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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.pagemem;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataRegionConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.failure.FailureContext;
import org.apache.ignite.failure.FailureType;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInternalFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.encryption.GridEncryptionManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.DirectMemoryProvider;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.DirectMemoryRegion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metric.IoStatisticsHolder;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.metric.IoStatisticsHolderNoOp;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.FullPageId;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageIdAllocator;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageIdUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.PageUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.wal.IgniteWriteAheadLogManager;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.wal.WALIterator;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.wal.WALPointer;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.wal.record.CheckpointRecord;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.wal.record.PageSnapshot;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.wal.record.WALRecord;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheSharedContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.CheckpointLockStateChecker;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.CheckpointWriteProgressSupplier;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.DataRegionMetricsImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.PageStoreWriter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.StorageException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.partstate.GroupPartitionId;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.wal.crc.IgniteDataIntegrityViolationException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.compress.CompressionProcessor;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.GridQueryRowCacheCleaner;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridConcurrentHashSet;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridLongList;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridMultiCollectionWrapper;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridUnsafe;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.OffheapReadWriteLock;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.CountDownFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridInClosure3X;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.CU;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteBiTuple;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.encryption.noop.NoopEncryptionSpi;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly;
import static java.lang.Boolean.FALSE;
import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import static org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_DELAYED_REPLACED_PAGE_WRITE;
import static org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties.getBoolean;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.pagemem.FullPageId.NULL_PAGE;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.persistence.pagemem.PagePool.SEGMENT_INDEX_MASK;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridUnsafe.wrapPointer;
* Page header structure is described by the following diagram.
* When page is not allocated (in a free list):
* <pre>
* +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
* |8 bytes | PAGE_SIZE + PAGE_OVERHEAD - 8 bytes |
* +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
* |Next ptr| Page data |
* +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
* </pre>
* <p/>
* When page is allocated and is in use:
* <pre>
* +------------------+--------+--------+----+----+--------+--------+----------------------+
* | 8 bytes |8 bytes |8 bytes |4 b |4 b |8 bytes |8 bytes | PAGE_SIZE |
* +------------------+--------+--------+----+----+--------+--------+----------------------+
* | Marker/Timestamp |Rel ptr |Page ID |C ID|PIN | LOCK |TMP BUF | Page data |
* +------------------+--------+--------+----+----+--------+--------+----------------------+
* </pre>
* Note that first 8 bytes of page header are used either for page marker or for next relative pointer depending
* on whether the page is in use or not.
public class PageMemoryImpl implements PageMemoryEx {
/** Full relative pointer mask. */
public static final long RELATIVE_PTR_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
/** Invalid relative pointer value. */
public static final long INVALID_REL_PTR = RELATIVE_PTR_MASK;
/** Pointer which means that this page is outdated (for example, cache was destroyed, partition eviction'd happened */
private static final long OUTDATED_REL_PTR = INVALID_REL_PTR + 1;
/** Page lock offset. */
public static final int PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET = 32;
* 8b Marker/timestamp
* 8b Relative pointer
* 8b Page ID
* 4b Cache group ID
* 4b Pin count
* 8b Lock
* 8b Temporary buffer
public static final int PAGE_OVERHEAD = 48;
/** Number of random pages that will be picked for eviction. */
public static final int RANDOM_PAGES_EVICT_NUM = 5;
/** Try again tag. */
public static final int TRY_AGAIN_TAG = -1;
/** Tracking io. */
private static final TrackingPageIO trackingIO = TrackingPageIO.VERSIONS.latest();
/** Checkpoint pool overflow error message. */
public static final String CHECKPOINT_POOL_OVERFLOW_ERROR_MSG = "Failed to allocate temporary buffer for checkpoint " +
"(increase checkpointPageBufferSize configuration property)";
/** Page size. */
private final int sysPageSize;
/** Encrypted page size. */
private final int encPageSize;
/** Shared context. */
private final GridCacheSharedContext<?, ?> ctx;
/** Checkpoint lock state provider. */
private final CheckpointLockStateChecker stateChecker;
/** Use new implementation of loaded pages table: 'Robin Hood hashing: backward shift deletion'. */
private final boolean useBackwardShiftMap
= IgniteSystemProperties.getBoolean(IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_LOADED_PAGES_BACKWARD_SHIFT_MAP, true);
/** */
private final ExecutorService asyncRunner = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()));
/** Page store manager. */
private IgnitePageStoreManager storeMgr;
/** */
private IgniteWriteAheadLogManager walMgr;
/** */
private final GridEncryptionManager encMgr;
/** */
private final boolean encryptionDisabled;
/** */
private final IgniteLogger log;
/** Direct memory allocator. */
private final DirectMemoryProvider directMemoryProvider;
/** Segments array. */
private volatile Segment[] segments;
/** @see #safeToUpdate() */
private final AtomicBoolean safeToUpdate = new AtomicBoolean(true);
/** Lock for segments changes. */
private final Object segmentsLock = new Object();
/** */
private PagePool checkpointPool;
/** */
private OffheapReadWriteLock rwLock;
/** Flush dirty page closure. When possible, will be called by evictPage(). */
private final PageStoreWriter flushDirtyPage;
* Delayed page replacement (rotation with disk) tracker. Because other thread may require exactly the same page to be loaded from store,
* reads are protected by locking.
* {@code Null} if delayed write functionality is disabled.
@Nullable private final DelayedPageReplacementTracker delayedPageReplacementTracker;
* Callback invoked to track changes in pages.
* {@code Null} if page tracking functionality is disabled
* */
@Nullable private final GridInClosure3X<Long, FullPageId, PageMemoryEx> changeTracker;
/** Pages write throttle. */
private PagesWriteThrottlePolicy writeThrottle;
/** Write throttle type. */
private ThrottlingPolicy throttlingPlc;
/** Checkpoint progress provider. Null disables throttling. */
@Nullable private final CheckpointWriteProgressSupplier cpProgressProvider;
/** Flag indicating page replacement started (rotation with disk), allocating new page requires freeing old one. */
private volatile boolean pageReplacementWarned;
/** */
private long[] sizes;
/** Memory metrics to track dirty pages count and page replace rate. */
private final DataRegionMetricsImpl memMetrics;
* {@code False} if memory was not started or already stopped and is not supposed for any usage.
private volatile boolean started;
* @param directMemoryProvider Memory allocator to use.
* @param sizes segments sizes, last is checkpoint pool size.
* @param ctx Cache shared context.
* @param pageSize Page size.
* @param flushDirtyPage write callback invoked when a dirty page is removed for replacement.
* @param changeTracker Callback invoked to track changes in pages.
* @param stateChecker Checkpoint lock state provider. Used to ensure lock is held by thread, which modify pages.
* @param memMetrics Memory metrics to track dirty pages count and page replace rate.
* @param throttlingPlc Write throttle enabled and its type. Null equal to none.
* @param cpProgressProvider checkpoint progress, base for throttling. Null disables throttling.
