blob: aee3a15a026361737a2568dbd8ce16d82388e277 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.sql;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.SqlFieldsQuery;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.index.AbstractIndexingCommonTest;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException;
import org.apache.ignite.testframework.GridTestUtils;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.SqlStateCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.odbc.SqlStateCode.INTERNAL_ERROR;
public class IgniteSQLColumnConstraintsTest extends AbstractIndexingCommonTest {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void beforeTestsStarted() throws Exception {
String mvccQry = mvccEnabled() ? " WITH \"atomicity=transactional_snapshot\"" : "";
runSQL("CREATE TABLE varchar_table(id INT PRIMARY KEY, str VARCHAR(5))" + mvccQry);
execSQL("INSERT INTO varchar_table VALUES(?, ?)", 1, "12345");
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM varchar_table WHERE id = 1", 1, "12345");
runSQL("CREATE TABLE decimal_table(id INT PRIMARY KEY, val DECIMAL(4, 2))" + mvccQry);
execSQL("INSERT INTO decimal_table VALUES(?, ?)", 1, 12.34);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table WHERE id = 1", 1, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
runSQL("CREATE TABLE char_table(id INT PRIMARY KEY, str CHAR(5))" + mvccQry);
execSQL("INSERT INTO char_table VALUES(?, ?)", 1, "12345");
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table WHERE id = 1", 1, "12345");
runSQL("CREATE TABLE decimal_table_4(id INT PRIMARY KEY, field DECIMAL(4, 2))" + mvccQry);
runSQL("CREATE TABLE char_table_2(id INT PRIMARY KEY, field INTEGER)" + mvccQry);
runSQL("CREATE TABLE decimal_table_2(id INT PRIMARY KEY, field INTEGER)" + mvccQry);
runSQL("CREATE TABLE char_table_3(id INT PRIMARY KEY, field CHAR(5), field2 INTEGER)" + mvccQry);
runSQL("CREATE TABLE decimal_table_3(id INT PRIMARY KEY, field DECIMAL(4, 2), field2 INTEGER)" + mvccQry);
runSQL("CREATE TABLE char_table_4(id INT PRIMARY KEY, field CHAR(5))" + mvccQry);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCreateTableWithTooLongCharDefault() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("CREATE TABLE too_long_default(id INT PRIMARY KEY, str CHAR(5) DEFAULT '123456')",
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCreateTableWithTooLongScaleDecimalDefault() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("CREATE TABLE too_long_decimal_default_scale(id INT PRIMARY KEY, val DECIMAL(4, 2)" +
public void testCreateTableWithTooLongDecimalDefault() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("CREATE TABLE too_long_decimal_default(id INT PRIMARY KEY, val DECIMAL(4, 2)" +
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testInsertTooLongDecimal() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO decimal_table VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 2, 123.45);
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table WHERE id = ?", 2).isEmpty());
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE decimal_table SET val = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 123.45, 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table WHERE id = 1", 1, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO decimal_table(id, val) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1, 123.45);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table WHERE id = 1", 1, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testInsertTooLongScaleDecimal() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO decimal_table VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 3, 1.234);
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table WHERE id = ?", 3).isEmpty());
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE decimal_table SET val = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1.234, 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table WHERE id = 1", 1, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO decimal_table(id, val) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1, 1.234);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table WHERE id = 1", 1, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testInsertTooLongVarchar() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO varchar_table VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 2, "123456");
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM varchar_table WHERE id = ?", 2).isEmpty());
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE varchar_table SET str = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, "123456", 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM varchar_table WHERE id = 1", 1, "12345");
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO varchar_table(id, str) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1, "123456");
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM varchar_table WHERE id = 1", 1, "12345");
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testInsertTooLongChar() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO char_table VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 2, "123456");
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM char_table WHERE id = ?", 2).isEmpty());
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE char_table SET str = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, "123456", 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table WHERE id = 1", 1, "12345");
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO char_table(id, str) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1, "123456");
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table WHERE id = 1", 1, "12345");
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCharConstraintsAfterAlterTable() throws Exception {
execSQL("ALTER TABLE char_table_2 ADD COLUMN str CHAR(5) NOT NULL");
execSQL("INSERT INTO char_table_2(id, str) VALUES(?, ?)", 1, "1");
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, "1");
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO char_table_2(id, str) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 2, "123456");
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_2 WHERE id = ?", 2).isEmpty());
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE char_table_2 SET str = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, "123456", 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, "1");
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO char_table_2(id, str) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1, "123456");
