blob: 15619d398bb37d2441908faa837c5a41862c1ac1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.binary;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier;
import javax.cache.CacheException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteBinary;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteClientDisconnectedException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryField;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObject;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectBuilder;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectException;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryType;
import org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryTypeConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.AffinityKeyMapper;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.BinaryConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.DataStorageConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.configuration.IgniteConfiguration;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.GridKernalContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteFeatures;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteFutureTimeoutCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInternalFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteInterruptedCheckedException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.IgniteNodeAttributes;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.NodeStoppingException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.UnregisteredBinaryTypeException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryEnumObjectImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryFieldMetadata;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMarshaller;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMetadata;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryMetadataHandler;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryObjectEx;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryObjectImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryObjectOffheapImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryTypeImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.GridBinaryMarshaller;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.builder.BinaryObjectBuilderImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.streams.BinaryInputStream;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.streams.BinaryOffheapInputStream;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.systemview.walker.BinaryMetadataViewWalker;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.GridProcessorAdapter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObject;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObjectByteArrayImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObjectContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObjectImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheObjectValueContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.IncompleteCacheObject;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObject;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.KeyCacheObjectImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.transactions.IgniteInternalTx;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cacheobject.IgniteCacheObjectProcessor;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cacheobject.UserCacheObjectByteArrayImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cacheobject.UserCacheObjectImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cacheobject.UserKeyCacheObjectImpl;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.QueryUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.GridUnsafe;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.IgniteUtils;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.MutableSingletonList;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.future.GridFutureAdapter;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.lang.GridMapEntry;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.tostring.GridToStringExclude;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T1;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.T2;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.A;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.CU;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteBiTuple;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteClosure;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteFuture;
import org.apache.ignite.lang.IgniteUuid;
import org.apache.ignite.marshaller.Marshaller;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.IgniteNodeValidationResult;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.DiscoveryDataBag;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.DiscoveryDataBag.GridDiscoveryData;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.IgniteDiscoveryThread;
import org.apache.ignite.spi.systemview.view.BinaryMetadataView;
import org.apache.ignite.thread.IgniteThread;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
import static org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_SKIP_CONFIGURATION_CONSISTENCY_CHECK;
import static org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_WAIT_SCHEMA_UPDATE;
import static org.apache.ignite.IgniteSystemProperties.getBoolean;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.GridComponent.DiscoveryDataExchangeType.BINARY_PROC;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.binary.BinaryUtils.mergeMetadata;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.metric.impl.MetricUtils.metricName;
* Binary processor implementation.
public class CacheObjectBinaryProcessorImpl extends GridProcessorAdapter implements IgniteCacheObjectProcessor {
/** Immutable classes. */
private static final Collection<Class<?>> IMMUTABLE_CLS = new HashSet<>();
/** @see IgniteSystemProperties#IGNITE_WAIT_SCHEMA_UPDATE */
public static final int DFLT_WAIT_SCHEMA_UPDATE = 30_000;
/** @see BinaryMetadataView */
public static final String BINARY_METADATA_VIEW = metricName("binary", "metadata");
/** @see BinaryMetadataView */
public static final String BINARY_METADATA_DESC = "Binary metadata";
/** */
private volatile boolean discoveryStarted;
/** */
private volatile IgniteFuture<?> reconnectFut;
/** */
private BinaryContext binaryCtx;
/** */
private Marshaller marsh;
/** */
private GridBinaryMarshaller binaryMarsh;
/** */
private BinaryMetadataFileStore metadataFileStore;
* Custom folder specifying local folder for {@link #metadataFileStore}.<br>
* {@code null} means no specific folder is configured. <br>
* In this case folder for metadata is composed from work directory and consistentId <br>
@Nullable private File binaryMetadataFileStoreDir;
/** How long to wait for schema if no updates in progress. */
private long waitSchemaTimeout = IgniteSystemProperties.getLong(IGNITE_WAIT_SCHEMA_UPDATE, DFLT_WAIT_SCHEMA_UPDATE);
/** For tests. */
public static boolean useTestBinaryCtx;
/** */
private IgniteBinary binaries;
/** Locally cached metadata. This local cache is managed by exchanging discovery custom events. */
private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> metadataLocCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** */
private BinaryMetadataTransport transport;
/** Cached affinity key field names. */
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, T1<BinaryField>> affKeyFields = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Static initializer
static {
* @param ctx Kernal context.
public CacheObjectBinaryProcessorImpl(GridKernalContext ctx) {
marsh = ctx.grid().configuration().getMarshaller();
ctx.systemView().registerView(BINARY_METADATA_VIEW, BINARY_METADATA_DESC, new BinaryMetadataViewWalker(),
metadataLocCache.values(), val -> new BinaryMetadataView(val.metadata()));
* @param igniteWorkDir Basic ignite working directory.
* @param consId Node consistent id.
* @return Working directory.
public static File resolveBinaryWorkDir(String igniteWorkDir, String consId) {
File workDir = binaryWorkDir(igniteWorkDir, consId);
if (!U.mkdirs(workDir))
throw new IgniteException("Could not create directory for binary metadata: " + workDir);
return workDir;
* @param igniteWorkDir Basic ignite working directory.
* @param consId Node consistent id.