public PageMemoryImpl(
DirectMemoryProvider directMemoryProvider,
long[] sizes,
GridCacheSharedContext<?, ?> ctx,
int pageSize,
PageStoreWriter flushDirtyPage,
@Nullable GridInClosure3X<Long, FullPageId, PageMemoryEx> changeTracker,
CheckpointLockStateChecker stateChecker,
DataRegionMetricsImpl memMetrics,
@Nullable ThrottlingPolicy throttlingPlc,
@NotNull CheckpointWriteProgressSupplier cpProgressProvider
) {
assert ctx != null;
assert pageSize > 0;
assert memMetrics != null;
log = ctx.logger(PageMemoryImpl.class);
this.ctx = ctx;
this.directMemoryProvider = directMemoryProvider;
this.sizes = sizes;
this.flushDirtyPage = flushDirtyPage;
delayedPageReplacementTracker =
? new DelayedPageReplacementTracker(pageSize, flushDirtyPage, log, sizes.length - 1) :
this.changeTracker = changeTracker;
this.stateChecker = stateChecker;
this.throttlingPlc = throttlingPlc != null ? throttlingPlc : ThrottlingPolicy.CHECKPOINT_BUFFER_ONLY;
this.cpProgressProvider = cpProgressProvider;
storeMgr = ctx.pageStore();
walMgr = ctx.wal();
encMgr = ctx.kernalContext().encryption();
encryptionDisabled = ctx.gridConfig().getEncryptionSpi() instanceof NoopEncryptionSpi;
assert storeMgr != null;
assert walMgr != null;
assert encMgr != null;
sysPageSize = pageSize + PAGE_OVERHEAD;
encPageSize = CU.encryptedPageSize(pageSize, ctx.kernalContext().config().getEncryptionSpi());
rwLock = new OffheapReadWriteLock(128);
this.memMetrics = memMetrics;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void start() throws IgniteException {
synchronized (segmentsLock) {
if (started)
started = true;
List<DirectMemoryRegion> regions = new ArrayList<>(sizes.length);
while (true) {
DirectMemoryRegion reg = directMemoryProvider.nextRegion();
if (reg == null)
int regs = regions.size();
Segment[] segments = new Segment[regs - 1];
DirectMemoryRegion cpReg = regions.get(regs - 1);
checkpointPool = new PagePool(regs - 1, cpReg, sysPageSize, rwLock);
long checkpointBuf = cpReg.size();
long totalAllocated = 0;
int pages = 0;
long totalTblSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < regs - 1; i++) {
assert i < segments.length;
DirectMemoryRegion reg = regions.get(i);
totalAllocated += reg.size();
segments[i] = new Segment(i, regions.get(i), checkpointPool.pages() / segments.length, throttlingPlc);
pages += segments[i].pages();
totalTblSize += segments[i].tableSize();
this.segments = segments;
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Started page memory [memoryAllocated=" + U.readableSize(totalAllocated, false) +
", pages=" + pages +
", tableSize=" + U.readableSize(totalTblSize, false) +
", checkpointBuffer=" + U.readableSize(checkpointBuf, false) +
* Resolves instance of {@link PagesWriteThrottlePolicy} according to chosen throttle policy.
private void initWriteThrottle() {
if (throttlingPlc == ThrottlingPolicy.SPEED_BASED)
writeThrottle = new PagesWriteSpeedBasedThrottle(this, cpProgressProvider, stateChecker, log);
else if (throttlingPlc == ThrottlingPolicy.TARGET_RATIO_BASED)
writeThrottle = new PagesWriteThrottle(this, cpProgressProvider, stateChecker, false, log);
else if (throttlingPlc == ThrottlingPolicy.CHECKPOINT_BUFFER_ONLY)
writeThrottle = new PagesWriteThrottle(this, null, stateChecker, true, log);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void stop(boolean deallocate) throws IgniteException {
synchronized (segmentsLock) {
if (!started)
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Stopping page memory.");
U.shutdownNow(getClass(), asyncRunner, log);
if (segments != null) {
for (Segment seg : segments)
started = false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void releasePage(int grpId, long pageId, long page) {
assert started;
Segment seg = segment(grpId, pageId);
try {
finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long readLock(int grpId, long pageId, long page) {
assert started;
return readLock(page, pageId, false);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void readUnlock(int grpId, long pageId, long page) {
assert started;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long writeLock(int grpId, long pageId, long page) {
assert started;
return writeLock(grpId, pageId, page, false);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long writeLock(int grpId, long pageId, long page, boolean restore) {
assert started;
return writeLockPage(page, new FullPageId(pageId, grpId), !restore);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long tryWriteLock(int grpId, long pageId, long page) {
assert started;
return tryWriteLockPage(page, new FullPageId(pageId, grpId), true);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeUnlock(int grpId, long pageId, long page, Boolean walPlc,
boolean dirtyFlag) {
assert started;
writeUnlock(grpId, pageId, page, walPlc, dirtyFlag, false);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void writeUnlock(int grpId, long pageId, long page, Boolean walPlc,
boolean dirtyFlag, boolean restore) {
assert started;
writeUnlockPage(page, new FullPageId(pageId, grpId), walPlc, dirtyFlag, restore);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean isDirty(int grpId, long pageId, long page) {
assert started;
return isDirty(page);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long allocatePage(int grpId, int partId, byte flags) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert flags == PageIdAllocator.FLAG_DATA && partId <= PageIdAllocator.MAX_PARTITION_ID ||
flags == PageIdAllocator.FLAG_IDX && partId == PageIdAllocator.INDEX_PARTITION :
"flags = " + flags + ", partId = " + partId;
assert started;
assert stateChecker.checkpointLockIsHeldByThread();
if (isThrottlingEnabled())
long pageId = storeMgr.allocatePage(grpId, partId, flags);
assert PageIdUtils.pageIndex(pageId) > 0; //it's crucial for tracking pages (zero page is super one)
// We need to allocate page in memory for marking it dirty to save it in the next checkpoint.
// Otherwise it is possible that on file will be empty page which will be saved at snapshot and read with error
// because there is no crc inside them.
Segment seg = segment(grpId, pageId);
DelayedDirtyPageStoreWrite delayedWriter = delayedPageReplacementTracker != null
? delayedPageReplacementTracker.delayedPageWrite() : null;
FullPageId fullId = new FullPageId(pageId, grpId);
boolean isTrackingPage =
changeTracker != null && trackingIO.trackingPageFor(pageId, realPageSize(grpId)) == pageId;
try {
long relPtr = seg.loadedPages.get(
seg.partGeneration(grpId, partId),
if (relPtr == OUTDATED_REL_PTR)
relPtr = refreshOutdatedPage(seg, grpId, pageId, false);
if (relPtr == INVALID_REL_PTR)
relPtr = seg.borrowOrAllocateFreePage(pageId);
if (relPtr == INVALID_REL_PTR)
relPtr = seg.removePageForReplacement(delayedWriter == null ? flushDirtyPage : delayedWriter);
long absPtr = seg.absolute(relPtr);
GridUnsafe.setMemory(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageSize(), (byte)0);
PageHeader.fullPageId(absPtr, fullId);
PageHeader.writeTimestamp(absPtr, U.currentTimeMillis());
rwLock.init(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, PageIdUtils.tag(pageId));
assert PageIO.getCrc(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD) == 0; //TODO GG-11480
assert !PageHeader.isAcquired(absPtr) :
"Pin counter must be 0 for a new page [relPtr=" + U.hexLong(relPtr) +
", absPtr=" + U.hexLong(absPtr) + ", pinCntr=" + PageHeader.pinCount(absPtr) + ']';
setDirty(fullId, absPtr, true, true);
if (isTrackingPage) {
long pageAddr = absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD;
// We are inside segment write lock, so no other thread can pin this tracking page yet.
// We can modify page buffer directly.
if (PageIO.getType(pageAddr) == 0) {
trackingIO.initNewPage(pageAddr, pageId, realPageSize(grpId));
if (!ctx.wal().disabled(fullId.groupId())) {
if (!ctx.wal().isAlwaysWriteFullPages())
new InitNewPageRecord(
trackingIO.getVersion(), pageId
else {
ctx.wal().log(new PageSnapshot(fullId, absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageSize(),
seg.loadedPages.put(grpId, PageIdUtils.effectivePageId(pageId), relPtr, seg.partGeneration(grpId, partId));
catch (IgniteOutOfMemoryException oom) {
DataRegionConfiguration dataRegionCfg = getDataRegionConfiguration();
IgniteOutOfMemoryException e = new IgniteOutOfMemoryException("Out of memory in data region [" +
"name=" + dataRegionCfg.getName() +
", initSize=" + U.readableSize(dataRegionCfg.getInitialSize(), false) +
", maxSize=" + U.readableSize(dataRegionCfg.getMaxSize(), false) +
", persistenceEnabled=" + dataRegionCfg.isPersistenceEnabled() + "] Try the following:" + +
" ^-- Increase maximum off-heap memory size (DataRegionConfiguration.maxSize)" + +
" ^-- Enable Ignite persistence (DataRegionConfiguration.persistenceEnabled)" + +
" ^-- Enable eviction or expiration policies"
ctx.kernalContext().failure().process(new FailureContext(FailureType.CRITICAL_ERROR, e));
throw e;
finally {
//Finish replacement only when an exception wasn't thrown otherwise it possible to corrupt B+Tree.
