blob: ca9087ead1ae8dac7fa15975b419622e03f5e220 [file] [log] [blame]
Control utility [ver. <!any!>
2021 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
User: <!any!>
Time: <!any!>
Control utility script is used to execute admin commands on cluster or get common cluster info. The command has the following syntax:
control.(sh|bat) [--host HOST_OR_IP] [--port PORT] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--ping-interval PING_INTERVAL] [--ping-timeout PING_TIMEOUT] [--verbose] [--ssl-protocol SSL_PROTOCOL[, SSL_PROTOCOL_2, ..., SSL_PROTOCOL_N]] [--ssl-cipher-suites SSL_CIPHER_1[, SSL_CIPHER_2, ..., SSL_CIPHER_N]] [--ssl-key-algorithm SSL_KEY_ALGORITHM] [--keystore-type KEYSTORE_TYPE] [--keystore KEYSTORE_PATH] [--keystore-password KEYSTORE_PASSWORD] [--truststore-type TRUSTSTORE_TYPE] [--truststore TRUSTSTORE_PATH] [--truststore-password TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD] [--enable-experimental] [command] <command_parameters>
This utility can do the following commands:
Activate cluster (deprecated. Use --set-state instead):
control.(sh|bat) --activate
Deactivate cluster (deprecated. Use --set-state instead):
control.(sh|bat) --deactivate [--force] [--yes]
Print current cluster state:
control.(sh|bat) --state
Change cluster state:
control.(sh|bat) --set-state INACTIVE|ACTIVE|ACTIVE_READ_ONLY [--force] [--yes]
ACTIVE - Activate cluster. Cache updates are allowed.
INACTIVE - Deactivate cluster.
ACTIVE_READ_ONLY - Activate cluster. Cache updates are denied.
Print cluster baseline topology:
control.(sh|bat) --baseline [--verbose]
verbose - Show the full list of node ips.
Add nodes into baseline topology:
control.(sh|bat) --baseline add consistentId1[,consistentId2,....,consistentIdN] [--yes]
Remove nodes from baseline topology:
control.(sh|bat) --baseline remove consistentId1[,consistentId2,....,consistentIdN] [--yes]
Set baseline topology:
control.(sh|bat) --baseline set consistentId1[,consistentId2,....,consistentIdN] [--yes]
Set baseline topology based on version:
control.(sh|bat) --baseline version topologyVersion [--yes]
Set baseline autoadjustment settings:
control.(sh|bat) --baseline auto_adjust [disable|enable] [timeout <timeoutMillis>] [--yes]
List or kill transactions:
control.(sh|bat) --tx [--xid XID] [--min-duration SECONDS] [--min-size SIZE] [--label PATTERN_REGEX] [--servers|--clients] [--nodes consistentId1[,consistentId2,....,consistentIdN]] [--limit NUMBER] [--order DURATION|SIZE|START_TIME] [--kill] [--info] [--yes]
Print detailed information (topology and key lock ownership) about specific transaction:
control.(sh|bat) --tx --info <TX identifier as GridCacheVersion [topVer=..., order=..., nodeOrder=...] (can be found in logs)>|<TX identifier as UUID (can be retrieved via --tx command)>
View caches information in a cluster. For more details type:
control.(sh|bat) --cache help
Print absolute paths of unused archived wal segments on each node:
control.(sh|bat) --wal print [consistentId1,consistentId2,....,consistentIdN]
Delete unused archived wal segments on each node:
control.(sh|bat) --wal delete [consistentId1,consistentId2,....,consistentIdN] [--yes]
View diagnostic information in a cluster. For more details type:
control.(sh|bat) --diagnostic
Print the current master key name:
control.(sh|bat) --encryption get_master_key_name
Change the master key:
control.(sh|bat) --encryption change_master_key newMasterKeyName
Change the encryption key of the cache group:
control.(sh|bat) --encryption change_cache_key cacheGroupName
View encryption key identifiers of the cache group:
control.(sh|bat) --encryption cache_key_ids cacheGroupName
Display re-encryption status of the cache group:
control.(sh|bat) --encryption reencryption_status cacheGroupName
Suspend re-encryption of the cache group:
control.(sh|bat) --encryption suspend_reencryption cacheGroupName
Resume re-encryption of the cache group:
control.(sh|bat) --encryption resume_reencryption cacheGroupName
View/change re-encryption rate limit:
control.(sh|bat) --encryption reencryption_rate_limit [new_limit]
new_limit - Decimal value to change re-encryption rate limit (MB/s).
Kill compute task by session id:
control.(sh|bat) --kill COMPUTE session_id
session_id - Session identifier.
Kill service by name:
control.(sh|bat) --kill SERVICE name
name - Service name.
Kill transaction by xid:
control.(sh|bat) --kill TRANSACTION xid
xid - Transaction identifier.
Kill sql query by query id:
control.(sh|bat) --kill SQL query_id
query_id - Query identifier.
Kill scan query by node id, cache name and query id:
control.(sh|bat) --kill SCAN origin_node_id cache_name query_id
cache_name - Cache name.
query_id - Query identifier.
origin_node_id - Originating node id.
Kill continuous query by routine id:
control.(sh|bat) --kill CONTINUOUS origin_node_id routine_id
routine_id - Routine identifier.
origin_node_id - Originating node id.
Kill running snapshot by snapshot name:
control.(sh|bat) --kill SNAPSHOT snapshot_name
snapshot_name - Snapshot name.
Create cluster snapshot:
control.(sh|bat) --snapshot create snapshot_name
snapshot_name - Snapshot name.
Cancel running snapshot:
control.(sh|bat) --snapshot cancel snapshot_name
snapshot_name - Snapshot name.
Check snapshot:
control.(sh|bat) --snapshot check snapshot_name
snapshot_name - Snapshot name.