* @return Working directory.
public static File binaryWorkDir(String igniteWorkDir, String consId) {
if (F.isEmpty(igniteWorkDir) || F.isEmpty(consId)) {
throw new IgniteException("Work directory or consistent id has not been set " +
"[igniteWorkDir=" + igniteWorkDir + ", consId=" + consId + ']');
return Paths.get(igniteWorkDir, DataStorageConfiguration.DFLT_BINARY_METADATA_PATH, consId).toFile();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void start() throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (marsh instanceof BinaryMarshaller) {
if (!ctx.clientNode()) {
metadataFileStore = new BinaryMetadataFileStore(metadataLocCache,
CU.isPersistenceEnabled(ctx.config()) && binaryMetadataFileStoreDir == null ?
ctx.pdsFolderResolver().resolveFolders().folderName()) :
BinaryMetadataHandler metaHnd = new BinaryMetadataHandler() {
@Override public void addMeta(
int typeId,
BinaryType newMeta,
boolean failIfUnregistered) throws BinaryObjectException {
assert newMeta != null;
assert newMeta instanceof BinaryTypeImpl;
if (!discoveryStarted) {
BinaryMetadataHolder holder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
BinaryMetadata oldMeta = holder != null ? holder.metadata() : null;
BinaryMetadata mergedMeta = mergeMetadata(oldMeta, ((BinaryTypeImpl)newMeta).metadata());
if (oldMeta != mergedMeta)
metadataLocCache.put(typeId, new BinaryMetadataHolder(mergedMeta, 0, 0));
BinaryMetadata newMeta0 = ((BinaryTypeImpl)newMeta).metadata();
@Override public void addMetaLocally(int typeId, BinaryType meta, boolean failIfUnregistered)
throws BinaryObjectException {
CacheObjectBinaryProcessorImpl.this.addMetaLocally(typeId, meta);
@Override public BinaryType metadata(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException {
return CacheObjectBinaryProcessorImpl.this.metadata(typeId);
@Override public BinaryMetadata metadata0(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException {
return CacheObjectBinaryProcessorImpl.this.metadata0(typeId);
@Override public BinaryType metadata(int typeId, int schemaId) throws BinaryObjectException {
return CacheObjectBinaryProcessorImpl.this.metadata(typeId, schemaId);
@Override public Collection<BinaryType> metadata() throws BinaryObjectException {
return CacheObjectBinaryProcessorImpl.this.metadata();
BinaryMarshaller bMarsh0 = (BinaryMarshaller)marsh;
binaryCtx = useTestBinaryCtx ?
new TestBinaryContext(metaHnd, ctx.config(), ctx.log(BinaryContext.class)) :
new BinaryContext(metaHnd, ctx.config(), ctx.log(BinaryContext.class));
transport = new BinaryMetadataTransport(metadataLocCache, metadataFileStore, binaryCtx, ctx, log);
IgniteUtils.invoke(BinaryMarshaller.class, bMarsh0, "setBinaryContext", binaryCtx, ctx.config());
binaryMarsh = new GridBinaryMarshaller(binaryCtx);
binaries = new IgniteBinaryImpl(ctx, this);
BinaryConfiguration bCfg = ctx.config().getBinaryConfiguration();
if (bCfg != null) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("globIdMapper", bCfg.getIdMapper() != null ? bCfg.getIdMapper().getClass().getName() : null);
map.put("globSerializer", bCfg.getSerializer() != null ? bCfg.getSerializer().getClass() : null);
map.put("compactFooter", bCfg.isCompactFooter());
if (bCfg.getTypeConfigurations() != null) {
Map<Object, Object> typeCfgsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (BinaryTypeConfiguration c : bCfg.getTypeConfigurations()) {
c.getTypeName() != null,
c.getIdMapper() != null ? c.getIdMapper().getClass() : null,
c.getSerializer() != null ? c.getSerializer().getClass() : null,
if (c.isEnum())
BinaryUtils.validateEnumValues(c.getTypeName(), c.getEnumValues());
map.put("typeCfgs", typeCfgsMap);
ctx.addNodeAttribute(IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_BINARY_CONFIGURATION, map);
if (!ctx.clientNode())
* @param lsnr Listener.
public void addBinaryMetadataUpdateListener(BinaryMetadataUpdatedListener lsnr) {
if (transport != null)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void stop(boolean cancel) {
if (transport != null)
if (metadataFileStore != null)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onDisconnected(IgniteFuture<?> reconnectFut) {
this.reconnectFut = reconnectFut;
if (transport != null)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public IgniteInternalFuture<?> onReconnected(boolean clusterRestarted) throws IgniteCheckedException {
reconnectFut = null;
return super.onReconnected(clusterRestarted);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onKernalStart(boolean active) throws IgniteCheckedException {
discoveryStarted = true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public CacheObject prepareForCache(@Nullable CacheObject obj, GridCacheContext cctx) {
if (obj == null)
return null;
return obj.prepareForCache(cctx.cacheObjectContext());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int typeId(String typeName) {
if (binaryCtx == null)
return 0;
return binaryCtx.typeId(typeName);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean immutable(Object obj) {
assert obj != null;
return IMMUTABLE_CLS.contains(obj.getClass());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onContinuousProcessorStarted(GridKernalContext ctx) {
// No-op.
* @param obj Object.
* @return Bytes.
* @throws BinaryObjectException If failed.
public byte[] marshal(@Nullable Object obj) throws BinaryObjectException {
byte[] arr = binaryMarsh.marshal(obj, false);
assert arr.length > 0;
return arr;
* @param ptr Off-heap pointer.
* @param forceHeap If {@code true} creates heap-based object.
* @return Object.