if (delayedWriter != null)
//we have allocated 'tracking' page, we need to allocate regular one
return isTrackingPage ? allocatePage(grpId, partId, flags) : pageId;
* @return Data region configuration.
private DataRegionConfiguration getDataRegionConfiguration() {
DataStorageConfiguration memCfg = ctx.kernalContext().config().getDataStorageConfiguration();
assert memCfg != null;
String dataRegionName = memMetrics.getName();
if (memCfg.getDefaultDataRegionConfiguration().getName().equals(dataRegionName))
return memCfg.getDefaultDataRegionConfiguration();
DataRegionConfiguration[] dataRegions = memCfg.getDataRegionConfigurations();
if (dataRegions != null) {
for (DataRegionConfiguration reg : dataRegions) {
if (reg != null && reg.getName().equals(dataRegionName))
return reg;
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBuffer pageBuffer(long pageAddr) {
return wrapPointer(pageAddr, pageSize());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean freePage(int grpId, long pageId) {
assert false : "Free page should be never called directly when persistence is enabled.";
return false;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long metaPageId(int grpId) {
assert started;
return storeMgr.metaPageId(grpId);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long partitionMetaPageId(int grpId, int partId) {
assert started;
return PageIdUtils.pageId(partId, PageIdAllocator.FLAG_DATA, 0);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long acquirePage(int grpId, long pageId) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return acquirePage(grpId, pageId, IoStatisticsHolderNoOp.INSTANCE, false);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long acquirePage(int grpId, long pageId,
IoStatisticsHolder statHolder) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert started;
return acquirePage(grpId, pageId, statHolder, false);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long acquirePage(int grpId, long pageId, AtomicBoolean pageAllocated) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return acquirePage(grpId, pageId, IoStatisticsHolderNoOp.INSTANCE, false, pageAllocated);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long acquirePage(int grpId, long pageId, IoStatisticsHolder statHolder,
boolean restore) throws IgniteCheckedException {
return acquirePage(grpId, pageId, statHolder, restore, null);
* @param grpId Group id.
* @param pageId Page id.
* @param statHolder Stat holder.
* @param restore Restore.
* @param pageAllocated Page allocated.
private long acquirePage(int grpId, long pageId, IoStatisticsHolder statHolder,
boolean restore, @Nullable AtomicBoolean pageAllocated) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert started;
FullPageId fullId = new FullPageId(pageId, grpId);
int partId = PageIdUtils.partId(pageId);
Segment seg = segment(grpId, pageId);
try {
long relPtr = seg.loadedPages.get(
seg.partGeneration(grpId, partId),
// The page is loaded to the memory.
if (relPtr != INVALID_REL_PTR) {
long absPtr = seg.absolute(relPtr);
statHolder.trackLogicalRead(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD);
return absPtr;
finally {
DelayedDirtyPageStoreWrite delayedWriter = delayedPageReplacementTracker != null
? delayedPageReplacementTracker.delayedPageWrite() : null;
long lockedPageAbsPtr = -1;
boolean readPageFromStore = false;
try {
// Double-check.
long relPtr = seg.loadedPages.get(
seg.partGeneration(grpId, partId),
long absPtr;
if (relPtr == INVALID_REL_PTR) {
relPtr = seg.borrowOrAllocateFreePage(pageId);
if (pageAllocated != null)
if (relPtr == INVALID_REL_PTR)
relPtr = seg.removePageForReplacement(delayedWriter == null ? flushDirtyPage : delayedWriter);
absPtr = seg.absolute(relPtr);
PageHeader.fullPageId(absPtr, fullId);
PageHeader.writeTimestamp(absPtr, U.currentTimeMillis());
assert !PageHeader.isAcquired(absPtr) :
"Pin counter must be 0 for a new page [relPtr=" + U.hexLong(relPtr) +
", absPtr=" + U.hexLong(absPtr) + ']';
// We can clear dirty flag after the page has been allocated.
setDirty(fullId, absPtr, false, false);
seg.partGeneration(grpId, partId)
long pageAddr = absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD;
if (!restore) {
if (delayedPageReplacementTracker != null)
readPageFromStore = true;
else {
GridUnsafe.setMemory(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageSize(), (byte)0);
// Must init page ID in order to ensure RWLock tag consistency.
PageIO.setPageId(pageAddr, pageId);
rwLock.init(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, PageIdUtils.tag(pageId));
if (readPageFromStore) {
boolean locked = rwLock.writeLock(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, OffheapReadWriteLock.TAG_LOCK_ALWAYS);
assert locked: "Page ID " + fullId + " expected to be locked";
lockedPageAbsPtr = absPtr;
else if (relPtr == OUTDATED_REL_PTR) {
assert PageIdUtils.pageIndex(pageId) == 0 : fullId;
relPtr = refreshOutdatedPage(seg, grpId, pageId, false);
absPtr = seg.absolute(relPtr);
long pageAddr = absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD;
GridUnsafe.setMemory(pageAddr, pageSize(), (byte)0);
PageHeader.fullPageId(absPtr, fullId);
PageHeader.writeTimestamp(absPtr, U.currentTimeMillis());
PageIO.setPageId(pageAddr, pageId);
assert !PageHeader.isAcquired(absPtr) :
"Pin counter must be 0 for a new page [relPtr=" + U.hexLong(relPtr) +
", absPtr=" + U.hexLong(absPtr) + ']';
rwLock.init(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, PageIdUtils.tag(pageId));
absPtr = seg.absolute(relPtr);
statHolder.trackLogicalRead(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD);
return absPtr;
catch (IgniteOutOfMemoryException oom) {
ctx.kernalContext().failure().process(new FailureContext(FailureType.CRITICAL_ERROR, oom));
throw oom;
finally {
if (delayedWriter != null)
if (readPageFromStore) {
assert lockedPageAbsPtr != -1 : "Page is expected to have a valid address [pageId=" + fullId +
", lockedPageAbsPtr=" + U.hexLong(lockedPageAbsPtr) + ']';
assert isPageWriteLocked(lockedPageAbsPtr) : "Page is expected to be locked: [pageId=" + fullId + "]";
long pageAddr = lockedPageAbsPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD;
ByteBuffer buf = wrapPointer(pageAddr, pageSize());
long actualPageId = 0;
try {, pageId, buf);
actualPageId = PageIO.getPageId(buf);
catch (IgniteDataIntegrityViolationException e) {
U.warn(log, "Failed to read page (data integrity violation encountered, will try to " +
"restore using existing WAL) [fullPageId=" + fullId + ']', e);
tryToRestorePage(fullId, buf);
finally {
rwLock.writeUnlock(lockedPageAbsPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET,
actualPageId == 0 ? OffheapReadWriteLock.TAG_LOCK_ALWAYS : PageIdUtils.tag(actualPageId));
* @param seg Segment.
* @param grpId Cache group ID.
* @param pageId Page ID.
* @param rmv {@code True} if page should be removed.
* @return Relative pointer to refreshed page.
private long refreshOutdatedPage(Segment seg, int grpId, long pageId, boolean rmv) {
assert seg.writeLock().isHeldByCurrentThread();
int tag = seg.partGeneration(grpId, PageIdUtils.partId(pageId));
long relPtr = seg.loadedPages.refresh(grpId, PageIdUtils.effectivePageId(pageId), tag);
long absPtr = seg.absolute(relPtr);
GridUnsafe.setMemory(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageSize(), (byte)0);
PageHeader.dirty(absPtr, false);
long tmpBufPtr = PageHeader.tempBufferPointer(absPtr);
if (tmpBufPtr != INVALID_REL_PTR) {
GridUnsafe.setMemory(checkpointPool.absolute(tmpBufPtr) + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageSize(), (byte)0);
PageHeader.tempBufferPointer(absPtr, INVALID_REL_PTR);
// We pinned the page when allocated the temp buffer, release it now.
if (rmv)
seg.loadedPages.remove(grpId, PageIdUtils.effectivePageId(pageId));
CheckpointPages cpPages = seg.checkpointPages;
if (cpPages != null)
cpPages.markAsSaved(new FullPageId(pageId, grpId));
Collection<FullPageId> dirtyPages = seg.dirtyPages;
if (dirtyPages != null) {
if (dirtyPages.remove(new FullPageId(pageId, grpId)))
return relPtr;
/** */
private void releaseCheckpointBufferPage(long tmpBufPtr) {
int resCntr = checkpointPool.releaseFreePage(tmpBufPtr);
if (resCntr == checkpointBufferPagesSize() / 2 && writeThrottle != null)
* Restores page from WAL page snapshot & delta records.
