blob: 7f001ae64884f2d4e2b5905fe311d6ef2cf18381 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.mxbean;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterState;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.ReadOnlyMetricRegistry;
* This interface defines JMX view on kernal.
@MXBeanDescription("MBean that provides access to Kernal information.")
public interface IgniteMXBean {
/** */
public String FULL_VER_DESC = "String presentation of the Ignite version.";
/** */
public String COPYRIGHT_DESC = "Copyright statement for Ignite product.";
/** */
public String START_TIMESTAMP_FORMATTED_DESC = "String presentation of the kernal start timestamp.";
/** */
public String IS_REBALANCE_ENABLED_DESC = "Rebalance enabled flag.";
/** */
public String UPTIME_FORMATTED_DESC = "String presentation of up-time for the kernal.";
/** */
public String START_TIMESTAMP_DESC = "Start timestamp of the kernal.";
/** */
public String UPTIME_DESC = "Up-time of the kernal.";
/** */
public String LONG_JVM_PAUSES_CNT_DESC = "Long JVM pauses count.";
/** */
public String LONG_JVM_PAUSES_TOTAL_DURATION_DESC = "Long JVM pauses total duration.";
/** */
public String LONG_JVM_PAUSE_LAST_EVENTS_DESC = "Long JVM pause last events.";
/** */
public String USER_ATTRS_FORMATTED_DESC = "Collection of formatted user-defined attributes added to this node.";
/** */
public String GRID_LOG_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of logger that is in grid.";
/** */
public String EXECUTOR_SRVC_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of fully configured thread pool" +
" that is used in grid.";
/** */
public String IGNITE_HOME_DESC = "Ignite installation home folder.";
/** */
public String MBEAN_SERVER_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of MBean server instance.";
/** */
public String LOC_NODE_ID_DESC = "Unique identifier for this node within grid.";
/** */
public String IS_PEER_CLS_LOADING_ENABLED_DESC = "Whether or not peer class loading" +
" (a.k.a. P2P class loading) is enabled.";
/** */
public String LIFECYCLE_BEANS_FORMATTED_DESC = "String representation of lifecycle beans.";
/** */
public String ACTIVE_DESC = "Checks Ignite grid is active or is not active.";
/** */
public String DISCOVERY_SPI_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of configured discovery SPI implementation.";
/** */
public String COMMUNICATION_SPI_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of fully configured SPI communication" +
" implementation.";
/** */
public String DEPLOYMENT_SPI_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of fully configured deployment SPI" +
" implementation.";
/** */
public String CHECKPOINT_SPI_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of configured checkpoint SPI implementation.";
/** */
public String COLLISION_SPI_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of configured collision SPI implementations.";
/** */
public String EVT_STORAGE_SPI_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of fully configured event SPI implementation.";
/** */
public String FAILOVER_SPI_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of fully configured failover SPI implementations.";
/** */
public String LOAD_BALANCING_SPI_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted instance of fully configured load balancing SPI" +
" implementations.";
/** */
public String OS_INFO_DESC = "OS information.";
/** */
public String JDK_INFO_DESC = "JDK information.";
/** */
public String OS_USER_DESC = "OS user name.";
/** */
public String VM_NAME_DESC = "VM name.";
/** */
public String INSTANCE_NAME_DESC = "Optional kernal instance name.";
/** */
public String CUR_COORDINATOR_FORMATTED_DESC = "Formatted properties of current coordinator.";
/** */
public String IS_NODE_BASELINE_DESC = "Baseline node flag.";
/** */
public static final String LAST_CLUSTER_STATE_CHANGE_TIME_DESC = "Unix time of last cluster state change operation.";
/** */
public static final String CLUSTER_STATE_DESC = "Checks cluster state.";
/** */
public String READ_ONLY_MODE_DESC = "Cluster read-only mode status.";
/** */
public String READ_ONLY_MODE_DURATION_DESC = "Duration of read-only mode enabled on cluster.";
* Gets string presentation of the version.
* @return String presentation of the version.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.fullVersion" instead.
public String getFullVersion();
* Gets copyright statement for Ignite product.
* @return Copyright statement for Ignite product.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.copyright" instead.
public String getCopyright();
* Gets string presentation of the kernal start timestamp.
* @return String presentation of the kernal start timestamp.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.startTimestampFormatted" instead.
public String getStartTimestampFormatted();
* Gets rebalance enabled flag.
* @return Rebalance enabled flag.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.isRebalanceEnabled" instead.
public boolean isRebalanceEnabled();
* Enable or disable cache partition rebalance per node.
* @param rebalanceEnabled If {@code true} then set rebalance to enabled state.
"Enable cache partitions rebalance on node.",
"Disable cache partitions rebalance on node."
public void rebalanceEnabled(boolean rebalanceEnabled);
* Gets string presentation of up-time for the kernal.
* @return String presentation of up-time for the kernal.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.uptimeFormatted" instead.
public String getUpTimeFormatted();
* Get start timestamp of the kernal.
