blob: 923c6fbda34004026ca092ca1d81a5aadcf11e2f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cerrno>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
using namespace std;
/** IgniteCheckedException JNI class name. */
const char* IGNITE_EXCEPTION = "org/apache/ignite/IgniteCheckedException";
/** IpcSharedMemoryOperationTimedoutException JNI class name. */
const char* OP_TIMEDOUT_EXCEPTION = "org/apache/ignite/internal/util/ipc/shmem/IpcSharedMemoryOperationTimedoutException";
/** IpcOutOfSystemResourcesException JNI class name. */
const char* OUT_OF_RSRCS_EXCEPTION = "org/apache/ignite/internal/util/ipc/shmem/IpcOutOfSystemResourcesException";
/** Global flag for enabling debug logging. */
static bool __GG_DEBUG = false;
/** Read semaphore ID. */
#define SEM_READ 0
/** Write semaphore ID. */
#define SEM_WRITE 1
* Logging macro.
* @param m Logging message with optional formatting symbols.
* @param varagrs Formatting arguments.
#define GG_LOG_DEBUG(m, ...) {\
log(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, m, __VA_ARGS__);\
/** Buffer size for current time string. */
#define TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE 1024
/** Buffer size for debug message. */
#define FORMAT_LOG_BUF_SIZE 4096
* @return Current time string in format: year-month-day hour:minute:second.
static string timeNow() {
timeval tv;
tm lt;
char timebuf[TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE];
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
time_t now = tv.tv_sec;
localtime_r(&now, &lt);
// Clone the format used by log4j ISO8601DateFormat,
// specifically: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
size_t len = strftime(timebuf, TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &lt);
snprintf(timebuf + len, TIME_NOW_BUF_SIZE - len, ".%03d", (int) (tv.tv_usec / 1000));
return string(timebuf);
* Writes debug message to standard output, if global debug flag is enabled.
* @param file Source file, from which the message originates.
* @param line Source line, from which the message originates.
* @param funcName Name of the function, from which the message originates.
* @param format Message string with optional formatting symbols.
* @param varargs Formatting arguments.
static void log(const char* file, int line, const char* funcName, const char* format, ...) {
static pid_t pid = getpid();
char msgbuf[FORMAT_LOG_BUF_SIZE];
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
vsnprintf(msgbuf, FORMAT_LOG_BUF_SIZE - 1, format, va);
cout << timeNow() << " pid:" << pid << " " << file << ":" << funcName << ":" << line << ": " << msgbuf << endl;
/** Lock operation on semaphore #0. */
struct sembuf op_lock0[2] = {
0, 0, 0, // Wait until semaphore #0 becomes 0.
0, 1, 0 // Then increment semaphore #0 by 1.
/** Lock operation on semaphore #1. */
struct sembuf op_lock1[2] = {
1, 0, 0, // Wait until semaphore #1 becomes 0.
1, 1, 0 // Then increment semaphore #1 by 1.
* Data offset in shared memory buffer (the memory segment preceding data
* is used for IPC data).
#define BUF_OFFSET 64
* IPC data, that is used for inter-process communication.
typedef struct {
/** Number of parties that have closed the connection (0, 1, or 2). */
int closedCnt;
/** Shared memory segment ID. */
int shmId;
/** Semaphore set ID. */
int semId;
/** Shared memory segment size. */
int size;
/** Closed flag. */
volatile bool closed;
/** Read position. */
volatile unsigned int readCnt;
/** Write position (should be always >= readCnt). */
volatile unsigned int writeCnt;
/** Flag, indicating that reader is waiting on semaphore. */
volatile bool readBlocked;
/** Flag, indicating that writer is waiting on semaphore. */
volatile bool writeBlocked;
} T_IpcData;
* Calculates unread bytes count, given IPC data pointer.
* @param ipcData IPC data pointer.
* @param fetchWriteCnt True to fetch write count or read it normally.
* @param fetchReadCnt True to fetch read count or read it normally..
