
* <p>
* <strong>This class is not intended for public use</strong> and has been made
* <tt>public</tt> due to certain limitations of Java technology.
public class TcpDiscoveryNode extends GridMetadataAwareAdapter implements IgniteClusterNode,
Comparable<TcpDiscoveryNode>, Externalizable {
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
/** Node ID. */
private volatile UUID id;
/** Consistent ID. */
private Object consistentId;
/** Node attributes. */
private Map<String, Object> attrs;
/** Internal discovery addresses as strings. */
private Collection<String> addrs;
/** Internal discovery host names as strings. */
private Collection<String> hostNames;
/** */
private Collection<InetSocketAddress> sockAddrs;
/** */
private int discPort;
/** Node metrics. */
private volatile ClusterMetrics metrics;
/** Node cache metrics. */
private volatile Map<Integer, CacheMetrics> cacheMetrics;
/** Node order in the topology. */
private volatile long order;
/** Node order in the topology (internal). */
private volatile long intOrder;
/** The most recent time when metrics update message was received from the node. */
private volatile long lastUpdateTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
/** The most recent time when node exchanged a message with a remote node. */
private volatile long lastExchangeTime = U.currentTimeMillis();
/** Same as {@link #lastExchangeTime} but as returned by {@link System#nanoTime()} */
private volatile long lastExchangeTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
/** Metrics provider (transient). */
private DiscoveryMetricsProvider metricsProvider;
/** Visible flag (transient). */
private boolean visible;
/** Grid local node flag (transient). */
private boolean loc;
/** Version. */
private IgniteProductVersion ver;
/** Alive check time (used by clients). */
private transient volatile long aliveCheckTimeNanos;
/** Client router node ID. */
private UUID clientRouterNodeId;
/** */
private transient volatile InetSocketAddress lastSuccessfulAddr;
/** Cache client initialization flag. */
private transient volatile boolean cacheCliInit;
/** Cache client flag. */
private transient boolean cacheCli;
/** Daemon node initialization flag. */
private transient volatile boolean daemonInit;
/** Daemon node flag. */
private transient boolean daemon;
* Public default no-arg constructor for {@link Externalizable} interface.
public TcpDiscoveryNode() {
// No-op.
* Constructor.
* @param id Node Id.
* @param addrs Addresses.
* @param hostNames Host names.
* @param discPort Port.
* @param metricsProvider Metrics provider.
* @param ver Version.
* @param consistentId Node consistent ID.
public TcpDiscoveryNode(UUID id,
Collection<String> addrs,
Collection<String> hostNames,
int discPort,
DiscoveryMetricsProvider metricsProvider,
IgniteProductVersion ver,
Serializable consistentId
) {
assert id != null;
assert metricsProvider != null;
assert ver != null; = id;
List<String> sortedAddrs = new ArrayList<>(addrs);
this.addrs = sortedAddrs;
this.hostNames = hostNames;
this.discPort = discPort;
this.metricsProvider = metricsProvider;
this.ver = ver;
this.consistentId = consistentId != null ? consistentId : U.consistentId(sortedAddrs, discPort);
metrics = metricsProvider.metrics();
cacheMetrics = metricsProvider.cacheMetrics();
sockAddrs = U.toSocketAddresses(this, discPort);
* @return Last successfully connected address.
@Nullable public InetSocketAddress lastSuccessfulAddress() {
return lastSuccessfulAddr;
* @param lastSuccessfulAddr Last successfully connected address.
public void lastSuccessfulAddress(InetSocketAddress lastSuccessfulAddr) {
this.lastSuccessfulAddr = lastSuccessfulAddr;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public UUID id() {
return id;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Object consistentId() {
return consistentId;
* Sets consistent globally unique node ID which survives node restarts.
* @param consistentId Consistent globally unique node ID.
@Override public void setConsistentId(Serializable consistentId) {
this.consistentId = consistentId;
final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(attrs);
map.put(ATTR_NODE_CONSISTENT_ID, consistentId);
attrs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public <T> T attribute(String name) {
// Even though discovery SPI removes this attribute after authentication, keep this check for safety.
if (IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS.equals(name))
return null;
return (T)attrs.get(name);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Map<String, Object> attributes() {
// Even though discovery SPI removes this attribute after authentication, keep this check for safety.
return F.view(attrs, new IgnitePredicate<String>() {
@Override public boolean apply(String s) {
return !IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS.equals(s);
* Sets node attributes.
