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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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// ReSharper disable RedundantCast
namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Tests.Client.Cache
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Configuration;
using Apache.Ignite.Core.Client;
using Apache.Ignite.Core.Client.Cache;
using Apache.Ignite.Core.Common;
using NUnit.Framework;
/// <summary>
/// Tests partition awareness functionality.
/// </summary>
public class PartitionAwarenessTest : ClientTestBase
/** */
private const int ServerCount = 3;
/** */
private ICacheClient<int, int> _cache;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PartitionAwarenessTest"/> class.
/// </summary>
public PartitionAwarenessTest()
: base(ServerCount, enableServerListLogging: true)
// No-op.
/// <summary>
/// Fixture set up.
/// </summary>
public override void FixtureSetUp()
_cache = Client.CreateCache<int, int>("c");
// Warm up client partition data.
public override void TestSetUp()
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(2, 0)]
[TestCase(3, 0)]
[TestCase(4, 1)]
[TestCase(5, 1)]
[TestCase(6, 2)]
public void CacheGet_PrimitiveKeyType_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(int key, int gridIdx)
var res = _cache.Get(key);
Assert.AreEqual(key, res);
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetClientRequestGridIndex());
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(2, 0)]
[TestCase(3, 0)]
[TestCase(4, 1)]
[TestCase(5, 1)]
[TestCase(6, 2)]
public void CacheGetAsync_PrimitiveKeyType_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(int key, int gridIdx)
var res = _cache.GetAsync(key).Result;
Assert.AreEqual(key, res);
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetClientRequestGridIndex());
[TestCase(1, 0)]
[TestCase(2, 0)]
[TestCase(3, 0)]
[TestCase(4, 2)]
[TestCase(5, 2)]
[TestCase(6, 1)]
public void CacheGet_UserDefinedKeyType_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(int key, int gridIdx)
var cache = Client.GetOrCreateCache<TestKey, int>("c_custom_key");
cache.PutAll(Enumerable.Range(1, 100).ToDictionary(x => new TestKey(x, x.ToString()), x => x));
cache.Get(new TestKey(1, "1")); // Warm up;
var testKey = new TestKey(key, key.ToString());
var res = cache.Get(testKey);
Assert.AreEqual(key, res);
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetClientRequestGridIndex());
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetPrimaryNodeIdx(testKey));
public void CachePut_UserDefinedTypeWithAffinityKey_ThrowsIgniteException()
// Note: annotation-based configuration is not supported on Java side.
// Use manual configuration instead.
var cacheClientConfiguration = new CacheClientConfiguration("c_custom_key_aff")
KeyConfiguration = new List<CacheKeyConfiguration>
new CacheKeyConfiguration(typeof(TestKeyWithAffinity))
AffinityKeyFieldName = "_i"
var cache = Client.GetOrCreateCache<TestKeyWithAffinity, int>(cacheClientConfiguration);
var ex = Assert.Throws<IgniteException>(() => cache.Put(new TestKeyWithAffinity(1, "1"), 1));
var expected = string.Format("Affinity keys are not supported. Object '{0}' has an affinity key.",
Assert.AreEqual(expected, ex.Message);
public void CacheGet_NewNodeEnteredTopology_RequestIsRoutedToNewNode()
// Warm-up.
Assert.AreEqual(1, _cache.Get(1));
// Before topology change.
Assert.AreEqual(12, _cache.Get(12));
Assert.AreEqual(1, GetClientRequestGridIndex());
Assert.AreEqual(14, _cache.Get(14));
Assert.AreEqual(2, GetClientRequestGridIndex());
// After topology change.
var cfg = GetIgniteConfiguration();
cfg.AutoGenerateIgniteInstanceName = true;
using (Ignition.Start(cfg))
TestUtils.WaitForTrueCondition(() =>
// Keys 12 and 14 belong to a new node now (-1).