* @throws BinaryObjectException If failed.
public Object unmarshal(long ptr, boolean forceHeap) throws BinaryObjectException {
assert ptr > 0 : ptr;
int size = GridUnsafe.getInt(ptr);
ptr += 4;
byte type = GridUnsafe.getByte(ptr++);
if (type != CacheObject.TYPE_BYTE_ARR) {
assert size > 0 : size;
BinaryInputStream in = new BinaryOffheapInputStream(ptr, size, forceHeap);
return binaryMarsh.unmarshal(in);
return U.copyMemory(ptr, size);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Object marshalToBinary(
@Nullable Object obj,
boolean failIfUnregistered
) throws BinaryObjectException {
if (obj == null)
return null;
if (BinaryUtils.isBinaryType(obj.getClass()))
return obj;
if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] arr = (Object[])obj;
Object[] pArr = new Object[arr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
pArr[i] = marshalToBinary(arr[i], failIfUnregistered);
return pArr;
if (obj instanceof IgniteBiTuple) {
IgniteBiTuple tup = (IgniteBiTuple)obj;
if (obj instanceof T2)
return new T2<>(marshalToBinary(tup.get1(), failIfUnregistered),
marshalToBinary(tup.get2(), failIfUnregistered));
return new IgniteBiTuple<>(marshalToBinary(tup.get1(), failIfUnregistered),
marshalToBinary(tup.get2(), failIfUnregistered));
Collection<Object> pCol = BinaryUtils.newKnownCollection(obj);
if (pCol != null) {
Collection<?> col = (Collection<?>)obj;
for (Object item : col)
pCol.add(marshalToBinary(item, failIfUnregistered));
return (pCol instanceof MutableSingletonList) ? U.convertToSingletonList(pCol) : pCol;
Map<Object, Object> pMap = BinaryUtils.newKnownMap(obj);
if (pMap != null) {
Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>)obj;
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> e : map.entrySet())
pMap.put(marshalToBinary(e.getKey(), failIfUnregistered),
marshalToBinary(e.getValue(), failIfUnregistered));
return pMap;
if (obj instanceof Map.Entry) {
Map.Entry<?, ?> e = (Map.Entry<?, ?>)obj;
return new GridMapEntry<>(marshalToBinary(e.getKey(), failIfUnregistered),
marshalToBinary(e.getValue(), failIfUnregistered));
if (binaryMarsh.mustDeserialize(obj))
return obj; // No need to go through marshal-unmarshal because result will be the same as initial object.
byte[] arr = binaryMarsh.marshal(obj, failIfUnregistered);
assert arr.length > 0;
Object obj0 = binaryMarsh.unmarshal(arr, null);
// Possible if a class has writeObject method.
if (obj0 instanceof BinaryObjectImpl)
return obj0;
* @return Marshaller.
public GridBinaryMarshaller marshaller() {
return binaryMarsh;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public BinaryObjectBuilder builder(String clsName) {
return new BinaryObjectBuilderImpl(binaryCtx, clsName);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public BinaryObjectBuilder builder(BinaryObject binaryObj) {
return BinaryObjectBuilderImpl.wrap(binaryObj);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void updateMetadata(int typeId, String typeName, @Nullable String affKeyFieldName,
Map<String, BinaryFieldMetadata> fieldTypeIds, boolean isEnum, @Nullable Map<String, Integer> enumMap)
throws BinaryObjectException {
BinaryMetadata meta = new BinaryMetadata(typeId, typeName, fieldTypeIds, affKeyFieldName, null, isEnum,
binaryCtx.updateMetadata(typeId, meta, false);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void addMeta(final int typeId, final BinaryType newMeta, boolean failIfUnregistered)
throws BinaryObjectException {
assert newMeta != null;
assert newMeta instanceof BinaryTypeImpl;
BinaryMetadata newMeta0 = ((BinaryTypeImpl)newMeta).metadata();
if (failIfUnregistered) {
failIfUnregistered(typeId, newMeta0);
try {
GridFutureAdapter<MetadataUpdateResult> fut = transport.requestMetadataUpdate(newMeta0);
if (fut == null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Metadata update was skipped [typeId=" + typeId
+ ", typeName=" + newMeta.typeName() + ']');
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
MetadataUpdateResult res = fut.get();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
IgniteInternalTx tx = ctx.cache().context().tm().tx();
log.debug("Completed metadata update [typeId=" + typeId +
", typeName=" + newMeta.typeName() +
", waitTime=" + MILLISECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - t0, NANOSECONDS) + "ms" +
", fut=" + fut +
", tx=" + CU.txString(tx) +
assert res != null;
if (res.rejected())
throw res.error();
else if (!ctx.clientNode())
metadataFileStore.waitForWriteCompletion(typeId, res.typeVersion());
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
IgniteCheckedException ex = e;
if (ctx.isStopping()) {
ex = new NodeStoppingException("Node is stopping.");
throw new BinaryObjectException("Failed to update metadata for type: " + newMeta.typeName(), ex);
* Throw specific exception if given binary metadata is unregistered.
* @param typeId Type id.
* @param newMeta0 Expected binary metadata.
private void failIfUnregistered(int typeId, BinaryMetadata newMeta0) {
BinaryMetadataHolder metaHolder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
BinaryMetadata oldMeta = metaHolder != null ? metaHolder.metadata() : null;
BinaryMetadata mergedMeta = mergeMetadata(oldMeta, newMeta0);
if (mergedMeta != oldMeta)
throw new UnregisteredBinaryTypeException(typeId, mergedMeta);
if (metaHolder.pendingVersion() == metaHolder.acceptedVersion())
// Metadata locally is up-to-date. Waiting for updating metadata in an entire cluster, if necessary.
