blob: b770cf71f5e3c0d78a904fc1f3914b8205681a8a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.ignite.Ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheAtomicityMode;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheKeyConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheMode;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryIndex;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.QueryIndexType;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.AffinityKeyMapped;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations.QuerySqlField;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations.QuerySqlFunction;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteEx;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.index.AbstractIndexingCommonTest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.QueryUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.H2PooledConnection;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.H2Utils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.IgniteH2Indexing;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.QueryContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils;
import org.h2.command.Prepared;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheRebalanceMode.SYNC;
import static org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheWriteSynchronizationMode.FULL_SYNC;
public class GridQueryParsingTest extends AbstractIndexingCommonTest {
/** */
private static Ignite ignite;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected IgniteConfiguration getConfiguration(String igniteInstanceName) throws Exception {
IgniteConfiguration c = super.getConfiguration(igniteInstanceName);
cacheConfiguration(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME, "SCH1", String.class, Person.class),
cacheConfiguration("addr", "SCH2", String.class, Address.class),
cacheConfiguration("aff", "SCH3", PersonKey.class, Person.class));
return c;
* @param name Cache name.
* @param clsK Key class.
* @param clsV Value class.
* @return Cache configuration.
private CacheConfiguration cacheConfiguration(@NotNull String name, String sqlSchema, Class<?> clsK,
Class<?> clsV) {
CacheConfiguration cc = defaultCacheConfiguration();
cc.setIndexedTypes(clsK, clsV);
if (!QueryUtils.isSqlType(clsK))
cc.setKeyConfiguration(new CacheKeyConfiguration(clsK));
return cc;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void beforeTestsStarted() throws Exception {
ignite = startGrid();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void afterTestsStopped() throws Exception {
ignite = null;
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testParseSelectAndUnion() throws Exception {
checkQuery("select 1 from Person p where addrIds in ((1,2,3), (3,4,5))");
checkQuery("select 1 from Person p where addrId in ((1,))");
checkQuery("select 1 from Person p " +
"where p.addrId in (select from sch2.Address a)");
checkQuery("select 1 from Person p " +
"where exists(select 1 from sch2.Address a where p.addrId =");
checkQuery("select 42");
checkQuery("select ()");
checkQuery("select (1)");
checkQuery("select (1 + 1)");
checkQuery("select (1,)");
checkQuery("select (?)");
checkQuery("select (?,)");
checkQuery("select (1, 2)");
checkQuery("select (?, ? + 1, 2 + 2) as z");
checkQuery("select (1,(1,(1,(1,(1,?)))))");
checkQuery("select (select 1)");
checkQuery("select (select 1, select ?)");
checkQuery("select ((select 1), select ? + ?)");
checkQuery("select CURRENT_DATE");
checkQuery("select CURRENT_DATE()");
checkQuery("select extract(year from ?)");
checkQuery("select convert(?, timestamp)");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = 1)");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = (1))");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = (1,))");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = (1,), name varchar = 'asd')");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = (1,2), name varchar = 'asd')");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = (1,2), name varchar = ('asd',))");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = (1,2), name varchar = ?)");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = (1,2), name varchar = (?,))");
checkQuery("select * from table(id bigint = ?, name varchar = ('abc', 'def', 100, ?)) t");
checkQuery("select ? limit ? offset ?");
checkQuery("select cool1()");
checkQuery("select cool1() z");
checkQuery("select b,a from table0('aaa', 100)");
checkQuery("select * from table0('aaa', 100)");
checkQuery("select * from table0('aaa', 100) t0");
checkQuery("select x.a, y.b from table0('aaa', 100) x natural join table0('bbb', 100) y");
checkQuery("select * from table0('aaa', 100) x join table0('bbb', 100) y on x.a=y.a and x.b = 1");