* @return Unread bytes count.
static unsigned int getUnreadCount(T_IpcData *ipcData, bool fetchWriteCnt, bool fetchReadCnt) {
unsigned int writeCnt = fetchWriteCnt ? __sync_fetch_and_add(&ipcData->writeCnt, 0) : ipcData->writeCnt;
unsigned int readCnt = fetchReadCnt ? __sync_fetch_and_add(&ipcData->readCnt, 0) : ipcData->readCnt;
unsigned int unreadCnt = writeCnt - readCnt;
if (unreadCnt < 0) {
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Unread count failed [writeCnt=%u, readCnt=%u]", writeCnt, readCnt);
*((char *) 0) = 5;
return unreadCnt;
* Throws exception in Java code.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param clsName Exception class full name (slashed notation).
static void throwException(JNIEnv* env, const char* clsName) {
// We assume that 512 bytes will be enough.
char msg[512];
::sprintf(msg, "%s (error code: %d).", ::strerror(errno), errno);
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass(clsName), msg);
* Throws exception in Java code according to current
* errno value.
* @param env JNI environment.
static void throwExceptionByErrno(JNIEnv* env) {
switch (errno) {
case ENOMEM:
case EMFILE:
case ENOSPC:
throwException(env, OUT_OF_RSRCS_EXCEPTION);
throwException(env, IGNITE_EXCEPTION);
* Initializes semaphore.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param semId Semaphore set ID.
* @param semNum Semaphore number in semaphore set.
static bool semInit(JNIEnv* env, int semId, int semNum) {
struct sembuf sb;
memset(&sb, 0, sizeof(sb));
// Initialize the semaphore.
sb.sem_op = 1;
sb.sem_num = semNum;
if (::semop(semId, &sb, 1) == -1) {
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Semaphore init failed [semId=%d, semNum=%s, errno=%d]", semId,
semNum == SEM_READ ? "SEM_READ" : "SEM_WRITE", errno);
throwException(env, IGNITE_EXCEPTION);
return false;
return true;
* Waits on semaphore until another process has signaled or the semaphore
* has been removed.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param semId Semaphore set ID.
* @param semNum Semaphore number in semaphore set.
* @param timeout Timeout for wait operation, if supported on current platform.
* @param ipcData IPC data pointer.
* @see semNotify()
static void semWait(JNIEnv * env, int semId, int semNum, int timeout, T_IpcData *ipcData) {
while (1) {
int ret;
_STRUCT_TIMESPEC timeout0 = {
0, timeout * 1000
ret = semtimedop(semId, semNum == 0 ? op_lock0 : op_lock1, 2, timeout > 0 ? &timeout0 : NULL);
ret = semop(semId, semNum == 0 ? op_lock0 : op_lock1, 2);
if (ret == 0)
if (errno == EIDRM || errno == EINVAL) { // Semaphore was removed while waiting.
if (!ipcData->closed) {
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Semaphore removed, but the space is not closed [semId=%d]", semId);
ipcData->closed = true;
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Semaphore wait failed [semId=%d, semNum=%s, errno=%d]", semId,
semNum == SEM_READ ? "SEM_READ" : "SEM_WRITE", errno);
if (errno == EINTR) {
// spin again
else if (errno == EAGAIN) {
throwException(env, OP_TIMEDOUT_EXCEPTION);
else {
throwException(env, IGNITE_EXCEPTION);
* Notifies the semaphore to signal other process waiting on this semaphore
* to resume execution.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param semId Semaphore set ID.
* @param semNum Semaphore number in semaphore set.
* @param ipcData IPC data pointer.
* @see semWait()
static void semNotify(JNIEnv * env, int semId, int semNum, T_IpcData *ipcData) {
if (::semctl(semId, semNum, SETVAL, 0) == -1) {
if (errno == EIDRM || errno == EINVAL) {
if (!ipcData->closed) {
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Semaphore removed, but the space is not closed [semId=%d]", semId);
ipcData->closed = true;
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Semaphore wait failed [semId=%d, semNum=%s, errno=%d]", semId,
semNum == SEM_READ ? "SEM_READ" : "SEM_WRITE", errno);
throwException(env, IGNITE_EXCEPTION);
* Allocates shared memory segment and semaphores for inter-process communication (JNI method).
