blob: a0750d876fd7ba369ec1ce1dce67045da358e44a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.ignite.loadtests.communication;
//import org.apache.ignite.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.lang.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.lang.utils.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.spi.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.typedef.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.typedef.internal.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.testframework.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.*;
//import org.apache.ignite.testframework.junits.spi.*;
//import java.util.*;
//import java.util.concurrent.*;
//import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
///** */
//@GridSpiTest(spi = GridTcpCommunicationSpi.class, group = "TCP communication SPI benchmark.")
//public class GridTcpCommunicationBenchmark extends GridSpiAbstractTest<GridTcpCommunicationSpi> {
// /** */
// public static final int CONCUR_MSGS = 10 * 1024;
// /** */
// private static final int THREADS = 1;
// /** */
// private static final long TEST_TIMEOUT = 3 * 60 * 1000;
// /** */
// private final Collection<GridTestResources> spiRsrcs = new ArrayList<>();
// /** */
// private final Map<UUID, GridCommunicationSpi> spis = new HashMap<>();
// /** */
// private final Collection<ClusterNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
// /**
// * Disable automatic test SPI start.
// */
// public GridTcpCommunicationBenchmark() {
// super(false);
// }
// /** {@inheritDoc} */
// @Override protected void beforeTest() throws Exception {
// Map<ClusterNode, GridSpiTestContext> ctxs = new HashMap<>();
// for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// GridCommunicationSpi spi = getCommunication();
// GridTestResources rsrcs = new GridTestResources();
// GridTestNode node = new GridTestNode(rsrcs.getNodeId());
// GridSpiTestContext ctx = initSpiContext();
// ctx.setLocalNode(node);
// spiRsrcs.add(rsrcs);
// rsrcs.inject(spi);
// node.setAttributes(spi.getNodeAttributes());
// nodes.add(node);
// spi.spiStart(getTestIgniteInstanceName() + (i + 1));
// spis.put(rsrcs.getNodeId(), spi);
// spi.onContextInitialized(ctx);
// ctxs.put(node, ctx);
// }
// // For each context set remote nodes.
// for (Map.Entry<ClusterNode, GridSpiTestContext> e : ctxs.entrySet()) {
// for (ClusterNode n : nodes) {
// if (!n.equals(e.getKey()))
// e.getValue().remoteNodes().add(n);
// }
// }
// }
// /** {@inheritDoc} */
// @Override protected void afterTest() throws Exception {
// for (GridCommunicationSpi spi : spis.values()) {
// spi.setListener(null);
// spi.spiStop();
// }
// for (GridTestResources rsrcs : spiRsrcs)
// rsrcs.stopThreads();
// }
// /**
// * @param len Length.
// * @return Test string.
// */
// private static String generateTestString(int len) {
// assert len > 0;
// SB sb = new SB();
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
// sb.a(Character.forDigit(i % 10, 10));
// return sb.toString();
// }
// /**
// * @throws Exception If failed.
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
// public void testThroughput() throws Exception {
// assert spis.size() == 2;
// assert nodes.size() == 2;
// Iterator<ClusterNode> it = nodes.iterator();
// final ClusterNode sndNode =;
// final ClusterNode rcvNode =;
// final GridCommunicationSpi sndComm = spis.get(;
// final GridCommunicationSpi rcvComm = spis.get(;
// final String testStr = generateTestString(66);
// info("Test string length: " + testStr.length());
// info("Senders: " + THREADS);
// info("Messages: " + CONCUR_MSGS);
// final Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(CONCUR_MSGS);
// final LongAdder8 msgCntr = new LongAdder8();
// rcvComm.setListener(new GridCommunicationListener() {
// @Override public void onMessage(UUID nodeId, byte[] msg, GridAbsClosure msgC) {
// try {
// byte[] res = U.join(U.intToBytes(msg.length), msg);
// rcvComm.sendMessage(sndNode, res, 0, res.length);
// }
// catch (GridSpiException e) {
// log.error("Message echo failed.", e);
// }
// finally {
// msgC.apply();
// }
// }
// });
// sndComm.setListener(new GridCommunicationListener() {
// @Override public void onMessage(UUID nodeId, byte[] msg, GridAbsClosure msgC) {
// msgCntr.increment();
// sem.release();
// msgC.apply();
// }
// });
// Timer t = new Timer("results-reporter");
// t.schedule(new TimerTask() {
// private long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
// @Override public void run() {
// long newTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
// long qrys = msgCntr.sumThenReset();
// long time = newTs - ts;
// X.println("Communication benchmark [qps=" + qrys * 1000 / time +
// ", executed=" + qrys + ", time=" + time + ']');
// ts = newTs;
// }
// }, 10000, 10000);
// final AtomicBoolean finish = new AtomicBoolean();
// GridFuture<?> f = GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>() {
// @Override public Object call() throws Exception {
// try {
// while (!finish.get()) {
// IgniteUuid msgId = IgniteUuid.randomUuid();
// sem.acquire();
// // Loading message with additional data, to get results,
// // comparable with IoManager benchmark.