* @param attrs Node attributes.
public void setAttributes(Map<String, Object> attrs) {
this.attrs = U.sealMap(attrs);
* Gets node attributes without filtering.
* @return Node attributes without filtering.
public Map<String, Object> getAttributes() {
return attrs;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ClusterMetrics metrics() {
if (metricsProvider != null) {
ClusterMetrics metrics0 = metricsProvider.metrics();
metrics = metrics0;
return metrics0;
return metrics;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void setMetrics(ClusterMetrics metrics) {
assert metrics != null;
this.metrics = metrics;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Map<Integer, CacheMetrics> cacheMetrics() {
if (metricsProvider != null) {
Map<Integer, CacheMetrics> cacheMetrics0 = metricsProvider.cacheMetrics();
cacheMetrics = cacheMetrics0;
return cacheMetrics0;
return cacheMetrics;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void setCacheMetrics(Map<Integer, CacheMetrics> cacheMetrics) {
this.cacheMetrics = cacheMetrics != null ? cacheMetrics : Collections.<Integer, CacheMetrics>emptyMap();
* @return Internal order.
public long internalOrder() {
return intOrder;
* @param intOrder Internal order of the node.
public void internalOrder(long intOrder) {
assert intOrder > 0;
this.intOrder = intOrder;
* @return Order.
@Override public long order() {
return order;
* @param order Order of the node.
public void order(long order) {
assert order > 0 : "Order is invalid: " + this;
this.order = order;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public IgniteProductVersion version() {
return ver;
* @param ver Version.
public void version(IgniteProductVersion ver) {
assert ver != null;
this.ver = ver;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Collection<String> addresses() {
return addrs;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean isLocal() {
return loc;
* @param loc Grid local node flag.
public void local(boolean loc) {
this.loc = loc;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean isDaemon() {
if (!daemonInit) {
daemon = "true".equalsIgnoreCase((String)attribute(ATTR_DAEMON));
daemonInit = true;
return daemon;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Collection<String> hostNames() {
return hostNames;
* @return Discovery port.
public int discoveryPort() {
return discPort;
* @return Addresses that could be used by discovery.
public Collection<InetSocketAddress> socketAddresses() {
return sockAddrs;
* Gets node last update time. Used for logging purposes only.<br/>
* Note that this method tries to convert {@code nanoTime} internal JVM time format into a regular timestamp.
* This might lead to errors if there was GC between measuring of current timestamp and current nano time,
* but generally it might be ignored.
* @return Time of the last metrics update.
* @see System#currentTimeMillis()
* @see System#nanoTime()
public long lastUpdateTime() {
return System.currentTimeMillis() - U.nanosToMillis(System.nanoTime() - lastUpdateTimeNanos);
* Gets node last update time.
* @return Time of the last metrics update as returned by {@link System#nanoTime()}.
public long lastUpdateTimeNanos() {
return lastUpdateTimeNanos;
* Sets node last update.
* @param lastUpdateTimeNanos Time of last metrics update.
public void lastUpdateTimeNanos(long lastUpdateTimeNanos) {
this.lastUpdateTimeNanos = lastUpdateTimeNanos;
* Gets the last time a node exchanged a message with a remote node.
* @return Time in nanoseconds as returned by {@link System#nanoTime()}.
public long lastExchangeTimeNanos() {
return lastExchangeTimeNanos;
* Sets the last time a node exchanged a message with a remote node.
* @param lastExchangeTime Time in milliseconds.
* @param lastExchangeTimeNanos Time in nanoseconds.
public void lastExchangeTime(long lastExchangeTime, long lastExchangeTimeNanos) {
this.lastExchangeTime = lastExchangeTime;
this.lastExchangeTimeNanos = lastExchangeTimeNanos;
* Gets visible flag.
* @return {@code true} if node is in visible state.
public boolean visible() {
return visible;
* Sets visible flag.