checkQuery("select * from table0('aaa', 100) x left join table0('bbb', 100) y on x.a=y.a and x.b = 1");
checkQuery("select * from table0('aaa', 100) x left join table0('bbb', 100) y on x.a=y.a where x.b = 1");
checkQuery("select * from table0('aaa', 100) x left join table0('bbb', 100) y where x.b = 1");
checkQuery("select avg(old) from Person left join sch2.Address on Person.addrId = " +
"where lower(Address.street) = lower(?)");
checkQuery("select avg(old) from sch1.Person join sch2.Address on Person.addrId = " +
"where lower(Address.street) = lower(?)");
checkQuery("select avg(old) from Person left join sch2.Address where Person.addrId = " +
"and lower(Address.street) = lower(?)");
checkQuery("select avg(old) from Person right join sch2.Address where Person.addrId = " +
"and lower(Address.street) = lower(?)");
checkQuery("select avg(old) from Person, sch2.Address where Person.addrId = " +
"and lower(Address.street) = lower(?)");
checkQuery("select name, name, date, date d from Person");
checkQuery("select distinct name, date from Person");
checkQuery("select * from Person p");
checkQuery("select * from Person");
checkQuery("select distinct * from Person");
checkQuery("select, date from Person p");
checkQuery("select, date from Person p for update");
checkQuery("select * from Person p, sch2.Address a");
checkQuery("select * from Person, sch2.Address");
checkQuery("select p.* from Person p, sch2.Address a");
checkQuery("select person.* from Person, sch2.Address a");
checkQuery("select p.*, street from Person p, sch2.Address a");
checkQuery("select, a.street from Person p, sch2.Address a");
checkQuery("select, a.street from sch2.Address a, Person p");
checkQuery("select distinct, a.street from Person p, sch2.Address a");
checkQuery("select distinct name, street from Person, sch2.Address group by old");
checkQuery("select distinct name, street from Person, sch2.Address");
checkQuery("select, a2.street from Person p1, sch2.Address a1, Person p2, sch2.Address a2");
checkQuery("select n, a.street s from Person p, sch2.Address a");
checkQuery("select, 1 as i, 'aaa' s from Person p");
checkQuery("select + 'a', 1 * 3 as i, 'aaa' s, -p.old, -p.old as old from Person p");
checkQuery("select || 'a' +, (p.old * 3) % p.old - p.old / p.old, = 'aaa', " +
" is, p.old > 0, p.old >= 0, p.old < 0, p.old <= 0, p.old <> 0, p.old is not p.old, " +
" p.old is null, p.old is not null " +
" from Person p");
checkQuery("select from Person p where name <> 'ivan'");
checkQuery("select from Person p where name like 'i%'");
checkQuery("select from Person p where name regexp 'i%'");
checkQuery("select from Person p, sch2.Address a " +
"where <> 'ivan' and > 10 or not ( = 100)");
checkQuery("select case when 'a' then 1 when 'a' then 2 end as a from Person p");
checkQuery("select case when 'a' then 1 when 'a' then 2 else -1 end as a from Person p");
checkQuery("select abs(p.old) from Person p");
checkQuery("select cast(p.old as numeric(10, 2)) from Person p");
checkQuery("select cast(p.old as numeric(10, 2)) z from Person p");
checkQuery("select cast(p.old as numeric(10, 2)) as z from Person p");
checkQuery("select * from Person p where in ('a', 'b', '_' + RAND())"); // test ConditionIn
checkQuery("select * from Person p where in ('a', 'b', 'c')"); // test ConditionInConstantSet
// test ConditionInConstantSet
checkQuery("select * from Person p where in (select a.street from sch2.Address a)");
// test ConditionInConstantSet
checkQuery("select (select a.street from sch2.Address a where = p.addrId) from Person p");
checkQuery("select, ? from Person p where name regexp ? and p.old < ?");
checkQuery("select count(*) as a from Person having a > 10");
checkQuery("select count(*) as a, count(p.*), count( from Person p");
checkQuery("select count(distinct from Person p");
checkQuery("select name, count(*) cnt from Person group by name order by cnt desc limit 10");
checkQuery("select, avg(p.old), max(p.old) from Person p group by");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p group by");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p group by n");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p group by p.addrId,");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p group by, p.addrId");
checkQuery("select n, max(p.old) + min(p.old) / count(distinct p.old) from Person p group by");
checkQuery("select n, max(p.old) maxOld, min(p.old) minOld from Person p " +
"group by having maxOld > 10 and min(p.old) < 1");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p group by order by n");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p group by order by");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p group by order by, m");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p " +