GridFutureAdapter<MetadataUpdateResult> fut = transport.awaitMetadataUpdate(typeId, metaHolder.pendingVersion());
if (!fut.isDone())
throw new UnregisteredBinaryTypeException(typeId, fut);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void addMetaLocally(int typeId, BinaryType newMeta) throws BinaryObjectException {
assert newMeta != null;
assert newMeta instanceof BinaryTypeImpl;
BinaryMetadata newMeta0 = ((BinaryTypeImpl)newMeta).metadata();
BinaryMetadataHolder metaHolder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
BinaryMetadata oldMeta = metaHolder != null ? metaHolder.metadata() : null;
try {
BinaryMetadata mergedMeta = mergeMetadata(oldMeta, newMeta0);
if (!ctx.clientNode())
metadataLocCache.put(typeId, new BinaryMetadataHolder(mergedMeta, 0, 0));
catch (BinaryObjectException e) {
throw new BinaryObjectException("New binary metadata is incompatible with binary metadata" +
" persisted locally." +
" Consider cleaning up persisted metadata from <workDir>/db/binary_meta directory.", e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public BinaryType metadata(final int typeId) {
BinaryMetadata meta = metadata0(typeId);
return meta != null ? meta.wrap(binaryCtx) : null;
* Forces caller thread to wait for binary metadata write operation for given type ID.
* In case of in-memory mode this method becomes a No-op as no binary metadata is written to disk in this mode.
* @param typeId ID of binary type to wait for metadata write operation.
public void waitMetadataWriteIfNeeded(final int typeId) {
if (metadataFileStore == null)
BinaryMetadataHolder hldr = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
if (hldr != null) {
try {
metadataFileStore.waitForWriteCompletion(typeId, hldr.pendingVersion());
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
log.warning("Failed to wait for metadata write operation for [typeId=" + typeId +
", typeVer=" + hldr.acceptedVersion() + ']', e);
* @param typeId Type ID.
* @return Metadata.
* @throws IgniteException In case of error.
@Nullable public BinaryMetadata metadata0(final int typeId) {
BinaryMetadataHolder holder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
IgniteThread curThread = IgniteThread.current();
if (holder == null && (curThread == null || !curThread.isForbiddenToRequestBinaryMetadata())) {
if (ctx.clientNode()) {
try {
holder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
catch (IgniteCheckedException ignored) {
// No-op.
if (holder != null) {
if (holder.removing()) {
GridFutureAdapter<MetadataUpdateResult> fut = transport.awaitMetadataRemove(typeId);
try {
catch (IgniteCheckedException ignored) {
// No-op.
return null;
if (curThread instanceof IgniteDiscoveryThread || (curThread != null && curThread.isForbiddenToRequestBinaryMetadata()))
return holder.metadata();
if (holder.pendingVersion() - holder.acceptedVersion() > 0) {
GridFutureAdapter<MetadataUpdateResult> fut = transport.awaitMetadataUpdate(typeId, holder.pendingVersion());
if (log.isDebugEnabled() && !fut.isDone())
log.debug("Waiting for update for" +
" [typeId=" + typeId +
", pendingVer=" + holder.pendingVersion() +
", acceptedVer=" + holder.acceptedVersion() + "]");
try {
catch (IgniteCheckedException ignored) {
// No-op.
else if (metadataFileStore != null) {
try {
metadataFileStore.waitForWriteCompletion(typeId, holder.pendingVersion());
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
log.warning("Failed to wait for metadata write operation for [typeId=" + typeId +
", typeVer=" + holder.acceptedVersion() + ']', e);
return null;
return holder.metadata();
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public BinaryType metadata(final int typeId, final int schemaId) {
BinaryMetadataHolder holder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
if (ctx.clientNode()) {
if (holder == null || !holder.metadata().hasSchema(schemaId)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Waiting for client metadata update" +
" [typeId=" + typeId
+ ", schemaId=" + schemaId
+ ", pendingVer=" + (holder == null ? "NA" : holder.pendingVersion())
+ ", acceptedVer=" + (holder == null ? "NA" : holder.acceptedVersion()) + ']');
try {
catch (IgniteCheckedException ignored) {
// No-op.
holder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
IgniteFuture<?> reconnectFut0 = reconnectFut;
if (holder == null && reconnectFut0 != null)
throw new IgniteClientDisconnectedException(reconnectFut0, "Client node disconnected.");
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Finished waiting for client metadata update" +
" [typeId=" + typeId
+ ", schemaId=" + schemaId
+ ", pendingVer=" + (holder == null ? "NA" : holder.pendingVersion())
+ ", acceptedVer=" + (holder == null ? "NA" : holder.acceptedVersion()) + ']');
else {
if (holder != null && IgniteThread.current() instanceof IgniteDiscoveryThread)
return holder.metadata().wrap(binaryCtx);
else if (holder != null && (holder.pendingVersion() - holder.acceptedVersion() > 0)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Waiting for metadata update" +
" [typeId=" + typeId
+ ", schemaId=" + schemaId
+ ", pendingVer=" + holder.pendingVersion()
+ ", acceptedVer=" + holder.acceptedVersion() + ']');
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
GridFutureAdapter<MetadataUpdateResult> fut = transport.awaitMetadataUpdate(
try {
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
log.error("Failed to wait for metadata update [typeId=" + typeId + ", schemaId=" + schemaId + ']', e);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Finished waiting for metadata update" +
" [typeId=" + typeId
+ ", waitTime=" + NANOSECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - t0, MILLISECONDS) + "ms"
+ ", schemaId=" + schemaId
+ ", pendingVer=" + holder.pendingVersion()
+ ", acceptedVer=" + holder.acceptedVersion() + ']');
holder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
else if (holder == null || !holder.metadata().hasSchema(schemaId)) {
// Last resort waiting.