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param jTokFileName Token file name for allocating resources.
* @param size Shared memory segment size in bytes.
* @param debug Debug flag, which modifies the global debug flag. This parameter is expected
* to be always the same during application lifetime.
jlong Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_allocateSystemResources(
JNIEnv * env, jclass, jstring jTokFileName, jint size, jboolean debug) {
int key = -1;
int shmId = -1;
int semId = -1;
jboolean isCopy = false;
// Copy to STL string and release.
const char* tokFileName0 = env->GetStringUTFChars(jTokFileName, &isCopy);
string tokFileName(tokFileName0);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jTokFileName, tokFileName0);
// Set global debug flag.
__GG_DEBUG = debug;
// Get system token, used in IPC.
if ((key = ::ftok(tokFileName.c_str(), 'G')) == -1) {
throwException(env, IGNITE_EXCEPTION);
return 0;
// Get shared memory descriptor (create shared memory segment if absent).
if ((shmId = ::shmget(key, size + BUF_OFFSET, 0666 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1) {
return 0;
void* data = ::shmat(shmId, (void *) 0, 0);
#ifndef __APPLE__
// Shared memory segment will be deleted upon last process detach.
::shmctl(shmId, IPC_RMID, NULL);
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Will not mark shared memory region for deletion (will be removed on close): %d", shmId);
if ((ptrdiff_t) data == -1) {
// Exception will be thrown on return.
return 0;
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) data;
// Allocate semaphores for native synchronization.
if ((semId = ::semget(key, 2, 0666 | IPC_CREAT)) == -1) {
// Exception will be thrown on return.
// Cleanup ignoring possible errors.
return 0;
// Initialize SEM_READ and SEM_WRITE to 1.
if (!semInit(env, semId, SEM_READ) || !semInit(env, semId, SEM_WRITE)) {
// Exception will be thrown on return.
throwException(env, IGNITE_EXCEPTION);
// Cleanup ignoring possible errors.
::semctl(semId, 0, IPC_RMID);
return 0;
// Initialize data structure.
memset(ipcData, 0, sizeof(*ipcData));
ipcData->shmId = shmId;
ipcData->semId = semId;
ipcData->size = size;
return (jlong) (((char*) data) + BUF_OFFSET);
* Attaches to an existing shared memory segment (JNI method).
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param shmId Shared memory segment ID.
* @param debug Debug flag, which modifies the global debug flag. This parameter is expected
* to be always the same during application lifetime.
jlong Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_attach(JNIEnv * env, jclass,
jint shmId, jboolean debug) {
// Set global debug flag.
__GG_DEBUG = debug;
void* data = ::shmat(shmId, (void *) 0, 0);
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Attaching to shmId: %d", shmId);
if ((ptrdiff_t) data == -1) {
// Exception will be thrown on return.
return 0;
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) data;
return (jlong) (((char*) data) + BUF_OFFSET);
* Shuts down inter-process communication (JNI method).
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param buf Data buffer pointer in shared memory segment.
void Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_ipcClose(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong buf) {
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) (((char *) buf) - BUF_OFFSET);
// Set closed flag to true using memory barrier.
// This is to ensure the flag is set BEFORE we notify
// the semaphores (i.e. no reordering will happen).
__sync_fetch_and_add(&ipcData->closed, 1);
// Remove semaphore.
if (::semctl(ipcData->semId, 0, IPC_RMID) == -1) {
if (__GG_DEBUG)
cerr << "Failed to remove semaphore: " << errno << ": " << strerror(errno) << endl << flush;
if (errno == EPERM) { // Operation not permitted (no rights).
// Signal both reader and writer (because we don't know who we are).