Restore snapshot:
control.(sh|bat) --snapshot restore snapshot_name --start [group1,...groupN]
snapshot_name - Snapshot name.
group1,...groupN - Cache group names.
Snapshot restore operation status:
control.(sh|bat) --snapshot restore snapshot_name --status
snapshot_name - Snapshot name.
Cancel snapshot restore operation:
control.(sh|bat) --snapshot restore snapshot_name --cancel
snapshot_name - Snapshot name.
Change cluster tag to new value:
control.(sh|bat) --change-tag newTagValue [--yes]
Print metadata command help:
control.(sh|bat) --meta help
Print list of binary metadata types:
control.(sh|bat) --meta list
Print detailed info about specified binary type (the type must be specified by type name or by type identifier):
control.(sh|bat) --meta details [--typeId <typeId>] [--typeName <typeName>]
Remove the metadata of the specified type (the type must be specified by type name or by type identifier) from cluster and saves the removed metadata to the specified file.
If the file name isn't specified the output file name is: '<typeId>.bin'
control.(sh|bat) --meta remove [--typeId <typeId>] [--typeName <typeName>] [--out <fileName>]
Update cluster metadata from specified file (file name is required)
control.(sh|bat) --meta update --in <fileName>
Set or display shutdown policy:
control.(sh|bat) --shutdown-policy [IMMEDIATE|GRACEFUL]
Print tracing configuration:
control.(sh|bat) --tracing-configuration
Print tracing configuration:
control.(sh|bat) --tracing-configuration get_all [--scope DISCOVERY|EXCHANGE|COMMUNICATION|TX|SQL]
Print specific tracing configuration based on specified --scope and --label:
control.(sh|bat) --tracing-configuration get (--scope DISCOVERY|EXCHANGE|COMMUNICATION|TX|SQL) [--label]
Reset all specific tracing configuration the to default. If --scope is specified, then remove all label specific configuration for the given scope and reset given scope specific configuration to the default, if --scope is skipped then reset all tracing configurations to the default. Print tracing configuration.
control.(sh|bat) --tracing-configuration reset_all [--scope DISCOVERY|EXCHANGE|COMMUNICATION|TX|SQL]
Reset specific tracing configuration to the default. If both --scope and --label are specified then remove given configuration, if only --scope is specified then reset given configuration to the default. Print reseted configuration.
control.(sh|bat) --tracing-configuration reset (--scope DISCOVERY|EXCHANGE|COMMUNICATION|TX|SQL) [--label]
Set new tracing configuration. If both --scope and --label are specified then add or override label specific configuration, if only --scope is specified, then override scope specific configuration. Print applied configuration.
control.(sh|bat) --tracing-configuration set (--scope DISCOVERY|EXCHANGE|COMMUNICATION|TX|SQL [--label] [--sampling-rate Decimal value between 0 and 1, where 0 means never and 1 means always. More or less reflects the probability of sampling specific trace.] [--included-scopes Set of scopes with comma as separator DISCOVERY|EXCHANGE|COMMUNICATION|TX|SQL])
Stop warm-up:
control.(sh|bat) --warm-up --stop
Print property command help:
control.(sh|bat) --property help
Print list of available properties:
control.(sh|bat) --property list
Get the property value:
control.(sh|bat) --property get --name <property_name>
Set the property value:
control.(sh|bat) --property set --name <property_name> --val <property_value>
Print system view content:
control.(sh|bat) --system-view [--node-id node_id] system_view_name
system_view_name - Name of the system view which content should be printed. Both "SQL" and "Java" styles of system view name are supported (e.g. SQL_TABLES and sql.tables will be handled similarly).
node_id - ID of the node to get the system view from. If not set, random node will be chosen.
Print metric value:
control.(sh|bat) --metric [--node-id node_id] name
name - Name of the metric which value should be printed. If name of the metric registry is specified, value of all its metrics will be printed.
node_id - ID of the node to get the metric values from. If not set, random node will be chosen.
Print information about potentially corrupted caches on local node:
control.(sh|bat) --persistence
The same information is printed when info subcommand is passed:
control.(sh|bat) --persistence info
Clean directories of caches with corrupted data files:
control.(sh|bat) --persistence clean corrupted
Clean directories of all caches:
control.(sh|bat) --persistence clean all
Clean directories of only given caches:
control.(sh|bat) --persistence clean caches cache1,cache2,cache3
Backup data files of corrupted caches only:
control.(sh|bat) --persistence backup corrupted
Backup data files of all caches:
control.(sh|bat) --persistence backup all
Backup data files of only given caches:
control.(sh|bat) --persistence backup caches cache1,cache2,cache3
Schedule PDS defragmentation on given nodes for all caches:
control.(sh|bat) --defragmentation schedule --nodes consistentId0,consistentId1
Schedule PDS defragmentation on given nodes but only for given caches:
control.(sh|bat) --defragmentation schedule --nodes consistentId0,consistentId1 --caches cache1,cache2,cache3
Cancel scheduled or active PDS defragmentation on underlying node:
control.(sh|bat) --defragmentation cancel
Start collecting performance statistics in the cluster:
control.(sh|bat) --performance-statistics start
Stop collecting performance statistics in the cluster:
control.(sh|bat) --performance-statistics stop
Rotate collecting performance statistics in the cluster:
control.(sh|bat) --performance-statistics rotate
Get status of collecting performance statistics in the cluster:
control.(sh|bat) --performance-statistics status
By default commands affecting the cluster require interactive confirmation.
Use --yes option to disable it.
Default values:
Exit codes:
0 - successful execution.
1 - invalid arguments.
2 - connection failed.
3 - authentication failed.
4 - unexpected error.
Control utility has completed execution at: <!any!>
Execution time: <!any!>