"group by order by, max(p.old) desc");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p " +
"group by order by nulls first");
checkQuery("select n, avg(p.old) a, max(p.old) m from Person p " +
"group by order by nulls last");
checkQuery("select n from Person p order by p.old + 10");
checkQuery("select n from Person p order by p.old + 10,");
checkQuery("select n from Person p order by p.old + 10, desc");
checkQuery("select n from Person p, (select a.street from sch2.Address a " +
"where a.street is not null) ");
checkQuery("select street from Person p, (select a.street from sch2.Address a " +
"where a.street is not null) ");
checkQuery("select addr.street from Person p, (select a.street from sch2.Address a " +
"where a.street is not null) addr");
checkQuery("select n from sch1.Person p order by p.old + 10");
checkQuery("select case when is null then 'Vasya' end x from sch1.Person p");
checkQuery("select case when like 'V%' then 'Vasya' else 'Other' end x from sch1.Person p");
checkQuery("select case when upper( = 'VASYA' then 'Vasya' " +
"when is not null then else 'Other' end x from sch1.Person p");
checkQuery("select case when 'Vasya' then 1 end z from sch1.Person p");
checkQuery("select case when 'Vasya' then 1 when 'Petya' then 2 end z from sch1.Person p");
checkQuery("select case when 'Vasya' then 1 when 'Petya' then 2 else 3 end z from sch1.Person p");
checkQuery("select case when 'Vasya' then 1 else 3 end z from sch1.Person p");
checkQuery("select count(*) as a from Person union select count(*) as a from sch2.Address");
checkQuery("select old, count(*) as a from Person group by old union select 1, count(*) as a " +
"from sch2.Address");
checkQuery("select name from Person MINUS select street from sch2.Address");
checkQuery("select name from Person EXCEPT select street from sch2.Address");
checkQuery("select name from Person INTERSECT select street from sch2.Address");
checkQuery("select name from Person UNION select street from sch2.Address limit 5");
checkQuery("select name from Person UNION select street from sch2.Address limit ?");
checkQuery("select name from Person UNION select street from sch2.Address limit ? offset ?");
checkQuery("(select name from Person limit 4) " +
"UNION (select street from sch2.Address limit 1) limit ? offset ?");
checkQuery("(select 2 a) union all (select 1) order by 1");
checkQuery("(select 2 a) union all (select 1) order by a desc nulls first limit ? offset ?");
checkQuery("select public.\"#\".\"@\" from (select 1 as \"@\") \"#\"");
// checkQuery("select sch.\"#\".\"@\" from (select 1 as \"@\") \"#\""); // Illegal query.
checkQuery("select \"#\".\"@\" from (select 1 as \"@\") \"#\"");
checkQuery("select \"@\" from (select 1 as \"@\") \"#\"");
checkQuery("select sch1.\"#\".old from sch1.Person \"#\"");
checkQuery("select sch1.\"#\".old from Person \"#\"");
checkQuery("select \"#\".old from Person \"#\"");
checkQuery("select old from Person \"#\"");
// checkQuery("select Person.old from Person \"#\""); // Illegal query.
checkQuery("select \"#\".* from Person \"#\"");
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testUseIndexHints() throws Exception {
checkQuery("select * from Person use index (\"PERSON_NAME_IDX\")");
checkQuery("select * from Person use index (\"PERSON_PARENTNAME_IDX\")");
checkQuery("select * from Person use index (\"PERSON_NAME_IDX\", \"PERSON_PARENTNAME_IDX\")");
checkQuery("select * from Person use index ()");
checkQuery("select * from Person p use index (\"PERSON_NAME_IDX\")");
checkQuery("select * from Person p use index (\"PERSON_PARENTNAME_IDX\")");
checkQuery("select * from Person p use index (\"PERSON_NAME_IDX\", \"PERSON_PARENTNAME_IDX\")");
checkQuery("select * from Person p use index ()");
* Query AST transformation heavily depends on this behavior.
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testParseTableFilter() throws Exception {
Prepared prepared = parse("select Person.old, p1.old, p1.addrId from Person, Person p1 " +
"where exists(select 1 from sch2.Address a where = p1.addrId)");
GridSqlSelect select = (GridSqlSelect)new GridSqlQueryParser(false, log).parse(prepared);
GridSqlJoin join = (GridSqlJoin)select.from();
GridSqlTable tbl1 = (GridSqlTable)join.leftTable();
GridSqlAlias tbl2Alias = (GridSqlAlias)join.rightTable();
GridSqlTable tbl2 = tbl2Alias.child();
// Must be distinct objects, even if it is the same table.
assertNotSame(tbl1, tbl2);
assertSame(tbl1.dataTable(), tbl2.dataTable());
GridSqlColumn col1 = (GridSqlColumn)select.column(0);
GridSqlColumn col2 = (GridSqlColumn)select.column(1);
assertSame(tbl1, col1.expressionInFrom());
// Alias in FROM must be included in column.
assertSame(tbl2Alias, col2.expressionInFrom());
// In EXISTS we must correctly reference the column from the outer query.