* @param fullId Full page ID.
* @param buf Destination byte buffer. Note: synchronization to provide ByteBuffer safety should be done outside
* this method.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed to start WAL iteration, if incorrect page type observed in data, etc.
* @throws StorageException If it was not possible to restore page, page not found in WAL.
private void tryToRestorePage(FullPageId fullId, ByteBuffer buf) throws IgniteCheckedException {
Long tmpAddr = null;
try {
ByteBuffer curPage = null;
ByteBuffer lastValidPage = null;
try (WALIterator it = walMgr.replay(null)) {
for (IgniteBiTuple<WALPointer, WALRecord> tuple : it) {
switch (tuple.getValue().type()) {
PageSnapshot snapshot = (PageSnapshot)tuple.getValue();
if (snapshot.fullPageId().equals(fullId)) {
if (tmpAddr == null) {
assert snapshot.pageDataSize() <= pageSize() : snapshot.pageDataSize();
tmpAddr = GridUnsafe.allocateMemory(pageSize());
if (curPage == null)
curPage = wrapPointer(tmpAddr, pageSize());
PageUtils.putBytes(tmpAddr, 0, snapshot.pageData());
if (PageIO.getCompressionType(tmpAddr) != CompressionProcessor.UNCOMPRESSED_PAGE) {
int realPageSize = realPageSize(snapshot.groupId());
assert snapshot.pageDataSize() < realPageSize : snapshot.pageDataSize();
ctx.kernalContext().compress().decompressPage(curPage, realPageSize);
CheckpointRecord rec = (CheckpointRecord)tuple.getValue();
assert !rec.end();
if (curPage != null) {
lastValidPage = curPage;
curPage = null;
case MEMORY_RECOVERY: // It means that previous checkpoint was broken.
curPage = null;
if (tuple.getValue() instanceof PageDeltaRecord) {
PageDeltaRecord deltaRecord = (PageDeltaRecord)tuple.getValue();
if (curPage != null
&& deltaRecord.pageId() == fullId.pageId()
&& deltaRecord.groupId() == fullId.groupId()) {
assert tmpAddr != null;
deltaRecord.applyDelta(this, tmpAddr);
ByteBuffer restored = curPage == null ? lastValidPage : curPage;
if (restored == null)
throw new StorageException(String.format(
"Page is broken. Can't restore it from WAL. (grpId = %d, pageId = %X).",
fullId.groupId(), fullId.pageId()
finally {
if (tmpAddr != null)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int pageSize() {
return sysPageSize - PAGE_OVERHEAD;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int systemPageSize() {
return sysPageSize;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int realPageSize(int grpId) {
if (encryptionDisabled || encMgr.groupKey(grpId) == null)
return pageSize();
return encPageSize;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean safeToUpdate() {
if (segments != null)
return safeToUpdate.get();
return true;
* @param dirtyRatioThreshold Throttle threshold.
boolean shouldThrottle(double dirtyRatioThreshold) {
if (segments == null)
return false;
for (Segment segment : segments) {
if (segment.shouldThrottle(dirtyRatioThreshold))
return true;
return false;
* @return Max dirty ratio from the segments.
double getDirtyPagesRatio() {
if (segments == null)
return 0;
double res = 0;
for (Segment segment : segments)
res = Math.max(res, segment.getDirtyPagesRatio());
return res;
* @return Total pages can be placed in all segments.
@Override public long totalPages() {
if (segments == null)
return 0;
long res = 0;
for (Segment segment : segments)
res += segment.pages();
return res;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public GridMultiCollectionWrapper<FullPageId> beginCheckpoint(
IgniteInternalFuture allowToReplace
) throws IgniteException {
if (segments == null)
return new GridMultiCollectionWrapper<>(Collections.<FullPageId>emptyList());
Collection[] collections = new Collection[segments.length];
for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
Segment seg = segments[i];
if (seg.checkpointPages != null)
throw new IgniteException("Failed to begin checkpoint (it is already in progress).");
Collection<FullPageId> dirtyPages = seg.dirtyPages;
collections[i] = dirtyPages;
seg.checkpointPages = new CheckpointPages(dirtyPages, allowToReplace);
seg.dirtyPages = new GridConcurrentHashSet<>();
if (throttlingPlc != ThrottlingPolicy.DISABLED)
return new GridMultiCollectionWrapper<>(collections);
* @return {@code True} if throttling is enabled.
private boolean isThrottlingEnabled() {
return throttlingPlc != ThrottlingPolicy.CHECKPOINT_BUFFER_ONLY && throttlingPlc != ThrottlingPolicy.DISABLED;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void finishCheckpoint() {
if (segments == null)
for (Segment seg : segments)
seg.checkpointPages = null;
if (throttlingPlc != ThrottlingPolicy.DISABLED)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void checkpointWritePage(
FullPageId fullId,
ByteBuffer buf,
PageStoreWriter pageStoreWriter,
CheckpointMetricsTracker metricsTracker
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert buf.remaining() == pageSize();
Segment seg = segment(fullId.groupId(), fullId.pageId());
long absPtr = 0;
long relPtr;
int tag;
boolean pageSingleAcquire = false;
try {
if (!isInCheckpoint(fullId))
relPtr = resolveRelativePointer(seg, fullId, tag = generationTag(seg, fullId));
// Page may have been cleared during eviction. We have nothing to do in this case.
if (relPtr == INVALID_REL_PTR)
if (relPtr != OUTDATED_REL_PTR) {
absPtr = seg.absolute(relPtr);
// Pin the page until page will not be copied. This helpful to prevent page replacement of this page.
if (PageHeader.tempBufferPointer(absPtr) == INVALID_REL_PTR)
pageSingleAcquire = true;
finally {
if (relPtr == OUTDATED_REL_PTR) {
try {
// Double-check.
relPtr = resolveRelativePointer(seg, fullId, generationTag(seg, fullId));
if (relPtr == INVALID_REL_PTR)
if (relPtr == OUTDATED_REL_PTR) {
relPtr = refreshOutdatedPage(
finally {
copyPageForCheckpoint(absPtr, fullId, buf, tag, pageSingleAcquire, pageStoreWriter, metricsTracker);
* @param absPtr Absolute ptr.
* @param fullId Full id.
* @param buf Buffer for copy page content for future write via {@link PageStoreWriter}.
* @param pageSingleAcquire Page is acquired only once. We don't pin the page second time (until page will not be
* copied) in case checkpoint temporary buffer is used.
* @param pageStoreWriter Checkpoint page write context.
private void copyPageForCheckpoint(
long absPtr,
FullPageId fullId,
ByteBuffer buf,
Integer tag,
boolean pageSingleAcquire,
PageStoreWriter pageStoreWriter,
CheckpointMetricsTracker tracker
) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert absPtr != 0;
assert PageHeader.isAcquired(absPtr);
// Exception protection flag.
// No need to write if exception occurred.
boolean canWrite = false;
boolean locked = rwLock.tryWriteLock(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, OffheapReadWriteLock.TAG_LOCK_ALWAYS);
if (!locked) {
// We release the page only once here because this page will be copied sometime later and
// will be released properly then.
if (!pageSingleAcquire)
pageStoreWriter.writePage(fullId, buf, TRY_AGAIN_TAG);
try {
long tmpRelPtr = PageHeader.tempBufferPointer(absPtr);
boolean success = clearCheckpoint(fullId);
assert success : "Page was pin when we resolve abs pointer, it can not be evicted";
if (tmpRelPtr != INVALID_REL_PTR) {
PageHeader.tempBufferPointer(absPtr, INVALID_REL_PTR);
long tmpAbsPtr = checkpointPool.absolute(tmpRelPtr);
copyInBuffer(tmpAbsPtr, buf);
PageHeader.fullPageId(tmpAbsPtr, NULL_PAGE);
GridUnsafe.setMemory(tmpAbsPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageSize(), (byte)0);
if (tracker != null)
// Need release again because we pin page when resolve abs pointer,
// and page did not have tmp buffer page.
if (!pageSingleAcquire)
else {
copyInBuffer(absPtr, buf);
PageHeader.dirty(absPtr, false);
assert PageIO.getType(buf) != 0 : "Invalid state. Type is 0! pageId = " + U.hexLong(fullId.pageId());
assert PageIO.getVersion(buf) != 0 : "Invalid state. Version is 0! pageId = " + U.hexLong(fullId.pageId());
canWrite = true;
finally {
rwLock.writeUnlock(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, OffheapReadWriteLock.TAG_LOCK_ALWAYS);
if (canWrite){
pageStoreWriter.writePage(fullId, buf, tag);
// We pinned the page either when allocated the temp buffer, or when resolved abs pointer.
