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= Master key rotation
== Overview
Master key encrypts cache keys. Encrypted cache keys are stored on the disk. To learn more see the link:security/tde[Transparent Data Encryption] page.
Ignite 2.9 introduces the master key change process. It allows users to switch Ignite to the new master key with re-encrypting cache keys.
Master key rotation is required if it has been compromised or at the end of the crypto period (key validity period).
== Prerequisites
A new master key should be available to `EncryptionSpi` for each server node. The cluster should be active.
== Configuration
Master keys are identified by name. When the cluster starts for the first time, the master key name from the configuration will be used. See link:security/tde#configuration[TDE Configuration].
Nodes save the master key name to the disk (local `MetaStorage`) on the first cluster activation and each master key change. If some node restarts, it will use the master key name from the local `MetaStorage`.
== Changing master key
NOTE: Cache start and node join during the key change process is prohibited and will be rejected.
Ignite provide the ability to change the master key from the following interfaces:
- link:#command-line-tool[command line tool]
- link:#jmx[JMX]
- link:#from-code[from code]
=== Command line tool
Ignite ships a `|bat` script, located in the `$IGNITE_HOME/bin` folder, that acts like a tool to manage the master key change process from the command line. The following commands can be used with `|bat`:
# Print the current master key name.|bat --encryption get_master_key_name
# Change the master key.|bat --encryption change_master_key newMasterKeyName
=== JMX
You can also manage the master key change process via the `EncryptionMXBean` interface:
|Method | Description
|getMasterKeyName() | Gets the current master key name.
|changeMasterKey(String masterKeyName) | Starts master key change process.
=== From code
The master key change process can be managed programmatically:
[source, java]
include::{javaCodeDir}/[tags=master-key-rotation, indent=0]
== Recovery of the master key on failing node
If some node is unavailable during a master key change process it won't be able to join to the cluster with the old master key. The node should re-encrypt local group keys during recovery on startup. The actual master key name should be set via `IGNITE_MASTER_KEY_NAME_TO_CHANGE_BEFORE_STARTUP` system property before the node starts. The node saves the key name to the local `MetaStorage` when the cluster is active.
NOTE: It is recommended to delete system property after a successful recovery. Otherwise, the invalid master key name can be used when the node restarts.
== Additional master key generation example
Ignite comes with the `KeystoreEncryptionSpi` based on JDK provided cipher algorithm implementations. See link:security/tde#master-key-generation-example[keystore master key generation example]. An additional master key can be generated using the `keytool` as follows:
user:~/tmp:[]$ keytool \
-storepass mypassw0rd \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keystore ./ignite_keystore.jks \
Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SunJSSE
Your keystore contains 1 entry
ignite.master.key, 15.01.2019, SecretKeyEntry,
user:~/tmp:[]$ keytool -genseckey \
-alias ignite.master.key2 \
-keystore ./ignite_keystore.jks \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keyalg aes \
-storepass mypassw0rd \
-keysize 256
user:~/tmp:[]$ keytool \
-storepass mypassw0rd \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keystore ./ignite_keystore.jks \
Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SunJSSE
Your keystore contains 2 entries
ignite.master.key, 15.01.2019, SecretKeyEntry,
ignite.master.key2, 15.01.2019, SecretKeyEntry,