blob: cf64c156f828328ca74e5f5f94bba564a868f943 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignition;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterGroup;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgnitePredicate;
import org.apache.ignite.marshaller.Marshaller;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.common.GridCommonTest;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test for {@link ClusterGroup}.
@GridCommonTest(group = "Kernal Self")
public class ClusterGroupSelfTest extends ClusterGroupAbstractTest {
/** Nodes count. */
private static final int NODES_CNT = 4;
/** Projection node IDs. */
private static Collection<UUID> ids;
/** */
private static Ignite ignite;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void beforeTestsStarted() throws Exception {
assert NODES_CNT > 2;
ids = new LinkedList<>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < NODES_CNT; i++) {
Ignition.setClientMode(i > 1);
Ignite g = startGrid(i);
if (i == 0)
ignite = g;
finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void afterTestsStopped() throws Exception {
ignite = null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected ClusterGroup projection() {
return grid(0).cluster().forPredicate(F.nodeForNodeIds(ids));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected UUID localNodeId() {
return grid(0).localNode().id();
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testRandom() throws Exception {
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testOldest() throws Exception {
ClusterGroup oldest = ignite.cluster().forOldest();
ClusterNode node = null;
long minOrder = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (ClusterNode n : ignite.cluster().nodes()) {
if (n.order() < minOrder) {
node = n;
minOrder = n.order();
assertEquals(oldest.node(), ignite.cluster().forNode(node).node());
ClusterGroup emptyGrp = ignite.cluster().forAttribute("nonExistent", "val");
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forOldest().nodes().size());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testYoungest() throws Exception {
ClusterGroup youngest = ignite.cluster().forYoungest();
ClusterNode node = null;
long maxOrder = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for (ClusterNode n : ignite.cluster().nodes()) {
if (n.order() > maxOrder) {
node = n;
maxOrder = n.order();
assertEquals(youngest.node(), ignite.cluster().forNode(node).node());
ClusterGroup emptyGrp = ignite.cluster().forAttribute("nonExistent", "val");
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forYoungest().nodes().size());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testForDaemons() throws Exception {
assertEquals(4, ignite.cluster().nodes().size());
ClusterGroup daemons = ignite.cluster().forDaemons();
ClusterGroup srvs = ignite.cluster().forServers();
assertEquals(0, daemons.nodes().size());
assertEquals(2, srvs.nodes().size());
try (Ignite g = startGrid(NODES_CNT)) {
try (Ignite g1 = startGrid(NODES_CNT + 1)) {
assertEquals(1, ignite.cluster().forDaemons().nodes().size());
assertEquals(3, srvs.nodes().size());
assertEquals(1, daemons.nodes().size());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testNewNodes() throws Exception {
ClusterGroup youngest = ignite.cluster().forYoungest();
ClusterGroup oldest = ignite.cluster().forOldest();
ClusterNode old = oldest.node();
ClusterNode last = youngest.node();
try (Ignite g = startGrid(NODES_CNT)) {
ClusterNode n = g.cluster().localNode();
ClusterNode latest = youngest.node();
assertEquals(oldest.node(), old);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testForPredicate() throws Exception {
IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> evenP = new IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode>() {
@Override public boolean apply(ClusterNode node) {
return node.order() % 2 == 0;
IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode> oddP = new IgnitePredicate<ClusterNode>() {
@Override public boolean apply(ClusterNode node) {
return node.order() % 2 == 1;
ClusterGroup remotes = ignite.cluster().forRemotes();
ClusterGroup evenYoungest = remotes.forPredicate(evenP).forYoungest();
ClusterGroup evenOldest = remotes.forPredicate(evenP).forOldest();
ClusterGroup oddYoungest = remotes.forPredicate(oddP).forYoungest();
ClusterGroup oddOldest = remotes.forPredicate(oddP).forOldest();
int clusterSize = ignite.cluster().nodes().size();
assertEquals(grid(gridMaxOrder(clusterSize, true)).localNode().id(), evenYoungest.node().id());
assertEquals(grid(1).localNode().id(), evenOldest.node().id());