// The other side will remove the semaphore.
semNotify(env, ipcData->semId, SEM_READ, ipcData);
semNotify(env, ipcData->semId, SEM_WRITE, ipcData);
* Detaches from shared memory segment and removes the token file.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param jTokFileName Token file name for allocating resources.
* @param buf Data buffer pointer in shared memory segment.
* @param force Force flag for forcing resources removal.
void Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_freeSystemResources__Ljava_lang_String_2JZ(
JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring jTokFileName, jlong buf, jboolean force) {
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) (((char *) buf) - BUF_OFFSET);
if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&ipcData->closedCnt, 0, 1) && !force) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
int shmId = ipcData->shmId;
// Detach from shared memory (shared memory segment will be deleted upon last detach).
if (::shmdt(ipcData) == -1) {
// If error occurred, then return.
#ifdef __APPLE__
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Deleting shared memory region: %d", shmId);
::shmctl(shmId, IPC_RMID, NULL);
jboolean isCopy = false;
// Copy to STL string and release.
const char* tokFileName0 = env->GetStringUTFChars(jTokFileName, &isCopy);
string tokFileName(tokFileName0);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jTokFileName, tokFileName0);
* Removes semaphores and shared memory segment.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param jTokFileName Token file name for allocating resources.
* @param size Shared memory segment size in bytes.
void Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_freeSystemResources__Ljava_lang_String_2I(
JNIEnv* env, jclass, jstring jTokFileName, jint size) {
int key = -1;
int shmId = -1;
int semId = -1;
jboolean isCopy = false;
// Copy to STL string and release.
const char* tokFileName0 = env->GetStringUTFChars(jTokFileName, &isCopy);
string tokFileName(tokFileName0);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jTokFileName, tokFileName0);
// Get system token, used in IPC.
if ((key = ::ftok(tokFileName.c_str(), 'G')) == -1) {
// Get semaphores for native synchronization (no create).
if ((semId = ::semget(key, 2, 0666)) > 0) {
// Remove semaphores if present.
::semctl((int) semId, 0, IPC_RMID);
// Get shared memory descriptor (no create).
if ((shmId = ::shmget(key, size, 0666)) == -1) {
// This means that shared memory segment was not created or was removed.
// No point to continue, as semaphores do not exist as well.
// Remove shared memory segment (ignoring possible errors).
::shmctl((int) shmId, IPC_RMID, NULL);
* Read-write operations for shared memory segments.
class RW {
* Copies data from shared memory to the destination buffer.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param dest Destination buffer.
* @param dOffset Destination buffer offset.
* @param len Number of bytes to copy.
* @param src Source pointer in shared memory segment.
static void FromShMem(JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray dest, jlong dOffset, jlong len, void *src) {
env->SetByteArrayRegion(dest, dOffset, len, (jbyte*) src);
* Copies data from shared memory to the destination Java object.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param dest Destination Java object.
* @param dOffset Destination object offset.
* @param len Number of bytes to copy.
* @param src Source pointer in shared memory segment.
static void FromShMem(JNIEnv *env, jobject dest, jlong dOffset, jlong len, void *src) {
char *destAddr = ((char *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(dest)) + dOffset;
memcpy((void*) destAddr, src, len);
* Copies data from buffer to shared memory.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param src Source buffer.
* @param sOffset Source buffer offset.
* @param len Number of bytes to copy.
* @param dest Destination pointer.
static void ToShMem(JNIEnv *env, jbyteArray src, jlong sOffset, jlong len, void *dest) {
env->GetByteArrayRegion(src, sOffset, len, (jbyte*) dest);
* Copies data from Java object to shared memory.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param src Source Java object.
* @param sOffset Source Java object offset.
* @param len Number of bytes to copy.
* @param dest Destination pointer.
static void ToShMem(JNIEnv *env, jobject src, jlong sOffset, jlong len, void *dest) {
char *srcAddr = ((char *) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(src)) + sOffset;
memcpy(dest, (void*) srcAddr, len);
* Helper method for copying data from shared memory.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param shMemPtr Data pointer in shared memory segment.