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, "1");
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDecimalConstraintsAfterAlterTable() throws Exception {
execSQL("ALTER TABLE decimal_table_2 ADD COLUMN val DECIMAL(4, 2) NOT NULL");
execSQL("INSERT INTO decimal_table_2(id, val) VALUES(?, ?)", 1, 12.34);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO decimal_table_2(id, val) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 2, 1234.56);
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_2 WHERE id = ?", 2).isEmpty());
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE decimal_table_2 SET val = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1234.56, 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO decimal_table_2(id, val) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1, 12345.6);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO decimal_table_2(id, val) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 3, 1.234);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE decimal_table_2 SET val = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1.234, 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO decimal_table_2(id, val) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1, 1.234);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_2 WHERE id = 1", 1, null, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCharDropColumnWithConstraint() throws Exception {
execSQL("INSERT INTO char_table_3(id, field, field2) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", 1, "12345", 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table_3 WHERE id = 1", 1, "12345", 1);
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO char_table_3(id, field, field2) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
2, "123456", 1);
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_3 WHERE id = ?", 2).isEmpty());
execSQL("ALTER TABLE char_table_3 DROP COLUMN field");
execSQL("INSERT INTO char_table_3(id, field2) VALUES(?, ?)", 3, 3);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table_3 WHERE id = 3", 3, 3);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDecimalDropColumnWithConstraint() throws Exception {
execSQL("INSERT INTO decimal_table_3(id, field, field2) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", 1, 12.34, 1);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_3 WHERE id = 1", 1, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34), 1);
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO decimal_table_3(id, field, field2) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
2, 12.3456, 1);
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_3 WHERE id = ?", 2).isEmpty());
execSQL("ALTER TABLE decimal_table_3 DROP COLUMN field");
execSQL("INSERT INTO decimal_table_3(id, field2) VALUES(?, ?)", 3, 3);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_3 WHERE id = 3", 3, 3);
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testCharSqlState() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO char_table_4(id, field) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 1, "123456");
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_4 WHERE id = ?", 1).isEmpty());
execSQL("INSERT INTO char_table_4(id, field) VALUES(?, ?)", 2, "12345");
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table_4 WHERE id = 2", 2, "12345");
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE char_table_4 SET field = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, "123456", 2);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table_4 WHERE id = 2", 2, "12345");
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO char_table_4(id, field) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, 2, "123456");
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM char_table_4 WHERE id = 2", 2, "12345");
* @throws Exception If failed.
public void testDecimalSqlState() throws Exception {
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO decimal_table_4 VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
1, BigDecimal.valueOf(1234.56));
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_4 WHERE id = ?", 1).isEmpty());
checkSQLThrows("INSERT INTO decimal_table_4 VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
1, BigDecimal.valueOf(1.345));
assertTrue(execSQL("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_4 WHERE id = ?", 1).isEmpty());
execSQL("INSERT INTO decimal_table_4 (id, field) VALUES(?, ?)", 2, 12.34);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_4 WHERE id = 2", 2, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE decimal_table_4 SET field = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
BigDecimal.valueOf(1234.56), 2);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_4 WHERE id = 2", 2, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO decimal_table_4(id, field) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
2, BigDecimal.valueOf(1234.56));
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_4 WHERE id = 2", 2, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("UPDATE decimal_table_4 SET field = ? WHERE id = ?", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
BigDecimal.valueOf(1.345), 2);
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_4 WHERE id = 2", 2, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
checkSQLThrows("MERGE INTO decimal_table_4(id, field) VALUES(?, ?)", CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
2, BigDecimal.valueOf(1.345));
checkSQLResults("SELECT * FROM decimal_table_4 WHERE id = 2", 2, BigDecimal.valueOf(12.34));
/** */
protected void checkSQLThrows(String sql, String sqlStateCode, Object... args) {
IgniteSQLException err = (IgniteSQLException)GridTestUtils.assertThrowsWithCause(() -> {
execSQL(sql, args);
return 0;
}, IgniteSQLException.class);
assertEquals(err.sqlState(), sqlStateCode);
/** */
protected List<?> execSQL(String sql, Object... args) {
return runSQL(sql, args);
/** */
protected List<?> runSQL(String sql, Object... args) {
SqlFieldsQuery qry = new SqlFieldsQuery(sql)
return grid(0).context().query().querySqlFields(qry, true).getAll();
/** */
protected void checkSQLResults(String sql, Object... args) {
List<?> rows = execSQL(sql);
assertEquals(rows.size(), 1);
List<?> row = (List<?>)rows.get(0);
assertEquals(row.size(), args.length);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
assertTrue(args[i] + " != " + row.get(i), Objects.equals(args[i], row.get(i)));
/** */
protected boolean mvccEnabled() {
return false;