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<title>Durable Memory - Apache Ignite</title>
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<h1 class="first">Durable Memory</h1>
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Apache Ignite is based on the <nobr>Durable Memory</nobr>
architecture that allows storing and processing data and indexes both in memory and on disk
when the <a href="/arch/persistence.html">Ignite Native Persistence</a> feature is enabled.
The durable memory architecture helps achieve the performance and scale of in-memory computing
together with the disk durability and strong consistency in one system.
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<img class="img-responsive" src="/images/durable_memory.png" width="440px" style="float:right;"/>
Ignite's Durable Memory operates in a way similar to the Virtual Memory of operating systems
such as Linux. However, one significant difference between these two is that the Durable Memory,
in addition to keeping the whole or partial data set in memory, always keeps the whole data set with
indexes on disk (assuming that Ignite Native Persistence is enabled), while Virtual Memory uses the
disk when it runs out of RAM, for swapping purposes only.
<div class="page-heading" id="durable-memory-modes">
Durable Memory Modes
<a href="/arch/durablememory.html#durable-memory-modes"><i class="fa fa-anchor"></i></a>
<table class="formatted" name="Deployment Options Features">
<th width="35%" class="left">Mode</th>
<td class="left">In-Memory</td>
The whole data set is stored in memory. In this scenario, you can achieve the maximum
performance possible because the data is never written to disk. To prevent possible data
loss when a single cluster node fails, it is recommended to configure a number of backup
copies (aka. replication factor) appropriately.
<a href="/arch/durablememory.html#swap-space">Swap space</a> can be used to prevent memory
<strong>Use cases</strong>: in-memory caches, in-memory data grids, in-memory computations,
web-session caching, real-time processing of continuous data streams.
<td class="left">In-Memory + 3rd party database</td>
Ignite can be used as a caching layer (aka. data grid) above an existing 3rd party
database - RDBMS, NoSQL, or HDFS. This mode is used to accelerate the underlying database.
Automatic integration is provided with most of the known databases, like Oracle, MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Apache Cassandra, etc.
<strong>Use cases</strong>: Ignite as <a href="/features/datagrid.html">In-Memory Data Grid</a>
- adds acceleration and scale to existing database deployments (RDBMS, NoSQL, etc).
<td class="left">In-Memory + Full Copy on Disk</td>
The whole data set is stored in memory and on disk. The disk is used for data recovery
purposes in case of full cluster crashes and restarts.
<a href="/arch/durablememory.html#native-persistence">Ignite native persistence</a> is used to
store the data on disk.
<strong>Use cases</strong>: Ignite as an
<a href="/use-cases/database/in-memory-database.html"><nobr>In-Memory Database</nobr></a> -
provides SQL, key-value and collocated processing APIs to in-memory data.
<td class="left">100% on Disk + In-Memory Cache</td>
100% of data is stored in <a href="/arch/durablememory.html#native-persistence">Ignite native
persistence</a> and smaller subset of data is cached in memory. The more data is cached in
memory, the faster is the performance. The disk serves as the primary storage that survives
any type of cluster failures and restarts.
<strong>Use cases</strong>: Ignite as a
<a href="/use-cases/database/distributed-database.html">Memory-Centric Distributed Database</a>
- provides cloud-native distributed database with SQL, key-value and collocated processing APIs.
<h2 style="padding-top: 10px;" id="native-persistence">
Ignite Native Persistence
<a href="/arch/durablememory.html#native-persistence"><i class="fa fa-anchor"></i></a>
Ignite Persistence is the most flexible, scalable, and convenient way of persisting data in Ignite.
It is widely used in scenarios where applications need a distributed memory-centric database
Ignite native persistence is a distributed, ACID, and <nobr>SQL-compliant</nobr> disk store
that transparently integrates with Ignite's durable memory. Ignite persistence is optional
and can be turned on and off. When turned off Ignite becomes a pure in-memory store.
Following are the advantages and characteristics of Apache Ignite as a platform when Durable Memory
and Ignite Native Persistence are used together:
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-xs-12" style="padding-left:0; padding-right:0;">
<div class="page-heading">In-Memory</div>
<ul class="page-list">
<li>Off-Heap memory</li>
<li>Removes noticeable GC pauses</li>
<li>Automatic Defragmentation</li>
<li>Predictable memory consumption</li>
<li>Boosts SQL performance</li>
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-xs-12" style="padding-left:0; padding-right:0;">
<div class="page-heading">On Disk</div>
<ul class="page-list">
<li>Optional Persistence</li>
<li>Support of flash, SSD, Intel 3D Xpoint</li>
<li>Stores superset of data</li>
<li>Fully Transactional</li>
<li>Write-Ahead-Log (WAL)</li>
<li>Instantaneous Cluster Restarts</li>
<h2 style="padding-top: 10px;" id="3rd-party-persistence">
3rd Party Persistence
<a href="/arch/durablememory.html#3rd-party-persistence"><i class="fa fa-anchor"></i></a>
Ignite can be used as a caching layer (aka. data grid) above an existing 3rd party
database - RDBMS, NoSQL, or HDFS. This mode is used to accelerate the underlying database that persists
the data. Ignite stores data in memory, distributed across multiple nodes providing fast data access.
It reduces the network overhead caused due to frequent data movement between an application and the database.
However, there are some limitations in comparison to the native persistence. For instance, SQL queries
will be executed only on the data that is in RAM, thus, requiring to preload all the data set from disk
to memory beforehand.
<h2 style="padding-top: 10px;" id="swap-space">
Swap Space
<a href="/arch/durablememory.html#swap-space"><i class="fa fa-anchor"></i></a>
If you do not want to use Ignite native persistence or 3rd party persistence, you can enable swapping,
in which case, Ignite in-memory data will be moved to the swap space located on disk if you run out of RAM.
When swap space is enabled, Ignites stores data in memory mapped files (MMF) whose content will be
swapped to disk by the OS depending on the current RAM consumption. The swap space is mostly used to
avoid out of memory errors (OOME) that might happen if RAM consumption goes beyond its capacity and
you need more time to scale the cluster out to​ redistribute the data sets evenly.
<div class="page-heading">More Information</div>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Durable Memory</a></p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Native Persistence</a></p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3rd Party Persistence</a></p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Swap Space</a></p>
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