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<h1>Apache IGNITE 2.2</h1>
<p class="description">
Apache Ignite 2.2 includes a couple of fixes to resolve excessive memory usage caused by default memory allocation parameters. The issue could happen more frequently if several nodes were started on a single box. It's recommended to update to 2.2 if your cluster nodes freeze and unresponsive because of a rival for available RAM on a local host.
<h2>Features and Improvements</h2>
<li>Backport optimizations of checkpointing algorithm into 2.2: <a href=""> [#IGNITE-6204]</a>
<li>Change default max memory size from 80% to 20%: <a href=""> [#IGNITE-6182]</a>
</ul><h2>C++: Fixed</h2>
<li>File interop_target.h is missing from source-release: <a href=""> [#IGNITE-4591]</a>