* @param dest Destination object to copy data to.
* @param dOffset Destination object write offset.
* @param len Number of bytes to copy.
* @param timeout Operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param <T> Destination object type.
template<class T>
jlong Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_ReadShMem(JNIEnv *env, jclass, jlong shMemPtr,
T dest, jlong dOffset, jlong len, jlong timeout) {
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) (((char *) shMemPtr) - BUF_OFFSET);
unsigned int unreadCnt = getUnreadCount(ipcData, true, false);
while (unreadCnt == 0) {
if (unreadCnt == 0 && ipcData->closed) {
return -1;
// signal the other party, if it's blocked
if (ipcData->writeBlocked) {
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Before write semaphore notification [semId=%d]", ipcData->semId);
semNotify(env, ipcData->semId, SEM_WRITE, ipcData);
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Before read semaphore wait [semId=%d]", ipcData->semId);
ipcData->readBlocked = 1;
semWait(env, ipcData->semId, SEM_READ, timeout, ipcData);
ipcData->readBlocked = 0;
unreadCnt = getUnreadCount(ipcData, true, false);
int bytesRead = 0;
while (unreadCnt > 0 && bytesRead < len) {
int pos = ipcData->readCnt % ipcData->size;
int len0 = (ipcData->size - pos < unreadCnt) ? ipcData->size - pos : unreadCnt;
if (len0 > len - bytesRead) {
len0 = len - bytesRead;
RW::FromShMem(env, dest, dOffset + bytesRead, len0, (void*) (shMemPtr + pos));
__sync_add_and_fetch(&ipcData->readCnt, len0);
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Updated read count [readCnt=%d]", ipcData->readCnt);
bytesRead += len0;
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Before write semaphore notification [semId=%d]", ipcData->semId);
semNotify(env, ipcData->semId, SEM_WRITE, ipcData);
unreadCnt = getUnreadCount(ipcData, true, false);
return bytesRead;
* Helper method for copying data to shared memory.
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param shMemPtr Data pointer in shared memory segment.
* @param src Source object to copy data from.
* @param dOffset Destination object read offset.
* @param len Number of bytes to copy.
* @param timeout Operation timeout in milliseconds.
* @param <T> Source object type.
template<class T>
void Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_WriteShMem(JNIEnv *env, jclass,
jlong shMemPtr, T src, jlong sOffset, jlong len, jlong timeout) {
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) (((char *) shMemPtr) - BUF_OFFSET);
int bytesWritten = 0;
while (bytesWritten < len) {
// Wait for reader.
unsigned int unreadCnt = getUnreadCount(ipcData, false, true);
int pos = ipcData->writeCnt % ipcData->size;
while (unreadCnt == ipcData->size) {
if (ipcData->closed) {
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass(IGNITE_EXCEPTION), "Shared memory segment has been closed.");
// signal the other party, if it's blocked
if (ipcData->readBlocked) {
semNotify(env, ipcData->semId, SEM_READ, ipcData);
ipcData->writeBlocked = 1;
semWait(env, ipcData->semId, SEM_WRITE, timeout, ipcData);
ipcData->writeBlocked = 0;
unreadCnt = getUnreadCount(ipcData, false, true);
int len0 = ipcData->size - ((pos > unreadCnt) ? pos : unreadCnt);
if (len0 > len - bytesWritten) {
len0 = len - bytesWritten;
if (ipcData->closed) {
env->ThrowNew(env->FindClass(IGNITE_EXCEPTION), "Shared memory segment has been closed");
RW::ToShMem(env, src, sOffset + bytesWritten, len0, (void*) (shMemPtr + pos));
__sync_add_and_fetch(&ipcData->writeCnt, len0);
GG_LOG_DEBUG("Updated write count [readCnt=%d]", ipcData->readCnt);
bytesWritten += len0;
semNotify(env, ipcData->semId, SEM_READ, ipcData);
* Copies data from Java byte array to shared memory (JNI method).
