blob: 0ede05494a50c754a2e37403f016434596666c41 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.twostep;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.cache.CacheException;
import org.apache.ignite.IgniteLogger;
import org.apache.ignite.cache.CacheServerNotFoundException;
import org.apache.ignite.cluster.ClusterNode;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.GridKernalContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityAssignment;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.CacheInvalidStateException;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.GridCacheContext;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.cache.distributed.dht.topology.GridDhtPartitionState;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.F;
import org.apache.ignite.internal.util.typedef.internal.U;
import org.h2.util.IntArray;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.affinity.AffinityTopologyVersion.NONE;
* Reduce partition mapper.
public class ReducePartitionMapper {
/** */
private static final Set<ClusterNode> UNMAPPED_PARTS = Collections.emptySet();
/** Kernal context. */
private final GridKernalContext ctx;
/** */
private final IgniteLogger log;
* Constructor.
* @param ctx Kernal context.
public ReducePartitionMapper(GridKernalContext ctx, IgniteLogger log) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.log = log;
* Evaluates nodes and nodes to partitions map given a list of cache ids, topology version and partitions.
* @param cacheIds Cache ids.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param parts Partitions array.
* @param isReplicatedOnly Allow only replicated caches.
* @return Result.
public ReducePartitionMapResult nodesForPartitions(List<Integer> cacheIds, AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
int[] parts, boolean isReplicatedOnly) {
Collection<ClusterNode> nodes = null;
Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> partsMap = null;
Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> qryMap = null;
for (int cacheId : cacheIds) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = cacheContext(cacheId);
Collection<Integer> lostParts = cctx.topology().lostPartitions();
if (!lostParts.isEmpty()) {
int lostPart = parts == null ? lostParts.iterator().next() :
if (lostPart >= 0) {
throw new CacheException(new CacheInvalidStateException("Failed to execute query because cache " +
"partition has been lostPart [cacheName=" + + ", part=" + lostPart + ']'));
if (isPreloadingActive(cacheIds)) {
if (isReplicatedOnly)
nodes = replicatedUnstableDataNodes(cacheIds);
else {
partsMap = partitionedUnstableDataNodes(cacheIds);
if (partsMap != null) {
qryMap = narrowForQuery(partsMap, parts);
nodes = qryMap == null ? null : qryMap.keySet();
else {
if (parts == null)
nodes = stableDataNodes(cacheIds, topVer, isReplicatedOnly);
else {
qryMap = stableDataNodesForPartitions(topVer, cacheIds, parts);
if (qryMap != null)
nodes = qryMap.keySet();
return new ReducePartitionMapResult(nodes, partsMap, qryMap);
* @param cacheId Cache ID.
* @return Cache context.
private GridCacheContext<?, ?> cacheContext(Integer cacheId) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = ctx.cache().context().cacheContext(cacheId);
if (cctx == null)
throw new CacheException(String.format("Cache not found on local node (was concurrently destroyed?) " +
"[cacheId=%d]", cacheId));
return cctx;
* @param cacheIds Cache IDs.
* @return {@code true} If preloading is active.
private boolean isPreloadingActive(List<Integer> cacheIds) {
for (Integer cacheId : cacheIds) {
if (hasMovingPartitions(cacheContext(cacheId)))
return true;
return false;
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @return {@code True} If cache has partitions in {@link GridDhtPartitionState#MOVING} state.
private static boolean hasMovingPartitions(GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx) {
assert cctx != null;
return cctx.topology().hasMovingPartitions();
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param cacheIds Participating cache IDs.
* @param parts Partitions.
* @return Data nodes or {@code null} if repartitioning started and we need to retry.
private Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> stableDataNodesForPartitions(
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
List<Integer> cacheIds,
@NotNull int[] parts) {
assert parts != null;
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = firstPartitionedCache(cacheIds);
Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> map = stableDataNodesMap(topVer, cctx, parts);
Set<ClusterNode> nodes = map.keySet();
if (narrowToCaches(cctx, nodes, cacheIds, topVer, parts, false) == null)
return null;
return map;
* @param cacheIds Participating cache IDs.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param isReplicatedOnly If we must only have replicated caches.
* @return Data nodes or {@code null} if repartitioning started and we need to retry.
private Collection<ClusterNode> stableDataNodes(
List<Integer> cacheIds,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
boolean isReplicatedOnly) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = (isReplicatedOnly) ? cacheContext(cacheIds.get(0)) :
Set<ClusterNode> nodes;
// Explicit partitions mapping is not applicable to replicated cache.
final AffinityAssignment topologyAssignment = cctx.affinity().assignment(topVer);
if (cctx.isReplicated()) {
// Mutable collection needed for this particular case.
nodes = isReplicatedOnly && cacheIds.size() > 1 ?
new HashSet<>(topologyAssignment.nodes()) : topologyAssignment.nodes();
nodes = topologyAssignment.primaryPartitionNodes();
return narrowToCaches(cctx, nodes, cacheIds, topVer, null, isReplicatedOnly);
* If the first cache is not partitioned, find it (if it's present) and move it to index 0.
