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<title>Co-located Processing - Apache Ignite</title>
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<h1 class="first">Minimizing Network Utilization With Co-located Processing</h1>
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By working with disk-based systems such as relational or NoSQL databases, many of us accustomed
to using a classic client-server approach for data processing. Client applications usually bring
data from servers, use the records for local calculations, and discard the data as soon as the
business tasks complete. This approach does not scale well if a significant volume of data gets
transferred over the network.
In addition to the client-server approach, Apache Ignite supports a co-located processing
technique. The primary aim of the technique is to increase the performance of your complex
calculations or SQL with JOINs by running them straight on Ignite cluster nodes. In such a case,
the calculations work with local data sets of the cluster nodes, thus, avoiding records shuffling
over the network and eliminating an impact of the network latency on the performance of your
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<div class="page-heading">Data Co-location</div>
To exploit the co-located processing in practice, first, you need to co-locate data sets by storing
related records on the same cluster node. That is also known as affinity co-location in Ignite.
For example, let's introduce <code>Country</code> and <code>City</code> tables and co-locate
all <code>City</code> records that have a similar <code>Country</code> identifier on a single node. To
achieve this, you need to set <code>CountryCode</code> as an <code>affinityKey</code> in <code>City</code>
<div class="tab-content">
<div class="tab-pane active" id="sql-tables">
<pre class="brush:sql">
Code CHAR(3),
Name CHAR(52),
Continent CHAR(50),
Region CHAR(26),
SurfaceArea DECIMAL(10,2),
Population INT(11),
Capital INT(11),
) WITH "template=partitioned, backups=1";
ID INT(11),
Name CHAR(35),
CountryCode CHAR(3),
District CHAR(20),
Population INT(11),
PRIMARY KEY (ID, CountryCode)
) WITH "template=partitioned, backups=1, affinityKey=CountryCode";
This way, you instruct Ignite to store all the <code>Cities</code> with the same <code>CountryCode
</code> on a single cluster node. As soon as the data is co-located, Ignite can execute compute- and
data-intensive logic, SQL with JOINs straight on the cluster nodes minimizing or eliminating network utilization.
<div class="page-heading">SQL and Distributed JOINs</div>
Ignite SQL engine performs much faster if a query gets executed against co-located records. That's
especially crucial for SQL with JOINs that can span many cluster nodes.
Taking the previous example with <code>Country</code> and <code>City</code> tables,
let's join those tables returning the most populated cities across several countries:
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<div class="tab-pane active" id="sql-joins-query">
<pre class="brush:sql">
SELECT,, MAX(city.population) as max_pop
FROM country
JOIN city ON city.countrycode = country.code
WHERE country.code IN ('USA','RUS','CHN')
ORDER BY max_pop DESC;
This query is executed only on the nodes that store records of China, Russia, and the USA. Plus, during
the JOIN, the records are not shuffled between the nodes as long as all the <code>Cities
</code> with the same <code>city.countrycode</code> are stored on a single node.
<div class="page-heading">Distributed Collocated Computations</div>
Apache Ignite compute and machine learning APIs allow to perform computations and execute
machine learning algorithms in parallel to achieve high performance, low latency, and linear scalability.
Furthermore, both components work best with co-located data sets.
Let's take another example by imagining that a winter storm is about to hit a highly-populated city. As
a telecommunication company, you have to send a text message to 20 million residents notifying about the
blizzard. With the client-server approach, the company would read all 20 million records from a database
to an application that needs to execute some logic and send a message to the residents eventually.
A much more efficient approach would be to run the logic on and send text messages from the cluster nodes
that store the records of the residents. With this technique, instead of pulling 20 million records via
the network, you execute the logic in place and eliminate a network impact on the performance of the calculation.
Here is an example of how this logic might look like:
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<pre class="brush:java">
Ignite ignite = ...
// NewYork ID.
long newYorkId = 2;
// Sending the logic to a cluster node that stores NewYork and all its inhabitants.
ignite.compute().affinityRun("City", newYorkId, new IgniteRunnable() {
Ignite ignite;
public void run() {
// Getting an access to Persons cache.
IgniteCache&#60;BinaryObject, BinaryObject&#62; people = ignite.cache("Person").withKeepBinary();
ScanQuery&#60;BinaryObject, BinaryObject&#62; query = new ScanQuery &#60;BinaryObject, BinaryObject&#62;();
try (QueryCursor&#60;Cache.Entry&#60;BinaryObject, BinaryObject&#62;&#62; cursor = people.query(query)) {
// Iteration over the local cluster node data using the scan query.
for (Cache.Entry&#60;BinaryObject, BinaryObject&#62; entry : cursor) {
BinaryObject personKey = entry.getKey();
// Picking NewYorker's only.
if (personKey.&#60;Long&#62;field("CITY_ID") == newYorkId) {
person = entry.getValue();
// Sending the warning message to the person.
<div class="page-heading">Learn More</div>
<a href="" target="docs">
<b>Compute APIs <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></b>
<a href="/features/machinelearning.html">
<b>Machine and Deep Learning <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></b>
<a href="http://localhost/use-cases/hpc.html">
<b>High Performance Computing with Apache Ignite <i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></b>
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