blob: 79417da2ef21ba99ddaaf5c8d2cc76f1280724ec [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
"-//AspectJ//DTD 1.5.0//EN"
<weaver options="-Xset:weaveJavaPackages=true,weaveJavaxPackages=true -Xreweavable">
<!-- BEA libs. -->
<exclude within="weblogic..*"/>
<exclude within="com.bea..*"/>
<exclude within="bea..*"/>
<exclude within="com.adventnet..*"/>
<exclude within="com.asn1c..*"/>
<exclude within="com.beasys..*"/>
<exclude within="com.bluecast..*"/>
<exclude within="com.certicom..*"/>
<exclude within="com.netscape..*"/>
<exclude within="com.octetstring..*"/>
<exclude within="com.oroinc..*"/>
<exclude within="com.rsa..*"/>
<exclude within="com.ziclix..*"/>
<exclude within="kodo.jdbc..*"/>
<exclude within="jxxload_help..*"/>
<exclude within="netscape..*"/>
<exclude within="org.mozilla..*"/>
<exclude within="org.python..*"/>
<!-- WebSphere (IBM) libs. -->
<exclude within="*"/>
<!-- Spring libs. -->
<exclude within="org.springframework..*"/>
<exclude within="org.aopalliance..*"/>
<!-- SUN libs. -->
<exclude within="com.sun..*"/>
<exclude within="sun..*"/>
<exclude within="com.iplanet..*"/>
<exclude within="*"/>
<exclude within="org.omg..*"/>
<exclude within="org.omg..*"/>
<!-- Oracle. -->
<exclude within="oracle..*"/>
<!-- Hibernate libs. -->
<exclude within="org.hibernate..*"/>
<!-- JBoss libs. -->
<exclude within="org.jboss..*"/>
<!-- JXInsight (tracing) libs. -->
<exclude within="com.jinspired..*"/>
<!-- Tangosol libs. -->
<exclude within="com.tangosol..*"/>
<!-- Apache libs. -->
<!--<exclude within="org.apache..*"/>-->
<!-- Javassist libs. -->
<exclude within="javassist..*"/>
<!-- W3C libs. -->
<exclude within="org.w3c..*"/>
<!-- JNP libs. -->
<exclude within="org.jnp..*"/>
<!-- Hyperic libs. -->
<exclude within="org.hyperic..*"/>
<!-- Scala libs. -->
<exclude within="scala..*"/>
<!-- Visor Scala classes.-->
<exclude within="org.apache.ignite.visor..*"/>
<exclude within="org.apache.ignite.scalar..*"/>
<!-- Enterprise DT FTP libs. -->
<exclude within="com.enterprisedt..*"/>
<!-- Apache Oro lib. -->
<exclude within="org.apache.oro..*"/>
<!-- SLF4J libs. -->
<exclude within="org.slf4j..*"/>
<!-- JSON Lib libs. -->
<exclude within="net.sf.json..*"/>
<!-- EZMorph libs. -->
<exclude within="net.sf.ezmorph..*"/>
<!-- Jetty libs. -->
<exclude within="org.eclipse.jetty..*"/>
<!-- H2 Database Engine libs. -->
<exclude within="org.h2..*"/>
<!-- Cron4J libs. -->
<exclude within="it.sauronsoftware.cron4j..*"/>
<!-- Amazon libs. -->
<exclude within="*"/>
<exclude within="com.amazonaws..*"/>
<!-- ANTLR libs. -->
<exclude within="antlr..*"/>
<!-- CGLib. -->
<exclude within="net.sf.cglib..*"/>
<!-- Concurrent libs. -->
<exclude within="EDU.oswego..*"/>
<!-- DOM4J libs. -->
<exclude within="org.dom4j..*"/>
<!-- Google libs. -->
<exclude within="*"/>
<!-- Jackson libs. -->
<exclude within="org.codehaus.jackson..*"/>
<!-- JLine libs. -->
<exclude within="org.fusesource..*"/>
<!-- Joda libs. -->
<exclude within="org.joda..*"/>
<!-- JSCH libs. -->
<exclude within="com.jcraft.jsch..*"/>
<!-- SnapTree libs. -->
<exclude within="edu.stanford..*"/>
<!-- MemCache libs. -->
<exclude within="net.spy..*"/>
<!-- Trove libs. -->
<exclude within="gnu.trove..*"/>
<!-- Declare @Gridify aspect to the weaver. -->
<aspect name="org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.aspectj.GridifyAspectJAspect"/>
