blob: 45b55bea54ec50819f8fa9f97fd53727527b4933 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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This module contains control utility wrapper.
import random
import re
import socket
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import NamedTuple
from ducktape.cluster.remoteaccount import RemoteCommandError
from import get_credentials, is_auth_enabled
from import get_ssl_params, is_ssl_enabled, IGNITE_ADMIN_ALIAS
from import JmxClient
from ignitetest.utils.version import V_2_11_0
class ControlUtility:
Control utility ( wrapper.
def __init__(self, cluster, ssl_params=None, username=None, password=None):
self._cluster = cluster
self.logger = cluster.context.logger
if ssl_params:
self.ssl_params = ssl_params
elif is_ssl_enabled(cluster.context.globals):
self.ssl_params = get_ssl_params(cluster.context.globals, cluster.shared_root, IGNITE_ADMIN_ALIAS)
if username and password:
self.username, self.password = username, password
elif is_auth_enabled(cluster.context.globals):
self.username, self.password = get_credentials(cluster.context.globals)
def baseline(self):
:return Baseline nodes.
return self.cluster_state().baseline
def cluster_state(self):
:return: Cluster state.
result = self.__run("--baseline")
return self.__parse_cluster_state(result)
def set_baseline(self, baseline):
:param baseline: Baseline nodes or topology version to set as baseline.
if isinstance(baseline, int):
result = self.__run(f"--baseline version {baseline} --yes")
result = self.__run(
f"--baseline set {','.join([node.account.externally_routable_ip for node in baseline])} --yes")
return self.__parse_cluster_state(result)
def add_to_baseline(self, nodes):
:param nodes: Nodes that should be added to baseline.
result = self.__run(
f"--baseline add {','.join([node.account.externally_routable_ip for node in nodes])} --yes")
return self.__parse_cluster_state(result)
def remove_from_baseline(self, nodes):
:param nodes: Nodes that should be removed to baseline.
result = self.__run(
f"--baseline remove {','.join([node.account.externally_routable_ip for node in nodes])} --yes")
return self.__parse_cluster_state(result)
def disable_baseline_auto_adjust(self):
Disable baseline auto adjust.
return self.__run("--baseline auto_adjust disable --yes")
def enable_baseline_auto_adjust(self, timeout=None):
Enable baseline auto adjust.
:param timeout: Auto adjust timeout in millis.
timeout_str = f"timeout {timeout}" if timeout else ""
return self.__run(f"--baseline auto_adjust enable {timeout_str} --yes")
def activate(self):
Activate cluster.
return self.__run("--activate --yes")
def deactivate(self):
Deactivate cluster.
return self.__run("--deactivate --yes")
def tx(self, **kwargs):
Get list of transactions, various filters can be applied.
output = self.__run(self.__tx_command(**kwargs))
res = self.__parse_tx_list(output)
return res if res else output
def tx_info(self, xid):
Get verbose transaction info by xid.
return self.__parse_tx_info(self.__run(f"--tx --info {xid}"))
def tx_kill(self, **kwargs):
Kill transaction by xid or by various filter.
output = self.__run(self.__tx_command(kill=True, **kwargs))
res = self.__parse_tx_list(output)
return res if res else output
def validate_indexes(self):
Validate indexes.
data = self.__run("--cache validate_indexes")
assert ('no issues found.' in data), data
def idle_verify(self):
Idle verify.
data = self.__run("--cache idle_verify")
if self._cluster.config.version < V_2_11_0:
msg = 'idle_verify check has finished, no conflicts have been found.'
msg = 'The check procedure has finished, no conflicts have been found.'
assert (msg in data), data
def idle_verify_dump(self, node=None):
Idle verify dump.
:param node: Node on which the command will be executed and the dump file will be located.
data = self.__run("--cache idle_verify --dump", node=node)
assert ('VisorIdleVerifyDumpTask successfully' in data), data
return'/.*.txt', data).group(0)
def check_consistency(self, args):
Consistency check.
data = self.__run(f"--consistency {args} --enable-experimental")
assert ('Command [CONSISTENCY] finished with code: 0' in data), data
def snapshot_create(self, snapshot_name: str, timeout_sec: int = 60):
Create snapshot.
:param snapshot_name: Name of Snapshot.