* @return Start timestamp of the kernal.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.startTimestamp" instead.
public long getStartTimestamp();
* Gets up-time of the kernal.
* @return Up-time of the kernal.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.upTime" instead.
public long getUpTime();
* Gets long JVM pauses count.
* @return Long JVM pauses count.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.longJVMPausesCount" instead.
public long getLongJVMPausesCount();
* Gets long JVM pauses total duration.
* @return Long JVM pauses total duration.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.longJVMPausesTotalDuration" instead.
public long getLongJVMPausesTotalDuration();
* Gets long JVM pause last events.
* @return Long JVM pause last events.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.longJVMPauseLastEvents" instead.
public Map<Long, Long> getLongJVMPauseLastEvents();
* Gets a list of formatted user-defined attributes added to this node.
* <p>
* Note that grid will add all System properties and environment properties
* to grid node attributes also. SPIs may also add node attributes that are
* used for SPI implementation.
* @return User defined attributes for this node.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.userAttributesFormatted" instead.
public List<String> getUserAttributesFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of logger that is in grid.
* @return Logger that is used in grid.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.gridLoggerFormatted" instead.
public String getGridLoggerFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of fully configured thread pool that is used in grid.
* @return Thread pool implementation that is used in grid.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.executorServiceFormatted" instead.
public String getExecutorServiceFormatted();
* Gets Ignite installation home folder.
* @return Ignite installation home.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.igniteHome" instead.
public String getIgniteHome();
* Gets a formatted instance of MBean server instance.
* @return MBean server instance.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.mBeanServerFormatted" instead.
public String getMBeanServerFormatted();
* Unique identifier for this node within grid.
* @return Unique identifier for this node within grid.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.localNodeId" instead.
public UUID getLocalNodeId();
* Returns {@code true} if peer class loading is enabled, {@code false}
* otherwise. Default value is {@code true}.
* <p>
* When peer class loading is enabled and task is not deployed on local node,
* local node will try to load classes from the node that initiated task
* execution. This way, a task can be physically deployed only on one node
* and then internally penetrate to all other nodes.
* @return {@code true} if peer class loading is enabled, {@code false}
* otherwise.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.isPeerClassLoadingEnabled" instead.
public boolean isPeerClassLoadingEnabled();
* Gets {@code toString()} representation of of lifecycle beans configured
* with Ignite.
* @return {@code toString()} representation of all lifecycle beans configured
* with Ignite.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.lifecycleBeansFormatted" instead.
public List<String> getLifecycleBeansFormatted();
* This method allows manually remove the checkpoint with given {@code key}.
* @param key Checkpoint key.
* @return {@code true} if specified checkpoint was indeed removed, {@code false}
* otherwise.
@MXBeanDescription("This method allows manually remove the checkpoint with given key. Return true " +
"if specified checkpoint was indeed removed, false otherwise.")
public boolean removeCheckpoint(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "key", description = "Checkpoint key to remove.") String key
* Pings node with given node ID to see whether it is alive.
* @param nodeId String presentation of node ID. See {@link UUID#fromString(String)} for
* details on string formatting.
* @return Whether or not node is alive.
@MXBeanDescription("Pings node with given node ID to see whether it is alive. " +
"Returns whether or not node is alive.")
public boolean pingNode(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "nodeId",
description = "String presentation of node ID. See java.util.UUID class for details.") String nodeId
* Changes Ignite grid state to active or inactive.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b>
* Deactivation clears in-memory caches (without persistence) including the system caches.
* @param active Activate/DeActivate flag.
"Execute activate or deactivate process."
public void active(boolean active);
* Checks if Ignite grid is active. If Ignite grid is not active return {@code False}.
* @return {@code True} if grid is active. {@code False} If grid is not active.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "" instead.
public boolean active();
* Makes the best attempt to undeploy a task from the whole grid. Note that this
* method returns immediately and does not wait until the task will actually be
* undeployed on every node.
* <p>
* Note that Ignite maintains internal versions for grid tasks in case of redeployment.
* This method will attempt to undeploy all versions on the grid task with
* given name.
* @param taskName Name of the task to undeploy. If task class has {@link org.apache.ignite.compute.ComputeTaskName} annotation,
* then task was deployed under a name specified within annotation. Otherwise, full
* class name should be used as task's name.
* @throws JMException Thrown if undeploy failed.
@MXBeanDescription("Makes the best attempt to undeploy a task from the whole grid.")
public void undeployTaskFromGrid(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "taskName", description = "Name of the task to undeploy.") String taskName
) throws JMException;
* A shortcut method that executes given task assuming single {@code java.lang.String} argument
* and {@code java.lang.String} return type.
* @param taskName Name of the task to execute.
* @param arg Single task execution argument (can be {@code null}).
* @return Task return value (assumed of {@code java.lang.String} type).
* @throws JMException Thrown in case when execution failed.