* @param visible {@code true} if node is in visible state.
public void visible(boolean visible) {
this.visible = visible;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean isClient() {
if (!cacheCliInit) {
Boolean clientModeAttr = ((ClusterNode)this).attribute(IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_CLIENT_MODE);
cacheCli = clientModeAttr != null && clientModeAttr;
cacheCliInit = true;
return cacheCli;
* Test alive check time value.
* @return {@code True} if client alive, {@code False} otherwise.
public boolean isClientAlive() {
assert isClient() : this;
return (aliveCheckTimeNanos - System.nanoTime()) >= 0;
* Set client alive time.
* @param aliveTime Alive time interval.
public void clientAliveTime(long aliveTime) {
assert isClient() : this;
aliveCheckTimeNanos = System.nanoTime() + U.millisToNanos(aliveTime);
* @return {@code true} if client alive check time initialized.
public boolean clientAliveTimeSet() {
return aliveCheckTimeNanos != 0;
* @return Client router node ID.
public UUID clientRouterNodeId() {
return clientRouterNodeId;
* @param clientRouterNodeId Client router node ID.
public void clientRouterNodeId(UUID clientRouterNodeId) {
this.clientRouterNodeId = clientRouterNodeId;
* @param newId New node ID.
public void onClientDisconnected(UUID newId) {
id = newId;
* @param nodeAttrs Current node attributes.
* @return Copy of local node for client reconnect request.
public TcpDiscoveryNode clientReconnectNode(Map<String, Object> nodeAttrs) {
TcpDiscoveryNode node = new TcpDiscoveryNode(
id, addrs, hostNames, discPort, metricsProvider, ver, null
node.attrs = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<>(nodeAttrs));
node.clientRouterNodeId = clientRouterNodeId;
return node;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int compareTo(@Nullable TcpDiscoveryNode node) {
if (node == null)
return 1;
int res =, node.internalOrder());
if (res == 0) {
assert id().equals( : "Duplicate order [this=" + this + ", other=" + node + ']';
res = id().compareTo(;
return res;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
U.writeUuid(out, id);
U.writeMap(out, attrs);
U.writeCollection(out, addrs);
U.writeCollection(out, hostNames);
// Cluster metrics
byte[] mtr = null;
ClusterMetrics metrics = this.metrics;
if (metrics != null)
mtr = ClusterMetricsSnapshot.serialize(metrics);
U.writeByteArray(out, mtr);
// Legacy: Number of cache metrics
U.writeUuid(out, clientRouterNodeId);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
id = U.readUuid(in);
attrs = U.sealMap(U.<String, Object>readMap(in));
addrs = U.readCollection(in);
hostNames = U.readCollection(in);
discPort = in.readInt();
sockAddrs = U.toSocketAddresses(this, discPort);
Object consistentIdAttr = attrs.get(ATTR_NODE_CONSISTENT_ID);
// Cluster metrics
byte[] mtr = U.readByteArray(in);
if (mtr != null)
metrics = ClusterMetricsSnapshot.deserialize(mtr, 0);
// Legacy: Cache metrics
int size = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
order = in.readLong();
intOrder = in.readLong();
ver = (IgniteProductVersion)in.readObject();
clientRouterNodeId = U.readUuid(in);
if (clientRouterNodeId() != null)
consistentId = consistentIdAttr != null ? consistentIdAttr : id;
consistentId = consistentIdAttr != null ? consistentIdAttr : U.consistentId(addrs, discPort);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() {
return id.hashCode();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
return F.eqNodes(this, o);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return S.toString(TcpDiscoveryNode.class, this, "isClient", isClient());
* Only purpose of this constructor is creating node which contains necessary data to store on disc only
* @param node to copy data from
public TcpDiscoveryNode(
ClusterNode node
) { =;
this.consistentId = node.consistentId();
this.addrs = node.addresses();
this.hostNames = node.hostNames();
this.order = node.order();
this.ver = node.version();
this.daemon = node.isDaemon();
this.clientRouterNodeId = node.isClient() ? : null;
attrs = Collections.singletonMap(ATTR_NODE_CONSISTENT_ID, consistentId);