<aspect name="org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.aspectj.GridifySetToValueAspectJAspect"/>
<aspect name="org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.aspectj.GridifySetToSetAspectJAspect"/>
<!-- Declare folder to search for aspects. -->
<include within="org.apache.ignite.compute.gridify.aop.aspectj.*"/>
<!-- BEA libs. -->
<exclude within="weblogic..*"/>
<exclude within="com.bea..*"/>
<exclude within="bea..*"/>
<exclude within="com.adventnet..*"/>
<exclude within="com.asn1c..*"/>
<exclude within="com.beasys..*"/>
<exclude within="com.bluecast..*"/>
<exclude within="com.certicom..*"/>
<exclude within="com.netscape..*"/>
<exclude within="com.octetstring..*"/>
<exclude within="com.oroinc..*"/>
<exclude within="com.rsa..*"/>
<exclude within="com.ziclix..*"/>
<exclude within="kodo.jdbc..*"/>
<exclude within="jxxload_help..*"/>
<exclude within="netscape..*"/>
<exclude within="org.mozilla..*"/>
<exclude within="org.python..*"/>
<!-- WebSphere (IBM) libs. -->
<exclude within="*"/>
<!-- Spring libs. -->
<exclude within="org.springframework..*"/>
<exclude within="org.aopalliance..*"/>
<!-- SUN libs. -->
<exclude within="com.sun..*"/>
<exclude within="sun..*"/>
<exclude within="com.iplanet..*"/>
<exclude within="*"/>
<exclude within="org.omg..*"/>
<exclude within="org.omg..*"/>
<!-- Oracle. -->
<exclude within="oracle..*"/>
<!-- Hibernate libs. -->
<exclude within="org.hibernate..*"/>
<!-- JBoss libs. -->
<exclude within="org.jboss..*"/>
<!-- JXInsight (tracing) libs. -->
<exclude within="com.jinspired..*"/>
<!-- Tangosol libs. -->
<exclude within="com.tangosol..*"/>
<!-- Apache libs. -->
<!--<exclude within="org.apache..*"/>-->
<!-- Javassist libs. -->
<exclude within="javassist..*"/>
<!-- W3C libs. -->
<exclude within="org.w3c..*"/>
<!-- JNP libs. -->
<exclude within="org.jnp..*"/>
<!-- Hyperic libs. -->
<exclude within="org.hyperic..*"/>
<!-- Scala libs. -->
<exclude within="scala..*"/>
<!-- Visor Scala classes.-->
<exclude within="org.apache.ignite.visor..*"/>
<exclude within="ye yjhv.scalar..*"/>
<!-- Enterprise DT FTP libs. -->
<exclude within="com.enterprisedt..*"/>
<!-- Apache Oro lib. -->
<exclude within="org.apache.oro..*"/>
<!-- SLF4J libs. -->
<exclude within="org.slf4j..*"/>
<!-- JSON Lib libs. -->
<exclude within="net.sf.json..*"/>
<!-- EZMorph libs. -->
<exclude within="net.sf.ezmorph..*"/>
<!-- Jetty libs. -->
<exclude within="org.eclipse.jetty..*"/>
<!-- H2 Database Engine libs. -->
<exclude within="org.h2..*"/>
<!-- Cron4J libs. -->
<exclude within="it.sauronsoftware.cron4j..*"/>
<!-- Amazon libs. -->
<exclude within="*"/>
<exclude within="com.amazonaws..*"/>
<!-- ANTLR libs. -->
<exclude within="antlr..*"/>
<!-- CGLib. -->
<exclude within="net.sf.cglib..*"/>
<!-- Concurrent libs. -->
<exclude within="EDU.oswego..*"/>
<!-- DOM4J libs. -->
<exclude within="org.dom4j..*"/>
<!-- Google libs. -->
<exclude within="*"/>
<!-- Jackson libs. -->
<exclude within="org.codehaus.jackson..*"/>
<!-- JLine libs. -->
<exclude within="org.fusesource..*"/>
<!-- Joda libs. -->
<exclude within="org.joda..*"/>
<!-- JSCH libs. -->
<exclude within="com.jcraft.jsch..*"/>
<!-- SnapTree libs. -->
<exclude within="edu.stanford..*"/>
<!-- MemCache libs. -->
<exclude within="net.spy..*"/>
<!-- Trove libs. -->
<exclude within="gnu.trove..*"/>