IGNITE-15481: updated events schedule; top promo banner; and list of contributors
diff --git a/community/resources.html b/community/resources.html
index a81fec6..50edf04 100644
--- a/community/resources.html
+++ b/community/resources.html
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@
                         <tr><td>Ivan Pavlukhin *</td><td></td></tr>
                         <tr><td>Ivan Rakov</td><td></td></tr>
                         <tr><td>Konstantin Boudnik *</td><td></td></tr>
+                        <tr><td>Kseniya Romanova *</td><td>GridGain</td></tr>
                         <tr><td>Maxim Muzafarov *</td><td>SberTech</td></tr>
                         <tr><td>Mauricio Stekl</td><td>GridGain</td></tr>
                         <tr><td>Michael Stack</td><td></td></tr>
diff --git a/download.html b/download.html
index 09a1af3..4082cdf 100644
--- a/download.html
+++ b/download.html
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
 <header id="header" class="affix header sticky-top shrink" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="0">
     <div id="promotion-bar" style="background-color: #333333; padding: 8px;">
         <p style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.4em; font-weight: 600; padding: 0; margin: 0; color: #f0f0f0; text-align: center;">
-            <a href="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup/events/280030600/"
+            <a href="https://ignite-summit.org/"
               rel="noopener" target="_blank"
-              onclick="gtag('event',  'banner_click', { 'event_category': 'ignite_tech_talk', 'event_label': 'Virtual-Meetup-September-2'});"
+              onclick="gtag('event',  'banner_click', { 'event_category': 'ignite_tech_talk', 'event_label': 'Ignite-Summit-Cloud-CfP'});"
               style="color: #FCB903;">
-              Join Virtual Meetup on September 2: Building a low-code BaaS platform on Apache Ignite
+              Ignite Summit: Cloud Edition - The Call for Speakers is Open!
diff --git a/events.html b/events.html
index 28b76fd..4cecc72 100644
--- a/events.html
+++ b/events.html
@@ -107,47 +107,8 @@
     <!-- {{upcoming_events}} -->
-<div class="row row-event">
-    <div class="col-md-2 d-none d-md-block">
-        <div class="round-icon-block">
-            <img src="images/meetup.svg" alt="Meetup logo">
-            <p><strong>Virtual</strong> Meetup</p>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="col-md-10 ">
-        <section id="building-a-low-code-baas-platform-on-apache-ignite">
-            <h3 style="display:inline-block;">Building a low-code BaaS platform on Apache Ignite
-                <a href="/events.html#building-a-low-code-baas-platform-on-apache-ignite"><i
-                        class="fa fa-anchor"></i></a>
-            </h3>
-            <div class="event-date">Virtual Apache Ignite Meetup,  Courtney Robinson (Hypi, co-founder and CEO)</div>
-            <div class="event-date">September 2, 2021</div>
-            <p>In this talk we're going to take a deep dive into Hypi's journey designing and scaling its low-code backend as a service platform with Apache Ignite at its core.<br />The talk will look at the general architecture, playing nice with other technologies and the future reactive-streams architecture. We'll look at why we're transitioning to reactive streams and how Ignite is being used to accelerate other technologies in the stack.<br />Just like Ignite 3, the next-gen of Hypi itself is using Apache Calcite as a data virtualisation layer. The talk will explore a little of how this is being done and finally will discuss some challenges and pitfalls to avoid.</p>
-            <div class="row">
-                    <div class=" col-md-9  news-readmore">
-                    <p>
-                        <a href="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup/events/280030600/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read more</a>
-                    </p>
-                </div>
-                <div class=" col-md-3  ">
-                    <div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_28 a2a_default_style news-socialmedia-icons"
-                        data-a2a-url="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup/events/280030600/"
-                        data-a2a-title="Building a low-code BaaS platform on Apache Ignite">
-                        <a class="a2a_button_twitter"></a>
-                        <a class="a2a_button_linkedin"></a>
-                        <a class="a2a_button_facebook"></a>
-                        <a class="a2a_dd" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share"></a>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </section>
-    </div>
 <div class="row row-event">
     <div class="col-md-2 d-none d-md-block">
         <div class="round-icon-block">
@@ -274,7 +235,88 @@
+<div class="row row-event">
+    <div class="col-md-2 d-none d-md-block">
+        <div class="round-icon-block">
+            <img src="images/meetup.svg" alt="Meetup logo">
+            <p><strong>Virtual</strong> Meetup</p>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="col-md-10 ">
+        <section id="moscow-apache-ignite-meetup">
+            <h3 style="display:inline-block;">Moscow Apache Ignite Meetup
+                <a href="/events.html#moscow-apache-ignite-meetup"><i
+                        class="fa fa-anchor"></i></a>
+            </h3>
+            <div class="event-date">Moscow Apache Ignite Meetup, Ivan Bessonov, Maxim Muzafarov, Dmitry Gorchakov</div>
+            <div class="event-date">September 23, 2021</div>
+            <p>The Apache Ignite® community invites developers to their first offline meeting in 2021! Ignite Committers Ivan Bessonov and Maxim Muzafarov will talk about recently updated features (Ignite snapshots and Data Defragmentation). Dmitry Gorchakov will introduce the case - building a distributed system of "super services" on Apache Ignite.</p>
+            <div class="row">
+                    <div class=" col-md-9  news-readmore">
+                    <p>
+                        <a href="https://www.meetup.com/Moscow-Apache-Ignite-Meetup/events/280030657/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read more</a>
+                    </p>
+                </div>
+                <div class=" col-md-3  ">
+                    <div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_28 a2a_default_style news-socialmedia-icons"
+                        data-a2a-url="https://www.meetup.com/Moscow-Apache-Ignite-Meetup/events/280030657/"
+                        data-a2a-title="Moscow Apache Ignite Meetup">
+                        <a class="a2a_button_twitter"></a>
+                        <a class="a2a_button_linkedin"></a>
+                        <a class="a2a_button_facebook"></a>