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param clsName Java class name.
* @param shMemPtr Data pointer in shared memory segment.
* @param src Source Java byte array.
* @param dOffset Source Java byte array offset.
* @param len Number of bytes to copy.
* @param timeout Operation timeout in milliseconds.
void Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_writeSharedMemory(JNIEnv *env, jclass clsName,
jlong shMemPtr, jbyteArray src, jlong sOffset, jlong len, jlong timeout) {
Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_WriteShMem<jbyteArray>(env, clsName, shMemPtr,
src, sOffset, len, timeout);
* Copies data from Java byte array to shared memory (JNI method).
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param clsName Java class name.
* @param shMemPtr Data pointer in shared memory segment.
* @param src Source Java object.
* @param dOffset Source Java object offset.
* @param len Number of bytes to copy.
* @param timeout Operation timeout in milliseconds.
void Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_writeSharedMemoryByteBuffer(JNIEnv *env,
jclass clsName, jlong shMemPtr, jobject src, jlong sOffset, jlong len, jlong timeout) {
Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_WriteShMem<jobject>(env, clsName, shMemPtr,
src, sOffset, len, timeout);
* Copies data from shared memory to Java byte array (JNI method).
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param clsName Java class name.
* @param shMemPtr Data pointer in shared memory segment.
* @param dest Destination Java byte array.
* @param dOffset Destination Java byte array offset.
* @param size Number of bytes to copy.
* @param timeout Operation timeout in milliseconds.
jlong Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_readSharedMemory(JNIEnv *env, jclass clsName,
jlong shMemPtr, jbyteArray dest, jlong dOffset, jlong size, jlong timeout) {
return Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_ReadShMem<jbyteArray>(env, clsName, shMemPtr,
dest, dOffset, size, timeout);
* Copies data from shared memory to Java object (JNI method).
* @param env JNI environment.
* @param clsName Java class name.
* @param shMemPtr Data pointer in shared memory segment.
* @param dest Destination Java object.
* @param dOffset Destination Java object offset.
* @param size Number of bytes to copy.
* @param timeout Operation timeout in milliseconds.
jlong Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_readSharedMemoryByteBuffer(JNIEnv *env,
jclass clsName, jlong shMemPtr, jobject dest, jlong dOffset, jlong size, jlong timeout) {
return Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_ReadShMem<jobject>(env, clsName, shMemPtr,
dest, dOffset, size, timeout);
* Gets the number of unread bytes in shared memory segment (JNI method).
* @param shMemPtr Data pointer in shared memory segment.
* @return Number of uneread bytes.
jint Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_unreadCount(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong shMemPtr) {
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) (((char *) shMemPtr) - BUF_OFFSET);
return getUnreadCount(ipcData, true, true);
* Checks if the counterpart is alive (JNI method).
* @param pid Process ID of the counterpart.
* @return true if couterpart is alive, false otherwise.
jboolean Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_alive(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint pid) {
int res = kill((int) pid, 0);
// Return true if signal was sent or there is no permission to send signal to this process.
// If kill failed with error and errno is ESRCH or EINVAL, process is considered to be dead.
return res == 0 || errno == EPERM;
* Gets the shared memory segment ID for a given shared memory data pointer (JNI method).
* @param shMemPtr Shared memory data pointer.
* @return Shared memory ID.
jint Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_sharedMemoryId(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong shMemPtr) {
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) (((char *) shMemPtr) - BUF_OFFSET);
return ipcData->shmId;
* Gets the semaphore set ID for a given shared memory data pointer (JNI method).
* @param shMemPtr Shared memory data pointer.
* @return Semaphore set ID.
jint Java_org_apache_ignite_internal_util_ipc_shmem_IpcSharedMemoryUtils_semaphoreId(JNIEnv*, jclass, jlong shMemPtr) {
T_IpcData *ipcData = (T_IpcData*) (((char *) shMemPtr) - BUF_OFFSET);
return ipcData->semId;