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= New Metrics System
:javaFile: {javaCodeDir}/
== Overview
Ignite 2.8 introduced a new mechanism for collecting metrics, which is intended to replace the link:monitoring-metrics/metrics[legacy metrics system].
This section explains the new system and how you can use it to monitor your cluster.
//the types of metrics and how to export them, but first let's explore the basic concepts of the new metrics mechanism in Ignite.
Let's explore the basic concepts of the new metrics system in Ignite.
First, there are different metrics.
Each metric has a name and a return value.
The return value can be a simple value like `String`, `long`, or `double`, or can represent a Java object.
Some metrics represent <<histograms>>.
And then there are different ways to export the metrics — what we call _exporters_.
To put it another way, the exporter are different ways you can access the metrics.
Each exporter always gives access to all available metrics.
Ignite includes the following exporters:
* SQL Views
* Log files
* OpenCensus
You can create a custom exporter by implementing the javadoc:org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.MetricExporterSpi[] interface.
== Metric Registers
Metrics are grouped into categories (called _registers_).
Each register has a name.
The full name of a specific metric within the register consists of the register name followed by a dot, followed by the name of the metric: `<register_name>.<metric_name>`.
For example, the register for data storage metrics is called `io.datastorage`.
The metric that return the storage size is called `io.datastorage.StorageSize`.
The list of all registers and the metrics they contain are described link:monitoring-metrics/new-metrics[here].
== Metric Exporters
If you want to enable metrics, configure one or multiple metric exporters in the node configuration.
This is a node-specific configuration, which means it enables metrics only on the node where it is specified.
[source, xml]
include::code-snippets/xml/metrics.xml[tags=ignite-config;!discovery, indent=0]
[source, java]
include::{javaFile}[tags=new-metric-framework, indent=0]
The following sections describe the exporters available in Ignite by default.
=== JMX
`org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.jmx.JmxMetricExporterSpi` exposes metrics via JMX beans.
[source, java]
include::{javaFile}[tags=metrics-filter, indent=0]
=== SQL View
`org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.sql.SqlViewMetricExporterSpi` exposes metrics via the `SYS.METRICS` view.
Each metric is displayed as a single record.
You can use any supported SQL tool to view the metrics:
[source, shell,subs="attributes"]
> select name, value from SYS.METRICS where name LIKE 'cache.myCache.%';
| cache.myCache.CacheTxRollbacks | 0 |
| cache.myCache.OffHeapRemovals | 0 |
| cache.myCache.QueryCompleted | 0 |
| cache.myCache.QueryFailed | 0 |
| cache.myCache.EstimatedRebalancingKeys | 0 |
| cache.myCache.CacheEvictions | 0 |
| cache.myCache.CommitTime | [J@2eb66498 |
This is how you can configure the SQL View exporter:
[source, xml]
include::code-snippets/xml/metrics.xml[tags=!*;ignite-config;sql-exporter, indent=0]
[source, java]
include::{javaFile}[tags=sql-exporter, indent=0]
=== Log
`org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.log.LogExporterSpi` prints the metrics to the log file at regular intervals (1 min by default) at INFO level.
[source, xml]
include::code-snippets/xml/metrics.xml[tags=!*;ignite-config;log-exporter, indent=0]
If you use programmatic configuration, you can change the print frequency as follows:
[source, java]
include::{javaFile}[tags=log-exporter, indent=0]
=== OpenCensus
`org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.opencensus.OpenCensusMetricExporterSpi` adds integration with the OpenCensus library.
To use the OpenCensus exporter:
. link:setup#enabling-modules[Enable the 'ignite-opencensus' module].
. Add `org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.opencensus.OpenCensusMetricExporterSpi` to the list of exporters in the node configuration.
. Configure OpenCensus StatsCollector to export to a specific system. See link:{githubUrl}/examples/src/main/java/org/apache/ignite/examples/opencensus/[] for an example and OpenCensus documentation for additional information.
Configuration parameters:
* `filter` - predicate that filters metrics.
* `period` - export period.
* `sendInstanceName` - if enabled, a tag with the Ignite instance name is added to each metric.
* `sendNodeId` - if enabled, a tag with the Ignite node id is added to each metric.
* `sendConsistentId` - if enabled, a tag with the Ignite node consistent id is added to each metric.
== Histograms
The metrics that represent histograms are available in the JMX exporter only.
Histogram metrics are exported as a set of values where each value corresponds to a specific bucket and is available through a separate JMX bean attribute.
The attribute names of a histogram metric have the following format:
* `{metric_name}` - the name of the metric.
* `{low_bound}` - start of the bound. `0` for the first bound.
* `{high_bound}` - end of the bound. `inf` for the last bound.
Example of the metric names if the bounds are [10,100]:
* `histogram_0_10` - less than 10.
* `histogram_10_100` - between 10 and 100.
* `histogram_100_inf` - more than 100.