// GridTuple2<byte[], Integer> t = getTestResources().getMarshaller().
// marshalNoCopy(new GridTestMessage(msgId, testStr), 4);
// byte[] buf = t.get1();
// int len = t.get2();
// U.intToBytes(len - 4, buf, 0);
// sndComm.sendMessage(rcvNode, buf, 0, len);
// }
// }
// catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
// X.println("Message send failed", e);
// }
// catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
// // No-op.
// }
// return null;
// }
// }, THREADS, "send-thread");
// Thread.sleep(TEST_TIMEOUT);
// finish.set(true);
// sem.release(CONCUR_MSGS * 2);
// t.cancel();
// f.get();
// }
// /**
// * @throws Exception If failed.
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
// public void testLatency() throws Exception {
// assert spis.size() == 2;
// assert nodes.size() == 2;
// Iterator<ClusterNode> it = nodes.iterator();
// final ClusterNode sndNode =;
// final ClusterNode rcvNode =;
// final GridCommunicationSpi sndComm = spis.get(;
// final GridCommunicationSpi rcvComm = spis.get(;
// final String testStr = generateTestString(66);
// info("Test string length: " + testStr.length());
// final LongAdder8 msgCntr = new LongAdder8();
// final Map<IgniteUuid, CountDownLatch> map = new ConcurrentHashMap8<>();
// rcvComm.setListener(new GridCommunicationListener() {
// @Override public void onMessage(UUID nodeId, byte[] msg, GridAbsClosure msgC) {
// try {
// byte[] res = U.join(U.intToBytes(msg.length), msg);
// rcvComm.sendMessage(sndNode, res, 0, res.length);
// }
// catch (GridSpiException e) {
// log.error("Message echo failed.", e);
// }
// finally {
// msgC.apply();
// }
// }
// });
// final ClassLoader clsLdr = getClass().getClassLoader();
// sndComm.setListener(new GridCommunicationListener() {
// @Override public void onMessage(UUID nodeId, byte[] msg, GridAbsClosure msgC) {
// try {
// GridTestMessage testMsg = getTestResources().getMarshaller().unmarshal(msg, clsLdr);
// map.get(;
// }
// catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
// U.error(log, "Failed to ", e);
// }
// finally {
// msgC.apply();
// }
// }
// });
// Timer t = new Timer("results-reporter");
// t.schedule(new TimerTask() {
// private long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
// @Override public void run() {
// long newTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
// long qrys = msgCntr.sumThenReset();
// long time = newTs - ts;
// X.println("Communication benchmark [qps=" + qrys * 1000 / time +
// ", executed=" + qrys + ", time=" + time + ']');
// ts = newTs;
// }
// }, 10000, 10000);
// final AtomicBoolean finish = new AtomicBoolean();
// GridFuture<?> f = GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>() {
// @Override public Object call() throws Exception {
// info("Test thread started.");
// try {
// IgniteUuid msgId = IgniteUuid.randomUuid();
// GridTuple2<byte[], Integer> t = getTestResources().getMarshaller().
// marshalNoCopy(new GridTestMessage(msgId, testStr), 4);
// byte[] buf = t.get1();
// int len = t.get2();
// U.intToBytes(len - 4, buf, 0);
// while (!finish.get()) {
// // Loading message with additional data, to get results,
// // comparable with IoManager benchmark.
// CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// map.put(msgId, latch);
// sndComm.sendMessage(rcvNode, buf, 0, len);
// latch.await();
// msgCntr.increment();
// }
// }
// catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
// X.println("Message send failed", e);
// }
// catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
// // No-op.
// }
// return null;
// }
// }, 2, "send-thread");
// Thread.sleep(TEST_TIMEOUT);
// finish.set(true);
// t.cancel();
// f.get();
// }
// /**
// * @throws Exception If failed.