* @param cacheIds Cache ids collection.
* @return First partitioned cache.
private GridCacheContext<?, ?> firstPartitionedCache(List<Integer> cacheIds) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = cacheContext(cacheIds.get(0));
// If the first cache is not partitioned, find it (if it's present) and move it to index 0.
if (cctx.isPartitioned())
return cctx;
for (int cacheId = 1; cacheId < cacheIds.size(); cacheId++) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> currCctx = cacheContext(cacheIds.get(cacheId));
if (currCctx.isPartitioned()) {
Collections.swap(cacheIds, 0, cacheId);
return currCctx;
assert false;
return cctx;
* @param cctx First cache context.
* @param nodes Nodes.
* @param cacheIds Query cache Ids.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param parts Query partitions.
* @param isReplicatedOnly Replicated only flag.
* @return
private Collection<ClusterNode> narrowToCaches(
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx,
Collection<ClusterNode> nodes,
List<Integer> cacheIds,
AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
int[] parts,
boolean isReplicatedOnly) {
if (F.isEmpty(nodes))
throw new CacheServerNotFoundException("Failed to find data nodes for cache: " +;
for (int i = 1; i < cacheIds.size(); i++) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> extraCctx = cacheContext(cacheIds.get(i));
String extraCacheName =;
if (isReplicatedOnly && !extraCctx.isReplicated())
throw new CacheException("Queries running on replicated cache should not contain JOINs " +
"with partitioned tables [replicatedCache=" + +
", partitionedCache=" + extraCacheName + "]");
Set<ClusterNode> extraNodes = stableDataNodesSet(topVer, extraCctx, parts);
if (F.isEmpty(extraNodes))
throw new CacheServerNotFoundException("Failed to find data nodes for cache: " + extraCacheName);
boolean disjoint;
if (extraCctx.isReplicated()) {
if (isReplicatedOnly) {
disjoint = nodes.isEmpty();
disjoint = !extraNodes.containsAll(nodes);
disjoint = !extraNodes.equals(nodes);
if (disjoint) {
if (isPreloadingActive(cacheIds)) {
logRetry("Failed to calculate nodes for SQL query (got disjoint node map during rebalance) " +
"[affTopVer=" + topVer + ", cacheIds=" + cacheIds +
", parts=" + (parts == null ? "[]" : Arrays.toString(parts)) +
", replicatedOnly=" + isReplicatedOnly + ", lastCache=" + +
", lastCacheId=" + extraCctx.cacheId() + ']');
return null; // Retry.
throw new CacheException("Caches have distinct sets of data nodes [cache1=" + +
", cache2=" + extraCacheName + "]");
return nodes;
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param parts Partitions.
private Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> stableDataNodesMap(AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
final GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx, final @NotNull int[] parts) {
assert !cctx.isReplicated();
List<List<ClusterNode>> assignment = cctx.affinity().assignment(topVer).assignment();
Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> mapping = new HashMap<>();
for (int part : parts) {
List<ClusterNode> partNodes = assignment.get(part);
if (!partNodes.isEmpty()) {
ClusterNode prim = partNodes.get(0);
IntArray partIds = mapping.get(prim);
if (partIds == null) {
partIds = new IntArray();
mapping.put(prim, partIds);
return mapping;
* Note: This may return unmodifiable set.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @param parts Partitions.
private Set<ClusterNode> stableDataNodesSet(AffinityTopologyVersion topVer,
final GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx, @Nullable final int[] parts) {
// Explicit partitions mapping is not applicable to replicated cache.
final AffinityAssignment topologyAssignment = cctx.affinity().assignment(topVer);
if (cctx.isReplicated())
return topologyAssignment.nodes();
if (parts == null)
return topologyAssignment.primaryPartitionNodes();
List<List<ClusterNode>> assignment = topologyAssignment.assignment();
Set<ClusterNode> nodes = new HashSet<>();
for (int part : parts) {
List<ClusterNode> partNodes = assignment.get(part);
if (!partNodes.isEmpty())
return nodes;
* Calculates partition mapping for partitioned cache on unstable topology.
* @param cacheIds Cache IDs.
* @return Partition mapping or {@code null} if we can't calculate it due to repartitioning and we need to retry.
private Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> partitionedUnstableDataNodes(List<Integer> cacheIds) {
// If the main cache is replicated, just replace it with the first partitioned.