"Schema is missing while no metadata updates are in progress " +
"(will wait for schema update within timeout defined by " + IGNITE_WAIT_SCHEMA_UPDATE + " system property)" +
" [typeId=" + typeId
+ ", missingSchemaId=" + schemaId
+ ", pendingVer=" + (holder == null ? "NA" : holder.pendingVersion())
+ ", acceptedVer=" + (holder == null ? "NA" : holder.acceptedVersion())
+ ", binMetaUpdateTimeout=" + waitSchemaTimeout + ']');
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
GridFutureAdapter<?> fut = transport.awaitSchemaUpdate(typeId, schemaId);
try {
catch (IgniteFutureTimeoutCheckedException e) {
log.error("Timed out while waiting for schema update [typeId=" + typeId + ", schemaId=" +
schemaId + ']');
catch (IgniteCheckedException ignored) {
// No-op.
holder = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
if (log.isDebugEnabled() && holder != null && holder.metadata().hasSchema(schemaId))
log.debug("Found the schema after wait" +
" [typeId=" + typeId
+ ", waitTime=" + NANOSECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - t0, MILLISECONDS) + "ms"
+ ", schemaId=" + schemaId
+ ", pendingVer=" + holder.pendingVersion()
+ ", acceptedVer=" + holder.acceptedVersion() + ']');
if (holder != null && metadataFileStore != null) {
try {
metadataFileStore.waitForWriteCompletion(typeId, holder.pendingVersion());
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
log.warning("Failed to wait for metadata write operation for [typeId=" + typeId +
", typeVer=" + holder.acceptedVersion() + ']', e);
return null;
return holder != null ? holder.metadata().wrap(binaryCtx) : null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Map<Integer, BinaryType> metadata(Collection<Integer> typeIds)
throws BinaryObjectException {
try {
Map<Integer, BinaryType> res = U.newHashMap(metadataLocCache.size());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> e : metadataLocCache.entrySet())
res.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().metadata().wrap(binaryCtx));
return res;
catch (CacheException e) {
throw new BinaryObjectException(e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Collection<BinaryType> metadata() throws BinaryObjectException {
return F.viewReadOnly(metadataLocCache.values(), new IgniteClosure<BinaryMetadataHolder, BinaryType>() {
@Override public BinaryType apply(BinaryMetadataHolder metaHolder) {
return metaHolder.metadata().wrap(binaryCtx);
* @return Cluster binary metadata.
* @throws BinaryObjectException on error.
public Collection<BinaryMetadata> binaryMetadata() throws BinaryObjectException {
return F.viewReadOnly(metadataLocCache.values(), new IgniteClosure<BinaryMetadataHolder, BinaryMetadata>() {
@Override public BinaryMetadata apply(BinaryMetadataHolder metaHolder) {
return metaHolder.metadata();
* @return Binary metadata for specified type.
* @throws BinaryObjectException on error.
public BinaryMetadata binaryMetadata(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException {
BinaryMetadataHolder hld = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
return hld != null ? hld.metadata() : null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void saveMetadata(Collection<BinaryType> types, File dir) {
try {
BinaryMetadataFileStore writer = new BinaryMetadataFileStore(new ConcurrentHashMap<>(),
for (BinaryType type : types)
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
throw new IgniteException(e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void updateMetadata(File metadataDir, BooleanSupplier stopChecker) throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (!metadataDir.exists())
try {
ConcurrentMap<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> metaCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
new BinaryMetadataFileStore(metaCache, ctx, log, metadataDir)
Collection<BinaryMetadata> metadata = F.viewReadOnly(metaCache.values(), BinaryMetadataHolder::metadata);
// Check the compatibility of the binary metadata.
for (BinaryMetadata newMeta : metadata) {
BinaryMetadata oldMeta = binaryMetadata(newMeta.typeId());
if (oldMeta != null)
BinaryUtils.mergeMetadata(oldMeta, newMeta, null);
// Update cluster metadata.
for (BinaryMetadata newMeta : metadata) {
if (stopChecker.getAsBoolean())
if (Thread.interrupted())
throw new IgniteInterruptedCheckedException("Thread has been interrupted.");
addMeta(newMeta.typeId(), newMeta.wrap(binaryContext()), false);
} catch (BinaryObjectException e) {
throw new IgniteCheckedException(e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public BinaryObject buildEnum(String typeName, int ord) throws BinaryObjectException {
A.notNullOrEmpty(typeName, "enum type name");
int typeId = binaryCtx.typeId(typeName);
typeName = binaryCtx.userTypeName(typeName);
updateMetadata(typeId, typeName, null, null, true, null);
return new BinaryEnumObjectImpl(binaryCtx, typeId, null, ord);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public BinaryObject buildEnum(String typeName, String name) throws BinaryObjectException {
A.notNullOrEmpty(typeName, "enum type name");
A.notNullOrEmpty(name, "enum name");
int typeId = binaryCtx.typeId(typeName);
BinaryMetadata metadata = metadata0(typeId);
if (metadata == null)
throw new BinaryObjectException("Failed to get metadata for type [typeId=" +
typeId + ", typeName='" + typeName + "']");
Integer ordinal = metadata.getEnumOrdinalByName(name);
typeName = binaryCtx.userTypeName(typeName);
if (ordinal == null)
throw new BinaryObjectException("Failed to resolve enum ordinal by name [typeId=" +
typeId + ", typeName='" + typeName + "', name='" + name + "']");
return new BinaryEnumObjectImpl(binaryCtx, typeId, null, ordinal);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public BinaryType registerEnum(String typeName, Map<String, Integer> vals) throws BinaryObjectException {
A.notNullOrEmpty(typeName, "enum type name");
int typeId = binaryCtx.typeId(typeName);
typeName = binaryCtx.userTypeName(typeName);
BinaryUtils.validateEnumValues(typeName, vals);
updateMetadata(typeId, typeName, null, null, true, vals);
return binaryCtx.metadata(typeId);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public IgniteBinary binary() throws IgniteException {
return binaries;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean isBinaryObject(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof BinaryObject;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean isBinaryEnabled(CacheConfiguration<?, ?> ccfg) {
return marsh instanceof BinaryMarshaller;
* Get affinity key field.
