blob: 06de14283aa8529229dfd865a5c727b348bff194 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.dto.IgniteDataTransferObject;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.version.GridCacheVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.S;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
* Encapsulates all verbose info about transaction needed for --tx --info output.
public class TxVerboseInfo extends IgniteDataTransferObject {
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
/** Near xid version. */
private GridCacheVersion nearXidVer;
/** Local node id. */
private UUID locNodeId;
/** Local node consistent id. */
private Object locNodeConsistentId;
/** Near node id. */
private UUID nearNodeId;
/** Near node consistent id. */
private Object nearNodeConsistentId;
/** Tx mapping type. */
private TxMappingType txMappingType;
/** Dht node id. */
private UUID dhtNodeId;
/** Dht node consistent id. */
private Object dhtNodeConsistentId;
/** Used caches. */
private Map<Integer, String> usedCaches;
/** Used cache groups. */
private Map<Integer, String> usedCacheGroups;
/** Local tx keys. */
private List<TxVerboseKey> locTxKeys;
/** Near only tx keys. */
private List<TxVerboseKey> nearOnlyTxKeys;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void writeExternalData(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
U.writeUuid(out, locNodeId);
U.writeUuid(out, nearNodeId);
U.writeEnum(out, txMappingType);
U.writeUuid(out, dhtNodeId);
U.writeMap(out, usedCaches);
U.writeMap(out, usedCacheGroups);
U.writeCollection(out, locTxKeys);
U.writeCollection(out, nearOnlyTxKeys);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void readExternalData(
byte protoVer,
ObjectInput in
) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
nearXidVer = (GridCacheVersion)in.readObject();
locNodeId = U.readUuid(in);
locNodeConsistentId = in.readObject();
nearNodeId = U.readUuid(in);
nearNodeConsistentId = in.readObject();
txMappingType = TxMappingType.fromOrdinal(in.readByte());
dhtNodeId = U.readUuid(in);
dhtNodeConsistentId = in.readObject();
usedCaches = U.readHashMap(in);
usedCacheGroups = U.readHashMap(in);
locTxKeys = U.readList(in);
nearOnlyTxKeys = U.readList(in);
* @return Near xid version.
public GridCacheVersion nearXidVersion() {
return nearXidVer;
* @param nearXidVer New near xid version.
public void nearXidVersion(GridCacheVersion nearXidVer) {
this.nearXidVer = nearXidVer;
* @return Local node id.
public UUID localNodeId() {
return locNodeId;
* @param locNodeId New local node id.
public void localNodeId(UUID locNodeId) {
this.locNodeId = locNodeId;
* @return Local node consistent id.
public Object localNodeConsistentId() {
return locNodeConsistentId;
* @param locNodeConsistentId New local node consistent id.
public void localNodeConsistentId(Object locNodeConsistentId) {
this.locNodeConsistentId = locNodeConsistentId;
* @return Near node id.
public UUID nearNodeId() {
return nearNodeId;
* @param nearNodeId New near node id.
public void nearNodeId(UUID nearNodeId) {
this.nearNodeId = nearNodeId;
* @return Near node consistent id.
public Object nearNodeConsistentId() {
return nearNodeConsistentId;
* @param nearNodeConsistentId New near node consistent id.
public void nearNodeConsistentId(Object nearNodeConsistentId) {
this.nearNodeConsistentId = nearNodeConsistentId;
* @return Tx mapping type.
public TxMappingType txMappingType() {
return txMappingType;
* @param txMappingType New tx mapping type.
public void txMappingType(TxMappingType txMappingType) {
this.txMappingType = txMappingType;
* @return Dht node id.
public UUID dhtNodeId() {
return dhtNodeId;
* @param dhtNodeId New dht node id.
public void dhtNodeId(UUID dhtNodeId) {
this.dhtNodeId = dhtNodeId;
* @return Dht node consistent id.
public Object dhtNodeConsistentId() {
return dhtNodeConsistentId;
* @param dhtNodeConsistentId New dht node consistent id.
public void dhtNodeConsistentId(Object dhtNodeConsistentId) {
this.dhtNodeConsistentId = dhtNodeConsistentId;
* @return Used caches.
public Map<Integer, String> usedCaches() {
return usedCaches;
* @param usedCaches New used caches.
public void usedCaches(Map<Integer, String> usedCaches) {
this.usedCaches = usedCaches;
* @return Used cache groups.
public Map<Integer, String> usedCacheGroups() {
return usedCacheGroups;
* @param usedCacheGroups New used cache groups.
public void usedCacheGroups(Map<Integer, String> usedCacheGroups) {
this.usedCacheGroups = usedCacheGroups;
* @return Local tx keys.
public List<TxVerboseKey> localTxKeys() {
return locTxKeys;
* @param locTxKeys New local tx keys.
public void localTxKeys(List<TxVerboseKey> locTxKeys) {
this.locTxKeys = locTxKeys;
* @return Near only tx keys.
public List<TxVerboseKey> nearOnlyTxKeys() {
return nearOnlyTxKeys;
* @param nearOnlyTxKeys New near only tx keys.
public void nearOnlyTxKeys(List<TxVerboseKey> nearOnlyTxKeys) {
this.nearOnlyTxKeys = nearOnlyTxKeys;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() {
return S.toString(TxVerboseInfo.class, this);