// */
// @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
// public void testVariableLoad() throws Exception {
// assert spis.size() == 2;
// assert nodes.size() == 2;
// Iterator<ClusterNode> it = nodes.iterator();
// final ClusterNode sndNode =;
// final ClusterNode rcvNode =;
// final GridCommunicationSpi sndComm = spis.get(;
// final GridCommunicationSpi rcvComm = spis.get(;
// final String testStr = generateTestString(16);
// info("Test string length: " + testStr.length());
// info("Senders: " + THREADS);
// info("Messages: " + CONCUR_MSGS);
// final Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(CONCUR_MSGS);
// final LongAdder8 msgCntr = new LongAdder8();
// final Map<IgniteUuid, CountDownLatch> latches = new ConcurrentHashMap8<>();
// rcvComm.setListener(new GridCommunicationListener() {
// @Override public void onMessage(UUID nodeId, byte[] msg, GridAbsClosure msgC) {
// try {
// byte[] res = U.join(U.intToBytes(msg.length), msg);
// rcvComm.sendMessage(sndNode, res, 0, res.length);
// }
// catch (GridSpiException e) {
// log.error("Message echo failed.", e);
// }
// finally {
// msgC.apply();
// }
// }
// });
// sndComm.setListener(new GridCommunicationListener() {
// @Override public void onMessage(UUID nodeId, byte[] buf, GridAbsClosure msgC) {
// msgCntr.increment();
// sem.release();
// GridTestMessage msg = null;
// try {
// msg = getTestResources().getMarshaller().unmarshal(buf, U.gridClassLoader());
// }
// catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
// U.error(log, "Failed to unmarshal message.", e);
// fail();
// }
// finally {
// msgC.apply();
// }
// CountDownLatch latch = latches.get(;
// if (latch != null)
// latch.countDown();
// }
// });
// final AtomicBoolean finish = new AtomicBoolean();
// final AtomicReference<CountDownLatch> latchRef = new AtomicReference<>();
// GridFuture<?> f = GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>() {
// @Override public Object call() throws Exception {
// while (!finish.get()) {
// CountDownLatch latch = latchRef.get();
// if (latch != null)
// U.await(latch);
// IgniteUuid msgId = IgniteUuid.randomUuid();
// sem.acquire();
// // Loading message with additional data, to get results,
// // comparable with IoManager benchmark.
// GridTuple2<byte[], Integer> t = getTestResources().getMarshaller().
// marshalNoCopy(new GridTestMessage(msgId, testStr), 4);
// byte[] buf = t.get1();
// int len = t.get2();
// U.intToBytes(len - 4, buf, 0);
// sndComm.sendMessage(rcvNode, buf, 0, len);
// }
// return null;
// }
// }, THREADS, "send-thread");
// GridFuture<?> f1 = GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>() {
// private long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
// @Override public Object call() throws Exception {
// try {
// while (!finish.get()) {
// info( + ">>>" + + ">>> High load." + + ">>>");
// U.sleep(15 * 1000);
// reportNumbers();
// info( + ">>>" + + ">>> Low load." + + ">>>");
// CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// try {
// // Here will be a pause.
// latchRef.set(latch);
// U.sleep(7 * 1000);
// reportNumbers();
// }
// finally {
// latch.countDown();
// }
// }
// }
// catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
// X.println("Message send failed", e);
// }
// return null;
// }
// /**
// *
// */
// void reportNumbers() {
// long newTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
// long qrys = msgCntr.sumThenReset();
// long time = newTs - ts;
// X.println("Communication benchmark [qps=" + qrys * 1000 / time +
// ", executed=" + qrys + ", time=" + time + ']');
// ts = newTs;
// }
// }, 1, "load-dispatcher");
// GridFuture<?> f2 = GridTestUtils.runMultiThreadedAsync(new Callable<Object>() {
// @Override public Object call() throws Exception {
// while (!finish.get()) {
// U.sleep(1000);
// IgniteUuid msgId = IgniteUuid.randomUuid();
// CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// latches.put(msgId, latch);
// GridTuple2<byte[], Integer> t = getTestResources().getMarshaller().
// marshalNoCopy(new GridTestMessage(msgId, testStr), 4);
// byte[] buf = t.get1();
// int len = t.get2();
// U.intToBytes(len - 4, buf, 0);
// sndComm.sendMessage(rcvNode, buf, 0, len);
// long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// latch.await();
// info("Response time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
// }
// return null;
// }
// }, THREADS, "low-loader");
// Thread.sleep(TEST_TIMEOUT);
// finish.set(true);
// sem.release(CONCUR_MSGS * 2);
// f.get();
// f1.get();
// f2.get();
// }
// /**
// * @return SPI instance.
// */
// private GridCommunicationSpi getCommunication() {
// GridTcpCommunicationSpi spi = new GridTcpCommunicationSpi();
// spi.setSharedMemoryPort(-1);
// spi.setNoDelay(true);
// spi.setLocalAddress("");
// return spi;
// }
// /** {@inheritDoc} */
// @Override protected long getTestTimeout() {
// return TEST_TIMEOUT + 60 * 1000;
// }