* @param typeId Binary object type ID.
* @return Affinity key.
public BinaryField affinityKeyField(int typeId) {
// Fast path for already cached field.
T1<BinaryField> fieldHolder = affKeyFields.get(typeId);
if (fieldHolder != null)
return fieldHolder.get();
// Slow path if affinity field is not cached yet.
String name = binaryCtx.affinityKeyFieldName(typeId);
if (name != null) {
BinaryField field = binaryCtx.createField(typeId, name);
affKeyFields.putIfAbsent(typeId, new T1<>(field));
return field;
else {
affKeyFields.putIfAbsent(typeId, new T1<>(null));
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int typeId(Object obj) {
if (obj == null)
return 0;
return isBinaryObject(obj) ? ((BinaryObjectEx)obj).typeId() : typeId(obj.getClass().getSimpleName());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Object field(Object obj, String fieldName) {
if (obj == null)
return null;
return isBinaryObject(obj) ? ((BinaryObject)obj).field(fieldName) : null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean hasField(Object obj, String fieldName) {
return obj != null && ((BinaryObject)obj).hasField(fieldName);
* @return Binary context.
public BinaryContext binaryContext() {
return binaryCtx;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheObjectContext contextForCache(CacheConfiguration ccfg) throws IgniteCheckedException {
assert ccfg != null;
boolean storeVal = !ccfg.isCopyOnRead() || (!isBinaryEnabled(ccfg) &&
(QueryUtils.isEnabled(ccfg) || ctx.config().isPeerClassLoadingEnabled()));
boolean binaryEnabled = marsh instanceof BinaryMarshaller && !GridCacheUtils.isSystemCache(ccfg.getName());
AffinityKeyMapper cacheAffMapper = ccfg.getAffinityMapper();
AffinityKeyMapper dfltAffMapper = binaryEnabled ?
new CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper(ccfg.getKeyConfiguration()) :
new GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper();
return new CacheObjectContext(ctx,
ctx.config().isPeerClassLoadingEnabled() && !isBinaryEnabled(ccfg),
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public byte[] marshal(CacheObjectValueContext ctx, Object val) throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (!ctx.binaryEnabled() || binaryMarsh == null)
return CU.marshal(ctx.kernalContext().cache().context(), ctx.addDeploymentInfo(), val);
byte[] arr = binaryMarsh.marshal(val, false);
assert arr.length > 0;
return arr;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Object unmarshal(CacheObjectValueContext ctx, byte[] bytes, ClassLoader clsLdr)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (!ctx.binaryEnabled() || binaryMarsh == null)
return U.unmarshal(ctx.kernalContext(), bytes, U.resolveClassLoader(clsLdr, ctx.kernalContext().config()));
return binaryMarsh.unmarshal(bytes, clsLdr);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public KeyCacheObject toCacheKeyObject(CacheObjectContext ctx, @Nullable GridCacheContext cctx,
Object obj, boolean userObj) {
if (!ctx.binaryEnabled()) {
if (obj instanceof KeyCacheObject) {
KeyCacheObject key = (KeyCacheObject)obj;
if (key.partition() == -1)
// Assume all KeyCacheObjects except BinaryObject can not be reused for another cache.
key.partition(partition(ctx, cctx, key));
return (KeyCacheObject)obj;
return toCacheKeyObject0(ctx, cctx, obj, userObj);
if (obj instanceof KeyCacheObject) {
KeyCacheObject key = (KeyCacheObject)obj;
if (key instanceof BinaryObjectImpl) {
// Need to create a copy because the key can be reused at the application layer after that (IGNITE-3505).
key = key.copy(partition(ctx, cctx, key));
else if (key.partition() == -1)
// Assume others KeyCacheObjects can not be reused for another cache.
key.partition(partition(ctx, cctx, key));
return key;
obj = toBinary(obj, false);
if (obj instanceof BinaryObjectImpl) {
((KeyCacheObject) obj).partition(partition(ctx, cctx, obj));
return (KeyCacheObject)obj;
return toCacheKeyObject0(ctx, cctx, obj, userObj);
* @param obj Object.
* @param userObj If {@code true} then given object is object provided by user and should be copied
* before stored in cache.
* @return Key cache object.
protected KeyCacheObject toCacheKeyObject0(CacheObjectContext ctx,
@Nullable GridCacheContext cctx,
Object obj,
boolean userObj) {
int part = partition(ctx, cctx, obj);
if (!userObj)
return new KeyCacheObjectImpl(obj, null, part);
return new UserKeyCacheObjectImpl(obj, part);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public CacheObject toCacheObject(CacheObjectContext ctx, @Nullable Object obj,
boolean userObj, boolean failIfUnregistered) {
if (!ctx.binaryEnabled()) {
if (obj == null || obj instanceof CacheObject)
return (CacheObject)obj;
return toCacheObject0(obj, userObj);
if (obj == null || obj instanceof CacheObject)
return (CacheObject)obj;
obj = toBinary(obj, failIfUnregistered);
if (obj instanceof CacheObject)
return (CacheObject)obj;
return toCacheObject0(obj, userObj);
* @param obj Object.
* @param userObj If {@code true} then given object is object provided by user and should be copied
* before stored in cache.
* @return Cache object.
private CacheObject toCacheObject0(@Nullable Object obj, boolean userObj) {
assert obj != null;
if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
if (!userObj)
return new CacheObjectByteArrayImpl((byte[])obj);
return new UserCacheObjectByteArrayImpl((byte[])obj);
if (!userObj)
return new CacheObjectImpl(obj, null);
return new UserCacheObjectImpl(obj, null);
* @param ctx Cache objects context.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param obj Object.