// Must release the page only after write unlock.
* @param absPtr Absolute ptr.
* @param buf Tmp buffer.
private void copyInBuffer(long absPtr, ByteBuffer buf) {
if (buf.isDirect()) {
long tmpPtr = GridUnsafe.bufferAddress(buf);
GridUnsafe.copyMemory(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, tmpPtr, pageSize());
assert PageIO.getCrc(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD) == 0; //TODO GG-11480
assert PageIO.getCrc(tmpPtr) == 0; //TODO GG-11480
else {
byte[] arr = buf.array();
assert arr != null;
assert arr.length == pageSize();
GridUnsafe.copyMemory(null, absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, arr, GridUnsafe.BYTE_ARR_OFF, pageSize());
* Get current prartition generation tag.
* @param seg Segment.
* @param fullId Full page id.
* @return Current partition generation tag.
private int generationTag(Segment seg, FullPageId fullId) {
return seg.partGeneration(
* Resolver relative pointer via {@link LoadedPagesMap}.
* @param seg Segment.
* @param fullId Full page id.
* @param reqVer Required version.
* @return Relative pointer.
private long resolveRelativePointer(Segment seg, FullPageId fullId, int reqVer) {
return seg.loadedPages.get(
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int invalidate(int grpId, int partId) {
synchronized (segmentsLock) {
if (!started)
return 0;
int tag = 0;
for (Segment seg : segments) {
try {
int newTag = seg.incrementPartGeneration(grpId, partId);
if (tag == 0)
tag = newTag;
assert tag == newTag;
finally {
return tag;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onCacheGroupDestroyed(int grpId) {
for (Segment seg : segments) {
try {
finally {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public IgniteInternalFuture<Void> clearAsync(
LoadedPagesMap.KeyPredicate pred,
boolean cleanDirty
) {
CountDownFuture completeFut = new CountDownFuture(segments.length);
for (Segment seg : segments) {
Runnable clear = new ClearSegmentRunnable(seg, pred, cleanDirty, completeFut, pageSize());
try {
catch (RejectedExecutionException ignore) {;
return completeFut;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long loadedPages() {
long total = 0;
Segment[] segments = this.segments;
if (segments != null) {
for (Segment seg : segments) {
if (seg == null)
try {
if (seg.closed)
total += seg.loadedPages.size();
finally {
return total;
* @return Total number of acquired pages.
public long acquiredPages() {
if (segments == null)
return 0L;
long total = 0;
for (Segment seg : segments) {
try {
if (seg.closed)
total += seg.acquiredPages();
finally {
return total;
* @param fullPageId Full page ID to check.
* @return {@code true} if the page is contained in the loaded pages table, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean hasLoadedPage(FullPageId fullPageId) {
int grpId = fullPageId.groupId();
long pageId = fullPageId.effectivePageId();
int partId = PageIdUtils.partId(pageId);
Segment seg = segment(grpId, pageId);
try {
long res =
seg.loadedPages.get(grpId, pageId, seg.partGeneration(grpId, partId), INVALID_REL_PTR, INVALID_REL_PTR);
return res != INVALID_REL_PTR;
finally {
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer to read lock.
* @param pageId Page ID.
* @param force Force flag.
* @return Pointer to the page read buffer.
private long readLock(long absPtr, long pageId, boolean force) {
return readLock(absPtr, pageId, force, true);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long readLock(long absPtr, long pageId, boolean force, boolean touch) {
assert started;
int tag = force ? -1 : PageIdUtils.tag(pageId);
boolean locked = rwLock.readLock(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, tag);
if (!locked)
return 0;
if (touch)
PageHeader.writeTimestamp(absPtr, U.currentTimeMillis());
assert PageIO.getCrc(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD) == 0; //TODO GG-11480
return absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public long readLockForce(int grpId, long pageId, long page) {
assert started;
return readLock(page, pageId, true);
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer to unlock.
void readUnlockPage(long absPtr) {
rwLock.readUnlock(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET);
* Checks if a page has temp copy buffer.
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer.
* @return {@code True} if a page has temp buffer.
public boolean hasTempCopy(long absPtr) {
return PageHeader.tempBufferPointer(absPtr) != INVALID_REL_PTR;
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer.
* @return Pointer to the page write buffer or {@code 0} if page was not locked.
long tryWriteLockPage(long absPtr, FullPageId fullId, boolean checkTag) {
int tag = checkTag ? PageIdUtils.tag(fullId.pageId()) : OffheapReadWriteLock.TAG_LOCK_ALWAYS;
if (!rwLock.tryWriteLock(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, tag))
return 0;
return postWriteLockPage(absPtr, fullId);
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer.
* @return Pointer to the page write buffer.
private long writeLockPage(long absPtr, FullPageId fullId, boolean checkTag) {
int tag = checkTag ? PageIdUtils.tag(fullId.pageId()) : OffheapReadWriteLock.TAG_LOCK_ALWAYS;
boolean locked = rwLock.writeLock(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, tag);
return locked ? postWriteLockPage(absPtr, fullId) : 0;
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer.
* @return Pointer to the page write buffer.
private long postWriteLockPage(long absPtr, FullPageId fullId) {
PageHeader.writeTimestamp(absPtr, U.currentTimeMillis());
// Create a buffer copy if the page is scheduled for a checkpoint.
if (isInCheckpoint(fullId) && PageHeader.tempBufferPointer(absPtr) == INVALID_REL_PTR) {
long tmpRelPtr = checkpointPool.borrowOrAllocateFreePage(PageIdUtils.tag(fullId.pageId()));
if (tmpRelPtr == INVALID_REL_PTR) {
rwLock.writeUnlock(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, OffheapReadWriteLock.TAG_LOCK_ALWAYS);
throw new IgniteException(CHECKPOINT_POOL_OVERFLOW_ERROR_MSG + ": " + memMetrics.getName());
// Pin the page until checkpoint is not finished.
long tmpAbsPtr = checkpointPool.absolute(tmpRelPtr);
assert PageIO.getType(tmpAbsPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD) != 0 : "Invalid state. Type is 0! pageId = " + U.hexLong(fullId.pageId());
assert PageIO.getVersion(tmpAbsPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD) != 0 : "Invalid state. Version is 0! pageId = " + U.hexLong(fullId.pageId());
PageHeader.dirty(absPtr, false);
PageHeader.tempBufferPointer(absPtr, tmpRelPtr);
// info for checkpoint buffer cleaner.
PageHeader.fullPageId(tmpAbsPtr, fullId);
assert PageIO.getCrc(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD) == 0; //TODO GG-11480
assert PageIO.getCrc(tmpAbsPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD) == 0; //TODO GG-11480
assert PageIO.getCrc(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD) == 0; //TODO GG-11480
return absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD;
* @param page Page pointer.
* @param fullId full page ID.
