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<title>Hibernate Second-Level Cache Use Case - Apache Ignite</title>
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<h1 >Second-Level Cache <strong>for Hibernate</strong></h1>
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Hibernate stores data in first-level (L1) cache to minimize expensive database requests. However,
this data is cached per Hibernate session and is not shared among threads. A common solution here is
to configure a second-level (L2) cache.
<img class="img-responsive diagram-right" src="/images/hibernate-L2-cache.png" alt="Second-Level Cache for Hibernate" />
Ignite In-Memory Data Grid can be plugged in as Hibernate second-level (L2) cache.
Accessible by all sessions, Ignite Data Grid can significantly accelerate the performance of your
application by reducing the data access time.
<h2>How Hibernate Caching Works</h2>
Hibernate first-level (L1) cache is associated with the session object, the scope of which
is limited to a single session. Objects cached in one session are not shared with another,
which means that a request for the same entity by another session
will still go to the database.
<h2>Ignite as Hibernate L2 Cache</h2>
To overcome the issue of per-session cache, a global second-level (L2) cache can be configured,
in which cached objects are visible to all sessions. This usually gives a significantly greater
performance gain since each newly created session now has access to the data already present in
the L2 cache memory.
Apache Ignite can be plugged-in as Hibernate L2 cache implementation, and can be used in all access
modes - <code>READ_ONLY</code>, <code>READ_WRITE</code>, <code>NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE</code>, and
<code>TRANSACTIONAL</code>, supporting a wide range of related features:
<ul class="page-list">
<li>On-Heap and Off-Heap in-memory stores, as well as disk overflow.</li>
<li>Cache transactions, that make <code>TRANSACTIONAL</code> mode possible.</li>
<li>Clustering, with 2 different replication modes: <code>REPLICATED</code> and <code>PARTITIONED</code></li>
<a href="/docs/latest/extensions-and-integrations/hibernate-l2-cache">
<b>Configure Hibernate L2 Cache <i class="fas fa-angle-double-right"></i></b>
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