Assert.AreEqual(12, _cache.Get(12));
if (GetClientRequestGridIndex() != -1)
return false;
Assert.AreEqual(14, _cache.Get(14));
Assert.AreEqual(-1, GetClientRequestGridIndex());
return true;
}, 3000);
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(2, 0)]
[TestCase(3, 0)]
[TestCase(4, 1)]
[TestCase(5, 1)]
[TestCase(6, 2)]
public void AllKeyBasedOperations_PrimitiveKeyType_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(int key, int gridIdx)
int unused;
TestOperation(() => _cache.Get(key), gridIdx);
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAsync(key), gridIdx);
TestOperation(() => _cache.TryGet(key, out unused), gridIdx);
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.TryGetAsync(key), gridIdx);
TestOperation(() => _cache.Put(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.PutAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");
TestOperation(() => _cache.PutIfAbsent(key, key), gridIdx, "PutIfAbsent");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.PutIfAbsentAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "PutIfAbsent");
TestOperation(() => _cache.GetAndPutIfAbsent(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndPutIfAbsent");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAndPutIfAbsentAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndPutIfAbsent");
TestOperation(() => _cache.Clear(key), gridIdx, "ClearKey");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.ClearAsync(key), gridIdx, "ClearKey");
TestOperation(() => _cache.ContainsKey(key), gridIdx, "ContainsKey");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.ContainsKeyAsync(key), gridIdx, "ContainsKey");
TestOperation(() => _cache.GetAndPut(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndPut");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAndPutAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndPut");
TestOperation(() => _cache.GetAndReplace(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndReplace");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAndReplaceAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "GetAndReplace");
TestOperation(() => _cache.GetAndRemove(key), gridIdx, "GetAndRemove");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.GetAndRemoveAsync(key), gridIdx, "GetAndRemove");
TestOperation(() => _cache.Replace(key, key), gridIdx, "Replace");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.ReplaceAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "Replace");
TestOperation(() => _cache.Replace(key, key, key + 1), gridIdx, "ReplaceIfEquals");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.ReplaceAsync(key, key, key + 1), gridIdx, "ReplaceIfEquals");
TestOperation(() => _cache.Remove(key), gridIdx, "RemoveKey");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.RemoveAsync(key), gridIdx, "RemoveKey");
TestOperation(() => _cache.Remove(key, key), gridIdx, "RemoveIfEquals");
TestAsyncOperation(() => _cache.RemoveAsync(key, key), gridIdx, "RemoveIfEquals");
public void CacheGet_RepeatedCall_DoesNotRequestAffinityMapping()
// Test that affinity mapping is not requested when known.
// Start new cache to enforce partition mapping request.
Client.CreateCache<int, int>("repeat-call-test");
var requests = GetAllServerRequestNames(RequestNamePrefixCache);
var expectedRequests = new[]
CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedRequests, requests);
public void ReplicatedCacheGet_RepeatedCall_DoesNotRequestAffinityMapping()
// Test cache for which partition awareness is not applicable.
var cfg = new CacheClientConfiguration("replicated_cache") {CacheMode = CacheMode.Replicated};
var cache = Client.CreateCache<int, int>(cfg);
// Init the replicated cache and start the new one to enforce partition mapping request.
cache.PutAll(Enumerable.Range(1, 3).ToDictionary(x => x, x => x));
Client.CreateCache<int, int>("repeat-call-test-replicated");
var reqs = GetLoggers()
.Select(l => GetServerRequestNames(l, RequestNamePrefixCache).ToArray())
.Where(x => x.Length > 0)
// All requests should go to a single (default) node, because partition awareness is not applicable.
Assert.AreEqual(1, reqs.Length);
// There should be only one partitions request.
var expectedRequests = new[]
Assert.AreEqual(expectedRequests, reqs[0]);
public void CacheGet_PartitionAwarenessDisabled_RequestIsRoutedToDefaultNode()
var cfg = GetClientConfiguration();
cfg.EnablePartitionAwareness = false;
using (var client = Ignition.StartClient(cfg))
var cache = client.GetCache<int, int>(_cache.Name);
var requestTargets = Enumerable
.Range(1, 10)
.Select(x =>
return GetClientRequestGridIndex();
// Partition awareness disabled - all requests go to same socket, picked with round-robin on connect.
Assert.AreEqual(1, requestTargets.Length);
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(2, 0)]
[TestCase((uint) 1, 1)]
[TestCase((uint) 2, 0)]
[TestCase((byte) 1, 1)]
[TestCase((byte) 2, 0)]
[TestCase((sbyte) 1, 1)]
[TestCase((sbyte) 2, 0)]
[TestCase((short) 1, 1)]
[TestCase((short) 2, 0)]
[TestCase((ushort) 1, 1)]
[TestCase((ushort) 2, 0)]
[TestCase((long) 1, 1)]
[TestCase((long) 2, 0)]
[TestCase((ulong) 1, 1)]
[TestCase((ulong) 2, 0)]
[TestCase((float) 1.3, 0)]
[TestCase((float) 1.4, 2)]
[TestCase((double) 51.3, 1)]
[TestCase((double) 415.5, 0)]
[TestCase((double) 325.5, 0)]
[TestCase((double) 255.5, 1)]
[TestCase('1', 2)]
[TestCase('2', 1)]
[TestCase(true, 1)]
[TestCase(false, 1)]
public void CachePut_AllPrimitiveTypes_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(object key, int gridIdx)
var cache = Client.GetCache<object, object>(_cache.Name);
TestOperation(() => cache.Put(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");
// Verify against real Affinity.