* @param walPlc WAL policy
* @param walPlc Full page WAL record policy
* @param markDirty set dirty flag to page
* @param restore restore flag
private void writeUnlockPage(
long page,
FullPageId fullId,
Boolean walPlc,
boolean markDirty,
boolean restore
) {
boolean wasDirty = isDirty(page);
try {
//if page is for restore, we shouldn't mark it as changed
if (!restore && markDirty && !wasDirty && changeTracker != null)
changeTracker.apply(page, fullId, this);
boolean pageWalRec = markDirty && walPlc != FALSE && (walPlc == TRUE || !wasDirty);
assert PageIO.getCrc(page + PAGE_OVERHEAD) == 0; //TODO GG-11480
if (markDirty)
setDirty(fullId, page, true, false);
beforeReleaseWrite(fullId, page + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageWalRec);
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
throw new IgniteException(e);
// Always release the lock.
finally {
long pageId = PageIO.getPageId(page + PAGE_OVERHEAD);
try {
assert pageId != 0 : U.hexLong(PageHeader.readPageId(page));
rwLock.writeUnlock(page + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET, PageIdUtils.tag(pageId));
assert PageIO.getVersion(page + PAGE_OVERHEAD) != 0 : dumpPage(pageId, fullId.groupId());
assert PageIO.getType(page + PAGE_OVERHEAD) != 0 : U.hexLong(pageId);
if (throttlingPlc != ThrottlingPolicy.DISABLED && !restore && markDirty && !wasDirty)
catch (AssertionError ex) {
U.error(log, "Failed to unlock page [fullPageId=" + fullId +
", binPage=" + U.toHexString(page, systemPageSize()) + ']');
throw ex;
* Prepares page details for assertion.
* @param pageId Page id.
* @param grpId Group id.
@NotNull private String dumpPage(long pageId, int grpId) {
int pageIdx = PageIdUtils.pageIndex(pageId);
int partId = PageIdUtils.partId(pageId);
long off = (long)(pageIdx + 1) * pageSize();
return U.hexLong(pageId) + " (grpId=" + grpId + ", pageIdx=" + pageIdx + ", partId=" + partId + ", offH=" +
Long.toHexString(off) + ")";
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer to the page.
* @return {@code True} if write lock acquired for the page.
boolean isPageWriteLocked(long absPtr) {
return rwLock.isWriteLocked(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET);
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer to the page.
* @return {@code True} if read lock acquired for the page.
boolean isPageReadLocked(long absPtr) {
return rwLock.isReadLocked(absPtr + PAGE_LOCK_OFFSET);
* @param pageId Page ID to check if it was added to the checkpoint list.
* @return {@code True} if it was added to the checkpoint list.
boolean isInCheckpoint(FullPageId pageId) {
Segment seg = segment(pageId.groupId(), pageId.pageId());
CheckpointPages pages0 = seg.checkpointPages;
return pages0 != null && pages0.contains(pageId);
* @param fullPageId Page ID to clear.
* @return {@code True} if remove successfully.
boolean clearCheckpoint(FullPageId fullPageId) {
Segment seg = segment(fullPageId.groupId(), fullPageId.pageId());
CheckpointPages pages0 = seg.checkpointPages;
assert pages0 != null;
return pages0.markAsSaved(fullPageId);
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer.
* @return {@code True} if page is dirty.
boolean isDirty(long absPtr) {
return PageHeader.dirty(absPtr);
* Gets the number of active pages across all segments. Used for test purposes only.
* @return Number of active pages.
public int activePagesCount() {
if (segments == null)
return 0;
int total = 0;
for (Segment seg : segments)
total += seg.acquiredPages();
return total;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int checkpointBufferPagesCount() {
return checkpointPool.size();
* Number of used pages in checkpoint buffer.
public int checkpointBufferPagesSize() {
return checkpointPool.pages();
* This method must be called in synchronized context.
* @param pageId full page ID.
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer.
* @param dirty {@code True} dirty flag.
* @param forceAdd If this flag is {@code true}, then the page will be added to the dirty set regardless whether the
* old flag was dirty or not.
private void setDirty(FullPageId pageId, long absPtr, boolean dirty, boolean forceAdd) {
boolean wasDirty = PageHeader.dirty(absPtr, dirty);
if (dirty) {
assert stateChecker.checkpointLockIsHeldByThread();
if (!wasDirty || forceAdd) {
Segment seg = segment(pageId.groupId(), pageId.pageId());
if (seg.dirtyPages.add(pageId)) {
long dirtyPagesCnt = seg.dirtyPagesCntr.incrementAndGet();
if (dirtyPagesCnt >= seg.maxDirtyPages)
else {
Segment seg = segment(pageId.groupId(), pageId.pageId());
if (seg.dirtyPages.remove(pageId)) {
void beforeReleaseWrite(FullPageId pageId, long ptr, boolean pageWalRec) throws IgniteCheckedException {
boolean walIsNotDisabled = walMgr != null && !walMgr.disabled(pageId.groupId());
boolean pageRecOrAlwaysWriteFullPage = walMgr != null && (pageWalRec || walMgr.isAlwaysWriteFullPages());
if (pageRecOrAlwaysWriteFullPage && walIsNotDisabled)
walMgr.log(new PageSnapshot(pageId, ptr, pageSize(), realPageSize(pageId.groupId())));
* @param grpId Cache group ID.
* @param pageId Page ID.
* @return Segment.
private Segment segment(int grpId, long pageId) {
int idx = segmentIndex(grpId, pageId, segments.length);
return segments[idx];
* @param pageId Page ID.
* @return Segment index.
public static int segmentIndex(int grpId, long pageId, int segments) {
pageId = PageIdUtils.effectivePageId(pageId);
// Take a prime number larger than total number of partitions.
int hash = U.hash(pageId * 65537 + grpId);
return U.safeAbs(hash) % segments;
/** @return Data region metrics. */
public DataRegionMetricsImpl metrics() {
return memMetrics;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean shouldThrottle() {
return writeThrottle.shouldThrottle();
* Get arbitrary page from cp buffer.
@Override public FullPageId pullPageFromCpBuffer() {
long idx = GridUnsafe.getLong(checkpointPool.lastAllocatedIdxPtr);
long lastIdx = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong(idx / 2, idx);
while (--lastIdx > 1) {
assert (lastIdx & SEGMENT_INDEX_MASK) == 0L;
long relative = checkpointPool.relative(lastIdx);
long freePageAbsPtr = checkpointPool.absolute(relative);
FullPageId pageToReplace = PageHeader.fullPageId(freePageAbsPtr);
if (pageToReplace.pageId() == NULL_PAGE.pageId() || pageToReplace.groupId() == NULL_PAGE.groupId())
if (!isInCheckpoint(pageToReplace))
return pageToReplace;
return NULL_PAGE;
* Gets a collection of all pages currently marked as dirty. Will create a collection copy.
* @return Collection of all page IDs marked as dirty.
public Collection<FullPageId> dirtyPages() {
if (segments == null)
return Collections.emptySet();
Collection<FullPageId> res = new HashSet<>((int)loadedPages());
for (Segment seg : segments)
return res;
private class Segment extends ReentrantReadWriteLock {
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
/** */
private static final double FULL_SCAN_THRESHOLD = 0.4;
/** Pointer to acquired pages integer counter. */
private static final int ACQUIRED_PAGES_SIZEOF = 4;
/** Padding to read from word beginning. */
private static final int ACQUIRED_PAGES_PADDING = 4;
/** Page ID to relative pointer map. */
private final LoadedPagesMap loadedPages;
/** Pointer to acquired pages integer counter. */
private long acquiredPagesPtr;
/** */
private PagePool pool;
/** Bytes required to store {@link #loadedPages}. */
private long memPerTbl;
/** Pages marked as dirty since the last checkpoint. */
private volatile Collection<FullPageId> dirtyPages = new GridConcurrentHashSet<>();
/** Atomic size counter for {@link #dirtyPages}. Used for {@link PageMemoryImpl#safeToUpdate()} calculation. */
private final AtomicLong dirtyPagesCntr = new AtomicLong();
/** Wrapper of pages of current checkpoint. */
private volatile CheckpointPages checkpointPages;
/** */
private final long maxDirtyPages;
/** Initial partition generation. */
private static final int INIT_PART_GENERATION = 1;
/** Maps partition (grpId, partId) to its generation. Generation is 1-based incrementing partition counter. */
private final Map<GroupPartitionId, Integer> partGenerationMap = new HashMap<>();
/** */
private boolean closed;
* @param region Memory region.