:param timeout_sec: Timeout to await snapshot to complete.
res = self.__run(f"--snapshot create {snapshot_name}")
assert "Command [SNAPSHOT] finished with code: 0" in res
delta_time = + timedelta(seconds=timeout_sec)
while < delta_time:
for node in self._cluster.nodes:
mbean = JmxClient(node).find_mbean('.*name=snapshot.*', negative_pattern='group=views')
if snapshot_name != next(mbean.LastSnapshotName, ""):
start_time = int(next(mbean.LastSnapshotStartTime))
end_time = int(next(mbean.LastSnapshotEndTime))
err_msg = next(mbean.LastSnapshotErrorMessage)
if (start_time < end_time) and (err_msg == ''):
assert snapshot_name == next(mbean.LastSnapshotName)
raise TimeoutError(f'Failed to wait for the snapshot operation to complete: '
f'snapshot_name={snapshot_name} in {timeout_sec} seconds.')
def __tx_command(**kwargs):
tokens = ["--tx"]
if 'xid' in kwargs:
tokens.append(f"--xid {kwargs['xid']}")
if kwargs.get('clients'):
if kwargs.get('servers'):
if 'min_duration' in kwargs:
tokens.append(f"--min-duration {kwargs.get('min_duration')}")
if 'min_size' in kwargs:
tokens.append(f"--min-size {kwargs.get('min_size')}")
if 'label_pattern' in kwargs:
tokens.append(f"--label {kwargs['label_pattern']}")
if kwargs.get("nodes"):
tokens.append(f"--nodes {','.join(kwargs.get('nodes'))}")
if 'limit' in kwargs:
tokens.append(f"--limit {kwargs['limit']}")
if 'order' in kwargs:
tokens.append(f"--order {kwargs['order']}")
if kwargs.get('kill'):
tokens.append("--kill --yes")
return " ".join(tokens)
def __parse_tx_info(output):
tx_info_pattern = re.compile(
"Near XID version: "
"(?P<xid_full>GridCacheVersion \\[topVer=\\d+, order=\\d+, nodeOrder=\\d+(, dataCenterId=\\d+)?\\])\\n\\s+"
"Near XID version \\(UUID\\): (?P<xid>[^\\s]+)\\n\\s+"
"Isolation: (?P<isolation>[^\\s]+)\\n\\s+"
"Concurrency: (?P<concurrency>[^\\s]+)\\n\\s+"
"Timeout: (?P<timeout>\\d+)\\n\\s+"
"Initiator node: (?P<initiator_id>[^\\s]+)\\n\\s+"
"Initiator node \\(consistent ID\\): (?P<initiator_consistent_id>[^\\s+]+)\\n\\s+"
"Label: (?P<label>[^\\s]+)\\n\\s+Topology version: AffinityTopologyVersion "
"\\[topVer=(?P<top_ver>\\d+), minorTopVer=(?P<minor_top_ver>\\d+)\\]\\n\\s+"
"Used caches \\(ID to name\\): {(?P<caches>.*)}\\n\\s+"
"Used cache groups \\(ID to name\\): {(?P<cache_groups>.*)}\\n\\s+"
"States across the cluster: \\[(?P<states>.*)\\]"
match =
str_fields = ['xid', 'xid_full', 'label', 'timeout', 'isolation', 'concurrency', 'initiator_id',
dict_fields = ['caches', 'cache_groups']
if match:
kwargs = {v: for v in str_fields}
kwargs['timeout'] = int('timeout'))
kwargs.update({v: parse_dict( for v in dict_fields})
kwargs['top_ver'] = (int('top_ver')), int('minor_top_ver')))
kwargs['states'] = parse_list('states'))
return TxVerboseInfo(**kwargs)
return None
def __parse_tx_list(output):
tx_pattern = re.compile(
"Tx: \\[xid=(?P<xid>[^\\s]+), "
"label=(?P<label>[^\\s]+), state=(?P<state>[^\\s]+), "
"startTime=(?P<start_time>\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d{3}), "
"duration=(?P<duration>\\d+)( sec)?, "
"isolation=(?P<isolation>[^\\s]+), concurrency=(?P<concurrency>[^\\s]+), "
"topVer=AffinityTopologyVersion \\[topVer=(?P<top_ver>\\d+), minorTopVer=(?P<minor_top_ver>\\d+)\\], "
"timeout=(?P<timeout>\\d+)( sec)?, size=(?P<size>\\d+), dhtNodes=\\[(?P<dht_nodes>.*)\\], "
"nearXid=(?P<near_xid>[^\\s]+), parentNodeIds=\\[(?P<parent_nodes>.*)\\]\\]")
str_fields = ['xid', 'label', 'state', 'isolation', 'concurrency', 'near_xid']
int_fields = ['timeout', 'size', 'duration']
list_fields = ['parent_nodes', 'dht_nodes']
