blob: 55eb89ae8a2cad0033feca1db6298d9e36ded599 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Apache.Ignite.Linq.Impl
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
/// <summary>
/// MethodCall expression visitor.
/// </summary>
internal static class MethodVisitor
/// <summary> Property visitors. </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<MemberInfo, string> Properties = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, string>
// ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
{typeof(string).GetProperty("Length"), "length"},
{typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Year"), "year"},
{typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Month"), "month"},
{typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Day"), "day_of_month"},
{typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("DayOfYear"), "day_of_year"},
{typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("DayOfWeek"), "-1 + day_of_week"},
{typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Hour"), "hour"},
{typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Minute"), "minute"},
{typeof(DateTime).GetProperty("Second"), "second"}
// ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
/// <summary> Method visit delegate. </summary>
private delegate void VisitMethodDelegate(MethodCallExpression expression, CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor);
/// <summary>
/// Delegates dictionary.
/// </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> Delegates = new List
<KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate>>
GetStringMethod("ToLower", new Type[0], GetFunc("lower")),
GetStringMethod("ToUpper", new Type[0], GetFunc("upper")),
GetStringMethod("Contains", new[] {typeof (string)}, (e, v) => VisitSqlLike(e, v, "'%' || ? || '%'")),
GetStringMethod("StartsWith", new[] {typeof (string)}, (e, v) => VisitSqlLike(e, v, "? || '%'")),
GetStringMethod("EndsWith", new[] {typeof (string)}, (e, v) => VisitSqlLike(e, v, "'%' || ?")),
GetStringMethod("IndexOf", new[] {typeof (string)}, GetFunc("instr", -1)),
GetStringMethod("IndexOf", new[] {typeof (string), typeof (int)}, GetFunc("instr", -1)),
GetStringMethod("Substring", new[] {typeof (int)}, GetFunc("substring", 0, 1)),
GetStringMethod("Substring", new[] {typeof (int), typeof (int)}, GetFunc("substring", 0, 1)),
GetStringMethod("Trim", "trim"),
GetParameterizedTrimMethod("Trim", "trim"),
GetParameterizedTrimMethod("TrimStart", "ltrim"),
GetParameterizedTrimMethod("TrimEnd", "rtrim"),
GetCharTrimMethod("Trim", "trim"),
GetCharTrimMethod("TrimStart", "ltrim"),
GetCharTrimMethod("TrimEnd", "rtrim"),
GetStringMethod("Replace", "replace", typeof(string), typeof(string)),
GetStringMethod("PadLeft", "lpad", typeof (int)),
GetStringMethod("PadLeft", "lpad", typeof (int), typeof (char)),
GetStringMethod("PadRight", "rpad", typeof (int)),
GetStringMethod("PadRight", "rpad", typeof (int), typeof (char)),
GetStringMethod("Compare", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }, (e, v) => VisitStringCompare(e, v, false)),
GetStringMethod("Compare", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool) }, (e, v) => VisitStringCompare(e, v, GetStringCompareIgnoreCaseParameter(e.Arguments[2]))),
GetRegexMethod("Replace", "regexp_replace", typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string)),
GetRegexMethod("Replace", "regexp_replace", typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string),
GetRegexMethod("IsMatch", "regexp_like", typeof (string), typeof (string)),
GetRegexMethod("IsMatch", "regexp_like", typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof(RegexOptions)),
GetMethod(typeof (DateTime), "ToString", new[] {typeof (string)},
(e, v) => VisitFunc(e, v, "formatdatetime", ", 'en', 'UTC'")),
GetMathMethod("Abs", typeof (int)),
GetMathMethod("Abs", typeof (long)),
GetMathMethod("Abs", typeof (float)),
GetMathMethod("Abs", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Abs", typeof (decimal)),
GetMathMethod("Abs", typeof (sbyte)),
GetMathMethod("Abs", typeof (short)),
GetMathMethod("Acos", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Asin", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Atan", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Atan2", typeof (double), typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Ceiling", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Ceiling", typeof (decimal)),
GetMathMethod("Cos", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Cosh", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Exp", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Floor", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Floor", typeof (decimal)),
