blob: 148ce11dbb141a8a6bb1ea40178909f592444a6f [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Ignite C++ Examples
Common requirements
* Java Development Kit (JDK) must be installed:
* JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set pointing to Java installation directory.
* IGNITE_HOME environment variable must be set to Ignite installation directory.
* Ignite must be built and packaged using Maven. You can use the following Maven command: mvn clean package -DskipTests
* Apache Ignite C++ must be built according to instructions for your platform. Refer to
$IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/DEVNOTES.txt for instructions.
* For odbc-example additionally ODBC Driver Manager must be present and installed on your platform and
Apache Ignite ODBC driver must be built and installed according to instructions for your platform. Refer to
$IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/DEVNOTES.txt for build instructions and to $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/odbc/README.txt.
for installation instructions.
Running examples on Linux and MacOS
* GCC, g++, CMake >= 3.6 must be installed
* Apache Ignite C++ should be installed. Refer to $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/DEVNOTES.txt for instructions.
To build examples execute the following commands one by one from examples root directory:
* mkdir cmake-build-release
* cd ./cmake-build-release
* cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release|Debug] [-DIGNITE_CPP_DIR=<ignite_install_dir>] ..
* make
If Apache Ignite C++ is installed in default directories (i.e. /usr/local or /usr), setting IGNITE_CPP_DIR property
is not necessary. As a result executables will be in corresponding subdirectories in cmake-build-release directory.
For odbc-example additionaly ODBC Driver Manager must be present and installed on your platform and
Apache Ignite ODBC driver must be built and installed according to instructions for your platform.
Running examples on Windows
* Microsoft Visual Studio (tm) 2010 or higher must be installed.
* Windows SDK 7.1 must be installed.
Open Visual Studio solution %IGNITE_HOME%\platforms\cpp\examples\project\vs\ignite-examples.sln and select proper
platform (x64 or x86). Run the solution.