assertEquals(grid(gridMaxOrder(clusterSize, false)).localNode().id(), oddYoungest.node().id());
assertEquals(grid(2).localNode().id(), oddOldest.node().id());
try (Ignite g4 = startGrid(NODES_CNT); Ignite g5 = startGrid(NODES_CNT + 1)) {
clusterSize = g4.cluster().nodes().size();
assertEquals(grid(gridMaxOrder(clusterSize, true)).localNode().id(), evenYoungest.node().id());
assertEquals(grid(1).localNode().id(), evenOldest.node().id());
assertEquals(grid(gridMaxOrder(clusterSize, false)).localNode().id(), oddYoungest.node().id());
assertEquals(grid(2).localNode().id(), oddOldest.node().id());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testAgeClusterGroupSerialization() throws Exception {
Marshaller marshaller = ignite.configuration().getMarshaller();
ClusterGroup grp = ignite.cluster().forYoungest();
ClusterNode node = grp.node();
byte[] arr = marshaller.marshal(grp);
ClusterGroup obj = marshaller.unmarshal(arr, null);
assertEquals(, obj.node().id());
try (Ignite ignore = startGrid()) {
obj = marshaller.unmarshal(arr, null);
assertEquals(grp.node().id(), obj.node().id());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testClientServer() throws Exception {
ClusterGroup srv = ignite.cluster().forServers();
assertEquals(2, srv.nodes().size());
ClusterGroup cli = ignite.cluster().forClients();
assertEquals(2, srv.nodes().size());
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testForCacheNodesOnDynamicCacheCreateDestroy() throws Exception {
Random rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
final AtomicReference<Exception> ex = new AtomicReference<>();
IgniteInternalFuture fut = runCacheCreateDestroyTask(ex);
while (!fut.isDone())
ignite.cluster().forCacheNodes("cache" + rnd.nextInt(16)).nodes();
if (ex.get() != null)
throw ex.get();
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testForClientNodesOnDynamicCacheCreateDestroy() throws Exception {
Random rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
final AtomicReference<Exception> ex = new AtomicReference<>();
IgniteInternalFuture fut = runCacheCreateDestroyTask(ex);
while (!fut.isDone())
ignite.cluster().forClientNodes("cache" + rnd.nextInt(16)).nodes();
if (ex.get() != null)
throw ex.get();
* @param exHldr Exception holder.
* @return Task future.
private IgniteInternalFuture runCacheCreateDestroyTask(final AtomicReference<Exception> exHldr) {
final long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000;
final AtomicInteger cntr = new AtomicInteger();
return GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
int startIdx = cntr.getAndAdd(4);
int idx = 0;
boolean start = true;
Set<String> caches = U.newHashSet(4);
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) {
try {
if (start) {
caches.add("cache" + (startIdx + idx));
ignite.createCache("cache" + (startIdx + idx));
else {
ignite.destroyCache("cache" + (startIdx + idx));
caches.remove("cache" + (startIdx + idx));
if ((idx = (idx + 1) % 4) == 0)
start = !start;
catch (Exception e) {
addException(exHldr, e);
for (String cache : caches) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
addException(exHldr, e);
}, 4, "cache-start-destroy");
* @param exHldr Exception holder.
* @param ex Exception.
private void addException(AtomicReference<Exception> exHldr, Exception ex) {
if (exHldr.get() != null || !exHldr.compareAndSet(null, ex))
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testEmptyGroup() throws Exception {
ClusterGroup emptyGrp = ignite.cluster().forAttribute("nonExistent", "val");
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forOldest().nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forYoungest().nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forAttribute("nonExistent2", "val").nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forCacheNodes("cacheName").nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forClientNodes("cacheName").nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forClients().nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forDaemons().nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forDataNodes("cacheName").nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forRandom().nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forRemotes().nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forServers().nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forHost(ignite.cluster().localNode()).nodes().size());
assertEquals(0, emptyGrp.forHost("").nodes().size());
* @param cnt Count.
* @param even Even.
private static int gridMaxOrder(int cnt, boolean even) {
assert cnt > 2;
cnt = cnt - (cnt % 2);
return even ? cnt - 1 : cnt - 2;