blob: 2d75102f16e0f2f9d6170ec65f44db3674d607be [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Ignite C++ Build Instructions
Here you can find instruction on how to build Apache Ignite C++ core library and
stand-alone node binary. To build examples you need to build and install core Apache
Ignite library then refer to $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/example/README.txt for
further instructions.
For details on ODBC driver installation and usage please refer to
Building on Linux and Mac OS X with CMake (Windows currently not yet supported)
Common Requirements:
* GCC, g++, CMake >= 3.6 must be installed
* Java Development Kit (JDK) must be installed:
* JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set pointing to Java installation directory.
* IGNITE_HOME environment variable must be set to Ignite installation directory.
By default building tests, ODBC and thin-client are disabled.
* OpenSSL, 1.0 or later required for building ODBC and thin-client.
* UnixODBX required for building ODBC.
* For building tests, boost framework is required. The following boost libraries are used:
* boost_unit_test_framework
* boost_thread
* boost_system
* boost_chrono
On Mac OS X all dependencies can be installed using Homebrew.
Building and installing the Apache Ignite C++ components:
* Navigate to the directory $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp
* Execute the following commands one by one to build the project:
* mkdir cmake-build-[release|debug]
* cd ./cmake-build-[release|debug]
* cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release|Debug] [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir>] ..
* make
* make install
* For building ODBC add to cmake option -DWITH_ODBC=ON
* For building thin client add to cmake option -DWITH_THIN_CLIENT=ON
* For building with tests add to cmake option -DWITH_TESTS=ON
Running test:
* For core tests: ctest -V -R IgniteCoreTest
* For thin-client tests: ctest -V -R IgniteThinClientTest
* For ODBC tests: ctest -V -R IgniteOdbcTest
* For all tests: ctest -V
* For running ODBC tests, ODBC driver must be installed in driver manager. See odbc/README.txt for details.
* On Mac OS X Homebrew doesn't create symlinks for OpenSSL, so they should be created or as alternative
OPEN_SSL_HOME should be set before running ODBC or thin-client tests.
Building on Windows with Visual Studio (tm)
Common Requirements:
* Microsoft Visual Studio (tm) 2010 or later
* Windows SDK 7.1
* Java Development Kit (JDK) must be installed:
* JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set pointing to Java installation directory.
* IGNITE_HOME environment variable must be set to Ignite installation directory.
Building binaries:
* Open and build %IGNITE_HOME%\platforms\cpp\project\vs\ignite.sln (or ignite_86.sln if
you are running 32-bit platform).
* If you want to build ODBC driver then you should explicitly build it as it is disabled
in the solution file by default. In IDE it can be done by clicking on the ODBC project
with the right mouse button and choosing "Build" option.
Building tests:
Boost framework is required to build tests. The following boost libraries are used:
* boost_unit_test_framework
* boost_thread
* boost_system
* boost_chrono
You may either download boost with pre-built libraries or download source code and build
it by yourself. The details can be found by the following web link:
It is also required to set following enviroment variables for Visual Studio solution to
be able to locate boost libraries:
* BOOST_HOME - path to the directory that contains "boost" directory with header files.
* BOOST_LIB64_PATH - path to the directory that contains 64-bit libraries. Only requred
to build 64-bit Ignite libraries.
* BOOST_LIB32_PATH - path to the directory that contains 32-bit libraries. Only requred
to build 32-bit Ignite libraries.
* BOOST_LIB_SUFIX_D32 - sufix for debug 32-bit boost liraries. For example for library
'libboost_chrono-vc100-mt-gd-x32-1_68.lib' the sufix is 'vc100-mt-gd-x32-1_68'.
* BOOST_LIB_SUFIX_R32 - sufix for release 32-bit boost liraries. For example for library
'libboost_system-vc141-mt-x32-1_68.lib' the sufix is 'vc141-mt-x32-1_68'.
* BOOST_LIB_SUFIX_D64 - sufix for debug 64-bit boost liraries. For example for library
'libboost_unit_test_framework-vc140-mt-gd-x64-1_68.lib' the sufix is
* BOOST_LIB_SUFIX_R64 - sufix for release 64-bit boost liraries. For example for library
'libboost_thread-vc100-mt-1_58.lib' the sufix is 'vc100-mt-1_58'.
Building installers:
* Install WiX Toolset if you do not have it yet.
* Add WiX Toolset "bin" directory to your PATH environmental variable.
* Build ODBC drivers: Release|x64 for 64-bit version and Release|Win32 for 32-bit version.
* Open terminal and navigate to the directory $IGNITE_HOME/platforms/cpp/odbc/install
* Execute the following commands one by one to build 32-bit driver:
* candle.exe ignite-odbc-x86.wxs
* light.exe -ext WixUIExtension ignite-odbc-x86.wixobj
* Execute the following commands one by one to build 64-bit driver:
* candle.exe ignite-odbc-amd64.wxs
* light.exe -ext WixUIExtension ignite-odbc-amd64.wixobj
Building in later versions of Visual Studio:
* Open project\vs\ignite.sln or project\vs\ignite_86.sln in Visual Studio
* You will be prompted to "Update VC++ Compiler and Libraries", click "Update"
* Build the solution.