tx_list = []
for match in tx_pattern.finditer(output):
kwargs = {v: for v in str_fields}
kwargs.update({v: int( for v in int_fields})
kwargs['top_ver'] = (int('top_ver')), int('minor_top_ver')))
kwargs.update({v: parse_list( for v in list_fields})
kwargs['start_time'] = time.strptime('start_time'), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
return tx_list
def __parse_cluster_state(output):
state_pattern = re.compile("Cluster state: (?P<cluster_state>[^\\s]+)")
topology_pattern = re.compile("Current topology version: (?P<topology_version>\\d+)")
baseline_pattern = re.compile("Consistent(Id|ID)=(?P<consistent_id>[^\\s]+)"
match =
state ="cluster_state") if match else None
match =
topology = int("topology_version")) if match else None
baseline = []
for match in baseline_pattern.finditer(output):
node = BaselineNode("consistent_id"),"state"),"address"),
order=int("order")) if"order") else None)
return ClusterState(state=state, topology_version=topology, baseline=baseline)
def __run(self, cmd, node=None):
if node is None:
node = random.choice(self._cluster.alive_nodes)
self.logger.debug(f"Run command {cmd} on node {}")
node_ip = socket.gethostbyname(node.account.hostname)
raw_output = node.account.ssh_capture(self.__form_cmd(node_ip, cmd), allow_fail=True)
code, output = self.__parse_output(raw_output)
self.logger.debug(f"Output of command {cmd} on node {}, exited with code {code}, is {output}")
if code != 0:
raise ControlUtilityError(node.account, cmd, code, output)
return output
def __form_cmd(self, node_ip, cmd):
ssl = ""
if hasattr(self, "ssl_params"):
ssl = f" --keystore {self.ssl_params.key_store_path} " \
f"--keystore-password {self.ssl_params.key_store_password} " \
f"--truststore {self.ssl_params.trust_store_path} " \
f"--truststore-password {self.ssl_params.trust_store_password}"
auth = ""
if hasattr(self, "username"):
auth = f" --user {self.username} --password {self.password} "
return self._cluster.script(f"{self.BASE_COMMAND} --host {node_ip} {cmd} {ssl} {auth}")
def __parse_output(raw_output):
exit_code =
output = "".join(raw_output)
pattern = re.compile("Command \\[[^\\s]*\\] finished with code: (\\d+)")
match =
if match:
return int(, output
return exit_code, output
def __alives(self):
return [node for node in self._cluster.nodes if self._cluster.alive(node)]
class BaselineNode(NamedTuple):
Baseline node info.
consistent_id: str
state: str
address: str
order: int
class ClusterState(NamedTuple):
Cluster state info.
state: str
topology_version: int
baseline: list
class TxInfo(NamedTuple):
Transaction info.
xid: str
near_xid: str
label: str
state: str
start_time: time.struct_time
duration: int
isolation: str
concurrency: str
top_ver: tuple
timeout: int
size: int
dht_nodes: list = []
parent_nodes: list = []
class TxVerboseInfo(NamedTuple):
Transaction info returned with --info
xid: str
xid_full: str
label: str
isolation: str
concurrency: str
timeout: int
top_ver: tuple
initiator_id: str
initiator_consistent_id: str
caches: dict
cache_groups: dict
states: list
class ControlUtilityError(RemoteCommandError):
Error is raised when control utility failed.
def __init__(self, account, cmd, exit_status, output):
super().__init__(account, cmd, exit_status, "".join(output))
def parse_dict(raw):
Parse java Map.toString() to python dict.
res = {}
for token in raw.split(','):
key, value = tuple(token.strip().split('='))
res[key] = value
return res
def parse_list(raw):
Parse java List.toString() to python list
return [token.strip() for token in raw.split(',')]