GridSqlAst exists = select.where();
GridSqlSubquery subqry = exists.child();
GridSqlSelect subSelect = subqry.child();
GridSqlColumn p1AddrIdCol = (GridSqlColumn)select.column(2);
assertEquals("ADDRID", p1AddrIdCol.column().getName());
assertSame(tbl2Alias, p1AddrIdCol.expressionInFrom());
GridSqlColumn p1AddrIdColExists = subSelect.where().child(1);
assertEquals("ADDRID", p1AddrIdCol.column().getName());
assertSame(tbl2Alias, p1AddrIdColExists.expressionInFrom());
/** */
public void testParseInsert() throws Exception {
/* Plain rows w/functions, operators, defaults, and placeholders. */
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) values(5, 'John')");
checkQuery("insert into Person(name) values(null)");
checkQuery("insert into Person() values()");
checkQuery("insert into Person(name) values(null), (null)");
checkQuery("insert into Person(name) values(null),");
checkQuery("insert into Person(name, parentName) values(null, null), (?, ?)");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) values(5, 'John',), (6, 'Jack')");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) values(5 * 3, null,)");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) values(ABS(-8), 'Max')");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) values(5, 'Jane'), (null, null), (6, 'Jill')");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name, parentName) values(8 * 7, null, 'Unknown')");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name, parentName) values" +
"(2016 - 1828, CONCAT('Leo', 'Tolstoy'), CONCAT(?, 'Tolstoy'))," +
"(?, 'AlexanderPushkin', null)," +
"(ABS(1821 - 2016), CONCAT('Fyodor', null, UPPER(CONCAT(SQRT(?), 'dostoevsky'))), null),");
checkQuery("insert into Person(date, old, name, parentName, addrId) values " +
"('20160112', 1233, 'Ivan Ivanov', 'Peter Ivanov', 123)");
checkQuery("insert into Person(date, old, name, parentName, addrId) values " +
"(CURRENT_DATE(), RAND(), ASCII('Hi'), INSERT('Leo Tolstoy', 4, 4, 'Max'), ASCII('HI'))");
checkQuery("insert into Person(date, old, name, parentName, addrId) values " +
"(TRUNCATE(TIMESTAMP '2015-12-31 23:59:59'), POWER(3,12), NULL, NULL, NULL)");
checkQuery("insert into Person SET old = 5, name = 'John'");
checkQuery("insert into Person SET name = CONCAT('Fyodor', null, UPPER(CONCAT(SQRT(?), 'dostoevsky'))), " +
"old = select (5, 6)");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) select ASCII(parentName), INSERT(parentName, 4, 4, 'Max') from " +
"Person where date='2011-03-12'");
/* Subqueries. */
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) select old, parentName from Person");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) direct sorted select old, parentName from Person");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) sorted select old, parentName from Person where old > 5");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) select 5, 'John'");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old, name) select p1.old, 'Name' from person p1 join person p2 on " +
" = p1.parentName where p2.old > 30");
checkQuery("insert into Person(old) select 5 from Person UNION select street from sch2.Address limit ? " +
"offset ?");
/** */
public void testParseDelete() throws Exception {
checkQuery("delete from Person");
checkQuery("delete from Person p where p.old > ?");
checkQuery("delete from Person where old in (select (40, 41, 42))");
checkQuery("delete top 5 from Person where old in (select (40, 41, 42))");
checkQuery("delete top ? from Person where old > 5 and length(name) < ?");
checkQuery("delete from Person where name in ('Ivan', 'Peter') limit 20");
checkQuery("delete from Person where name in ('Ivan', ?) limit ?");
/** */
public void testParseUpdate() throws Exception {
checkQuery("update Person set name='Peter'");
checkQuery("update Person per set name='Peter', old = 5");
checkQuery("update Person p set name='Peter' limit 20");
checkQuery("update Person p set name='Peter', old = length('zzz') limit 20");
checkQuery("update Person p set name=? where old >= ? and old < ? limit ?");
checkQuery("update Person p set name=(select a.Street from sch2.Address a where, old = " +
"(select 42) where old = sqrt(?)");
checkQuery("update Person p set (name, old) = (select 'Peter', 42)");
checkQuery("update Person p set (name, old) = (select street, id from sch2.Address where id > 5 and id <= ?)");
public void testParseCreateIndex() throws Exception {
buildCreateIndex(null, "Person", "sch1", false, QueryIndexType.SORTED,
QueryIndex.DFLT_INLINE_SIZE, "name", true),
"create index on Person (name)");
buildCreateIndex("idx", "Person", "sch1", false, QueryIndexType.SORTED,
QueryIndex.DFLT_INLINE_SIZE, "name", true),
"create index idx on Person (name ASC)");
buildCreateIndex("idx", "Person", "sch1", false, QueryIndexType.GEOSPATIAL,
QueryIndex.DFLT_INLINE_SIZE, "name", true),
"create spatial index sch1.idx on sch1.Person (name ASC)");
buildCreateIndex("idx", "Person", "sch1", true, QueryIndexType.SORTED,
QueryIndex.DFLT_INLINE_SIZE, "name", true),
"create index if not exists sch1.idx on sch1.Person (name)");
// When we specify schema for the table and don't specify it for the index, resulting schema is table's
buildCreateIndex("idx", "Person", "sch1", true, QueryIndexType.SORTED,
