blob: f99927ceab1f76fc4d329b88a7286e640c2e12c1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.tostring.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;
* This interface defines basic logging functionality used throughout the system. We had to
* abstract it out so that we can use whatever logging is used by the hosting environment.
* Currently, <a target=_new href="">log4j</a>,
* <a target=_new href="">JBoss</a>,
* <a target=_new href="">JCL</a> and
* console logging are provided as supported implementations.
* <p>
* Ignite logger could be configured either from code (for example log4j logger):
* <pre name="code" class="java">
* IgniteConfiguration cfg = new IgniteConfiguration();
* ...
* URL xml = U.resolveIgniteUrl("config/custom-log4j.xml");
* IgniteLogger log = new Log4JLogger(xml);
* ...
* cfg.setGridLogger(log);
* </pre>
* or in grid configuration file (see JCL logger example below):
* <pre name="code" class="xml">
* ...
* &lt;property name="gridLogger"&gt;
* &lt;bean class="org.apache.ignite.logger.jcl.JclLogger"&gt;
* &lt;constructor-arg type="org.apache.commons.logging.Log"&gt;
* &lt;bean class="org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger"&gt;
* &lt;constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="config/ignite-log4j.xml"/&gt;
* &lt;/bean&gt;
* &lt;/constructor-arg&gt;
* &lt;/bean&gt;
* &lt;/property&gt;
* ...
* </pre>
* It's recommended to use Ignite's logger injection instead of using/instantiating
* logger in your task/job code. See {@link org.apache.ignite.resources.LoggerResource} annotation about logger
* injection.
* <h1 class="header">Quiet Mode</h1>
* By default Ignite starts in "quiet" mode suppressing {@code INFO} and {@code DEBUG}
* log output. If system property {@code IGNITE_QUIET} is set to {@code false} than Ignition
* will operate in normal un-suppressed logging mode. Note that all output in "quiet" mode is
* done through standard output (STDOUT).
* <p>
* Note that Ignite's standard startup scripts <tt>$IGNITE_HOME/bin/ignite.{sh|bat}</tt> start
* by default in "quiet" mode. Both scripts accept {@code -v} arguments to turn off "quiet" mode.
public interface IgniteLogger {
* Creates new logger with given category based off the current instance.
* @param ctgr Category for new logger.
* @return New logger with given category.
public IgniteLogger getLogger(Object ctgr);
* Logs out trace message.
* @param msg Trace message.
public void trace(String msg);
* Logs out debug message.
* @param msg Debug message.
public void debug(String msg);
* Logs out information message.
* @param msg Information message.
public void info(String msg);
* Logs out warning message.
* @param msg Warning message.
public void warning(String msg);
* Logs out warning message with optional exception.
* @param msg Warning message.
* @param e Optional exception (can be {@code null}).
public void warning(String msg, @Nullable Throwable e);
* Logs out error message.
* @param msg Error message.
public void error(String msg);
* Logs error message with optional exception.
* @param msg Error message.
* @param e Optional exception (can be {@code null}).
public void error(String msg, @Nullable Throwable e);
* Tests whether {@code trace} level is enabled.
* @return {@code true} in case when {@code trace} level is enabled, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isTraceEnabled();
* Tests whether {@code debug} level is enabled.
* @return {@code true} in case when {@code debug} level is enabled, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isDebugEnabled();
* Tests whether {@code info} level is enabled.
* @return {@code true} in case when {@code info} level is enabled, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isInfoEnabled();
* Tests whether {@code info} and {@code debug} levels are turned off.
* @return Whether {@code info} and {@code debug} levels are turned off.
public boolean isQuiet();
* Gets name of the file being logged to if one is configured or {@code null} otherwise.
* @return Name of the file being logged to if one is configured or {@code null} otherwise.
public String fileName();