* @return Object partition.
private int partition(CacheObjectContext ctx, @Nullable GridCacheContext cctx, Object obj) {
try {
return cctx != null ?
cctx.affinity().partition(obj, false) :
ctx.kernalContext().affinity().partition0(ctx.cacheName(), obj, null);
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
U.error(log, "Failed to get partition", e);
return -1;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheObject toCacheObject(CacheObjectContext ctx, byte type, byte[] bytes) {
switch (type) {
case BinaryObjectImpl.TYPE_BINARY:
return new BinaryObjectImpl(binaryContext(), bytes, 0);
case BinaryObjectImpl.TYPE_BINARY_ENUM:
return new BinaryEnumObjectImpl(binaryContext(), bytes);
case CacheObject.TYPE_BYTE_ARR:
return new CacheObjectByteArrayImpl(bytes);
case CacheObject.TYPE_REGULAR:
return new CacheObjectImpl(null, bytes);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid object type: " + type);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public KeyCacheObject toKeyCacheObject(CacheObjectContext ctx, byte type, byte[] bytes)
throws IgniteCheckedException {
switch (type) {
case BinaryObjectImpl.TYPE_BINARY:
return new BinaryObjectImpl(binaryContext(), bytes, 0);
case CacheObject.TYPE_BYTE_ARR:
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Byte arrays cannot be used as cache keys.");
case CacheObject.TYPE_REGULAR:
return new KeyCacheObjectImpl(ctx.kernalContext().cacheObjects().unmarshal(ctx, bytes, null), bytes, -1);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid object type: " + type);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public CacheObject toCacheObject(CacheObjectContext ctx, ByteBuffer buf) {
int len = buf.getInt();
assert len >= 0 : len;
byte type = buf.get();
byte[] data = new byte[len];
return toCacheObject(ctx, type, data);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public IncompleteCacheObject toCacheObject(CacheObjectContext ctx, ByteBuffer buf,
@Nullable IncompleteCacheObject incompleteObj) {
if (incompleteObj == null)
incompleteObj = new IncompleteCacheObject(buf);
if (incompleteObj.isReady())
return incompleteObj;
if (incompleteObj.isReady())
incompleteObj.object(toCacheObject(ctx, incompleteObj.type(),;
return incompleteObj;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public IncompleteCacheObject toKeyCacheObject(CacheObjectContext ctx, ByteBuffer buf,
@Nullable IncompleteCacheObject incompleteObj) throws IgniteCheckedException {
if (incompleteObj == null)
incompleteObj = new IncompleteCacheObject(buf);
if (incompleteObj.isReady())
return incompleteObj;
if (incompleteObj.isReady())
incompleteObj.object(toKeyCacheObject(ctx, incompleteObj.type(),;
return incompleteObj;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public CacheObject toCacheObject(CacheObjectContext ctx, @Nullable Object obj,
boolean userObj) {
return toCacheObject(ctx, obj, userObj, false);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Object unwrapTemporary(GridCacheContext ctx, Object obj) throws BinaryObjectException {
if (!ctx.cacheObjectContext().binaryEnabled())
return obj;
if (obj instanceof BinaryObjectOffheapImpl)
return ((BinaryObjectOffheapImpl)obj).heapCopy();
return obj;
* @param obj Object.
* @return Binary object.
* @throws IgniteException In case of error.
@Nullable public Object toBinary(@Nullable Object obj, boolean failIfUnregistered) throws IgniteException {
if (obj == null)
return null;
if (isBinaryObject(obj))
return obj;
return marshalToBinary(obj, failIfUnregistered);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public IgniteNodeValidationResult validateNode(ClusterNode rmtNode,
DiscoveryDataBag.JoiningNodeDiscoveryData discoData
) {
IgniteNodeValidationResult res;
if (getBoolean(IGNITE_SKIP_CONFIGURATION_CONSISTENCY_CHECK) || !(marsh instanceof BinaryMarshaller))
return null;
if ((res = validateBinaryConfiguration(rmtNode)) != null)
return res;
return validateBinaryMetadata(, (Map<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder>)discoData.joiningNodeData());
/** */
private IgniteNodeValidationResult validateBinaryConfiguration(ClusterNode rmtNode) {
Object rmtBinaryCfg = rmtNode.attribute(IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_BINARY_CONFIGURATION);
ClusterNode locNode = ctx.discovery().localNode();
Object locBinaryCfg = locNode.attribute(IgniteNodeAttributes.ATTR_BINARY_CONFIGURATION);
if (!F.eq(locBinaryCfg, rmtBinaryCfg)) {
String msg = "Local node's binary configuration is not equal to remote node's binary configuration " +
"[locNodeId=%s, rmtNodeId=%s, locBinaryCfg=%s, rmtBinaryCfg=%s]";
return new IgniteNodeValidationResult(,
String.format(msg,,, locBinaryCfg, rmtBinaryCfg),
String.format(msg,,, rmtBinaryCfg, locBinaryCfg));
return null;
/** */
private IgniteNodeValidationResult validateBinaryMetadata(UUID rmtNodeId, Map<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> newNodeMeta) {
if (newNodeMeta == null)
return null;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> metaEntry : newNodeMeta.entrySet()) {
if (!metadataLocCache.containsKey(metaEntry.getKey()))
BinaryMetadata locMeta = metadataLocCache.get(metaEntry.getKey()).metadata();
BinaryMetadata rmtMeta = metaEntry.getValue().metadata();
if (locMeta == null || rmtMeta == null)
try {
mergeMetadata(locMeta, rmtMeta);
catch (Exception e) {
String locMsg = "Exception was thrown when merging binary metadata from node %s: %s";
String rmtMsg = "Exception was thrown on coordinator when merging binary metadata from this node: %s";
return new IgniteNodeValidationResult(rmtNodeId,
String.format(locMsg, rmtNodeId.toString(), e.getMessage()),
String.format(rmtMsg, e.getMessage()));
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public DiscoveryDataExchangeType discoveryDataType() {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void collectGridNodeData(DiscoveryDataBag dataBag) {
