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<h1 class="h1 innerhero__h1">Accelerate Existing Hadoop Deployments</h1>
<div class="h3 pt-2 with-apache">With Apache Ignite</div>
<div class="innerhero__descr pt-2 h5">
Achieve the performance acceleration of Hadoop-based<br />
application with Ignite as a high-performance data access<br />
<div class="innerhero__action"><a class="button innerhero__button" href="">Start Coding</a></div>
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<h2 class="compute2__h2">Benefits Of Using Apache Ignite</h2>
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<div class="compute2item hub2item doop2__item">
<div class="compute2-points__item fz20"></div>
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<h3 class="fz20 compute2item__title">Real-time analytics</h3>
<p class="compute2__text base2__text">Apache Ignite enables real-time analytics across Apache Hadoop operational and historical data silos.</p>
<div class="compute2item hub2item doop2__item">
<div class="compute2-points__item fz20"></div>
<div class="compute2item__block">
<h3 class="fz20 compute2item__title">Low-latency and high-throughput operations</h3>
<p class="compute2__text base2__text">Ignite enables low-latency and high-throughput access while Hadoop continues to be used for long-running OLAP workloads.</p>
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<div class="doop3__info">
<h2 class="doop3__h2 h5">How Does Apache Ignite Acceleration Work?</h2>
<p class="doop3__text">
To achieve the performance acceleration of Hadoop-based systems, deploy Ignite as a separate distributed storage that maintains the data sets required for your low-latency operations or real-time reports
<h2 class="doop3__h2 h5">There are 3 basic steps:</h2>
<div class="fz20 doop3__number">01</div>
<p class="doop3__subtext">
Depending on the data volume and available memory capacity, you can enable<a href="" target="_blank"> Ignite native persistence</a> to store historical data sets on disk
while dedicating a memory space for operational records.
<p class="doop3__subtext pt-1">You can continue to use Hadoop as storage for less frequently used data or for long-running and ad-hoc analytical queries.</p>
<div class="fz20 doop3__number">02</div>
<p class="doop3__subtext">
Your applications and services should use Ignite native APIs to process the data residing in the in-memory cluster. Ignite provides SQL, compute (aka. map-reduce), and machine learning APIs for various data processing needs.
<div class="fz20 doop3__number">03</div>
<p class="doop3__subtext">Consider using Apache Spark DataFrames APIs if an application needs to run federated or cross-database queries across Ignite and Hadoop clusters.</p>
<p class="doop3__subtext pt-1">
Ignite is <a href="" target="_blank">integrated with Spark</a>, which natively supports Hive/Hadoop. Cross-database queries should be considered only for a limited
number of scenarios when neither Ignite nor Hadoop contains the entire data set.
<img class="doop3__image" src="/img/usecases/hadoop/image.svg" alt="image" />
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<h2 class="doop4__h2 h4">How Can You Split Data And Operations Between Ignite And Hadoop?</h2>
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<div class="doop4__item">
<p class="doop4__text">
Use Apache Ignite for tasks that require:<br />
– Low-latency response time <span class="doop4__grey">(microseconds, milliseconds, seconds)</span>
<p class="doop4__text pt-1">– High throughput operations <span class="doop4__grey">(thousands and millions of operations per second)</span> <br />– Real-time processing.</p>
<div class="doop4__item">
<p class="doop4__text">Continue using Apache Hadoop for: <br />— High-latency operations <span class="doop4__grey">(dozens of seconds, minutes, hours)</span><br />— Batch processing</p>
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<h2 class="h4 doop5__h2">5 Steps To Implement The Architecture In Practice</h2>
<div class="doop5__blocks">
<div class="doop5__block">
<div class="doop5__item post1">
<div class="doop5__number h4">01</div>
<h4 class="doop5__title">Download and install Apache Ignite to your system.</h4>
<div class="doop5__item post2">
<div class="doop5__number h4">02</div>
<h4 class="doop5__title">Select a list of operations for Ignite.</h4>
<p class="doop5__text pt-2">The best operations are those that require low-latency response time, high-throughput, and real-time analytics.</p>
<div class="doop5__item post3">
<div class="doop5__number h4">03</div>
<p class="doop5__text">
<span class="doop5__title">Consider enabling Ignite native persistence,</span> or use Ignite as a pure in-memory cache, or in-memory data grid that persists changes to Hadoop or another external database.
<div class="doop5__item post4">
<div class="doop5__number h4">04</div>
<h4 class="doop5__title">Update your applications</h4>
<p class="doop5__text pt-2">Ensure they use Ignite native APIs to process Ignite data and Spark for federated queries.</p>
<div class="doop5__item post5">
<div class="doop5__number h4">05</div>
<div class="doop5__titleend">If you need to replicate changes between Ignite and Hadoop clusters, use existing change-data-capture solutions:</div>
<div class="doop5__part flexi">
<p>Debezium<br />Kafka</p>
<p class="doop5__middle">GridGain Data Lake Accelerator<br />Oracle GoldenGate</p>
<p class="doop5__end">
To write-through changes to Hadoop directly,<br />
implement <a href="" target="_blank">Ignite's CacheStore</a> interface.
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<h3 class="h4 nativebotblock__title"><img class="nativebotblock__icon" src="/img/features/native-rocket.svg" alt="" /><span>Ready to Start?</span></h3>
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Discover our quick start guide and build your first<br />
application in 5-10 minutes
<a class="nativebotblock__link arrowlink" href="" target="_blank">Quick Start Guide</a>
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<h3 class="h4 nativebotblock__title"><img class="nativebotblock__icon" src="/img/features/native-docs.svg" alt="" /><span>Want to Learn More?</span></h3>
<p class="nativebotblock__text">Read the Apache Spark acceleration article</p>
<a class="nativebotblock__link arrowlink" href="" target="_blank">Apache Spark Acceleration</a>
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