QueryIndex.DFLT_INLINE_SIZE, "name", false),
"create index if not exists idx on sch1.Person (name dEsC)");
buildCreateIndex("idx", "Person", "sch1", true, QueryIndexType.GEOSPATIAL,
QueryIndex.DFLT_INLINE_SIZE, "old", true, "name", false),
"create spatial index if not exists idx on Person (old, name desc)");
// Schemas for index and table must match
assertParseThrows("create index if not exists sch2.idx on sch1.Person (name)",
DbException.class, "Schema name must match");
assertParseThrows("create hash index if not exists idx on Person (name)",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Only SPATIAL modifier is supported for CREATE INDEX");
assertParseThrows("create unique index if not exists idx on Person (name)",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Only SPATIAL modifier is supported for CREATE INDEX");
assertParseThrows("create primary key on Person (name)",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Only SPATIAL modifier is supported for CREATE INDEX");
assertParseThrows("create primary key hash on Person (name)",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Only SPATIAL modifier is supported for CREATE INDEX");
assertParseThrows("create index on Person (name nulls first)",
IgniteSQLException.class, "NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST modifiers are not supported for index columns");
assertParseThrows("create index on Person (name desc nulls last)",
IgniteSQLException.class, "NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST modifiers are not supported for index columns");
public void testParseDropIndex() throws Exception {
// Schema that is not set defaults to default schema of connection which is sch1
assertDropIndexEquals(buildDropIndex("idx", "sch1", false), "drop index idx");
assertDropIndexEquals(buildDropIndex("idx", "sch1", true), "drop index if exists idx");
assertDropIndexEquals(buildDropIndex("idx", "sch1", true), "drop index if exists sch1.idx");
assertDropIndexEquals(buildDropIndex("idx", "sch1", false), "drop index sch1.idx");
// Message is null as long as it may differ from system to system, so we just check for exceptions
assertParseThrows("drop index schema2.", DbException.class, null);
assertParseThrows("drop index", DbException.class, null);
assertParseThrows("drop index if exists", DbException.class, null);
assertParseThrows("drop index if exists schema2.", DbException.class, null);
public void testParseDropTable() throws Exception {
// Schema that is not set defaults to default schema of connection which is sch1
assertDropTableEquals(buildDropTable("sch1", "tbl", false), "drop table tbl");
assertDropTableEquals(buildDropTable("sch1", "tbl", true), "drop table if exists tbl");
assertDropTableEquals(buildDropTable("sch1", "tbl", true), "drop table if exists sch1.tbl");
assertDropTableEquals(buildDropTable("sch1", "tbl", false), "drop table sch1.tbl");
// Message is null as long as it may differ from system to system, so we just check for exceptions
assertParseThrows("drop table schema2.", DbException.class, null);
assertParseThrows("drop table", DbException.class, null);
assertParseThrows("drop table if exists", DbException.class, null);
assertParseThrows("drop table if exists schema2.", DbException.class, null);
/** */
public void testParseCreateTable() throws Exception {
buildCreateTable("sch1", "Person", "cache", F.asList("id", "city"),
true, c("id", Value.INT), c("city", Value.STRING), c("name", Value.STRING),
c("surname", Value.STRING), c("age", Value.INT)),
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sch1.\"Person\" (\"id\" integer, \"city\" varchar," +
" \"name\" varchar, \"surname\" varchar, \"age\" integer, PRIMARY KEY (\"id\", \"city\")) WITH " +
buildCreateTable("sch1", "Person", "cache", F.asList("id"),
false, c("id", Value.INT), c("city", Value.STRING), c("name", Value.STRING),
c("surname", Value.STRING), cn("age", Value.INT)),
"CREATE TABLE sch1.\"Person\" (\"id\" integer PRIMARY KEY, \"city\" varchar," +
" \"name\" varchar, \"surname\" varchar, \"age\" integer NOT NULL) WITH " +
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int)",
IgniteSQLException.class, "No PRIMARY KEY defined for CREATE TABLE");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int) AS SELECT 2 * 2",
IgniteSQLException.class, "CREATE TABLE ... AS ... syntax is not supported");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int primary key)",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Table must have at least one non PRIMARY KEY column.");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int primary key, age int unique) WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Too many constraints - only PRIMARY KEY is supported for CREATE TABLE");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int auto_increment primary key, age int) WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "AUTO_INCREMENT columns are not supported");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int primary key check id > 0, age int) WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Column CHECK constraints are not supported [colName=ID]");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int as age * 2 primary key, age int) WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Computed columns are not supported [colName=ID]");
