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| <p><a class="el" href="classignite_1_1transactions_1_1Transaction.html" title="Ignite cache transaction. ">Transaction</a> concurrency control model. |
| <a href="structignite_1_1transactions_1_1TransactionConcurrency.html#details">More...</a></p> |
| |
| <p><code>#include <<a class="el" href="core_2include_2ignite_2transactions_2transaction__consts_8h_source.html">transaction_consts.h</a>></code></p> |
| <table class="memberdecls"> |
| <tr class="heading"><td colspan="2"><h2 class="groupheader"><a name="pub-types"></a> |
| Public Types</h2></td></tr> |
| <tr class="memitem:ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469a"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">enum  </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="structignite_1_1transactions_1_1TransactionConcurrency.html#ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469a">Type</a> { <a class="el" href="structignite_1_1transactions_1_1TransactionConcurrency.html#ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469aa2916f106d3ff23fa17ee5ccf005808ca">OPTIMISTIC</a> = 0, |
| <a class="el" href="structignite_1_1transactions_1_1TransactionConcurrency.html#ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469aa2dab87bb6563f92fc20d5b0ba28a47b7">PESSIMISTIC</a> = 1 |
| }</td></tr> |
| <tr class="separator:ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469a"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr> |
| </table> |
| <a name="details" id="details"></a><h2 class="groupheader">Detailed Description</h2> |
| <div class="textblock"><p><a class="el" href="classignite_1_1transactions_1_1Transaction.html" title="Ignite cache transaction. ">Transaction</a> concurrency control model. </p> |
| </div><h2 class="groupheader">Member Enumeration Documentation</h2> |
| <a id="ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469a"></a> |
| <h2 class="memtitle"><span class="permalink"><a href="#ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469a">◆ </a></span>Type</h2> |
| |
| <div class="memitem"> |
| <div class="memproto"> |
| <table class="memname"> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="memname">enum <a class="el" href="structignite_1_1transactions_1_1TransactionConcurrency.html#ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469a">ignite::transactions::TransactionConcurrency::Type</a></td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| </div><div class="memdoc"> |
| <table class="fieldtable"> |
| <tr><th colspan="2">Enumerator</th></tr><tr><td class="fieldname"><a id="ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469aa2916f106d3ff23fa17ee5ccf005808ca"></a>OPTIMISTIC </td><td class="fielddoc"><p>Optimistic concurrency model. </p> |
| <p>In this mode all cache operations are not distributed to other nodes until <a class="el" href="classignite_1_1transactions_1_1Transaction.html#aa7536d728f02cfeb79266a1c1b111c37" title="Commit the transaction. ">Transaction::Commit()</a> is called. In this mode one <code>'PREPARE'</code> message will be sent to participating cache nodes to start acquiring per-transaction locks, and once all nodes reply <code>'OK'</code>, a one-way <code>'COMMIT'</code> message is sent without waiting for reply.</p> |
| <p>Note that in this mode, optimistic failures are only possible in conjunction with ::IGNITE_TX_ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE isolation level. In all other cases, optimistic transactions will never fail optimistically and will always be identically ordered on all participating grid nodes. </p> |
| </td></tr> |
| <tr><td class="fieldname"><a id="ae4a4021eb1bbb6d2acdaad1defeb469aa2dab87bb6563f92fc20d5b0ba28a47b7"></a>PESSIMISTIC </td><td class="fielddoc"><p>Pessimistic concurrency model. </p> |
| <p>In this mode a lock is acquired on all cache operations with exception of read operations in ::IGNITE_TX_ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED mode. All optional filters passed into cache operations will be evaluated after successful lock acquisition. Whenever <a class="el" href="classignite_1_1transactions_1_1Transaction.html#aa7536d728f02cfeb79266a1c1b111c37" title="Commit the transaction. ">Transaction::Commit()</a> is called, a single one-way <code>'COMMIT'</code> message is sent to participating cache nodes without waiting for reply. Note that there is no reason for distributed <code>'PREPARE'</code> step, as all locks have been already acquired. </p> |
| </td></tr> |
| </table> |
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| <hr/>The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:<ul> |
| <li><a class="el" href="core_2include_2ignite_2transactions_2transaction__consts_8h_source.html">core/include/ignite/transactions/transaction_consts.h</a></li> |
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