if (!dataBag.commonDataCollectedFor(BINARY_PROC.ordinal())) {
Map<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> res = U.newHashMap(metadataLocCache.size());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> e : metadataLocCache.entrySet()) {
if (!e.getValue().removing())
res.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
dataBag.addGridCommonData(BINARY_PROC.ordinal(), (Serializable) res);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void collectJoiningNodeData(DiscoveryDataBag dataBag) {
Map<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> res = U.newHashMap(metadataLocCache.size());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> e : metadataLocCache.entrySet())
res.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
dataBag.addJoiningNodeData(BINARY_PROC.ordinal(), (Serializable) res);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onJoiningNodeDataReceived(DiscoveryDataBag.JoiningNodeDiscoveryData data) {
Map<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> newNodeMeta = (Map<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder>) data.joiningNodeData();
if (newNodeMeta == null)
UUID joiningNode = data.joiningNodeId();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> metaEntry : newNodeMeta.entrySet()) {
if (metadataLocCache.containsKey(metaEntry.getKey())) {
BinaryMetadataHolder localMetaHolder = metadataLocCache.get(metaEntry.getKey());
BinaryMetadata newMeta = metaEntry.getValue().metadata();
BinaryMetadata localMeta = localMetaHolder.metadata();
BinaryMetadata mergedMeta = mergeMetadata(localMeta, newMeta);
if (mergedMeta != localMeta) {
//put mergedMeta to local cache and store to disk
String.format("Newer version of existing BinaryMetadata[typeId=%d, typeName=%s] " +
"is received from node %s; updating it locally",
new BinaryMetadataHolder(mergedMeta,
if (!ctx.clientNode())
else {
BinaryMetadataHolder newMetaHolder = metaEntry.getValue();
BinaryMetadata newMeta = newMetaHolder.metadata();
String.format("New BinaryMetadata[typeId=%d, typeName=%s] " +
"is received from node %s; adding it locally",
metadataLocCache.put(metaEntry.getKey(), newMetaHolder);
if (!ctx.clientNode())
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void onGridDataReceived(GridDiscoveryData data) {
Map<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> receivedData = (Map<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder>) data.commonData();
if (receivedData != null) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, BinaryMetadataHolder> e : receivedData.entrySet()) {
BinaryMetadataHolder holder = e.getValue();
BinaryMetadataHolder localHolder = new BinaryMetadataHolder(holder.metadata(),
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Received metadata on join: " + localHolder);
metadataLocCache.put(e.getKey(), localHolder);
if (!ctx.clientNode())
* Sets path to binary metadata store configured by user, should include binary_meta and consistentId
* @param binaryMetadataFileStoreDir path to binary_meta
public void setBinaryMetadataFileStoreDir(@Nullable File binaryMetadataFileStoreDir) {
this.binaryMetadataFileStoreDir = binaryMetadataFileStoreDir;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void removeType(int typeId) {
BinaryMetadataHolder oldHld = metadataLocCache.get(typeId);
if (oldHld == null)
throw new IgniteException("Failed to remove metadata, type not found: " + typeId);
if (oldHld.removing())
throw new IgniteException("Failed to remove metadata, type is being removed: " + typeId);
if (!IgniteFeatures.allNodesSupports(ctx.discovery().allNodes(), IgniteFeatures.REMOVE_METADATA)) {
throw new IgniteException("Failed to remove metadata, " +
"all cluster nodes must support the remove type feature");
try {
GridFutureAdapter<MetadataUpdateResult> fut = transport.requestMetadataRemove(typeId);
MetadataUpdateResult res = fut.get();
if (res.rejected())
throw res.error();
catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
IgniteCheckedException ex = e;
if (ctx.isStopping()) {
ex = new NodeStoppingException("Node is stopping.");
throw new BinaryObjectException("Failed to remove metadata for type: " + typeId, ex);
/** */
public static class TestBinaryContext extends BinaryContext {
/** */
private List<TestBinaryContextListener> listeners;
* @param metaHnd Meta handler.
* @param igniteCfg Ignite config.
* @param log Logger.
public TestBinaryContext(BinaryMetadataHandler metaHnd, IgniteConfiguration igniteCfg,
IgniteLogger log) {
super(metaHnd, igniteCfg, log);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Nullable @Override public BinaryType metadata(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException {
BinaryType metadata = super.metadata(typeId);
if (listeners != null) {
for (TestBinaryContextListener listener : listeners)
listener.onAfterMetadataRequest(typeId, metadata);
return metadata;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void updateMetadata(int typeId, BinaryMetadata meta,
boolean failIfUnregistered) throws BinaryObjectException {
if (listeners != null) {
for (TestBinaryContextListener listener : listeners)
listener.onBeforeMetadataUpdate(typeId, meta);
super.updateMetadata(typeId, meta, failIfUnregistered);
/** */
public interface TestBinaryContextListener {
* @param typeId Type id.
* @param type Type.
void onAfterMetadataRequest(int typeId, BinaryType type);
* @param typeId Type id.
* @param metadata Metadata.
void onBeforeMetadataUpdate(int typeId, BinaryMetadata metadata);
* @param lsnr Listener.
public void addListener(TestBinaryContextListener lsnr) {
if (listeners == null)
listeners = new ArrayList<>();
if (!listeners.contains(lsnr))
/** */
public void clearAllListener() {
if (listeners != null)