assertParseThrows("create table Int (_key int primary key, _val int) WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Direct specification of _KEY and _VAL columns is forbidden");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (" +
"unquoted_id LONG, " +
"\"quoted_id\" LONG, " +
"PRIMARY KEY (UNQUOTED_ID, quoted_id)) " +
"WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "PRIMARY KEY column is not defined: QUOTED_ID");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (" +
"unquoted_id LONG, " +
"\"quoted_id\" LONG, " +
"PRIMARY KEY (\"unquoted_id\", \"quoted_id\")) " +
"WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "PRIMARY KEY column is not defined: unquoted_id");
/** */
public void testParseCreateTableWithDefaults() {
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int primary key, age int, " +
"ts TIMESTAMP default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Non-constant DEFAULT expressions are not supported [colName=TS]");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int primary key, age int default 'test') " +
"WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Invalid default value for column. " +
"[colName=AGE, colType=INTEGER, dfltValueType=VARCHAR]");
assertParseThrows("create table Person (id int primary key, name varchar default 1) " +
"WITH \"template=cache\"",
IgniteSQLException.class, "Invalid default value for column. " +
"[colName=NAME, colType=VARCHAR, dfltValueType=INTEGER]");
/** */
public void testParseAlterTableAddColumn() throws Exception {
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(buildAlterTableAddColumn("SCH2", "Person", false, false,
c("COMPANY", Value.STRING)), "ALTER TABLE SCH2.Person ADD company varchar");
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(buildAlterTableAddColumn("SCH2", "Person", true, true,
c("COMPANY", Value.STRING)), "ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS SCH2.Person ADD if not exists company varchar");
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(buildAlterTableAddColumn("SCH2", "Person", false, true,
c("COMPANY", Value.STRING), c("city", Value.STRING)),
"ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS SCH2.Person ADD (company varchar, \"city\" varchar)");
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(buildAlterTableAddColumn("SCH2", "City", false, true,
c("POPULATION", Value.INT)), "ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS SCH2.\"City\" ADD (population int)");
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(buildAlterTableAddColumn("SCH2", "City", false, true,
cn("POPULATION", Value.INT)), "ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS SCH2.\"City\" ADD (population int NOT NULL)");
// There's no table with such name, but H2 parsing does not fail just yet.
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(buildAlterTableAddColumn("SCH2", "City", false, false,
c("POPULATION", Value.INT)), "ALTER TABLE SCH2.\"City\" ADD (population int)");
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(buildAlterTableAddColumn("SCH2", "Person", true, false,
c("NAME", Value.STRING)), "ALTER TABLE SCH2.Person ADD if not exists name varchar");
// There's a column with such name, but H2 parsing does not fail just yet.
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(buildAlterTableAddColumn("SCH2", "Person", false, false,
c("NAME", Value.STRING)), "ALTER TABLE SCH2.Person ADD name varchar");
// IF NOT EXISTS with multiple columns.
assertParseThrows("ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS SCH2.Person ADD if not exists (company varchar, city varchar)",
DbException.class, null);
// Both BEFORE keyword.
assertParseThrows("ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS SCH2.Person ADD if not exists company varchar before addrid",
IgniteSQLException.class, "BEFORE keyword is not supported");
// Both AFTER keyword.
assertParseThrows("ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS SCH2.Person ADD if not exists company varchar after addrid",
IgniteSQLException.class, "AFTER keyword is not supported");
assertParseThrows("ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS SCH2.Person ADD if not exists company varchar first",
IgniteSQLException.class, "FIRST keyword is not supported");
// No such schema.
assertParseThrows("ALTER TABLE SCH5.\"Person\" ADD (city varchar)", DbException.class, null);
* @param sql Statement.
* @param exCls Exception class.
* @param msg Expected message.
private void assertParseThrows(final String sql, Class<? extends Exception> exCls, String msg) {
GridTestUtils.assertThrows(null, new Callable<Object>() {
@Override public Object call() throws Exception {
Prepared p = parse(sql);
return new GridSqlQueryParser(false, log).parse(p);
}, exCls, msg);
* Parse SQL and compare it to expected instance.
private void assertCreateIndexEquals(GridSqlCreateIndex exp, String sql) throws Exception {
Prepared prepared = parse(sql);
GridSqlStatement stmt = new GridSqlQueryParser(false, log).parse(prepared);
assertTrue(stmt instanceof GridSqlCreateIndex);
assertCreateIndexEquals(exp, (GridSqlCreateIndex) stmt);
* Parse SQL and compare it to expected instance of DROP INDEX.