* @param throttlingPlc policy determine if write throttling enabled and its type.
private Segment(int idx, DirectMemoryRegion region, int cpPoolPages, ThrottlingPolicy throttlingPlc) {
long totalMemory = region.size();
int pages = (int)(totalMemory / sysPageSize);
acquiredPagesPtr = region.address();
GridUnsafe.putIntVolatile(null, acquiredPagesPtr, 0);
long ldPagesAddr = region.address() + ldPagesMapOffInRegion;
memPerTbl = useBackwardShiftMap
? RobinHoodBackwardShiftHashMap.requiredMemory(pages)
: requiredSegmentTableMemory(pages);
loadedPages = useBackwardShiftMap
? new RobinHoodBackwardShiftHashMap(ldPagesAddr, memPerTbl)
: new FullPageIdTable(ldPagesAddr, memPerTbl, true);
DirectMemoryRegion poolRegion = region.slice(memPerTbl + ldPagesMapOffInRegion);
pool = new PagePool(idx, poolRegion, sysPageSize, rwLock);
maxDirtyPages = throttlingPlc != ThrottlingPolicy.DISABLED
? pool.pages() * 3L / 4
: Math.min(pool.pages() * 2L / 3, cpPoolPages);
* Closes the segment.
private void close() {
try {
closed = true;
finally {
* @param dirtyRatioThreshold Throttle threshold.
private boolean shouldThrottle(double dirtyRatioThreshold) {
return getDirtyPagesRatio() > dirtyRatioThreshold;
* @return dirtyRatio to be compared with Throttle threshold.
private double getDirtyPagesRatio() {
return dirtyPagesCntr.doubleValue() / pages();
* @return Max number of pages this segment can allocate.
private int pages() {
return pool.pages();
* @return Memory allocated for pages table.
private long tableSize() {
return memPerTbl;
* @param absPtr Page absolute address to acquire.
private void acquirePage(long absPtr) {
updateAtomicInt(acquiredPagesPtr, 1);
* @param absPtr Page absolute address to release.
private void releasePage(long absPtr) {
updateAtomicInt(acquiredPagesPtr, -1);
* @return Total number of acquired pages.
private int acquiredPages() {
return GridUnsafe.getInt(acquiredPagesPtr);
* @param pageId Page ID.
* @return Page relative pointer.
private long borrowOrAllocateFreePage(long pageId) {
return pool.borrowOrAllocateFreePage(PageIdUtils.tag(pageId));
* Prepares a page removal for page replacement, if needed.
* @param fullPageId Candidate page full ID.
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer of the page to evict.
* @param saveDirtyPage implementation to save dirty page to persistent storage.
* @return {@code True} if it is ok to replace this page, {@code false} if another page should be selected.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed to write page to the underlying store during eviction.
private boolean preparePageRemoval(FullPageId fullPageId, long absPtr, PageStoreWriter saveDirtyPage) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert writeLock().isHeldByCurrentThread();
// Do not evict cache meta pages.
if (fullPageId.pageId() == storeMgr.metaPageId(fullPageId.groupId()))
return false;
if (PageHeader.isAcquired(absPtr))
return false;
clearRowCache(fullPageId, absPtr);
if (isDirty(absPtr)) {
CheckpointPages checkpointPages = this.checkpointPages;
// Can evict a dirty page only if should be written by a checkpoint.
// These pages does not have tmp buffer.
if (checkpointPages != null && checkpointPages.allowToSave(fullPageId)) {
assert storeMgr != null;
memMetrics.updatePageReplaceRate(U.currentTimeMillis() - PageHeader.readTimestamp(absPtr));
wrapPointer(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageSize()),
setDirty(fullPageId, absPtr, false, true);
return true;
return false;
else {
memMetrics.updatePageReplaceRate(U.currentTimeMillis() - PageHeader.readTimestamp(absPtr));
// Page was not modified, ok to evict.
return true;
* @param fullPageId Full page ID to remove all links placed on the page from row cache.
* @param absPtr Absolute pointer of the page to evict.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException On error.
private void clearRowCache(FullPageId fullPageId, long absPtr) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert writeLock().isHeldByCurrentThread();
if (ctx.kernalContext().query() == null || !ctx.kernalContext().query().moduleEnabled())
long pageAddr = PageMemoryImpl.this.readLock(absPtr, fullPageId.pageId(), true, false);
try {
if (PageIO.getType(pageAddr) != PageIO.T_DATA)
final GridQueryRowCacheCleaner cleaner = ctx.kernalContext().query()
if (cleaner == null)
DataPageIO io = DataPageIO.VERSIONS.forPage(pageAddr);
io.forAllItems(pageAddr, new DataPageIO.CC<Void>() {
@Override public Void apply(long link) {
return null;
finally {
* Removes random oldest page for page replacement from memory to storage.
* @return Relative address for removed page, now it can be replaced by allocated or reloaded page.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException If failed to evict page.
* @param saveDirtyPage Replaced page writer, implementation to save dirty page to persistent storage.
private long removePageForReplacement(PageStoreWriter saveDirtyPage) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert getWriteHoldCount() > 0;
if (!pageReplacementWarned) {
pageReplacementWarned = true;
U.warn(log, "Page replacements started, pages will be rotated with disk, " +
"this will affect storage performance (consider increasing DataRegionConfiguration#setMaxSize).");
final ThreadLocalRandom rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
final int cap = loadedPages.capacity();
if (acquiredPages() >= loadedPages.size()) {
DataRegionConfiguration dataRegionCfg = getDataRegionConfiguration();
throw new IgniteOutOfMemoryException("Failed to evict page from segment (all pages are acquired)."
+ + "Out of memory in data region [" +
"name=" + dataRegionCfg.getName() +
", initSize=" + U.readableSize(dataRegionCfg.getInitialSize(), false) +
", maxSize=" + U.readableSize(dataRegionCfg.getMaxSize(), false) +
", persistenceEnabled=" + dataRegionCfg.isPersistenceEnabled() + "] Try the following:" + +
" ^-- Increase maximum off-heap memory size (DataRegionConfiguration.maxSize)" + +
" ^-- Enable Ignite persistence (DataRegionConfiguration.persistenceEnabled)" + +
" ^-- Enable eviction or expiration policies"
// With big number of random picked pages we may fall into infinite loop, because
// every time the same page may be found.
Set<Long> ignored = null;
long relRmvAddr = INVALID_REL_PTR;
int iterations = 0;
while (true) {
long cleanAddr = INVALID_REL_PTR;
long cleanTs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long dirtyAddr = INVALID_REL_PTR;
long dirtyTs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
long metaAddr = INVALID_REL_PTR;
long metaTs = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < RANDOM_PAGES_EVICT_NUM; i++) {
if (iterations > pool.pages() * FULL_SCAN_THRESHOLD)
// We need to lookup for pages only in current segment for thread safety,
// so peeking random memory will lead to checking for found page segment.
// It's much faster to check available pages for segment right away.
ReplaceCandidate nearest = loadedPages.getNearestAt(rnd.nextInt(cap));
assert nearest != null && nearest.relativePointer() != INVALID_REL_PTR;
long rndAddr = nearest.relativePointer();
int partGen = nearest.generation();
final long absPageAddr = absolute(rndAddr);
FullPageId fullId = PageHeader.fullPageId(absPageAddr);
// Check page mapping consistency.
assert fullId.equals(nearest.fullId()) : "Invalid page mapping [tableId=" + nearest.fullId() +
", actual=" + fullId + ", nearest=" + nearest;
boolean outdated = partGen < partGeneration(fullId.groupId(), PageIdUtils.partId(fullId.pageId()));
if (outdated)
return refreshOutdatedPage(this, fullId.groupId(), fullId.pageId(), true);
boolean pinned = PageHeader.isAcquired(absPageAddr);
boolean skip = ignored != null && ignored.contains(rndAddr);
if (relRmvAddr == rndAddr || pinned || skip) {
final long pageTs = PageHeader.readTimestamp(absPageAddr);
final boolean dirty = isDirty(absPageAddr);
final boolean storMeta = isStoreMetadataPage(absPageAddr);
if (pageTs < cleanTs && !dirty && !storMeta) {
cleanAddr = rndAddr;
cleanTs = pageTs;
else if (pageTs < dirtyTs && dirty && !storMeta) {
dirtyAddr = rndAddr;
dirtyTs = pageTs;
else if (pageTs < metaTs && storMeta) {
metaAddr = rndAddr;
metaTs = pageTs;
if (cleanAddr != INVALID_REL_PTR)
relRmvAddr = cleanAddr;
else if (dirtyAddr != INVALID_REL_PTR)
relRmvAddr = dirtyAddr;
relRmvAddr = metaAddr;
if (relRmvAddr == INVALID_REL_PTR)
return tryToFindSequentially(cap, saveDirtyPage);
final long absRmvAddr = absolute(relRmvAddr);
final FullPageId fullPageId = PageHeader.fullPageId(absRmvAddr);
if (!preparePageRemoval(fullPageId, absRmvAddr, saveDirtyPage)) {
if (iterations > 10) {
if (ignored == null)
ignored = new HashSet<>();
if (iterations > pool.pages() * FULL_SCAN_THRESHOLD)
return tryToFindSequentially(cap, saveDirtyPage);
return relRmvAddr;
* @param absPageAddr Absolute page address
* @return {@code True} if page is related to partition metadata, which is loaded in saveStoreMetadata().