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = findFirstPartitioned(cacheIds);
final int partsCnt = cctx.affinity().partitions();
if (cacheIds.size() > 1) { // Check correct number of partitions for partitioned caches.
for (Integer cacheId : cacheIds) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> extraCctx = cacheContext(cacheId);
if (extraCctx.isReplicated())
int parts = extraCctx.affinity().partitions();
if (parts != partsCnt)
throw new CacheException("Number of partitions must be the same for correct collocation [cache1=" + + ", parts1=" + partsCnt + ", cache2=" + +
", parts2=" + parts + "]");
Set<ClusterNode>[] partLocs = new Set[partsCnt];
// Fill partition locations for main cache.
for (int p = 0; p < partsCnt; p++) {
List<ClusterNode> owners = cctx.topology().owners(p);
if (F.isEmpty(owners)) {
// Handle special case: no mapping is configured for a partition or a lost partition is found.
if (F.isEmpty(cctx.affinity().assignment(NONE).get(p)) || cctx.topology().lostPartitions().contains(p)) {
partLocs[p] = UNMAPPED_PARTS; // Mark unmapped partition.
else if (!F.isEmpty(dataNodes(cctx.groupId(), NONE))) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
logRetry("Failed to calculate nodes for SQL query (partition has no owners, but corresponding " +
"cache group has data nodes) [cacheIds=" + cacheIds +
", cacheName=" + + ", cacheId=" + cctx.cacheId() + ", part=" + p +
", cacheGroupId=" + cctx.groupId() + ']');
return null; // Retry.
throw new CacheServerNotFoundException("Failed to find data nodes [cache=" + + ", part=" + p + "]");
partLocs[p] = new HashSet<>(owners);
if (cacheIds.size() > 1) {
// Find owner intersections for each participating partitioned cache partition.
// We need this for logical collocation between different partitioned caches with the same affinity.
for (Integer cacheId : cacheIds) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> extraCctx = cacheContext(cacheId);
// This is possible if we have replaced a replicated cache with a partitioned one earlier.
if (cctx == extraCctx)
if (extraCctx.isReplicated())
for (int p = 0, parts = extraCctx.affinity().partitions(); p < parts; p++) {
List<ClusterNode> owners = extraCctx.topology().owners(p);
if (partLocs[p] == UNMAPPED_PARTS)
continue; // Skip unmapped partitions.
if (F.isEmpty(owners)) {
if (!F.isEmpty(dataNodes(extraCctx.groupId(), NONE))) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
logRetry("Failed to calculate nodes for SQL query (partition has no owners, but " +
"corresponding cache group has data nodes) [ cacheIds=" + cacheIds + ", cacheName=" + +
", cacheId=" + extraCctx.cacheId() + ", part=" + p +
", cacheGroupId=" + extraCctx.groupId() + ']');
return null; // Retry.
throw new CacheServerNotFoundException("Failed to find data nodes [cache=" + +
", part=" + p + "]");
if (partLocs[p] == null)
partLocs[p] = new HashSet<>(owners);
else {
partLocs[p].retainAll(owners); // Intersection of owners.
if (partLocs[p].isEmpty()) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
logRetry("Failed to calculate nodes for SQL query (caches have no common data nodes for " +
"partition) [cacheIds=" + cacheIds +
", lastCacheName=" + + ", lastCacheId=" + extraCctx.cacheId() +
", part=" + p + ']');
return null; // Intersection is empty -> retry.
// Filter nodes where not all the replicated caches loaded.
for (Integer cacheId : cacheIds) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> extraCctx = cacheContext(cacheId);
if (!extraCctx.isReplicated())
Set<ClusterNode> dataNodes = replicatedUnstableDataNodes(extraCctx);
if (F.isEmpty(dataNodes))
return null; // Retry.
int part = 0;
for (Set<ClusterNode> partLoc : partLocs) {
if (partLoc == UNMAPPED_PARTS)
continue; // Skip unmapped partition.
if (partLoc.isEmpty()) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
logRetry("Failed to calculate nodes for SQL query (caches have no common data nodes for " +
"partition) [cacheIds=" + cacheIds +
", lastReplicatedCacheName=" + +
", lastReplicatedCacheId=" + extraCctx.cacheId() + ", part=" + part + ']');
return null; // Retry.
// Collect the final partitions mapping.
Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> res = new HashMap<>();
// Here partitions in all IntArray's will be sorted in ascending order, this is important.
for (int p = 0; p < partLocs.length; p++) {
Set<ClusterNode> pl = partLocs[p];
// Skip unmapped partitions.
assert !F.isEmpty(pl) : pl;
ClusterNode n = pl.size() == 1 ? F.first(pl) : F.rand(pl);
IntArray parts = res.get(n);
if (parts == null)
res.put(n, parts = new IntArray());
return res;
* Calculates data nodes for replicated caches on unstable topology.