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetPrimaryNodeIdx(key));
[TestCase("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 0)]
[TestCase("0cb85a41-bd0d-405b-8f34-f515e8aabc39", 0)]
[TestCase("b4addd17-218c-4054-a5fa-03c88f5ee71c", 0)]
[TestCase("2611e3d2-618d-43b9-a318-2f5039f82568", 1)]
[TestCase("1dd8bfae-29b8-4949-aa99-7c9bfabe2566", 2)]
public void CachePut_GuidKey_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(string keyString, int gridIdx)
var key = Guid.Parse(keyString);
var cache = Client.GetCache<object, object>(_cache.Name);
TestOperation(() => cache.Put(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");
// Verify against real Affinity.
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetPrimaryNodeIdx(key));
[TestCase("2015-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", 2)]
[TestCase("2016-02-02T00:00:00.0000000Z", 2)]
[TestCase("2017-03-03T00:00:00.0000000Z", 0)]
public void CachePut_DateTimeKey_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(string keyString, int gridIdx)
var key = DateTime.Parse(keyString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToUniversalTime();
var cache = Client.GetCache<object, object>(_cache.Name);
TestOperation(() => cache.Put(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");
// Verify against real Affinity.
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetPrimaryNodeIdx(key));
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(2, 0)]
public void CachePut_IntPtrKeyKey_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(int keyInt, int gridIdx)
var key = new IntPtr(keyInt);
var cache = Client.GetCache<object, object>(_cache.Name);
TestOperation(() => cache.Put(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");
// Verify against real Affinity.
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetPrimaryNodeIdx(key));
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(2, 0)]
public void CachePut_UIntPtrKeyKey_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(int keyInt, int gridIdx)
var key = new UIntPtr((uint) keyInt);
var cache = Client.GetCache<object, object>(_cache.Name);
TestOperation(() => cache.Put(key, key), gridIdx, "Put");
// Verify against real Affinity.
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetPrimaryNodeIdx(key));
[TestCase(1, 1)]
[TestCase(2, 0)]
[TestCase(3, 0)]
[TestCase(4, 1)]
[TestCase(5, 1)]
[TestCase(6, 2)]
public void DataStreamer_PrimitiveKeyType_RequestIsRoutedToPrimaryNode(int key, int gridIdx)
using (var streamer = Client.GetDataStreamer<int, int>(_cache.Name))
streamer.Add(key, key);
Assert.AreEqual(gridIdx, GetClientRequestGridIndex("Start", RequestNamePrefixStreamer));
protected override IgniteClientConfiguration GetClientConfiguration()
var cfg = base.GetClientConfiguration();
cfg.EnablePartitionAwareness = true;
cfg.Endpoints.Add(string.Format("{0}:{1}", IPAddress.Loopback, IgniteClientConfiguration.DefaultPort + 1));
cfg.Endpoints.Add(string.Format("{0}:{1}", IPAddress.Loopback, IgniteClientConfiguration.DefaultPort + 2));
return cfg;
private int GetClientRequestGridIndex(string message = null, string prefix = null)
message = message ?? "Get";
for (var i = 0; i < ServerCount; i++)
var requests = GetServerRequestNames(i, prefix ?? RequestNamePrefixCache);
if (requests.Contains(message))
return i;
return -1;
private void TestOperation(Action action, int expectedGridIdx, string message = null)
Assert.AreEqual(expectedGridIdx, GetClientRequestGridIndex(message));
private void TestAsyncOperation<T>(Func<T> action, int expectedGridIdx, string message = null)
where T : Task
Assert.AreEqual(expectedGridIdx, GetClientRequestGridIndex(message));
private void InitTestData()
_cache.PutAll(Enumerable.Range(1, 100).ToDictionary(x => x, x => x));
private int GetPrimaryNodeIdx<T>(T key)
var idx = 0;
// GetAll is not ordered - sort the same way as _loggers.
var ignites = Ignition.GetAll().OrderBy(i => i.Name);
foreach (var ignite in ignites)
var aff = ignite.GetAffinity(_cache.Name);
var localNode = ignite.GetCluster().GetLocalNode();
if (aff.IsPrimary(localNode, key))
return idx;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't determine primary node");