GetMathMethod("Log", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Log10", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Pow", "Power", typeof (double), typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Round", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Round", typeof (double), typeof (int)),
GetMathMethod("Round", typeof (decimal)),
GetMathMethod("Round", typeof (decimal), typeof (int)),
GetMathMethod("Sign", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Sign", typeof (decimal)),
GetMathMethod("Sign", typeof (float)),
GetMathMethod("Sign", typeof (int)),
GetMathMethod("Sign", typeof (long)),
GetMathMethod("Sign", typeof (short)),
GetMathMethod("Sign", typeof (sbyte)),
GetMathMethod("Sin", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Sinh", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Sqrt", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Tan", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Tanh", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Truncate", typeof (double)),
GetMathMethod("Truncate", typeof (decimal)),
}.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
/// <summary> RegexOptions transformations. </summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<RegexOptions, string> RegexOptionFlags = new Dictionary<RegexOptions, string>
{ RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, "i" },
{ RegexOptions.Multiline, "m" }
/// <summary>
/// Visits the property call expression.
/// </summary>
public static bool VisitPropertyCall(MemberExpression expression, CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor)
string funcName;
if (!Properties.TryGetValue(expression.Member, out funcName))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Visits the method call expression.
/// </summary>
public static void VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression expression, CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor)
var mtd = expression.Method;
VisitMethodDelegate del;
if (!Delegates.TryGetValue(mtd, out del))
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Method not supported: {0}.({1})",
mtd.DeclaringType == null ? "static" : mtd.DeclaringType.FullName, mtd));
del(expression, visitor);
/// <summary>
/// Visits the constant call expression.
/// </summary>
public static bool VisitConstantCall(ConstantExpression expression, CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor)
if (expression.Type != typeof(RegexOptions))
return false;
var regexOptions = expression.Value as RegexOptions? ?? RegexOptions.None;
var result = string.Empty;
foreach (var option in RegexOptionFlags)
if (regexOptions.HasFlag(option.Key))
result += option.Value;
regexOptions &= ~option.Key;
if (regexOptions != RegexOptions.None)
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("RegexOptions.{0} is not supported", regexOptions));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the function.
/// </summary>
private static VisitMethodDelegate GetFunc(string func, params int[] adjust)
return (e, v) => VisitFunc(e, v, func, null, adjust);
/// <summary>
/// Visits the instance function.
/// </summary>
private static void VisitFunc(MethodCallExpression expression, CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor,
string func, string suffix, params int[] adjust)
var isInstanceMethod = expression.Object != null;
if (isInstanceMethod)
for (int i= 0; i < expression.Arguments.Count; i++)
var arg = expression.Arguments[i];
if (isInstanceMethod || (i > 0))
visitor.ResultBuilder.Append(", ");
AppendAdjustment(visitor, adjust, i + 1);
AppendAdjustment(visitor, adjust, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Visits the instance function for Trim specific handling.
/// </summary>
private static void VisitParameterizedTrimFunc(MethodCallExpression expression,
CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor, string func)
var arg = expression.Arguments[0];
if (arg != null)
visitor.ResultBuilder.Append(", ");
if (arg.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
var constant = (ConstantExpression) arg;
if (constant.Value is char)
visitor.AppendParameter((char) constant.Value);
var args = constant.Value as IEnumerable<char>;
if (args == null)
throw new NotSupportedException("String.Trim function only supports IEnumerable<char>");
var enumeratedArgs = args.ToArray();
if (enumeratedArgs.Length != 1)
throw new NotSupportedException("String.Trim function only supports a single argument: " +
/// <summary>
/// Appends the adjustment.
/// </summary>
private static void AppendAdjustment(CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor, int[] adjust, int idx)
if (idx < adjust.Length)
var delta = adjust[idx];
if (delta > 0)
visitor.ResultBuilder.AppendFormat(" + {0}", delta);
else if (delta < 0)
visitor.ResultBuilder.AppendFormat(" {0}", delta);
/// <summary>
/// Visits the SQL like expression.