* @param cacheIds Cache IDs.
* @return Collection of all data nodes owning all the caches or {@code null} for retry.
private Collection<ClusterNode> replicatedUnstableDataNodes(List<Integer> cacheIds) {
int i = 0;
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = cacheContext(cacheIds.get(i++));
// The main cache is allowed to be partitioned.
if (!cctx.isReplicated()) {
assert cacheIds.size() > 1 : "no extra replicated caches with partitioned main cache";
// Just replace the main cache with the first one extra.
cctx = cacheContext(cacheIds.get(i++));
assert cctx.isReplicated() : "all the extra caches must be replicated here";
Set<ClusterNode> nodes = replicatedUnstableDataNodes(cctx);
if (F.isEmpty(nodes))
return null; // Retry.
for (; i < cacheIds.size(); i++) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> extraCctx = cacheContext(cacheIds.get(i));
if (!extraCctx.isReplicated())
throw new CacheException("Queries running on replicated cache should not contain JOINs " +
"with tables in partitioned caches [replicatedCache=" + + ", " +
"partitionedCache=" + + "]");
Set<ClusterNode> extraOwners = replicatedUnstableDataNodes(extraCctx);
if (F.isEmpty(extraOwners))
return null; // Retry.
if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
logRetry("Failed to calculate nodes for SQL query (got disjoint node map for REPLICATED caches " +
"during rebalance) [cacheIds=" + cacheIds +
", lastCache=" + + ", lastCacheId=" + extraCctx.cacheId() + ']');
return null; // Retry.
return nodes;
* Collects all the nodes owning all the partitions for the given replicated cache.
* @param cctx Cache context.
* @return Owning nodes or {@code null} if we can't find owners for some partitions.
private Set<ClusterNode> replicatedUnstableDataNodes(GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx) {
assert cctx.isReplicated() : + " must be replicated";
String cacheName =;
Set<ClusterNode> dataNodes = new HashSet<>(dataNodes(cctx.groupId(), NONE));
if (dataNodes.isEmpty())
throw new CacheServerNotFoundException("Failed to find data nodes for cache: " + cacheName);
// Find all the nodes owning all the partitions for replicated cache.
for (int p = 0, parts = cctx.affinity().partitions(); p < parts; p++) {
List<ClusterNode> owners = cctx.topology().owners(p);
if (F.isEmpty(owners)) {
logRetry("Failed to calculate nodes for SQL query (partition of a REPLICATED cache has no owners) [" +
"cacheName=" + + ", cacheId=" + cctx.cacheId() +
", part=" + p + ']');
return null; // Retry.
if (dataNodes.isEmpty()) {
logRetry("Failed to calculate nodes for SQL query (partitions of a REPLICATED has no common owners) [" +
"cacheName=" + + ", cacheId=" + cctx.cacheId() +
", lastPart=" + p + ']');
return null; // Retry.
return dataNodes;
* @param grpId Cache group ID.
* @param topVer Topology version.
* @return Collection of data nodes.
private Collection<ClusterNode> dataNodes(int grpId, AffinityTopologyVersion topVer) {
Collection<ClusterNode> res = ctx.discovery().cacheGroupAffinityNodes(grpId, topVer);
return res != null ? res : Collections.emptySet();
* @param partsMap Partitions map.
* @param parts Partitions.
* @return Result.
private static Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> narrowForQuery(Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> partsMap, int[] parts) {
if (parts == null)
return partsMap;
Map<ClusterNode, IntArray> cp = U.newHashMap(partsMap.size());
for (Map.Entry<ClusterNode, IntArray> entry : partsMap.entrySet()) {
IntArray filtered = new IntArray(parts.length);
IntArray orig = entry.getValue();
for (int i = 0; i < orig.size(); i++) {
int p = orig.get(i);
if (Arrays.binarySearch(parts, p) >= 0)
if (filtered.size() > 0)
cp.put(entry.getKey(), filtered);
return cp.isEmpty() ? null : cp;
* @param cacheIds Cache IDs.
* @return The first partitioned cache context.
public GridCacheContext<?, ?> findFirstPartitioned(List<Integer> cacheIds) {
for (int i = 0; i < cacheIds.size(); i++) {
GridCacheContext<?, ?> cctx = cacheContext(cacheIds.get(i));
if (!cctx.isReplicated())
return cctx;
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to find partitioned cache.");
* Load failed partition reservation.
* @param msg Message.
private void logRetry(String msg) {;