blob: e9aaeb5cb3802bdb31d27068a5ba3c27e1c79f9c [file] [log] [blame]
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Apache Ignite.NET build script.
Builds all parts of Apache Ignite.NET: Java, .NET, NuGet. Copies results to 'bin' and 'nupkg' folders.
* PowerShell 3
* JDK 8 or JDK 11
* MAVEN_HOME environment variable or mvn.bat in PATH
Skip Java build.
Skip .NET build.
.PARAMETER skipDotNetCore
Skip .NET Core build.
Skip NuGet packaging.
.PARAMETER skipCodeAnalysis
Skip code analysis.
.PARAMETER skipExamples
Skip examples build.
Perform a clean rebuild.
.PARAMETER platform
Build platform ("Any CPU", "x86", "x64").
.PARAMETER configuration
Build configuration ("Release", "Debug").
.PARAMETER mavenOpts
Custom Maven options, default is "-U -P-lgpl,-scala,-examples,-test,-benchmarks -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true".
Java jar files source folders, default is "modules\indexing\target,modules\core\target,modules\spring\target"
.NET assembly directories to copy pre-build binaries from. Default is "", which means no copy.
.PARAMETER nugetPath
Path to nuget.exe.
.PARAMETER version
NuGet version override (normally inferred from assembly version).
.\build.ps1 -clean
# Full rebuild of Java, .NET and NuGet packages.
.\build.ps1 -skipJava -skipCodeAnalysis -skipNuGet -configuration Debug -platform x64
# Quick build of .NET code only.
param (
[ValidateSet("Any CPU", "x64", "x86")]
[string]$platform="Any CPU",
[ValidateSet("Release", "Debug")]
[string]$mavenOpts="-U -P-lgpl,-scala,-all-scala,-spark-2.4,-examples,-test,-benchmarks -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true",
# 0) Functions
function Make-Dir([string]$dirPath) {
New-Item -Path $dirPath -ItemType "directory" -Force
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse $dirPath\*.*
function Exec([string]$command) {
try {
iex "& $command"
} catch {
echo "Command failed: $command"
exit -1
# 1) Build Java (Maven)
# Detect Ignite root directory
cd $PSScriptRoot\..
while (!((Test-Path bin) -and (Test-Path examples) -and ((Test-Path modules) -or (Test-Path platforms)))) {
cd ..
if ((Get-Location).Drive.Root -eq (Get-Location).Path) {
echo "Ignite home detected at '$pwd'."
if (!$skipJava) {
# Detect Maven
$mv = "mvn"
if ((Get-Command $mv -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
$mvHome = ($env:MAVEN_HOME, $env:M2_HOME, $env:M3_HOME, $env:MVN_HOME -ne $null)[0]
if ($mvHome -eq $null) {
echo "Maven not found. Make sure to update PATH variable or set MAVEN_HOME, M2_HOME, M3_HOME, or MVN_HOME."
exit -1
$mv = "`"" + (join-path $mvHome "bin\mvn.bat") + "`""
echo "Maven detected at $mv."
# Install Maven Wrapper
Exec "$mv --% -N io.takari:maven:wrapper -Dmaven=3.5.2"
$mv = If ($IsLinux) { "./mvnw" } else { ".\mvnw.cmd" }
# Run Maven
echo "Starting Java (Maven) build..."
$mvnTargets = if ($clean) { "clean package" } else { "package" }
Exec "$mv --% $mvnTargets -DskipTests $mavenOpts"
else {
echo "Java (Maven) build skipped."
# Copy (relevant) jars
$libsDir = "$PSScriptRoot\bin\libs"
Get-ChildItem $jarDirs.Split(',') *.jar -recurse `
-include "ignite-core*","ignite-indexing*","ignite-shmem*","ignite-spring*","lucene*","h2*","cache-api*","commons-*","spring*" `
-exclude "*-sources*","*-javadoc*","*-tests*" `
| ? { $_.FullName -inotmatch '[\\/]optional[\\/]' } `
| % { Copy-Item -Force $_ $libsDir }
# Restore directory
cd $PSScriptRoot
# 2) Build .NET
if (!($skipDotNet -and $skipNuGet)) {
# Detect NuGet
$ng = if ($nugetPath) { $nugetPath } else { "nuget" }
if ((Get-Command $ng -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
$ng = If ($IsLinux) { "mono $PSScriptRoot/nuget.exe" } else { "$PSScriptRoot\nuget.exe" }
if (-not (Test-Path $ng)) {
echo "Downloading NuGet..."