/// </summary>
private static void VisitSqlLike(MethodCallExpression expression, CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor,
string likeFormat)
visitor.ResultBuilder.AppendFormat(" like {0}) ", likeFormat);
var arg = expression.Arguments[0] as ConstantExpression;
var paramValue = arg != null
? arg.Value
: ExpressionWalker.EvaluateExpression<object>(expression.Arguments[0]);
/// <summary>
/// Get IgnoreCase parameter for string.Compare method
/// </summary>
private static bool GetStringCompareIgnoreCaseParameter(Expression expression)
var constant = expression as ConstantExpression;
if (constant != null)
if (constant.Value is bool)
return (bool)constant.Value;
throw new NotSupportedException(
"Parameter 'ignoreCase' from 'string.Compare method should be specified as a constant expression");
/// <summary>
/// Visits string.Compare method
/// </summary>
private static void VisitStringCompare(MethodCallExpression expression, CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor, bool ignoreCase)
// Ex: nvl2(?, casewhen(_T0.NAME = ?, 0, casewhen(_T0.NAME >= ?, 1, -1)), 1)
visitor.ResultBuilder.Append(", casewhen(");
VisitArg(visitor, expression, 0, ignoreCase);
visitor.ResultBuilder.Append(" = ");
VisitArg(visitor, expression, 1, ignoreCase);
visitor.ResultBuilder.Append(", 0, casewhen(");
VisitArg(visitor, expression, 0, ignoreCase);
visitor.ResultBuilder.Append(" >= ");
VisitArg(visitor, expression, 1, ignoreCase);
visitor.ResultBuilder.Append(", 1, -1)), 1)");
/// <summary>
/// Visits member expression argument.
/// </summary>
private static void VisitArg(CacheQueryExpressionVisitor visitor, MethodCallExpression expression, int idx,
bool lower)
if (lower)
if (lower)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the method.
/// </summary>
private static KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> GetMethod(Type type, string name,
Type[] argTypes = null, VisitMethodDelegate del = null)
var method = argTypes == null ? type.GetMethod(name) : type.GetMethod(name, argTypes);
return new KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate>(method, del ?? GetFunc(name));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the string method.
/// </summary>
private static KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> GetStringMethod(string name,
Type[] argTypes = null, VisitMethodDelegate del = null)
return GetMethod(typeof(string), name, argTypes, del);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the string method.
/// </summary>
private static KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> GetStringMethod(string name, string sqlName,
params Type[] argTypes)
return GetMethod(typeof(string), name, argTypes, GetFunc(sqlName));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Regex method.
/// </summary>
private static KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> GetRegexMethod(string name, string sqlName,
params Type[] argTypes)
return GetMethod(typeof(Regex), name, argTypes, GetFunc(sqlName));
/// <summary>
/// Gets string parameterized Trim(TrimStart, TrimEnd) method.
/// </summary>
private static KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> GetParameterizedTrimMethod(string name,
string sqlName)
return GetMethod(typeof(string), name, new[] {typeof(char[])},
(e, v) => VisitParameterizedTrimFunc(e, v, sqlName));
/// <summary>
/// Gets string parameterized Trim(TrimStart, TrimEnd) method that takes a single char.
/// </summary>
private static KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> GetCharTrimMethod(string name,
string sqlName)
return GetMethod(typeof(string), name, new[] {typeof(char)},
(e, v) => VisitParameterizedTrimFunc(e, v, sqlName));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the math method.
/// </summary>
private static KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> GetMathMethod(string name, string sqlName,
params Type[] argTypes)
return GetMethod(typeof(Math), name, argTypes, GetFunc(sqlName));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the math method.
/// </summary>
private static KeyValuePair<MethodInfo, VisitMethodDelegate> GetMathMethod(string name, params Type[] argTypes)
return GetMathMethod(name, name, argTypes);