private boolean isStoreMetadataPage(long absPageAddr) {
try {
long dataAddr = absPageAddr + PAGE_OVERHEAD;
int type = PageIO.getType(dataAddr);
int ver = PageIO.getVersion(dataAddr);
PageIO io = PageIO.getPageIO(type, ver);
return io instanceof PagePartitionMetaIO
|| io instanceof PagesListMetaIO
|| io instanceof PagePartitionCountersIO;
catch (IgniteCheckedException ignored) {
return false;
* Will scan all segment pages to find one to evict it
* @param cap Capacity.
* @param saveDirtyPage Evicted page writer.
private long tryToFindSequentially(int cap, PageStoreWriter saveDirtyPage) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert getWriteHoldCount() > 0;
long prevAddr = INVALID_REL_PTR;
int pinnedCnt = 0;
int failToPrepare = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cap; i++) {
final ReplaceCandidate nearest = loadedPages.getNearestAt(i);
assert nearest != null && nearest.relativePointer() != INVALID_REL_PTR;
final long addr = nearest.relativePointer();
int partGen = nearest.generation();
final long absPageAddr = absolute(addr);
FullPageId fullId = PageHeader.fullPageId(absPageAddr);
if (partGen < partGeneration(fullId.groupId(), PageIdUtils.partId(fullId.pageId())))
return refreshOutdatedPage(this, fullId.groupId(), fullId.pageId(), true);
boolean pinned = PageHeader.isAcquired(absPageAddr);
if (pinned)
if (addr == prevAddr || pinned)
final long absEvictAddr = absolute(addr);
final FullPageId fullPageId = PageHeader.fullPageId(absEvictAddr);
if (preparePageRemoval(fullPageId, absEvictAddr, saveDirtyPage)) {
return addr;
prevAddr = addr;
DataRegionConfiguration dataRegionCfg = getDataRegionConfiguration();
throw new IgniteOutOfMemoryException("Failed to find a page for eviction [segmentCapacity=" + cap +
", loaded=" + loadedPages.size() +
", maxDirtyPages=" + maxDirtyPages +
", dirtyPages=" + dirtyPagesCntr +
", cpPages=" + (checkpointPages == null ? 0 : checkpointPages.size()) +
", pinnedInSegment=" + pinnedCnt +
", failedToPrepare=" + failToPrepare +
']' + + "Out of memory in data region [" +
"name=" + dataRegionCfg.getName() +
", initSize=" + U.readableSize(dataRegionCfg.getInitialSize(), false) +
", maxSize=" + U.readableSize(dataRegionCfg.getMaxSize(), false) +
", persistenceEnabled=" + dataRegionCfg.isPersistenceEnabled() + "] Try the following:" + +
" ^-- Increase maximum off-heap memory size (DataRegionConfiguration.maxSize)" + +
" ^-- Enable Ignite persistence (DataRegionConfiguration.persistenceEnabled)" + +
" ^-- Enable eviction or expiration policies"
* Delegate to the corresponding page pool.
* @param relPtr Relative pointer.
* @return Absolute pointer.
private long absolute(long relPtr) {
return pool.absolute(relPtr);
* @param grpId Cache group ID.
* @param partId Partition ID.
* @return Partition generation. Growing, 1-based partition version. Changed
private int partGeneration(int grpId, int partId) {
assert getReadHoldCount() > 0 || getWriteHoldCount() > 0;
Integer tag = partGenerationMap.get(new GroupPartitionId(grpId, partId));
assert tag == null || tag >= 0 : "Negative tag=" + tag;
return tag == null ? INIT_PART_GENERATION : tag;
* Increments partition generation due to partition invalidation (e.g. partition was rebalanced to other node
* and evicted).
* @param grpId Cache group ID.
* @param partId Partition ID.
* @return New partition generation.
private int incrementPartGeneration(int grpId, int partId) {
assert getWriteHoldCount() > 0;
GroupPartitionId grpPart = new GroupPartitionId(grpId, partId);
Integer gen = partGenerationMap.get(grpPart);
if (gen == null)
if (gen == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
U.warn(log, "Partition tag overflow [grpId=" + grpId + ", partId=" + partId + "]");
partGenerationMap.put(grpPart, 0);
return 0;
else {
partGenerationMap.put(grpPart, gen + 1);
return gen + 1;
* @param grpId Cache group id.
private void resetGroupPartitionsGeneration(int grpId) {
assert getWriteHoldCount() > 0;
partGenerationMap.keySet().removeIf(grpPart -> grpPart.getGroupId() == grpId);
* Gets an estimate for the amount of memory required to store the given number of page IDs
* in a segment table.
* @param pages Number of pages to store.
* @return Memory size estimate.
private static long requiredSegmentTableMemory(int pages) {
return FullPageIdTable.requiredMemory(pages) + 8;
* @param ptr Pointer to update.
* @param delta Delta.
private static int updateAtomicInt(long ptr, int delta) {
while (true) {
int old = GridUnsafe.getInt(ptr);
int updated = old + delta;
if (GridUnsafe.compareAndSwapInt(null, ptr, old, updated))
return updated;
* @param ptr Pointer to update.
* @param delta Delta.
private static long updateAtomicLong(long ptr, long delta) {
while (true) {
long old = GridUnsafe.getLong(ptr);
long updated = old + delta;
if (GridUnsafe.compareAndSwapLong(null, ptr, old, updated))
return updated;
private static class ClearSegmentRunnable implements Runnable {
/** */
private Segment seg;
/** Clear element filter for (cache group ID, page ID). */
LoadedPagesMap.KeyPredicate clearPred;
/** */
private CountDownFuture doneFut;
/** */
private int pageSize;
/** */
private boolean rmvDirty;
* @param seg Segment.
* @param clearPred Clear predicate for (cache group ID, page ID).
* @param doneFut Completion future.
private ClearSegmentRunnable(
Segment seg,
LoadedPagesMap.KeyPredicate clearPred,
boolean rmvDirty,
CountDownFuture doneFut,
int pageSize
) {
this.seg = seg;
this.clearPred = clearPred;
this.rmvDirty = rmvDirty;
this.doneFut = doneFut;
this.pageSize = pageSize;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void run() {
int cap = seg.loadedPages.capacity();
int chunkSize = 1000;
GridLongList ptrs = new GridLongList(chunkSize);
try {
for (int base = 0; base < cap; ) {
int boundary = Math.min(cap, base + chunkSize);
try {
GridLongList list = seg.loadedPages.removeIf(base, boundary, clearPred);
base = boundary;
finally {
for (int i = 0; i < ptrs.size(); i++) {
long relPtr = ptrs.get(i);
long absPtr = seg.pool.absolute(relPtr);
if (rmvDirty) {
FullPageId fullId = PageHeader.fullPageId(absPtr);
if (seg.dirtyPages.remove(fullId))
GridUnsafe.setMemory(absPtr + PAGE_OVERHEAD, pageSize, (byte)0);
catch (Throwable e) {
* Throttling enabled and its type enum.
public enum ThrottlingPolicy {
/** All ways of throttling are disabled. */
/** Only exponential throttling is used to protect from CP buffer overflow. */
/** Target ratio based: CP progress is used as border. */
/** Speed based. CP writting speed and estimated ideal speed are used as border */