private void assertDropIndexEquals(GridSqlDropIndex exp, String sql) throws Exception {
Prepared prepared = parse(sql);
GridSqlStatement stmt = new GridSqlQueryParser(false, log).parse(prepared);
assertTrue(stmt instanceof GridSqlDropIndex);
assertDropIndexEquals(exp, (GridSqlDropIndex) stmt);
* Test two instances of {@link GridSqlDropIndex} for equality.
private static void assertDropIndexEquals(GridSqlDropIndex exp, GridSqlDropIndex actual) {
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.indexName(), actual.indexName());
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.schemaName(), actual.schemaName());
assertEquals(exp.ifExists(), actual.ifExists());
private static GridSqlDropIndex buildDropIndex(String name, String schema, boolean ifExists) {
GridSqlDropIndex res = new GridSqlDropIndex();
return res;
* Parse SQL and compare it to expected instance of DROP TABLE.
private void assertCreateTableEquals(GridSqlCreateTable exp, String sql) throws Exception {
Prepared prepared = parse(sql);
GridSqlStatement stmt = new GridSqlQueryParser(false, log).parse(prepared);
assertTrue(stmt instanceof GridSqlCreateTable);
assertCreateTableEquals(exp, (GridSqlCreateTable) stmt);
* Test two instances of {@link GridSqlDropTable} for equality.
private static void assertCreateTableEquals(GridSqlCreateTable exp, GridSqlCreateTable actual) {
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.schemaName(), actual.schemaName());
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.tableName(), actual.tableName());
assertEquals(exp.templateName(), actual.templateName());
assertEquals(exp.primaryKeyColumns(), actual.primaryKeyColumns());
assertEquals(new ArrayList<>(exp.columns().keySet()), new ArrayList<>(actual.columns().keySet()));
for (Map.Entry<String, GridSqlColumn> col : exp.columns().entrySet()) {
GridSqlColumn val = actual.columns().get(col.getKey());
assertEquals(col.getValue().columnName(), val.columnName());
assertEquals(col.getValue().column().getType(), val.column().getType());
assertEquals(exp.ifNotExists(), actual.ifNotExists());
private static GridSqlCreateTable buildCreateTable(String schema, String tbl, String tplCacheName,
Collection<String> pkColNames, boolean ifNotExists, GridSqlColumn... cols) {
GridSqlCreateTable res = new GridSqlCreateTable();
res.primaryKeyColumns(new LinkedHashSet<>(pkColNames));
LinkedHashMap<String, GridSqlColumn> m = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (GridSqlColumn col : cols)
m.put(col.columnName(), col);
return res;
* Parse SQL and compare it to expected instance of ALTER TABLE.
private void assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn exp, String sql) throws Exception {
Prepared prepared = parse(sql);
GridSqlStatement stmt = new GridSqlQueryParser(false, log).parse(prepared);
assertTrue(stmt instanceof GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn);
assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(exp, (GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn)stmt);
/** */
private static GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn buildAlterTableAddColumn(String schema, String tbl,
boolean ifNotExists, boolean ifTblExists, GridSqlColumn... cols) {
GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn res = new GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn();
return res;
* Test two instances of {@link GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn} for equality.
private static void assertAlterTableAddColumnEquals(GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn exp,
GridSqlAlterTableAddColumn actual) {
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.schemaName(), actual.schemaName());
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.tableName(), actual.tableName());
assertEquals(exp.columns().length, actual.columns().length);
for (int i = 0; i < exp.columns().length; i++) {
GridSqlColumn expCol = exp.columns()[i];
GridSqlColumn col = actual.columns()[i];
assertEquals(expCol.columnName(), col.columnName());
assertEquals(expCol.column().getType(), col.column().getType());
assertEquals(exp.ifNotExists(), actual.ifNotExists());
assertEquals(exp.ifTableExists(), actual.ifTableExists());
* @param name Column name.
* @param type Column data type.
* @return {@link GridSqlColumn} with given name and type.
private static GridSqlColumn c(String name, int type) {
return new GridSqlColumn(new Column(name, type), null, name);
* Constructs non-nullable column.
* @param name Column name.
* @param type Column data type.
