blob: 9494e0dae94e19694b47e7501ceb343f06cdd781 [file] [log] [blame]
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include /app/helpers/jade/mixins
include /app/configuration/mixins
-var form = 'misc'
-var model = '$ctrl.clonedCluster'
panel-collapsible(ng-form=form on-open=`ui.loadPanel('${form}')`)
panel-title Miscellaneous
panel-description Various miscellaneous cluster settings.
label: 'Work directory:',
model: `${model}.workDirectory`,
name: '"workDirectory"',
placeholder: 'Input work directory',
tip: 'Ignite work directory.<br/>\
If not provided, the method will use work directory under IGNITE_HOME specified by IgniteConfiguration#setIgniteHome(String)\
or IGNITE_HOME environment variable or system property.'
//- Since ignite 2.0
label: 'Consistent ID:',
model: `${model}.consistentId`,
name: '"ConsistentId"',
placeholder: 'Input consistent ID',
tip: 'Consistent globally unique node ID which survives node restarts'
label: 'Warmup closure:',
model: `${model}.warmupClosure`,
name: '"warmupClosure"',
tip: 'This closure will be executed before actual grid instance start'
label: 'Active on start',
model: model + '.activeOnStart',
name: '"activeOnStart"',
tip: 'If cluster is not active on start, there will be no cache partition map exchanges performed until the cluster is activated'
label: 'Cache sanity check enabled',
model: model + '.cacheSanityCheckEnabled',
name: '"cacheSanityCheckEnabled"',
tip: 'If enabled, then Ignite will perform the following checks and throw an exception if check fails<br/>\
<li>Cache entry is not externally locked with lock or lockAsync methods when entry is enlisted to transaction</li>\
<li>Each entry in affinity group - lock transaction has the same affinity key as was specified on affinity transaction start</li>\
<li>Each entry in partition group - lock transaction belongs to the same partition as was specified on partition transaction start</li>\
.pc-form-grid-col-60(ng-if='$ctrl.available(["1.0.0", "2.1.0"])')
label: 'Late affinity assignment',
model: model + '.lateAffinityAssignment',
name: '"lateAffinityAssignment"',
tip: 'With late affinity assignment mode if primary node was changed for some partition this nodes becomes primary only when rebalancing for all assigned primary partitions is finished'
label: 'Long query timeout:',
model: `${model}.longQueryWarningTimeout`,
name: '"LongQueryWarningTimeout"',
placeholder: '3000',
min: '0',
tip: 'Timeout in milliseconds after which long query warning will be printed'
+preview-xml-java(model, 'clusterMisc', 'caches')