blob: 3a83f84f4ec1edf23cac645b3e2545cac6428606 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Ignite ODBC driver
Apache Ignite provides ODBC driver that can be used to retrieve distributed
data from cache using standard SQL queries and native ODBC API.
For more info on ODBC please refer to ODBC Programmer's Reference at
To use Apache Ignite ODBC driver you first need to build and install it for
your system. You can find driver installation instructions below. For build
instruction please refer to $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/DEVNOTES.txt.
Connection string and DSN arguments
Apache Ignite ODBC driver supports and uses following connection string/DSN
1. Address of the node to connect to:
2. Port on which OdbcProcessor of the node is listening:
3. Datagrid cache to connect to:
All arguments are case-insensitive so "SERVER", "Server" and "server" all are
valid server address arguments.
Installing ODBC driver on Linux
To be able to build and install ODBC driver on Linux you first need to install
ODBC Driver Manager. Apache Ignite ODBC driver has been tested with UnixODBC
Once you have built and installed Ignite ODBC Driver i.e. it
is most likely placed to /usr/local/lib. To install and be able to use Ignite
ODBC driver you should perfrom the following steps:
1. Ensure linker is able to locate all dependencies of the ODBC driver. You
can check it using "ldd" command like this (assuming ODBC driver is located
under /usr/local/lib):
$ ldd /usr/local/lib/
If there is unresolved links to other libraries you may want to add
directories with these libraries to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
2. Edit file $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/odbc/install/ignite-odbc-install.ini
and ensure that "Driver" parameter of the "Apache Ignite" section points
to the right location where is located.
3. To install Apache Ignite ODBC driver use the following command:
$ odbcinst -i -d -f $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/odbc/install/ignite-odbc-install.ini
To perform this command you most likely will need root privileges.
Installing ODBC driver on Windows
Note, that for 32-bit Windows you should use 32-bit version of the driver
while for the 64-bit Windows you can use both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the
driver. You may want to use 32-bit driver on 64-bit system for 32-bit
There are two ways to install ODBC driver currently. The first one is to use
32-bit or 64-bit installer. This is the most simple way and you are recommended
to stick to it by default.
32-bit installer : $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/bin/odbc/ignite-odbc-x86.msi
64-bit installer : $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/bin/odbc/ignite-odbc-amd64.msi
However there is also another way to install driver manually using scripts. If
you choose this method you should first choose a directory on your filesystem
where your driver or drivers will be located. Once you have chosen the place
you should put your driver there and ensure that all driver dependencies can be
resolved i.e. they can be found either in the %PATH% or in the same directory
as the driver.
After that you should use one of the install scripts from the directory
%IGNITE_HOME%/platforms/cpp/odbc/install. Note that most likely you will
need OS administrator privileges to execute these scripts.
For the 32-bit Windows you should use file install_x86.cmd like that:
$ install_x86 <absolute_path_to_32_bit_driver>
For the 64-bit Windows you should use file install_amd64.cmd like that:
$ install_amd64 <absolute_path_to_64_bit_driver> [<absolute_path_to_32_bit_driver>]
Thats it. Your driver/drivers are installed.
After the installation
Now Apache Ignite ODBC driver is installed and ready for use. You can connect
to it and use it like to any other ODBC driver.
For further instruction on the usage of the ODBC driver please refer to the
official ODBC documentation.