+                        <a class="a2a_dd" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share"></a>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </section>
+    </div>
+<div class="row row-event">
+    <div class="col-md-2 d-none d-md-block">
+        <div class="round-icon-block">
+            <img src="images/conferences.svg" alt="Conference logo">
+            <p>Conference</p>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="col-md-10 ">
+        <section id="organization-of-testing-distributed-systems-on-the-example-of-a-real-java-project">
+            <h3 style="display:inline-block;">Organization of testing distributed systems on the example of a real Java project
+                <a href="/events.html#organization-of-testing-distributed-systems-on-the-example-of-a-real-java-project"><i
+                        class="fa fa-anchor"></i></a>
+            </h3>
+            <div class="event-date">Moscow Python Conference 2021, Maxim Losevskoy</div>
+            <div class="event-date">September 28, 2021</div>
+            <p>In this talk, Maxim will share how GridGaim organized our testing infrastructure for Apache Ignite based platform using the tools provided by Python.</p>
+            <div class="row">
+                    <div class=" col-md-9  news-readmore">
+                    <p>
+                        <a href="https://conf.python.ru/moscow/2021/abstracts/7837" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read more</a>
+                    </p>
+                </div>
+                <div class=" col-md-3  ">
+                    <div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_28 a2a_default_style news-socialmedia-icons"
+                        data-a2a-url="https://conf.python.ru/moscow/2021/abstracts/7837"
+                        data-a2a-title="Organization of testing distributed systems on the example of a real Java project">
+                        <a class="a2a_button_twitter"></a>
+                        <a class="a2a_button_linkedin"></a>
+                        <a class="a2a_button_facebook"></a>
+                        <a class="a2a_dd" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share"></a>
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </section>
+    </div>
 <div class="row row-event">
     <div class="col-md-2 d-none d-md-block">
         <div class="round-icon-block">
@@ -351,6 +393,47 @@
                     <!-- {{past_events}} -->
+                    <div class="row row-event">
+                        <div class="col-md-2 d-none d-md-block">
+                            <div class="round-icon-block">
+                                <img src="images/meetup.svg" alt="Meetup logo">
+                                <p><strong>Virtual</strong> Meetup</p>
+                            </div>
+                        </div>
+                        <div class="col-md-10 ">
+                            <section id="building-a-low-code-baas-platform-on-apache-ignite">
+                                <h3 style="display:inline-block;">Building a low-code BaaS platform on Apache Ignite
+                                    <a href="/events.html#building-a-low-code-baas-platform-on-apache-ignite"><i
+                                            class="fa fa-anchor"></i></a>
+                                </h3>
+                                <div class="event-date">Virtual Apache Ignite Meetup,  Courtney Robinson (Hypi, co-founder and CEO)</div>
+                                <div class="event-date">September 2, 2021</div>
+                                <p>In this talk we're going to take a deep dive into Hypi's journey designing and scaling its low-code backend as a service platform with Apache Ignite at its core.<br />The talk will look at the general architecture, playing nice with other technologies and the future reactive-streams architecture. We'll look at why we're transitioning to reactive streams and how Ignite is being used to accelerate other technologies in the stack.<br />Just like Ignite 3, the next-gen of Hypi itself is using Apache Calcite as a data virtualisation layer. The talk will explore a little of how this is being done and finally will discuss some challenges and pitfalls to avoid.</p>
+                                <div class="row">
+                                        <div class=" col-md-9  news-readmore">
+                                        <p>
+                                            <a href="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup/events/280030600/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read more</a>
+                                        </p>
+                                    </div>
+                                    <div class=" col-md-3  ">
+                                        <div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_28 a2a_default_style news-socialmedia-icons"
+                                            data-a2a-url="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup/events/280030600/"
+                                            data-a2a-title="Building a low-code BaaS platform on Apache Ignite">
+                                            <a class="a2a_button_twitter"></a>
+                                            <a class="a2a_button_linkedin"></a>
+                                            <a class="a2a_button_facebook"></a>
+                                            <a class="a2a_dd" href="https://www.addtoany.com/share"></a>
+                                        </div>
+                                    </div>
+                                </div>
+                            </section>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
                     <div class="row row-event">
                         <div class="col-md-2 d-none d-md-block">
diff --git a/includes/promotion_banner.html b/includes/promotion_banner.html
index 95e8c50..f6e3957 100644
--- a/includes/promotion_banner.html
+++ b/includes/promotion_banner.html
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
        <p style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.4em; font-weight: 600; padding: 0; margin: 0; color: #f0f0f0; text-align: center;">
-           <a href="https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup/events/280030600/"
+           <a href="https://ignite-summit.org/"
               rel="noopener" target="_blank"
-              onclick="gtag('event',  'banner_click', { 'event_category': 'ignite_tech_talk', 'event_label': 'Virtual-Meetup-September-2'});"
+              onclick="gtag('event',  'banner_click', { 'event_category': 'ignite_tech_talk', 'event_label': 'Ignite-Summit-Cloud-CfP'});"
               style="color: #FCB903;">
-              Join Virtual Meetup on September 2: Building a low-code BaaS platform on Apache Ignite
+              Ignite Summit: Cloud Edition - The Call for Speakers is Open!