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= Using Tableau With Apache Ignite
== Overview[Tableau, window=_blank] is an interactive data-visualization tool focused on business intelligence.
It uses ODBC APIs to connect to a variety of databases and data platforms allowing to analyze data stored there.
You can use the link:SQL/ODBC/odbc-driver[Ignite ODBC driver] to interconnect Ignite with Tableau and analyze the data stored
in the cluster.
== Installation and Configuration
To connect to an Apache Ignite cluster from Tableau, you need to do the following:
* Download and install Tableau Desktop. Refer to an official Tableau documentation located on[the product's main website, window=_blank].
* Install the Apache Ignite ODBC driver on a Windows or Unix-based operating system. The detailed instructions can be found on the link:SQL/ODBC/odbc-driver[driver's configuration page].
* Finalize the driver configuration by link:SQL/ODBC/connection-string-dsn#configuring-dsn[setting up a DSN (Data Source Name)].
Tableau will connect to the DSN configured at this step.
* The ODBC driver communicates to the Ignite cluster over a so-called `ODBC processor`. Make sure that this component is
enabled on the link:SQL/ODBC/querying-modifying-data#configuring-the-cluster[cluster side].
After all the above steps are accomplished, you can connect to the cluster and analyze its data.
== Connecting to Ignite Cluster
. Launch Tableau application and find `Other Databases (ODBC)` setting located under `Connect` \-> `To a Server` \-> `+More...+` window.
image::images/tools/tableau-choosing_driver_01.png[Tableau Driver Selection]
. Click on the `Edit connection` reference.
image::images/tools/tableau-edit_connection.png[Tableau Edit Connection]
. Set the `DSN` property to the name you configured before. In the example below it's equal to `LocalApacheIgniteDSN`.
Once this is done, click on the `Connect` button.
image::images/tools/tableau-choose_dsn_01.png[Tableau Choose DSN]
. Tableau will try to check the connection by opening a temporary one. If the validation succeeds, the `Sign In` button
as well as additional connection related fields will become active. Click on `Sign In` to finalize the connection process.
image::images/tools/tableau-choose_dsn_02.png[Tableau Choose DSN]
== Data Querying and Analysis
Once the connection is successfully established between Ignite and Tableau, the data can be queried and analyzed in a
variety of ways supported by Tableau. For more details, refer to the[official Tableau documentation, window=_blank].
image::images/tools/tableau-creating_dataset.png[Tableau Creating DataSet]
image::images/tools/tableau-visualizing_data.png[Tableau Visualizing Data]