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$PSScriptRoot/nuget.exe")
echo "Using NuGet from: $ng"
if (!$skipDotNet) {
$msBuild = "msbuild"
if ((Get-Command $msBuild -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null)
# Detect MSBuild 4.0+
for ($i = 20; $i -ge 4; $i--) {
$regKey = "HKLM:\software\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\$i.0"
if (Test-Path $regKey)
if (!(Test-Path $regKey))
echo "Failed to detect MSBuild path, exiting."
exit -1
$msBuild = (Join-Path -path (Get-ItemProperty $regKey)."MSBuildToolsPath" -childpath "msbuild.exe")
$msBuild = "`"$msBuild`"" # Put in quotes and escape to handle whitespace in path
echo "MSBuild detected at '$msBuild'."
# Restore NuGet packages
echo "Restoring NuGet..."
Exec "$ng restore Apache.Ignite.sln"
# Build
$targets = if ($clean) {"Clean;Rebuild"} else {"Build"}
$codeAnalysis = if ($skipCodeAnalysis) {"/p:RunCodeAnalysis=false"} else {""}
$msBuildCommand = "$msBuild Apache.Ignite.sln /target:$targets /p:Configuration=$configuration /p:Platform=`"$platform`" $codeAnalysis /p:UseSharedCompilation=false"
echo "Starting MsBuild: '$msBuildCommand'"
Exec $msBuildCommand
if(!$skipDotNetCore) {
# Build core
$targetSolution = ".\Apache.Ignite\Apache.Ignite.DotNetCore.csproj"
if ($clean) {
$cleanCommand = "dotnet clean $targetSolution -c $configuration"
echo "Starting dotnet clean: '$cleanCommand'"
Exec $cleanCommand
$publishCommand = "dotnet publish $targetSolution -c $configuration"
echo "Starting dotnet publish: '$publishCommand'"
Exec $publishCommand
if ($asmDirs) {
Get-ChildItem $asmDirs.Split(',') | % `
$projName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name)
if ($_.Name.EndsWith(".exe.config")) {
$projName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($projName)
if ($projName.StartsWith("Apache.Ignite")) {
$target = [IO.Path]::Combine($projName, "bin", $configuration)
New-Item -Path $target -ItemType "directory" -Force
echo "Copying '$_' to '$target'"
Copy-Item -Force $_.FullName $target
# Copy binaries
Get-ChildItem *.csproj -Recurse | where Name -NotLike "*Examples*" `
| where Name -NotLike "*Tests*" `
| where Name -NotLike "*DotNetCore*" `
| where Name -NotLike "*Benchmark*" | % {
$projDir = split-path -parent $_.FullName
$dir = [IO.Path]::Combine($projDir, "bin", $configuration)
if ([IO.Directory]::Exists($dir)) {
echo "Copying files to bin from '$dir'"
$dirAll = [IO.Path]::Combine($dir, "*")
Copy-Item -Force -Recurse $dirAll bin
# 3) Pack NuGet
if (!$skipNuGet) {
# Check parameters
if (($platform -ne "Any CPU") -or ($configuration -ne "Release")) {
echo "NuGet can only package 'Release' 'Any CPU' builds; you have specified '$configuration' '$platform'."
exit -1
$nupkgDir = "nupkg"
# Detect version
$ver = if ($version) { $version } else { (gi Apache.Ignite.Core\bin\Release\Apache.Ignite.Core.dll).VersionInfo.ProductVersion }
# Find all nuspec files and run 'nuget pack' either directly, or on corresponding csproj files (if present)
Get-ChildItem *.nuspec -Recurse `
| % {
Exec "$ng pack $_ -Prop Configuration=Release -Prop Platform=AnyCPU -Version $ver -OutputDirectory $nupkgDir"
echo "NuGet packages created in '$pwd\$nupkgDir'."
# Examples template
if (!$skipExamples) {
# Copy csproj to current dir temporarily: dotnet-new templates can't be packed with parent dir content.
Copy-Item .\templates\public\Apache.Ignite.Examples\Apache.Ignite.Examples.csproj $pwd
Exec "dotnet pack Apache.Ignite.Examples.csproj --output $nupkgDir -p:PackageVersion=$ver"
Remove-Item Apache.Ignite.Examples.csproj
echo "Examples template NuGet package created in '$pwd\$nupkgDir'."
# 4) Build Examples
if ((!$skipDotNetCore) -and (!$skipExamples)) {
Exec "dotnet build .\examples\Apache.Ignite.Examples.sln"