@MXBeanDescription("A shortcut method that executes given task assuming single " +
"String argument and String return type. Returns Task return value (assumed of String type).")
public String executeTask(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "taskName", description = "Name of the task to execute.") String taskName,
@MXBeanParameter(name = "arg", description = "Single task execution argument (can be null).") String arg
) throws JMException;
* Pings node with given host name to see if it is alive.
* @param host Host name or IP address of the node to ping.
* @return Whether or not node is alive.
@MXBeanDescription("Pings node with given host name to see if it is alive. " +
"Returns whether or not node is alive.")
public boolean pingNodeByAddress(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "host", description = "Host name or IP address of the node to ping.") String host
* Gets a formatted instance of configured discovery SPI implementation.
* @return Grid discovery SPI implementation.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.discoverySpiFormatted" instead.
public String getDiscoverySpiFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of fully configured SPI communication implementation.
* @return Grid communication SPI implementation.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.communicationSpiFormatted" instead.
public String getCommunicationSpiFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of fully configured deployment SPI implementation.
* @return Grid deployment SPI implementation.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.deploymentSpiFormatted" instead.
public String getDeploymentSpiFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of configured checkpoint SPI implementation.
* @return Grid checkpoint SPI implementation.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.checkpointSpiFormatted" instead.
public String getCheckpointSpiFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of configured collision SPI implementations.
* @return Grid collision SPI implementations.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.collisionSpiFormatted" instead.
public String getCollisionSpiFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of fully configured event SPI implementation.
* @return Grid event SPI implementation.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.eventStorageSpiFormatted" instead.
public String getEventStorageSpiFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of fully configured failover SPI implementations.
* @return Grid failover SPI implementations.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.failoverSpiFormatted" instead.
public String getFailoverSpiFormatted();
* Gets a formatted instance of fully configured load balancing SPI implementations.
* @return Grid load balancing SPI implementations.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.loadBalancingSpiFormatted" instead.
public String getLoadBalancingSpiFormatted();
* Gets OS information.
* @return OS information.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.osInformation" instead.
public String getOsInformation();
* Gets JDK information.
* @return JDK information.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.jdkInformation" instead.
public String getJdkInformation();
* Gets OS user.
* @return OS user name.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.osUser" instead.
public String getOsUser();
* Gets VM name.
* @return VM name.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.VmName" instead.
public String getVmName();
* Gets optional kernal instance name. It can be {@code null}.
* @return Optional kernal instance name.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.InstanceName" instead.
public String getInstanceName();
* Prints errors.
@MXBeanDescription("Prints last suppressed errors.")
public void printLastErrors();
* Dumps debug information for the current node.
@MXBeanDescription("Dumps debug information for the current node.")
public void dumpDebugInfo();
* Gets a formatted properties of current coordinator.
* @return String representation of current coordinator node.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.currentCoordinatorFormatted" instead.
public String getCurrentCoordinatorFormatted();
* Gets a flag whether local node is in baseline. Returns false if baseline topology is not established.
* @return Return a baseline flag.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.isNodeInBaseline" instead.
public boolean isNodeInBaseline();
* Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.
* @param warmup Warmup duration in milliseconds.
* @param duration Test duration in milliseconds.
* @param threads Thread count.
* @param maxLatency Max latency in nanoseconds.
* @param rangesCnt Ranges count in resulting histogram.
* @param payLoadSize Payload size in bytes.
* @param procFromNioThread {@code True} to process requests in NIO threads.
@MXBeanDescription("Runs IO latency test against all remote server nodes in cluster.")
void runIoTest(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "warmup", description = "Warmup duration (millis).")
long warmup,
@MXBeanParameter(name = "duration", description = "Test duration (millis).")
long duration,
@MXBeanParameter(name = "threads", description = "Threads count.")
int threads,
@MXBeanParameter(name = "maxLatency", description = "Maximum latency expected (nanos).")
long maxLatency,
@MXBeanParameter(name = "rangesCnt", description = "Ranges count for histogram.")
int rangesCnt,
@MXBeanParameter(name = "payLoadSize", description = "Payload size (bytes).")
int payLoadSize,
@MXBeanParameter(name = "procFromNioThread", description = "Process requests in NIO-threads flag.")
boolean procFromNioThread
* Clears node local map.
@MXBeanDescription("Clears local node map.")
void clearNodeLocalMap();
* Checks cluster state.
* @return String representation of current cluster state.
* See {@link ClusterState}.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.clusterState" instead.
public String clusterState();
* Changes current cluster state.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b>
* Deactivation clears in-memory caches (without persistence) including the system caches.
* @param state String representation of new cluster state.
@MXBeanDescription("Changes current cluster state.")
public void clusterState(
@MXBeanParameter(name = "state", description = "New cluster state.") String state
* Gets last cluster state change operation.
* @return Unix time of last cluster state change operation.
* @deprecated Check the {@link ReadOnlyMetricRegistry} with "name=ignite.lastClusterStateChangeTime" instead.
public long lastClusterStateChangeTime();