* @return {@link GridSqlColumn} with given name and type.
private static GridSqlColumn cn(String name, int type) {
Column col = new Column(name, type);
return new GridSqlColumn(col, null, name);
* Parse SQL and compare it to expected instance of DROP TABLE.
private void assertDropTableEquals(GridSqlDropTable exp, String sql) throws Exception {
Prepared prepared = parse(sql);
GridSqlStatement stmt = new GridSqlQueryParser(false, log).parse(prepared);
assertTrue(stmt instanceof GridSqlDropTable);
assertDropTableEquals(exp, (GridSqlDropTable) stmt);
* Test two instances of {@link GridSqlDropTable} for equality.
private static void assertDropTableEquals(GridSqlDropTable exp, GridSqlDropTable actual) {
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.schemaName(), actual.schemaName());
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.tableName(), actual.tableName());
assertEquals(exp.ifExists(), actual.ifExists());
private static GridSqlDropTable buildDropTable(String schema, String tbl, boolean ifExists) {
GridSqlDropTable res = new GridSqlDropTable();
return res;
* Test two instances of {@link GridSqlCreateIndex} for equality.
private static void assertCreateIndexEquals(GridSqlCreateIndex exp, GridSqlCreateIndex actual) {
assertEquals(exp.ifNotExists(), actual.ifNotExists());
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.schemaName(), actual.schemaName());
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.tableName(), actual.tableName());
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(exp.index().getName(), actual.index().getName());
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Boolean>> expFldsIt = exp.index().getFields().entrySet().iterator();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Boolean>> actualFldsIt = actual.index().getFields().entrySet().iterator();
while (expFldsIt.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, Boolean> expEntry =;
Map.Entry<String, Boolean> actualEntry =;
assertEqualsIgnoreCase(expEntry.getKey(), actualEntry.getKey());
assertEquals(expEntry.getValue(), actualEntry.getValue());
assertEquals(exp.index().getIndexType(), actual.index().getIndexType());
private static void assertEqualsIgnoreCase(String exp, String actual) {
assertEquals((exp == null), (actual == null));
if (exp != null)
private static GridSqlCreateIndex buildCreateIndex(String name, String tblName, String schemaName,
boolean ifNotExists, QueryIndexType type, int inlineSize, Object... flds) {
QueryIndex idx = new QueryIndex();
assert !F.isEmpty(flds) && flds.length % 2 == 0;
LinkedHashMap<String, Boolean> trueFlds = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < flds.length / 2; i++)
trueFlds.put((String)flds[i * 2], (Boolean)flds[i * 2 + 1]);
GridSqlCreateIndex res = new GridSqlCreateIndex();
return res;
private H2PooledConnection connection() throws Exception {
IgniteH2Indexing idx = (IgniteH2Indexing)((IgniteEx)ignite).context().query().getIndexing();
return idx.connections().connection(idx.schema(DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME));
* @param sql Sql.
private <T extends Prepared> T parse(String sql) throws Exception {
try (H2PooledConnection conn = connection()) {
Session ses = H2Utils.session(conn);
QueryContext.parseContext(null, true), false, false, false);
return (T)ses.prepare(sql);
* @param exp Sql 1.
* @param actual Sql 2.
private void assertSqlEquals(String exp, String actual) {
String nsql1 = normalizeSql(exp);
String nsql2 = normalizeSql(actual);
assertEquals(nsql1, nsql2);
* @param sql Sql.
private static String normalizeSql(String sql) {
return sql.toLowerCase()
.replaceAll("/\\*(?:.|\r|\n)*?\\*/", " ")
.replaceAll("\\s*on\\s+1\\s*=\\s*1\\s*", " on true ")
.replaceAll("\\s+", " ")
.replaceAll("\\( +", "(")
.replaceAll(" +\\)", ")")
* @param qry Query.
private void checkQuery(String qry) throws Exception {
Prepared prepared = parse(qry);
GridSqlStatement gQry = new GridSqlQueryParser(false, log).parse(prepared);
String res = gQry.getSQL();
assertSqlEquals(U.firstNotNull(prepared.getPlanSQL(), prepared.getSQL()), res);
/** */
public static int cool1() {
return 1;
/** */
public static ResultSet table0(Connection c, String a, int b) throws SQLException {
return c.createStatement().executeQuery("select '" + a + "' as a, " + b + " as b");
public static class PersonKey implements Serializable {
/** */
public int id;
/** Should not be allowed in KEY clause of MERGE. */
public String stuff;
public static class Person implements Serializable {
/** */
@QuerySqlField(index = true)
public Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
/** */
@QuerySqlField(index = true)
public String name = "Ivan";
/** */
@QuerySqlField(index = true)
public String parentName;
/** */
@QuerySqlField(index = true)
public int addrId;
/** */
public Integer[] addrIds;
/** */
@QuerySqlField(index = true)
public int old;
public static class Address implements Serializable {
/** */
@QuerySqlField(index = true)
public int id;
/** */
@QuerySqlField(index = true)
public int streetNumber;
/** */
@QuerySqlField(index = true)
public String street = "Nevskiy";